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**MERGED** Miz Complaint Thread

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I dont think his Publicity his going to make a significant impact on the show if one at all. I
saw an Episode Of bonnie hunt with Chris Jericho on it promoting WWE and its basiiclly the same thing. I dont think an episode of TMZ with the Miz on it is going to attract that type of crowd. I think if they want to boost ratings with the Miz they need to target their advertising better.
Is it just me or do a lot of people simply not know the fundamentals of being a heel wrestler? The Miz is SUPPOSED to CHEAT. The Miz is SUPPOSED to do every dirty dealing, underhanded, low life thing he can think of in order to win matches and/or retain his championship. The Miz is being portrayed as a crafty heel champion that, at times, comes up with creative ways in order to retain his championship.

If you go and look back and some of the great heel World Champions in wrestling history, such as Ric Flair or Nick Bockwinkel for example, you'll see two heel wrestlers that cheated their asses off in damn near every title defense that they had. They looked downright inferior most of the time to their face challengers and used underhanded tactics in order to retain their championships. Wrestling tells a basic story about good and bad. The good guy wants to be the stand up guy, the one that stands for honor and prestige while the bad guy stands for the immoral and despicable cheat that will do anything to get ahead. The Miz won retained the title tonight, he defeated a beloved and over babyface and he'll garner heat from the fans as a result of it.

The Miz isn't the type of wrestler that's going to go into a ring and just dominate his opponents. He's not going to run through Randy Orton & John Cena like shit through a goose and he's all the more interesting because of that.
at least hes still champion and not loosing matches to santino...sheamus cough cough or duct tapping someones legs to a ring post...cena cough cough. some of the greatest champions/wrestlers in history have won championships that made them look "weak". jericho for instance when he first won the undisputed title. he needed help from booker t. cm punk. won his first title after batista destroyed edge and then did the same thing to beat jeff hardy. edge was done it numerous times against the likes of undertaker and john cena. every heel has won in one rediculous way or another. when sheamus became champion for the first time he didnt even put cena through the table. cena fell. like i said before the miz is just doing his job and im sure you would do the same if you worked for the wwe and took these orders from the boss.
In my opinion The Miz is doing a great job as champion so far. Like everyone has been saying he's a heel. He's suppose to get cheap victories that's what heels do especially the cowardly heel character that he portrays. He doesn't have to win cleanly to be a credible champion. Just like HHH, Edge, Orton Jericho and many others. Win title matches clean as a face, and cheat when they're heels. That's how it always has been.

I don't think that Riley is holding him back at all. Having him around and helping him win gets him more heat. There's definitely no reason to turn him face anytime soon. He's a natural heel and very easy to hate.
You know what gets me? The fact that no one even wants to give Miz ANY credit whatsoever. This guy has worked his ASS off to get where he is today. He went from being a reality show star to a hated guy backstage because he was famous. Now look at him. He is the face of Raw for the time being. Look at his story...

Coming from a fan to fans, can you really hate this guy? We all have been watching wrestling for years and maybe even thought about being a wrestler or the "what ifs". The Miz was that guy at one time, and look at him now. Realizing his dream of being a pro wrestler. He is just like the rest of us, and he is living the dream. Why hate a guy for that?

Now for his character, he is playing the heel perfectly. To the OP, you cant understand how he can win clean all the time, and now he cant? He cant be a credible champ? How so man? He won all those matches clean so we can believe he belongs in the spot he is in. Now that he is there, he doesnt HAVE to win clean. He has the leverage to win however he wants. He is a great heel, with a great sidekick. As everyone else has stated, all the greats at one time had a sidekick. Dont knock Miz just yet. If you hate him that much, he is doing his job pretty damn well. Get over it

Okay, so any random Joe who gets on TV deserves our love? The people on Jersey Shore are humiliating and annoying, does that mean I should love them? No, because I still want to hate fuck their suntans until they get melanoma. The Miz is dry, he's annoying, and the only reason he is where he is today is because he ****es himself out to Vince to be seen at every public event WWE puts on. Basically, he's gotten to where he is because he's a ****e for the spotlight and he's figured out that if he cuts one identical promo over and over and over again, then internet fan boys will say, "Oh wow, he's good on the mic." No, he's not and I don't care what you say in his defense. You want someone who is good on the mic? Watch old Jake Roberts clips or old Shawn Michaels promos and you'll see someone who isn't afraid to mix it up or get creative. Go back and look: Miz has been cutting one promo for a year now.

The dude can't fucking wrestle, either. Dude stole his finishing move from fucking Jeff Jarrett; that should go far enough to say that he sucks. You want a great heel? Watch old Owen Hart matches and you'll see a guy who knows how to wrestle as a heel.

The Miz sucks.

THANK YOU, GOODNIGHT. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Okay, so any random Joe who gets on TV deserves our love? The people on Jersey Shore are humiliating and annoying, does that mean I should love them? No, because I still want to hate fuck their suntans until they get melanoma. The Miz is dry, he's annoying, and the only reason he is where he is today is because he ****es himself out to Vince to be seen at every public event WWE puts on. Basically, he's gotten to where he is because he's a ****e for the spotlight and he's figured out that if he cuts one identical promo over and over and over again, then internet fan boys will say, "Oh wow, he's good on the mic." No, he's not and I don't care what you say in his defense. You want someone who is good on the mic? Watch old Jake Roberts clips or old Shawn Michaels promos and you'll see someone who isn't afraid to mix it up or get creative. Go back and look: Miz has been cutting one promo for a year now.

The dude can't fucking wrestle, either. Dude stole his finishing move from fucking Jeff Jarrett; that should go far enough to say that he sucks. You want a great heel? Watch old Owen Hart matches and you'll see a guy who knows how to wrestle as a heel.

The Miz sucks.

THANK YOU, GOODNIGHT. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

what about cena? orton? and does the 619 really hurt and does it just so happen that everyone who faces him trips and lands on the second rope only when they face him???

what about cena? orton? and does the 619 really hurt and does it just so happen that everyone who faces him trips and lands on the second rope only when they face him???

What about them? At least Cena mixes it up every now and then. Orton doesn't change as much, but at least he never cheated to win. Mysterio sucks, but you can't really do anything about that.
I completely get what Cleavo77 is saying. Why spend all those months building a character's ability only to downgrade him once he becomes champion?? Unfortunately, the Miz (as much as I think he SUCKS and is OVERRATED) will keep the belt until Mania, PERIOD. You can pretty much bank on it.
Dude, it was a TLC match, where anything can happen, it's like King went toe to toe with Miz in a straight match and had the edge... The Miz is like all great heels, he makes whoever he's fighting look like a million dollars. He's like Jericho, he can have to cheat to beat some lower card scrub one minute and the next take it to a main event force and be believable doing it. He's going to keep cheating to win and keep retaining the title, making fans hate him more and more with each tainted victory. And no matter how the wins comes, the longer he holds that belt, the more legitimate he will seem in the fans' eyes. The mark of a great heel is the ability to cheat 6 ways to Sunday to eek out a win and still come out of the match more over than you went into it.

Did you really just compare the Miz to Jericho? Really? The stupid dumb ass Miz to Jericho? How on earth could anybody compare that TOOL to Jericho? Jericho is someone that we all "appreciate" as a heel. Jericho could come out on Raw on Monday and attack the biggest heel on the show, and everyone would love him again. Jericho could be one of the top baby faces on roster just that quick. The Miz...? There is NOTHING that the Miz could do to get anyone to like him. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the "character that he plays". It has everything to do with the fact that he is a douchebag.

On the topic at hand, heels are suppose to use these under handed tactics to beat the baby faces. That is just how the business works. Probably would be a good idea to change that and try something different (like an unstoppable heel, e.g.). However, that is the way that the WWE works.
hell no...miz mixes it up way more than cena or orton...at least he knows how to use a microphone, has more than 2 facial expressions, and can complete a comprehensive sentence. miz does kind of suck as a wrestler, but hes on the same level as cena and orton, but miz is much more entertaining...

...something that most of the 4 milliion somewhat idiots supporting wwe doesn't understand
hell no...miz mixes it up way more than cena or orton...at least he knows how to use a microphone, has more than 2 facial expressions, and can complete a comprehensive sentence. miz does kind of suck as a wrestler, but hes on the same level as cena and orton, but miz is much more entertaining...

...something that most of the 4 milliion somewhat idiots supporting wwe doesn't understand

I'm not going to correct your grammar, but check it.

Yeah, Miz really knows how to shake it up, huh? He doesn't know more than two expressions, because he only has two: cocky arrogance and pissed off. Sure, he doesn't have the five moves of doom, but all of his matches are the same, just like his promos.
You know what's really funny? Before Miz had the title and was just carrying around money in the bank, you had a TON of posts made by slavering Miz moaners talking about how great he was and how at the next pay per view he's going to cash in money in the bank and it will be great, etc etc. Seriously, one day I counted 6 threads dedicated to the Miz in some manner all on the first page. People couldn't get enough of this guy.

Now that Miz is the champion, you see a deluge of folks who feel the world should know that the Miz sucks, and if you don't agree with them, you suck too.

It's amazing how quickly the flavor of the month can go sour...but on the other hand, that's part of what is so funny about an internet opinion forum. Gotta love it.
Everyone that ever wins any title is destined to lose it. No one is ever crowned "Champion" to possess the belt until he retires.

A lot of times, it is who is the hottest at the time. That can change quite frequently.

I, personally like the idea of Miz holding the title. I think the tactics he has pulled while being a Heel Champion, has been extremely commendable. He has done his job to a Tee... The things he has pulled in his title defenses were exactly what a Heel champion would do.

I don't believe this OP is another reason the Miz "sucks". I don't think there are ANY reasons the Miz sucks. I am getting tired of defending him. In 5 years, all these haters will claim they were down with The Miz, and saw a "Future" in him since the beginning.

Every Heel has these types of wins, or even reigns. The only time a Heel Champion wins cleanly on a majority type basis, is a Monster Heel. Even then, (Kane) they need to cheat to get a win against a Face on a roll.

You name a Heel Champion, no matter how classic or legendary. They have had their cheap wins and also their cheap reigns. Guys like The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Randy Orton are just a few names that have had questionable outcomes while they were a Heel Champion.
So I read the topic and decided I needed to log in and post. I did not bother to read the other responses because a bunch of internet nerds either A. agreeing with you or B. saying well the Miz is Awesome and is just pathetic and you little parasites need to grow a sack and get away from your computers for awhile go out and at least try and get a date....

Now you see what I just did there? I acted like a total flaming pile of douchbag and guess what.... THAT'S The Miz's Character.. I am sick of these threads about Wrestlers like Miz and Sheamus being shit because of how they defended the titles..(Granit Sheamus should have been booked better I mean his size says that much) But the Miz is a small little ass who just about anyone on the roster could smack in the face at any time and end his title reign... Now I want you to think back just a few short years ago.

Now Back in this era there was this man with long flowing locks and a handlebar moustache... He was World Heavyweight Champion.... and He was The Game! Triple H... Funny thing about his damn near year long championship reign... The actual number of victories he had that were clean you could count on one hand. He was cheating to beat contenders like Scott Steiner, Booker T etc. HEELS wrestle like pieces of shit! It's what they do JBL did the same thing as champ... Hell back in the day Ric "I'm a limoseeen rid'n kiss stealing wheeling dealing son of a gun! The Nature Boy Flair was the same damn way at times and guess what he is considered THE decorated champion... So bashing the Miz this early on for the way he defends the title just makes you look foolish and proves that you don't know a thing about ring psychology, or even the basic formula between a face and a heel.
see what i dont understand why everyone has to bitch and moan about which wrestler is good or which wrestler is bad. everyone likes who they like. whats the big fuckin deal. just shut the fuck up and let people like who they want to like. people are basically telling people they are wrong for who they like. i might not like john cena but he has helped out the wrestling buisness alot. he shot wwe into an even bigger entity that it already was before he arrived. and i might not like orton because he looks like hes havig a seizure in the ring when ever he wrestles but hes a good wrestler. i just cant stand his manurisms. the reason why i like miz is simple. hes come along way since he first started as an interviewer. he truly deserves where he is today. he had a dream and he chased after it no questions asked. he went through alot to get where he is today. he endured the bullying back stage. he ignored people telling him he wont make it because he is an mtv reject. and he survived the backstage politics that alot of talented guys get screwed over. he truly is a roll model. just because hes not the best on the mic or amazing in the ring doesnt mean he doesnt deserve his spot in the main event scene.
Miz is my favorite heel at the moment,he has great mic skills and he can fool you to believe that he is gonna lose but then by hook or by crook wins.Miz doesn't suck and i don't think he has lost any credibility.He is the heel we've all yearned for.I love to hate the guy,if Miz were to defend the title against Colin Delaney you can bet your ass i'll be rooting for what's his name? um Delaney
I said it before, I'll say it again, The Miz does not need to be a credible champion. I say let him pick up these wins, I would have almost preferred it if the ref gave him the win the first time.

The Miz is in no way a better wrestler than Randy Orton. That said, the Miz can be a better cheater than Randy Orton, and if it keeps him the gold, then he's done his job.

And Riley bringing him down? The hell are you talking about? Riley is a perfect stooge, totally devoted to proving to Miz that he's worth his own hype, and dedicated to making sure Miz wins no matter what.

The Miz should hold the title until Wrestlemania, where he should drop it to either Cena, or, if he's ready, Daniel Bryan. He absofuckinglutely does not need to turn face, and he doesn't need to start over.

I don't know what you're seeing lately, but I think you should get your glasses cleaned and your hearing checked, because The Miz may very well be the best thing the WWE has going for them right now.
I've said it another thread and I'll say it here: Heel champions do NOT need clean victories to establish themselves and champions. That is a face thing. The Miz playing the role of the selfish, cowardly heel is all he has to do. Any way to pick up the victory is how this man will be booked. Whether it be pulling the tights, outside interference from Alex Riley (which is how I'm guessing it will happen a lot of the time unless he's banned from ring side), taking blinded ref opportunities or the types of tricks he almost won with tonight, as long as Miz retains, that's all he needs to do. Miz is not a power guy like HHH, Sheamus or hell, I can even mention Kane or Great Khali here. He is more a JBL, Jericho, Edge or HBK type guy. There are many credible heels that have cheated AND won cleanly many times. A perfect example of this would be HHH's reign back during the MacMahon-Helmsley faction. HHH could hold his own in the ring a lot but also cheated many times to get back the title. Miz won't be booked as a strong champion. He'll be a vulnerable champion that may appear to be weak but he won't be completely buried (like Jack Swagger). All this talk about the legitimacy of Miz as champion just affirms the point I'm making. Miz will not per say be a legitimate worthy champion, but he will get the job done in most cases. He'll pull miracle victories by cheating. That's how heel champions get over. It's why Edge is so huge and why JBL was huge back when he was wrestling. Give it time. Miz will be like them. The formula recycles itself.
Did you really just compare the Miz to Jericho? Really? The stupid dumb ass Miz to Jericho?

I sure did. Because the Miz is this generation's Chris Jericho. He can assume any spot on the card and work a match or a feud with anyone on the roster, and be one of the most entertaining parts of the show no matter what role you cast him in. Now, is the Miz on Jericho's level all around yet? No, but the Miz hasn't been wrestling for 20 years... is the Miz as good as Jericho was at this stage of Jericho's career? Absolutely. In ring he's still a couple of steps behind where Jericho was at a comparable time in his career, but on the mic he's better than Jericho was at that time, and in ring he's improving consistently. The Miz is without question one of the most valuable members of the WWE roster and will continue to be so for years to come. REALLY.
I sure did. Because the Miz is this generation's Chris Jericho. He can assume any spot on the card and work a match or a feud with anyone on the roster, and be one of the most entertaining parts of the show no matter what role you cast him in. Now, is the Miz on Jericho's level all around yet? No, but the Miz hasn't been wrestling for 20 years... is the Miz as good as Jericho was at this stage of Jericho's career? Absolutely. In ring he's still a couple of steps behind where Jericho was at a comparable time in his career, but on the mic he's better than Jericho was at that time, and in ring he's improving consistently. The Miz is without question one of the most valuable members of the WWE roster and will continue to be so for years to come. REALLY.

I disagree with this. I believe this generation's Chris Jericho is without a doubt CM Punk. Miz still has a world to go before you can compare him to Jericho. We'll see just how true this statement you're making is in another 3-5 years because right now, I'm sure it's got to be CM Punk as the rightful heir the spot Jericho held. We also haven't seen Miz work as a face yet, something Jericho could do and be VERY entertaining and be over. CM Punk is more entertaining than Miz in heel form already and I'm not sure if Miz could get over like he has as a heel as a face. We haven't seen Miz in an extremely personal feud outside of the Daniel Bryan thing and that didn't even really get that personal. Both Jericho and CM Punk are masters at mind games and drawing emotion/heat from fans. I don't feel Miz has done this yet. What I'm getting at I guess is that it's way too early to say Miz is the next Jericho in terms of card flexibility right now. Miz has an immense amount of potential, I just think this comparison is too soon.
What about them? At least Cena mixes it up every now and then. Orton doesn't change as much, but at least he never cheated to win. Mysterio sucks, but you can't really do anything about that.

* On Cena: he added the STF after fans got very loud about how boring his matches have been, but at least he got better at executing them. The anti-Cena thing started when they put the strap on him long before he was ready (when he couldnt preform moves well and was just very green), and made him the exact opposite character of why people liked him.

* On Orton: He never cheated to win except when he was a heel... thats what heels do.

* Rey Jr has gotten old, watch his matches in the 90's in WCW's Cruiserweight Division. A type of wrestling you barley see anymore... even the X Division cant replicate it.
Well as long as everyone is bitching about him being champion then he must be doing something right! I think he is awesome (no pun attended) as a heel champion. Plus the guy has worked his ass off for the company and deserves his championship run.
Why would you hate on The Miz for the way that WWE chooses to book his matches?

You're hating on him for things that have happened in kayfabe, which makes you a mark for his heel persona.

Come on man, too easy.
Another one of these threads? Great. Miz sucks in no way shape or form, he is getting cheap wins because he is a mother fucking heel champion, it's what they fucking do. Every single heel champ in history has done it, you didn't complain when legends like Ric Flair, HHH etc. cheated to retain their titles so why complain when Miz does it? It gets him extra heat (not that he needs it) so that when a face does finally find a way to overcome the stacked odds and beat him it is all the more rewarding. Plus the bottom line is that he is getting wins over the likes of Rey, Lawler and Orton and whether or not cheating is involved he still beat them giving him all the more credibility.
If the Miz sucks for needing help then hears a list of others who must have sucked
Ted Dibiase
Ric Flair
ECW Raven

all at times relied heavily on other wrestlers to protect them and keep the title around their waste
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