Present-Day Evolution

Ok cool idea for a thread and I'll play along as I really enjoyed the time in wrestling when Evolution were in full swing. Look what become of their careers during and after this time, Randy Orton multiple time world champion, Batista became a multiple time world champion also as did (had already) HHH.

Now mine would consist of:

William Regal: He is the legend on the roster, the one who is nearing retirement, the one who could elevate the superstars that I have listed below. I also believe that he is the one superstar who could still work a match, and take the younger superstars under his wing.

Christian: He can be the same as HHH. A top tier heel, he can be the one who carries the gold and the others help. He is a top heel on his own and could really benefit from being in a stable that is the focal point of the designated brand.

Drew McIntyre: In the role of Randy Orton, the next up and comer, the next big thing, the next World Champion.

Mason Ryan: I would choose Chris Masters as the muscle of the group, but I'm guessing you are suggesting current WWE Superstars. I would choose Mason Ryan as he needs both guidance and something to do, this would be perfect for him.
If evolution ever came back the only way you could do this is with these people

Edge- plays the role of Ric Flair in Evolution
Wade Barret- playing the role of Triple H, winning titles, "the face" of the group
Alex Riley,- The Randy Orton type guy who won the IC title which helped him get to where he is today.
John Morrison- Instead of having a big guy, i have him, he can be that guy, that eventually goes on to win the title and beats barret for it and get kicked out of group eventually and becomes a huge wee star.
That is my ideas for a new Evolution
If there should be a modern day Evolution. I think it would be great if Punk leads it to mock Triple H and make this Evolution a stable made out of "the best wrestlers".

CM Punk : The leader and the Triple H of the group. Like I said he can make this stable so he can mock Triple H and make a better stable then original Evolution ever was. And make the stable consist of the best wrestlers in the company.

Chris Jericho : The veteran and Ric Flair of the group. He can totally fit in with his last heel gimmick.

Dolph Ziggler : The young cocky Randy Orton of the group. CM Punk can choose him and say that he has a lot of potential. And Ziggler is the most talented in ring wrestler out of all the midcarders. I would put Cody Rhodes but with his current gimmick I just don't see him fit in. I see a lot of posters choose McIntyre I would too maybe if he wasn't.. I don't know.. A jobber? Yeah that's it.

Jack Swagger : He's a big man with a great collegiate wrestling backround. He can be the Batista of the group but the difference between him and Batistia is Swagger can actually be built as a great wrestler despite being a big man.

Maybe I got this idea from my sign. Just picture Jericho next to Punk. I think they would fit very well as a stable.
mason ryan or brodus for the muscle
trent baretta with new look or
im not going to pretend to have seen fcw guys go but i think that is where a future should come from. it shouldnt be a former champ or someone we have seen suck for the past year
What is with people and bringing back old stables and replacing the members? Here's a history lesson, it never fucking works! The Four Horsemen were more-or-less ravaged because of it and most don't even associate the final Four Horsemen stable in WCW with the original and powerful one of the National Wrestling Alliance. It's the same with people wanting to bring back Nation of Domination?

Why do people feel the urgue or why do they desire old stables to be brought back? In five years I know well that we'll have about twenty threads a year, "If you could bring back Nexus?" or "If The Corre came back who'd you put in it?" What is the point? Why destroy the history of the original?

Evolution was a carbon-copy of The Four Horsemen anyway - minus the prolific tag team. Why bring it back and stick useless idiots like, for example, Alex Riley or The Miz who are both already established, neither will compare to anyone in the original so why shit on the original and make a new one?

Some things in the IWC really are stupid. This constant, "Bring Back Stables," shit is really near the top of the list. Nation of Domination are done. Evolution, unless it was a coming together of the old members is done and very other one, from The Corre to Nexus are done!

This is the only post in this entire thread worth reading.

In wrestling you cannot recreate a former stable and change the members around to fit today.

The NWO is dead, I don't care how many times Nash crawls to the ring with that music playing, it will never, eeeeeeeeever be the NWO of the WCW no matter how hard you try.

Evolution was great, while it lasted and should be left in the past. You're never going to have the chemistry of Triple H, Flair, Orton and Batista between any other superstars.

Do you remember the last two stables in the WWE?

The Nexus started out with a bang, started with a bang ended with a whimper. OH WAIT THE NEXUS IS STILL AROUND... Otunga and Henning are still in the WWE the last two Nexus members... and look how far down the shitty they are. Shoot that horse already because its been dead

The Corre complete shit. Their theme song, their tag team, their mouth piece, their muscle. all SHIT.

Heres a thought lets focus on making two wrestlers work well together in tag teams, before we try and rebuild/build new stables and quit living in the past
This is the only post in this entire thread worth reading.

In wrestling you cannot recreate a former stable and change the members around to fit today.

my reply to you sir is the one i had earlier:

Seems like some people suffer from the Captain Hook complex, bashing Peter Pan and the Lost Boys for using their imagination. LOL!!!

Calm down dude, i believe the whole concept of this thread is about creating a stable using the Evolution formula. See man, who doesn't love a great stable. Everyone has a favorite. Hell I'm old school with mine, :worship: The Dangerous Alliance from WCW with Heyman, Stunning Steve Austin, Ravishing Rick Rude, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, Larry Zybszko and Madusa.

Although you are wrong on one point. You mentioned how you cannot recreate a former stable and change the memmbers. But wait; isn't that exactly what DX did after HBK left and HHH teamed with Xpac, NAO, and Chyna. The whole Dynamic of the group completly changed from heel to face and if I remember correctly they were pretty successful. Some might say, not me though, even more successful then the original group.

Stables are like bands. Some bands are constantly changing members. You either get the Van Hager effect (all right but NO WHERE CLOSE TO THE ORIGINAL) or the AC/DC effect (SO DAMN EQUAL TO THE ORIGINAL THAT ITS HARD TO IMAGINE ITS NOT ) Hell even Heyman had various incarnations of The Dangerous Alliance in different promotions.. But seriously man, all we are doing here is playing a game of "what if". Don't be the party pooper man.

"Every party has a pooper which is why we invited you; PARTY POOPER!!!"
I would like to see a Black Version of Evolution. Have them be young black and educated, but with a huge chip on their shoulders, arrogant and somewhat ruthless behavior, yet classy, well spoken and cool. Also, have them be socially aware of the things that make Black folks and ultimately make themselves look bad. For example have them go after the thug JTG, the shuckin' n' jivin' Percy Watson, and especially John Cena. After that have them go after the titles and work their way up to the top of the card, but have Teddy Long, who not apart of the group but is biased towards them make things advantageous towards their favor. My participants would be:

Booker T - The Leader of the group and part time wrestler, but mainly in an advisory and mentoring role.

Kofi Kingston - The main eventer of the group and main title holder. His is a ruthless assassin like heel who enjoys punishing anyone who tries to stand in his way. Think Randy Orton in Evolution mixed in with a little heel Jake Roberts from '92.

Darren Young - He's the midcarder and mid level title holder. The loud mouth cocky, boastful, and confidant one of the group, who runs his mouth and dares anyone to come shut it for him. Pretty much the same character he is currently playing on NXT right now Mr. No Days Off D-Young.


Byron Saxton - The rich privileged kid who is used to getting what he wants. Tons of ability and charisma, the others in the group are very high on him. However, he is very outspoken and challenges the authority of the leaders of the group Kofi and Booker. Think Rock in the Nation of Domination.

David Otunga - The muscle of the group, however he is the black sheep. The achellies heel. Tons of potential, makes great improvements in the ring week over week, however his inexperience, attitude and lack of focus gets the best of him. He will eventually break away from the group and become a face who is bent on destroying each member one by one.

Saxton and Otunga will be a tag team and singles wrestlers....
I'm posting this from my phone so I can't space it out. I would have leader be CM Punk. The manager would be Mick Foley. I would have a tag team of superstars, rather than a dominant one. Present here The Kings of Wrestling, or Zach Ryder and Daniel Bryan. Bryan could be the mentor to Ryder, give both tv time, and help establish Bryan before WrestleMania. Lastly, to parallel Randy Orton, I would either choose The Miz or Dolph Ziggler. If multiple stables were made, and there were to be a rival, it would go as follows: the mentor Kevin Nash, the leader Sheamus, the prospect Justin Gabriel, and the monster Wade Barrett.
If we are going to do this, then we have to do it right. I think the only person to play the Flair role in this “Re-Evolution” has to be Triple H and HHH only. The Superstars I would have as the “Future” should, could and would be Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger. They have “it”. For the “Present”, I am going to go with Aaaallllbbbbeeeerrrrttttoooo Ddddeeeellll Rrrriiiioooo!! He’s got everything, but backup as of right now. A Heel with a lot of money should invest in insurance. All the great “Rich Men” had it and as should Aaaa Dddd Rrrr. Looking at the Stars I selected, it looks more like a present day Main Event Mafia with all former World Champions.

My second choices for Present and Future are Christian with Miz and R-Truth. Then again, this lineup also looks like the present day M. E. Mob. Yes, I could R-Truth’s NWA Title reigns as a World Title.

I got a 3rd version of the new Evolution. Playing the role the “Past” could be a retired Rey Mysterio. It could be the only way for Rey to reinvent himself and stretch out his career by being a manager. For the “Present”, who better than Alberto Del Rio. Now I’m all for Rey turning Heel after he retires from active in-ring competition, but an ADR Face turn couldn’t hurt either. Now for the “Future”, I’d have both Sin Caras. As a matter of fact, “Sin Caras” is there Tag Team name. How about that lineup?? They could run the Hart Foundation storyline where they are Faces in Mexico and Heels in America or something to that extent.
Representing The Past

Triple H in the Ric Flair role, as he is the manager of the new Evolution, wrestles part-time, and is the right-hand man of the leader for the New Evolution who will represent the Present.

Representing The Present

Randy Orton in the Triple H role, as he becomes the new leader for Evolution, as Orton was a part of the original Evolution but he was the young shining star in that group, but now he is the leader, the one who will be focused on the title all the time, with Triple H being his mentor like how Ric Flair was a mentor for Triple H

Representing The Future

Alex Riley in the Randy Orton role, as he becomes the shining star the crown jewel of Evolution, the young lion who will eventually break away from the group like how Orton did, and Riley just reminds me so much of a young Orton in a sense

Mason Ryan in the Batista role, as the enforcer for the group who is the group's monster, their muscle
Here are my picks...

Triple H (Ric Flair): Obvious pick as he would link Evolution V2 with the original Evolution.

The Miz (Triple H): Has all the charisma in the world and reasonable wrestling skills. He would be the leader of the group

Mike McGillicutty (Randy Orton): Needs to change his name to Joe Hennig and utilize his family history. Have him adopt his fathers gimmick and he could quite possibly go down the road Randy Orton did.

Jack Swagger (Batista): Has the right build of the 'Batista' of the stable. This could easily give him his final push to the Main Event also.
Now that doesn't seem so bad, Triple H being the Flair of the group and The Miz being the Triple H of the group, with Mcgillicutty being the Orton of the group, and Swagger being the Batista of the group, the only problem that I would have with that would be Swagger being the Batista of the group, why not Skip Sheffield?
Well this is a good question about stables but I've always thought that Evolution were naturally replaced by Legacy within the story. There is a real danger when you go back and re-hash stables. I can only really think of DX that has worked.

Evolution was Evolution and it was great, let the great beast lie with our memories. Saying that I do agree that we need new stables. Med carders need a "we are young and pissed off with the one or two spotlight hogs" (kayfabe) team.

You could easily do it right now by expanding Team Awesome on raw. Punk would not be in this one because (as they would say) he's been in the spotlight a lot recently and it would give both him and Cena a nice fat enemy and more importantly something for Morrison to do as a heel.

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