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**MERGED** Miz Complaint Thread

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The first time I saw Miz's first title defence against jerry lawler I was dumbfounded as to why they would pit the Miz against lawler and have it as a back and forth but still very much in jerry's favor match and at first dismissed it off as wwe creative team being dumb but after rewatching it today on tv I have a new theory.

The reason they made Jerry look so good in the match (for his age, no doubt but even still) could have possibly been as a birthday present, and as mike mizanin is no stranger to taking sh*t from the wwe would be the perfect one to give jerry this birthday present.

So while I'm sure like a lot of other people at first saw this match as wwe creative making the miz look bad, if we spin it the other way it seems a whole lot more like, the wwe champion giving up one more night of his life to give the king a nice birthday present, this ties back into what I think the wwe sees in him, he's not above putting in the hard labor for the good of somebody else, which in a weird twist is the complete oppositte of his character played.
His ringwork is sloppy at best, I don't see the hype about his mic work.

Really? Well here's a tribute video of the Miz that says otherwise.


You say his ringwork is sloppy? Here's the Miz hanging with the 7 time world champ Randy Orton.


I've seem him botch more moves than I can count, they would of been better off putting the belt on Barrett, this just seems TNAish of WWE.

Hall of Famers like Hogan, Flair, Stone-Fucking-Cold Steve Austin(Who botched taking a stunner once) have all botched countless moves, countless times. When you're wrestling 4 to 5 times a week, you get tired so a botch every now and again isn't bad at all and the Miz does not botch often.

You'd like to see Barrett as the champ in oppose to the Miz? A guy who's worked his way all the way up to the top? Worked all three brands? Hosted Smackdown? Won MITB? Come on..The Miz is a 2 time US champ and a 3 time Tag Champ? And you'd rather see some newcomer who hasn't done SHIT, take this title? The WWE must not mean shit to you but it's the world to me. The Miz winning the title represents something to me. The fighting class. Did you know that he and CM Punk are the only recent world champs to work their way up? Sheamus didn't do shit, Swagger didn't do shit..To me, it takes more than being good. It takes hard work and that's what The Miz did. Worked fucking hard.

Even the Mizard of Oz looked better than the SCF, a knee to the head looks painful enough, but followed by a neckbreaker seems pretty legit, hell, The Cobra looks legit compared to the SCF...

Now onto his finishers. Here's the Mizard of OZ(Comes after the reality check, couldn't find a video with only the Mizard)which is an okay move for a mid-carder but when you move up to main-event status, it's better to have a finisher where your opponent does not have to bend over and wait for you to perform the finisher.


Know, here's a move where the Miz has perfected. The Miz is in control of his opponent when performing this move, that's what makes a finisher or any move look powerful.


Honestly, someone tell me what you see in The Miz?

So let me break this down. What I, and any wrestling fan with a right mind, see in the Miz is the hard work he's put in, his CONSTANT improvement inside the ring and on the mic, and what I respect most about him is that he earned it.
I'm a fan of The Miz for his personality and all around cockiness. I love to hate his guts! His name is dumb IMO, and he's not a traditional wrestler, which sucks, but in this day and age, a traditional wrestler just won't cut it in the end in the WWE. His ring work does tend to get sloppy, but his mic skills are good. He knows how to upset everyone and get their attention. Given what's going on Raw, he was the next best option available, but he's worked his ass off to get to where he was before he cashed in MITB. So we have to at least give him a shot here.
My only issue with the guy is like some have already stated is strength which is his promos. Which are just too damn redundant. They are all the same about him not being respected cause where he come from blah blah. I know this prob more due to the writers but sweet mother of lord give the guy some more material to work with.
The Miz is great.

I can actually see him becoming the new poster child like John Cena. His media attention On his WWE title win is great for business.

He improves constantly on the mic and in the ring.

He worked his ass off to get to where he is and put up with crap from the likes of JBL (who by the way IMO The Miz is way better than and more exciting). He's the first to arrive last to leave kind of guy.

Some complain about his frat boy stubby look but that also goes perfectly with his character. Some also say he is not believable to beat the likes of John Cena or Randy Orton. Well he's not. He is a guy who just clinches a win at no matter what it takes then claims he done it all by himself. He's not supposed to be be a superman character.

Als IMO in a couple of years he will make a killer face. The kind that leads the company and holds the torch so to speak.

Just my take.
I'm honestly laughing so hard right now, I have yet for someone to give me a legitimate answer besides "DA MIZ IS AWESOME1@!@@!!@ DUHH!!!@!@"

Please, smarks, calm down, I know you might have a boner, but that's no need for the blood to rush from your brain.
I love it. Your vehemence for the rabid fans of his. Let me try to answer this. Why is Miz so popular? Well, first off. It is a combination of his mic and ring work, and before you go calling it subpar, to me it is not. It is imperfect, it is good. Perhaps the standards of fans have fallen, but then again we pop hot for DBD. I digress.

At it's most basic level? Wish fulfillment. Miz IS a dork, a doofus, a fanboy even, various other insults. But, he has an on switch. Again, subjective, but when he is on, he is on. And he is on, in a way most smarks (who fancythemselves too smart for wwe) would be on. We know the basics of the business and could likely imagine ourselves doing it in a way akin to miz. Be a smartass, tell the world we are the shit, and back it up by any means needed, the world's approval not cared about.

As for me? I love the irony of it all. I saw miz replacing cena back when he was calling cena a corporate sellout. Being right, SO right is pleasing enough in and of itself. That miz entertains me is icing.
His old pants were TERRIBLE!!!

I LOVE the pants and gloves and whole gimmick. Y'all who don't feel that are bandwagoners. /elitism
A lot of posters have been defending their view on the Miz being a great champion by saying that he's getting the WWE out into the public; that people are noticing the WWE because of him. Now, it may be true that he's drawing attention to the WWE, but the fact is, that's not going to increase the ratings.

People are either wrestling fans or they're not. If they're not, it's not going to be seeing the current champion on a talk show that wins them over. Nor is it going to make people begin buying their merchandise. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

Now I must say, I am a Miz fan. I like him as the champion. But to all the marks going nuts that the Miz is drawing fans in by doing talk shows and getting articles written about him, you're wrong. He's not. And most people already know about WWE already as it is. Either you're a fan or you're not.

So what do you think, do you agree or disagree that Miz doing talk shows/getting articles written about him because of his past as a reality star is drawing in fans or creating any impact at all?
I believe that the miz doing what he is doing, is bringing more viewers to the WWE. women for example might find him attractive and want to see him more often, people that used to be interested in wrestling might see a show he is on and might become once again interested in it.

He is also showing that he is willing to work and earn his keep by working on his days off. no point having somebody that is only going to half ass the championship run when somebody decent that will put 110% percent.
No argument against you on the giving 110% thing. I love Miz being champion for that reason specifically: he busts his ass in and out of the ring. I'm just not so sure that the talk shows are making much of an impact. I mean, how many women are actually going to watch just because they think he's attractive?
" People are either wrestling fans or they're not. "

So what about the other hundreds of thousands of people who use to watch raw and nitro. Now are just non existent, there plenty of people out there That are potential audience. If u don't advertise people are not going to buy the product.

And that is where the miz comes in. He is a known personality who has ties with media outlets.

Weather or not that makes him a deserving champion is another discussion.

But come on he has been champion 3 weeks. What did anyone expect to happend in that short amount of time.
The Miz is becoming a crossover star, all this mainstream media attention he is getting is fantastic for the WWE, of course it will create new veiwers, how could it not? Wrestling doe's not have the type of exposure it used to do so alot of kids today probably dont even know what pro wrestling is. all this exposure will generate intrest to a new generation of wrestling fans!
Miz is continuing to do what got im to this spot. He is going all over the show and working his ass off. Like Cena before hm, he knows he would be the first political casualty if backstage influence becomes a problem. So he is doing something Vince would love - he is taking WWE to the mainstream.

MacMahon always wanted WWE to be a mainstream success and it has been far from a huge success. But Miz is doing all he can so Vince thinks twice about making him lay down for the next big thing.
People are either wrestling fans or they're not. If they're not, it's not going to be seeing the current champion on a talk show that wins them over.

I'm confused. Are you suggesting that WWE's business model should be tweaked to exclude promotional appearances or, for that matter, essentially any attempts to peak a non-viewer's interest to check out the product because, apparently, if they aren't already a fan it just won't matter?

I'm sorry...but that's ridiculous. Especially in the case of a guy like Miz who originally gained notoriety on a completely different platform. This girl we live with sees him on Lopez Tonight, recognizes him from the Real World, gets excited...yeah, now she watches wrestling.
The OP demonstrates a real lack of awareness of the importance of cross-promotion and brand-recognition. Having the wrestlers make regular appearances on talk shows, radio shows etc is vital to WWE; it provides the company with invaluable cross-media publicity for free, and it keeps the brand and the product in the public eye. WWE champions and main eventers are expected to do this kind of work on a regular basis, and it's one of the key reasons that WWE are the most recogised wrestling brand in the world. You can look right back to the "Rock N Wrestling" connection in the 80s, when WWF wrestlers started doing skits on MTV in exchange for musicians appearing on WWF programming. This played a huge role in establishing the WWF as the dominant, nationally recognised wrestling brand. The WWF/E have actively sought to get as much cross-media promotion as possible since at least this period, in fact they have people on their payroll whose job is to do nothing but set up wrestlers to make these kinds of appearances.

It's all about brand-building and brand-awareness; how often do people walk right past the local, family-owned burger joint who sell delicious, fresh burgers, only to buy a shitty big Mac meal from McDonalds they don't even really enjoy? Alot of people won't even think about who sells the better product; they just know they want "fast food", they see the Golden Arches and they go into McDonalds instinctively. No matter what your product is, it's a very powerful thing having a recognised brand. Even if TNA were to improve their product dramatically, and obtain the sort of massive financial backing that WCW had, they would still be years away from competing with WWE for this very reason.

As far as the Miz goes, it's not just that he's doing these types of appearances (which, as I said, are expected of him as a main event guy). What seems to be impressing the WWE management and Vince McMahon, is the fact that he's clearly going above and beyond what's expected of him, putting in hours and hours of his spare time into it and even taking the initiative to organise his own media appearances outside of what the WWE publicity machine have already set up for him. That shows real dedication to the company, not to mention the obvious practical benefit the company is enjoying due to the Miz's extra publicity work.
So what? So, he's helping WWE stay out of obscurity, is what. More publicity within the mainstream media is always good for WWE and Miz brings that. Swagger didn't bring that when he became world champ, Hardy didn't, Kane didn't, taker didn't, and so many more.
Miz is just doing what brought him to the dance: being a publicity machine for WWE. It's one of the things that's benefitted WWE is that TNA has failed to do: Get their champions into the mainstream. While the crossover appeal hasn't translated into bigger numbers, per se, its given Vince a sense of accomplishment that his champions(like Cena and HHH have done) are out there plugging his product to the casual and non-wrestling fan.

Since Miz first came to WWE, he's been a publicity machine. And he's been one whose been able and willing to put that work in that few do. That has nothing to do with Miz being a "successful champion", and everything to do with "crossover appeal". Vince has always loved mainstream attention for his product, and all Miz is doing is helping to generate that. The WWE championship is a valuable tool to do that. Im not sure I quite understand the problem with that. More exposure equals more potential fans. That's what any star does when promoting their product, whether it be a movie, television show, or wrestling. Its a good move with no drawbacks.

And with him being able to stay in Vince's good graces through this, it ensures Miz will remain in the main event scene and pushing him as champion rather then pushing him aside when the next top wrestler challenges him.
It's always good to see wrestlers in the mainstream. It's part of being a top guy, you put yourself out there and get people to know your name. In terms of everyone being a WWE fan or not...well, everyone knows the big hollywood names, but they still do promotional appearances to get people to want to see their films, and know what they are doing. That's all that Miz is doing, it's part of being in the entertainment business.
I find myself respecting Miz a lot more when he is on talk shows, news channels etc promoting WWE because he seems to hold his own *if it were* there. I dislike his mic skills and his in-ring work but you can tell he did work hard to get to where he is (much like a lot of wrestlers I might add) and he is great as a PR magnet so why not...
I'm not saying WWE advertisements do nothing at all. Anyone who's claimed I said that either didn't read my original post or is just an idiot. What I'm saying is that Miz doing talk shows, while entertaining and interesting, is not really making all that big a difference and should not be looked at as a reason he's a great champion. At least not by saying it's because he's bringing in fans that way. Because he's not.
Miz doing talk shows is one of the reasons that he is WWE Champ. He shows public appearances, does shows, charity work etc. That is why McMahon likes the Miz so much. There is no problem with that. He is just giving the WWE more viewers and making the WWE more famous.
I believe that the miz doing what he is doing, is bringing more viewers to the WWE. women for example might find him attractive and want to see him more often, people that used to be interested in wrestling might see a show he is on and might become once again interested in it.

As a woman, I hope not! The Miz is ugly. :p

I think people are missing a big part of his publicity spree. The Miz isn't just some mid-carder that got the strap because the WWE liked him that day. He is truly a success story. In the interviews, he talks about how no one believed in him and treated him like shit. He legitimately worked his ass off to improve in all areas of pro wrestling (in-ring, mic skills, presence, etc). He always managed to stay over and motivated despite some atrocious booking (RE: Cena's squashing him in 2009). Now, he is the WWE champion and if you don't like it, you can get in line to blow him.

If some guy from Cleveland can make it, anyone can make it. CLEVELAND
You're an average American flipping through the TV at 11 30, and you flip across George Lopez who says his guest tonight is WWE Champion The Miz.

Wait a second, The Miz? Is he talking about that guy from Real World? The guy who was in all those Real World-Road Rules challenges? No, can't be.

You flip back to Colbert, because who in the blue hell wants to watch George Lopez's opening monologue?, but curiosity gets the better of you and you switch back to Lopez just in time for The Miz to come out with his championship belt.

Holy shit, that's the fucking MIZ! How the hell is he WWE champion? He used to be that cool (or annoying, I don't really know I never saw him in Real World) dude on MTV, and now he's a WWE champion?

The Miz stays in character but plugs RAW, and you say to yourself, "Damn, I have to see this guy in action."

Even if you just tune into RAW to watch The Miz, the WWE won some ratings, and potentially a fan. Maybe you find it funny that Miz is a WWE Champion, so you shell out the 25 bucks for a t-shirt as a joke. Maybe your kid is watching TV with you and he decides he really likes it.

Is The Miz going to deliver the WWE into rating Valhalla? No, but there are people who are going to watch RAW because they recognize his face and they're interested to see what he's like at his new job. Even if they only watch 20 minutes of one episode of RAW, those are 20 minutes that RAW wouldn't have gotten if Miz didn't do the talk show. I say good for Miz, who is working his ass off for the company and they are rewarding him justly.
You're an average American flipping through the TV at 11 30, and you flip across George Lopez who says his guest tonight is WWE Champion The Miz.

Wait a second, The Miz? Is he talking about that guy from Real World? The guy who was in all those Real World-Road Rules challenges? No, can't be.

You flip back to Colbert, because who in the blue hell wants to watch George Lopez's opening monologue?, but curiosity gets the better of you and you switch back to Lopez just in time for The Miz to come out with his championship belt.

Holy shit, that's the fucking MIZ! How the hell is he WWE champion? He used to be that cool (or annoying, I don't really know I never saw him in Real World) dude on MTV, and now he's a WWE champion?

The Miz stays in character but plugs RAW, and you say to yourself, "Damn, I have to see this guy in action."

Even if you just tune into RAW to watch The Miz, the WWE won some ratings, and potentially a fan. Maybe you find it funny that Miz is a WWE Champion, so you shell out the 25 bucks for a t-shirt as a joke. Maybe your kid is watching TV with you and he decides he really likes it.

Is The Miz going to deliver the WWE into rating Valhalla? No, but there are people who are going to watch RAW because they recognize his face and they're interested to see what he's like at his new job. Even if they only watch 20 minutes of one episode of RAW, those are 20 minutes that RAW wouldn't have gotten if Miz didn't do the talk show. I say good for Miz, who is working his ass off for the company and they are rewarding him justly.

Well he was on it way back in 2001. Most people wouldn't have watched it 9 years ago. They only hear about it now that he was on. A lot of WWE wrestlers have done talk shows and all that in the past though. I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal out of it now. Nothing has changed.
I'm not saying WWE advertisements do nothing at all. Anyone who's claimed I said that either didn't read my original post or is just an idiot. What I'm saying is that Miz doing talk shows, while entertaining and interesting, is not really making all that big a difference and should not be looked at as a reason he's a great champion. At least not by saying it's because he's bringing in fans that way. Because he's not.

But how do you know he's not? Sure the ratings haven't seen a huge jump, but we here in the IWC don't see everything i.e. ticket sales, merch sales, etc.

Take the Austin and Rock for example. Wrestling was huge in their day because they had a hand in making the industry mainstream. Tons of people who weren't really wrestling fans became fans and watched just to see where things would go with those characters. Now it seems wreslting has reverted back to being "un-cool" and those casual fans stopped paying attention for the most part. Now WWE sees an opportunity to gain some of them back, or gain new ones, and they are taking advantage of it.

Does all this equate to being a better champion? Well some may argue that the real measure of a good champion is how well they draw crowds. The Miz seems to be doing everything in his power to draw more fans and bigger crowds. Whether he is successful or not remains to be seen as it's only been a few weeks. The trick is for WWE to do what they can to get that casual fan hooked if they decide to tune in.

But all this cross-branding is exactly what Vince wants. It's the reason behind the "Guest Host" deal, it's the reason celebs are involved in Wrestlemania, and it seems it's a big reason they put the strap on The Miz. Because when it comes down to it the Mr. McMahon character put it best: "It's all about the money."
While it's not going to bring WWE into the forefront of sports or entertainment, it's never a bad thing.

It will make certain people root for him, give casual fans a look at another personality. None of this is ever going to hurt your product. A cleancut guy that is presentable and well spoken representing your company as the best in your business (whether it's true or not) is never a bad thing.
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