**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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Ryback is starting to really fit the Goldberg mold now with his leather jacket and the beanie, just like Goldberg wore during his run in the WWE. Bad move on the part of the creative staff especially if they wanted to try to differentiate between the two.
I would actually welcome the idea of Ryback working with/joining The Shield. The Shield is white-hot, and Ryback could desperately use the momentum and a boost, because WWE is seemingly trying to destroy all the momentum and hype Ryback had before the feud with Punk began.
Are wrestling critics being too hard on Ryback or is he getting exactly what he deserves? Some wrestling critics are going as far as saying flat out that "Ryback sucks." Others saying he should never talk and should have a mouthpiece as people have mentioned on this board. I for one don't think they should have made him heel, but since that's the cards that were dealt WWE should really give him a chance to embrace this "thuglish looking, angry, Ryback Rules" character.

What I think really sucks is what everyone remembers about the Extreme Rules match is the bad finish. I remember watching that and saying to myself, "this is a great match", Ryback was really out there with something to prove. It reminded me of when Cena had his first big grudge match, The 1 Quit match against JBL and how Cena took punishment and bled and earned a lot of respect from the locker room that night. I felt Ryback did that at Extreme Rules but the finish took away from that.

Now people are saying, Ryback and Cena at Payback that's not going to be the best technical war ever. C'mon now, they're not technical guys. They are both big, hulking brutes that will amaze us with power moves and pro wrestling "toughness." You add the stipulations, like a tables match and an ambulance match (which is pretty much an anything goes fight with an ambulance at the end) and these two are in their element. Cena still gets a bad wrap for being a bad worker but hasn't the guy proven he can work with the likes of HBK, CM Punk, HHH and still have a great match. One might say those three men carried him but I don't think you're giving Cena enough credit didn't he have great matches with another hulking brute at the time the late Umaga also the aforementioned JBL who isn't a technical wrestler either. For the Cena haters, take away your bias and look at it realistically, he can use what he has to pace and match and make it watchable and exciting as he's done in the past. Cena is quite underrated when it comes to what he does to help make a match a great one.

As for Ryback I don't think Ryback sucks. This massive man has shown he has many layers to him. He can be funny and light hearted as he was when he debuted on NXTas Skip Sheffield. It wasn't until he got nasty however as the enforcer as the Nexus that people took notice and people were counting down and anticipating when he came back. And now he's here and people so quick to crap on him. I'd admit I didn't appreciate his promo this past Raw on being Satan. It doesn't look to well for Mr. "Feed Me More" at the moment but I think he will win a lot of people over after his performance at Payback.

I'm not ready to put in a fork in him just yet, Ryback still has a lot to offer.
After seeing this thread about 7 years later where is Ryback now?? Exactly my point was a terrible wrestler who the fans just cheered for who had no real value

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