What stables would you like to see in WWE?

the HEEL team of cm punk and Dragon, just imagine vince allowing the both of them to go back to their indy roots, they could bring back the passion that is wrestling back into the industry.

just imagine an angle with both wrestlers claiming that true wrestlers come from the indies and that indy wrestlers are far superior. A fued with guys like hhh, cena and orton, jomo would be awesome since they are your typical wwe products.

Heck add jericho with dragon and cm, then the E's got one badass stable that can dominate on the mic and in the ring
First off, great sig. But, I don't think the WWE is in need of a stable and I doubt that Vince likes stables. Plus, the Nexus is still a strong faction. But, I would like to answer your question because I like to make stables. It is interesting and exciting. So here's my idea:

Cena somehow manages to get back in the WWE. He then goes around asking people if they want to be with him in the mission to end Nexus. After many NOs because of fear from Nexus, Truth is the first man to agree. He then calls JoMo in the team. First, JoMo disagrees but Truth manages to convince him. Cena lables the stable as "Anti-Nexus". For a few weeks, the three of them try to fight out Nexus but they can't. One night on RAW, Cena gets the mic and goes on about how his fellow wrestlers assured him help when they got a feeling that Nexus was going to be over but now they refuse. Jericho interrupts him and says that he wants to be on the team because he is the indirect reason behind the Nexus because he created Wade Barrett and he needs to wash out his sins. At first Jo and Truth deny but then Cena tells them to put their differences aside for the WWE and puts Jericho on the team. Now, they get a strong feeling that they can end Nexus and sometimes manage to avoid their attacks. Then, something snaps and Barrett releases Gabriel and Slater as he feels they were stealing his spotlight and brings in Skip and Lucky Cannon (from NXT 2) to replace them. Otunga then brings back Michael Tarver and Barrett agrees. Cena makes an offer for 2 spots on his team to Gabriel and Slater and they agree. After weeks of domination, the Anti-Nexus begins to slowly come down from their dominating status when Jo begins to show interest in Natalya and doesn't concentrate on the group. Jericho then brings Natalya to the team. Truth gets horrified at the fact and decides to bring in Eve Torres to the group but she refuses because she doesn't want to be alongside Natalya. Truth then recruits Michelle McCool (who has turned face as she helps Beth defeat Layla and end LayCool) to the team. Cena then states that they are still less as compared to men's numbers as Nexus are 7 and they are 6. Jericho says he'll bring in another guy. He goes around all the shows and then finally comes across Jackson Andrews. He puts him on the team as a bodyguard. These guys finally end Nexus but still remain united. Jericho decides to relable the team as "The Fighters" (don't know how I came up with that name) as the Nexus is over. So here's your group:

John Cena (leader)
Chris Jericho
John Morrison
Heath Slater
Justin Gabriel
Jackson Andrews
Michelle McCool

*Note: They could also win some titles while on the battle against Nexus.
Stable 1: Ministry of Darkness is back.
Chris Jericho
Joey Mercury
Honorary mention: Kane and Paul Bearer
Manager: Teddy Long

I like your idea about bringing back the Ministry of Darkness..but I'd make a few changes. Obviously Taker's career is in it's final stages with rumors of his last match being at Wrestlemania. He needs to finish his career as a face so fans can root for the undefeated streak which has become a significant part of Wrestlemania.

So yes, I would bring back the Ministry of Darkness...but it would be headed by Kane and Paul Bearer and they would feud with the Undertaker. This would lead right into Wrestlemania and would be a fitting end to Taker's career...win or lose.

However I would leave out guys like Edge and Jericho as I don't see them fitting that type of role. Great idea though...I would love to see it!
I like everyone's idea of an indy scene stable, I'd call them "Generation Independence" with everyone having the title "G.I." in front of their name. Here's a role call:

CM Punk becomes G.I. Punk(Leader)

Tyler Black/Seth Rollins becomes G.I. Black

Daniel Bryan becomes G.I. Dragon

Kaval becomes G.I. Low

Evan Bourne becomes G.I. Bourne

I'd start it off as Punk being the one in the ME scene chasing titles with Daniel Bryan as the mid carder and Evan Bourne and Kaval as the tag champs. Tyler Black is where it gets interesting because I'd have him play the role that Starscream played on the original Transformers as he'd continuously try to usurp CM Punk's position but never get's kicked out even when Punk puts him back in place. There could be great fueds as Punk and Black could fued with guys like RKO, HHH, Cena. Bryan can fued with Miz, Morrision, Cody Rhodes, DiBiase, Tyson Kidd. Kaval and Evan Bourne can fued with the useless tag teams and dominate that scene.
Oy vey. Excuse me for kvetching, but you're mashugana for trying to force stables together.

Very rarely do stables succeed. If you look at most of them, they're memorable, but not successful. Even ones like the Nation of Domination were very memorable, but nobody really cared. Farooq was much more successful in the APA and in his solo career in WCW, nobody cared about The Rock until he was a solo wrestler, and nobody was really that successful otherwise.

Undertaker's Ministry? A little better, but still not that great. Neither of them have given us the memories that the wrestlers in these stables gave us as individuals or in tag teams.

So why force otherwise good singles competitors into awkward stables?

I'll give you Nexus being a good stable. These guys would have nothing to do without Nexus, and now they are all valuable members of RAW.

But who else is there? The one guy who mentioned taking the guys who were in independents would be okay, but mostly because they don't always have a lot to do. I also liked the SES, but I think the WWE realized it was holding Punk back, so they broke it up.

Face it, stables are rarely beneficial to the product. They're kind of cool at first, kind of in comic books when Spider-Man and Wolverine team-up, but overall they are better in their own storylines/comic books.
I think that WWE needs more stables after the Nexus is done because there aren't any good ones left except for maybe The Hart Dynasty which is probably done. I think some stables should be a bunch of people who use cowardly actions to get what they want like Ted Debiase, Dolph Ziggler, Jay and jimmy Uso. Then maybe they could have some people who have worked hard to get where they are like The Miz (after he loses his WWE Championship), E. Jackson, Mark Henry and M.V.P. It also would be cool to get the Brothers Of Destruction back together but I doubt that will happen after this whole rivalry.

What do you think?
Cena is a face but has been known to show some ‘heel’ tactics as of late. The way he attacked McGillicutty last week and how he beat the holy hell out of Tarver a few months ago could be considered heelish. So, since Nexus is pretty hot right now (the best stable in pro wrestling, at least booking wise) Id create a face stable to feud with Nexus. The NWO had the Wolf Pack, the NOD had DX and the MEM had the Front Line. The stable would form like this:

Raw would kick off with Nexus coming down to the ring. Barrett would grab the stick and talk about how Cena has been a nuisance, ambushing the Nexus whenever he got the chance, but he has good news and its bad news for the Cena. Barrett goes on to say this is a great day for the Nexus…he then introduces Skip Sheffield who makes his return. Sheffield gets in the ring and hugs his fellow members. Barrett says the Nexus is stronger than ever now.

Cena pops up on the titan tron and says the Nexus may have Sheffield back, but Cena has a surprise in store for all of them and tonight will be a very bad night for the Nexus. Barrett says he knows what Cena has been up to…but it wont work.

Later in the night Husky Harris is found laid out back stage, clutching his neck and shoulder. Otunga finds him and asks what happened, but Harris is in too much pain to speak clearly. Otunga catches up with Barrett in the locker room and tells him about Harris. Barrett says it sounds like Harris was put in the STFU. Barrett glares at Sheffield and then walks away.

Later in the night McGillicutty is found in the back area withering in pain…he’s clutching his chest. Barrett tries to ask ask what happened but he’s in too much pain to speak clearly. Barrett summaries that he’s been repeatedly stomped in the chest. Barrett says that this ends now and all of Nexus heads to the ring.
Barrett says that he knew Cena might be up to something so he had a Nexus member followed earlier that day. They roll footage and we see Cena talking to someone in the parking lot earlier and that someone is Otunga. Barrett says he knows Otunga is a traitor. Otunga tries to explain but they beat the crap out of him. Cena shows up on screen again and looks really upset. He tells Barrett that some how…some way…Barrett is going down. After another break Slater and Gabriel are still in the ring. Daniel Bryan and Kaval are introduced as their opponents. Barrett and Sheffield are sitting with Cole, King and Punk. Barrett is doing a good job on the mic talking about how he was smart to have Otunga tailed, how he knew all along that Otunga was a traitor and that he likely helped Cena ambush Hennig and Harris. He goes on to say that Cena is all by himself and will be soon destroyed by the Nexus once and for all. It’s a back and forth matching going on in the ring. Suddenly Cena comes through the crowd, right up to the back of the booth and starts hammering away on Barrett. Sheffield goes after Cena and Cena bails.

Barrett and Sheffield now give chase. Inexplicably, Bryan tosses the ref out of the ring. It’s a non-title match anyway. Bryan beats down Slater and then slaps on the LeBell Lock. Barrett and Sheffield stop chasing Cena because they see something on the titan tron. Its footage from earlier. It shows DANIEL BRYAN attacking Husky Harris and putting him in the LeBell lock! Cena then comes around the corner and pats Bryan on the back. Cena looks up at the camera and does the “you cant see me” hand motion. Barrett looks stunned. He’s puzzled..but makes his way back to the ring because Slater is currently getting the same treatment as Harris got earlier.

Then more footage comes on. Its Kaval in back attacking McGillicutty. Kaval gets on top of some scaffolding that’s conveniently there, jumps off and hits the Warriors Way stomp on Hennig’s chest. Cena comes out from nowhere, daps up Kaval, does the ‘you cant see me to the camera’ and the two walk off. Just then kaval gets on the top rope and hits the Warriors Way on Gabriel. Barrett and Sheffield hit the ring and Kaval and Bryan scatter out. Another clip now plays. Its Cena and Otunga from earlier. Cena and Otunga are seen talking but Otunga walks away.

The earlier footage cut off right there but this time it keeps going and it shows Cena getting into a truck with….Skip Sheffield. Barrett turns toward Skip. Skip is outside the ring smirking. Kaval gets on the far apron. Bryan jumps up on another apron. Barrett tries to run out the only path that’s unblocked but Cena walks up toward that apron with a microphone.

Cena: So…its now come full circle, Barrett. Remember when I was in your shoes…and the Nexus closed in on ME? Cena says a few more words and then the new group – Hustle Loyalty and Respect beat the holy hell out of Barrett.
I like The Fortunate Sons. I actually like the idea of any stable being formed around some young guys. It is and has always been a solid way to push numerous guys at one time.

I am not really interested in seeing guys like HHH and Orton lead any stables, since it has been done.

A group with Cena as the leader would/could be a decent idea, since he has never been in or lead a stable yet.

As far as The Fortunate Sons idea goes, I like it except for one guy. Cody Rhodes. I think he should continue with what he is doing and the sky is the limit. I could see WWE putting a Heel Valet with him, that has some attitude. Maybe Layla.

I think both Dibiase boys, Hennig and Husky Harris (Being the son of IRS) would be a sick team.

Also, I like a new Hart Foundation/Dynasty. Natalya, Kidd, Smith, and Teddy Hart. I have been wanting this for a long time. Apparently it is unlikely because most people think Teddy Hart is a douche bag. LOL.....

Whatever is whatever, Hart is an awesome wrestler and I think WWE could really utilize a guy with his talent, coupled with his Family Legacy!

EDIT: Also, Teddy Hart is tremendous on the mic. And that is one thing that has really held The Hart Dynasty back. With him as the leader and mouth piece for this team, I believe they could really hit a high as far as popular goes, even if they are Heels.
I'd love to see a faction form that is similar to a mob or a mafia form. I'd want to see Kaval Daniel Bryan and Byron Saxton. Saxton would be the guy who just talks a whole lot, the brash one of the three, Kaval with his deep voice would play as the enforcer and Daniel Bryan would be the leader because his ability to get over without doing a damn thing. They would be somewhat of an underdog with the numbers advantage so that would be a good heel role. I would call them the M.O.B - Masters Of Betrayal.


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