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**MERGED** Miz Complaint Thread

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he is good on the mic but he's not amazing...he has improved

he has improved alot in the ring too

but it jut doesn't seem believeable that he can hang with the likes of orton or cena and guys like that

he jus isnt ready yet, but maybe he is i guess we will find out

but you are so mistaken saying some like orton cena kane jericho didnt deserve the belt

Kane: was 13 years overdue..no one and i mean no one deserved it more than kane for all he has done

orton: why didnt he...i mean he wasonly destroying everyone

jericho: he is the best in the world at what he does!! lol

cena: really miz is probably gonna be filling that spot someday so i guess cena doing promootions is him kissing his ass to the top but its fine for miz, yea cena got it more than he needed...but so did edge lol

Uh yeah, I think you failed to read my post correctly. FPS and I were debating the merits of Miz as champion, and he said "WWE has a history of putting the belt on the wrong people". I responded by listing five of the more recent champs, and asked WHO among them was UNDESERVING. All 5 of those men are deserving champs, and in the age of hot potato belt, there's nothing wrong with how many times any of them have held the belt, within the context that the belt will change hands every other month.

As for Miz, he has shown he can hang in the ring with the likes of Cena and Orton. Cena is far and away my favorite wrestler, and some of my favorite RECENT matches Cena's been in have been with Miz. As for Orton, Miz was one missed spot away from having a very good main event with him on Raw 2 months ago. And his reversal of the RKO into the SCF last night was a sweet move. If you read my earlier post, I pointed out a handful of single's matches that the Miz looked excellent in, dating back to 2007.

And to say "he's improved" on the mic is the understatement of the year. Whether it be his "decision" at Summerslam, or him having to cut people off trying to say his catchphrase, he's been supremely entertaining. He's cut some of the best promos of the year, including the one right before the Royal Rumble with MVP when he mixed in "shoot aspects" in discussing having been kicked out of the Raw locker room and being hazed by JBL. Look it up.
Miz has worked hard, and it shows. Although his ring work is not what everyone wants to see, it is still good enough to do the job well. Miz has a lot of stamina, and I think we will see that more in the near future as he has longer matches. Then we can see his ring work pay off.

As for his personality, I hated him at first, then loved to hate him. That is a true heel with character. He could cut a promo on toothpaste being his mortal enemy and probably make it funny but still heel-like at the same time. That's entertaining. And his work has gotten enough respect for him to butcher the celebrity guest hosts (RIP to that concept, btw) fairly regularly. Miz made those segments watchable. Reminds me of old school promos like Mr. Perfect and Ravishing Rick Rude. PG promos that make you love to hate them.

Congrats to Miz. I hope he does well.
I love seeing all the Miz hate. I'm a Miz mark. Since he first came in....I knew him from watching Real World and the RW/RR Challenges and how anyone could not see that this guy worked his ass off to get where he is....well, that's just b.s.


How people can't respect that is seriously beyond me. He's not good in the ring you say? You people need to put a cork in it for real. Go step in a ring yourself and do what he does. Not every wrestler is a technical master......And it pisses me off because Miz has some ill moves that you people are just completely overshadowing.

I always lurk and never post because this stuff happens. You people bitch and bitch and bitch about Cena and Orton in the title picture. You say 'Cena's boring, five moves, Super Cena'....and you say Orton's 'blah and boring' too.

Then an upper-midcarder like Miz wins the title and you still hate even though you don't even know how it's going to be played out yet....Really don't matter. All you herbs talking ish about Miz will be tuned in next Monday.

Because he's the Miz....and he's YOUR WWE Champion.
I think everyone just loves his mic work and his gimmick, which is good but not amazing. He's below average in the ring but will improve surely. I don't think he's the future like so many people say.

I'm suprised he's being called the future when the likes of Wade Barret, Daniel Bryan, Alberto Del Rio and John Morrison amongst others have just as long futures as him and they are all better than him in the ring, they have better gimmicks and Wade Barret being better on the mic. Maybe it was because he had the Money In The Bank and now he's champion.
What do I see in the Miz? I see a guy who was laughed at when he entered the WWE, was hazed, forced to use a closet as his dressing room because he wasn't allowed in the real one, I see a guy that busted his ass every day, whether it was a house show, TV taping, PPV or other WWE related appearance, I see a guy that refused to accept no as an answer. I see a guy that knew he sucked, and worked and worked and worked to get better. I see dedication when I see the Miz. Is he the most talented wrestler? Fuck no. But I can guarantee you that there aren't many wrestlers in the locker room that have made such an effort to improve, that have worked as hard as Miz has. Whenever I see threads about how so and so should get the title, and read comments about why they need to be given the belt, my response is always the same...you aren't given a damn thing, you have to earn it. Don't expect the WWE to give you anything, prove to them that you earned it. The Miz gets that. He has scratched and clawed for everything he has gotten in the WWE, the WWE recognized that, and rewarded him. Isn't that the way it should be?

If more wrestlers busted their asses the way the Miz did, the world of pro wrestling would be a lot better off.
I'll admit I couldn't stand this guy a couple of years ago. I thought his ring attire looked ridiculous, I laughed at his matches, and just looking at him would make me cringe sometimes. But The Miz has improved a lot in a short amount of time. He still has some work to do when it comes to his in ring stuff, and I won't go as far as comparing him to The Rock when it comes to mic work, but I always enjoy a Miz promo, interview, or segment. Miz had to eat a lot of shit in WWE. He could've quit, but he didn't. He worked hard to improve, and now that hard work has payed off. Miz was a joke not too long ago in WWE. Now he's one of the top heels in the entire company. That's pretty damn impressive if you ask me.
What do I see in the Miz? I see a guy who was laughed at when he entered the WWE, was hazed, forced to use a closet as his dressing room because he wasn't allowed in the real one, I see a guy that busted his ass every day, whether it was a house show, TV taping, PPV or other WWE related appearance, I see a guy that refused to accept no as an answer. I see a guy that knew he sucked, and worked and worked and worked to get better. I see dedication when I see the Miz. Is he the most talented wrestler? Fuck no. But I can guarantee you that there aren't many wrestlers in the locker room that have made such an effort to improve, that have worked as hard as Miz has. Whenever I see threads about how so and so should get the title, and read comments about why they need to be given the belt, my response is always the same...you aren't given a damn thing, you have to earn it. Don't expect the WWE to give you anything, prove to them that you earned it. The Miz gets that. He has scratched and clawed for everything he has gotten in the WWE, the WWE recognized that, and rewarded him. Isn't that the way it should be?

If more wrestlers busted their asses the way the Miz did, the world of pro wrestling would be a lot better off.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Is the Miz a ring technician? Obviously not, but the strides he has made to improve his in-ring work are nothing short of remarkable. From being an absolute joke in the ring, to being quite competent in there, the man should be commended, and I'm glad he's finally being rewarded, for his perseverence and hard work. His mic skills were always pretty good, and they have improved greatly too.

It's such a refreshing change as opposed to guys like Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, and others, guys who have tremendous natural abilities but are lazy, unmotivated, undisciplined, and don't work to near their potential. It's nice to see a guy work his ass off, get the results because of it, and in turn be rewarded and recognized for it.
I'm honestly laughing so hard right now, I have yet for someone to give me a legitimate answer besides "DA MIZ IS AWESOME1@!@@!!@ DUHH!!!@!@"

Please, smarks, calm down, I know you might have a boner, but that's no need for the blood to rush from your brain.

AllanC, using your logic, why wasn't Matt Hardy ever a main-eventer?

He drew more of a reaction than The Miz, R-Truth draws more of a reaction than The Miz.

MUWolverines, you're a Wolverine fan, you can't pick a winner to save your life, check out your BCS standings, that aside, you're the typical smark, you fail to provide reason besides "da miz is awesome", please, come back when you can comprehend full sentences.

You want a legitimate answer? Alrighty then.

He has worked incredibly hard to get to where he is. Any wrestler insider will tell you how difficult it is to get respect from the "boys", especially for The Miz, who came in through a reality TV show, but he worked his ass off and did it. In fact, he's probably worked harder than anyone in a long time to be liked backstage and become a stay, which, in itself, is enough to warrant a title run. He's pretty good on the microphone and he's constantly improving in the ring. He's reliable for PR stuff due to his intelligence and charisma, he knows what and what not to say. To my recollection, he's never had an injury. He's only 30, plus he was a late comer to wrestling, so his body won't be damaged at all yet so he's got at least 15 more years in him. He's basically where The Rock was in 1997, destined to be big. Vince sees how big he's going to be and he wants him to be in the right place at the right time so that he's already established when his popularity soars, because that's how to make the most profit out of a wrestler. It happened with Austin, Rock, Cena, Orton etc etc.

Oh, and he's awesome.
The miz has an average look and is barely above average in the ring. The only things i like about him are his mic skills and his work ethic. quite honestly he didnt deserve the
WWE title. maybe a World Title run as it is the secondary world title, but not the main title in the company.
It's such a refreshing change as opposed to guys like Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, and others, guys who have tremendous natural abilities but are lazy, unmotivated, undisciplined, and don't work to near their potential. It's nice to see a guy work his ass off, get the results because of it, and in turn be rewarded and recognized for it.

I knew I left something out of my comment, and this was it...you are absolutely right, Miz is the anti-Shelton. Guys like that are the Ryan Leafs and Albert Haynesworths of the world. Lots of raw talent, but feel they don't need to work at it. Fuck 'em. Give me the guy who busts his ass week in and week out just to prove himself over the lazy bastards who think their talent is enough to let them coast by. Work ethic is highly underrated by some people, but it is extremely important to me. Miz has the work ethic. I may not like his character, But I respect the hell out of him, for his refusal to give up. Who deserves a scholarship more, the smart student who barely studies, doesn't apply himself and still gets B+ grades, or the student who struggles, but studies his ass off for hours, to get the same B+ grade? Who has EARNED it more?
I've been a Miz fan even before his teaming with John Morrison. Reason is, because he had a look and a personality to his character that can portray a true heel and generate a lot of heat towards his persona. The fact he's a former reality star smiling, acting cocky, wearing fedora's and shorts was a kicker. But it went from that, to add onto the fact he not only made his persona believable as a world champion, he has worked tirelessly to improve his craft not only on the mic, but as a wrestler as well. I don't buy the fact that he sucks. Sure, his in ring prowess isn't on the level of a Bryan Danielson or Kaval, but it is passable enough to where he can have good matches. Now that he is the world champion, he will take the "WWE Universe" up by storm.
When I orginally posted I was pissed off, and really angry but I've thought about it for awale and I've decided what i think about him....

I think he has the potential to be A champ(US IC or TT), but not THE champ(WWE championship or WHC). At least not yet I think it was a little to soon but since he was mitb I guess it was enevitabill.

He works his ass off, at least held a mid card belt first and earned his worth in WWE. You have guys like swagger that skip to the me and now are jobbers. Miz at least went from mid card to main event in five years(I don't think he's officially entered the ME yet though.) He ain't that bad as an in ring wrestler, and his descent on the mic at least.Besides Raw's main evnt/title scene is weak with out big names such as hhh,jericho,edge,and now cena(maybe.) So at least some new wrestlers can a chance to me. Maybe miz wasn't my first choice,but there are worst such as santino. Hopfully this isn't another swagger reign.

I'll wait until after his title reign ends before i shit on him yet.Now don't get mewrong I'm still a miz hater, but I feel as if I should give him a chance and some credit.
I'll just try to keep this short.

Please, I've read enough BIASED comments. Your opinions are just that, opinions. OK, so you are proud of Mike Mizanin, he is doing well and I agree with you there.
Does he deserve to be any heavy weight champion? Hmm, yea right, that's the first problem, his weight... is a bit under-classed(don't disagree, it is what it is, this is prone to change is some years ahead if he continues main eventing tho!).

OK, he won the MITB, and yea, he used that MITB to obtain the belt from Randy Orton after Randy had already defended the belt the night before, been jumped on RAW now having an injured leg, and again defending the belt against Wade Barrett. Yea, Miz won it. Did he earn it? No.
He slithered in, as usual. BTW, that briefcase had been used on many occasions prior to caching it in by the Miz, as a weapon right? Again, that's not entertaining or a good heel, that is just poor sportsmanship :disappointed:

To all the people who are congratulating Mike Mizanin, I just want to say this to you...
A few things you say are very true, yes he is a very good heel. Yes, he improved after he was fired/rehired. I am no wrestling fan, I dont keep up with the crap much so leave the biased opinions at the door and stop saying what a great wrestler he is.
1. Why is Alex Riley always ring side "assisting" the miz when the referee isn't looking, huh?
2. Why did the Miz agree, and then later change the match between him and John Cena, putting Alex Riley in his place, huh?
3. Why did the Miz tap out several times in matches with Daniel Bryan(even then Alex Riley was "assisting" Miz)

Someone here said earlier they would like to see Wade Barrett as heel without the whole nexus thing and see how good of a heel he really is. I would suggest the same for Miz, his whole cutthroat, cheat any chance he gets with any assistance, not to mention turnning on teammates like with Bragging Rights really is lame to watch.

Like I said, I'm no true fan of the WWE or any scripting entertainment sports... so I'm speaking from pure dislike based on personality here. There are plenty of those guys in the back that worked hard for what they have, just think of the training and gym time they have to spend alone just to keep their physique up.

Ok, yea, I watched quite a few months ago when Randy Orton was assisted by Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes at ring side every match pretty much... Randy played that heel well and guess what, he does it well without his posse or goons as well. Matter of fact, he is still playing the heel somewhat even though he turned super charismatic.
So, why is the Miz still using Alex Riley :shrug:

Look, I'll put it this way, if the Miz would STFU about himself, do a SCF on Alex Riley, give him the middle finger and say "that's awesome", I would buy into that type of heel. But whatever...:disappointed:

OK, you may now rip apart my post bit by bit and hand my ass to me, but, only if you can do it unbiasedly :icon_rolleyes:
I love The Miz. I think he's got a great character, he's cocky & arrogant, which is what makes him a good heel. He has the Awesome mic skills that he needs to pull it off, as well as a "Pupil" in Alex Riley, which allows dirty wins.

Granted, his ring work isn't the best, but he's still great at what he does. I'd love to see him turn up against Morrison & come out on top yet again, but what I am really interested in is how he works with the ME wrestlers on Raw.
I'll just try to keep this short.

Please, I've read enough BIASED comments. Your opinions are just that, opinions. OK, so you are proud of Mike Mizanin, he is doing well and I agree with you there.
Does he deserve to be any heavy weight champion?

I think so. He's had a pretty decent (more than decent) career so far. A former two time United States Champion, Unified and World Tag Team Champion, Money in the Bank and now a top heel on RAW. He worked his ass off to get where he is. He overcame so much. Does he deserve the WWE title, damn striaght he does.

Hmm, yea right, that's the first problem, his weight... is a bit under-classed(don't disagree, it is what it is, this is prone to change is some years ahead if he continues main eventing tho!).

Weight...Really? Since when do you have to be a heavyweight to be considered a contender for the WWE Championship? He's smaller then most, sure, but you have guys like Shawn Michaels and Eddie Guerrero taking out big guys like Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. Weight and size mean nothing.

OK, he won the MITB, and yea, he used that MITB to obtain the belt from Randy Orton after Randy had already defended the belt the night before, been jumped on RAW now having an injured leg, and again defending the belt against Wade Barrett. Yea, Miz won it. Did he earn it? No.
He slithered in, as usual.

So Ric Flair doesn't deserve maybe half of his World Championships because he slithered his way into keeping them. Along with Triple H's heel World title reigns or even all of Edge's reigns. Who cares if he uses the Money in the bank ti win, that's the whole concept of the match and briefcase.

BTW, that briefcase had been used on many occasions prior to caching it in by the Miz, as a weapon right? Again, that's not entertaining or a good heel, that is just poor sportsmanship :disappointed:

Wait, The Miz is a heel isn't he? Maybe I'm wrong.

To all the people who are congratulating Mike Mizanin, I just want to say this to you...
A few things you say are very true, yes he is a very good heel. Yes, he improved after he was fired/rehired. I am no wrestling fan, I dont keep up with the crap much so leave the biased opinions at the door and stop saying what a great wrestler he is.

Then you have no right to shit on the WWE Champion because you don't watch this "crap".

1. Why is Alex Riley always ring side "assisting" the miz when the referee isn't looking, huh?

Managerial Role maybe. They're both heels. He'd be fired if he didn't have anything to do. Take your pick.

2. Why did the Miz agree, and then later change the match between him and John Cena, putting Alex Riley in his place, huh?

You're fucking nit picking at stupid shit...

3. Why did the Miz tap out several times in matches with Daniel Bryan(even then Alex Riley was "assisting" Miz)

How many times has Shawn Michaels or Ric Flair tapped out? Doesn't mean he's a terrible wrestler.

Someone here said earlier they would like to see Wade Barrett as heel without the whole nexus thing and see how good of a heel he really is. I would suggest the same for Miz, his whole cutthroat, cheat any chance he gets with any assistance, not to mention turnning on teammates like with Bragging Rights really is lame to watch.

Its what a heel does. It got him over with the crowd. What's you're point dude?

Like I said, I'm no true fan of the WWE or any scripting entertainment sports... so I'm speaking from pure dislike based on personality here. There are plenty of those guys in the back that worked hard for what they have, just think of the training and gym time they have to spend alone just to keep their physique up.

Like Miz. I agree he isn't the biggest guy in the locker room but neither is Daniel Bryan, or CM Punk. They worked their asses off to get where they are at today. The Miz was told he'd never be aanything of importance in the WWE. He was seen as arookie upon arrival. Everyone thought he would be the Marty Janetty in the Miz and Morrison Duo. But he won the championship and has somewhat had a better career than Morrison. Read the articals man, Vince is high on him because of his dedication. The last person that impressed Vince so much is now the face of the WWE.

Ok, yea, I watched quite a few months ago when Randy Orton was assisted by Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes at ring side every match pretty much... Randy played that heel well and guess what, he does it well without his posse or goons as well. Matter of fact, he is still playing the heel somewhat even though he turned super charismatic.
So, why is the Miz still using Alex Riley :shrug:

Nothing more than to help Riley. Like Triple H or Ric Flair back in Evolution. They're using The Miz, who is extremely over as a heel to help get Riley over. Just think where Riley would be without Miz, fired probably. I recently read that Miz might be the reason Riley wasn't fired for his little DUI ordeal.

Look, I'll put it this way, if the Miz would STFU about himself, do a SCF on Alex Riley, give him the middle finger and say "that's awesome", I would buy into that type of heel. But whatever...:disappointed:

Read above.

OK, you may now rip apart my post bit by bit and hand my ass to me, but, only if you can do it unbiasedly :icon_rolleyes:

Ignore the sig then.:)

Listen, I'm wasn't too high on the Miz. I agree the IWC worships the dude's balls way too much. But the guy's got it. The Miz's In ring ability is good enough for him to stand out. Mic skills are above average. He's the future. If the IWC weren't so crazy about him, I'm sure yoiu would be.
I'm with the OP, seriously, are you taking the piss, Miz WWE Champ? Has the guy worked hard, no doubt about it. Is he better than he was 3/4 years ago, without doubt. Is he worthy of a WWE title, nope, in no way shape or form. I am not a Miz hater, sometimes he has me laughing, his ring work is better than it was and he is a hell of a lot more interesting than say Morrison but we are talking about a guy who a couple of PPV's ago was talked (openly so) through his match by Bryan! I'm afraid this is a PG Era champ (not bashing the pg era as I grew up with the first one) but there are far more deserving and in my opinion interesting champs.
Who knows what people see in the Miz. Maybe entertaining i guess, but so is Santino. Miz has work to do but if he's serious about it he will improve. But seriously why are most people so shocked and disgusted that Miz is WWE champion. Everybody who has won money in the bank has become champion, so what did everyone expect, for him not to win the title. He had to win it eventually considering the prestige of winning that match. Think people.
I'm honestly laughing so hard right now, I have yet for someone to give me a legitimate answer besides "DA MIZ IS AWESOME1@!@@!!@ DUHH!!!@!@"

Please, smarks, calm down, I know you might have a boner, but that's no need for the blood to rush from your brain.

AllanC, using your logic, why wasn't Matt Hardy ever a main-eventer?

He drew more of a reaction than The Miz, R-Truth draws more of a reaction than The Miz.

MUWolverines, you're a Wolverine fan, you can't pick a winner to save your life, check out your BCS standings, that aside, you're the typical smark, you fail to provide reason besides "da miz is awesome", please, come back when you can comprehend full sentences.

You have not said anything either, and by the way you think/post, you are only reading the first sentence of every post

The Miz is a very hard worker, and Vince likes that. He loves the company. He gets a reaction and has decent wrestling skills to go along with his, lets say, 'above average' mic skills.

And you say why was Hardy never champ, cuz he was out of shape by the time he was built up enough. Miz is in great shape and is the ideal size for a champion.

So, in conclusion, the Miz won because of his skills and his love for the company and him winning helped push another young star.

Good day to you
I want to say this... and just hope it doesn't get lost in the shuffle in such a thread with as wide of spectrum as this question can be. To me, the Miz is the single most overrated pro wrestler in history. Period. Do I enjoy the Miz? Yea, I think he's grown leaps and bounds since his days as a Tag Champion with Morrison. Think about what I just said. He's grown leaps and bounds since his run with Morrison, yet I still believe he's the most overrated WWE champion in history.

Look, this may or may not stir debate or cause some people to lose respect for my posting abilities, but in this case, I sincerely don't care. The Miz is not good for pro wrestling. He's average at BEST. In the Attitude days, he MIGHT get a dark match. Might. In the dying days of Attitude where Orton, Batista, and others were breaking through, Miz wouldn't be above a midcarder. His personality would get lost in the shuffle... and JBL would make sure he never seen so much as a near fall in any match of importance.

The fact that the boys in the back treated him so badly speaks volumes. He was hazed, bullied, and practically told that if it wasn't for the lack of talent we have right now, you wouldn't have a job. And it's the truth. The Miz is what's bad with wrestling right now. It's like a Frat Boy who has dreams of making it in Hollywood. Sure he makes it big, he's funny or dramatic or whatever, but he's still a massive tool that no one can stand in real life. That's what the Miz is to me. Sure he's worked hard and like Cena, is as passionate about this business as you get... well, until he's offered a semi-decent role in a movie, then he'll peel rubber off his boots to leave the WWE. But I digress. The point is that I'm not doubting his work ethic or his character... but to me, Miz doesn't scream WWE Champion.

Think about this... compare past WWE champions. Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bob Backlund, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, The Rock, Triple H, Ric Flair, ...then you have Sheamus and the Miz.

I won't go on a tangent about Sheamus. He's not taken seriously enough to have a long, long title reign... but Vince McMahon is said to believe that the Miz could be the face of the WWE. That's very disturbing in my eyes.

I hope this blows over and it'll simply be a short title reign and this time next year, Miz is completely stale or moved on to Hollywood. I guess we'll see.
Lariat, I respect your opinion, but perhaps Vince is sending a message to the boys in the back that aren't willing to put in 110% effort? Miz being champion might have nothing to do with his mic skills or wrestling ability, perhaps Vince is trying to make the roster understand that hard work will be noticed? That's how I read it. It is entirely possible that because the Miz didn't quit despite the hazing he got, that Vince was impressed. Its entirely possible that Vince saw the vast improvement he has made in the ring, and was impressed. Miz didn't win the WWE title because he is God's gift to wrestling, he won the belt because he busted his ass, and Vince wanted to show the rest of the roster what that kind of effort might have for their careers as well. I doubt that Miz will get a prolonged reign, frankly, if he makes it out of the Royal Rumble with the belt, I will be surprised. I give him two months. But, I think you have the situation pegged all wrong. I don't want to pull out the "when life gives you lemons" cliche, but the WWE roster did their best to get Miz to quit, to give up, because they didn't respect him, and he persevered.

That hazing was a few years ago though. When was the last story of the Miz being hazed? I would be willing to bet that Mike Mizanin has not only quieted the complaints backstage, but his dedication was noticed. Vince may have the final say, but do you really think that he wouldn't have gotten the opinions from his biggest stars first? That he didn't ask Triple H what he thought? That the Undertaker's opinion didn't matter? If Vince asks his most trusted employees what they thought, and they were dead set against the idea, do you think Miz gets the belt? I don't. The way I look at it, the only way that belt is around Miz's waist is if the leaders of the locker room, those who definitely have Vince's ear, approved of it...especially Trips and Taker. That would mean that somewhere along the way, Miz earned some respect from the boys because of the hard work. When he started, sure you could call him hollywood, that he was nothing but a reality star pretending...but he shed that skin a long time ago. Mike Mizanin isn't a reality star pretending to be a wrestler, he is a wrestler.
The main thing I don't like about The Miz is his name. I know sounds stupid, but a wrestler has to have a marketable name, something that clicks. I dont want to make an argument about that, just something that always turns me off on a wrestler is their name. Ive just grown to accept Dolph Ziggler because of his name. but ANYWAY lol

I agree with everything Lariat said. The Miz has some fans there is no doubt about that and people flipped on here in a good way when Miz won. Granted I was beyond pissed but hey thats a heel's job I suppose. Kind of seems like the IWC changes their opinion too much. They start to love the most random people just for the sole purpose of doing it and trying to be different. With all the love ive seen zack ryder get on here as well makes me scratch my head. Next thing i know im gonna log into this thing tomorrow and see a Husky Harris fanclub starting or some shit.

I remember when Orton was red hot and still is to an extent everyone on here was talking about how great he was, then about a month or so later people started saying he was "boring" and the second coming of "SuperCena". Now the iwc is all turning on the Miz just for the sole purpose of turning on him. Its like wrestling fans need a reason to complain. Vince seems to know what he's doing. Either we see if miz takes the ball and runs with it or drops it and fades away slowly like we saw with Swagger. Ive loved Orton since day 1 and hated miz since day 1 and never changed my opinion on either. Im not saying im changing my mind on the miz, I don't see it happening but who knows he may actually do something to impress me one day. Not trying to start a debate or anything, I respect anyone who is a fan of the miz, they see something that I don't so good for them. I love orton and other people must wonder what i see in him. Simple as that I suppose
First off, I would like to give props to LSN80 for an excellent post. Secondly, I think I know the gist of the rest of the comments so I'll go ahead and post mine. Let me say that the OP mentioned in the thread that nobody had given any legitimate reasons for Miz' popularity, yet I saw plenty besides "da miz is awesome, duh". Just wasn't what he wanted to hear. I think he wanted everyone to agree with him, and wanted to drum up acceptance of his hatred for a highly talented individual. The Miz is great on the mic, and his ring work has improved in a short amount of time rather than remain stale or gotten worse. I'm sure this same guy marks out at Orton's "generic" self pounding the mat like a baby throwing a temper tantrum. But I digress. Miz is also a model employee as others have pointed out, and if you look at any other job, you get promoted for going above and beyond and excelling in your field, right? Then you continue on and get better in the position that you were promoted into. MY concern would be the hype over Bryan. Sure he's ok in the ring, but it's like he's only cheered for people trying to look "educated" about his indy success. He's very bland and not this "super worker" people painted him out to be. YAWN! The Miz has that quality of being able to work decently, has the look, skills on the mic, and is constantly improving. Like I said before in another thread, he reminds me of early Piper with his great heel mic skills and even has his own Cowboy "Ace" Orton in Riley. He's not done getting better, and if he can get the reactions and hang in the big time even better than he's doing now, then Vince is getting his investment returned tenfold. I could definitely see him ending up many years down the road in a Jericho type of position if he keeps pushing forward as he is now. And btw, I'd watch a Miz-oriented Raw over anything with Orton and/or Bryan any day of the week.
I see very few good things in miz. He has a horrible(yet partially true) Gimmik and he has no talent. The miz is a waste of space on raw.
Lariat, I respect your opinion, but perhaps Vince is sending a message to the boys in the back that aren't willing to put in 110% effort? Miz being champion might have nothing to do with his mic skills or wrestling ability, perhaps Vince is trying to make the roster understand that hard work will be noticed? That's how I read it. It is entirely possible that because the Miz didn't quit despite the hazing he got, that Vince was impressed. Its entirely possible that Vince saw the vast improvement he has made in the ring, and was impressed. Miz didn't win the WWE title because he is God's gift to wrestling, he won the belt because he busted his ass, and Vince wanted to show the rest of the roster what that kind of effort might have for their careers as well. I doubt that Miz will get a prolonged reign, frankly, if he makes it out of the Royal Rumble with the belt, I will be surprised. I give him two months. But, I think you have the situation pegged all wrong. I don't want to pull out the "when life gives you lemons" cliche, but the WWE roster did their best to get Miz to quit, to give up, because they didn't respect him, and he persevered.

That hazing was a few years ago though. When was the last story of the Miz being hazed? I would be willing to bet that Mike Mizanin has not only quieted the complaints backstage, but his dedication was noticed. Vince may have the final say, but do you really think that he wouldn't have gotten the opinions from his biggest stars first? That he didn't ask Triple H what he thought? That the Undertaker's opinion didn't matter? If Vince asks his most trusted employees what they thought, and they were dead set against the idea, do you think Miz gets the belt? I don't. The way I look at it, the only way that belt is around Miz's waist is if the leaders of the locker room, those who definitely have Vince's ear, approved of it...especially Trips and Taker. That would mean that somewhere along the way, Miz earned some respect from the boys because of the hard work. When he started, sure you could call him hollywood, that he was nothing but a reality star pretending...but he shed that skin a long time ago. Mike Mizanin isn't a reality star pretending to be a wrestler, he is a wrestler.

I know you didn't say that I did this, but I never once doubted Miz's work ethic. He's had to work double hard just to be relevant in wrestling. He wasn't given a chance because of his background as a reality star. And it may not be a case of Miz's hard work being rewarded... it might be a 'win by default' kinda thing. Between Cena's story, Orton playing injured, and Punk being injured, there isn't many options for champion aside from Orton, Sheamus, and possibly Bryan.

But just because you work hard at something doesn't mean you're good at it. Miz is simply not WWE title material. It's a different era in wrestling and to me, we're seeing a downturn in the quality of not just the WWE, but pro wrestling in general.
I really supprt The Miz as WWE champion, i really see him as main event and WWE champion material for the fact that he has greatly improved in the ring and has provied us with very good promo's, he has gotten far with multiple title reigns but also hard work and a good work ethic, Miz has become a WWE champion in a time where the youth movement is in effect and WWE is really gaining even more popularity and stil manageing to provide us with quality wrestling in some aspects and very good storylines.

But back to The Miz, he's really earnt his respect and even as a heel he's very good at what he does.
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