*MERGED* General WrestleMania 27 Discussion & Predictions

Which rumored WM 27 match sounds like it will be the best?

  • The Miz vs John Cena for the WWE Title

  • Triple H vs Sheamus

  • Randy Orton vs CM Punk

  • The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett

Results are only viewable after voting.
My WrestleMania card prediction:

WWE Championship John Cena vs The Miz

I don't think this needs much explanation as WWE has been setting this up for a year and a half now. With Miz vs Lawler at EC, I expect an easy Miz win, and Cena winning the EC match for the number 1 contender.

World Heavyweight Championship Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio

Del Rio has already said he is coming for the WHC. Mysterio's body is breaking down. I see the SD EC match being for the belt. I think Mysterio will find a way to win it setting up the final match in this feud.

The Streak Undertaker vs Sting

After the promo on raw, the article in the NY Times, I am growing more and more confident that 2/21/2011 is the day of the return of Taker and the debut of Sting. I know WWE had planned on Barrett facing Taker,but this will easily be the bigger draw and will end up headlining the event.

Triple H vs Sheamus

Whenever HHH comes back, he has one mission. To take back his title as King from the man who put him out of action.

Edge vs Christian

Although I think they might be saving this match for Toronto next year, I am more inclined to think they will both be faces then and so they should have this match here, still at WrestleMania, where it deserves to play out.

Randy Orton vs Punk

Punk is seeking his revenge for the punt that put him out of action and cost him to forfeit his title. Orton's feud with Miz was getting old, so this is fresh and should lead to a great couple of matches finishing with a grudge match at WM.

Nexus vs Corre

Now that Barrett is not taking on Taker, he is free to join Corre and battle his old group. Punk is clearly an unfair advantage as a 5th and most experienced member, but without him, this is a very competitve 4 on 4 elimination tag match.

US Title Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison

If WWE doesn't want to give Morrison the belt, then they need to make him relevant. Either of these guys could be face or heel. Flip one and let them start a feud. Put the belt on Morrison so he doesn't look like the always lovable loser.

Diesel vs Big Show

The staredown at the Rumble was awesome. At first, I thought Diesel could have faced Taker, 15 years after they did at WM12, but with Sting's return, this is the next logical step. Perhaps the final match of Kevin Nash's career before he finally takes a backstage only role.

Lawler vs Cole

As much as I dread this match, I think it is inevitable. In one corner we will have an announcer who at times in his career was loud, annoying, and inferior to his fellow commentator, but is appearing in his first ever WrestleMania match. And in the other corner we have Jerry Lawler.

Diva Pillow Fight

Welcome to the WWE Kong, the land where divas are throwaways to fill time and show off their impressive in ring bodies. If you came here to wrestle, better put your pj's on.

Tag Team Championship

I'm not sure there are even 2 tag teams that deserve to be at WrestleMania. I guess somebody will have the titles then, so there's one. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a dark match though.

That is my card. I think I will be wrong on some things as I look back and notice that every one of my matches is a singles match. Oh well

The Undertaker vs. Triple H

Edge defends the World Heavyweight Championship against a returned Undertaker at EC (No Way Out is what I would rather call it), Triple H returns and turns heel,giving Undertaker The Pedigree for the DQ (titles cant change hands by DQ) so Edge retains. Triple H cuts a promo straight after saying he wanted to avenge HBK and that is why he paid Nexus to "bury Taker alive". A night later on Raw HHH faces Sheamus in his return match to Raw in a Last Man Standing grudge match. HHH and Sheamus are fight on the ramp,the lights go out and Undertaker pops out with a tombstone too give Sheamus the win to set up their match at Mania. This match makes 100x more sense than Barrett/Taker.

Winner and 19-0 at Wrestlemania...The Undertaker!

Edge (c) vs. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio, Triple Threat Match for the
World Heavyweight Championship

Edge vs Del Rio at Mania is already scheduled. But on Smackdown, Del Rio and Edge could have a in-ring segment, Christian returns and Del Rio is scared shitless. Before Del Rio can ditch it Edge gives him the spear and Christian beats the SHIT out of Del Rio. Edge and Christian start taunting for the crowd and Christian turns heel giving Edge the Killswitch out of nowhere (like HBK and Hogan in 05). Next week on Smackdown Christian faces Del Rio and if Christian wins its a triple threat. Edge smashes Christian in the face with a steel chair too give Christian the DQ win and a spot in the match to set up the Triple Threat at Mania.

Winner and still the World Heavyweight Champion...Edge! (Del Rio or Christian can win the strap AFTER Mania)

The Miz (c) vs. John Cena, WWE Championship

Cena vs Miz has already had build up in the RR match where Cena eliminated Alex Riley from the Rumble, and Miz entered the ring to eliminated Cena. Miz retains against Lawler at EC (this match is not a fantasy, it is already booked). Yawn, Cena wins the #1 Contender's EC for the WWE Title at Mania to set up Miz/Cena for Mania. This match will have to be 1000X better then there match at The Bash ("Super Cena" squashed The Miz), to be Mania worthy. This wont be a showstealer, but obviusly will happen. If The Miz wins cleanly then it will look bullshit compared too the likes of Batista, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, JBL and Big Show all losing too Cena at previous Manias.

Winner and the new WWE Champion...John Cena (yawn) (I don't want this too happen but will most likely happen with this whole "Super Cena" bullshit).

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton, No Holds Barred Match

Nexus could feud with a briefly formed Legacy up to EC (it would give something for Rhodes and DiBiase to do). In the #1 Contender's Raw EC, Orton eliminates Punk and Punk delivers the GTS for someone like Morrison or Sheamus to make the cover. Then on the aftermath of EC to set up Mania. (I put in No Holds Barred so that we could get some form of "extreme" or "hardcore")

Winner...CM Punk! (hopefully a Punk face turn thereafter)

Nexus (Otunga, Harris, McGullicutty and Ryan) vs. Core (Barrett,Gabriel, Slater and Jackson)
8-Man Tag Team Match, Losing Stable Disbands

Last time WWE did a faction vs faction was Mania 23 (ECW Originals vs New Breed).
This could build all the way too Mania and the two stables already had a brawl a week ago on Raw before RR. This can be a "who is the dominant force" angle like they did at
Mania 23.

Winners...The Core! (Nexus has been around long enough and then all four men can be drafted individualy instead of being drafted as a stable like Hart Dynasty did later year)

United States Champion Daniel Bryan vs Intercontinental Champion Jack Swagger,
Champion vs Champion Match

Have Swagger win the IC strap from Kingston at EC. Think about it...this would be the closest thing too CHRIS BENOIT (Bryan) VS. KURT ANGLE (Swagger) (im not saying Swagger is the next Kurt Angle...). Bryan and Swagger could seriously have fuking good chemisty together!!!

Winner...Jack Swagger! (Bryan is already over, and Swagger needs a win at Mania too gain credibility)

Money in the Bank: John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Evan Bourne (returns to qualify) vs. Yoshi Tatsu vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Chris Masters vs. Rey Mysterio
This could seriously have alot of athleticism (Rey, Evan, Yoshi, Morrison, Kingston). I seriously think Kofi Kingston could be the new Shelton Benjamin of Money in the Bank.

Winner...Dolph Ziggler or John Morrison

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov (c) vs. Golden Rhodes (Goldust and Cody Rhodes-they are real life half-brothers) vs. Chris Masters and Big Show vs. The Usos,
Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match for the
WWE Tag Team Chamionship

Winners and the new WWE Tag Team Champions...any 3 of them as long as the strap changes hands!!

PS. Hopefully all of the matches get the time they deserve!
With Sting being pretty much confirmed signed, it made me think of some storyline ideas here. I'm noticing a theme here for this years Wrestlemania and it seems to be Old School vs New School. If you look at every planned match, it seems to have a new generation star against one from old.

World Title: Alberto Del Rio (new) vs Edge (old)
WWE Title: The Miz (new) vs John Cena (old)
CM Punk (new) vs Randy Orton (old)
Sheamus (new) vs HHH(old)
Wade Barrett (new) vs Undertaker (old)
Cody Rhodes (new) vs Rey Mysterio (old)
Michael Cole (new) vs Lawler (old)

Now if you notice, most of the new school guys penciled in are heels and majority of the old school guys are faces. This gets me thinking, how about throw in some old school heels against some new school faces. That's right, Sting comes in as a heel (I've seen him be heel before and he does very well as the dark extreme psychopath) and attacks, that's right, John Morrison. Morrison is a rising star and seems to be on the verge to becoming the next RVD. Sting knows extreme and puts on his best matches when facing daredevils like him. I know it doesn't seem exciting but if executed right, not also will Sting get some attention but it will also help put over Morrison even more and the match at WM27 would be awesome.

Sting is obviously going to RAW and Morrison is on RAW and currently has no feuds lined up but is on the rise to becoming great. Plus this feud will keep with the old school/new school theme for this year's WM.

John Morrison vs Sting- No Holds Barred

Another feud I was thinking of that would be perfect. Diesel vs Drew Mcintyre. Drew is the chosen one, becoming a face, and seems to be embodying the new school movement. Have Diesel come in insulting all the young wrestlers and then Drew comes out and defends them. After a war of words, Diesel attacks Drew in a cheap heel way and gives him a jack knife. And that sets up another old school/new school battle for WM.

Diesel vs Drew Mcintyre

Kofi Kingston is rising star and gaining a lot of popularity. In some ways, he's like Booker T. He does his job, puts on an exciting match, and clocks out. Have Booker T become a heel, insult Kofi, assault Kofi to the point Kofi challenges him at WM for the IC Title.

IC Title- Kofi Kingston vs Booker T

So far, I am liking the old school vs new school theme that's going for this WM. And I think if they did those feuds above, it will add more to the show and might even increase pay per view buys.

So here is my WM27 card:

WWE Title: The Miz vs John Cena
World Heavyweight Title: Alberto Del Rio vs Edge
Intercontinental Title: Kofi Kingston vs Booker T
CM Punk vs Randy Orton
The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett
Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler
Sheamus vs HHH
No Holds Barred: John Morrison vs Sting
Diesel vs Drew Mcintyre
Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes
Face it guys, Christian and Edge are NOT going to face off against each other. It's just a fantasy. Look at the facts: WWE wants Edge vs Del Rio. In fact, we'd be pissed off if it was a triple threat match cus then everybody would be wanting it to just be Edge vs Christian in the first place.

Here is my card:

WWE Title: Miz vs Cena
WHC: Edge vs Del Rio
Tag titles: Sanino/Kozlov vs Nexus (McGuillicutty/Harris) vs Usos
CM Punk vs Orton
Undertaker vs Wade Barrett
Divas: who cares? It'll probably involve Kong
MITB: Sheamus, JoMo, Bourne, Gabriel, Slater, Kofi, Otunga, Christian, Swagger, McIntyre

*I think they will have MITB this year. Who knows, they could want to change the concept of the MITB ppv and leave us in the dirt with no MITB this year, so it's a safe precaution for them to do this.
I have two Wrestlemania 27 comments.
First and most important- LEAVE WRESTLEMANIA ALONE! As Chris Crocker said about Brittany Spears. Everyone is whining and bitching that no big stars are gonna be at Wrestlemania. Undertaker will be there in some way shape or form, and so will Sting. Plus, WWE's gotta start building the young talent at some point, and this is their chance to shine. And there are big stars at Wrestlemania- Miz, orton and Cena, like it or not. Needed to get that off my chest
Orton is apparently replacing Cena as the man that is trying to take the Nexus down. Probably he will eliminate Punk in the chamber and the two of them will continue to Wrestlemania.
My idea- Have Orton build a team, face New Nexus, and face The Corre in one big 3 team survivor series tag match. thoughts
My Wrestlemania XXVII Card Prediction:

The Miz (c) VS John Cena for the WWE Championship
It's so obvious now that this is gonna happen, I will say that Miz walks out of Mania winning; it'll be a shock as everyone will expect Cena to win.

Rey Mysterio (c) VS Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship
I can see this happening, Rey & Del Rio have history; plus it will free Edge for a match against Christian. Rey will have one more big match at Mania before going under the knife & it will be a big stepping stone for Del Rio to win his first title at his first Wrestlemania.

CM Punk VS Randy Orton
Another that has been set in stone as of the Rumble, I can see Nexus interfering & even though my love of Punk is strong I see Orton winning.

Triple H VS Sheamus in a Street Fight
This has been building since Extreme Rules & having it in a Street Fight will be the ultimate way to finish this, with both of these guys beating the hell out of each other. Triple H winning seems obvious

Sting VS Undertaker
I can see this happening more than ever now, Wade Barrett could interfere knowing what happened at Bragging Rights to tie in. Taker will win, but it will be close; I'm sure.

Daniel Bryan (c) VS William Regal for the WWE United States Championship (Regals Retirement Match)
Seeing as Regal is retiring soon, I see no better send off than for him to fight at Mania against one of the men he trained for a title. It seems perfect that two of the best in ring specialists in WWE can go toe to toe on the biggest stage with one final hurrah from Regal to make it even more special.

Jerry Lawler VS Michael Cole (Loser Leaves RAW)
I just wanna see Cole get his ass kicked & see him off RAW, King for the win.

Ezekiel Jackson VS Big Show
It's been building since he went to Smackdown, it'll either happen at Elimination Chamber or here with The Corre in a big handicap match. I'd prefer this, but I'm keeping my options open.

Edge VS Christian
This has been a long time coming, & if my prediction of Edge losing the title at EC comes to fruition, I can see this happening as long as Christian is ready. I would love Christian to win, as it will give him a huge boost & it will allow Edge to retire knowing he's had the match.

Awesome Kong (c) VS Natalya VS Beth Phoenix VS Melina in a Fatal-4-Way Match for the WWE Divas Championship
If Awesome Kong does make her appearance soon, she will win the title with ease quickly. I would like nothing better than for WWE to finally give the fans a match to appreciate the Divas in ring abilities by giving a match with their best female in ring workers. Kong winning seems obvious.

Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater VS David Otunga & Michael McGuilicutty for the WWE Tag Team Championships
One of either The Corre or Nexus will be holding the titles after EC, just a blow off match for what happened at the Rumble; simple!
hmmm...Am I the only one who thinks it would be a good idea for edge to drop the title at the elimination chamber? wrestlemania sells its self and lets be honest edge vs Del Rio is not a main event that sells tickets...so with that said in regards to MITB and the wrestlemania card mine would go like this:

Edge vs Christian- If chrsitian does come back in time for the big show this would be perfect because who doesnt want to see this? have christian cause edge to lose the title at the chamber and watch the feud begin. winner:christian

Del Rio vs Ziggler-Yes ziggler. WWE PLZ DONT DO TO ZIGGLER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO SWAGGER. Put the strap on him and put the future on the biggest stage of the company in the main event with miz being in the main event on the other side. winner: Ziggler

Undertaker vs Sting- Now of course this is only going to happen if the rumors are true. I don't believe it so it will probably be Barrett vs Undertaker. sting vs undertaker winner: undertaker, undertaker vs Barrett winner: Barrett

MITB (smackdown)- Chris masters, Jack Swagger, Kane, Cody Rhodes, Mcintyre, Mysterio, Reks and Booker T- Yes booker T. Why not? of course he wouldn't win but it still would be cool as hell to see him climbing the ladder for a chance....and lets be honest, between the two announcers which one would you rather see in the ring him or lawler? winner: Rhodes

MITB (Raw)- Morrison, Dibase, evan bourne, mark henry, R truth, zack Ryder, william regal and Tyson kidd- Ok i know what your gonna say. and yes i am a little crazy, however think about it. you have zack ryder (ecw champion), Tyson kidd (another high flyer) and william regal (king of the ring winner). so yea they can legitly be in this match with the other main eventers. plus they will give regal a match since he will be a trainer on tough enough. winner: Morrison

CM Punk vs Randy orton- Now I am NOT a fan of this storyline. So did CM Punk and Miz make a trade for rivals? Where the hell did this come from? and when Punk was thrown out by cena at the rumble was that the end of the feud? If wwe wants to build up the youth as they say they do....have dibase cause orton to lose and set up a feud between the two winner: Punk

Big Show vs Nash- Oh shit, 1996 throwback! I don't know what the deal was with the staredown at the rumble but the cameras damn sure made sure to pick it up. I would LOVE to see them get together as a team and dominate the tag ranks or (indulge me) if sting is coming to the wwe....make a new main event mafia. Nash, Sting, Big show, Booker T and....HHH! Just think about it. winner: Nash

Sheamus vs HHH- Isn't this already written in stone? But you can't have sheamus lose cause as HHH said "back to the bottom" if you lose. winner : sheamus

Natayla vs laycool vs eve vs awesome kong- so yeah the customary bathroom break aka the divas title match would no longer be with kong there. winner: Kong

Daniel bryan vs Alex riley- I dont get daniel bryan. I understand he was trained by shawn michaels so maybe michaels could come to the ring with him but ehh either way who cares. winner: Alex riley

Kofi Kingston vs Skip Sheffield- Yup no kingston in the MITB....he never wins so whats the difference. Plus if wwe is as high on sheffield as the internet claims, why not give him a shot? winner: Kingston

MIz vs Cena- NOw if it was me....Miz would win, morrison would have won the MITB earlier and cash it in and take the title. But knowing WWe Cena will win....whens the last time cena's lost at Wrestlemaina? I honestly can't remember. winner: Cena (unfortunately)

Lawler vs cole- Ok a throw away match....or is it? lawler wants a match on the big stage well you got it. during the match the raw GM is reveled to be....Bret hart. Does anyone else remember the feud that lawler and Hart had back in the day? or if you want to get real creative...make it Jericho. He would be a perfect guy to be the GM. He hated edge, the gm screwed with edge. He is an ass and the gm seems to be one.....that would indeed be quite awesome. winner: Cole

Kozlov/Marrella vs the USOs- werent the uso's suppose to be the future? what happened? they can wrestle, they can talk and with tamina on marrella side you have a little bit of a story. Winner: Uso's

Nexus vs Corre- am I the only one who would love to see Tarver, Darren young and Sheffield and a couple of season 3 guys attack both groups and cause a dq? but if that doesn't happen. winner: The corre

With this card, you sky rocket guys into the main event picture while still having the old guard still at work. of wwe will do some lame stuff where the old guard will win and they will continue to try and live in the past with wins by cena, orton, undertaker and HHH. but we shall see
Undertaker VS Sting= The Undertaker: The streak will not end. Yet?

John Cena VS The Miz= The Miz: A good way tp establish the young guy by having him beat the face of the company at mania clean

Edge VS Alberto Del Rio= Alberto Del Rio: A nother good way to establish young guys into the main event by winning the big one at mania

King Of The Ring VS King Of Kings= Triple H: Revenge match will desamate the whole match

Dolph Zigler VS Drew Mcyltrye=Drew Mcyltre: This Guy wins and his path will be great trust me

MITB= Christan: Suprise Entrent

Natalya Vs Beth Phenoix Vs Awsome Kong= Beth Phonix: By This Time One Of These Three will win the title and this match will happen

Nexus And Core Vs NWO
Hi this is my first thread and I'm starting off by showing you my wrestlemania 27 card. Now I know that the speculation is rife whether STING will be at wrestlemania, I hope he does so that we will be able to see a match that will be making history on the grandest stage of them all. So here it goes:

MONEY IN THE BANK: I dont care who else is in the match as long as you have the following superstars REY MYSTERIO EVAN BOURNE and JOHN MORRISON= great spots BOOKER T= solid performance CHRISTIAN= winner

NEXUS VS THE CORRE: It will be interesting to see the buildup because although they are two groups who have been on the cards to have some sort of confrontation (I know they had one on RAW a couple of weeks ago but it was nothin major) I dont see these groups having a classic but a 6-7 min match just to show off their skills if any. My pick is the CORRE to go over simply becasue the NEXUS have had their domination whereas the CORRE have not really took off so they need to have some sort of credibility and this is where they will get it.

RANDY ORTON VS CM PUNK: Now out of the upper card matches that are currently being put together I think this will be the most quality filled back and forth match. I see the match going to CM PUNK because ORTON will keep retaining the upper hand and PUNK will get his revenge and therefore set up the rematch at extreme rules and it will see ORTON go over.

BIG SHOW AND DIESEL VS KANE AND BARRETT (if he does not face taker if he does then it will be diesel vs big show and diesel will go over): The reason being that I think the staredown at RR was indeed to have the BIG SHOW involved with wrestlemania in some sort of way and this is the only interesting way I see it happening we all know about the history so it makes sense plus we will get to see DIESEL in a match in I dont know how long. Anyway DIESEL and the BIG SHOWwill go over here expect to see a handshake and then the CORRE to attack BIG SHOW and DIESEL will lead to an extreme rules handicap match has been setup.

HHH VS SHEAMUS: This will be a match with a stipulation either a street fight or a no holds barred really the same thing but anyway it makes sense for SHEAMUS to go over but I'm going to say HHH as I am a huge HHH mark.

DIVAS TITLE MATCH: I dont know which match their going to go for but I think that whatever it is AWESOME KONG should win which will be the only good thing to come out of this.

JERRY LAWLER VS MICHEAL COLE: I dont think that this will be the match they go for other wise it will be a squash but I can see that COLE will have some sort of superstar representing him. I makes sense for it to be A-RY but I'm not to high on this guy either way JERRY LAWLER will go over and he will have his much deserved wrestlemania moment.

DANIEL BRYAN VS KOFI KINGSTON: This should only happen if they are not in the MITB therefore if this match does take place expect to see a title vs title no unification but champion vs champion and see the match of the night.

EDGE VS DEL RIO WORLD TITLE: DEL RIO will have to look strong in thebuildup and not be involved with that pain in the ass hornswoggle and his shitty 'funny' segments but have the fued with KOFI at EC and be given credibility as the winner of the RR. EDGE will overcome the vickie and DOLPH (TURD) crap and will remain the champ after EC. DEL RIO will win but I'm having second thoughts because if CHRISTIAN wins the MITB then it makes sense to cash in on EDGE. If it were up to me I would have EDGE VS DEL RIO VS CHRISTIAN but we will wait and see.

TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Now I know that the divison is really poor but this match should take place pre show unless there is a huge unlikely turnaround in the division. Preferrably I would give the titles to either the NEXUS or the CORRE before mania.

JOHN CENA VS THE MIZ WWE TITLE: Now I dont mind CENA but I would like to see THE MIZ win because if he does so and cleanly he will be elavted nto that next step. CENA meanwhile will have another shot somewhere down the line but this will be the MIZes TIME.

UNDETAKER VS STING ( i hope): Now this won't be as good as HBK vs TAKER but a great moment just to see the ICON and the PHENOM in the same ring will be something in its self. would be great but I can not see STING beating the undertaker but a new found respect for eachother and STING to go on and face others such as HHH CENA AND ORTON, perhaps even a tag match with the UNDERTAKER. If this unfortunately does not happen then TAKER will face BARRETT but the card will be mediocre and he will not be in the tag match with KANE against DIESEL and the BIG SHOW.

All in all a great show if we have 3or4 4+ star matches which is definately possible. But will we have to wait and see, 2 21 11 is the date that could decide whether wrestlemania will be a sucess or a failure.

BANG BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some of your cards a far too big. I will be working on the assumption of ten matches. I will probably amend this after 2.21.11 and No Way Out or whatever it's called now.

1) Randy Orton vs CM Punk

I think this one is pretty certain, based on the way that things have panned out over the last few weeks. I suppose there could be a title thrown in there, but I'm not so certain of that to be honest.

2) John Cena vs The Miz (WWE Championship)

Again, with the Miz and Cena, this is all but certain. It'd be pretty shocking if Lawler pulled out a victory from absolutely nowhere this month, so Miz is looking good to carry the title into Mania. The seeds have been planted, and Cena is therefore probably going to win the Elimination Chamber.

3) Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio vs Edge (World Heavyweight Championship)

I don't think Del Rio is enough of an attraction to have a full on main event, so the obvious solution, in McMahon's eyes anyway, would be to have a multiple man match. They could throw someone else in here, but I think this is the likely trio. I anticipate Mysterio to win in the chamber, followed by a rematch that Del Rio interferes in, followed by this.

4) Undertaker vs Sting

Really not sold on this as a definite yet, but they are the obvious counterparts. I think Triple H is likely to be Taker's opponent if they don't go this way, but if Sting is signed, the similar gimmicks mean that they should mesh well. Those vignettes aren't for Taker, and if they are, then they are not really in keeping with his character, which seems strange. My major misgiving is that nobody is really sure about Sting, but more pertinently if Sting does debut, why would the WWE want him to lose his first game? Still, if he does show up, this is where I envisage him.

5) Kevin Nash, The Giant, Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page vs Wade Barrett, Ezeikel Jackson, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater

A strange one this, and a bit out there, but bear with me. Diesel and Big Show looked at each other during the Rumble, but that equally could be explained as a respect thing. Jackson and Big Show have got something going on, and Nash has been bigging up Barrett since he eliminated him from the Rumble, and Booker T's presence on Smackdown gives a real potential for him to inject himself into this. I couldn't think of a 4th member for the WCW team, but I then recalled that I heard the upcoming Nitro DVD will be faced by DDP and this could be used to flog it a bit.

This works out well, because it gets Corre on the card in one match, solves the eternal "what to do with the Big Show" problem, and will protect an ageing Nash, whilst still using them all on the card.

6) Jerry "The King" Lawler vs Ted DiBiase (Special Referee Retirement Match Ref -Michael Cole)

To be honest, I'm not sure about Ted, but I do think we'll see a retirement match for Lawler, with Cole involved. The Miz would be the obvious opponent, but this is too far down the card. The next obvious competitor would be Alex Riley, but he's too shit to be on Mania, which brings me to DiBiase. There has been some interaction between DiBiase and Lawler, and he's precisely the kind of mid card heel this would be a huge push to. I'm not sure Lawler would be willing to lose to such a no-namer, but if he was, I think this would be a likely opponent. I expect Cole to be the referee, or to be in DiBiase's corner, where Cole's career would also be on the line.

7) Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs Triple H (w/Stephanie) ( For the Control of Smackdown)

Wishful thinking this, I suppose. I'm bored of Vickie Guerrero now. It's not making me want to tune in to hate on her, it's making Smackdown less watchable. Steph hasn't been on TV for a while, but she has always been a decent character. A Triple H win would see him gain some momentum after almost a year out, and more to the point, it would see Guerrero off Smackdown, hopefully for good.

8) Sheamus vs Kane

Absolutely no reason to suspect this whatsoever, just thought they were two big names without anything else to do. I'm sure it could be packaged as a battle for brand supremacy or something, but short of that, no idea.

9) Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison (US Championship)

Because of the new Money in the Bank PPV, and the fact that we have lost some of the classic midcarders in people like Matt Hardy and MVP, I don't think there will be a MOTB ladder match this year. As a result, I am predicting two match ups that will give the relevant people something to do. This is the first. Morrison has been pushed to a point where he is on the cusp of something quite big. With this in mind, he has to be a favourite to get a Mania singles match of all the midcarders. Bryan, if he has done nothing else, has proven that he can be WWE's go to guy for short, entertaining matches. That makes this a possibility.

10) Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger vs Drew McIntyre vs Christian vs Cody Rhodes (Intercontinental Championship Scramble Match)

These scramble matches are always quite entertaining, and all five of these are good enough to appear on the card. I anticipated earlier there would be no MITB match, but the WWE likes to get as much of the roster on the card as possible, so this seems a good solution. The crowd go wild for Christian every year, and he's never going to win a world title, so a win here could give him and the audience a good feel good moment.

11) Some sort of Divas clusterfuck

It's certain to happen, I expect Beth Phoenix to be on the winning team or to win the Divas title, but other than that, no idea and I doubt the WWE do.


Something to do with Tag Teams, I think, perhaps a gauntlet or battle royal. If that does happen, I imagine we'll see Usos, Santino and Kozlov, Khali/Henry, McGillicutty/Harris, Masters/Guerrero, Tatsu/Truth, Reks/Hawkins, Beretta/JTG, Tarver/Sheffield, Ryder/Primo, Regal/Goldust, Young/DH Smith, Kidd/Riley, Mason/Otunga. I think that's everyone. But yeah, just something so that everyone gets a chance, which is what they usually do.
self explanatory but really they tease Cena vs Nexus and they tease Orton vs Punk , so what do u guyz think? is it gonna be Cena vs Nexus or Punk vs Orton im dying to know , and in my opinion it should be Cena vs Punk cuz it doesn't make sense just to end the feud without the "final" match being at Mania, so their just gonna leave the feud and insert Cena in the title match like they usually do ?! Feedback pleazz!! :shrug::icon_neutral:
Streak Match
The Undertaker vs Sting

- The Dream match that everyone has been waiting for, it may have came too little too late but better late than never and these 2 Legends look like they still have enough left in the tank to put on one heck of a wrestling contest2- WWE Championship

2- WWE Championship
The Miz (C) w/Alex Riley vs John Cena

- Its basically a lock considering the events of the last several weeks. Miz needs to go into the match strong and a Champion that somehow finds a way to win against all odds.

3- Lumberjack Match
Randy Orton vs CM Punk

- The most likely match on the card and add some sort of gimmick into it. Either its a Street Fight or it may be a Lumberjack Match with Nexus serving as the Lumberjacks to have the odds stacked against The Viper. This match should be hyped to the extreme by the WWE and I'm not sure if it would live up to its hype.

4- World Heavyweight Championship
Triple Threat Match
Edge (C) vs Alberto Del Rio vs Wade Barrett

- They don't have to make Barrett win the EC, but somehow Barrett finds a way into this match and makes in a 3 way. Have Del Rio and Barrett assault Edge week after week and make it seem like impossible odds stacked against Edge. This bout evens out the event and prevent it from having way too many Singles contest.

5- Last Man Standing Match
Triple H vs Sheamus

- Game Returns and destroys Sheamus, simple as that.

6- Title Unification Match
United States Championship & Intercontinental Championship
Daniel Bryan (C) vs Jack Swagger (C)

- Swagger's feuding with Kofi and have him grab the gold for this match. The United States Title has more or less become irrelevant and this is a good way to unify the two titles. Two technically sound wrestlers, it could be the show stealer.

7- Smackdown vs Raw Interpromotional Cross-Branded Match
Dolph Ziggler (SD) vs John Morrison (RAW)

- The two young up and coming stars. This should be a good match

8- The Big Show vs Ezekiel Jackson w/The Corre

- After having Big Zeke bodyslam The Giant time and time again and even eliminating him in the Rumble, WWE should be heading into this direction. This Match is nothing more but just a way to get Show and Corre into the show.

9- Jerry The King Lawler vs Michael Cole

- Jerry gets his Mania moment and Cole's heel run comes to fruition

10- Divas Championship
Beth Phoenix (C) vs Kong

- Kong (Amazing/Awesome whatever) debuts and destroys virtually every diva in the WWE bar Beth Phoenix. Stongest Diva vs Biggest Diva.

11- Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Drew McIntyre vs Dashing Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio vs Kane vs
Kofi Kingston vs Ted Dibiase vs R-Truth vs Evan Bourne vs Santino Marella
vs Vladimir Kozlov
As much as i would love to see a Cena & Punk match that doesn't end in interference, and resolves their conflict at Wrestlemania; i don't think it will happen.

As of now i don't see the Punk & Orton feud ending before Wrestlemania. Maybe if they weren't in the elimination chamber, then they could end it there.

My prediction is Punk & Orton at Wrestlemania, and i see Punk winning. After WM Orton will probably leave for awhile and take a well deserved break, then come back a few months down the road.
Orton/Punk. As shown yesterday on RAW, the feud and storyline has more depth than Punk/Cena. Punk/Cena while good is no different than Cena's previous feuds with Nexus. Honestly I think Cena needs a break from Nexus and go on with a different storyline. A Miz/Cena feud has potential or possibly The Undertaker since it seems Taker is coming to RAW.
Here is mine:
The Annual Pre-PPV 20 Man Battle Royal: Participants: JTG, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, Trent Baretta, Chris Masters, Tyler Reks, William Regal, The Great Khali, Yoshi Tatsu, Darren Young, Santino Marella, Vladimir Kozlov, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, Michael Tarver, Mark Henry, Primo, and Zach Ryder.
Winner: Santino Marella

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes: the back story obviously is Rey breaking Cody's nose and making Cody miss the Royal Rumble.
Winner: Cody Rhodes

Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole & Alex Riley: I believe this combo will cost Lawler the title match vs Miz at EC. This is the year for Lawler to be at WM, and this fits perfectly for Lawler. I could also see some combination of a singles match, however I will lean toward the handicap match.
Winner: Jerry Lawler

Nexus vs The Corre: I love how even though they are on separate shows they have no problem beating the hell out of each other when they are together. I don't see this ending even at WM. They could build this as "who is the stronger group" ect ect. I would expect a huge push of Mason Ryan in this match.
Winners: Nexus

10 Man Money In The Bank: Participants: John Morrison, Drew McEntyre, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, Kane, R-Truth, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Ted DiBiase. This match never disappoints and I would expect it to be its usual spot fest if this was the actual group.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

The Big Show vs Diesel: I know I'm probably reaching here, and I know I probably bought into the stare at the Rumble a lot more than I should have, but this match makes sense for a few reasons. WM is in Atlanta, which was WCW for about 15 or so years. This match gives you a WCW touch with out having to go over board in WCW-Fever. There is enough history that it wouldn't take long to build this match. I also think part of Nash's whatever it is deal has a WM pay day in it, so I'll be honest I'm putting this match in based solely on opinion.
Winner: Big Show

WWE Divas Title Fatal 4 Way: Beth Pheonix vs. Michelle McCool vs. Natalya (c) vs. Awesome Kong. I think Natalya takes the belt back on Raw next week. I also believe this is where Kong will debut. While I thought about the possibility of Kong vs Natty at EC, to set up Kong vs Beth at Wm, I cant see Natty and McCool off the WM card. You can have this match and still protect Kong vs Beth for down the road at maybe SummerSlam.
Winner: New WWE Diva's Champion, Awesome Kong

From this point forward, we are heading into the matches that have been known about for weeks now. I'm not gonna get into too much detail, just gonna list the match and who I see going over.

CM Punk vs Randy Orton.
Winner: CM Punk

HHH vs Sheamus.
Winner: HHH

World Title Match: Edge (c) vs Alberto Del Rio.
Winner: New World Champion, Alberto Del Rio

The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett
Winner: Undertaker

WWE Heavyweight Title Match: The Miz (c) vs John Cena
Winner: New WWE Champion, John Cena

Guest Host: The Rock

So there it is, my card. Agree? Disagree? Lets see how creative and what else everyone comes up with.
- Miz vs Cena for Raw title
Winner: Miz

- Edge vs Del Rio for SD title, special guest ref - Rey Mysterio
Winner: Del Rio - After Rey helps ADR. Christain makes the save during post match beat down from the New Mexicools! Finally E&C back together and a heel Mysterio!

- Taker vs King Sheamus, Buried Alive match
Winner: Taker - after match Triple H, who came down to watch to make sure Sheamus got beat, suddenly attacks the Dead Man and digs out Sheamus and both kings stand side by side united when all of a sudden another person emerges from the grave to help Taker and its Tyler Black!

- Lawler vs Cole
Winner: Lawler finally getting his WM moment and an end to the heal MC persona

- Big Show vs Diesel
Winner: Big Show. Have the Kliq come down after just to be in the ring together, congratulate HBK, do their poses, ect. This match would come before the Undertaker match.

- Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston, Title unification match
Winner: Bryan. He and Gail perform live sex act after prooving that he is not a vegan.

- CM Punk vs Wade Barrett
Winner: Punk. Nexxus and Corrrrrrrre then do battle. After a while Tarver, Skip, Showtime, & Kaval join the fray. Whose side are they all on?

- Randy Orton vs Husky Harris
Winner: Husky. Voices in his stomach beat the voices in Randy's boring head.

- Divas Battle Royal for the title featuring all the divas
Winner: Awesome Kong whose new name will be Blackzilla

- MITB/ Dolph, Truth, Kane, JoMo, Khali, Bourne, Drew, & Chavo
Winner: JoMo
- Edge vs Del Rio for SD title, special guest ref - Rey Mysterio
Winner: Del Rio - After Rey helps ADR. Christain makes the save during post match beat down from the New Mexicools! Finally E&C back together and a heel Mysterio!

- Taker vs King Sheamus, Buried Alive match
Winner: Taker - after match Triple H, who came down to watch to make sure Sheamus got beat, suddenly attacks the Dead Man and digs out Sheamus and both kings stand side by side united when all of a sudden another person emerges from the grave to help Taker and its Tyler Black!

- Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston, Title unification match
Winner: Bryan. He and Gail perform live sex act after prooving that he is not a vegan.

Mysterio : Nope. This is less likely to happen the Cena turning heel.
Sheamus: Wut?
Daniel Bryan: Okay, THIS is mildly offensive. One, he IS a vegan. As in, real life. Two, he HAS to be one. He has a bad immune system and animal products make it worse. So you're basically asking him to put his body in even more risk than it already is in this profession for a stupid gimmick.
My Wrestlemania 27 card would look like something like this (since they are in Atlanta, GA)

Guest Host: The Rock or Steve Austin. The Rock has stated he would be open to working with WWE recently, but the more logical choice, in my opinion, seems to be Austin b/c he will be the host of Tough Enough when it starts.

Extra Match for the DVD: Pre-show battle royal. I could see them doing something similar to the Gimmick Battle Royal a few years ago, but this time using former WCW stars, such as: Booker T, Kidman, Buff Bagwell, Nash, and others, but that would be taking time away from the current young stars of the WWE. Or this battle royal could consist of a WCW vs. WWE theme with stars from both organizations.

1) WWE Championship: The Miz (c) vs. Cena - If the WWE is really going for a youth movement, then the Miz will keep the title and depending on how he beats Cena, he may finally look like a credible champion. But, IMO, the WWE will give Cena the championship b/c he has not had the belt in a while.

2) WWE World Heavyweight Title: Edge (c) vs. Del Rio - Back and forth match and I see Del Rio's personal ring announcer getting involved costing Edge the match. Del Rio walks out with the World Heavyweight Title.

3) WWE Tag Team Championship: Santino/Kozlov (c) vs. The Usos - if the Usos aren't broken up by then I see them getting the titles and also turning Tamina heel in the process. The Usos win the titles b/c she gets involved by giving Santino the cobra. If the Usos are no longer a tag team by 'Mania, then I see a Fatal Four Way Match for the Tag Team Titles w/ Santino/Kozlov vs. Slater/Gabriel vs. Harris/McGillicutty vs. Henry/Tatsu and either the Corre or Nexus winning the belts to further the feud between them.

4) WWE US Championship: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Ted DiBiase - DiBiase wins the match to give him a push finally and maybe legitimize his mini-fued with Bryan recently.

5) Street Fight/Falls Count Anywhere: HHH vs. Sheamus - I know we are not too thrilled with this match here, but the WWE has to end the Sheamus/HHH feud some how. And with just about every promo Sheamus does, he keeps talking about how he ended the career of HHH. This match will ensure that neither man has to do anything but be very physical and in the end HHH wins and the feud is over.

6) Divas Title Match: Eve(c) vs. Natalya vs. McCool vs. a Mystery Opponent - The mystery opponent ends up being Awesome Kong and she pins Eve to win the title in a squash match. However, b/c she didn't pin Natalya it could set up a match between those two at a later PPV.

7) Handicap Match: Undertaker vs. Barrett/Kane - Rumors have been flying around that the promos for 2.21.11 are going to be Sting, but I think that it is the return of the Undertaker. But, no one knows why Barrett's Nexus got involved with in the Buried Alive Match, and maybe when the Undertaker returns we will get the answers. But, I see this 'Taker delivering a Tombstone to both Barrett and Kane and keeping the streak in tact.

8) Mask vs. Mask Match: Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes - Reports said that Rey wanted Rhodes for his 'Mania opponent so I think this match will happen. Rey has already lost his Mask once in WCW and it really didn't work for him. But, Rhodes doesn't need a mask, so I think that Rey wins this mask and unmasks Rhodes.

9) Lawler vs. Alex Riley: Stipulation - if Lawler wins, he gets 5 minutes alone with Michael Cole. Lawler wins and he gets to beat on Cole for 5 minutes.

10) Raw vs. Smackdown: Morrison vs. Ziggler - Winner gets a shot at their Brands Title whenever they want. Both men have had title shots before and come up short. This match could go either way, but in the end I think that Ziggler wins this match and if... and I mean if.... Edge retains the title, he cashes in that night and walks away with the World Heavyweight Title. I could also see the match being a Money in the Bank match with the following stars:

Evan Bourne
Drew McIntyre
Jack Swagger
Ezekiel Jackson
David Otunga

11) Grudge Match: CM Punk (w/ Mason Ryan) vs. Randy Orton - Orton wins this match by DQ when Nexus gets involved and keeps the feud with these two going until at least Summerslam. I see Nexus interfering when Orton is going to punt Punk and then he gets beat down.

Other Possibilities:

WCW vs. WWE: - Nash vs. Big Show, but I think people are reading too much into the stare down at the Rumble. Would I like to see it? Sure, it would give Nash one last match and have it be at the biggest PPV of the year.

Intercontinental Title Match: Kofi vs. Swagger - I would love to see all titles defended at 'Mania, but, it probably won't happen since they have the Night of Champions PPV.
Mysterio : Nope. This is less likely to happen the Cena turning heel.
Sheamus: Wut?
Daniel Bryan: Okay, THIS is mildly offensive. One, he IS a vegan. As in, real life. Two, he HAS to be one. He has a bad immune system and animal products make it worse. So you're basically asking him to put his body in even more risk than it already is in this profession for a stupid gimmick.

Ha reptile you crack me up! The vegan joke is from the bellas thinking that vegan meant virgin hence him having sex with her would certaintly disprove that. Sorry you found THIS offensive but gettin it on w/ Gail would not violate his diet although some would say that she is one fine piece of meat.

And The New Mexicools thing is definetly happening. Don't try and fight the future buddy. HAHAHAHAH
Well I read on a wrestling site that WWE plans on keeping the MITB match and putting John Morrison, Daniel Bryan, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, and Rey Mysterio in the match.

Am I the only one who thinks MITB is now over done and should just be left as a seperate pay per view?
My WrestleMania XXVII Match Card

WWE Tag Team Championship
Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (c) vs. Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater
*Ezekiel Jackson interferes, and the Corre members dominate to make Gabriel and Slater the new WWE Tag Team Champions. This will not be the last time you see these four during the night. Perhaps this will light a fire under Santino and Kozlov to take this division seriously

WWE Divas Championship – 15 Minute Championship Scramble
Eve (c) vs. Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Awesome Kong vs. Michelle McCool vs. Layla vs. Melina vs. Alicia Fox vs. Maryse vs. Nikki Bella vs. Brie Bella vs. Gail Kim
*When you only have one women’s title, you have to include them all in the championship match at WM. And in a Scramble Match, all bets are off and anything can happen. 15 minutes should be enough to allow for a decent Divas match for once. Awesome Kong can’t eliminate everyone, can she? Awesome Kong wins

8-Man Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Drew McIntyre vs. R-Truth vs. Jack Swagger vs. Ted DiBiase
*Dolph Ziggler asks Vickie Guerrero not to come to the ring with him. He wants to prove that he can win on his own. Potential feuds are set further in motion with Morrison/R-Truth (with a heel turn for Morrison), Kingston/Swagger for the IC Title, and Bryan/DiBiase for the US Title. Ziggler wins to climb back into World Title contention

“Dashing” Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio – Mask vs. Mask Match (Loser removes his mask)
*This begins when Rhodes, who returns wearing a mask to hide his broken nose, attacks Mysterio early in the night at Elimination Chamber and prevents him from being able to compete for the World Title. Cody Rhodes is part of the future, like it or not. But the mask of Rey Mysterio is legendary. 619 for the win

Jerry “The King” Lawler vs. Alex Riley and Michael Cole – 2-on-1 Handicap Match (If Cole and Riley lose, they are both fired)
*Jerry Lawler receives his WrestleMania moment, and the world will smile once again now that the Raw GM has decided to relieve us of having to listen to Michael Cole and Alex Riley on Monday Nights (however, they will both move to Friday). Lawler wins easily

Big Show vs. Ezekiel Jackson – No Disqualification Match
*The new Tag Team Champions will try to interfere on Jackson’s behalf to slow down the Big Show, but Santino and Kozlov will come to avenge their own loss and even the odds. Big Show hits a huge KO right hand for the win

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk – “I Quit” Match
*This rivalry is driven over the edge after Randy Orton punts the rest of Nexus, and CM Punk makes it personal by kidnapping Orton’s father, Cowboy Bob Orton. They settle the score on the biggest stage. In a nasty match, an RKO from Orton to CM Punk onto an open chair is enough to get Punk to utter the words “I Quit”

Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett vs. Kane – Triple Threat Match
*An altercation at Elimination Chamber creates tension between Barrett and Kane, and when The Undertaker returns on 2-21-11 and seeks to destroy them both, they argue over who should be the one to end the streak. Both receive the opportunity, and neither one cashes in. The Phenom moves to 19-0 at WrestleMania

WWE Championship – Fatal 4 Way
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena vs. Sheamus vs. Triple H
*HHH returns at Elimination Chamber, leading to a controversial finish between Sheamus and winner John Cena. The Raw GM gives both Sheamus and HHH the opportunity to be part of the title match at WM. The Miz-Cena and the Sheamus-HHH rivalries will intensify and carry over through this match to Extreme Rules. This is WWE’s chance to begin cementing The Miz as a legitimate champion. Miz retains

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
*This will be a great match, but in the end, Christian will return and blast Del Rio to cost him the title. Edge hits the spear to retain. Dolph Ziggler then cashes in MITB, delivering a shot with a steel chair to both Edge and Christian. Ziggler picks up Edge and hits the Zig Zag to become World Heavyweight Champion. Let’s face it, this was the year of The Miz and Dolph Ziggler. Reward them accordingly

im saying that this is what i would like to see happen. it is what i would do if i was in the wwe's position right now. it isn't realistic obviously. i think we all pretty much know what its going to end up being for real. but i think this would have made for the best show given where all the story lines currently stand
Here's my card. A lot of similarities to most of the ones on here but some differences.

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP The Miz (C) VS. John Cena Cena. Wins to close out the show.

Streak Undertaker VS. Triple H
W/ HBK as the special referee. I think Shawn will be involved in takers match in some form...he's going to be there anyway. Also who better to avenge HBK's loss than his best friend HHH. I feel like Taker VS. Barret or Kane won't work... Plus I don't think they will do a HHH, Sheamus rematch from last year.

WH CHAMPIONSHIP Edge (C) VS. Alberto Del Rio
I really think ADR is going to win this match. They had him win the Rumble for some reason... and I don't think it was to just be in the main event to lose.

Grudge Match Randy Orton VS. CM Punk
Probably the best match of the night.

Grudge Match Diesel VS. Wade Barret
With Barrett having nothing to do and Nash getting the hugs pop at the Rumble, this seems perfect.

5 Minutes Alone Jerry "The King" Lawler VS. Alex Riley
If King wins, he gets 5 minutes alone with Cole. This is a perfect way to wrap up their fued. I also think Jim Ross will be at ringside calling the match cheering on King. King wins, obviously.

MITB Ladder Match Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Ted Dibiase, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, Tyson Kidd, Cody Rhodes.

Ziggler wins, I guess.

Singles Match Big show VS. Kane
No reason to have them in MITB and I really can't find much other use for them. Probably a boring match.

6 Man Tag Nexus VS. Corre
Mason Ryan, Otunga, and McGillicutty against Slater, Gabriel and Jackson. Even though Nexus is kinda involved with Orton, I think this is the best way to get them all in a match at Mania.

Divas Match Kong wins championship

Battle Royal Bascially any superstar not in a match already. I think they should make this for the WWE Tag titles and whoever the last 2 men in the ring are win the titles. This will be a good way to re-create the tag division since bacially none of these guys do anything anyway. I would have Yoshi Tatsu and R-Truth come out as champions.
Do u think that it is possible for this years mainia to be a hit.

here are the rumored matches

CM Punk/Orton
Del Rio/Edge
Mysterio/Cody Rhodes

To me this card doesnt show me anything i havent seen on Raw or Smackdown.I personally think this years Mania is going to bomb
it all depends on how they book it tbh, they dont have huge star power but if creative get it right then i think it can be great

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