Evolution 2.0

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OK most of you missed the point of evolution

You had
One mega-star = HHH
One Legend = Ric Flair
And two guys who were on the lower mid-card or nowhere or underated or who havent been there that long a in Randy and Batista

The point of evolution was to keep the champ looking strong with back up as well as the legend staying relevant and giving the rub to the next generation

So if thats the formula then here we go
Mega-Star: Orton/Jericho (depending if its a face or heel faction)
Legend: HBK/Kevin Nash
Up and Comers: Mason Ryan and Tyson Kidd or The Kings of Wrestling.

You cant have Sheamus ziggler or even swagger in it because they are former world champions. (zigglers run doesnt count but he was in a Main event fued so he got a push)

You cant have kofi or Drew because they both former champions too and have been around for a while.

Sheamus - The big muscular dude, already a world champion 2x and a US champion 1x.

Wade Barrett - Former IC Champion, and after seeing the failure in Corre and Nexus, decides it was because crappy American's messed it all up.

Drew McIntyre - The "forgotten chosen one" has been dropped off on Superstars and decides he's had enough. Former IC and Tag champion.

William Regal - Been with the company for years, a KotR, IC, European and I believe Tag champion. He's solid in the ring, and good on the mic. He is the cheating assisting manager, who helps them all learn how to cheat and get away with it. Power of the punch that much different then a low blow when the ref isn't looking? Outside of Flair or the deceased Eddie G, there are few wrestlers who were golden at cheating and getting away with it.

A European Alliance between Brits, Scots and Irish folk. Woulda been good with a Paul Burchill implement, but these four I think would do. You've got the power and the legitimacy in Sheamus, hand picked by H to be his predecessor. Wade is a powerful guy in his own right, and McIntyre can easily be the next Orton as far as intensity goes. If you wanted a fourth wrestler Welshtista could get the job done. That's my thoughts anyway, and personally I've always been a fan of a good stable.
Honestly right now i would put

CM PUNK:Leader - Make him like HHH make him the guy who always wins the title make him the next HHH he is in the main event all of the time winning or losing the title. (Only if punk stays)

Mason Ryan:power - Make him just like batista but never give him a push like batista did make him tag champs with ..

Alex Riley:Ric Flair - Make A-Ri and Ryan tag champs make them go on single's fueds

Ted Dibase:Randy Orton - Make Dibase the next orton this way make him go for the US title and make him win it and not lose it make mason ryan back him up in matches by interfering and also then give him a major push and give him the wwe title while punk hasnt got it.

My Veteran- HHH. Why not? He doesn't look to wrestle anymore so why not have him as the leader and show the young guys the ropes. Become basically what flair was for him.

My "stud"- Alberto Del Rio. He has the arrogance, he has the money and he already has the fans hating him. Why go with Orton and Cena? Why not have the guy who preaches destiny all the time be the front line wrestler for the group

My "Up and Comer"- Dolph Ziggler. He is younger than hell and with Del rio after the main title, he could be content with holding the US or IC title for the time being ala Orton did in evolution

ANd My Monster....KHARMA- Yes Let her be the monster. Mason Ryan isn't going to cut it because he is too similar to batista and it just looks too rip offy (if offy isn't a word it should be). You Put Kharma in there, you now have A dominant member who you don't have to worry about coming after the IC or US or Heavyweight titles. She would dominate the female ranks (like she will anyway) and then you have every major title that applies to Raw. Plus she could mix it up with the guys occasionally like Chyna and Beth Phoenix did/do. Personally I wanted to see her get in Nexus the first day she showed up but this will do.

All of these people have the swagger and have the cockiness that any good faction should have. Of course it will never happen but I think that if it did, it would shock people more than the original nexus movement
La Evolución

Flair: Chavo Guerrero, Jr.. Chavo doesn't have the legendary stature of Flair, but for the gimmick I'm aiming for here, I don't think anyone fits the role of experienced veteran with the great heel antics to be the stable's manager. Chavo is an expert heel - he was part of one of the best heel tag teams ever in Los Guerreros, he had a very good run as an upper midcard heel wrestling Rey Mysterio, and in general is just a fantastic, classic heel. He has this role down pat - he can talk, he can cheat, and he can wrestle alongside the younger members of the stable, as he is still a great wrestler in great shape.

HHH: Rey Mysterio. A gamble, here, it would require turning a perennial fan favorite heel. I think Rey has all the chops to be a very successful heel, however - it's a character I can feel him playing very well in the modern WWE. Rey can still wrestle his ass off, putting out four star matches when he's with the right opponent. He can easily be the foundation of this team, holding a world championship, and running the show in general.

Orton: Alberto del Rio. ADR fits this role to a T. He's a fantastic wrestler, he's cocky as all hell, and anyone who takes one look at him can tell you he's a future main eventer. Seasoning in this team would lead him to great success.

Batista: Último Guerrero. About as heavy as they come in Mexico, but still, he won't be quite the destroyer Batista was. He's also old, but so was Big Dave. Guerrero, however, is still a pretty fantastic wrestler for his age and has proven himself a great rudo down in Mexico. He'd be a great way to round out the team and fill Batista's role.

I love the idea of a Latino stable, and this is really a great plan, but I have a few hesitations about your selection. Chavo as a mouthpiece veteran is wonderful. I think he could pull it off and be extremely successful if he could get the crowd to take him seriously again. The issue I have is Rey Mysterio as the group leader... Mysterio might be able to pull off the heel, but he's not vocal enough or good enough on the mic to be that dominating. You don't want your Orton to outshine your Triple H, and in this case Alberto del Rio would do just that. Honestly, they could pull the trigger on del Rio and you could make him the Triple H character of the group and leave Mysterio a face so he can team up with Sin Cara to take them down at some point. Just a few thoughts...
My picks are:

The present, leader of the group: Randy Orton/CM Punk, I belive that these only two guy can fit this role right now.
The past, mentor of the group: Triple H, because he is the only one in the current roster who can wrestler from time to time, and the only one who can manage the group at the same time.
The enforcer: Mason Ryan. He is a Batista stereo-type and he has the looks. Maybe one day he will hold a world Title. I think another good choice for this spot would be Tyler Reks.
The future, rising star of the group: There are many possibilities here, but my favourite one is Johnny Curtis. He is young, he is good looking, charismatic, very talented, but unfortunately he has a dumb gimmick right now. I think in this spot could easily be placed someone like Drew McIntyre or maybe a signed TE contestant, my favourite one, Luke Robinson.
Leader: Chris Jericho. Cocky Heel would be great to have as a faction leader. Never really has been involved in a faction over the years. I think that would be a great way to bring him back.

Manager: Bret Hart. Hell, he shows up on TV pretty regularly. Shouldn't be in the ring much. And for those who don't remember, Flair and Batista wrestled frequently as a tag team and held the belts for a while. So, I'm not so sure about Hart, but I think he fits.

Power Guy: Jack Swagger. I know several people feel that fact that he has already won championships would kick him out of this club, but this is a new version similar not an exact duplication.

Up and Comer: Daniel Bryan. His heel work in ROH is some of the best of his career.

One similar theme between all these guys is submission finishers. I wish there was a true hall of famer other than Hart that could work here. He seems to fit the best with the submission theme.
I am going to stick with my guns here.

Who would be your top, established star, like Triple-H was?
The Miz. In my opinion, the Miz is the top Heel right now in the WWE. R-Truth and CM Punk may have had the last two shots at the richest prize in the business, but the Miz is still Awesome!!

Who would be your veteran manager/wrestler, like Ric Flair was?
Chris Jericho. Who better than the first Undisputed Champion to run a dominating Heel Stable.

Who would be your large "monster" type of member to push intimidation like Batista did?
Sheamus . It doesn’t get any more “Monster” than the Celtic Warrior.

Who would be your young "cocky" type of member who was the "protégé" of the leader, like Randy Orton was?
Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler. I picked two for the “Orton” type. I believe these two could help and use a Stable like this one. Being associated with Jericho could do wonders for their careers. It would also help to have Vicki as their “Eye Candy”.

What would you name it?
I was going with “Future”, but I think I would rather go with the name, G. O. L. D. – Grapplers Of Legendary Dominance. Man, I cannot think of good Stable names. #@#@!!
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