**MERGED** Miz Complaint Thread

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Now im not comparing Miz to Y2J or HBK but he deserves what he has earned in WWE. Now there are some that may deserve to be champ more(Morrison), but the Miz is AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice how all of his opponents are well able to carry him?

Wonder why that is..

It takes two to make a match. I just named a few matches that he's performed well in, including an undercard match with Primo! I could name more, but you've yet to point out a BAD match he's had.

Sorry, but he's not "damn entertaining", in fact, he's quite boring and bland, damn, I've never seen a generic looking wrestler being cocky.

If you consider having "charisma to burn" and being a "master on the mic" as being generic, then I guess you're right. I couldnt STAND the guy when he first came into WWE, and he's proven me wrong, over and over. Part of what makes his promos and mic work so special is that it's partially birthed in reality. He's a feel good story, and still pulls off being a captivating heel. Boring and bland indeed......:confused:

I can name multiple, The Miz botching the Figure Four, botching the RKO spot, botching MULTIPLE and MULTIPLE and MULTIPLE lines of his promos, for someone who is "the greatest in WWE on mic work", he sure does make a shit-ton and a half of mic botches.

He didn't botch the figure four, he just didn't do it with the precision of Ric Flair. Not many have. And the "RKO" spot you're talking about is called being "out of position", not botching a move. That has NOTHING to do with ones wrestling skill, and everything to do with timing.

And Im quite sure Ive never heard of mic-botching, thats quite the new one to me.....:shrug: The man has charisma, to burn. His promos are consistently among the best in the company, and are very entertaining.

TNA has a history of putting the wrong belt on the wrong people, Miz isn't ready for the main-event level yet, not even close, that's what I was referring to.

Well, it would have been nice to actually make your point clear in your OP, right? Who else have they put belts on undeservingly? Cena? Orton? Kane? Sheamus? Jericho? There's five of your more recent champs.

Anyway, he is READY for the belt, in the same way that Cena was in 2005. He's an above-average wrestler whose progresing more and more in the ring all the time. He's been ready for awhile, and WWE pulled the switch in a great way.

Sorry, but they all just look so weak.

How is a full-nelson facebuster supposed to be taken seriously by a guy the size of The Miz?

That's a matter of opinion, not of fact. Obviously there's a lot of people that disagree, especially those within WWE, since he is the WWE champion and all. The move does look sick and lethal because of the aggressiveness of which he uses. He's 230 lbs, where Mysterio goes 175. That's 55 lbs of weight. Making the comparison between a Mysterio bulldog and a Miz facebuster just doesn't hold water. He's been a star since the day he stepped on Raw, and has grown ever since. I think he'll make for quite the nice champion.
The Miz? Really? I fault Vince MacMahon for this atrocity.
How can Vince sit in his office and know the value of the world heavyweight title and how many great wrestlers who fought and scraped, bled and sweat to gain some of the most notable careers in wrestling history who never won the world title..how can he know people like Ricky Steamboat, Ted Dibiase and Jerry Lawler for heavens sakes and HAVE KNOWN greats like Rick Rude, and Mr. Perfect...knowing that THESE men paved the way for the wrestlers of today without ever having won a World Title and simply with no thought of the past and what the World Title really means, hand it to the Miz? the Miz deserves the world title but Mr. Perfect didn't? The Miz has good enough ring work that he can strap on the belt but Ricky Steamboat didn't? The Miz's mic work was so phenomenal that he gets a title run but Roddy Piper's wasn't? When you put into perspective what the World Title meant and what it means now, it takes the desire to watch wrestling completely away from me. Screw Cena screwing Orton. PUTTING THE BELT ON THE MIZ is a B-SLAP TO THE FACE OF EVERY LEGEND WHO HELD THE BELT AND EVERY LEGEND WHO SHOULD HAVE. and THATS the bottom line. WWE lost a fan. Period.
What do I see in the Miz? I see a young Don Knotts while filming the incredible Mr. Limpid and not much more. Hopefully John Morrison will get the same push and take the Miz's title and SOON!
I just consider the Miz average in about everything. He's not one of the best in terms of in-ring ability and his mic skills are way overrated. The only promo I liked was the one when he was saying how he was basically ostracized by all the other wrestlers when he first started in the business. I don't see his reign being any more than Sheamus' reign was.
So normally I don't post on these forums I just read the opinions and laugh.

But this one for some reason required me to actually create an account and post.

I find it endlessly hilarious that there is so much hate for a man that has busted his ass after getting his chance. Then again this is the same forums that think Ken Anderson is a great wrestler. :shrug:

The Miz being champion? This is nothing but good for the WWE. Why you ask? Because it will FINALLY, and I mean FINALLY put someone in the main event that is NOT Randy Orton or John Cena. WWE has been building this up slowly and making sure they were making the right choice by having him feud with Daniel Bryan for the US title. Yes Bryan may have carried the Miz a little bit but that's not the point. The two of them put on very entertaining matches.

I read one post that said that he did a lot of ass kissing to get where he is. I have to shake my head at such a notion, how is it ass kissing to take each and every opportunity you are offered? It's been reported before that Vince loves the guy and so does Trips because he's ALWAYS doing what he can to help the company. Did he expect a title push? I don't think that was his sole reason for working hard. But with so many other wrestlers just expecting to be given chance after chance (ie Carlito) I think it's great that he's made it to where he is now.

Meh more than likely the last time I'll post but so much hate for someone who came in at the ground floor and worked hard is...well ignorant. I am wondering if it's because most people are just upset because they'll never be able to do what he's done.
I have to agree with you, The miz is nothing special whatsoever. His ring work is so so and his mike work is sub par in my opinion. I can't stand the idea of Wade Barrett being WWE champion at this point in his career but on the mike he is BY FAR superior to the Miz. This is not a case of my hating on the new WWE champion for that sole purpose. I've been saying that all these Miz marks were full of $h!t from the beginning. In my opinion, he has the belt because he has followed John Cena's lead and done all the promotional, behind-the-scenes work outside the ring in order to make himself appear to be a 100% WWE devoted machine. He's highly regarded my WWE management, therefore he is pushed. This is the only true explanation IMO b/c as I said he is a sub par heel at best.
The simple response to this thread is that the Miz is a heel. He is not supposed to be appealing to you. You are supposed to despise and hate the fact that he became the WWE champion tonight.

That being said, I think the Miz is a pretty decent wrestler and has an interesting character. He won't be stealing the show at Wrestlemania but he can put on good matches comparable to Batista and John Cena. He can obviously cut a compelling promo and is one of the guys on the roster who you can tell improvises a bit and isn't strictly reading off of a script. Regardless it's a matter of opinion and not fact as so many people have presented their arguments to be. There's no right answer to this, you're going to like some wrestlers and dislike others.

As for the "I'll never watch WWE again argument..." All I can say is that if you're going to give up watching WWE over this then by all means go ahead and stop watching. We all know you're actually just bitching and moaning and will be tuning into Raw next week. Most of us watch wrestling to be entertained. If you're complaining about everything that is done in WWE then why do you still watch?

To [CL]:
You did a nice job of quoting Roddy Piper's promo from a week ago. Ricky Steamboat, Ted DiBiase, and Jerry Lawler all spend lots of time backstage in the WWE. Do you think they're angry and bitter about a guy who has been shown to work his ass off and loves the business being given a title run? Probably not. I'd say they're happy for Miz. These legends most likely share a completely opposite view that you do. A person willing to give up watching wrestling because of this probably would not garner too much respect from the legends you mentioned...
Ive been asking this for years, whats the appeal, i do hate the miz, if i had to pick 1 wrestler to wrestle, it would be the miz. Anyways how can he possibly beat orton, cena, sheamus, punk, bryan, or anyone for that matter and it come off making sense, theres no way. Hes not strong, wrestling is sloppy, mic skills are horrible, i like cocky wrestlers and heels are my favorites. Miz is a hero, he proves that anyone with the right suck up skills can go far in anything. Vince has made it obvious that he likes miz on his knees, its obvious miz likes it there to, in my 15 years ive never been so embarrassed watching wwe.
To [CL]:
You did a nice job of quoting Roddy Piper's promo from a week ago. Ricky Steamboat, Ted DiBiase, and Jerry Lawler all spend lots of time backstage in the WWE. Do you think they're angry and bitter about a guy who has been shown to work his ass off and loves the business being given a title run? Probably not. I'd say they're happy for Miz. These legends most likely share a completely opposite view that you do. A person willing to give up watching wrestling because of this probably would not garner too much respect from the legends you mentioned...

Maybe I wouldn't garner a lot of respect from the "boys in the back". Maybe they'd regard me as a quitter. Or. Maybe, just maybe secretly they're saying to themselves, what the hell? Maybe, like me, they're wondering what more they could've done in the back office to gain that number one spot. Maybe their sitting on their hands not saying a word cause Vince is still cutting that check. Who knows. Nobody knows. I am just a man who remembers when Bob Backlund won the world title. I remember what it meant to be the World Heavyweight Champion. Not all this MITB get a shot whenever you want it crap that allows someone to win it on a whim. I mean you gotta keep it interesting so whatever, but all i'm saying is that WWE isn't what it used to be.
Also, i'm not a frequent complainer on these threads. I haven't had much to say at all. I do read the columns a lot and the different threads so I don't do a lot of complaining or posting. This is the first time I've ever really had something to piss and moan about. So i am. Sue me.
Do I think the Miz puts on an impressive show in the back to gain his spot. Yup. will it matter to WWE? nope.
So, like you said if you don't like it don't watch?
I won't.
I'm not giving up watching wrestling. I'm just done with WWE.
theirs always TNA....lol
It takes two to make a match. I just named a few matches that he's performed well in, including an undercard match with Primo! I could name more, but you've yet to point out a BAD match he's had.

If you consider having "charisma to burn" and being a "master on the mic" as being generic, then I guess you're right. I couldnt STAND the guy when he first came into WWE, and he's proven me wrong, over and over. Part of what makes his promos and mic work so special is that it's partially birthed in reality. He's a feel good story, and still pulls off being a captivating heel. Boring and bland indeed......:confused:

He didn't botch the figure four, he just didn't do it with the precision of Ric Flair. Not many have. And the "RKO" spot you're talking about is called being "out of position", not botching a move. That has NOTHING to do with ones wrestling skill, and everything to do with timing.

And Im quite sure Ive never heard of mic-botching, thats quite the new one to me.....:shrug: The man has charisma, to burn. His promos are consistently among the best in the company, and are very entertaining.

Well, it would have been nice to actually make your point clear in your OP, right? Who else have they put belts on undeservingly? Cena? Orton? Kane? Sheamus? Jericho? There's five of your more recent champs.

Anyway, he is READY for the belt, in the same way that Cena was in 2005. He's an above-average wrestler whose progresing more and more in the ring all the time. He's been ready for awhile, and WWE pulled the switch in a great way.

That's a matter of opinion, not of fact. Obviously there's a lot of people that disagree, especially those within WWE, since he is the WWE champion and all. The move does look sick and lethal because of the aggressiveness of which he uses. He's 230 lbs, where Mysterio goes 175. That's 55 lbs of weight. Making the comparison between a Mysterio bulldog and a Miz facebuster just doesn't hold water. He's been a star since the day he stepped on Raw, and has grown ever since. I think he'll make for quite the nice champion.

he is good on the mic but he's not amazing...he has improved

he has improved alot in the ring too

but it jut doesn't seem believeable that he can hang with the likes of orton or cena and guys like that

he jus isnt ready yet, but maybe he is i guess we will find out

but you are so mistaken saying some like orton cena kane jericho didnt deserve the belt

Kane: was 13 years overdue..no one and i mean no one deserved it more than kane for all he has done

orton: why didnt he...i mean he wasonly destroying everyone

jericho: he is the best in the world at what he does!! lol

cena: really miz is probably gonna be filling that spot someday so i guess cena doing promootions is him kissing his ass to the top but its fine for miz, yea cena got it more than he needed...but so did edge lol
[cL];2615269 said:
The Miz? Really? I fault Vince MacMahon for this atrocity.
How can Vince sit in his office and know the value of the world heavyweight title and how many great wrestlers who fought and scraped, bled and sweat to gain some of the most notable careers in wrestling history who never won the world title..how can he know people like Ricky Steamboat, Ted Dibiase and Jerry Lawler for heavens sakes and HAVE KNOWN greats like Rick Rude, and Mr. Perfect...knowing that THESE men paved the way for the wrestlers of today without ever having won a World Title and simply with no thought of the past and what the World Title really means, hand it to the Miz? the Miz deserves the world title but Mr. Perfect didn't? The Miz has good enough ring work that he can strap on the belt but Ricky Steamboat didn't? The Miz's mic work was so phenomenal that he gets a title run but Roddy Piper's wasn't? When you put into perspective what the World Title meant and what it means now, it takes the desire to watch wrestling completely away from me. Screw Cena screwing Orton. PUTTING THE BELT ON THE MIZ is a B-SLAP TO THE FACE OF EVERY LEGEND WHO HELD THE BELT AND EVERY LEGEND WHO SHOULD HAVE. and THATS the bottom line. WWE lost a fan. Period.

Quit with the spitting/slapping in the face of the legends. You can't compare who held a title back in the day to today. Titles in general are not as meaningful. We get it, there were legends back in the day who didn't get their proper run as champion, or even a chance to carry the title. NOBODY is saying Miz is a more deserving champion than any of those guys who never held the title. He's sure as hell more deserving than Khali, Sheamus, Swagger, Punk, Hardy, VINCE! and even some guys who had the title back then too. By your comparisons some guys like Cena or Orton, Edge might not be worthy of the title. You cannot use those guys as a comparison. It is a terrible argument. The two situations are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. The times have really changed.

The fact that guys like Perfect, Dibiase, Jake, Piper and others never held the WWF title is a shame, but the times were different. Guys held the title for a year, if not more. Or, it was monopolized by Hogan and whichever big heel he was facing. The IC title back then was as good as a world title. Rude and Perfect are remembered for their great IC title runs, and feuds.

Bottom line is Miz is better than a lot of guys who held the title, and more deserving. And is less deserving than SOME OF THE GREATEST WHO EVER STEPPED IN THE RING. I'm fine with that fact. Miz may be on his way to one of the greatest careers we have ever seen, Or maybe the worst. Who's to really say?

I'm sorry you decided to quit watching wrestling because of a young superstar becoming champion, and didn't stop watching when Khali became champion. I think it will ultimately be your loss.
AH YEAH, we finally get to turn on the Miz now that he is on top!

Seriously guys? Are you really that petty? Even if you don't particularly like The Miz, you can't deny that he is good at what he does; draw heat. I personally can't wait to see him get his ass kicked by Orton, but to say he is shit is, well, shit. The Miz is an all-around great performer, get used to him being around.
We've become a culture that praises mediocrity.

This is a culture that has Bristol Palin go to the Finals of a dancing show.

This is also a culture where her mother is supposedly a leading Presidential hopeful.

We give trophies to kids "just for showing up".

THAT'S why people like the Miz!

He's average in every shape and fashion, and that's why people love him!

He was the guy on a reality show who dreamed about being a wrestler. It didn't matter that he really couldn't wrestle, and his promos sounded like a kid playing wrestler instead of like an actual wrestler.

He was able to make it on sheer mediocrity, and that's why he's celebrated.

That's why Edge became World Champion 9 times.

It's why Kane is still champion today!

Let's celebrate the mediocre!!!
[cL];2615382 said:
Maybe I wouldn't garner a lot of respect from the "boys in the back". Maybe they'd regard me as a quitter. Or. Maybe, just maybe secretly they're saying to themselves, what the hell? Maybe, like me, they're wondering what more they could've done in the back office to gain that number one spot. Maybe their sitting on their hands not saying a word cause Vince is still cutting that check. Who knows. Nobody knows. I am just a man who remembers when Bob Backlund won the world title. I remember what it meant to be the World Heavyweight Champion. Not all this MITB get a shot whenever you want it crap that allows someone to win it on a whim. I mean you gotta keep it interesting so whatever, but all i'm saying is that WWE isn't what it used to be.
Also, i'm not a frequent complainer on these threads. I haven't had much to say at all. I do read the columns a lot and the different threads so I don't do a lot of complaining or posting. This is the first time I've ever really had something to piss and moan about. So i am. Sue me.
Do I think the Miz puts on an impressive show in the back to gain his spot. Yup. will it matter to WWE? nope.
So, like you said if you don't like it don't watch?
I won't.
I'm not giving up watching wrestling. I'm just done with WWE.
theirs always TNA....lol
What I think you have to accept is that there are now two world championships in the WWE. Therefore, they obviously mean a lot less than they used to. Now I'm a tad too young to remember Backlund winning the title but I was drawn in during the attitude era. The title certainly meant more back then as it did in the 80's and prior. Now I'm not saying this is a good thing but when the brands split the titles were watered down. The elite prestige of holding a title was also watered down with it. I honestly don't even think you can compare being a world champion in today's company with being a champion in the past. The titles guys are holding today have the same names but let's face it, it's not the same as when Backlund, Hogan, Michaels, Hart, Austin, etc. held it. Therefore, there are going to be more mid-cardesque (new word) wrestlers to hold world titles. It may not be like the good old days but that's the way the business is going.

Essentially, I also just don't like when people insult a wrestler in general. I have many guys I don't really care for as well but I always like to show them a good deal of respect. All they do is try to entertain and take massive risks while they do that. The Miz is one of those guys who catches a lot of heat from people but love him or hate him you have to respect the guy and how he's improved and how far he's come since he was a reality star. It's obvious he's put in many many hours of work and devoted his life to the company.

I can't comprehend how you can stop watching WWE after all these years over the Miz becoming champion, especially if you had to sit through Mae Young's hand, Katie Vick, Billy and Chuck, and the infamous Great Khali title run lol. But I hope you enjoy TNA, I don't think it's nearly as bad as everyone says...

Jaymiine, I swear to God I posted this before I even saw your post. Pretty weird how identical they both are. I like the way you think.
Everyone has their opinion. There will always be people who will think certain wrestlers deserve titles/pushes, and others who think they don't deserve more than a US/IC Title with no bigger push than that.

I don't have a problem with Miz. Rather he won the title or not I will admit I have a hard time trying to make myself see him as a Heavyweight/World Champion though. I think if he's going to stay a World Champion he needs to remain heel while holding the title, and pick up some more offensive moves. You don't really see The Miz in many endurance made matches, so it limits his in ring abilities. Now with a major title he better be prepared to handle 20+ minute matches. I will say he plays the Heel role so well in my opinion that it makes me love to hate him for it.

If I had to give one good point for Miz being in the major title game, is the fact it's another fresh face. Especially with Sheamus getting Morrison over to hopefully soon main event status, it lines up for future stars to get their chance to shine. It's not the same few people who have been playing hot potato with the World Title for the last bit of years (minus Sheamus.) Not taking anything away from Orton, I like him and I feel as if he should of held the title a bit longer, but nonetheless if I'm going to accept Miz as a Champion I'm going to look at it as it's a new face holding the Heavyweight Title.

I think some die-hard wrestling fans don't like change too well. They want to see the same few wrestlers like HHH, Jericho, Cena, Orton to be the only ones fighting over the main title.

Personally I think the WWE should have made Miz wait a while longer, I strongly feel this should have been Barrett's time. I am a huge mark for Barrett, especially with his excellent mic and wrestling skills. Barrett's wrestling > Miz in my opinion. Not that Miz isn't capable of stepping it up in the future.
Quit with the spitting/slapping in the face of the legends. You can't compare who held a title back in the day to today. Titles in general are not as meaningful. We get it, there were legends back in the day who didn't get their proper run as champion, or even a chance to carry the title. NOBODY is saying Miz is a more deserving champion than any of those guys who never held the title. He's sure as hell more deserving than Khali, Sheamus, VINCE! and even some guys who had the title back then too. By your comparisons some guys like Cena or Orton, Edge might not be worthy of the title. You cannot use those guys as a comparison. It is a terrible argument. The two situations are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. The times have really changed.

The fact that guys like Perfect, Dibiase, Jake, Piper and others never held the WWF title is a shame, but the times were different. Guys held the title for a year, if not more. Or, it was monopolized by Hogan and whichever big heel he was facing. The IC title back then was as good as a world title. Rude and Perfect are remembered for their great IC title runs, and feuds.

Bottom line is Miz is better than a lot of guys who held the title, and more deserving. And is less deserving than SOME OF THE GREATEST WHO EVER STEPPED IN THE RING. I'm fine with that fact. Miz may be on his way to one of the greatest careers we have ever seen, Or maybe the worst. Who's to really say?

I'm sorry you decided to quit watching wrestling because of a young superstar becoming champion, and didn't watching when Khali became champion. I think it will ultimately be your loss.

Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Only time will tell. And I will agree with you that the times are certainly different. The length of time that a champion holds the title is a crap load different than it used to be. Maybe its me longing for the hayday of wrestling. Fine. I'll be sentimental. The IC title being as valid as the world title...eeeehhhh? Maybe due to the fact that they weren't taking it from Hogan due to him being the bread and butter of the company. I still think I have a case for Piper and Roberts and others who never got past that point.
Edge as world champion. Yes. I think he paid his dues and was a great champ. Khali....I remember that. I thought it was dumb and was upset about it....but this just took me somewhere else. I mean, hey we can agree to disagree. I don't think he's ready...not sure he ever will be. But again, thats just my opinion.
What I think you have to accept is that there are now two world championships in the WWE. Therefore, they obviously mean a lot less than they used to. Now I'm a tad too young to remember Backlund winning the title but I was drawn in during the attitude era. The title certainly meant more back then as it did in the 80's and prior. Now I'm not saying this is a good thing but when the brands split the titles were watered down. The elite prestige of holding a title was also watered down with it. I honestly don't even think you can compare being a world champion in today's company with being a champion in the past. The titles guys are holding today have the same names but let's face it, it's not the same as when Backlund, Hogan, Michaels, Hart, Austin, etc. held it. Therefore, there are going to be more mid-cardesque (new word) wrestlers to hold world titles. It may not be like the good old days but that's the way the business is going.

Essentially, I also just don't like when people insult a wrestler in general. I have many guys I don't really care for as well but I always like to show them a good deal of respect. All they do is try to entertain and take massive risks while they do that. The Miz is one of those guys who catches a lot of heat from people but love him or hate him you have to respect the guy and how he's improved and how far he's come since he was a reality star. It's obvious he's put in many many hours of work and devoted his life to the company.

I can't comprehend how you can stop watching WWE after all these years over the Miz becoming champion, especially if you had to sit through Mae Young's hand, Katie Vick, Billy and Chuck, and the infamous Great Khali title run lol. But I hope you enjoy TNA, I don't think it's nearly as bad as everyone says...

Jaymiine, I swear to God I posted this before I even saw your post. Pretty weird how identical they both are. I like the way you think.

Sir, I respect you. I respect your post and all that you've had to say. You have made EXTREMELY valid points and i hadn't thought of it that way. When the 2 belts made it into the WWE that did water it down a lot. They really haven't held the prestige they had for quite some time. I remember getting this mad when David Arquette won the WCW title...the mae young thing...the kane screwing the corpse thing....and a bunch of other things were really stupid but it wasn't like messing with the world title. I dont' know man, maybe i'm sensitive about it because of how old I am and how long i've been watching. But, again, I agree with the points you've made and thank you for the way you've made them and being polite. I appreciate that.
But yeah...I think its time for me to completely mark out to the UFC and TNA.
Damn, [cL] is taking alot of shit just for not liking the Miz, I'll take some heat off of him for a moment.

I dislike The Miz, sue me. I do think the cash-in was great, but Miz just doesn't scream champion to me. Plus he's a card carrying member of the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club. When you do every TV spot you're bound to move up on the card if you have a bit of talent, this is what happened with Miz. I'm holding my judgement off on his reign though, he's only been champion for a few hours and only a few seconds of that was on my TV screen. Can he win me back? Doubtful. I don't have much faith in him entertaining me, but I'm not going to turn off my TV because he's the Champ.
Where the hell have all you people been?

Everytime I badmouth The Miz I get about fifty people getting on my ass about it and maybe two or three who agree with me. I was starting to think I was the only person here who hates The Miz.

I agree whole-heartedly with the OP, he's generic and nothing special. He's decent at best on the mic. He knows how to be an arrogant jackass but that's as far as it goes, can't put over an opponent, a match, or anything not named The Miz
[cL];2615472 said:
Sir, I respect you. I respect your post and all that you've had to say. You have made EXTREMELY valid points and i hadn't thought of it that way. When the 2 belts made it into the WWE that did water it down a lot. They really haven't held the prestige they had for quite some time. I remember getting this mad when David Arquette won the WCW title...the mae young thing...the kane screwing the corpse thing....and a bunch of other things were really stupid but it wasn't like messing with the world title. I dont' know man, maybe i'm sensitive about it because of how old I am and how long i've been watching. But, again, I agree with the points you've made and thank you for the way you've made them and being polite. I appreciate that.
But yeah...I think its time for me to completely mark out to the UFC and TNA.
Essentially if you dislike the Miz enough to cause it to be a problem to your viewing habits I'd just recommend thinking of the WWE title as retired in 2002. The one he has now is obviously not the same thing as it once was. I understand where you're coming from though because we all have legends we love and respect the hell out of. When someone becomes champion and a wrestler you loved never got that opportunity it can make you wonder. And I think we can both agree with our thoughts on David Arquette lol. I'd also like to thank you for being able to engage in intelligent discussion that doesn't involve insults and degrading comments. It usually doesn't happen too often on wrestling forums. People can disagree, it always happens. If it didn't then wrestling really wouldn't be any fun :)
dude are u serious?..what do people see in the miz?...well lets see..he basically made people forget that he was even a reality star,i mean sure some people still remember him as a reality star but when the miz's career in wrestling is over he isnt going to be known as miz the reality star he is gonna be known as miz the wrestler.....he worked his ass off to get where he is in the wwe and i would go so far as to say he has worked harder than anyone in the wwe right now to get where he is and u can see that everytime he steps into the ring...his mic skills are awesome at best,i read somewhere before that someone with good mic skills is someone who can make the crowd listen and can also illicit some kind of reaction from the crowd and the miz does just that,whether people cheer the miz or boo the miz he still gets a reaction and people listen when he is on the mic...the miz's in ring skills is a lot better than probably 80% of the rosters in ring skills....so anyone who ask whats so special about the miz is obviously someone who doesnt watch enough wrestling to even see it or they just have thier head up thier ass
Essentially if you dislike the Miz enough to cause it to be a problem to your viewing habits I'd just recommend thinking of the WWE title as retired in 2002. The one he has now is obviously not the same thing as it once was. I understand where you're coming from though because we all have legends we love and respect the hell out of. When someone becomes champion and a wrestler you loved never got that opportunity it can make you wonder. And I think we can both agree with our thoughts on David Arquette lol. I'd also like to thank you for being able to engage in intelligent discussion that doesn't involve insults and degrading comments. It usually doesn't happen too often on wrestling forums. People can disagree, it always happens. If it didn't then wrestling really wouldn't be any fun :)

Totally Agree! You're right though. I think i did take it a little too personal...lol I do have a lot of guys I looked up to as a young boy who I thought deserved title runs even after Hogan left...and to see it on the Miz now...just left a weird taste in my mouth. But again, your point about the belts not having the prestige it once had...I have to admit, you are absolutely right. Looking at it that way does change my view of the title as a whole and makes a huge difference.
Again, thanks.
It took alot of me to not cry from happiness when he won the title. He has everything to make him a top 10 heel of all time, now i know that sounds a bit extreme, but HE'S THE MIZ AND HE'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND YOUR WWE CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I am waiting for the WWE to put the World Title on Drew McIntyre...... I'd Jizz in my pants if that happened
AH YEAH, we finally get to turn on the Miz now that he is on top!

Seriously guys? Are you really that petty? Even if you don't particularly like The Miz, you can't deny that he is good at what he does; draw heat. I personally can't wait to see him get his ass kicked by Orton, but to say he is shit is, well, shit. The Miz is an all-around great performer, get used to him being around.

yea its always funny to me how when a superstars finally makes it to the top of the wwe by becoming champion people wanna start trying to downgrade that superstars career and abilities in the ring,trust me if the miz had never won the wwe championship this entire thread would not have been posted
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