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**MERGED** Miz Complaint Thread

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Anybody see any simularities (besides their oddly similar finishing moves) between Jeff Jarret and The Miz? I sure do.

Back in WCW, if you guys can remember that long ago, Jarret was simply an awful in ring competitor. Watching him wrestle and all the awful booking that surrounded him made WCW just plain bad for me. But, how do all the great ones start? The Mic.

Let's face it: Hogan, Austin, The Rock, John Cena, Jeff Jarret, etc, have the basic movesets. Each had a crappy finisher that wouldn't hurt a four year old. But, what sells a character is their mic skills. Nobody cares if you can wrestle better than anybody else, they simply want to be entertained. The Miz is a comical heel.

But in the ring? Boring.

There's just a lack of good wrestling matches and wrestlers out there today. Miz isn't a good wrestler yet, but give him some time to shine with the vets and he'll mature. Remember, The Rock wasn't a star at first either and he began as a heel. Cena began as a heel. Trend? I think so.

Overall, I hate the Miz and I'm not a big fan of the decision to push him this fast. Just think, he got a major title before John Morrison, Ted DiBiase, and even now-released Matt Hardy.

He's the Miz and....we'll have to wait and see.
THE MIZ is great on the mic wothout a doubt. hes the guy you want to hate. you hate the very sound of his voice especially when he is gloating about winning a title or even a slammy award. this simply means he does his job really well. ever since that storyline where he was fired and then hired back for like a week he has really improved ten fold in my opinion. he has the accolades to back him up. multiple tag team wins and at least a couple of U.S. title wins. of course there is also the MITB win and WWE has done a great job with MIZ while having that briefcase much like EDGE when he first cashed it in. the one thing that MIZ is missing is some big feuds. he has had good matches but has never had a feud with main eventers let alone midcarders. thats not so much MIZs fault but the booking of WWE. just missed oppurtunity there. maybe if they did something similar to what they did for MR KENNEDY it would be more believable. but now we will truly see if he can be a true main eventer since he has no choice but to face the likes of ORTON. im reminded of JBL's title run and i wouldnt think it would last as long as it did but WWE did some great booking with him and JBL did a great job in sneaking in his victories to retain his title regardless of the person he was up against and whatever odds that were stacked against him. every time he retained his title i just couldnt believe it and i believe the MIZ has that same ability. so if you hate the MIZ now get ready to hate him some more because it looks like i sure will.
I don't hate The Miz but don't agree he should be champion. I don't think Wade Barrett should be a champion either. I think The Miz would be better on Smackdown. I cannot stand Michael Cole sucking his dick every week on Raw. It will be worse now that he's WWE Champion. I'm not watching any matches with The Miz. I guess I'm officially a smackdown watcher, or TNA I can give it a shot.
You're not very smart, first off The Miz is AWESOME, he is very talented and he brings a lot to the table, he gets a good reaction from EVERYBODY, hes always there, Vince loves the Miz because The Miz always shows up for work, no matter what it is, he does what he is told, and you have to reward your best talent, whether the fans agree or not. Look at it this way, you dont like the miz, and here you are giving him attention, thus he is gettign a reaction from you, therefore, The Miz makes a good WWE Champ, would you rather Cena as champ again? I personally like the miz, and the Skull Crushing Finale is a good move, its a full nelson front leg sweep, i mean yeah its "legit". The most un-legit move ever made one of the greatest wrestlers of all time's moveset in Hulk Hogan, i mean would you say that the "Atomic Leg Drop" is more powerful and more legit than that of the SCF? bahahaha you arent very smart if your answer was yes, point blank The Miz gets reaction and thats what this company and business is all about. Congratulations Miz.

I was done reading when I saw you say "You are not very smart" but then proceed to make the longest run on sentence known to writing.

The Miz is horrendous. Hopefully this is a short title run. As if the show hasn't gotten dry enough now we get this guy as champion? Is Jeopardy on at the same time as RAW? I think I'm going to watch that instead.
His ringwork is sloppy at best, I don't see the hype about his mic work.

I've seem him botch more moves than I can count, they would of been better off putting the belt on Barrett, this just seems TNAish of WWE.

Even the Mizard of Oz looked better than the SCF, a knee to the head looks painful enough, but followed by a neckbreaker seems pretty legit, hell, The Cobra looks legit compared to the SCF...

Honestly, someone tell me what you see in The Miz?

LOL I agree with you 100% The miz belongs on the mid card section. Neither Wade Barret or The Miz Deserve to be Champion. The Miz is not that good in the ring and if he has good mic skills is because he was on a tv show. I hope he dosent last long as a champion
The reason I like the Miz is his drive and passion. From what I have read he has taken the baton from Cena when it comes to working off television. Whenever they need someone to do PR he's the first in line.

When he first started out I thought he was only on the show to get the MTV crowd to watch (and he probably was). His attire, his hairdo, his attitude all said he was just another kid playing wrestling. But I have watched him grow up. He changed his attire. He changed his attitude. He does still has a hairdo that should only be on 2 yr olds. :)

But what really turned me into a fan was the "shoot" promo he did when he was fueding with MVP. The one he where he started outside the locker room and told his story of what he had been through to get where he was. If you haven't watched it do so and if you have do it again. Watch his eyes and you can see how much he really loves what he's doing and will do whatever it takes to get to the top. That is how and why Cena, HHH, HBK, Jericho got to the top.

No his in ring skills are not the same as Dean Malenko's and he is a bit of a generic character. But he does do a decent job of being that generic heel who is an obnoxious, egotistical, whining person who always sees everything his own special way. Kudos to the Miz. Way to earn what you have.
You know, I keep reading all of these great post about how the Miz is completely not ready for the belt and I agree 100%. Yes his mic work at times is great, but its only great when he's going back and forth with another good mic player. People are saying he's going to be the new face of the company.... How? Now that the company has gone all PG there is no way that your face is going to be a heel. Yes Triple H, Orton *at times*, The Undertaker have all been seen as a face of the company, and all have been heels, but they were fan LOVED heels... the Miz is not. I agree that the crowd last night said it all with the look of shock, but it wasn't the good shock, it was more like a sick feeling in your stomach. My last point as to why he should have the belt really comes down to size... yup I said it. He isn't built/cut enough for the job. Look at everyone that is in the mix for the title, there bigger guys and always have been besides Rey Mysterio. Jericho wasn't huge but his unbelievable in ring talent was more then enough. He in my opinion was a great draw for the likes of Tag, US, and Intercontinental titles like all those greats listed recently, but he NEVER should have gotten the WWE Title.
So normally I don't post on these forums I just read the opinions and laugh.

But this one for some reason required me to actually create an account and post.

I find it endlessly hilarious that there is so much hate for a man that has busted his ass after getting his chance. Then again this is the same forums that think Ken Anderson is a great wrestler. :shrug:

The Miz being champion? This is nothing but good for the WWE. Why you ask? Because it will FINALLY, and I mean FINALLY put someone in the main event that is NOT Randy Orton or John Cena. WWE has been building this up slowly and making sure they were making the right choice by having him feud with Daniel Bryan for the US title. Yes Bryan may have carried the Miz a little bit but that's not the point. The two of them put on very entertaining matches.

I read one post that said that he did a lot of ass kissing to get where he is. I have to shake my head at such a notion, how is it ass kissing to take each and every opportunity you are offered? It's been reported before that Vince loves the guy and so does Trips because he's ALWAYS doing what he can to help the company. Did he expect a title push? I don't think that was his sole reason for working hard. But with so many other wrestlers just expecting to be given chance after chance (ie Carlito) I think it's great that he's made it to where he is now.

Meh more than likely the last time I'll post but so much hate for someone who came in at the ground floor and worked hard is...well ignorant. I am wondering if it's because most people are just upset because they'll never be able to do what he's done.


You say that the good thing about having the Miz as champion is that it is not Cena or Orton with the belt?

Okay, then, why not put it on Wade Barrett.

They keep putting Barrett in main-events, and yet don't pull the trigger on him. I would have liked to have seen him get the title. And you talk about stick-work, well Barrett has that covered as well.

You say that the good thing about having the Miz as champion is that it is not Cena or Orton with the belt?

Okay, then, why not put it on Wade Barrett.

They keep putting Barrett in main-events, and yet don't pull the trigger on him. I would have liked to have seen him get the title. And you talk about stick-work, well Barrett has that covered as well.

Because the Miz is so much better than Wade Barrett that it's not even funny. He's better in the ring, astronomically better on the mic with a greater heel persona and far more charisma. He's been around longer, he's paid more dues, and the crowd is more invested in him, especially to boo him out of the building as a heel.

Barrett is nowhere near ready to be the champion in my opinion. He's ready to be in the hunt, and may someday be ready to hold the strap, but not quite yet. Let the Miz run with it and see how he does. Personally I think he will do well. And he won't simply be a transitional champion either.
Because the Miz is so much better than Wade Barrett that it's not even funny. He's better in the ring, astronomically better on the mic with a greater heel persona and far more charisma. He's been around longer, he's paid more dues, and the crowd is more invested in him, especially to boo him out of the building as a heel.

Barrett is nowhere near ready to be the champion in my opinion. He's ready to be in the hunt, and may someday be ready to hold the strap, but not quite yet. Let the Miz run with it and see how he does. Personally I think he will do well. And he won't simply be a transitional champion either.

I hope to god you're trolling, because Barrett is considerably better than The Miz.

Barrett is fluid in the ring, MUCH better on the mic than Miz probably ever will be, and actually looks unique.
Call me crazy but isn't The Miz a heel? What's all this talk about 'appeal'? His job is to make make people hate him. If you 'want to bash his face in when you see it', or he pisses you off or whatever he's doing what he's paid to do. This is wrestling--there are faces and heels. Good guys and bad guys. A good heel makes you hate them...you're not supposed to 'like' The Miz. I'm pretty much in the middle as far as whether or not Miz should be champ or if he will be a good one, but I just think anyone should get there panties in a bunch just yet.

I thought he was heel too. But yeah he is heel. I agree with the guy who said he's trying to be like Jericho, Miz attire looks striking similar almost identical to Jericho's, and they both have this Cocky thing going on. Although Miz almost broke character when the ref handed him the belt, raised his arm, and Roberts announced him champion. He looked like he wanted to cry. Heels don't cry and i don't remember many heels who let the ref raise their arm or fall to their knees. But i hope WWE doesn't blow this title reign like they blew Sheamus and Swagger's reign.
Absolutely nothing.

Saying "he's awesome, nuff said" is not really saying anything. After the stupid stunt they pulled last night, WWE has lost a viewer to any of their 'Main Events' from RAW. And I know plenty of other people that feel the same way.

His ringwork is hardly anywhere near the standard a Main Eventer should be at. He hasn't earned my respect, His mic work is the 'best' thing about him. I'm also curious as to which child of one of the writers came up with his 'catch phrase' because my 4 year old cousin can say 'I'm Awesome'.

And I'm laughing at the fact that people say 'fans can't help but cheer him' do you even read what you're posting? He gets more boo's then he does Cheers, and so what if he makes a lot of public relations appearances? That has nothing to do with IN-RING Work. Miz shouldn't be rewarded. They made Orton look extremely weak last night, and until Miz rightfully loses the Title, then I'm one of several viewers, who just lost whatever faith they had left in WWE. Goodbye Orton Title Reign, Hello Lower Ratings!
Absolutely nothing.

Saying "he's awesome, nuff said" is not really saying anything. After the stupid stunt they pulled last night, WWE has lost a viewer to any of their 'Main Events' from RAW. And I know plenty of other people that feel the same way.

His ringwork is hardly anywhere near the standard a Main Eventer should be at. He hasn't earned my respect, His mic work is the 'best' thing about him. I'm also curious as to which child of one of the writers came up with his 'catch phrase' because my 4 year old cousin can say 'I'm Awesome'.

I love how you speak on behalf of the absolute minority on this forum. We've been singing Miz's praises for a few years now. One of our mods wrote a thread that predicted Miz's rise to the top three years ago. So when you say that you know plenty of people who think like you I don't believe you're referring to anyone outside of your group of Dungeons and Dragons buddies.

The Miz has been one of the fastest rising stars and (arguably) the biggest heel on both NXT and Raw, SIMULTANEOUSLY. Don't let your personal opinions of the guy blind you to his unwavering talent.

And I'm laughing at the fact that people say 'fans can't help but cheer him' do you even read what you're posting? He gets more boo's then he does Cheers, and so what if he makes a lot of public relations appearances? That has nothing to do with IN-RING Work. Miz shouldn't be rewarded. They made Orton look extremely weak last night, and until Miz rightfully loses the Title, then I'm one of several viewers, who just lost whatever faith they had left in WWE. Goodbye Orton Title Reign, Hello Lower Ratings!

They made Orton look weak???? What kind of shit are you smoking??

The guy was attacked by the entire Nexus faction, had his leg injured, went into an entire title match with Barrett the night after he already faced him at a PPV, and then he had to face the Miz in a cash-in match! How, in the name of BLUE FUCK, does that make Orton look weak??

Man, you smarks really crack me up sometimes.
Reading all the dissenting comments makes me shake my head when i realise that smark fandom will never be entirely happy when it comes to the WWE. "Push new guys!" they scream over and over and over again until, as this proves, what they really selfishly mean is "Push new guys I/WE like!".

If some of you, who are actually typing down that in ring performances or a flashy moveset should be the only criteria for a main event push/world title reign and that being a company man should have nothing to do with it, were booking the WWE the company would be out of business in 12 months. Either grow up, work for a living or get some perspective.

Like someone else in this thread I am old enough to have started watching the company when it's initials were WWWF and Backlund was champion and I also remember coming across the Wrestling Observer 30 years ago where, fueled by Meltzer's opinions, the smarks then bashed Bob relentlessly for lacking any charisma in their eyes. "Why is the guy the champion?" The arrogant opinions remain the same whilst the company continues to stay in business when it's rivals continue to fall apart one by one. The WWE is building a youth movement and are putting forwards guys who are willing to work hard and be responsible inside AND outside that ring and Miz, after Cena, has shown his willingness to bust his ass despite not being the equivalent of a Benoit as a wrestler.
Absolutely nothing.

Saying "he's awesome, nuff said" is not really saying anything. After the stupid stunt they pulled last night, WWE has lost a viewer to any of their 'Main Events' from RAW. And I know plenty of other people that feel the same way.

His ringwork is hardly anywhere near the standard a Main Eventer should be at. He hasn't earned my respect, His mic work is the 'best' thing about him. I'm also curious as to which child of one of the writers came up with his 'catch phrase' because my 4 year old cousin can say 'I'm Awesome'.

And I'm laughing at the fact that people say 'fans can't help but cheer him' do you even read what you're posting? He gets more boo's then he does Cheers, and so what if he makes a lot of public relations appearances? That has nothing to do with IN-RING Work. Miz shouldn't be rewarded. They made Orton look extremely weak last night, and until Miz rightfully loses the Title, then I'm one of several viewers, who just lost whatever faith they had left in WWE. Goodbye Orton Title Reign, Hello Lower Ratings!

How the fuck do you get Orton looking weak out of that?

He beat Barrett the night before at SS. On the way out for the ME on Raw for the title, he is jumped by Nexus and 'injures' his leg/knee. He then STILL BEATS Barrett to reclaim his title again. Miz's music hits, and it's not like Miz just hits the SCF and we have a new champion, Miz had to work for the victory.... Orton was still made to look strong, i can only assume im not alone in thinking for a bit there that Miz may have actually ended up being the first to cash in and lose part way through that match....

In short, no way in hell in any way, does Miz winning the strap make Orton look weak....
I hope to god you're trolling, because Barrett is considerably better than The Miz.

Barrett is fluid in the ring, MUCH better on the mic than Miz probably ever will be, and actually looks unique.

I am absolutely not trolling, not by any stretch of the imagination. The Miz is far superior to Wade Barrett at this stage of their WWE careers and quite frankly, it's not even close.

There are some people who would suggest that Barrett has better in-ring skills than Mizanin. Granted I am not one of those incorrect people, but at least this can be debated. But to be a successful WWE superstar in today's era, it takes a lot more than in-ring talent, and in every other variable which could be analyzed, the Miz is at least as good as and for the most part better than Wade Barrett. I would suggest that the in-ring talent is well down the totem pole in terms of importance in determining success in WWE today. Even if we conside in-ring alone though, at worst the Miz is as good as Barrett, and I would suggest he's actually better.

In terms of personality, charisma, mic-skills, heat generation, and any other parameter, the Miz is light years ahead of Barrett. Barrett is where he is simply because of the strength in numbers afforded by the Nexus. That's not a knock at the Nexus, I'm a big fan of this angle as well. But Barrett alone as the Miz is (alone as in no faction, I don't really count Riley as having much significance) would be a shadow of the Miz. Look for a somewhat extended run for the Miz, while Barrett has to pay his dues for a year or two before he reaches the pinnacle of the company as the Miz has. Let's face it, Barrett has only been around about a year, whereas the Miz has been around much longer. Once Barrett punches in his time, he may reach Miz's stature. Until then, welcome to the Age of Awesome.
wade barrett is already a better heel than the miz. and i think one reason sums it up.

why in the world does someone need to proclaim they are awesome 1000 times? what happened to just being awesome? that is a clear case of a heel TRYING to be a heel. that doesn't work for me.

plus, what is all this talk that the miz busted his ass to get where he is today? come on now! mick foley (literally) busted his ass to win the title. what has the miz really done that can be considered busting his ass? i guess being a wrestler in the WWE at a time when the youth movement is more notable than ever is busting your ass.
The Miz awesome catchphrase is really amazing I really love his delivery.

What do I see in the Miz? The improvement he did and the fact that he's been golden on the mic since he "feuded" with Cena. He is just too good and his delivery are almost always perfect. The really line is also amazing I love his delivery on that more than everything.

Then there's the ring skill, while he is not a Jericho he is way better than most of the roster right now and doesn't need to be ashame. Sure some people will always hate him because he's coming from the reality TV business but the guy is doing everything he can to improve in every way he can and he's giving a lot to the wrestling business that's what I am seeing in him.

And I think that the people who don't see anything in him and hate him are just blinded by their hatred for him and him being a heel is really working in your case.
Good mic skills, extremely hard worker, a guy has improved 1000% since his days on Tough Enough, GREAT heel, good looking guy (I'm totally straight don't take it the wrong way), guy who does all sorts of promotional events for the WWE

Those are just a few that come to my head.
When you watch a lot of people's comments who stand up for the miz, they mention how they watched him from the beginning and how he was a joke, he was poor on the mic and in the ring and was raw as an onion. I think a major contributor to the reason why so many people like the miz is that they have watched him grow as a competitor whilst other guys hven't really grown because they were better than miz when they started. But its got to the stage where he can be thrown into the mix with most guys and produce a watchable segment/feud. But if someone improving to the point where they are a WWE superstar makes them better than the rest well thats just poor logic and your being mislead by your affection for the fact youve held him like a puppy on a leash and seen him grow into and animal, thats just affinity not prowess your feeling.

Barret is a guy who is directly comparable. He was signed to WWE developmental in late 2007 meaning hes been in the biz for three years now making him pretty green and also he came from a high profile career. The question is, three years ago was miz as good as barrett is now, nope morrison was the dominant tag team partner in all respects. Now add to that the fact barrett made his on screen debut in NXT whilst the miz made his back around 2005/06, and how quickly has barrett adjusted to his role on TV, very very quickly, sheamus style quickly. So if we want to be comparing the miz to barrett we have to compare them at similar stages in their careers, barrett now with miz two years ago. And ask yourself the question now who is the better talent? A talent is someone qwho is a natural at what they do, miz took time to adjust to his rle barrett didn't and thats the difference.

And if were looking in the ring as well, barrett also wins after going toe-to-toe with orton on several occassions, a very good wrestler and aways coming out looking good. the only way I can sum this separation fo being a miz mark and knowing how good miz actually is, is to ask your one simple question. Does michael cole deserve to be in the hall of fame, is you answer yes then you prove my point. Developing doesnt make you better than guys, it makes you worse to begin with.

P.S. This may sound a little disconcerting to a lot of guys but representing your company at events and the like does not make the guy a good wrestler, it makes hima good employee.
When you watch a lot of people's comments who stand up for the miz, they mention how they watched him from the beginning and how he was a joke, he was poor on the mic and in the ring and was raw as an onion. I think a major contributor to the reason why so many people like the miz is that they have watched him grow as a competitor whilst other guys hven't really grown because they were better than miz when they started. But its got to the stage where he can be thrown into the mix with most guys and produce a watchable segment/feud. But if someone improving to the point where they are a WWE superstar makes them better than the rest well thats just poor logic and your being mislead by your affection for the fact youve held him like a puppy on a leash and seen him grow into and animal, thats just affinity not prowess your feeling.

Barret is a guy who is directly comparable. He was signed to WWE developmental in late 2007 meaning hes been in the biz for three years now making him pretty green and also he came from a high profile career. The question is, three years ago was miz as good as barrett is now, nope morrison was the dominant tag team partner in all respects. Now add to that the fact barrett made his on screen debut in NXT whilst the miz made his back around 2005/06, and how quickly has barrett adjusted to his role on TV, very very quickly, sheamus style quickly. So if we want to be comparing the miz to barrett we have to compare them at similar stages in their careers, barrett now with miz two years ago. And ask yourself the question now who is the better talent? A talent is someone qwho is a natural at what they do, miz took time to adjust to his rle barrett didn't and thats the difference.

And if were looking in the ring as well, barrett also wins after going toe-to-toe with orton on several occassions, a very good wrestler and aways coming out looking good. the only way I can sum this separation fo being a miz mark and knowing how good miz actually is, is to ask your one simple question. Does michael cole deserve to be in the hall of fame, is you answer yes then you prove my point. Developing doesnt make you better than guys, it makes you worse to begin with.

Well my answer is no so that doesn't prove anything to me. I hated Miz but since the end of his team with Morrison and his "feud" with Cena he's been awesome pun intended. And since when did this thread turned into a Barett vs Miz. I mean the thread is what do we see in Miz not name every wrestler who are better than the Miz.

Me I never said Miz was the best but I think he is good and way better than most fo the people give him credit for.
BARRET only gets as much heel heat as he does because of the NEXUS. if it wasnt for that he could be trolling around in the mid card for sometime for all we know. MIZ has won multiple titles on his own as well as MITB and cashed it in much in the same way almost everyone else has. so what if it took him a couple years to develop his persona. the same can be said for CENA, ORTON, TRIPLE H, THE ROCK, STONE COLD, and even as far back as HOGAN. and people have talked shit about a few of those names ever since they got the spotlight and were winning titles. it seems people become jaded once they see other people winning titles. BARRET needs to be done with this NEXUS shit before i can even accept as being a champion. he needs to prove he can generate heat on his own and to be a heel on his own without the aid of 5 other people.
My personal opinions on the miz is that he is really good and has potential to be a future main eventer. He has improved significantly since his debut, and he is amusing to listen to on the mic.

He is much better in the ring than some give him credit for, but on the other hand, he is also much worse than many miz-lovers give him credit for. He is hundreds of times better than Barrett though and I think that right now. Miz is good and improving, and sorry, but Barrett on his own, sucks.

I really wish that WWE had held off and let Miz not win the cash in. I just honestly don't think it makes sense right now, both from a storyline perspective (he can't even beat bryan right now) and from an in-ring technical standpoint. I think however in the end that he's being rewarded right now because he's a golden boy on the mic and he has been working hard. And who knows, perhaps he'll come out of this push ok. I hope so because I do like him, I'm just afraid that this title reign won't be very good and his title matches won't be very memorable.
What do people see in the Miz? It can easily be answered in two little words. Mic skill. The Miz is average in the ring and only got to where he was through being able to generate such a negative reaction from fans. A lot of people hate him and find him annoying. They want to pay money to see him lose. That's what WWE sees in him, and that is why we are stuck with him as our new champion, because he gets a heel reaction out of fans with his mic skills. I think he is good on the mic and that's the only reason I am able to tolerate him. I know people who hate him so much they refuse to watch anymore with him as champion, they hate him that much. He is good at his job of getting people to dislike him.
People either really love him or really hate him. It's better then no response at all like R Truth or Tyson Kidd. This isn't the age of Rock, Austin, HBK, Triple H, and Mick Foley. In the land of the blind the man with one eye is king. In the land of WWE, the man with the golden microphone is king.
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