Did Evolution Set The Bar Too High For The Success Of Stables In The WWE?

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The issue now with Tag Teams and Stables and they don't last long enough to make any impact for anyone to care that they are a group.

Evolution was good, and even if they weren't dominant for barely a year as a foursome, you know they existed and they made a decent impact and achieved there goal of creating two new main event stars.
Okay, I really don't know why a lot of you are mentioning the Horsemen or the NWO. Of course Evolution can't be compared to them. Those stables weren't just great, they were legendary. What I was trying to say in my OP, is that as far as the WWE goes, ever since Evolution, there really hasn't been a stable that had that elite feel to it. Notice the other stables I mentioned, they all pretty much tried to go that same route, but it never really worked out. So, again, I'm trying to compare how other stables have faired after Evolution, and I'm NOT trying to compare them to the Horsemen or NWO because there is no comparison there. Sorry, if I didn't clarify that in my OP.

As, far as Orton and Batista being injured back then, I don't really think that should take away from the success of that stable because injuries often happen in pro wrestling. You have to remember that Evolution played a crucial part in Batista and Orton being pushed to main event status. Batista took off faster than Orton, but I think that's mainly due to Batista's age. Vince probably wanted to get as much out of him as he could before he got too old. Also, Evolution still gets mentioned to this very day during storylines between HHH, Orton, or Batista. Why? Because Evolution is where they were able to break through.

No they didn't. The four members each played their parts fantastically.

There were great names in the stable and all either were or currently are major players in the world of professional wrestling, but people only look at the finished product with them.

That's what the stable was about though. Past, Present, and Future.

The stable wasn't even minutes old in 2003 when Orton AND Batista suffered major injuries. For the first 4 months of Evolution, the stable wasn't even mentioned because of those injuries.

That shouldn't matter. They both made their returns and Evolution went on to have THE best run that any stable has had within the past decade or so.

When Orton returned four months later, the "stable" was nothing more than Orton following Triple H around. It would be another 6 months before Orton was even in a title feud.

Orton was a prodigy learning from Triple H, his mentor. That was one of the points of the stable.

Meanwhile, Batista was all but forgotten until Evolution was nine months old.

That's not the point. He eventually got his huge push when the stable was about to disband. He was more of an enforcer anyhow, Orton was the prodigy, not Batista.

Evolution did have a very nice 8-9 month run in 2004 following the return of Batista, but the group all but split up after Orton defeated Benoit for the title at Summer Slam 2004. Five months later, the group would be completely gone.

No they didn't. Orton had won the world title and now had to face his (then) ultimate test, defeating his own allies. He lost the title because in the storyline Triple H was still much better than him at the time. So he left the group. Then Batista got his big push for Wrestlemania 21 and the group disbanded when Triple H beat up Flair after all of that.

Please. Someone explain how a stable that wasn't even dominant for a full year set the bar for future stables?

A legend from the past, a dominant present champion, a prodigy soon to be a main eventer, and an enforcer who also would soon be a main eventer. Evolution was a great stable. Every single stable ever since they split up has been compared to the standard set by Evolution. ALL of them! That sounds like setting the bar high to me.

The stable that has truly set the bar for the modern era of wrestling (which I consider to be since Nitro debuted) was the NWO. The stable that set the bar for all wrestling was The 4 Horsemen.

The Horsemen and nWo were both better than Evolution, agreed. However, HHHKING13 said that this is about WWE stables. Not WCW.

Evolution was nothing more than a foot note, a decent stable that happened to feature four guys who would win World Titles.

Yeah, and how does that make them not be a standard to measure future stables by? Evolution ended 5 years ago and ever since then people have compared new stables to them to see if they will be better or not, and no group ever was. Evolution set the bar high because it was an almost perfect stable. Two men from the past got to help two future stars get over by being in the same team together. That should be what every stable tries to accomplish, and that is why Evolution was so great.

I'm willing to debate this further if you still disagree.
But please, for the love of all things holy, will people stop saying Evolution set some kind of standard for a stable?

Why should people stop saying Evolution set standards for stables? Like I said before, there really hasn't been a stable since them that had that elite feel, and star power that they had. Legacy looked like they might be getting there before and after Wrestlemania, but they've gotten worse since then.

Evolution was a stable full of main eventers. If you look at WWE's other stables right now, you can't really pick one person out and say, "oh man, he's going to be a future world champion!" No. There is no stable like that in WWE right now.
Why should people stop saying Evolution set standards for stables? Like I said before, there really hasn't been a stable since them that had that elite feel, and star power that they had. Legacy looked like they might be getting there before and after Wrestlemania, but they've gotten worse since then.

Evolution was a stable full of main eventers. If you look at WWE's other stables right now, you can't really pick one person out and say, "oh man, he's going to be a future world champion!" No. There is no stable like that in WWE right now.

For the last decade, the group actually set a standard that has not being recreeated at all, "La familia" was not a great stable but a buch of Edge helpers, it was only until Edge got separated from VIcky the first time that Hawkings and Ryder got the tag titles, still Edge was part of that and he said he felt like a father since "his boys" won and didn't need him anymore.

Evolution is not the all time great, I think we all agree on that but it at least the stardard of what stable should be, successful and with good elements for everything.

You had a Master, a Player, a Learner and an Eforcer.

HHH- WHC-Player.
Flair & Batista-TTC-Master and Enforcer.

Right now there is no stable that can be compared at all, Legacy? It thing you should look for the topic where WWE drop the ball with them since, Orton is the one shinning at all and Dibiase and Rhodes have become lackeys, which really sucks since both guys has potential.

Now if you don't thing any of them has potential, well Orton sometimes seemed like a waste of time but he worked hard and look where he is now.
Evolution held all the titles at the same time, and successfully created two main eventers, but I'm not sure that they are the benchmark of WWE stables. The thing is with stables is that it isn't their successes that are remembered. The most consistent "bring back"threads we see are for the Nation of Domination, a stable that in two years of existence held the IC title once and the European title twice. Evolution will probably always be the most successful stable of all time, but they are not, and will never be, the ones that set the bar the highest. Good stables only come around every now and then. The heyday of the stable was the late 90s, and I don't think we'll see that again, because the roster is too small. Another stable could cath the audience's imagination, they just need to have a solid dynamic.
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