**MERGED** Royal Rumble 2013 & Aftermath Discussion (Keep it in here!!!!)

Which Would You Like?

  • CM Punk vs. The Rock

  • John Cena vs. The Rock

  • Not Sure: It's Too Early To Decide

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When the lights went out and the Shield attacked Rock, I have one big complaint - WHY OH WHY did Cole have to reveal it was the Shield? It was fucking pitch black, I wouldn't find it hard to believe that he couldn't see what was happening. Why not atleast give us a glimmer of hope or make us think it could've been Maddox/Ryback?

And why would you insult the fans intelligence like that?

Fans know that this has been the Shield's MO for the past three months. It's Occam's Razor; either the Shield did their usual routine, or WWE went out of their way for someone to attack Rock just like the Shield, and with the exact same build, just to fuck with the fans.

Fans don't like when the promoter tries to do something screwy to insult their intelligence. That would be a case in which fans would feel insulted
I personally thought the delivery & execution of the main event was so, so poor last night.

I thought Rock once again looked very out of shape at stages throughout the match. For long periods it was slow and dull,

I disagree that Rock looked out of shape. To me, he appears to be in the best physical shape ever, in WWE. What you have to understand is he is big, HUGE. Is he as fast as CM Punk? No. But because Punk is faster and more athletic, that doesn't mean Rock is out of shape. You have to put it in context. In terms of the actual physical matchup between the two, it was terrible. They are completely different style guy both physically and in the ring. THAT is why Rock looked slow. He was going against a quicker, more athletic but MUCH smaller guy. Punk couldn't even really lift up The Rock, does that mean Punk is out of shape? No, it means he is not as big as The Rock.
Nothing about The Rock looked out of shape to me.
And why would you insult the fans intelligence like that?

Fans know that this has been the Shield's MO for the past three months. It's Occam's Razor; either the Shield did their usual routine, or WWE went out of their way for someone to attack Rock just like the Shield, and with the exact same build, just to fuck with the fans.

Fans don't like when the promoter tries to do something screwy to insult their intelligence. That would be a case in which fans would feel insulted
You claim that it'll insult the fans intelligence, but surely the end result of this entire thing has done exactly that? There are alot of people that don't want to see Rock-Cena again, with the whole "Once in a Lifetime" billing and what not, and I understand that it'll be put across as a "coincidence" but in my mind that's insulting the fan's intelligence as opposed to what you've suggested.

Cole keeps his mouth shut on it being the Shield and you've got interest. You've got speculation. You've got Raw tonight with a number of possible candidates on who did it. Even if it did turn out to be the Shield, WWE will hook more fans in with the uncertainty of who exactly it was who did this.
Nothing about The Rock looked out of shape to me.

He's in amazing physical shape, good for making movies and posing. His problem, last night and at WM last year is that he's not in good wrestling shape. In both matches, he looked gassed very early on and seemed to pick up his second wind as time went on.....but on the whole, looked good only in spots.

None of this is a bad thing. Look at lineman in pro football. They can move mountains on sheer strength, but many couldn't run a 100-yard dash without collapsing. You wouldn't call them out of shape, but they're not in good aerobic shape. That's not what they train for.

If Rock is an example, the only way to maintain good wrestling shape is to keep wrestling, which is something Dwayne Johnson stayed away from for a long time until last year. The beatdowns in the center of the ring during a brief promotional appearance don't count, either. They do nothing to improve your wind or endurance; they just look dynamic for the camera.

Obviously, Rock worked out in the gym long before his WWE appearance last night, yet he looked worn out throughout most of the match. Watching that made me appreciate what it takes to be a pro wrestler, despite the "fake" elements involved in it's production.

Does anyone think they aren't athletic? Think again. With a few exceptions (i.e., The Great Khali), they are athletic. Not necessarily great athletes, but athletic just the same.
You claim that it'll insult the fans intelligence, but surely the end result of this entire thing has done exactly that? There are alot of people that don't want to see Rock-Cena again, with the whole "Once in a Lifetime" billing and what not, and I understand that it'll be put across as a "coincidence" but in my mind that's insulting the fan's intelligence as opposed to what you've suggested.

Cole keeps his mouth shut on it being the Shield and you've got interest. You've got speculation. You've got Raw tonight with a number of possible candidates on who did it. Even if it did turn out to be the Shield, WWE will hook more fans in with the uncertainty of who exactly it was who did this.
You make some solid points. I do see why WWE is doing what they are doing here. It doesn't mean I have to like it: Cena winning a Rumble. It is about as exciting as watching paint dry or the Miz wrestle.

Had WWE not fucked up last year we could get Lesnar v. Cena II with the latter going over. Then Punk v. Rock II at WM. Besides I find Punk/Rock far more compelling than Cena/Rock. Also, it sets up two WWE mainstays going over on the biggest stage and a showdown with Cena/Punk perhaps at SummerSlam.

All that being said, Rock and Cena had a good match last year.

As for Cole and Shield. Cole just would not shut the fuck up. That is what annoyed me. I am glad they did not try to insult our intelligence by pretending not to know what who was doing it. But for Cole to scream over and over and over took me out of the moment. It was like Bradshaw during the opening match screaming 999 times that anything goes and nothing is illegal or whatever nonsense he kept bellowing. Ultimately, Cole just sucks. But at least he is not heel Cole anymore.
I am fed up of The Shield, their constant run-ins on matches is getting beyond annoying IMO, CM Suck says he's not behind them, I call BS.. They have intefered to his benefit for the last 3 PPV main events, coincidence? I think not.
There are alot of people that don't want to see Rock-Cena again, with the whole "Once in a Lifetime" billing and what not

You don't know that. You know a small sliver of the wrestling fan, a notably fickle portion of that audience, are upset with Cena-Rock. And even then, that's far from the majority; I'm pretty sure I can point to millions more people who are excited for Rock-Cena, than the loud but notably insignificant portion of the audience.

Maybe the WWE decided that they're moving from Rock-Punk, so they can start building Cena-Rock. Or maybe, and this is the correct point, the WWE decided that adding anyone else to this angle is completely uneccesary. The best angles are the most simple; when you start adding more people, you lessen the significance of the one on one feud. It's the reason most triple threat feuds lose their legs, and why WCW storylines got so convoluted. Why would you do that, when you already have something good going?
You don't know that. You know a small sliver of the wrestling fan, a notably fickle portion of that audience, are upset with Cena-Rock. And even then, that's far from the majority; I'm pretty sure I can point to millions more people who are excited for Rock-Cena, than the loud but notably insignificant portion of the audience.

Maybe the WWE decided that they're moving from Rock-Punk, so they can start building Cena-Rock. Or maybe, and this is the correct point, the WWE decided that adding anyone else to this angle is completely uneccesary. The best angles are the most simple; when you start adding more people, you lessen the significance of the one on one feud. It's the reason most triple threat feuds lose their legs, and why WCW storylines got so convoluted. Why would you do that, when you already have something good going?
Ah but to throw WCW under the bus while true in many cases, the WWF did the same exact thing with complicated/convoluted angles. It was a product of the late-90s. See 99 WWF. Migraine inducing.

I would not mind seeing Punk in the angle and making it a Triple Threat match, unless Undertaker comes back and they set that up. It makes sense having him involved, saying that Vince screwed him out of the title. It would not overly complicate things either and it gives something for Punk to do leading into WM.
Are you serious?

CM Punk had 400+ days as champion; if you really think he comes off looking weak at all, I don't know what to tell you. CM Punk went for thirty minutes with a legend, still in great shape and still an icon. But of course, if he doesn't get the "win", he comes off looking weak, right?

I thought this was the best Rumble in ages; why would you need swerves, when the simplest road is the best. WWE has been shredding themselves over Occam's Razor for years, because they're trying to swerve a small minority of fans (us, the IWC) to placate an insignificant portion of the audience. The money match is in Rock-Cena, and this does a perfect job of building to that.

Why would Rock fight Cena, when he's already beaten him? Well, now Cena gets his choice to challenge the Rock for redemption; it's in his own hands, to redeem himself for last year. It's a tale as old as time, simple and effective.

This show was great, man
and built Wrestlemania
perfectly, brother

Yes, I am.

Like I said, The Rock is my favourite of all time, but what message is sent when the then WWE champion, in the prime of his career cannot beat someone who has only wrestled 5 odd times in the last decade? I thought exactly the same when Hogan came back and beat Triple H, HBK and Randy Orton. How can you push for the future when as it stands, the top two stars the WWE have at the moment (Punk and Cena) cannot beat a part timer? That's why I wanted Punk to win at the Rumble, and Rock to maybe win at the Elimination Chamber. That way, Punk has a victory instead of a 'victory' over The Rock and can say just that, then Cena wins the re-match and the top two guys can both say they were able to defeat the top guy from his era rather than saying that this era's best are not as good as the past. Rock v Cena will be awesome, but relying on the old guard too much makes the current guys look weaker. If Punk had retained properly tonight, then Rock had won it further down the line I would have been a lot happier, because after Wrestlemania Punk will be back in the title picture and you want your top guys looking as strong as possible.
Yes, I am.

Like I said, The Rock is my favourite of all time, but what message is sent when the then WWE champion, in the prime of his career cannot beat someone who has only wrestled 5 odd times in the last decade? I thought exactly the same when Hogan came back and beat Triple H, HBK and Randy Orton. How can you push for the future when as it stands, the top two stars the WWE have at the moment (Punk and Cena) cannot beat a part timer? That's why I wanted Punk to win at the Rumble, and Rock to maybe win at the Elimination Chamber. That way, Punk has a victory instead of a 'victory' over The Rock and can say just that, then Cena wins the re-match and the top two guys can both say they were able to defeat the top guy from his era rather than saying that this era's best are not as good as the past. Rock v Cena will be awesome, but relying on the old guard too much makes the current guys look weaker. If Punk had retained properly tonight, then Rock had won it further down the line I would have been a lot happier, because after Wrestlemania Punk will be back in the title picture and you want your top guys looking as strong as possible.
I don't disagree with anything you said. I am very keen on using older stars to put over younger ones. Then again WWE is a business and ultimately its goal is to make money. When Hogan returned, the response was epic and Vince capitalized. Vince is gambling, probably correctly, that the big money is with Cena v. Rock.

There are dangers to that long-term, if you keep bringing back guys who take the spotlight away from the regulars. But change is hard. WCW was making money hand over fist with the nWo, so why would you create new stars (well they did, but I mean use the nWo less). When the nWo died, WCW found itself fucked. Once Austin v. McMahon petered out the WWF/E had to find new angles, and they often tried to recapture that magic and more often than not failed. But luckily for them they were the only choice in town.

I do wish Punk had won, or if he had lost then he gets the rematch at WM going over on the biggest stage.
I enjoyed the show a lot. It made sense keeping Team Hell No as champs as they are so hot right now. I thought the Rumble match did an amazing job with the stars it had. Y2J was a great surprise and started the match off with a lot of excitement. He looked perfect in the ring, I was really impressed by just how smooth he looked from beginning to end. I think the Rumble benefited the WWE doing a very nice job developing their characters over the past year no entrance felt flat. Even the 3MB entrances got some reaction. I was very impressed and intrigued by the performance of young Bo Dallas from NXT, he did last a good chunk of time in there and eliminated Wade Barrett of all people as wait was embarrassed and came back and eliminated Dallas. Great usage of the match to make a future star. It was also kind of dimoralizing for if you're a Zack Ryder fan to see him get eliminated before the new guy, the NXT rookie. If you didn't know how low Ryder is on the WWE totem poll there was your answer. The WWE lesson here is never CROSS THE BOSS.

The final 5 was a very nice finish featuring the favourites of this year's match, Cena, Sheamus, Ryback, Ziggler and Orton. As as if twiddled down to 4 and 3 it was really any man's to win which was a good feeling. I marked out for the way that Ryback eliminated Sheamus, he literally chucked the Celtic Warrior mid Brogue Kick with a powerslam throw to the outside. Cena vs Ryback a dream confronation that had the crowd electric as Ryback was winding up the clothesline and virtually the whole crowd molded in one consise loud voice yelling " Feed Me More", (that was very cool). I wish these two had a little bit more drama and time before Cena eventually got the win but I can't complain very very fun match and it definately accomplished what it had to do.
I am a huge old school fan. My buddy ordered the rumble last night so I decided to roll up and watch knowing little about current WWE except for catching Raw a time or two a year. 90, 91, and 1992 rumbles were always my favorites. I loved the attitude era as well but I am seriously still in love with the early Wrestlemania/Summerslam/and Rumble pay per views. Haven't watched closely since maybe 1998 but am pretty familiar with a lot of the guys and VERY familiar with old school pay per views and story lines.

I loved the rumble itself mainly the beginning because it started off with Jericho and Ziggler. Everyone has already talked about it but Ziggler is what the WWE needs. He is just so old school the way he sells getting punched. Everything about him screams a young Mr Perfect/Shawn Michaels. Goldust, Cody Rhodes and his partner. Del Rio. The big fella who was the intercontinental champ. These are the types of guys that could get me back into the WWF. All good technical wrestlers that have some decent character to them. I was actually pleasantly surprised at some of the talent the WWE putting out there last night and if the WWE just had a little something more going than Cena, Ryback, and Shamus, I'd be really freaking excited about it. Also of course 3MB is just absolutely cringe worthy. It is acts like these that really keep me from falling back in love.

The Punk Rock match was definitely as slow as everyone was saying. Punk is very, very entertaining but Rock is just really blowing it right now. His celebration after the match wasn't great either. He is no Hogan. The WWE is trying to make him out to be this epic presenter but he isn't. Also the Rocks prematch speech was one of the worst I have ever seen him give. He completely tried to give an Obama like motivational speech and just blew it. Everyone I watched with was like "what the hell was that."

All my friends are big Punk fans but they weren't super disappointed with Rock winning. Everyone saw it coming. CM Punk really impressed me with his attitude and his blood shot eyes. One of the coolest characters WWE has come up with in quite some time. I could definitely see myself getting behind him. The twist ending wasn't bad at all and the Shield was actually a little bit suspensful but I haven't seen much of them and it seems people are getting a little tired of it.

All in all it was very entertaining and I am actually a little bit hopeful that WWE can get back on track. I'm talking devoping a roster that is respectable again.

CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler are two guys that in my opinion are as good as all the characters of the late 80s and early 90s. They are great wrestlers on top of it. If WWE can develop just a few more good characters and maybe a couple tag teams, I'd be completely back full on board.
For what it's worth, I had a great time watching the Royal Rumble and so did the people that were watching it with me. The Rock winning the WWE Title has several positives, the first being the massive pop he got. Yes, this is a short-term positive, but you cannot deny that last night a memorable wrestling moment was created and the crowd was going fucking nuts. A longer-term positive is that with Rock as WWE Champion for the Road to WrestleMania it will help garner more mainstream media attention and create a great deal of buzz heading into the event. The drawback is of course that Punk's "historic" reign is over. This means that Undertaker vs. Punk, streak vs. reign, is no longer really a possibility. I mean they could still face each other at WrestleMania, but it would be fucking bland and uninteresting now, and people wouldn't buy into Punk being able to win.

The Royal Rumble Match itself was solid. It was cool seeing Jericho back with some kind of David Beckham hairstyle, and having Cena win the match was probably the right decision. The Last Man Standing Match with Del Rio and Big Show was good too, continuing Big Show's recent string of impressive pay-per-view performances.

In light of what happened at the Rumble, the WrestleMania main event I'd like to see would be Punk/Cena/Rock in a triple threat. You still get Rock and Cena going against each other, but with the added dynamic of CM Punk being thrown into the mix, making it different from last year. The three of them all have history with each other so it would make sense. The logical decision would then be to have Punk or Cena pin the Rock to win the Title and avenge their loss, while also not making the other guy look as weak. If they just go the road of Rock/Cena II I'd be fine with that, but I feel like at this point injecting Punk would make things a little more interesting.
Simple as that. In my opinion, Last nights Royal Rumble was the worst in the history of the event.

There were 5 matches on the card (including the pre-show) and there were problems with each one.

The WWE championship match has been predicted for months, and that basically ruined it.

We have been seeing the same tag team championship match for the past 3 months and it always ends up the same way, Rhodes and Sandow (two of the best in my opinion) looking bad, and Kane and Bryan arguing like they always do.

The WHC match was absolute garbage, and the finish was just a look-back at 2011 Extreme Rules, it was actually a OK finish then, but now? it just seemed dumb.

I was excited for the RR match itself, (mostly because a certain website pulled stuff out thier asses and said Shelton Benjamin would return.) and I couldn't believe it when Chris Jericho made his return, but as the match progressed, I got more bored, the last enjoyable part of the match was when the Godfather showed up. and of course the match came down to Super Cena, and Ryback. and just having Cena win was a AWFUL move,:disappointed: now I don't have that many problems with Cena anymore, mostly because for the 1st time in a while, hes not the star of the program, but he didn't need the win, and he shouldn't have had it. I would have much rather had seen Ziggler, Jericho, Barrett, or even Ryback win it.

The only good match on the card was the Pre-show, Which is because of how unpredictable it was, nobody knew what Cesaro and Miz would do, nobody knew if they would suck ass or kick ass, their both known to be wild cards, and in a show where everybody is supposed to be the best, only Cesaro and Miz showed that.

So what are your thoughts? Do you agree with me? and believe this is the worst rumble in history? or do you think their is a even worse rumble?
I half wish I'd put bets on the winner of the Rumble itself and the WWE Championship match, I would've cleaned up cos I correctly predicted Cena would win the Rumble and Dwayne would defeat Phil "CM Punk" Brooks for the title.
This was not the worst Rumble. I may not agree with the outcomes, and I have explained my reasoning elsewhere (Top faces as the final guys seems a bit silly and proves that there are not enough top heels right now). I think WWE is getting a bit lazy. A guy who has had the title for 400 plus days loses to a guy who has wrestled twice in the last decade and only shows up here and there. And he lost to the Elbow after stomping the shit out of him a moment prior. At least lose to the Rock Bottom....

But I still had fun watching it and that is all that matters.
I enjoyed this year's Rumble pay per view.

ADR VS Show was a fun match, and I couldn't stop laughing after the ending. I was shocked The Rhode Scholars lost. I'm guessing WWE is waiting to put the belts on Rhodes and Sandow. Although, I had same feelings for The Prime Time Players and nothing ever happened.

Chris Jericho's return and pop sent chills down my spine. Such a great moment. The Rumble had some good nostalgic surprise entrants, but for me, nothing tops Nash's return a few years ago. Cena winning the Rumble became more obvious towards the end. Ryback winning would've been the more shocking surprise, but WWE isn't going to pass on the opportunity of a Rock VS Cena rematch. They're dead set on Rock VS Cena 2 for the WWE Championship, and it's going to happen.

Rock VS Punk wasn't the five star classic some of us were hoping for, and the ending was too screwy for my taste, but I still enjoyed the match. Although, the wild antics at the end kind of diminished the special moment of Rock winning the title.

Still, I'm looking forward to the fallout on Raw tonight, and it'll be interesting to see how WWE books the Elimination Chamber pay per view. Will Rock compete in the Chamber? Or will they settle for a one on one rematch with Punk? Rock's title win last night sparked a lot of intriguing questions, and the build to the Chamber pay per view should be worth watching.
I laugh at people who say this Royal Rumble was the worse and most predictble Royal Rumble ever. Because imo the most predictable Royal Rumbles ever were during the Attitude Era. For example the year the Rock won it, that was the most predictable ever, they build up such a storyline between Rock and Big show leading up to it, you knew the Rock was going to win. Even the years Austin won it, you knew Austin was going to win them, because of the storylines they were buiding prior to the royal rumble only lead to one outcome
First off, if this thread has already been created, I'm sorry. Feel free to delete/move whatever you want to it.

Now, the Royal Rumble event last night featured one thing that you people (okay, we) often complain about not seeing enough of: the almighty logic. Way back in April (I believe it was) Rock and Cena promised to have another match at WrestleMania and this time it would be for the title. We all saw this. We know it happened. Therefore, I cannot understand all the hatred, disappointment, and complaining going on. Honestly, what did you expect? This was what was supposed to happen. Exactly. Once that promise is made, you may as well as etch that match in stone for the WrestleMania. There's no going back on word like that.

So here's my question: What did you want to happen, knowing that Rock/Cena was being set up for WrestleMania? And I'm speaking in logical terms. I want a logical answer from people who are complaining about either outcome from the title match or rumble match. In what logical fashion could you have booked that event differently and still produced the year-in-the-making match?
Once Punk had retained, I would have ended the night there. Rocky would've known who attacked him, but Vince wouldn't have stripped Punk or restarted the match.
Then, leading to Elimination Chamber, Rock would take out a different Shield member each week, so nobody could interfere in the title match Vince gave him. Also, Cena would not have won the Rumble. Orton would to start his heel turn facing Del Rio.

Now, at EC, there's the WWE Title match & a chamber match for number one contender. Punk loses to Rock, and takes somebody out to enter the Chamber and get another chance to get his title back. However, a gong sound, the lights go out, and the last two are Cena & Punk. The lights come back on and Punk is out cold on the mat (choke slam). Cena pins him, becomes the contender to the WWE Title.

That way we get Rock/Cena AND Taker/Punk
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I was shocked The Rhode Scholars lost. I'm guessing WWE is waiting to put the belts on Rhodes and Sandow.

I was surprised they lost too. However, do you think they're waiting simply because they don't have any other relevant face tag teams to put against Rhodes Scholars? I mean, they have absolutely no one of any relevance. It almost reeks of another Kofi Kingston and Wrestler X tag team that would face them at this point. After the Hell No/Rhodes Scholars feud ended, where would Rhodes Scholars go next at this point?
The only thing i would have done was drag it out a little longer with Cena not winning the Royal Rumble but perhaps winning the EC instead because by Cena winning the RR it made everything else predictable and almost makes the EC irrelevant as now Cena does not have anything at EC to do because no reason to put him in a chamber match. Now the way the match ended with Rock/Punk the first time was the correct way to do it as left a uncertainty to it as now you have will Punk be stripped will the Rock win the title and who will each other face at WM. There was other ways to get to the obvious without being so obvious.
the reason this matches were predictable is cause there were the right choices from both a business standpoint and creative stand point.

Del Rio vs Big show was a very good match and the ending was fine. It was better than Cena Batista as it makes more sense here.

the tag match was okay at best we have seen the match several times and this was probably there worst match but it was still an okay buffer match. though what match did you watch as Kane and Bryan didn't argue during the match at all.

the Rumble match was good. Jericho's return was great and the match at some good comedy in the middle parts like it should as for the end when it came down to Cena, Ryback, Sheamus and Orton. I imagine half the iwc puked. But Cena winning was the right choice and the finally 4 was the right choice the 4 biggest faces in the company squaring off at the end.

the wwe title match wasn't nearly as good as Cena vs Rock was as this didn't have the same big fight feel that match did. But again they made the right choice Rock winning made sense from both business standpoint and creative. Punk is the heel champ who hates the people so the peoples champ saves the day and ends his reign. It truly is that simple.

as for Rock Cena simple Rock cost Cena the wwe title 2 years ago at Mania so Cena is finally going to get revenge and get his title back. (forgetting the brief title reign he had after mania 27)

Overall solid PPV far from the worst and this whining wouldn't be happening had the obvious winners had been Punk and Ziggler its just cause its Cena and Rock that people are crying about the obvious outcomes.
Once Punk had retained, I would have ended the night there. Rocky would've known who attacked him, but Vince wouldn't have stripped Punk or restarted the match.
Then, leading to Elimination Chamber, Rock would take out a different Shield member each week, so nobody could interfere in the title match Vince gave him. Also, Cena would not have won the Rumble. Orton would to start his heel turn facing Del Rio.

Now, at EC, there's the WWE Title match & a chamber match for number one contender. Punk loses to Rock, and takes somebody out to enter the Chamber and get another chance to get his title back. However, a gong sound, the lights go out, and the last two are Cena & Punk. The lights come back on and Punk is out cold on the mat (choke slam). Cena pins him, becomes the contender to the WWE Title.

That way we get Rock/Cena AND Taker/Punk

Okay, I like what you've said. But for Undertaker to that, that's a very heelish thing to do. And also for Cena to take advantage of. That works better if Cena is the heel and Punk the face, which obviously is backwards. Also, don't you think the person that Punk took out in the chamber match is going to want some sort of payback? That person wouldn't just go away, logically. But other than that, it might be the best thing I've heard as far as different outcomes are concerned.
Okay, I like what you've said. But for Undertaker to that, that's a very heelish thing to do. And also for Cena to take advantage of. That works better if Cena is the heel and Punk the face, which obviously is backwards. Also, don't you think the person that Punk took out in the chamber match is going to want some sort of payback? That person wouldn't just go away, logically. But other than that, it might be the best thing I've heard as far as different outcomes are concerned.

Not if Punk "injures" said superstar, taking them out for months, or at least past WM29. And at this point Undertaker could go out into the middle of the ring and chokeslam an baby and still get cheered like crazy. Cena would simply take advantage of a situation he might not understand, but will go with anyways.

While I have no problem with how it played out, Johnny's scenario is actually quite interesting.

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