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I just hope WWE doesn't drop the ball on The Shield like they have with Nexus. It is different even though it reminds me of TNA's Aces and Eights. I'm not sure if this match will happen after the supposed reports of Punk undergoing knee surgery. It might, but what gets me is what Vickie said to the ref when she was screaming at him. It plays off that Vickie could be playing a part in The Shield angle.
in response to JackHammer, Boy that sure sounds like the old AWA day's of Bobby the brain doing every underhanded thing he could to protect his Boy, and most of all,his MEAL TICKET,Nick Bockwinkle. DQ's,attack's,interference, same story-new era.
Its possible now you get Ryback vs Paul Heyman at TLC. That would make sense if Punk can wrestle at RR. Just have Heyman sub for him. Heyman gets the shit kicked out of him, but Shield interferes and costs Ryback the title again.
I think that they both will get to the ring, but i don't think that the match will get underway, and that would be because of the Shield interfiering and start to beat the hell out of Ryback, and i agree that Heyman is working with the Shield without Punk's knowledge, i mean, it's not like Heyman has never done this before, and that can start some tention between Punk and Heyman.......
Yeah, my general theory of this storyline so far has been that Heyman hired The Shield & Maddox as insurance policies for Punk and that Punk legitimately doesn't know but, Heyman does. I'm not sure if that means that this will all end with Punk turning face again and the two splitting or maybe just a split with no turn. I think that the Shield should expand at TLC. It just seems like if they're gonna beat Ryback again they have to make it look like they are about to lose and then reinforcements show up to make Ryback look as strong as possible in defeat. From what's rumored lately, I would guess Maddox, Corey Graves and maybe Richie Steamboat or Bo Dallas could join the group.
1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?
It's hard to say, there were Goldberg chants at Survivor Series so while he was hot let's not act like he was the most over thing on the planet.
2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?
It's good, its not exactly "going over" just because he would power bomb them through tables. Yes Ryback would look the strong but that would be the point. He can't keep looking weak and again, it's not like he'd actually be pinning them in a match.
3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?
I think for Ryback's character to work long term they would have to employ some tactics with the Undertaker over the years. After TLC, Ryback will most likely have been short changed out of the WWE Title for 3 consectuve PPV's. Think over the years how many times Taker didn't win a title match because of a shady finish or over the top interference. I say most likely Ryback in 2013 starts out strong in non title fueds, one rumor has him facing Big Show at WrestleMania. After a streak of that i'd assume WWE would decide if they thought he was ready for possibly a WHC fued in the summer. If they wanted to go big he could win the WHC at SummerSlam having really only lost in shady finishes to Punk at that point.
Yeah, that theory makes the most sense and it also doesn't sacrifice any credibility on the Shield's behalf. Had they been downright revealed as being CM Punk's cronies, it would have been typical nonsense. I think Brad Maddox has relevance to all of this as another part of Paul Heyman's personal project. While he's not directly linked to the Shield as well, he's just another ally to help stir the pot. I do hope this theory of yours does come to fruition though. It would be exciting to see. Sometimes I want to see the heels get the upper-hand advantage and go on a victory series streak by defeating each of the faces they've dismantled so far. There's a different vibe with them as seen by Dean Ambrose's words spoken during the interview. They can pull something different and fresh with Paul Heyman.
The shield is not what is holding Ryback down right now. Nor have theu made him look bad. If anything, adding the shield has given us a reason to feel sympothetic for Ryback. People WANT to see him destroy them. His popularity has not even scratched the surface of what it could be. I watched raw last night. As soon as the shield hit the ring, the chants started. Is the chant lame? Yes! Will it last? No! Is it doing a good job of masking his lack of mic skill, allowing him time to develope some? (bane voice) Of course!!!
The only thing holding Ryback back right now, is The Rock. The Rock is going to headling Wrestlemania as champ. Hes going to win the belt at Royal Rumble. Is ANYONE interested in seeing The Rock beat a newly crowned champion Ryback? Hell no! That would be far more detrimental to his career than anything the shield has done.
What does the future hold? Ryback will get the Royal Rumble beast mode moment where he eliminates 14 people. Heck, maybe itll be Ryback in the ring by himself when Kane enters only to be eliminated by Ryback. He'll get eliminated by someone in a fluky fashion setting up his elimination chamber moment. He'll dominate that match until again being eliminated in a fluky fashion by the same person setting up wrestlemania beast mode time.
He'll be built up through mania onto summerslam where he'll beat John Cena.
I think part of the reason we are seeing The Shield right now is WWE's wavering feelings on Ryback's ability to draw. And whether that's a result of their own doing from the decision at HIAC is certainly up for debate, but Ryback's one-note gimmick will fade quickly, it's just a matter of time.

Ryback, however, is NO different from what's happening to every single other WWE superstar on the roster right now. They have no storylines planned, so what you see is more or less the same thing every week. Every character is stale, every speech is tired and repetetive. Nobody draws (outside of Cena, whose public image is starting to wither just a little bit, at least to those who read the InterTwitters). It's true, nobody draws on the roster right now. Punk doesn't draw. The ratings are in the can, the PPV buyrates are bad, and the PPVs themselves are worse than watching Raw. At least on Raw it's more than match after match, with useless, unplanned non-rivalry matches thrown in at the last minute to fill time.

Ryback is used right now for the same reason Sandow is used and Cesaro is US Champ...the USAGE of the roster is so abysmal these guys come off as boring, played-out and completely uninteresting. But those are the least boring of the bunch. They killed Wade Barret's momentum for some stupid reason. They turned Sheamus into this cringe-worthy jokester. They push Big Show, who couldn't outdraw a pre-schooler with a crayon. I could watch Raw from 2 months ago and watch it next week and it'd be the same show. CM Punk moaning about respect. Cena wearing that stupid smirk and talking to the cameraman when he comes out. Daniel Bryan screaming No No No. Sin Cara botching spots and giving me no reason to care at all what he does. ADR coming out in an expensive car and wearing a scowl....Vickie screaching.

No entertainment value at all anymore.
1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?

Simply yes, he can reach that level again. The wwe screwed up, they should have used orton or some other face instead of ryback, hell even mic foley would have been a better option (he could have cheeated in the HIAC match up to make it look legit)
instead they sort of threw ryback to the dogs but that doesn't mean he is screwed.

2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?

The sheild is awesome, them coming in at SS was a good idea and actually yes having them get beaten up a bit could work. They are heels in the end, Chris Jericho put it best, "heels are made to lose". Simple as that. You can make them lose while still keeping them looking dominant. They can still be relevant if they keep protecting punk, not to mention they are a strong looking group. Keeping them relevant will be nothing more then proper timing and well thought out plans.

3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?

Ryback is looking strong, whether you guys believe it or not. He isn't going to become a midcarder or a jobber. Keeping him on top of the food chain will be easy. He needs to start feuding with some other guys if the punk thing doesn't work out. Anything could happen though. I still have high hopes for Ryback and I think if the wwe takes the correct approach his future will continue to look strong.
You all forget the basics of what Vicky (through Vince) actually said. She said if Punk lied during the test, Heyman would have to fight Ryback. Punk lied during the question of whether he thought he could beat Ryback.

They purposely didn't make a big deal out of it, so that they can use it next week as justification for the match. It will absolutely happen, though it will far from a match.
Yeah but what Punk said completely applies. Truth or Lies can only be about something that is a fact. Is the sky blue. Did Cm Punk have his head shaved. Is Vince McMahon an egomanaic...facts those can have lies about them...but an opinion is just that whatever you say is your opinion and you cant lie about that. So when Vicky makes the match Vince can then come out and fire her for screwing it up
You all forget the basics of what Vicky (through Vince) actually said. She said if Punk lied during the test, Heyman would have to fight Ryback. Punk lied during the question of whether he thought he could beat Ryback.

They purposely didn't make a big deal out of it, so that they can use it next week as justification for the match. It will absolutely happen, though it will far from a match.
Yeah but what Punk said completely applies. Truth or Lies can only be about something that is a fact. Is the sky blue. Did Cm Punk have his head shaved. Is Vince McMahon an egomanaic...facts those can have lies about them...but an opinion is just that whatever you say is your opinion and you cant lie about that. So when Vicky makes the match Vince can then come out and fire her for screwing it up

I was going to post about how he could not be lying as it was only an opinion, I suppose the way round it is that if the machine spiked that much then he probably doesn't honestly believe he can beat Ryback on his own, but that doesn't really fit his character.

The second part of your post though is where I have a problem. Vince wouldn't fire Vicky for making the match. He would want the match, if anything she wont book it because Punk didn't lie and then Vince will coach her into making the match. Vince is a face at the moment and therefore is behind the faces like Ryback not the heels like Punk.
I hate to say it but I think we've seen to much of Vinnie Mac recently. Even HHH would be a welcome change of pace...as long as you don't let him babble on the mic for 20+ minutes.

And the match with Heyman probably won't happen but if it does the shield (or possibly even Maddox) will come out to distract Ryback and save Heyman before he becomes a grease spot on the mat.
The WWE didn't screw anything up. They got a one dimensional character that is a direct rip off of another character to become very over. How did they screw up? That the wrestler isn't going to stay this over? That's not their fault. That's getting mad at a guy using a hammer for not painting you a self portrait. Not really the right tool.

1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?

Maybe, depends on if the human being becomes a better pro wrestler. No, I don't mean kewl movez and highspots and teh wurkratez and teknicals. I mean a more marketable character.

2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?
"Going over" how? If he squashes them in a 3-1 match, that's bad. If he survives them, no.

3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?
Probably get a Mania match. After that, it really depends on how much the person improves as a wrestler. Upside is 2003 Lesnar, downside is Matt Morgan (no TNA fans, he still sucks, was never under utilized).
Vince has begun to stray against the way he used to be and to be honest its a sad sight. His theme, No Chance in Hell hasn't suited him since maybe 2004-6. His character has been as stale if not more stale than John Cena's. I completely agree with NWH above with the Triple H idea..from what I've read, Trips is signed for a good amount of years now whether this is a corporate role or not, is not a problem. Why not utilize The Game for the time that you can before he gets too old to compete? Triple H has always been better as a heel and what better way to have him turn heel than to have him be revealed as the person The Shield is working for? It would usher in a completely new Era of Triple H as the new Corporate head..though a recycled story line would be a fresh start for three new superstars who could use somebody (Other than Ric Flair) to put them on the map?
1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?

Absolutely. In fact, I'd have to say that the crowd reaction is growing stronger by the week for Ryback. Having him lose these title matches with interference gives the crowd the sheer belief that he would have won if not for The Shield or Maddox. There is a reason that there is more money in the face chasing the title instead of holding it.

2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?

It's a good thing, Ryback needs to maintain his dominance, and going over at the PPV gives him more steam to continue chasing the WWE title. The SHield is a group that can look strong in numbers, but when the sides are even thats when they show how inexperienced they really are.

3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?

Unlimited potential, it's all up to the WWE and Ryback on what they choose to do with it. WIth the way the WWE seeems to be on pushing Ryback I'd say it's all up to Ryback on if he wants to succeed or shit the bed.
Vince has begun to stray against the way he used to be and to be honest its a sad sight. His theme, No Chance in Hell hasn't suited him since maybe 2004-6. His character has been as stale if not more stale than John Cena's. I completely agree with NWH above with the Triple H idea..from what I've read, Trips is signed for a good amount of years now whether this is a corporate role or not, is not a problem. Why not utilize The Game for the time that you can before he gets too old to compete? Triple H has always been better as a heel and what better way to have him turn heel than to have him be revealed as the person The Shield is working for? It would usher in a completely new Era of Triple H as the new Corporate head..though a recycled story line would be a fresh start for three new superstars who could use somebody (Other than Ric Flair) to put them on the map?

Triple H was a bad heel actually besides that Triple H wants to do the corporate thing. Triple H does not need to be competing when you have rising stars as well as the shield don't need Triple H that would actually bring them down because it would put the spotlight on triple H not the shield.
I remember awhile back HHH saying something to Punk along the lines of "In the end, Paul Heyman is going to do what's best for Paul Hayman, not CM Punk". Perhaps we're going to get that jaw dropping story line after all! I can't wait to see how this all plays out and you know Lesner is going to come back into the picture soon enough.

The road to WM is going to be so bad ass this year!
Ryback is not a star and he never will be, he is simply a fad that is already losing its appeal with the audience. He's no different than Bobby Lashley, Brodus Clay, or any of Vince's other "pet projects" that were supposed to be THE next megastar and instead simply faded away because the crowd didn't care. Vince takes his chosen boys and shoves them down the fans' throats, until the fans get sick of them and they fail.

Yeah, especially when they have NO mic skills and only know 2 moves, one of those being a variation of a move every wrestler and his cat does, a clotheslibe.
Hey everyone! Its really up to the WWE what they want to do with Ryback at this point. Some of you guys are too young to remember who Demolition was. Well Demolition was WWE's (at the time WWF) answer to the Legion of Doom before LOD came to the WWF. In order for Demolition to go over, they had to at some point win the WWF tag team titles for the 1st time (which they did at Wrestlemania IV) to at least quiet those who only considered the an LOD clone. Ryback is right now at that same crossroad and losing at HIAC did not help at all. He maybe popular now, but remember the Rock, Brock Lesner, and maybe The Undertaker will probably be making appearances soon (2013). If Rybac hasn't established himself as a top level star by the time Wrestlemania comes around, He'll be another high mid-level type wrestler (Don't believe me, ask the Great Khali, and Mason Ryan),.
Many people said that Goldberg is returning to wwe and many said he would feud with Ryback (Oh Come On!!!) and others said (Which I agree the most) he would sign only a Legend contract.
So here is my point what if he return and become the manager of Ryback and not just any manager one of those manager who would still slap you in the face even if you win a great match like defeating the Undertaker at wrestlmania (it's just an example I don't mean Ryback is the man for that job).
It would be somehow great but I like to know your comments.
I'm sorry homie, but Goldberg would make a horrible manager. He's not that great a talker and managers are there to be mouthpieces for guys that can't talk.

Not only that, but they're trying so hard to distance Ryback from the Goldberg comparisons, and doing this would only draw them closer. Even though he'd never wrestle a match, Goldberg would make Ryback irrelevant just by being there.

The only way Goldberg and Ryback should ever interact is if Goldberg comes back to put Ryback over, and I don't see that happening.
I haven't heard any Goldberg return rumors. He was speculated to have signed a legends deal post-Raw 1,000th but denied it on his Twitter account. Asides this hes also made a couple low remarks about Ryback e.g. that Ryback isn't athletic (which Goldberg defends himself with by being a former pro-footballer) or as intense as he himself.

If he did miraculously return, he should have no interaction with Ryback unless its to put Ryback over. The Goldberg/Ryback comparisons are non-existent anyway and are just smarks attempting to make something out of nothing because he has a similar look and machine-esq run as Goldberg did but at this stage in his characters progression hes nothing like Goldberg.
Yeah this thread is not very creative. Goldbergs "legacy" would be destroyed if he was the "manager" of the man almost every arena in the USA is comparing to him.

I actually wish people would stop putting Ryback and Goldberg in the same sentence. Stop living in the past and just let Ryback be Ryback. It always ruins the matches for me when the buffoons in the arena start chanting "Goldberg" I mean we get it. The last 15 arenas chanted the samething. If you don't like Ryback, just stop responding to him and WWE will rid of him. Its that simple.

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