*MERGED* General WrestleMania 27 Discussion & Predictions

Which rumored WM 27 match sounds like it will be the best?

  • The Miz vs John Cena for the WWE Title

  • Triple H vs Sheamus

  • Randy Orton vs CM Punk

  • The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett

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Being worried would be the easiest thing to do!! I see this for the chance to WWE to set the mark for next decade of wrestlers and what it takes to be in the company, miz morrison(rumble winner) great background former tag team now against eachother will be a good match as we seen from raw previously, edge orton showhow if they could build it in for the title, one of these guys turns heel at mania (as we know both better heels and good way for it to happen) punk cena as from wev seen this wud a classic match with just hatred to fuel the match needed and be different from the usual cena title picture, with a money in the bank with great solid wrestlers, kingston kane seamus ziggler etc, seamus must win to get back on the main event scene plus its a year since his last title reign in which in ring he has improved greatly look at his matches with morrison,way to get the power house back on tracked!!! or if christian returns he wins as he is top player and needs main event push, as for undertaker it might aswell be hornswaggel as really whos going to believe he will loose the streak if he didn in two great matches with michaels, he will win but by putting someone over lik he did wit random over half a decade ago! barret is the most sensible option here! if this dosent sund lik a top wrestlemania i dnt know with the current active roster wat is... ps this is a bit premature cant wait to the actual card to thread ps i have a cracken thread to place and really want to do it can some1 point me to the right directiont to put it up!
HBK vs Taker was one of my favorite matches ever, but i actually think Undertaker vs Barrett might be a good match and Lesner vs Taker would be too. The thing is WWE isn't the same anymore which sucks all the good people are gone, and it's PG so it's kinda limited, WWE can't do that much as they used to anymore, so Wrestlemania won't be nearly as good as the previous one's in my opinion :D
I guess the only point I would make is we have two or three (there's one in February AND March, right? If I go look it up, I'm going to totally lose my train of thought) PPVs and weeks of television to go before WrestleMania. Certainly, anything can happen (as the WWE so often likes to say although it seems like it rarely does) and I would imagine that creative isn't going to finalize the card until it gets closer to February's PPV.

Let's not panic until we get closer to the event.

THEN we can panic.
Past few years have been exactly the same. Around Rumble people start getting worried. Then a few matches are announced and people say that they don't want to see that at Wrestlemania. I even saw people claim they didn't want HBK/Taker 2 which was absolutely absurd.

WWE will pull this off. As they always do. I'd just say that we shouldn't be expecting two one on one matches for the World and WWE titles. There is scope on Raw for at the very least a Fatal 4 way. It's their old mantra. If the match doesn't have enough Star Quality. Add more stars.

I am, however, wondering what they are going to do to fill the MITB spot. Surely they won't have two of these matches a year again. That ate up the 4th hour that makes WM bigger than all other events in the past few years. Perhaps they'll make the customary Battle Royal mean something this year.
I have to agree that this year's Wrestlemania look's grim. To many new faces to try to sell the biggest event of the year. Everyone of the regular PPVbuy's have been really low, so what are they going to be able to do to make WRESTLEMANIA payoff?

First thing is that you can almost guarantee that Vince will throw piles of money at BATISTA to come back for WRESTLEMANIA.

Vince will also throw's ton's of money to all kind's of celebrities to show up for the show.

If anything the headliner to me should be..

BATISTA vs CENA Retribution for BATISTA in a no holds barred match

then UNDERTAKER(providing he's able) vs KANE in a steel cage match

third ORTON vs KING SHEAMUS vs THE MIZ triple threat for the WWE title

EDGE vs BIG SHOW for world title

JOHN MORRISON vs HHH for a #1 contender to WWE title

ALBERTO DEL RIO vs DOLPH ZIGGLER vs REY MYSTERIO vs DREW MCINTYRE texas tornado match with winner becoming #1 contender for WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE

CORRE vs NEXUS tag title match


KOFI KINGSTON vs WADE BARRETT for Intercontinental title
i think due to what happened in Cena's interview last night on RAW, its starting to become easy to see MIZ vs. CENA at Wrestlemania for the Title.. those two cut a nice promo for it last night, and they work well together on the mic.

my prediction is Miz holds on to the title til Wrestlemania (as John said in the promo he wouldnt, with Miz saying he would) then drops it to John because we all know Vince wants to please the crowd with John Cena getting back the title on the biggest stage of all.

also... completley unrelated to Mania, but I think Cole should be GM. he gets so much heat from the crowd, and Raw is at its best when they have a heel GM (like most of the attitude era).
Assuming Jericho returns and the WWE arent complete morons and book Barrett as takers opponent or put the miz in the main event, here would my dream car(that still makes sense with current WWE) for this years mania:

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho: If taker is gonna be gone soon and it doesnt look like cena will be heel anytime soon, this is by far the next best match. Itd be great technically and Jericho actually poses a threat to Takers streak(unlike Barrett) and with Y2J taking the title last year from taker, there is plenty of story to work with.
WINNER: The Undertaker! The Streak will go 20-0!

WWE Championship - Randy Orton vs Edge(c): I know it doesnt seem likely cause edge is world champ but in 2009 just before mania XXV edge switched the wwe title for the world title he can do it again and personally, especially if edge is retiring soon, this could be one of the best mania matches ever!

World Heavyweight Championship - Triple H vs Rey Mysterio(c): Triple H needs to finish off sheamus and be in the title picture this year. They had a good match last year but i dont think anyone needs to see them face off AGAIN! and rey could take the title in the chamber(the 09 chamber previously mention, spectacular wrestling by rey) and this would give him possibly one last mania main event and could be a great match, also always HHH to return as heel.

Grudge Match - John Cena vs CM Punk: Feud is already there, could be a good match.
WINNER: John Cena!(Ofcourse almost more predicable than taker winning)

No Holds Barred/Falls Count Anywhere Grudge Match - The Miz(w/Alex Riley) vs John Morrison: these two put on tremendous matches and both have tremendous potential, dont rush them into the main event, this could be match of ther night!
WINNER: John Morrison!

Interpromotional Match - "The Big Red King" Sheamus vs "The Big Red Machine" Kane: It was hinted at summerslam and i dont think sheamus is ready for the main event, nor do i want to see him face HHH again, so this could be the perfect match to stay powerful but not over-pushed.
WINNER: King Sheamus!

First Ever 12-man Money in the Bank Ladder Match -
1. Christian: He has been expected to win the mitb the last two manias and if he isnt in the main event agaisnt edge at mania then everyone will wanna see them face off before edge retires.
2. Evan Bourne: If Christian isnt in it then this kid should win. His spots in last years were better than anyone elses and if he isnt getting the push he deserves cause of his size the mitb is the best way to give him a world title and make it look real.
3. Goldust: Great in-ring, could be great spot for him.
4. Alberto Del Rio: He woud work well in this match and have some good spots but i dont think he needs to win cause he is already getting pushed and more tv time.
5. Chris Masters: He had a tag match at mania 22, he has had some exposure, even a little push like putting him in a popular mania match would be great for him.
6. Cody Rhodes: A real black horse, who thought he would outshine ted in 2010? maybe he can suprise again.
7. Ted Dibiase: He has lost all his steam this year, just like for masters some pay per view time will do him good and maybe he can start a feud with cody or someone here.
8. Yoshi Tatsu: Great young talent. Could be excallent in the mitb match.
9. Drew McIntyre: The so called "Chosen One" haent done much this year, but if they do decide to give it to a heel give it to him, he NEEDS the push.
10. Jack Swagger: Its not a setback to be in the mitb again after winning it, punk and edge did and it didnt hurt them, just once again make him relevant.
11. Daniel Bryan: I think this kid can really shine in this match and maybe in a year or so let him win it all.
12. R-Truth: Truth would make sense and has high flying potential.
WINNER: Christian!

2 out of 3 Falls Match for the Intercontinetal Title - Kofi Kingston(c) vs Dolph Ziggler: both are some of the best in-ring talented young guys today, give them a chance to shin from a mid-card title spot like steamboat and savage. Also like someone had posted earlier, almost, if not every title should be defended at mania(the biggest PPV of the year) and we havent gotten a good mid-card title match in a long time.
WINNER: and once again IC CHAMP Dolph Ziggler!

Eight Man Elimination Tag Match - The Corre(Barrett, Slater, Gabriel, and Jackson) vs The NEW Nexus(Mason Ryan, Harris, Mcguillicuty, and Otunga): They would need to turn one team face but it could work, And i could see punk coming out and costing barrett and corre the match. And it makes almost too much sense, just cause there are two shows doesnt mean there should be 2 young powerful stables that want to contorl everything, one needs to end.

Fatal Four-Way for the WWE Tag Team Championships - Santino and Vladmir Kozlof(c) vs The Usos vs JTG and Mark Henrey vs Brodus Clay and The Big Show: Whoever wins NXT season 4 will be in this match and i think brodus Clay is perfect and if he has changed Pros once, he can do it again and they could be a good strong tag team.
WINNERS: And NEW TAG CHAMPS Brodus Clay and The Big Show!

Divas Tag Team Match - Melina and Natalya vs LayCool: They should make the stipulation if LayCool loses they disband, cause they need too.
WINNERS: Natalya and Melina!

(Dark Match) 20 Man Battle Royal: Put Regal and Barreta and everyone else, battle royals are always exciting.
WINNER:Tyler Reks!

But once again, thats assuming the stars align and WWE make a good mania card this year, but unfortunatley it looks like itll be cena and mz, and orton and punk, and taker and barrett, and HHH and sheamus. We can always hope, right?
"Ring.....Ring....", It's the phone ringing! You answer the phone, and much to your surprise it's Vince McMahon, the owner of the biggest wrestling company in the world. You're probably shocked right now, and some of you may have already fainted.

Vince say's that they've run out of Ideas for a main event at Wrestlemania this year! Creative's all having nervous breakdowns, and Vince himself is starting to sweat!

He tells you he wants you to book the main event at Wrestlemania this year! Of course, he says money is not an option, so the match can have any wrestlers that are alive, no matter if they're are signed to WWE or not. He put's it all on your shoulders, and you have to make a decision!

So, if you had the chance to book the main event at Wrestlemania, and coult use any wrestler currently alive, what would it be?

For me, I'd chose Shawn Michaels Vs. The Rock! Both men could still go. Shawn is still in great shape, and left not to long ago. He put on great matches right up until his very last one. The Rock, of course is still in great shape. He does movie after movie, and there's no doubt in my mind that he could still go. Together, this would be both a great match to watch, and a great build up to follow.

I'm not exactly sure how they could build it up, maybe have The Rock comeback first, and work in something with Shawn going into the HOF. I just think that it'd be a great thing for older fans of The WWE to get back involved.

So, what match would you make?
Randy Orton vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Viper and The Rattlesnake. I believe the match would sell itself and it could go back to when Orton was the legend killer. But this is the one legend he didn't kill and the original ultimate tweener, the role Orton himself is now trying to play.

Honorable mentions
John Cena vs Hulk Hogan
Undertaker vs Sting

*note* went with the first one cause its the most realistic due to Hogan's back and not knowing whether Sting will ever step foot in a WWE ring despite the amount of money thrown at him
In my opinion John Cena Vs Hulk Hogan would be like watching a drag race with a 2011 Camaro and and a Horse and buggy. I don't think Hogan can go anymore. I think he has just about every health problem you can think of, and that comes from putting his body through hell for how many years?

Undertaker Vs Sting would be a pretty cool match though, but like you said I doubt we'll ever see Sting in a WWE ring.
In my opinion John Cena Vs Hulk Hogan would be like watching a drag race with a 2011 Camaro and and a Horse and buggy. I don't think Hogan can go anymore. I think he has just about every health problem you can think of, and that comes from putting his body through hell for how many years?

I'll agree with you on that. But it would sell to a broader range of audience to bring up buys especially to the average fan who may not know Hogan's condition. Notice i did mention Hogan's health for a reason that it isn't likely. If Hogan from the late 80's early 90's could face today's Cena it would be a huge matchup of the two biggest names ever during PG era times
Tough call.

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels......it's been done before. But I'd love to see them one on one......on the grandest stage of them all.

That or.......The Undertaker vs. Mankind - Their feud was legendary, no one took the Undertaker to the limit like Foley. That's your build right there. The video package would be epic.
I'll agree with you on that. But it would sell to a broader range of audience to bring up buys especially to the average fan who may not know Hogan's condition. Notice i did mention Hogan's health for a reason that it isn't likely. If Hogan from the late 80's early 90's could face today's Cena it would be a huge matchup of the two biggest names ever during PG era times

Oh no doubt! An 80's Hogan going against today's Cena. This match would be a match to live for. Remember Hogan vs The Rock? Even an early 2000's Hogan would be a great match. Could you imagine the build up? All the promos and all the commercials. To bad Cena got popular a tad to late. Now Hogan goes on to put on really bad matches in TNA, because he can hardly move. But I agree, with both me in there prime, this would be an amazing match.
I was thinking today that if the Corre (Wade Barret, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, and Ezequil Jackson) faced The New Nexus (David Otunga, Husky Harris, Michael McGilcutty, and Mason Ryan) at Wrestlemanie, would you think that the New Nexus would compare weak to The Corre without a their leader CM Punk? To answer my own question is yes. The Corre has Barret and Gabriel and the power house Jackson, who are all good in the ring. While the New Nexus only has Harris who is decent but not great, Mcgilicutty who is great but lacks personality in his matches, and Mason Ryan who is really green. Otunga just sucks like Slater.

I was thinking today that if the Corre (Wade Barret, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, and Ezequil Jackson) faced The New Nexus (David Otunga, Husky Harris, Michael McGilcutty, and Mason Ryan) at Wrestlemanie, would you think that the New Nexus would compare weak to The Corre without a their leader CM Punk? To answer my own question is yes. The Corre has Barret and Gabriel and the power house Jackson, who are all good in the ring. While the New Nexus only has Harris who is decent but not great, Mcgilicutty who is great but lacks personality in his matches, and Mason Ryan who is really green. Otunga just sucks like Slater.

The New Nexus would not be weak against Corre, even without Punk. That would play out well because Barrett and Otunga went back and forth a lot during the original Nexus, so they would match up. I am not saying that Otunga is as good as Barrett but I don't think he would look to weak because of there issues in the original Nexus. Ryan wouldn't look weak. Look how huge the guy is, and how could you even say he is green when we haven't even seen him in a match yet? Ryan would pair up against Jackson and would be interesting in this match. Then you have the two tag teams left. They pair up perfect. When all is said and done, the New Nexus would not look weak without Punk in the match if Punk was in his rumored match against Orton. I think this four on four match would be a good idea but Barrett is supposed to face Taker so it won't happen but if it did, the New Nexus would not look weak at all.
I was thinking today that if the Corre (Wade Barret, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, and Ezequil Jackson) faced The New Nexus (David Otunga, Husky Harris, Michael McGilcutty, and Mason Ryan) at Wrestlemanie, would you think that the New Nexus would compare weak to The Corre without a their leader CM Punk? To answer my own question is yes. The Corre has Barret and Gabriel and the power house Jackson, who are all good in the ring. While the New Nexus only has Harris who is decent but not great, Mcgilicutty who is great but lacks personality in his matches, and Mason Ryan who is really green. Otunga just sucks like Slater.


I think this match is more likely for the Elimination Chamber PPV than mania because their most over members (Punk & Barrett) will have major roles at Mania and the others are unlikely to have a WM contest without them (it'd be to 'filler' for the granddaddy of them all). EC is a different story, I can see one more member joining Corre (Sheffield?) and a four on four SS style match (as I can see both Punk & Barrett in the RAW & SD main events).
The main match i will be looking forward to at Wrestlemania 27 is the Undertaker vs. ? match.

Its obvious undertaker will keep his streak this year aswell but it will be interesting to see who is up for the challenge and how good the match is going to be.
Kofi is pretty popular right now with kids and adults and has been selling lots of merc and will most likely hold on to the IC title to WM27. My question is: who should be Kofi's opponent for WM27? During the Road to Wrestlemania, who should feud with Kofi and challenge him for the IC title?

My choice because I think they would put on a spectacular match is Cody Rhodes.
Well, I was clearly wrong. The way it's looking now?

Cena vs Miz for the WWE Title - Miz? Boring.

Randy Orton vs CM Punk - Looks good to me.

Edge vs Alberto Del Rio for the WHC - Should be a solid match. Legendary veteran vs new and upcoming star (and RR Winner) Del Rio.

Undertaker vs Wade Barrett - Holy ****ing boring. Wade's going to threaten the streak? Really? Next!

This honestly.... looks terrible.
Well, I was clearly wrong. The way it's looking now?

Cena vs Miz for the WWE Title - Miz? Boring.

Randy Orton vs CM Punk - Looks good to me.

Edge vs Alberto Del Rio for the WHC - Should be a solid match. Legendary veteran vs new and upcoming star (and RR Winner) Del Rio.

Undertaker vs Wade Barrett - Holy ****ing boring. Wade's going to threaten the streak? Really? Next!

This honestly.... looks terrible.

Titles can still change hands, but yeah that's how it's looking as we stand.

No complaints other than the wwe title match. This has to change add a 3rd star.....make it a triple threat with Morrison. Anything is better than Cena vs. Miz.......that's an awful headliner.

I'm a fan of one-on-one matches for Championships at WM, but this isn't an appealing match. I think this is one time I'd rather see a triple threat or fatal 4-way match.

I think Del Rio vs. Cena would be a better match (not that I think this will happen). Del Rio could carry Cena, Miz can't....they are lacking chemistry every time I've seen them in the ring together.

As of right now I'm leaning towards not getting WM.
With the RR out of the way the path seems to be clearer.

ADR vs Edge seems like a lock, and this really lacks any appeal for me. Edge himself isn't a big enough name to headline WM, throw in a new face like ADR and it's really a bold move to make Del Rio a star.

Miz vs Cena - I'm not really sure how this is going to play out, it's been hinted at for a while now, rumored everywhere, but I truly think the Miz is incredibly boring. He has no character, no uniqueness, no remarkable trait that sets him apart from any of the other typical arrogant heels. Unless creative can pull a rabbit out of the hat, I can't see this one having any great of a build up.

Randy Orton vs CM Punk - Should be great, I'd imagine it's going to start with them mentioning how Orton cost Punk the title, go on about how the fans cheer for a guy who willfully injures competitors. Though I'm kind of wondering how much room Orton is going to give for this feud to be good, they seem to be hell bent on doing everything to keep this guy looking invincible and with Orton losing the past couple of matches with Miz, don't know how well this bodes for Punk.

Anyway, I think this WM will seriously lack a lot of star power, with the pop and reaction that guys like Booker T and Nash got, it wouldn't shock me to see the WWE consider having some kind of program with them.
From the look of things the matches are as follows.

Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Taker vs Barrett
Punk vs Orton
Trile H vs Sheamus
Show vs Diesel (I think after last night and Atalanta will happen)

At THIS stage it worries me a little. I could be wrong but like I said, its looking pretty likeley as seeds have being planted. There isnt a match there that makes me go "wow, cant wait to see that".

I'm all for WWE pushing new talent, but it is seriously lacking star power. Night Of Champions, Bragging Rights, Extreme Rules - yeh its a pretty solid card but this is Wrestlemania! This is WWE's main event.

I just look at last year and you had Cena vs Batista, Taker vs Shawn Michaels, Edge vs Jericho, Bret Hart vs Vince - ok it sucked but the anticipation was there.

I have no idea how WWE can save this show. Its gunna take a Sting or The Rock in my eyes which is a massive long shot.
If this is the eventual card then this will be the first Mania since 13 that I wont be bothering ordering. There isn't a single match I am interested in out of that lot and to make it worse they probably add a overbooked, overcrowded MITB match.

Even the rumoured Rey vs Cody match couldn't get me to buy this.
I'll have to admit, at first glance this card seems rather lackluster and seems to be lacking real star power. Nothing on this card makes me just out of my seat and scream OMG I NEED TO SEE THAT. If these are the matches currently being book I really can't see myself caring to much about mania this year. Unless they somehow make it feel special somehow, but as it stands right now I think I might just skip this years big ppv. On the bright side, this will be a good year for the younger superstars.
I have a feeling this will be an uhhh PPV i would love to go to a Wm and seeing as this one is my homestate of georgia i was thinking about going but i wanted to see what matches are gonna take place and as of now i prob wont be goin to WM.
I dont mind the miz match i like the miz. i hate the del rio match but i just hate del rio. the punk match and the trips match are good. the show/diesel match will NOT happen i repeat will NOT NOT happen. but otherwise i am a little dissapointed

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