**MERGED** Stable Ideas (keep it in here!!)

Who should join Punk/Lesnar/Heyman?

  • Ryder

  • Kidd

  • Kofi

  • the Sheild

  • Someone from nXt

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I don't know how much need there is for face stables in the current WWE. The way faces and heels are booked these days, a proper face faction could come across as unstoppable. That is to say that it makes sense that today's heels would band together more often than today's faces, as the heels generally are cowardly and weak.

If I were to start a babyface stable for today's WWE, I'd do just like WWE did with 3MB. Take guys with potential, team 'em up with WWE logic, and let 'em fly. Give me Ted DiBiase as the leader and call the group "The Posse." Yes, the name is a takeoff of Ted's hanging with the fans gimmick, and that would be part of what the stable did. Add in Tyson Kidd and Mike McGillicutty. Their reason to be together would be simple. Say one or another gets jumped and the other two come in for a save. Have it happen to Kidd and Hennig separately, with DiBiase helping both of them, thus recruiting them into the group. Something easy to grasp and quick to execute. Their gimmick as a group would be, as I said, fan interaction. I'm flying by the seat of my pants here, so if that sounds cheesy, so be it. Just a quick, no frills way to get exposure for some guys in the form of a faction.
Top of the card babyface factions don't work for one simple reason.

We need to believe that our hero has to overcome the odds to achieve their goals. Stacking the deck against a heel doesn't work. Levelling the playing field doesn't work as we're supposed to believe that the good guy is naturally better and that the bad guy has to cheat to win.

You could have a mid-card face faction I guess but what's the point? DX are about the only face faction that worked and that was because it was in the Attitude Era and they were allowed act like heels and jump guys like heels would. If you had a mid-card faction feud it could be okay, but once the mid-card face faction wants to move up they have to disband because they run into the problem of stacking the odds against a heel champion.

That's without even mentioning that the WWE hasn't been focused on the mid-card in about 5 years now.
Simply put Baby face groups just dont work. heel groups use a gang warfare type style that a baby face group just cant use. The reason heel groups work is they use the numbers group and then when they seem unstoppable a baby face picks them off one by one in an eventual feud culminating with the leader. Examples Sting/Goldberg vs hogan-nwo, Cena vs Barrett-Nexus. DX worked mainly because they opperated mainly as single/tag team competitors while they were face.
I've always hated babyface factions. I don't think they work very well in wrestling because they don't work very well in real life. Gangs are supposed to be tough but with a cowardly disregard for rules. Whats a babyface gang in real life? the police?, neighborhood watch? are you a fan of them? I doubt it.
It's true that babyface factions usually amount to nothing, but one way to give it a try is to turn 3MB into good guys, since the team is already in place and we know who they are. Their initial mission could involve countering the efforts of the Shield. When Shield comes ringside to interfere, 3MB can function as their "shadow," stopping them from doing damage. Similarly, the Shield could look to thwart the efforts of 3MB.

The reason for doing this mirrors the reason not to: we don't know how much 3MB is burned out from their recent failures as a team. In their last three appearances, one guy has beaten up the three of them, for heaven's sake. But, while they may now be too weakened to function effectively as a heel team anymore, it might be time to turn them and see if they can catch on.....that is, if the company intends to keep them together at all. It's worth a try, especially if WWE wants to experiment with a babyface faction.
MizFits or Awsome is your new face faction

Flair manager Miz Leader Brad Madox and Mason Ryan or Ezequiel Jackson and Joe Henning ,also Ted debiase or Alex Riley


Zack Ryder Brodus Clay R truth and Kofi Kingston
Face stables have never really worked, with the exception of The Four Horsemen(and DX to an extent). And even then it only worked because they always had a strong heel faction to work against and usually in high-profile gimmicky matches IE: War Games.

The Shield is a great stable right now, but what confuses me is everybody wants there to be a leader. Why? WWE needs to create new stars to be frontrunners, and they've got three guys that could become stars on their own without having an already established star overshadowing them and making them his puppets.

John Cena being behind the Shield would be awesome... for a minute. And then you would realize the whole thing has been about John Cena, and then the three guys who busted their ass to make it work are put on the backburner and essentially become the whipping post for Cena.

It could work if CM Punk was behind it because it corresponds with his pipebomb where he talked about great workers being held back, etc. But even then it's going to take a little bit of the fire away from Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns... similarly to how it took all the wind out of the Nexus' sails when Barrett left and they replaced him with Punk.

Let the Shield continue doing their thing and have faces continue pairing up to have decent/high profile matches with them. They've already proven their worth by having a near five-star match with Kane, Daniel Bryan, and Ryback. Why drag them down by making them just another typical stable?
I would make a midcard face faction, with The Miz as the leader. The other members would be Alex Riley, Zack Ryder, and a face turned Curt Hawkins. Ryder & Hawkins would tag team together, while Riley works the undercard and occasionally teams with Miz. They would just be a team of fun loving dude-bros who like to make the fans laugh. Usually if Miz is in a main event feud with, the heel would attack one or more of the "weaker" members of the group to send a message.
With his new manager Zeb Colter, formerly known as Dutch Mantell in the old days, Jack Swagger has secured himself as the "Real American" that gets the job done the "Old Fashion Way". And with this new breakthrough, the Real American has even secured his spot at Wrestlemania 29 for the World title.

Meanwhile, Antonio Cesaro is going around saying that he doesn't despise America the country, but what the current Americans have become. He wants America to be the "Old Fashion" America that didn't take no for an answer.

And that's where my gut begins to get this happy feeling inside that makes me want to see what WWE does. Do you people think that there's someway that a temporary alliance [not a tag team] could be formed that could foresee Swagger and Cesaro becoming the heel unit that dominates the US and World Heavyweight title division together, with Zeb Colter leading the charge? And would that soon put them into a feud against each other?

What do you guys think? I think it could work, even if for a short while. The two characters seem like they would work perfectly with Swagger wanting to see America get back to what it used to be and Antonio Cesaro proving that he is now better than the America that stands there today. It doesn't even have to be a long steady program. Just something that could see the matches on Raw and Smackdown become less about the interchangable Orton-Sheamus-Cesaro-Sandow-Miz-Barrett combination that's been stuck on Raw for the past few months.
I've thought about this to and I think there is potential between the two of them. The thing is Swagger is actually getting some kind of reaction now thanks to Zeb and strong booking, Cesaro really isn't getting much and while having Zeb be a mouth piece for him could help I'm not sure Swagger and Zebs character would allow it.

Both Zeb and Swagger have talked about immigrants ruining America and getting rid of them and that is exactly what Cesaro is, he's a Swiss native if I remember correctly, and was even in the Swiss military. I suppose you could come up with something for him but I could easily see the two of them fighting as much as forming an alliance.
I've thought about this and I could likely see it happening but at the same time it would make little sense. The "type" of Americans each side finds favorable are complete opposite. Zeb is supposed to be a far right conservative borderline(no pun intended) white supremacist while Cessaro would like Americans to be more cultured and sophisticated. It just doesn't make sense to me. Especially since Zeb is doing the Immigration angle. What would have made sense to me would be for Cessaro to team up with Sandow and Rhodes as I think their characters would make sense together.

The other thing I want to note is that as of right now Swagger has been pushed to a much higher level than Cessaro. I think WWE wants to see him in the main event picture as this is his 2nd try. I don't think he should align himself with a lower wrestler. We'll see how it all plays out though, it's still weird to me picturing him going to a title match at mania when like 2 months ago he was pretty much a jobber.

I really hope they put together Castignoli/Cessaro and Hero/Ohno.

if I remember correctly, and was even in the Swiss military.

Yes, But to be fair every male in Switzerland is required to join the military for some time.
Eh I don't know. It could work, but I don't see it going that way. As others pointed out above though, Cesaro and Swagger/Colter really aren't "after" the same thing.

And Swagger is not getting a title shot at Mania. Sure, he may have won the EC, but that's just not going to happen.
Personally I'm not a fan of Cesaro they WWE-ized him too much which ruined his character. I'm not saying he should have been "Very European" Claudio Castagnoli or even team up with Chris "Kassius Ohno" Hero as The Kings Of Wrestling although it wouldn't hurt to have another tag team but what he's become in WWE is just so bleh & a stable wouldn't work for him right now. As for Swagger having Zeb Colter is good for him but adding anyone else to that group would really hurt Swagger as it would take attention away from him when they're trying to get people to focus on him more now by giving him a manager & keeping him as a solo superstar. Sharing the spotlight with any superstar would hurt his push. I don't count Zeb as a superstar I count him as a manager so he's not sharing the spotlight with Swagger he's really just guiding the spotlight to Swagger
With his new manager Zeb Colter, formerly known as Dutch Mantell in the old days, Jack Swagger has secured himself as the "Real American" that gets the job done the "Old Fashion Way". And with this new breakthrough, the Real American has even secured his spot at Wrestlemania 29 for the World title.

Meanwhile, Antonio Cesaro is going around saying that he doesn't despise America the country, but what the current Americans have become. He wants America to be the "Old Fashion" America that didn't take no for an answer.

And that's where my gut begins to get this happy feeling inside that makes me want to see what WWE does. Do you people think that there's someway that a temporary alliance [not a tag team] could be formed that could foresee Swagger and Cesaro becoming the heel unit that dominates the US and World Heavyweight title division together, with Zeb Colter leading the charge? And would that soon put them into a feud against each other?

What do you guys think? I think it could work, even if for a short while. The two characters seem like they would work perfectly with Swagger wanting to see America get back to what it used to be and Antonio Cesaro proving that he is now better than the America that stands there today. It doesn't even have to be a long steady program. Just something that could see the matches on Raw and Smackdown become less about the interchangable Orton-Sheamus-Cesaro-Sandow-Miz-Barrett combination that's been stuck on Raw for the past few months.

yeah, we know Dutch Mantell is the guy behind Uncle Zeb, just like he was back in 1996 when he managed JBL.
I do not see them throwing these guys together, Swagger has only just returned and is getting a huge push now. Cesaro is still entwined in the mid card. I dont see an alliance at all, sorry, I see Swagger with a mouthpiece to hide his funny lisp and now he can concentrate on wrestling and doing what he does best.
Personally I'm not a fan of Cesaro they WWE-ized him too much which ruined his character. I'm not saying he should have been "Very European" Claudio Castagnoli or even team up with Chris "Kassius Ohno" Hero as The Kings Of Wrestling although it wouldn't hurt to have another tag team but what he's become in WWE is just so bleh & a stable wouldn't work for him right now. As for Swagger having Zeb Colter is good for him but adding anyone else to that group would really hurt Swagger as it would take attention away from him when they're trying to get people to focus on him more now by giving him a manager & keeping him as a solo superstar. Sharing the spotlight with any superstar would hurt his push. I don't count Zeb as a superstar I count him as a manager so he's not sharing the spotlight with Swagger he's really just guiding the spotlight to Swagger

Antonio Cesaro is a much better character than Claudio Castagnoli. As Castagnoli, he wouldn't have lasted 6 months, never mind have a 6+ month reign as United States Champion.
Alright IWC ive been awake all night watching old wwf/wwe videos and suddenly the greatest idea came across my mind, now let me lay this greatness upon you. John Cena and The Rock headlined WM last year with The Rock coming out on top. Cena begins to have doubts in himself and knows how long its been since hes been WWE champ and knows in the back of his mind he cant beat The Rock...So he does this! He calls a current WWE superstar who is under a legends contract...KEVIN NASH. He shocks the world at WM and helps Cena win back the title. Next night on Raw you hear the infamous song and the tv goes black and white they come out cut a promo and introduce another member...enter RANDY ORTON. The reformation of the NWO. It has many, many promises. Gives a new storyline after Rocky goes away. We get the Orton turn, we FINALLY get the Cena turn and an original member NASH. Now they can add one or two upstarts or just keep the two major players, Nash would be a mouthpiece that gives the original feel. The only negative i can think of is...but we already have The Shield...who says we cant have two?? Thoughts? Comments? Add to the idea?? :worship:
And Swagger is not getting a title shot at Mania. Sure, he may have won the EC, but that's just not going to happen.

.........that was what the chamber was for dude, shot at mania. Dont be so suprised last year they did Bryan for his first mania WHC match the year before that Del rio had his first WHC wrestlemania match, Im guessing its the new trend to have the opening match be the young heels first whc at mania match and by the looks of things loose. Probably looking at the bigger plan being dolph cashing in, but regardless Swaggar will be Del rios mania opponent.

If they do the alliance it wont be any time soon, they would have hinted at it at least if that was the plan for mania and as its so close to mania they wont at least until thats over.
Before his return, I thought that Swagger may feud with Cesaro. Swagger could be face and stand for his country and its belt against a foreigner. A tag-team would be far-fetched seeing as Swagger and Zeb are complaining about those who enter the US from other countries. Unless, the WWE play on the fact that Cesaro is a foreigner but has adopted America as his new home and is grateful to be living there. I wouldn't appose the idea of a tag-team but they would need to make it clear why they are in tandem.
It wouldnt make sense to me.

Zeb is a Xenophobic heel, and Cesaro is from Sweden. It would make Swagger and Zeb's Real American cause just a waste of time.
Why align himself with Foreigners when he hates them?
I don't necessarily think that Cesaro's and Colter's views are too different. Cesaro thinks Americans lack class and are beneath his European culture. Swagger/Colter believe that illegal foreigners are ruining the country by overpopulating the U.S. and reaping the benefits that should be afforded only to legal citizens. Those two views aren't exactly conflicting. They both see America as a country that needs some sort of overhauling.

It would make sense if they'd team up but given how many people this already seems to be lost on, I don't see it happening.
The WWE is currently in the state of the WWE-PG era. Which WWE chairman Vince McMahon is strongly behind. But what if the E debut a "PG" enforcer-type of faction? Naturally the faction would be a heel stable since the last few stables in the WWE were a group of heels (Nexus, Corre, the Shield), this PG faction could play up to a modern day Right to Censer type of stable. Does anybody remember the RTC?

The group consisted of Stevie/Steven Richards (leader), Bull Buchanan/B2, the Goodfather/Godfather, Val Venis, and Ivory. This faction got the most heat from the WWF/E crowd back in the day. Their up there with the un-americans stable! Just a group of people trying to get their point across to the WWE universe. Now could you picture a PG faction like that? A stable of tyrants enforcing the WWE's "family-friendly" product if they were the FCC.

And they could wage war against WWE superstars who threaten the WWE's PG image. Someone like the Rock who's always calling someone the B-word if his name was rapper Too Short. And other former stars from the infamous attitude era like DX and the New Age Outlaws. It could work!

So in your opinion. Should the WWE come out with a PG faction?
This is not another Swagger thread, please don't take it as such.

Now, Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger are going to face each other at Mania. Say Dolph cashes in and then moves to feud with someone else. Well, I just realized that ADR, Mysterio, and Cara are all faces. So I had this idea. We the People should become a stable featuring Jack Swagger and two other guys (I was thinking Mark Henry and maybe a Bray Wyatt?) and the Hispanic trio should form a stable.
This leads to a feud between Mexico and America (the Mexicans, of course, representing immigrats universally). The Mexicans win after Swagger turns face (in the worst reason to turn face ever, albeit, but still).
What do you guys think?
Now im not saying let try to re-create The Undertaker because he is one of a kind but ive always been a fan of the gimmick (e.g. Gangrel, Mabel, Edge and Christian, Kane) so what do you guys think of this?? Creating a new stable after Wrestlemania that kinda has an Evolution/Ministry theme to it. Undertaker the manager who is too old to compete but wants to reign in a new dark age, his brother Kane the muscle/leader who should have the tag titles with Dbry dropped by then and two upstarts who are "cousins" or something with the Brothers of Destruction. Undertaker is on tv again from time to time and gives Kane his monster gimmick back with something to do. they can keep the urn as a prop if they want. They can give their "cousins" the upstarts the storyline of that it is time to take on the family tradition and start taking sacrifices of the wwe roster. All the old school fans would pop for the nostalgia and it would be good for the new fans. Anyone agree? Have anything to add they would like?? Or is this just completely off?
I like your idea. I think it would be a good way to bring The Ascension up from NXT. They have a Ministry of Darkness vibe about them that would fit nicely with the deadman.

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