Stables in WWE

The Hillside

Pre-Show Stalwart
I thought it would be interesting to have a thread on discussions regarding past, present and future stables in WWE.

Some of the wrestlers got big through the help of stables likeBatista and Randy Orton (Evolution) HHH (DX) and Benoit, Eddie (Radicalz). Not entirely through the stables but part of their rise was due to these stables.

The Legacy in my opinion only helped Randy Orton get more over and nothing for Rhodes and Dibiase.

I always wanted to see WWE form a stable with Edge, The Miz and John Morrison with all The Fonz Factor thing going on.

My favorite stable of all time in WWE has to be The Evolution, considering that RAW was at its best ever in 2004-05 since the Attitude Era. I liked the pairing of HHH, Flair, Orton and Batista with all the three different generations of WWE paired together and really did help the undercard Batista and Orton turn into Wrestlemania main eventers within a couple year's time.

At the moment, I would like to see a heel stable consisting of CM Punk, The Miz, Jack Swagger and Cody Rhodes. Ofcourse it is not going to be as good as the former big stables in WWE but still we can get to see cool and funny storylines, promos and moments with Punk, Miz and Swagger combined. Punk can be an excellent stable leader and a boss kind of character (we have seen that in his previous run with SES). Rhodes will somewhat feel left out but still can play that serious beatdown job heel and in the end they can just have turn Rhodes turn face on bossy Punk and establish himself as a main eventer or something like that.

So what stables you would have liked to see in WWE or would like to see in the future? What is your favorite stable ever in WWE?
Favorite stable in my opinion, will have to be Evolution. Look at how well they worked together, and look where it got Batista and Orton. It made the careers of this two guys elevate tremendously. Triple H taught both of them well, and made a stars out of them, while feuding with both of them. Ric Flair helped built their confidence and mind-set.

I'd like to see a stable that is like 'Evolution', that builds the younger generation for the main event scene. Let's say, put Roddy Piper as the manager of the stable. Put a main eventer like Randy Orton/Sheamus/CM Punk/John Cena and then younger talent like Jack Swagger/Zack Ryder/Brodus Clay/Ryback, and make them work together in the ring and outside the ring. I think this type of stables will do good for the business. If it's still a thriving business, that is.
One of my favorite stables was the ministry, but a personal choice for a stable at this day an age would have to be a manager, a main eventer and two or three mid card guys, for example, let's say a heel stable, my idea would be to bring a rich, or live large kind of stable, with Ric Flair, Ted DiBiase Sr. or JBL as the manager, Alberto del Rio as the leader, Mason Ryan as the body guard or the muscle, Ted DiBiase Jr. and two other mid carders, like Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins or someone of that caliber, and of course, the gold digging diva, that could be interesting.......
My favorite stable of all time is The Hart Foundation. As a Canadian it was about time we stuck it to the toilet bowl bellow us. Others include The Ministry, The Radicalz, NWO, DX, etc....

Now here is an idea for a stable. Lets re-hash the LWO. I've been thinking that Rey Mysterio should one day turn heel and recruit the Latinos of the WWE. Team him with Del Rio, Unico, Camacho (even though not latino they show him that way) and have them pick on Sin Cara since he is the new Mexican star over Rey.

Another would be a new Nation of Domination with the current amount of African American wrestlers it would be huge and propel some to greater heights. Kofi, R-Truth, Ezekiel, Prime Time Players (even though I can`t stand them) and even possibly Booker T in a managerial role.
after watching NXT and seeing connor o brien and kenneth cameron (Accension) as a tag team i would love to see taker come back heel w/paul bearer and have kane join them 3 and have a reformed ministry. which would a) give taker a chance for 1 last run with title rather than just a wrestlemania match as others could carry the work load b)give kane something meaningful to do instead of this piss poor love triangle bollocks and c) give a new tag team the rub and build like the Edge and christian got from being with taker in early days
in my perspective, its the Corporate Ministry back in 1999. The stable included Underataker, Triple H, Bradshaw, Faarooq, Viscera, Big Boss Man, Mean Street Posse(4 novice wrestlers), Chyna and Mideon. This equals up to 13 SUPERSTARS, wow..........................................................that's a big stable
I would like to see a heel stable ruled by Triple H, given that he takes the role of a General Manager. It should be a Corporation-type of stable. Then put in the following wrestlers to play supporting role/s as mid-carders:

Wade Barrett - This should establish him as a more credible heel and should make him the rightful heir to Triple H's heel persona.
Ascension (Tag-Team) - Two (2) of the rising stars from NxT, this should establish them as the next generation of WWE.
Ryback (Enforcer) - This should allow him to change his outfit.
Ric Flair (Mentor/ Adviser)
Even though it wasn't a stable, but a tag team, and a short lived one at that, I enjoyed the Allied Powers with British Bulldog and Lex Luger. I had always been into flags, and seeing both of them waving their nations' flag thrilled me.

On that note, I would love to see Kofi, Evan and Cara create an international stable centered around high flyers. I would also like to see a good version of the leader + two mid-carders stable that always seems to be done with the heels, for me it would be John Cena, Zack Ryder & Alex Riley.

I would also like to see an Avengers-esque group, where it's always there, and always face, but the members come and go as needed, even outsiders/loners like Randy and CM Punk could temporarily join the group.
I would like to see a heel stable ruled by Triple H, given that he takes the role of a General Manager. It should be a Corporation-type of stable. Then put in the following wrestlers to play supporting role/s as mid-carders:

Wade Barrett - This should establish him as a more credible heel and should make him the rightful heir to Triple H's heel persona.
Ascension (Tag-Team) - Two (2) of the rising stars from NxT, this should establish them as the next generation of WWE.
Ryback (Enforcer) - This should allow him to change his outfit.
Ric Flair (Mentor/ Adviser)

Hasnt Barrett already tried that twice with Nexus and Corre? Ryback has huge plans as a face at the moment, his pops are getting louder. When he starts fighting better opposition then I think he 10% will start to like him more.

I would like to see Damien Sandow lead a stable - he can talk. Have Mason Ryan and Ezekiel Jackson as his 'enforcers'. Bullying and protecting him.
most stables fail these days. They always ALWAYS use them as a means to prop up one wrestler and then they early launch and HE FAILS. Stables these dayss remind me of those huge air plains that piggy back the rocket ships to them just before they get high enough in the atmosphere. :disappointed: We seen that with Legacy, the Corre, Straight Edge Society, and the New Nexus. WWE has to prevent that re occurrence.

The Nexus has to be reformed to help the faltering:

The NOD can help:
Mark Henry
Cryme Tyme if they were still here
R Truth
Carlito maybe if he hadn't bounced and if his heritage was clarified
A.W. and Atlas would had been great as manager and veteran overseer

All the tag teams Big Show was apart of can come back as a group i guess:

They can all associate with him as heels and help each other.

Legacy could help so many multigen stars:
The Usos are quite bland, they could find their identities in a clique.
Joe Hennig could finally embrace his father and vow to take the WWE title he never did.
DiBiase would obvious rule this group and his brothers when they get the call up would serve as his Lt.s kinda similar to how the Outsiders were Hollywood Hogan's top deputies in the NWO.
Get alex riley and mason ryan in a stable with someone of a del rio stature, maybe even a sheamus or heck wade barrett if they dont throw him into a title picture pronto and then have mr regal, finlay or even sgt slaughter, using a more widespread evolution formation, its been proven to work
If Flair were to return I'd put him alongside Ziggler. I'd pair Dibiase and McGillicutty as a team as Flair would have known their fathers well. I'd put in Mason Ryan as the enforcer type.

I'd put Hunico and Camacho alongside ADR and Ricardo, it would get them more exposure. Have Ricardo announce their matches.
My Favourite stable has to of been DX..i mean the original incarnation. HBK HHH Chyna and Rick Rude. They just had chemistry and the writers did an amazing job of making the group compelling.
Now my idea for a stable (and I’m shocked no one else thought of this):
CM Punk
Daniel Byran (if he gets fed up and starts going by Bryan Danielson again I’ll mark out)
Antonio Cesaro and Cassius Ohno (Kings of Wrestling)
Sign Alex Shelly (which looks likely according to the rumour mill) and Chris Sabin (once he recovers from his knee op and his contract expires hopefully he could follow Shelly) – [The Motor-City Machine Guns]

Build it up that these guys were big shots in the indys (they can say “where actual wrestling matters”) and that the WWE corporate machine is keeping them down (i know it’s a rehash of “Summer of Punk” but since when does consistency matter).

Now without the brand split being in effect anymore you could have all 7 of these folks on the same show.

With the addition of Shelly and Sabin it gives you extra options. You can either have the MCMG challenging for the tag titles and Ohno and Cesaro challenge for the mid card belts or vice versa. And have Punk and Bryan challenge for the Main Event titles and Kharma Destroying the divas

Have them play up that there is no brand split and that they are independent, that they are so good that the WWE can’t afford NOT to use them on all the shows. Play up that the three figure heads of the group CM Punk, Bryan both live “alternative life-styles” aka Straight-Edge and Vegan and Kharma not being a model and the fact that they are different is what makes them better.

I can just picture a WWE show going of the air with these guys in the ring with all the gold.

Well i can dream...what do the rest of you think?
Stables of the past that I enjoyed the most were the 4 Horsemen, the New World Order, D-Generation X, Evolution, and the Main Event Mafia.

Here’s a little storyline I came up with the other day while thinking of why I love Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment…Championships and Stables. I was thinking of how I could merge the two and make a huge impact in today’s shows.

I’d start with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. I want to see a storyline where Paul Heyman brings up the fact that he never lost the World Title. He was in fact, stripped of the World Title half of the Undisputed Title and it was awarded to Triple H by Eric Bischoff. That should plant the seeds for the rest of the members I’m about to name.

Layla would be my next target. I’d have Paul walk and talk to her about being Divas Champion, blah, blah, blah, but why did she retire the Women’s Title?? I’d go as far as saying things like, bringing “prestige” back to the Divas Division. The rightful Undisputed WWE Women’s / Divas Champion. This, of course could turn Layla Heel, which I think suits her more anyway. That’s your Diva.

Ezekiel Jackson is number 3. Paul can bring up ECW. He can talk about the history and mention that even though he was a part of “WWECW” (imagine Heyman using the term WWECW on WWE TV), he was and still is proud that Jackson was the last ECW Champion and would like to restart his Title run. He’s your Upper-Mid-Carder.

Next up, I’d like to bring in Ted DiBiase just to give the Million Dollar Boy something special to do. I think he could have done wonders with the Million Dollar Title, but he wasn’t really given much of a chance with it. Give him some of Paul’s Kool-Aid, and you have Lower-Mid-Carder.

Of course, like all great Stables (look it up), we’re going to need a Tag Team. I want Heyman to announce that he’s bringing someone back from the past. He’s a former Champion and he’s the rightful holder of this retired Title. That turns out to be D.H. Smith. Team him back up with Tyson Kidd as the World Tag Team Champions with a grudge against the current WWE Champions.

This, of course, would seem complete. Towards the end of a 5-on-5 match with Paul’s (Heyman) team vs. Paul’s (HHH) team, a 6th man appears and helps Heyman’s team win. That 6th man…the last WWE European Champion…the last WWE Hardcore Champion…Rob Van Dam!!

For $#!+s and giggles, I’d add Hornswoggle as well. Heel turn + Cruiserweight Championship + Paul Heyman = something better than anything you’ve seen from Vince Jr. Jr. before. Now that he can talk, maybe now he can be taken seriously, at least for a month.

You could also throw CM Punk in there if you can figure out a good way how. I was thinking maybe he should not have come back right away last year and this storyline could have fit him well with the other’s but whatever. You get the gist.

So to recap:
WWE Champion, CM Punk
World Champion, Brock Lesnar
ECW Champion, Ezekiel Jackson
European / Hardcore Champion, Rob Van Dam
Cruiserweight Champion, Hornswoggle
World Tag Team Champions, The Hart Dynasty
Million Dollar Champion, Ted DiBiase
Woman’s / Divas Champion, Layla

I’d like to call them, The New Dangerous Alliance!!
My stable will be a HEEL stable mixing of existing talent and maybe new future talent.
Very dark and sadistic, similiar aspects to that of the Ministry of Darkness.
Stable Name: Necropolis

Kane - leader of the newly formed group, perfect man/monster to lead young hungry superstars and divas towards to dark side and becomes accomplices to the ''devil's favourite demon''.

Paul Bearer - in the orginal M.O.D would add that depth of family involvement with Kane as well as being a manager for the rest of the group and a mouthpiece.

Tensai (renamed Obsidian) - would be Kane's right hand man/bodyguard ultimately helping Kane in achieving whatever he wants or destroy whoever he pleases.

The Ascension - the tag team of the group, very similar to The Brood of the M.O.D would assist their leader Kane in anything he desired as well as trying to make their own stamp in the tag team division.

Kevin Thorn - One of the former talents of the WWE which i believe they shouldn't have let go, anyways this guy is the dark horse of the group and perhaps the future leader, Thorn would be Kane's understudy and would learn alot, also maybe conquering mid-level title bringing them to the group.

Paige - this was the hardest decision which Diva to include in this group, was a toss up between Kharma, AJ and FCW Divas Piage. I went with paige because she labels herself the Anti-Diva and would benefit hugely being involved in this stable developing her mic skills and in ring work as the woman behind all these men hopefully becoming the next big Diva of her generation.

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