*MERGED* General WrestleMania 27 Discussion & Predictions

Which rumored WM 27 match sounds like it will be the best?

  • The Miz vs John Cena for the WWE Title

  • Triple H vs Sheamus

  • Randy Orton vs CM Punk

  • The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett

Results are only viewable after voting.
If I don't have to see Orton v. Miz again,I'll be fine. If I don't see Orton v. Cena I'll be fine. Micheal Cole's been saying it since MitB, it's a changing of the guard these days. Wade Barrett proclaimed that the winds of change were blowing and I believed him then. It's time for us to be treated to something new and exciting. But I know the typical wrestling fan hates change. It'll be okay I promise...these guys are ready.
Ok so we all know Del Rio won. To me this guy has all the qualitys of a star. The looks, charisma, mic skills and wrestling skills. Only problem.... ITS TO FUCKING SOON. I dont care what anyone says. Can you imagine how amazing it could have been if they waited just one more year to pull the trigger on a Del Rio rumble victory? Now he easily has the potential to fall in with the Swagger, Sheamus and Miz crew of young guys that were pushed to soon (although the Miz is becoming legit now). We all know there was one man that needed this win. One man that could have been propelled to greatness. That man is John Morrison.

We all know he doesnt have the mic skills. But frankly John Morrison is so entertaining he doesnt need them. With a Rumble and Wrestlemania win he could have been on Cena or Ortons level. But instead he will now probably lose all momentum and fall back into the upper mid card. Way to go WWE.

Imagine this as the Wrestlemania main event: Miz (c) v. Cena v. Morrison with Morrison going over. Cena and Miz could carry the promos and Morrison could make it a 5 star match. Morrison does not need mic skills. He could be a laid back badass character who will take you out in the ring.

Then we have the other classic that could have been. Edge v. Christian for the WHC where Edge passes the torch to the much healthier Christian. Does this even need to be elaborated on? Instant classic.

And with other great matches like CM Punk v. Orton, Taker v. Barrett, HHH v. Sheamus, MITB, Awesome Kong v. Natalia, Nexus v. Santino/Koslov, Daniel Brian v. Kofi Kingston to unify the mid card championships.

I have never seen so much wasted potential for a classic Wrestlemania. 10 years after the greatest Wrestlemania of all time, this could have easily matched it. But based on what happened last night it looks like another medicore Wrestlemania. Way to go WWE, way to go.
Undertaker v John Cena should have happened this year, looks like they will save that for next year when Taker goes 20-0, thats the only reason why this match hasnt happened yet i would think.
^ Thanks for agreeing but if you read what I said you would see that I meant this Wrestlemania COULD have been one of the greatest of all time. I think both main events I proposed could be 4.5-5 star matches easily. But it looks like we will have to settle with a medicore Cena v. Miz (probably will have entertaining promos but wont be a special match) and Edge v. Del Rio (which could be good, but Edge v. Christian in an instant classic).
^ Thanks for agreeing but if you read what I said you would see that I meant this Wrestlemania COULD have been one of the greatest of all time. I think both main events I proposed could be 4.5-5 star matches easily. But it looks like we will have to settle with a medicore Cena v. Miz (probably will have entertaining promos but wont be a special match) and Edge v. Del Rio (which could be good, but Edge v. Christian in an instant classic).

While both of those are matches I would like to see, the reality is that WWE creative clearly do not see JoMo or Christian as main event starts, I mean hell, JoMo was the number one contender going into the lowest risk ppv for new headliners and they made Miz v Orton instead. How you can really believe that the WWE would back out of booking JoMo for a title shot at the Rumble but put him in for a main event at Wrestlemania astounds me....

Christian is good but has always been booked by the WWE as second fiddle to Edge, he's no Marty Jannety by any means but with the youth movement in full flow Christian is in a safe spot as an upper mid-carder and with more and more new, younger, main eventers (Ziggler was very impressive to me last night at the Rumble) the chances of someone like Christian being a real main event threat lessen with each passing week. I mean if the now infamous blog is to be believed they were gearing up for a Christian/Matt Hardy feud before he was injured even though he had the perfect foundations for a feud with Del Rio.

oh yeah and first post, so Hi everyone!
Theres still time, things can change a bit, who's to say Christian wont get in that match over the next couple of months and make it a triple threat at Mania, then turn on Edge and cost him the belt? Its possible.
I just cant see Edge vs Del Rio main eventing Wrestlemania unless some serious stuff starts to happpen over the next few weeks.
There could be a wild card thrown in the miix for the Cena/Miz match. We still got the Raw GM to come forward so anything is possible.

None of the above will happen, but its possible lol
id take del rio over the miz though, thats the funny part. he plays a better heel already.

using that logic, its not too soon. its just not the best route they could have went. i see tons of other options just on the surface that work better. but i guess they are in the state where they want to push new talent to the moon. in 5 years it might seem genius. today it doesnt.
Sounds like another fantasy booker being pissed off that the WWE actually doesn't care what he thinks. Del Rio has been wrestling for years. If you remember, CM Punk won the ECW championship (which was still classified as major at that time) in his first year, and Sheamus won the WWE Championship. So did Taker. So did Lesnar. This isn't unknown.

We don't even know what the Wrestlemania card looks like yet. We just started the RTWM. For all we know, THIS mania could end up being the new standard of manias.
this can still be as great a wrestlemania as mentioned.

Morrison can still be added into the match making it a triple threat.

Let's say at Elimination Chamber it comes down to edge, christian, and mysterio. Edge and Christian have been working together match, but christian rolls up edge for the elimination. Edge and christian start yelling and shoving when mysterio comes in for the win. Then you can have what would be a great Mysterio vs Del Rio match for the title and Edge can still face Christian.
^ Funny you should mention Punk as he was another who was given two horrible title reigns that came to quick. The ECW title always played 3rd fiddle to the WH and WWE titles. It was a title for rising upper mid carders (what the IC and US championships really should be). The Undertaker along with Kane had gimmicks that made them extremely dominate so it was believeable that they could do that. Same goes for Lesnar but we all know he ended up a failure as well (in the WWE not the UFC).

Youre right I am just some random fan. But it baffles me that the WWE do not see the potential in guys like Morrison or Christian. Are the pops not enough? Are the 5 star matches not enough? Is stealing every show not enough? Not to mention these feuds are pretty much built in with Edge/Christian and Morrison/Miz. I just added Cena for star power.
I am not sure if the are still having the MITB this year, but if so I could see Morrison winning. Maybe he cashes in that night and wins the title. I'm sure that would be immediately followed by tons of post saying this was a bad move and how people will never watch the WWE again, but that's another topic. As far as the Edge and Christian thing, one of the articles on the sight said Christian is still in a sling. With rehab and everything there would nopt be much time to build up a story before Wrestlemania.
All this talk about Del Rio. Del Rio is fine. He has the total package. Yes he been here for less then a year but he is good. Edge vs Christian is fine but I would also wouldn't mind seeing JoMo vs Christian. This would be a good solid match. The problem is Smackdown lacks star power to main event mania with only Mysterio, Edge, and Kane for picks to hold the belt. If taker can come back in time to be a suprise entrance in the Elimination Chamber he will be my pick to win. Also Del Rio has a pick for whatever belt he wants so he could end up facing the winner of the Raw elimination chamber.
Sounds like another fantasy booker being pissed off that the WWE actually doesn't care what he thinks. Del Rio has been wrestling for years. If you remember, CM Punk won the ECW championship (which was still classified as major at that time) in his first year, and Sheamus won the WWE Championship. So did Taker. So did Lesnar. This isn't unknown.

We don't even know what the Wrestlemania card looks like yet. We just started the RTWM. For all we know, THIS mania could end up being the new standard of manias.

This is a great point, look back at some of the best of all time, they became champions within a year of being on the scene. Obviously its easy to look back and say, well the undertaker was different...no he wasnt. He wasnt on the mic, he didnt have a ton of charisma, it was his in ring look. And it only made sense to put him against the top face at the time (hogan). Same type of thing applies here with Del Rio. He has a good look, great on the mic and has a ton of charisma! I dont think anyone is saying that he will be the next HBK, Rock, Austin or Flair. But ppl have to realize that those types of talent dont just grow on trees. I commend the WWE for taking a big step with Del Rio. I do wish that there was a little more with Dolph, I thought he looked good at RR. But now that he has been jumped over he will probably be lost in the cloudy IC title picture again. HE JUST GOT "SWAGGERED"! lol
The ECW was actually pretty big when it returned in 2006. And when Benoit was going to win it, people got their interest back into it. They wanted to see Punk win it after that. Then Chavo won it and it went down hill.

Lesnar is a failure in the WWE? Really? I'm sorry, he left. He didn't fail. In fact he had a very entertaining run in the company.

Morrison and Christian do not have 5 star matches. 4 star yes, not 5 star. 5 star matches make them contenders for match of the year, which neither of them have gotten.

Are pops not enough? If pops were enough, Hornswoggle and Santino would be sharing the WWE title.

And Morrison is going to get his push soon. Just let it happen. We still need to have options for next year's Mania.

And if you think that because 2 matches that weren't really possibilities to begin with aren't making it to Mania is going to ruin it, then you're ******ed. Mania is more than just those two matches. Whatever they book, it's going to be a good PPV.
With all the different rivalries goin on why not just have a fatal 4 way?

Cena vs. The Miz vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

Seems logical to me
Ok I get youre trying to sound really intelligent and all but Santino and Hornswoggle only get pops because they are jokes. Nobody takes them seriously whereas Morrison and Christian get pops for their talent in the ring and are taken seriously. In an era where the WWE are trying their hardest to make new stars they have 2 guys that could easily have another 5-10 years left (Christian of course being on the lower end of that spectrum) that are deserving of being main eventers. Either one of them are ready to be in the main event, they just need something big like the Royal Rumble, KotR, MitB or a feud with a top main eventer (not Sheamus) to cement themselves.

But of course we get Alberto Del Rio. Hes very talented no doubt about it. But would you have wanted the Ringmaster, Rocky Maivia or Hunter Hearst Helmsley to win the Rumble? I think not. And yes the Undertakers gimmick made it ok for him to be in the title picture right away. He is the exception to the rule. Del Rio is not.
Ok, Morrison's mic personality is about as stale as gas station popcorn. He's not going to get the push you want him to until he improves. McMahon has never really liked Christian to begin with.

And like other people have said already, in 5-10 years this will seem like a great idea, it just doesn't right now. And everybody seems to pretty much accept that Del Rio is ready to step up into his role. Except for you. From what I see, you are in the minority here. The
I have an idea. Let's what and see how the stories develope before we get worried about the card. I admit it doesn't look like the greatest card on paper right now, but there is still plenty of time until mania. WWE has two months to really build it up. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt or at least give them a chance to build the show before I get worried.
Totally agree with you about morrison.... this is why they need to bring back managers!!. I was talking to some guy next to me last night at the rumble and we both agreed, there are tons of ppl with the talent in the ring but not on the mic... shelton benjamin comes to mind...if he or JOMO had a respectable manager to get them over they'd be all the WWE needs in a main event talent...
I agree with everything Decarow says, so I don't need to say anything else.

There's no point arguing with Merce07 anyways. He's either a big troll or some 13 year old John Morrison fan. Flashy moves don't mean you deserve to be champion, and notice that the only real good matches that Morrison puts on are the ones where he wrestles with good wrestlers that make him look better than actually is. And of course Morrison's gonna get pops. Anyone that does the moves he does would would get huge pops, especially from kids (like Merce07) who think his moves are the coolest things ever. If the WWE cared that much about high-flying moves, they may as well bring in a ton of indy wrestlers like Ricochet or El Generico and hand them the world titles.

Even actors in an elementary school play have more charisma than Morrison.
I'm excited for this WrestleMania. To me, this is the changing of the guard WrestleMania, so it'll be a little weak. But it'll be a WrestleMania that pushes the young up and coming talent for the future.

Last year, was the finish of a lot of things. The regularity of Triple H/The Undertaker/Batista/Chris Jericho. Plus Shawn Michaels retiring. Don't forget guys like Triple H/The Undertaker/Kane/Rey Mysterio will be retiring within the next few years (though Mistico can fill in for Rey Mysterio).

Now onto the card:

I'm perfectly fine with The Miz vs. John Cena. This feud has silently been pushed for a few years now and as someone said, its not Cena vs. Orton, Orton vs. Miz, etc. It has some freshness to it, which is what Mania always needs.

Orton vs. Punk, how is this not an interesting match. This is another feud which has been silently brewing for years. Punk is back to his best, Orton is loved by the crowd, the Nexus, etc. They'll put on a great match.

I'm interested in Edge vs. Del Rio. Edge will probably finish up at the supposed Toronto Mania next year. So WWE is definitely looking to move talent up. And to do so, what better way than beating established Main Eventers. Sure Del Rio's rise has been fast but it has been done effectively. He's a great heel, he can talk, he's got a great look, and yes he can wrestle. He should work well with Edge and I'm happy WWE is making the move on his effectiveness. I've also heard rumours of Dolph Ziggler being added to the match, which I'm perfectly fine with, after his fantastic effort at the Royal Rumble. Though with that happening, it again takes away from the point of the Royal Rumble match.

Wade Barrett vs. The Undertaker. I'm not too sure about this match, but I see this as being a get by match for Taker. He's still not in decent physical shape and WWE are obviously just trying to get him by til next years potential 20-0 match (which I assume will be against John Cena). My only hope is that they don't crush Wade Barrett (see: vs. Mark Henry, vs. Kane - Mania XX, etc.). I also expect Ezekiel Jackson to have an impact in this match and then set up a potential Jackson vs. Undertaker feud. Again this is another youth vs. Veteran match.

Triple H vs. Sheamus. This match needs to be a physical solid bout. Last year, this match was way down the card, and it most likely will be again. I think this bout should follow the lines of Triple H vs. Undertaker - WM X-Seven or Undertaker vs. Ric Flair - WM X-8. It needs to be physical/solid but if they pull out another decent match, I'll be satisfied.

Diesel vs. Show. Yeah, I'm happy with that. Nash can still go a match or two, Show is still an effective worker for his size. Show is always pushed mid year but he always seems to have nothing to do come WrestleMania time. The two have WCW history and will be a decent enough match.

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio is again, someone who despite his massive popularity, seems to get lost comes WrestleMania time. A lot of people will be against this match even happening but I think Cody does have potential. For a long time, I think the WWE saw Ted as the one to push but that has obviously backfired. Now I think they are realising Cody has opportunity. He has character, and with this nose breaking situation, maybe he'll bring a little more aggression to his character. Hell, add the Intercontinental Title to this match, and you've got something more to fight for.

MITB: Winner will be Dolph, John Morrison or Kofi Kingston. The WWE will be definitely putting it on youth they want to get over, which might be why Morrison or Dolph won't win.
^ You're the one that's bitching because Christian and Morrison aren't main eventing this year's WM.

If you are watching Raw, Morrison is in the Raw Rumble. He will probably lose (I bet Lawler wins) and compete in the Elimination Chamber. Morrison still isn't out of the picture. So like a kid, you are being impatient.
Alright, this is what two months in advance? Either way I'm going to lay out my ideal card for Wrestlemania right now. I'll probably do the same thing again after elim. chamber and see if it has changed at all. This is a list of matches that I would want to see (w/ reasons), but more importantly aren't just made up fantasies, they are still very possible:


Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian

Triple threat matches for the world titles, no I don't like them either. But one way or another Del Rio will be competing for the world heavyweight championship, not the WWE one, because that scene is already too messy and there is enough guys buzzing around there to not need anymore, besdies the Miz is heel and heel cashing in on heel? No I'm pretty certain. I'm a big Del Rio fan, ever since he's come in I'd say he's probably been the hottest guy around, he did what even Sheamus never did and hasn't been outside of the upper mid-card since his debut, at the expense of Mysterio. I put it down to 1) Del Rio being a good psychologist, the smiling really makes him hateable and 2) The effort they put into his character. I mean seriously, bentleys and mercedez worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, the scarf, the personal ring announcer and gold sparks dripping from the ceiling. He has the second best entrance in wrestling behind taker and that's not even up for debate. And he is 33. They can't really wait too long to push him or else his run would be very short lived, he's not green being an international vet and I'm perfectly sure he deserves to main event Wrestlemania despite how long he has been on the roster.

Yet despite all of this I don't think the feud would be good. I can't see it being anything bigger than a standard intermission PPV feud like at bragging rights or TLC for example. I don't see the draw in it. And that may not be Del Rio's fault entirely. Edge's face run is a little unconvincing, his character has become very bland and he has been running lack-lustre feuds since his re-arrival on smackdown. That plus we are yet to see how Alberto can fair in a different feud angle. Since debuting he has had one real feud which was with Mysterio, since then he has done this and that, a sweet chin music here and a talking about destiny there. His first feud was hot because of him and rey being both hispanic, it had real life connotations. But with Edge. I don't see the angle, if there is one I'd say it was acute, how do you make the connection between the two? My answer is don't!

Give Del Rio the main event he has now earned, but don't let him be the only challenger. This opens up a supreme possibility. There has been some little hints at a certain old friend of his. Edge used the killswitch, and their little slammys exchange, they have been basically distantly associated for a little while now but with no real basis. People say Christian isn't a main eventer. Before he left WWE in 2005 he was getting THAT push, the one every guy wants..... and he got it before his now 10-time buddy Edge. He certainly had the mic skills to go 1-on-1 with cena, no slouch in the talking department, and his ring skills have always been pretty decent, he can put on the longer match if he has to. I'm calling that he comes to save Edge pre- elim. chamber and somewhere along the line gets entered into the match. This means that you can have Del Rio win the belt at mania because one guy screws the other guy somehow meaning one guy turns heel, preferably Christian, and it lets them feud for a while after, maybe even into SummerSlam. I think for drawing and storyling purposes this road is a good one. Christian IS a proven main eventer, or at least Vince once seemed to think so.


John Cena v. The Miz

This one is a bit more text book. Cena. The one man drawing army. The Miz is doing all that is required of him as a heel, and he is thoroughly hateable. The seeds have been planted now because of the rumble. Cena likes chasing the title into mania. It all fits perfectly, and it's probably set in stone already now anyway.

HHH v. Sheamus

The most logical match on the whole card. I'm pretty sure every person has had this one pencilled in since they found out about HHH being injured until this time period, and they went over in pen after they saw him not returning at the rumble. It's got history, and two of the biggest stars in the company including a Sheamus who is now much less green than he was this time last year, and he looked damn good last year. Even sheamus fans like myself are going to be salivating at the thought of HHH returning and driving a sledgehammer through sheamus' ribs at the grandest stage of 'em all.

Wade Barrett v. The Undertaker

A lot of guys don't like this one, but a lot of people have come up with some bad reasons as to why. "Doesn't look like a credible threat to Taker's streak" and did you think Mark Henry was more convincing? "Hasn't proven himself", I'm sorry but when you've basically dominated the flagship show since your debut, before which you had very very little wrestling and talking experience, and more importantly T.V. experience (he's been in the game since 07 now) then your arguably more deserving in my eyes of the magic push, more than guys who took five years to get half of his success (morrison, miz, ziggler) because it's just a showcase of raw talent.

Whatever way I look at it, I'm intrigued about this one. OK I don't think for a second that taker will lose his streak, there would almost certainly be riots of 12 year olds and adults alike globally. But I do look at as important to get one of the greatest prospects in the whole company to get over. HHH had to do this with sheamus and now taker has the oppertunity to do with a guy who is probably just as good in Wade Barrett. If it works I'll elated, it's always better to get 1 guy over than a lot of guys kindof over that just end up fading away, this has the oppertunity to happen. For me the groundwork is there with the nexus being the ones to make sure taker got buried alive, I am a supporter for this match-up.

Randy Orton v. CM Punk

This one is all about the psychology. Notice there is no title involved here, there doesn't need to be. I don't know quite how they are going to try to set this one up yet but I've no doubt anything they put Punk on the end of will work out fine. And those guys saying he has been stale since his title win at HIAC will have no excuses. Orton right now would work better away from the title, I'm confident of this. People forget how good he is because they don't like seeing him as another Cena superman, basically unbeatable. But like I always say, he has perhaps the greatest in-ring psychology of any wrestler around right now, when he's "hearing voices" it all feels very convincing and it's easy to get behind his backbreaker, powerslam and RKO routine. But Punk isn't exactly lazy in that department either. The guy is so smart that he can go from being cheered on the announce desk one week to jeered in the ring the next. He knows exactly what to say to get him heat, he's the current jericho of the WWE.

This match may seem throw away, but all you have to do is add a stipulation, and because of how good each guy is it'll turn out fine.


Natalya v. Beth Phoenix

It's set up wonderfully. The two most legit looking tough divas in the WWE finally going head to head. People may be screaming laycool at me as an obvious choice, hear me out. Those two lock it up finally in one of those two best guys around, mutual respect stories like hogan and the warrior, cena and HBK etc.. For me you have nattie win clean at the end of a 10+ minute epic diva match, to solidify her place as champ as no accident and make her top dog. Then naturally you have laycool come out and start the beatdown on the two of them. It's all-singing, all-dancing, they have a little pose in the ring. Then BAM! No awards for guessing who. "......." Kong bursts out through the entrance way, she comes down and clears the ring of laycool, they just run off terrified. Kong waits til the two women get back to their feet and lifts their arms as if to celebrate both of them for the match they just had. Then she clotheslines nattie. Beth and her lock eyes and have a fairly long exchange at the end of which Kong basically overpowers Beth and scores and implant buster on her. It works on a variety of levels including instant heat for kong and credibility fo natalya.


Daniel Bryan v. Kofi Kingston

I really don't care about this and I almost forgot about both guys being champs heading in to the event. The mid-card titles are just that, they don't allow the guys holding the belts to do anything these days. Remember the power trip, HHH holding the IC belt, nowadays you have to be alright to hold the belt. This is poor strategy, you put the belt on a fairly big star who isn't doing anything else to make the belts look better. Right now they are a weight on the careers of whichever men hold them and an extra weight on their shoulders, that's all. For me here you unite the titles. Doesn't matter which guy wins, both could use the accomplishent of first undisputedly average title winner of all time and neither of them are going to look weak. Give it 20 minutes and make it an epic because both guys can deliver in the ring. For me I just hope Kofi wins because he's had his big push a long time coming.

Nexus v. Corre

Sounds bad. Heel v heel right. RIGHT! But if someone can suggest me a better thing to do with these two groups if there leaders are stuck in single's matches? I honestly can't. For me you make it a 4 on 4 tag team elimination match with the losing group being forced to dsiband. You can't have these guys NOT on the card, they propogated the biggest story of 2010 so you shove them all in this meaningless and boring match and make sure half of them dissapear afterwards.


Yes it's not confirmed, and the PPV makes it look like a pointless idea..... There are some guys who are going to find it hard to get on the card that deserve to be there, and they won't be able to do it without this match. I'm talking guys like JoMo, Cody Rhodes, Mcintyre, Kane, Swagger etc... For me, as simply as I can put it, you have Morrison win this match, the guy is over now no mistakes be made. Remember when he was losing to daniel Bryan for the U.S. title, he recently beat bryan without any title being involved, that usually screams that your above the other guys level. This is true. When he goes to cash in it HAS to be a CM Punk 2009 style cash-in. He tries to cash-in on a huge face like cena and gets heat for doing it thus turning him heel in the process. It puts him in the title picture which they have been trying to do for a good while now and makes him heel which is certainly a stronghold for him, especially since he gets such good pops now. Loud face pops = much heel heat when turning, just ask jeff hardy. If Vince doesn't think he looks legit enough as a fighter to be a top-draw babyface, make him a top draw heel, makes sense no?

WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championships

Yeah almost forgot this one too. Waste of time but they have to be defended. For me you open the PPV with this one, give it a 5 minute match against the Usos and have them drop the belts. Tamina basically betrays Santino and helps her boys get the belts, easily the best case scenario. Starting mania with a santino pop is a good way to go at least. Like I said 5 minutes or your just wasting your own PPV time.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I only just realised that I didn't completely post in MY personal match choices, I more booked most of the rumoured matches as they stand. If I was booking, the card would look like this:
- Edge v Christian v Del Rio (WORLD TITLE)
- Randy Orton v John Cena
- Miz v Morrison (WWE TITLE_
- Sheamus v HHH
- Koztino v Uso's (TAG TITLES)
- Kofi Kingston v Daniel Bryan (IC/US TITLE UNIFICATION)
- Natalya v Beth Phoenix (DIVA TITLE)
- Barrett v Taker
- CM Punk v batista (epic return, I just think it's going to happen)
- Corre v Nexus (I probably wouldnt have this match if I could avoid it in all honesty)
- Diesel v Big Show (bit of fun, and a spectacle at mania no less)

Oh and of course the Raw GM is revealed to be The Rock, but that's merely an ideal world.
Okay well I think I've finally came up with my final Wrestlemania prediction card. (Matches are not in order)

1. Cena vs Miz for the WWE Title : This match is pretty much set in stone. I see Cena walking out of Mania with the belt. He hasn't had it for quite some time now and I don't think Miz is ready to get a win over Cena at the biggest PPV of the year.

2. Punk vs Orton : I'm actually excited for this one. I was worried at first that there wasn't enough time to build a credible fued between them, but now I think this match will be great. Not sure about the winner though.

3. Cole vs Lawler in a Hair vs Hair match : Again, this match practically writes itself. I've said before how this match will be built and I don't feel like repeating myself.

4. Corre vs New Nexus in an Elimination Match : I see all the members of Corre (including Barrett) vs all the members of New Nexus (minus Punk). They could leave Barrett in the match by saying that there was no leader of Corre and they should all fight together for a victory. Punk is the obvious leader of Nexus and can say he is a higher power and has other business to take care of. Corre would walk out winners.

5. Undertaker vs Sting with the streak on the line : That's Right. I said Sting. I now think that the "2-21-11" promo was for a debuting Sting. Undertaker is almost certain for Mania now and Sting is one of very few people that could pull off a match with Undertaker the year after his epic encounter with Michaels. I can't see Barrett because a match between him and Taker is a HUGE step down from Michaels.

6. HHH vs Sheamus : A Wrestlemania rematch. This can pretty much write itself. HHH returns, seeks revenge, they attack eachother for a few weeks, the match is announced, and there you have it.

7. Edge vs Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship : I'm not even explaining this one because it was already announced.

8. Kong vs Natalya for the Divas Belt : This match has the potential to be really good. Of course Lay-Cool would just have to get involved though because their 'Flawless!'.

9. MITB Match : Bryan vs Rhodes vs Dibiase vs Masters vs Henry vs Morrison vs Kingston vs Swagger vs Bourne vs Ziggler. I see 10 participants this year. They all have a chance of winning, but I see either Ziggler or Morrison with the victory.

10. Kane vs Mysterio vs Big Show : I'm not sure about this one, but these veterans need something to do so why not make them face eachother? WWE can spark up a fued in time.

11. Santino/Kozlov vs Usos for the Tag Team Titles : A short match to get the titles on the show and give the Usos a chance at winning.

*Pre Mania Battle Royal with everyone who didn't get a match on TV*

This Mania seems pretty stacked.
I voted for HHH vs. Sheamus.

If for nothing else, I can predict the winners of the other three. This makes it more interesting. I would be shocked to death if Punk, Cena or especially Barrett went over.

With Sheamus in the last year taking out HHH, establishing himself more, having another WWE title win, closing out PPV's, and especially with HHH winning last year, maybe it's time for Sheamus to get his first Wrestlemania victory. I could see HHH going over and I could see why; but I definitely feel out of those four matches, I feel it's the most likely the match that could go either way.

Besides, I heard about HHH coming back, that he actually won't be challenging for the belt (at least what I heard) and like Shawn just wants to put on really good matches. You never know. I love Punk but I get this vibe this impression that Orton is new backstage douchebag.

Miz vs. Cena- I say there is a 1% chance Miz wins at Wrestlemania.

I like Barrett's chances even less, although I would be all for Undertaker' streak being broken. Especially if it was losing to an up and comer.

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