*MERGED* General WrestleMania 27 Discussion & Predictions

Which rumored WM 27 match sounds like it will be the best?

  • The Miz vs John Cena for the WWE Title

  • Triple H vs Sheamus

  • Randy Orton vs CM Punk

  • The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett

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If this ends up being the part of the card for Wrestlemania then I have no rewal interest in Mania this year.

The only match that has any appeal to me would be Orton vs CM Punk. The reason is both of these guys can go in the ring and put on a great spectacle. They are also very likely to be able to create an interesting fued for the lead up months. Orton can try to get at Punk but Nexus prevent it from happening and have Punk constantly punking Orton out. This way Orton must successfully get past Nexus before he can get his hand on Punk at Mania.

All the rest will be bland and slow matches.

Cena Wins
Taker Wins
Orton Wins
HHH Wins
I think if Trips would have returned sooner everyone would be ready for an awesome match but now that he has been gone for so long, the feud between Sheamus and HHH has been dried out and been talked about by Sheamus every two weeks. If HHH does return to face him that no one will care anymore since it just got super boring to all of us. As fans we like to see rivalries but we also like to see something new and different, this is not new and different at all. I sure hope Vince doesn't expect it to be a money match...
Taker vs. Cena is probably dead, as far as Wrestlemania 27 goes. This would require a HUGE build-up, and Taker hasn't been around to get it started.

I think WWE will eventually go with Cena vs. Orton, so I'm not picking any of these options. Cena vs. Miz & Punk vs. Orton would be greats feuds, but they aren't the big money matches.

Cena vs. Orton is a freakin' HUGE draw. It would easily be the biggest face vs. face match WWE has had since Rock vs. Austin at Mania 17.

People will piss and moan, "We've already seen this a millionz timez." True, but we haven't seen Orton and Cena while both men are babyfaces. Also, when have these two had a "bad" match?

I really hope WWE goes this route, as Orton is probably the biggest threat Cena has faced at Mania since HHH. It isn't often when you get two babyface characters who are so close in popularity (Hogan/Warrior, HBK/Bret Hart, Austin/Rock), and I really think WWE will capitalize on that.
For me it would have to be Taker and Barrett because firstly it involves taker, that's always a good way to get me interested but I'm also relishing the idea of what it could do for Barrett if it works the way it could do.

After that it is Orton and CM Pnk because they are two of the two guys right now, probably the best match based on talent vs. talent and I can imagine how good a potential feud to be. Then it's Sheamus and Trips because of the payback and the returning HHH who is likely to bring a ton of momentum and finall Miz and Cena. Honestly Miz and Cena doesn't excite enough to raise my middle finger in opposition. It does less than nothing for me.
Taker vs. Cena is probably dead, as far as Wrestlemania 27 goes. This would require a HUGE build-up, and Taker hasn't been around to get it started.

I think WWE will eventually go with Cena vs. Orton, so I'm not picking any of these options. Cena vs. Miz & Punk vs. Orton would be greats feuds, but they aren't the big money matches.

Cena vs. Orton is a freakin' HUGE draw. It would easily be the biggest face vs. face match WWE has had since Rock vs. Austin at Mania 17.

People will piss and moan, "We've already seen this a millionz timez." True, but we haven't seen Orton and Cena while both men are babyfaces. Also, when have these two had a "bad" match?

I really hope WWE goes this route, as Orton is probably the biggest threat Cena has faced at Mania since HHH. It isn't often when you get two babyface characters who are so close in popularity (Hogan/Warrior, HBK/Bret Hart, Austin/Rock), and I really think WWE will capitalize on that.

It's not going to happen, nor should it happen. If you do that then how would you book Punk? Or Miz? Or any of the other main event heels?

Cena and Orton are the two biggest babyfaces in WWE right now, but don't kid yourself and try to compare them to Austin and Rock. Cena and Orton aren't nearly as over as those two were, nor would it draw as much money.

WM is going to end up drawing no matter what so it's not a must for them to go with Cena/Orton. Personally, I'm praying for a Jericho comeback so we can see Orton/Jericho with Y2J going over. That then I'd say Cena/Punk, and Miz/Morrison (unless you put the two of them in MITB).

Also, I disagree with people saying that HHH/Sheamus would be bland. I guarantee that they'd book that match to look incredible like they did with Sheamus' match against Morrison at TLC.
see i dont think these matches are going to happen, there are always matches predicted months before mania and alot of the times the matches dont happen

jeff hardy vs christian mania 25, woulda been great right? but got changed to hardy vs hardy because vince likes to change things up and keep us guessing

The Miz vs John Cena
Yes the match would make sense if cena won the rumble or at EC but why do this match when cena-punk makes a million times more sense? just keep cena and punk out of the ring together till mania

Orton vs Punk
like i said it needs to be Cena vs punk so i think it will end up being Orton vs Miz vs Morrison for the wwe title

Taker vs Barret
This i think will happen, will it be amazing? no but i believe it has potential to be at the very least good

HHH vs King Sheamus
This will most likely also happen but i hope that sheamus gets the win here
Yeah I'm curious why doesn't WWE book a Cena/Undertaker match for mania? It can't be because they are both faces because they've had many face vs face matches before for mania like Hogan/Warrior.

Two reasons....

1) At this point that match would have absolutely no buildup or storyline behind it. What would be Cena's motivation/reason to go after Taker? As I mentioned earlier, they should have had Cena as the leader of Nexus when they were running that storyline and made it so that he was the one that sent Nexus out to bury Taker. That would have been classic and awesome buildup to the WM match.

2) Taker's WM status is questionable. You can't backpeddle and hold Cena back for Taker if Taker may not even be able to compete at WM. At least with Barrett you can have him and the Corre fight Nexus if Taker is unable to go.
Well Wrestlemania is coming... and I'm extremely worried. Last year, we had phenomanal matches like Cena/Batista, Edge/Jericho, and fricken HBK/Undertaker. I find it really hard to top that.

This years rumored matches are...

Taker/Barret: Oh my god. NO! I really don't want to see this! From HBK to Wade Barret! That is a huge drop! I was praying for Lesnar. Taker vs Lesnar would be leaps and bounds better. That also leaves Barret open to do some kind of Corre vs Nexus match.

Cena/Miz: I really do NOT want to see Miz in the ME at WM. He's still new in the ME scene and I don't think they can risk this. Again, Batista to Miz is a giant drop!

Orton/Punk: I honestly wouldn't mind seeing this match. It could be really good, but I would rather see Punk in a Corre vs Nexus match. That could leave Orton to have a match with Cena... and that's a huge draw.

I think there could be a really good MITB match though, but besides that I think that this years WM will take a huge step down from last years. I'm worried that I'm just going to be disapointed. Does anyone else feel the same way?
Have to agree on the surface with the original post. On the surface, this Wrestlemania is a big drop off (potentially) compared to last year. Really though, what can you do? Batista is retired, Jericho is on yet another sabbatical, Shawn Michaels is retired. There was simply going to be a natural drop off in star power.

You have to take the good with the bad. While this Mania, on the surface, looks to lack that big special attraction match, it's an excellent opportunity for these young guys to step up. It's become a "shit or get off the pot" event for guys like the Miz, Ziggler, ADR, Morrison or insert any random new young star.

I personally hope against hope that the Undertaker doesn't face Barrett and the Lesnar dream comes true, it's just not going to happen. Hopefully there will be at least one large marque match that can sell the show to the general public, but I will be buying this pay per view regardless.
On the face of it, I agree that WM looks disappointing at the moment. At the moment there is no Undertaker, Y2J, Batista, HBK or HHH on WWe TV so they are lacking in PROVEN headliners. However, I'm going to hold fire until after RR as it is obvious that they must have a number of surprises in store for us (going to a 40 person field) - speculations at the moment are a bit premature, the Rumble is the traditional beginning of the rivalries that'll make up the WM card.
Like Shocky said, it might look a little underwhelming on paper. But, this is just a situation in which you have to roll with the punches and do the best that you can.

For the past several years, there've been lots of complaints about the lack of young talent being pushed into more prominent spots, being developed, the same people in the same spots month after month, etc. and there've been valid points to those complaints. However, you can't really build new stars to take the place of older ones if the older ones are still in those spots. Jericho is gone and according to a recent interview has no plans to return in the immediate future, HBK has been retired from the ring officially for almost a year, Batista's gone from the company, The Undertaker's body is just about shot and it's getting harder and harder for him, Triple H is basically preparing himself for the time in which he'll probably take over for Vince when Vince retires by learning more about the corporate side of the business, etc. One reason for the WWE "youth movement" in 2010 is because they didn't really have a choice. If they'd started this a few years back, I don't think there'd be conversations like this. After all, there was a roster with big name veterans a few years back that could've been used to really elevate some guys. But, it is what it is and I think the WWE has done pretty well under the circumstances.

You could look at WM as something of a test for a lot of these young guys. They're going to be the ones ultimately carrying the show and, when you think about it, this is what the IWC has really been wanting for a long time now. Younger talent is stepping up, they're taking the places of veterans that are no longer with the company or won't be with the company all that much longer. It might not be the ideal scenario many net fans have in mind, but that's life.
I am a little worried too. I am not big on the idea of any of those three matches. I guess if I had to change it, I would make it Miz/Morrison for the WWE Championship, Edge/Punk for the World Title, and Orton/Cena.

I'll start by saying Miz and Morrison had one hell of a match on Raw and if given the time, and oppurtunity I think they could have one memorable Wrestlemania main event. They have great chemistry in the ring together. I think Vince should give the ball to these two young men and see what they can do. He just would have to believe and have a lot of faith in the both of these guys. I guess Morrison could win the Rumble and they feud from there.

Next up, I said Edge and Punk because something about the two of them, I don't know I just think they could put on a good match. I don't want Punk wasted in a tag match because he it's Wrestlemania and he deserves one of the top matches.

Orton and Cena would be the big draw. No title on the line because no title needed. This would be the big Wrestlemania most anticipated match for the night. Face vs Face.

I won't go into detail with this but also Triple H vs Taker with HBK as the special ref. Something would have to be done with the Sheamus program though.

Anyway Wrestlemania looks much more unpredictable than last years and I can't wait to see what happens. I just don't want to see Punk/Orton, Cena/Miz, or Barrett/Taker.
These are talked about matches. theres no definate answer to the matches at wrestlemania. The chances of Undertaker at WM are slim. So the leaves Nexus vs corre still open. So that leaves Cena vs. miz as the only open posibility. So they will probably do something with orton thats somewhat interesting. and the talks of lawler at WM spice things up.

In no way does this stack up to last years mania. Last years mania was amazing so it would be nearly impossible to put this years in the same category as last years.
They did not expect, Lesnar, Batista, Lashley all to not be there when they started making those monsters huge. They just do not have the passion and once triple HHH is gone, It is just Cena and Edge and Orton that can have legitimate Matches. I would not mind seeing another intersport thing with the Big show, he is the one thing that can carry this threw if and make it special. WWE will not let the show suck, so they will throw gobs off money at someone if they have to, don't worry. Especially with how well all the MMA is now doing
I actually think this WM is going to be great. With the exception of Edge/Jericho and Teker/Michaels, all the matches last year were... stale. Too safe.. I guess the MitB can be an exception, too. You're worried about this year's WM because for year after year we've seen muscled up veterans who have lead the past 14+ PPVs in the spotlight, and this year that simply won't happen.

I guess I'm the only one who would actually like to see Punk/Orton and Barret/Taker? Darn.

Hopefully John Cena will break his leg or something before the event. Not too early so he'll be healed by the time it starts, but not so late that WWE has to make ladt minute changes. Maybe a week or so after Elimination Chamber?
I think they are swerving big time... after 27 successful events, they are going to leave it to chance?

Come on...really? For years it's been soooo predictable, people like us could predict it months in advance... even Cena's "shock return" wasn't really... they probably have Brock or someone signed... or Jericho will be back sooner than you think... with the stock news... Vince knows this years WM HAS to deliver... and I think he has something in the bag...
I'm not overly worried, I'm excited that we're gonna be forced to have fresh names here. There are a ton of dream matchs that could make this show great, we could finally have both the IC and US titles defended on a WM card, something I don't think has EVER happened.

Also, while it might leave some of Nexus off the card, I'd mark the fuck out for Punk vs Bryan.
First I think anybody has a right to be worried about WM27 this year. As you said the list of matches you have compared to last years doesn't compare on paper. On paper WM 26 looks much better then WM27. You just had the established, well known, household names, wwe veterans on this card. This year there aren't as many big names on the card. But there are big names and storyline wise I think this WM could be just as big. Match wise I think this WM27 could be just as big.

If your nervous about guys not be established you have to look at history. In 2005 when Randy Orton faced the Undertaker at WM21 he was in the wwe for only what 2 or 3 years and had a less than memorable first world title reign a year earlier. But this match was great. It was awesome.

Batista vs. Triple H WM 21 was great. WWE took the risk in a guy who hasn't main evented or hardly main evented if any at all. But they pulled it off.

John Cena vs. JBL WM21. WWE took a risk in Cena in which they saw him as sloppy in the ring. But they pulled it off. Some in the WWE including Vince and JBL even say this was the night John Cena became the face of the WWE.

These are three matches in which wwe took a huge risk at their biggest pay per view of the year and this WM is one of the best.

Another example is Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle at WM 19. Kurt Angle and even the WWE was worried about the match since Brock Lesnar was with the company only a year and so young and fresh on the scene. But this match is considered one of the best matches in WM history and WWE history.

This year with Wade Barrett vs. The Undertaker this storyline makes since in a lot of ways and the fued to WM pretty much writes itself. What match do you expect? It should be Barrett vs Taker. Barrett and the Nexus took Undertaker out last year. So it makes since. And Barrett was part of the biggest storyline/angle last year in the Nexus. Barrett may not be on Shawn's level. But this still will be a good match.

John Cena vs. The Miz is a great idea since for the last few months have been call The Miz the next face of the company. Michael Cole has said it for awhile since Miz won MITB. Plus both bring in the Media/outside attention.

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk- Looking forward to seeing this match and how they will build it.

I think you have a right to be worried but still previous years and WM's have been able to pull off similar situations.
Plans always change for the WWE. For example, Nexus was suppose to crash and burn in october of 2010, obviously that did not happen. I believe HHH will be in the ME picture. Why not a match like HHH vs. Punk, Orton vs Edge (if he turns heel), Cena vs Miz, Have taker face punk or barret or whatever mma fighter comes into the picture, and Morrison vs Bryan for the US title (I believe that would be a wonderful match)

They may be short on starts, but they could make this easily work, I guess we will have a better view of vm after this sunday when we finds out who wins the royal rumble
There are a few things that the WWE can do to make this a good, if not memorable Wrestlemania. Here is what I would like to see on the card based on current storylines and title situations (in no order):

Cena vs. Punk - We all want to see Punk make it on the big stage and this could be a defining match for him.

Nexus vs. Corre (Tag Team Titles) - I hope a serious feud starts at the RR and Nexus beats Santino/Koslov. It's possible to elevate several talents here.

Natalya vs. Awesome Kong (Diva's Title) - This can be the biggest Diva's storyline since Trish vs. Mickie James. It would be an intriguing match to say the least.

Beth Phoenix vs. LayCool (Handicap Match) - Going with the PG theme, it would be good to see LayCool called out as bullies and destroyed.

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler (US Title) - They have great chemistry together and I'd like to see them steal the show.

Kofi Kingston vs. Rey Mysterio (IC Title) - This could be a huge rub for Kofi if done correctly.

Alberto del Rio vs. Undertaker (healthy of course) - AdR can be behind the Nexus attack and this could be a hell of a match, especially if it was submissions only. There are various ways to work the storylines after WM as well.

Sheamus vs. HHH - The overall improvement of the Celtic Warrior warrants a vicious rematch.

Randy Orton vs. Big Show - We haven't really seen this match and it would be interesting to develop a good rivalry between these two. It can start with the return on ShowMiz at the RR.

Money in the Bank - R-Truth, Kane, Swagger, Morrison, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, a member each of Nexus and The Corre

Christian vs. Edge (World Heavyweight Title) - Christian can shockingly return and cheat his way to a Royal Rumble win to set up a match we have wanted to see for years.

John Morrison vs. The Miz (WWE Title) - They have exceptional chemistry together and the mic work could be top notch. This would also signal a changing of the guard type of main event with two wrestlers who are familiar with one another.
Well Wrestlemania is coming... and I'm extremely worried. Last year, we had phenomanal matches like Cena/Batista, Edge/Jericho, and fricken HBK/Undertaker. I find it really hard to top that.

This years rumored matches are...

Taker/Barret: Oh my god. NO! I really don't want to see this! From HBK to Wade Barret! That is a huge drop! I was praying for Lesnar. Taker vs Lesnar would be leaps and bounds better. That also leaves Barret open to do some kind of Corre vs Nexus match.

Cena/Miz: I really do NOT want to see Miz in the ME at WM. He's still new in the ME scene and I don't think they can risk this. Again, Batista to Miz is a giant drop!

Orton/Punk: I honestly wouldn't mind seeing this match. It could be really good, but I would rather see Punk in a Corre vs Nexus match. That could leave Orton to have a match with Cena... and that's a huge draw.

I think there could be a really good MITB match though, but besides that I think that this years WM will take a huge step down from last years. I'm worried that I'm just going to be disapointed. Does anyone else feel the same way?

On paper, yes last year was great. But in actuality, it was one of the worst and most disappointing Wrestlemanias.

The 2 best matches were: Mysterio vs. Punk (no surprise there) and Triple H vs. Sheamus (surprisingly)

On paper, it's going impossible to top. But in terms of match quality? It shouldn't be difficult at all. Jericho-Edge was terrible, Cena-Batista was boring and Taker-HBK was underwhelming and predictable.

They should just concentrate on making quality matches, it would more than make up for the lack of PROVEN star power. Because let's face it, just because some of these guys are young and not flashy names.......they will be. They have be given a chance to shine first......like Sheamus.

I thought Sheamus was going to be a complete flop. It took awhile, but the more he wrestled and the more promos he cut.....I saw that he was a true talent.
im not worried. WM is were stars are made. what im really hoping for is if everything goes right. Sting will be in the HOF this year and taker will be ready for WM i want to see Sting Taker match. worth the $50 bucks right there
It is univerally accepted that Wrestlemania 27 is going to suck, BIG TIME. I fully endorse a Cena vs The Miz match...just do not make it a title match or the main event. I thin nothnig would elevate The Miz more than a clean opinfall victory of John Cena on the biggest stage of all.
CM Punk has to be given a main event match, his in ring skills are top shelf, and I cannot see him getting a win over Randy Orton on the ppv.
If WWE really want to garner many PPV buys, they need to go ahead with the planned Unification of the titles, and have the final match as the main event of Wrestlemania 27.
I will not bore you with the lead uop, but here is my card for Wrestlemania 27, which I feel would be entertaining, fresh matches and most of all, create enough interest for people to want to watch this











WCW GIMMICK BATTLE ROYALE( tie in with Mania in Atlanta, and 10 years since they folded)
DDP, BUFF BAGWELL, KEVIN NASH, ERNEST MILLER, ROCK AND ROLL EXPRESS,MIDNIGHT EXPRESS, GOLDBERG, ARN ANDERSON, MICHAEL HAYES, DEAN MALENKO, RICKY STEAMBOAT, MIKE ROTUNDO and whomever else would be able to take a fall to the floor and is not under contract to TNA or dead etc etc)

I feel that card offers up fresh matches, exciting form head to toe(tag match is a throw away, but gets a few guys a start and the tag belts should be defended at Wrestlemania). Having Punk go over HHH and Miz go over Cena really pusghed them both to bona fide main event level. Orton beating Jericho solidifys his spot as the number one guy in the company, hopefully leading to a full blown Cena heel turn, and have them fued over the belt with Orton the face and Cena the heel, and flog the title as actually meaning something.
I think WrestleMania will be fine. They are hoping that this years WrestleMania tops the 1 million buys mark, what reports I've read. I think that they generally get to that number on a yearly basis.

In 2008, I believe it did a little over a million buys. 2009 was about 50,000 shy of a million. 2010 did somewhere closing in on 900,000. However, I think WrestleMania in 2010 was hurt by the fact that UFC had a show the day before 'Mania. I think I read that somewhere a bit ago, so it's obviously going to affect the show to a certain extent.

Nonetheless, they are rebuilding. In many ways, numbers in attendance, ratings and buyrates are bound to show that. Still, I feel they will probably beat out 2010, so that's a good sign. Also, I think that the matches could be very compelling.

Hopefully, The Undertaker gets either Goldberg or Lesnar. However, Barrett could still be interesting with taking him out and building him up at the same time. If Barrett loses (and he will, I'm almost sure) it could hurt his character for a while, but he could still be the man that retires The Undertaker.

I digress.

CM Punk Vs. John Cena could also be a really good match if written out correctly. On Raw, I was very pleased with the match they put on. That was a very good match for how brief it was. With the write build up and the feel of something on the line, I could see fans getting behind it. Especially if you get the feel that either man could get the ring, which is hard to do with a Cena match at WrestleMania.

The MITB match always sells well and if they use some of their best young, good workers to put the match over, I would love it. I'd hope they only go with the one MITB and it's for both brands. 4 men from Raw and Smackdown! that would interest me; Daniel Brian, John Morrison, Alex Riley, Evan Bourne (hoping he makes it back in time), Alberto del Rio, Drew McIntyre, Justin Gabriel, Dolph Ziggler.

Then, you'd also have Randy Orton winning to title from The Miz. It's going to get one of the biggest pops in recent history. Why not save it for the event?

Edge could take on the winner of the Royal Rumble, which would give the "secondary brand" a boost in terms of the attention. It makes the most sense to me, anyway.

Also, there's the potential for a Sheamus/Triple "Battle Of The Kings" match-up.

So, the card COULD read as follows.

The Miz [c] Vs. Randy Orton

CM Punk Vs. John Cena

Edge [c] Vs. Rumble winner.

Sheamus Vs. Triple H

The Undertaker beating someone. Lol.

MITB Ladder Match:
Alberto del Rio Vs. John Morrison Vs. Dolph Ziggler Vs. Daniel Brian Vs. Evan Bourne Vs. Alex Riley Vs. Drew McIntyre Vs. Justin Gabriel

I don't know. I wouldn't be too disappointed with that line-up. Have been much worse 'Manias. Lol.
Ok wow when did this turn into "how would you book WM?" oh wait, it didnt.

Anyways, Right now they have pleny of ways to make a memorable WM. Its a matter of will they use it. Morrison winsa t EC and faces miz at WM. Edge vs christian which would require a heel turn form one of them which wwe cant afford. HHH vs sheamus. SHeamus vz JoMo. So many possibilities you can do with these young bright stars. ANd Lashley has talked about returning. So im not worried about WM just how it looks compared to last year.

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