*MERGED* General WrestleMania 27 Discussion & Predictions

Which rumored WM 27 match sounds like it will be the best?

  • The Miz vs John Cena for the WWE Title

  • Triple H vs Sheamus

  • Randy Orton vs CM Punk

  • The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett

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I was talking with a fellow poster the other night and he noted that Cena needs to step aside and let others main event Wrestlemania this year and I agree with him. If WWE wants to move forward witht there new youth movement then they need to have younger guys headline wrestlemania. If the reports of Miz vs Cena for the WWE Championship is true then sure it would help Miz but I think he could put on a better match with someone else. Here is what I would do.

Money in the Bank
Alberto Del Rio vs Drew Mcintyre vs Kofi Kingston vs Cody Rhodes vs EVan Bourne vs Ted Dibiase vs Kane vs Tyson Kidd
Winner Del Rio

Natalya vs Beth Pheonix for the Divas title in a lumber jill match - Eventually have Beth turn on Nataly and then they can feud
winner Natalya

Wade Barrett vs David Otunga - This has to go down sometime. They have been teasing it.
winner Barrett

Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler in a unification 2 out of 3 falls match - There has been talk of unifying all the belts. I think they should unify them for a month or two, keeping both titles. So have Daniel Bryan win and then drop the Intercontinental back to Ziggler at Backlash. They have put on some great matches in the past so this could be a classic.
winner Bryan

Santino and Kozlov vs the Usos with Tamina as the special ref for the tag titles - Have Tamina asking the Uso's for forgiveness and say they are her family but still have her date santino.
Winner Usos with Tamina screwing Santino over.

Jericho vs Big Show - Jericho comes back and feuds with his former partner.
winner Jericho

Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio - These two put on a good match at the MITB ppv and I would like to see a rematch.
Winner Mysterio

Triple H vs Sheamus in a Street Fight - Self Explanatory. Triple H comes back seeking revenge. Sheamus should win since Triple H won last year.
winner Triple H

John Cena vs CM Punk - Continue this feud that they are doing now but don't have a match untill Mania.
winner Cena

Edge vs Christian for the World Title - Let Christian make his return and have them feudn with Edge as the heel.
winner Christian

Randy Orton vs The Undertaker - This match would have good build up because who better, to try and end the streak then the most popular superstar at the moment.
Winner Taker of course.

Miz vs Morrison for the WWE Championship - DId you see the match they had last night? Just think what they could do in the last match at Wrestlemania. Give the young guys the ball and let them run with it. Let Morrison win the RR and they can start feuding.
winner Morrison.

That's right 12 matches. If Vince wants Buyrates then he needs more wrestling on the card. Limit the backstage segments and focus more on wrestling like the older Wrestlemanias.
Agreed. As long as the mid-card title is being defended, I'm happy with it.

This is one of the reasons I've never been a huge fan of MITB and think it should just remain as it's own PPV now, because it's led to the mid card titles hardly being defended at Mania which has devalued them.

Well, short or not, it still happened. And since it has happened before, of course it can happen again. Besides, what is the point feuding with Kane again? Even Vince has admitted the zero crowd reaction during the last 3 Taker vs Kane matches made him cancel their third Wrestlemania match because it would be dull as hell, seeing how the crowds weren't even halfway into it.

Kane has had 3 straight wins over Taker, I just don't see Taker not getting his revenge and win back. If anything I think he overlooks Barrett who is now in an angle with Punk and seemingly out of Nexus in the same way he overlooked all the heels who helped Yoko put him in the casket at Rumble 94, and focused solely on Yoko when he returned. I reckon he has one last match with Kane, perferably on a Smackdown so Taker can move on quickly.

Well, at WM 23 and 24 against Batista and Edge, Taker literally chased against them, but people were still sure he would have won. In actuality, no matter who is booked to chase who, as long as the build up is proper and the opponent is a credible main-eventer who can make u suspend your belief, The Streak match is a guaranteed classic. That's why matches with Diesel, Masked Kane, Triple H, Ric Flair, Batista, and Edge were far more successful than matches with A-Train and Mark Henry. With people like Cena or Jericho, u know u can suspend u'r belief and expect a legendary match. But with people like Sheamus, Wade, or Unmasked Kane again, u don't even need to watch to find out who wins in a mediocre match.

That's a fair enough point, any true main eventer, if booked right, can be made to work as a credible threat to the streak, I just prefer it be closer to Andre vs Hogan angle-wise as to me Cena vs Taker is the spiritual successor to that landmark match.

Precisely. It has happened three times to The Undertaker already.

1. After defeating three main event monster heels consecutively in the form of Diesel, Sid, and Masked Kane at WM 12, 13, and 14, who would believe Boss Man stood a chance against Taker at WM 15? No one, that's why the match remains the only Undertaker Wrestlemania match to receive 'boring!' chants from the crowd until now. It's a pity Taker & Mankind have never had and will never have a WM match together cause Vince was so keen on re-pushing Boss Man's fat a**. Vince should have booked a story where he hired Mankind to protect him from Taker and face Taker at WM 15 in a match we haven't seen them together before like Casket match or I Quit match or even Inferno match, cause if there was HIAC without Taker, why can't we have Inferno without Kane? Such a shame.

2. After defeating Triple H & Ric Flair at WM 17 & 18, who would believe Big Show & A-Train stood a chance at WM 19? It's a pity, Vince should have ended Taker vs Show feud at No Way Out and build a feud with Taker against Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, or RVD who had minor role only at WM 19. But no, he had to fulfill his dream and push A-Train and Nathan Jones to main event scene. We knew how it ended up. Seeing how Vince only gave Ric Flair a managerial role at WM 19, can u imagine if Vince actually utilized his brain and book three more matches at Wrestlemania 19 in the form of Undertaker vs Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio vs Rob Van Dam, and Chris Benoit vs Ric Flair? Wow, if those three matches have happened at WM 19, alongside the already great line up of Triple H vs Booker T, The Rock vs Stone Cold, Vince McMahon vs Hulk Hogan, Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels, and Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar? WM 19 might have been truly the best Wrestlemania ever instead of second only to Wrestlemania 17. Such a shame your love for pushing giants hindered a big big big chance, Vinnie.

3. After facing Randy Orton, who would believe Mark Henry stood a chance? It resulted in the worst casket match ever despite Vince's hope for Taker to carry Henry into a legendary match and made him a main eventer overnight. Till now, Henry is still jobbing on RAW. Taker should have faced either Angle or Benoit at WM 22, really.

At this point, The Streak match can't be a sideshow anymore. That is, if Vince still wants the 1 million buyrate. If Jericho does return in time, I think they should have him admit he's Nexus real leader. As we knew it, Vince believes his fans have short-term memories so I don't see why he wouldn't mention Orton in Jericho's return.

At least Taker vs Y2J sounds a hell lot better than Taker vs Wade or Taker vs Nexus.

Man when you read through that list Taker has had to work some turkey's at Mania. I would point out though that while Boss Man was a waste in 99, the Boss Man of 89 would have been a hell of an opponent for Taker.

Also I think Benoit would have been a stronger, more credible choice than Eddie at Wrestlemania 19 as he was coming off the back of that great match with Angle at the Rumble and his aggressive technical style would have seemed more of a threat than the very small Guerrero.

If Jericho returns I see him working Orton at Mania personally. I think if Taker is to have a streak match that matters at WMXXVII then we are looking at either Cena or Lesnar as his opponents IMO.

As for Goldberg....the match should have been done at WM 20, really. It's another miss on Vince's part. Instead of booking Taker in a match against Unmasked Kane which wasn't half as good as their legendary WM 14 match and went shorter than Undertaker's entrance, why not have one man among Goldberg, Lesnar, or Rock to attack The Undertaker at Survivor Series 2003 instead of Unmasked Kane. WM 20 was the last appearance of those 3, surely a match against Undertaker would have been better as a final match rather than a crappy handicap match or a match that is considered by many to be the worst match in the history of Wrestlemania.

Other than his ego, another reason I worry about Goldberg is his tendency to injure his opponents. I don't want him to botch a move, ends Taker's career (like he did to Bret), only to leave the night after like nothing happened.

I can't blame Vince for going with Lesnar vs Goldberg at the time to be fair, even though in hindsight it was an utter disaster. Personally of the 3 options in retrospect I'd have picked Lesnar for Takers WMXX opponent as he was leaving and would have added a great notch to the streak, of course you noted how short the match was and therein lies the rub, Taker really wasn't fit enough to have a great match with anyone that year.

One other issue with Goldberg is would it really draw? people were hardly falling over themselves o pay to see him in 2003, would they really care any more in 2011?

Well, that's why I said if Taker does return, he needs to be back after RR to end the feud against Nexus. And in the tag match, he has to do as little work as possible, taking minimal damage but giving maximal damage.

And no worries, Taker vs Cena doesn't need three months of build-up. One month is more than enough. Just look at Taker's WM matches with HHH, Orton, and Shawn Michaels (the 1st time).

As for being the bigger draw....who says old school fans who have long stopped watching wouldn't return to see whether The Streak of WWE's only remaining man from The Golden Era of Wrestling will be ended by the kids' hero, right? Cena vs Taker is like Hogan vs Andre in our time.

Same here, great discussion we're having in here, bro :)

There are quite a few ways they could handles Taker's return, the sooner the better though IMO if they want to set a big streak match up.

Fair point, there is precedent for the streak feud to just be built between the Feb PPV and Mania. I just envision a Cena vs Taker build up to be more lengthy, like HBK vs Austin.

As I mentioned above I too see Cena vs Taker as the spiritual successor to Hogan vs Andre, I just also wonder if Taker vs Lesnar may have a wider reaching appeal.

This type of discussion is why I joined the site. :thumbsup:
what i would like to see personally....

John Cena Vs. C.M. Punk - Let this feud build up anticipation with them both being in the Royal Rumble match as well as the Raw Elimination Chamber leaving Wrestlemania as their first oppurtunity for a one on one matchup

WWE Title Match
Randy Orton(c) Vs. Chris Jericho - Fingers are crossed to see Jericho return at the Royal Rumble and win the one event that isn't on his resume. Have Orton lose to The Miz at the Royal Rumble most likely due to Alex Riley interference, but go on to win the WWE Title at the Elimination Chamber. The foot work (no pun intended) for this feud has already been laid out from Ortons punt to Jericho's head

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Edge vs. Christian - give everyone the matchup they are dying to see. I'm a huge Christian mark but i don't ever see him winning the big one, but put this match together to please the WWEuniverse

No. 1 contenders match - street fight
The Miz vs. John Morrison - after their match on Raw this past week i believe this is a match that can bring buys to the Wrestlemania p.p.v. i would have Morrison be the one to eliminate The Miz from the Elimination Chamber costing him the title and then go on to be the last entrant along with Randy Orton to explain why he deserves the chance to be the no. 1 contender again. If Vince wants to stick with the youth movement this could be tweaked so its for the WWE Title instead with Miz coming out on top at Elimination Chamber and Morrison instead of Jericho being the Rumble winner.

Hell in a Cell match
Triple H vs. Sheamus - the return of Triple H against the man who took him out enough said.

Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett - due to the actions of Nexus helping Kane to bury the Undertaker

Intercontinental Title match - Fatal 4 way
Kofi Kingston(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew Mcyintire vs. Cody Rhodes

U.S. Title Match - Triple Threat
Daniel Bryan(c) vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Ted Dibiase

Tag Title Match
Santino/Kozlov vs. The Uso's vs. Los Aviadores(hopefully for their debut) vs Nexus Harris/McGillicutty

Divas Championship- Lumberjill match
Beth Phoenix vs Natalya(c)

Money in the Bank
Not sure if this match will take place or not due to it having its own p.p.v now but would work out well to use the other superstars who should get face time. possible entrants...

Rey Mysterio, Justin Gabriel, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Evan Bourne, Tyler Reks, The Big Show, Kane, Ezekial Jackson, basically any combination of guys that should be featured.

well those are just some thoughts and ideas to get as many superstars as possible onto the show and making it a sellable p.p.v without any celebrity appearences( though i'm sure there will be some) what do you think??????
If Vince really wants to get 1 million buys for WM, I hate to say it but Miz/Cena and Undertaker/Barrett isn't going to do it. In fact, it might decrease your buys. You can do whatever promo you want, but with that line up you can kiss one million buys goodbye.

You want 1 million plus big time ticket sales: John Cena vs Undertaker. John Cena is the biggest name in WWE and in the wrestling world. Undertaker is a legend and also well known through out every where. Both have a WM streak and knowing how WWE loves Cena, everyone will be thinking WWE will have him end Taker's streak. People will be rushing to pay per view this thing just to see THAT match.

But Cena/Taker not also will give you buys but sell outs. I know they are both Faces but come on....remember Hogan vs Warrior and the buzz that got!? A Face vs Face main event can easily work since they are both mega popular and people will pay to see it.

I don't know about you guys but wouldn't you rather see Cena vs Undertaker than Cena vs Miz and Barrett vs Taker?

This is how my WM27 card would look like:

John Cena vs The Undertaker

No Holds Bared- Sheamus vs HHH

WWE Title (best guys on the mic!)- The Miz vs CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title- Dolph Ziggler vs Edge vs Christian vs Rey Mysterio

Steel Cage Match- Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho

Intercontinental Title- Kofi Kingston vs Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match- Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Tyler Reks, Trent Barretta, Ted Dibiase, Tyson Kidd, Daniel Bryan, Alex Riley

Drew Mcintyre, Kelly Kelly, and Rosa Mendes vs Cody Rhodes and Laycool

Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole

Santino/Kozlov vs Mark Henry/Evan Bourne
This is one of the reasons I've never been a huge fan of MITB and think it should just remain as it's own PPV now, because it's led to the mid card titles hardly being defended at Mania which has devalued them.

Well, I can't really say the same. I have always liked MITB. But to be honest the only two IMTB I dare to label as classic is at WM 21 and 23. The rest is, IMO, overrated. The worst has to be at WM 25.

Kane has had 3 straight wins over Taker, I just don't see Taker not getting his revenge and win back. If anything I think he overlooks Barrett who is now in an angle with Punk and seemingly out of Nexus in the same way he overlooked all the heels who helped Yoko put him in the casket at Rumble 94, and focused solely on Yoko when he returned. I reckon he has one last match with Kane, perferably on a Smackdown so Taker can move on quickly.

That's also possible, I reckon. Regardless, I think we finally make 1 point clear: Kane or Barret, and then move on to a worthy Wrestlemania feud. There's no need for Taker to wipe them both before moving on. It's not like Taker vs Unmasked Kane and Taker vs Wade are Wrestlemania worthy feuds anyway.

That's a fair enough point, any true main eventer, if booked right, can be made to work as a credible threat to the streak, I just prefer it be closer to Andre vs Hogan angle-wise as to me Cena vs Taker is the spiritual successor to that landmark match.

Precisely, that's why matches with A-Train and Mark Henry put the crowd to sleep but matches with Diesel and Triple H didn't. Man, Vince really knew how to waste his chances creating classics.

Man when you read through that list Taker has had to work some turkey's at Mania. I would point out though that while Boss Man was a waste in 99, the Boss Man of 89 would have been a hell of an opponent for Taker.

Also I think Benoit would have been a stronger, more credible choice than Eddie at Wrestlemania 19 as he was coming off the back of that great match with Angle at the Rumble and his aggressive technical style would have seemed more of a threat than the very small Guerrero.

If Jericho returns I see him working Orton at Mania personally. I think if Taker is to have a streak match that matters at WMXXVII then we are looking at either Cena or Lesnar as his opponents IMO.

Yep, the 5 men ruining the credibility of The Streak are definitely Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, A-Train, Big Boss Man, and Mark Henry. It's such a shame Taker never got a Wrestlemania match with people liek Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Mankind, and other greats.

And sorry, but I beg to differ with preferring Benoit over Eddie. I mean, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels were, give or take, of smaller builds than Chris Benoit but Taker still managed to put classics with them. Both Eddie and Benoit were good choices, tho. Well, better than A-Train anyway.

And yes, if Vince still wants that 1 million buys, he has to do either Taker vs Cena or Taker vs Lesnar. With Taker vs Wade or Taker vs Nexus, I don't think he'll even gain 500,000 buys seeing how we're only 3 months away from WM 27 but WWE still got like what? 70,000 tickets available?

Grow some balls, Vince.

I can't blame Vince for going with Lesnar vs Goldberg at the time to be fair, even though in hindsight it was an utter disaster. Personally of the 3 options in retrospect I'd have picked Lesnar for Takers WMXX opponent as he was leaving and would have added a great notch to the streak, of course you noted how short the match was and therein lies the rub, Taker really wasn't fit enough to have a great match with anyone that year.

One other issue with Goldberg is would it really draw? people were hardly falling over themselves o pay to see him in 2003, would they really care any more in 2011?

Well, I'd prefer The Rock more than Lesnar at WM 20. Both are good choices, BTW, but of course Vince was too moronic to realize this. As usual.

And the problem I've with Goldberg is how biased most IWC can be. Goldberg's streak has long since ended, so labeling the match as 18-0 vs 173-0 is stupid, IMO, cause u can't put an active streak against a dead streak. And come on, he hasn't been wrestling for what? 7 years now? Wow, Undertaker vs someone with 7 years of ring rust doesn't sound like a legendary Wrestlemania match to my ears.

The Undertaker is famous for his (give or take) 30-minute epic battles at Wrestlemania. Goldberg is famous for his 30-second squash matches. Could Goldberg even GO 30 minutes? For that matter, what IS his longest match? 8 minutes, 10 minutes? Even if he could go 30 minutes, his very limited repertoire of moves would be exhausted in the first couple of minutes. And I don't care who you are, NOBODY can last 30 minutes trading punches with either man. Not even The Undertaker could carry Goldberg through a 30-minute match.

Ten years ago Goldberg was the hottest thing going in the business. The WWF's indestructible Destroyer vs WCW's indestructible Destroyer would have been HUGE. Today, Goldberg is irrelevant. He's been gone far too long; THIS generation of fans have never even seen him. Ten years ago the match may have lived up to the hype Vince would have created for it. Today...not a chance.

And regarding to his credibility as well. Goldberg is the past. He WAS a big-name so Taker would get a little out of that. But Goldberg IS the past and he hasn't been in the business for several years. Taker beating Goldberg now would mean very little. He would just be beating some guy who used to wrestle a decade ago and that's what fans would zone in on; Taker just beat some guy who used to wrestle in WCW ten years ago, big deal. Might just as well wrestle Dusty Rhodes at WM. At least The Dream still gets in the ring on occasion.

So, I agree with anyone saying Taker vs Goldberg is a bad idea.

There are quite a few ways they could handles Taker's return, the sooner the better though IMO if they want to set a big streak match up.

Fair point, there is precedent for the streak feud to just be built between the Feb PPV and Mania. I just envision a Cena vs Taker build up to be more lengthy, like HBK vs Austin.

As I mentioned above I too see Cena vs Taker as the spiritual successor to Hogan vs Andre, I just also wonder if Taker vs Lesnar may have a wider reaching appeal.

This type of discussion is why I joined the site. :thumbsup:

Well, even if 1 month of build up WWE can hype it insanely like they did to Triple H vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 25 (although that match turned out to be one of the worst Wrestlemania main events of all time).

But no worries, if WWE insanely hype Taker vs Cena for one month, I'm sure it won't follow the steps of HHH vs Orton. It's not like Taker vs Cena has been done a zillion times before the event and they wouldn't have to follow Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels.

Thanks for tip :) I'm looking forward to your reply ^^
look heres a good idea we have hhh return at rumble takes out Shamus which leads to elimination chamber and hhh wins but shamus still says he is the real king and hhh got lucky which leads to a open challenge which brock lesnar comes out and says i won the king of the ring to my first year and beat guys like john cena the rock and so on and they battle over that to see who the better man is and clearly lesnar wins the match and is face

now hhh will be added on to the Miz and cena which makes it a triple threat match for the title

we can still have punk vs Orton and Barret vs taker
the only thing I am worried about with Mania this year is predictability.....maybe thats why buyrates have been SO low....not only do you go the safe route with putting Cena in a title match...Triple H in a high profile feud....Undertaker in an extremely predictable win....but you also increase the price.....hello WWE adults are the ones that buy the PPVs.....none of those things sound appealing because they have all been done....also with Mania Im worried about Smackdown...the roster gets thinner by week....with RAW I could see Cena vs Punk....maybe a returning Jericho vs Orton.....Miz vs Morrison for the WWE title....Sheamus vs Triple H....a divas match which will most likely feature all of the divas instead of a great match between the likes of McCool, Phoenix or Natalya....then what for Sd? we might see Undertaker vs Wade Barrett but he is still too young....yea he would get a rub but who actually believes Wade will win....what does Rey do? What does Alberto or Edge or Kane do? they all fight each other every week anyways...I sure as hell wouldnt pay to see them fight again....on a sidenote...I do see Dolph Ziggler as the standout to win MITB....
Well, I can't really say the same. I have always liked MITB. But to be honest the only two IMTB I dare to label as classic is at WM 21 and 23. The rest is, IMO, overrated. The worst has to be at WM 25.

My problem with MITB is them sticking the mid-card champions in, and also putting too many wrestlers in it, I think the first one was the best as there was only 6 wrestlers in it.

That's also possible, I reckon. Regardless, I think we finally make 1 point clear: Kane or Barret, and then move on to a worthy Wrestlemania feud. There's no need for Taker to wipe them both before moving on. It's not like Taker vs Unmasked Kane and Taker vs Wade are Wrestlemania worthy feuds anyway.

Yes we definitely agree here. Lets throw another name into the mix, Triple H....viable option? I think so, the angle is there, Taker retired his best friend and it would be the 10 year anniversary of their first Mania match.

And sorry, but I beg to differ with preferring Benoit over Eddie. I mean, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels were, give or take, of smaller builds than Chris Benoit but Taker still managed to put classics with them. Both Eddie and Benoit were good choices, tho. Well, better than A-Train anyway.

Flair was a 16 time world champion and regarded as the greatest wrestler ever and I think HBK's resume' speaks for itself, neither Eddie or Benoit came with that rep and Eddie was ultra small, factor in Benoit having feuded with legit main eventers and having had PPV WWE title shots, as well as his aforementioned aggressive technical style, and I think he was the more credible opponent, now a year later at WM21 Eddie would have been ready but of course that was Orton's year.

And yes, if Vince still wants that 1 million buys, he has to do either Taker vs Cena or Taker vs Lesnar. With Taker vs Wade or Taker vs Nexus, I don't think he'll even gain 500,000 buys seeing how we're only 3 months away from WM 27 but WWE still got like what? 70,000 tickets available?

Grow some balls, Vince.

He's gonna struggle for those 1 million buys regardless I think, but if the current rumored card happens I think you could be right in him barely making half his targeted buyrate.

Well, I'd prefer The Rock more than Lesnar at WM 20. Both are good choices, BTW, but of course Vince was too moronic to realize this. As usual.

And the problem I've with Goldberg is how biased most IWC can be. Goldberg's streak has long since ended, so labeling the match as 18-0 vs 173-0 is stupid, IMO, cause u can't put an active streak against a dead streak. And come on, he hasn't been wrestling for what? 7 years now? Wow, Undertaker vs someone with 7 years of ring rust doesn't sound like a legendary Wrestlemania match to my ears.

The Undertaker is famous for his (give or take) 30-minute epic battles at Wrestlemania. Goldberg is famous for his 30-second squash matches. Could Goldberg even GO 30 minutes? For that matter, what IS his longest match? 8 minutes, 10 minutes? Even if he could go 30 minutes, his very limited repertoire of moves would be exhausted in the first couple of minutes. And I don't care who you are, NOBODY can last 30 minutes trading punches with either man. Not even The Undertaker could carry Goldberg through a 30-minute match.

Ten years ago Goldberg was the hottest thing going in the business. The WWF's indestructible Destroyer vs WCW's indestructible Destroyer would have been HUGE. Today, Goldberg is irrelevant. He's been gone far too long; THIS generation of fans have never even seen him. Ten years ago the match may have lived up to the hype Vince would have created for it. Today...not a chance.

And regarding to his credibility as well. Goldberg is the past. He WAS a big-name so Taker would get a little out of that. But Goldberg IS the past and he hasn't been in the business for several years. Taker beating Goldberg now would mean very little. He would just be beating some guy who used to wrestle a decade ago and that's what fans would zone in on; Taker just beat some guy who used to wrestle in WCW ten years ago, big deal. Might just as well wrestle Dusty Rhodes at WM. At least The Dream still gets in the ring on occasion.

So, I agree with anyone saying Taker vs Goldberg is a bad idea.

Couldn't agree more with your summation on Goldberg. :thumbsup:

Well, even if 1 month of build up WWE can hype it insanely like they did to Triple H vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 25 (although that match turned out to be one of the worst Wrestlemania main events of all time).

But no worries, if WWE insanely hype Taker vs Cena for one month, I'm sure it won't follow the steps of HHH vs Orton. It's not like Taker vs Cena has been done a zillion times before the event and they wouldn't have to follow Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels.

Thanks for tip :) I'm looking forward to your reply ^^

True, and yeah I shudder everytime I think of that Triple H vs Orton main event. :banghead:

I imagine Vince will have learned his lesson and if it is Cena vs Taker it will go on last.

Good stuff again man. ;)
My problem with MITB is them sticking the mid-card champions in, and also putting too many wrestlers in it, I think the first one was the best as there was only 6 wrestlers in it.

But I do believe it's a good chance for mid-carders to perform at Wrestlemania.

Yes we definitely agree here. Lets throw another name into the mix, Triple H....viable option? I think so, the angle is there, Taker retired his best friend and it would be the 10 year anniversary of their first Mania match.

The problem I have with Triple H is he's been added to The Streak before. Just like adding Kane the second time and Michaels the second time, they didn't hurt but they didn't give new credibility either because they have been added before. That pretty much says that The Streak still needs more big names to be added in order to improve it's lost credibility taken by adding the 5 talentless giants (Gonzales, Bundy, Boss Man, A-Train, and Henry).

Flair was a 16 time world champion and regarded as the greatest wrestler ever and I think HBK's resume' speaks for itself, neither Eddie or Benoit came with that rep and Eddie was ultra small, factor in Benoit having feuded with legit main eventers and having had PPV WWE title shots, as well as his aforementioned aggressive technical style, and I think he was the more credible opponent, now a year later at WM21 Eddie would have been ready but of course that was Orton's year.

But I'm sure we can agree Taker vs Eddie or Taker vs Benoit would have been far better than Taker vs A-Train.

He's gonna struggle for those 1 million buys regardless I think, but if the current rumored card happens I think you could be right in him barely making half his targeted buyrate.

Well, with his current card I don't think he will even make it to 750,000. That much is obvious :p

Couldn't agree more with your summation on Goldberg. :thumbsup:

Cheers :lmao:

True, and yeah I shudder everytime I think of that Triple H vs Orton main event. :banghead:

I imagine Vince will have learned his lesson and if it is Cena vs Taker it will go on last.

Good stuff again man. ;)

Nice! Let's do it again some other time ;)

Here's my take on the 3 currently discussed matches for Wrestlemania and what I would do instead.

Cena vs The Miz
I like this one. Reminds me of a modern day Hogan vs Piper, whom met at the inaugural Wrestlemania. This match also has the potential to have a Bret Hart/Steve Austin Wrestlemania 13 type atmosphere. And by that I mean, by the end of the match the crowd could be cheering heavier for the heel than they are for the face.

Orton vs Punk
Don't like it. No history between the two. And not enough time to build any real anomosity between the two in time for Mania which is only a few months away. Instead, I would have Punk face Daniel Bryan in a submission match. They both use submission finishers, both have an ROH background, and both lead (allegedly) a vegan/straight edge lifestyle. This could be a modern day Savage vs Steamboat. As for what to do with Orton, I'll get to him in a bit.

Undertaker vs Wade Barrett
Part of me likes this, part of me hates it. What I like about it, would be the buildup. This will be Wade's first Mania while potentially Taker's last. It could be promoted as the potential end of one streak and the beginning of another. Barrett, much like Taker, has dominated his first year in the company taking on all the top guys just as Taker did in his first year. But the appeal of Takers streak over the last two years has been that in facing Shawn Micheals, there was a chance Taker would actually lose since Shawn was his equal. Does anyone get that same feeling with Wade Barrett? Dont think so.

So who should face The Undertaker? Some have said Cena. Naaah. That would be a dud. Half the crowd would go home unhappy no matter what the result. Cena's too divisive. If he wins, half the crowd goes hom unhappy. If he loses, half the crowd goes home unappy. Its a lose lose scenario. Others have said Brock Lesnar. Lesnar hasnt had much sucess at Mania. Botching the big spot finish againt Angle one year, and then following that up with a horrendous match with Goldberg. So Im not big on Lesnar. And while I'm willing to suspend disbelief when I watch wrestling, believing that an injury riddled 40 something Undertaker could actually beat a UFC Champion in the prime of his career is bit of a stretch even for wrestling. Besides, I dont see how they could work a finish that would benefit either guy. If a UFC guy comes in for one night and beats the most dominant guy in WWE then that doesnt exactly make WWE or The Undertaker look very good. And if Lesnar loses to a pro wrestler, then he looks bad. Again, lose lose scenario. Looks good on paper, much like Cena vs Taker, but it's all about the execution in the end.

So if not Barrett, Lesnar, or Cena, who would I choose? Well, it's not gonna happen, but it SHOULD be Randy Orton. Who better to try and end the streak, then the Legend Killer. Orton's risen to the next level over the past year and is the only guy on the roster who I think could match Shawn Micheals in one important factor when it comes to being a Wrestlemania opponent for the Undertaker. Much like Shawn, the crowd would be fine if Orton won. IF anyone is to end Takers streak, it has to be someone the fans will accept. Lesnar and Cena would be booed. Barrett simply isnt ready. Orton on the other hand would get a huge pop if he hit an RKO and actually ended it. The older more knowledgeable wrestling fans accept him in a way they never will with Cena. They need to be able to end Mania on a high note. No matter who won with Orton/Taker, the crowd would pop huge and go home happy. Plus, they have a history together much like Shawn/Taker did. But Ortons older, wiser and more experienced then he was the first time he took on the deadman in 2005. He's the viper now. And he's the perfect opponent for the deadman.


On another note, if I could just throw in one idea I'd like to see happen that I've had kicking around in my head the last little while. This scenario is similar to the Honkytonk Man/ Ultimate Warrior Summerslam 88 match if anyone remembers that. Here's what I have in mind. Have someone like Jack Swagger enter the ring and talk about how its a travesty that someone of his talent has been left off of this years Wrestlemania card one year after having won Money In The Bank. Then have Swagger challenge anyone in the back and say "get me someone to wrestle, I dont care who it is". Then theres a bit of a pause and a hush comes over the crowd as we wait to see who will aceept the challenge. Cue up the old Goldberg theme and the Atlanta crowd rises to its feet for the hometown hero and WCW legend. Goldberg makes a one time appearance and wins rather convincingly of course.
So it's looking like it will be old school vs newschool at WM27. The two young rising stars Miz and Wade Barrett attempt to end the streaks of the icons Cena and Undertaker. Sounds pretty cool and should be the theme of this year's WM. Also have Kaitlyn face either Melina or Natalya to complete the theme.
My take on how WreslteMania should be realistically booked!
It's unlikely they're going to get Sting/Goldberg/Lesnar back for a match.

I think most WM27 matches are going to be fairly well known in the next couple of weeks so before that I'm going to throw out my predictions for the event.
If I was booking this is how I would do it.
(Card in order from bottom)

-WWE Championship-
-NEXUS banned from ringside-
The Miz(c) vs. C.M. Punk vs. John Cena

-I Quit Match-
-Special Enforcer: Stone Cold Steve Austin-
King Sheamus vs. Triple H

-World Heavyweight Championship-
Title vs. Streak
Wade Barrett(c) vs. The Undertaker

-2011 Hall Of Inductees-
RAW GM interrupts,Goldberg spears him!

-Falls Count Anywhere-
Edge vs. Christian

-Grudge Match-
Randy Orton vs. Mystery Masked Man

-Piper's Pit-
Annonymous RAW G.M. Reveal

Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio

-Divas Championship-
-Divas Fatal Four Way Lumberjack Match-
Natayla(c) vs. Michelle McCool vs. Layla vs. Melina

-Interpromotional US vs. IC Champion-
Daniel Bryan vs. Alberto Del Rio

-Money In The Bank-
RAW:Justin Gabriel vs. Evan Bourne vs. R-Truth vs. Santino Marrella vs. Vladimir Kozlov
SD!: Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Jack Swagger vs. Ezekiel Jackson

John Morrison vs. Kane
Battle Royal with everyone not on the card!
Winner: Drew McIntyre
WWE Championship/Orton v ?:
Miz retains at RR with the help of a masked man distracting Orton.Masked man ruins Orton's chance of winning EC by handcuffing him to the chains.
CM Punk and Cena's feet hit the floor at the same time in the RR,they face each other 1 on 1 at EC but its a draw.
Miz retains in the RAW EC with help from Sheamus.

Orton constantly gets distracted/jumped by the masked man.He almost gets the mask off on a few occasions but he always gets away.
The masked man takes off the mask at WM27 and its Chris Jericho,was getting revenge for the punt in the head.


HHH returns at the RR and eliminates Sheamus only for him to come back at the end of the RR and eliminates HHH.
They destroy each other until the RAW EC where HHH eliminates Sheamus and he's 1 v 1 against Miz.
Sheamus destroys him and helps the Miz win!
Sheamus continues to get the upperhand the following RAW until Austin comes out and stunner's him and makes the GM place a no contact rule till Wrestlemania.

WHC Championship/Edge v Christian:

Edge retains at the RR and in the SD EC its down to him versus Barrett,former Nexus members(Young etc.)return and storm the chamber.They destroy Edge helping their old mentor.
Christian's(E&C have been tagging since his return at RR) music hits and comes down to save Edge,standoff between Nexus/Barrett and Edge/Christian,Christian hits Edge with a chair and Barrett is WHC.
Undertaker returns during a number one contender battle royal and eliminates Kane to win.Mind games begin with Barrett and all ex-Nexus members get taken out leading to Wrestlemania.


They have words backstage at EC after a tussle in the RR as to who is the better champion,ADR beats Kofi earlier int he night at EC.

Big Show v Rey:
Big Show gets eliminated from the RR by Mysterio.He says he forgives/respects Rey,they become a tag team for a while.Show turns on Rey after he luckily pins him in the SD EC.

John MoMo vs. Kane:

Kane leaves Smackdown after his Battle Royal loss to Undertaker and shows up on RAW he taking out jobbers/midcarders,Morrison stands up to him calling him a "bully" and the match is made.

Dolph Zigglers wins MITB and cashes in the same night after Undertaker just beats Wade Barrett for the WHC.Undertaker gets two wins in the same night to go 20-0!

Orton vs Punk
Don't like it. No history between the two. And not enough time to build any real anomosity between the two in time for Mania which is only a few months away. Instead, I would have Punk face Daniel Bryan in a submission match. They both use submission finishers, both have an ROH background, and both lead (allegedly) a vegan/straight edge lifestyle. This could be a modern day Savage vs Steamboat. As for what to do with Orton, I'll get to him in a bit.


Dude, Orton costed Punk his first title run by punting him in the head before the first championship scramble. There is plenty of reason for Punk to go after him, especially after making it clear that he holds grudges and doesn't forget things (which he did in his Slammy speach).
Dude, Orton costed Punk his first title run by punting him in the head before the first championship scramble. There is plenty of reason for Punk to go after him, especially after making it clear that he holds grudges and doesn't forget things (which he did in his Slammy speach).

That's not nearly enough to build a Wrestlemania feud around. Maybe for one match on a random RAW sometime during the year, but not Wrestlemania. Punk and Bryan would put on a far superior match and it was foreshadowed back in November when Punk was scouting Bryan at ringside. And Orton would be much better off in a more high profile match with someone like Undertaker.
It's a good start though. What happens if Punk and Nexus come out and smash Orton up during the title match at the Rumble. Punk comes out that next Monday and connects the dots. 'you cost me my first title run, I cost you your match last night'

Now Orton is invested in this feud.
John Cena vs. CM Punk
Winner: John Cena

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: The Miz (c) vs. John Morrison
Winner: John Morrison

Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho
Winner: Chris Jericho

Triple H vs. Sheamus
Winner: Triple H

Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett
Winner: Undertaker 19-0

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

IC vs. US TITLE MERGE: Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger
Winner: Jack Swagger

I think Jericho will return for vengeance on Randy for the punt. Triple H returns to fued with "King" Sheamus. Cena and CM Punk battle it out and this is where we see the final END of Nexus. Miz and Morrison go at it one more time. Taker keeps the streak going.

I don't care about any other matches..

Undertaker vs Wade Barrett

So who should face The Undertaker? Some have said Cena. Naaah. That would be a dud. Half the crowd would go home unhappy no matter what the result. Cena's too divisive. If he wins, half the crowd goes hom unhappy. If he loses, half the crowd goes home unappy. Its a lose lose scenario. Others have said Brock Lesnar. Lesnar hasnt had much sucess at Mania. Botching the big spot finish againt Angle one year, and then following that up with a horrendous match with Goldberg. So Im not big on Lesnar. And while I'm willing to suspend disbelief when I watch wrestling, believing that an injury riddled 40 something Undertaker could actually beat a UFC Champion in the prime of his career is bit of a stretch even for wrestling. Besides, I dont see how they could work a finish that would benefit either guy. If a UFC guy comes in for one night and beats the most dominant guy in WWE then that doesnt exactly make WWE or The Undertaker look very good. And if Lesnar loses to a pro wrestler, then he looks bad. Again, lose lose scenario. Looks good on paper, much like Cena vs Taker, but it's all about the execution in the end.

So if not Barrett, Lesnar, or Cena, who would I choose? Well, it's not gonna happen, but it SHOULD be Randy Orton. Who better to try and end the streak, then the Legend Killer. Orton's risen to the next level over the past year and is the only guy on the roster who I think could match Shawn Micheals in one important factor when it comes to being a Wrestlemania opponent for the Undertaker. Much like Shawn, the crowd would be fine if Orton won. IF anyone is to end Takers streak, it has to be someone the fans will accept. Lesnar and Cena would be booed. Barrett simply isnt ready. Orton on the other hand would get a huge pop if he hit an RKO and actually ended it. The older more knowledgeable wrestling fans accept him in a way they never will with Cena. They need to be able to end Mania on a high note. No matter who won with Orton/Taker, the crowd would pop huge and go home happy. Plus, they have a history together much like Shawn/Taker did. But Ortons older, wiser and more experienced then he was the first time he took on the deadman in 2005. He's the viper now. And he's the perfect opponent for the deadman.


On another note, if I could just throw in one idea I'd like to see happen that I've had kicking around in my head the last little while. This scenario is similar to the Honkytonk Man/ Ultimate Warrior Summerslam 88 match if anyone remembers that. Here's what I have in mind. Have someone like Jack Swagger enter the ring and talk about how its a travesty that someone of his talent has been left off of this years Wrestlemania card one year after having won Money In The Bank. Then have Swagger challenge anyone in the back and say "get me someone to wrestle, I dont care who it is". Then theres a bit of a pause and a hush comes over the crowd as we wait to see who will aceept the challenge. Cue up the old Goldberg theme and the Atlanta crowd rises to its feet for the hometown hero and WCW legend. Goldberg makes a one time appearance and wins rather convincingly of course.

I'm sorry to pick apart one small portion of your post, but the bolded is completely ridiculous. We have seen MANY matches at Wrestlemania where half the crowd will go home unhappy. Hell, don't look further than one year ago where tons of HBK fans were going home unhappy to keep the streak alive.

When you look at a Wrestlemania match, you look for bigger than life matches. Matches that people will talk about for years. One of the last few matches the WWE can sell an entire #1 PPV by itself is Cena/Taker. Fans of Cena want to see him in the biggest match of all time and that feud would go right up there with some of the best. I'm not saying it's bigger than Rock/Austin and some of the other greats, but you can't deny it's right up there.

Wade vs. Taker will be all build and a boring ass match. Taker does need a little help nowadays to put on a great show. HBK was his perfect dancing partner in the ring because they did so well together. I don't know many guys left in the WWE that can do that.
I'm fine with Taker vs Barrett. NOBODY is breaking Taker's streak anyway, not even Cena.

Sure, I would have rather had Taker vs Cena, but they botched those plans because Vince is too much of a pussy to turn Cena heel. They could have had Cena as the leader of the Nexus, and made it like he was the one responsible for burying Taker alive. Would have made a lot of sense and tremendous buildup going into Wrestlemaina, but they dropped the ball, and now a Taker/Cena match wouldn't make sense, especially with Cena now feuding with Punk.

I definitely don't want to see Taker/Lesnar, because Lesnar's a bitch for wanting to leave UFC just because he got his ass kicked in ONE FIGHT!! Also, Lesnar doesn't deserve that billing over someone like Barrett who's been working his ass off lately. While Taker/Barrett wouldn't be on the level of Taker/HBK, I think it'd be a decent match. Then Taker can retire at WM 28 when he fights Cena.
My Predictions
John Cena Vs MIZ:This Would Be a Great Match They Already Got History Between Them...The Match at the bash etc....John Cena Returns and wins the rumble....and Miz Got his title Reatined Simple....On Monday Night Raw Miz insults the RR winner and takes it too far...Refering Cena Again as a *ONLY HYPE* this setups the Match at Mania

Orton vs Punk:Weeks Leading Upto Backlash...Orton Vs Punk on RAW in which Orton Punted Punk..At RR Nexus invades and costs orton the match....go the viper rages with Anger Wrestle Mania 27

Edge Vs Christian:i love to see this Match......
Christian returns at RR but does Not Win the Match...But he wins at EC and challenges Edge For The Title....

Undertaker vs Kane: i think the rumors about lesnar are dead now but there is a rumor that SCSA will be back for one match......but thats also unlikely
Undertaker and Kane is the most suitable Match.....And u Know The History

HHH vs Sheamus
Although having Cena fuck Taker at wrestlemania and end the streak dirty would be the greatest heel turn since Hogans. The crowd would go ape shit. The kids would cry, the clued in fans would be outraged. It would tickle me pink.
Dude if they put barrett v. taker and if miz is even still champ going in to wm27, this will be the first year i don't even buy it. i think hhh v. taker career match like last year would be better, seeing that like hbk, taker already beat him and would be the 10 year anniversary also. wm28 cena v. taker for the big 20-0
About the Undertaker, I have one question, are we sure this will be his last Mania ?
Ok I know that's Taker body is all messed-up but can he retire after a so poor year ?
I easily see him making a normal mania match this year, then rest until January 2012 where he will come back in good shape to build a heck of a match, his last matche this time.
What do you think ?
and one more thing, why not a triple H vs Taker at mania, with a triple H angry at Taker for retiring his friend ? could be a good one !
(this is my irst post BTW ^^)
About the Undertaker, I have one question, are we sure this will be his last Mania ?
Ok I know that's Taker body is all messed-up but can he retire after a so poor year ?
I easily see him making a normal mania match this year, then rest until January 2012 where he will come back in good shape to build a heck of a match, his last matche this time.
What do you think ?
and one more thing, why not a triple H vs Taker at mania, with a triple H angry at Taker for retiring his friend ? could be a good one !
(this is my irst post BTW ^^)

It could work if it weren't for two facts: 1, it's already happened. And 2, HHH is coming back to a ready made feud. It would be recklace for WWE to not put HHH and Shaemus III at WM. HHH beat him at '26; Shaemus won and injured HHH at E.R. and now Shaemus is "King Shaemus."

IT has to happen.
I did not really think that this match would take place, but it could have been awesome ^^

But one more time, I don't think Taker is gonna retire this year unless he comes back early enough to have a solid buildup leading to a great final fight.
All the supertars who have retired have done so after a period on the top ( HBK bringing back DX for example ). That should be the same for Taker.

And Triple H vs Sheamus II is gonna be a great one too !
My idea for WM27 would be to make it make it:

Cena vs Punk: Only if the rivalry continues sometime after Wretlemania to be legendary that way it will be looked on as a highlight in their careers as well as it involving into something more.

Cena vs Barrett: Now this one should be better! After Cena's intense rivalry with Barrett w/Nexus why did close it at Wrestlemania. The Nexus did make a big impact ever (before screw-up) since targeting Cena. It can be one for the ages instead of vs Taker on Barrett's case. Barrett isn't really that worthy of facing The Phoneom @ 'Mania. While Cena vs Barett making more sense considering Wade has tried to make Cena's life hell over the second half of 2010.

Taker vs Barett: Yuck! lol! As I stated before Barett needs to do more with his career before meeting The Undertaker @ an Wrestlemania. However it would make more sense when Barett does it with a Nexus run. Looking back @ both the 900th Episode of RAW & The main one Braggng Rights The Nexus has targeted 'Taker to make an impact. Sure the question for the reason why what happened, happened @ Bragging Rights could be a potiental rivalry but not for a Wrestlemania.

Taker vs Cena: A one for the ages. Two of the biggest stars in WWE history go at. Why didn't Vinny Mac think of this one (I think we know the Dam answer already). Still as mentioned before the match can bring in more money than a Taker vs Barett match-up. The two men (Cena & Undetaker) have a historic career in their own way. Let them go at & create a rivalry worthy enough for The WWE Universe instead of some the BS they got going on already.

BTW I have a question: Wasn't the Taker vs. Cena match actually supposed to happen at WM26 for real?

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