Evolution 2.0

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I would like to see VKM bought back on to the scene and the man behind the scenes of this new faction. Although I know there would be a 'current' Triple H role in this group I would rather this new faction focus on the 'up and coming' Randy Orton role. So the stable would go like this.

Mentor / 'Puller Of The Strings' (Ric Flair role): Vince McMahon

In continuation with the storyline, I would like it for Vince McMahon to be revealed as the anonymous GM (get this stale storyline over and done with). I would like him to reveal he's annoyed with how things are playing out, and that he believes the only way things can meet his approval once again is to get away from his backstage role, and 'do things himself' with a little help from...

Secondary Mentor / Non-Wrestling Leader (Triple H'ish role): Triple H

Yes. I see Triple H back in this role for a number of reasons. The first being he was in the original Evolution stable, and I believe to retain the feel of 'Evolution', you must retain a member from the original group. Another reason is that we all know that Triple H is the 'heir to the throne' of WWE, so why not play this into the storyline and have him work with VKM to create their ideal WWE (more specifically Raw). It has been a long time since Triple H has been a heel, but seeing as he will soon be taking of the reins from VKM, let's make him to that 'corporate heel' that VKM always played so well. Of course, with these two guys in place, the stable would have very firm foundations. Now the goal is to build on these.

The Cocky Leader (Randy Orton'ish role): Drew McIntyre

This guy recently has fallen off the page. A while ago, I was certain we would be seeing the new top guy in WWE. This guy is cocky, violent, imposing and definite multi-WWE champion material. The creative team seem to have forgotten about this guy in recent months but when VKM calls someone 'The Chosen One', you know they'll succeed. And now is his time. He works perfectly into this stable, as he already has VKM's stamp of approval, and he also reminds me of a young HHH, which could be Hunter's interest in him. This guy is talented and can easily be the crown jewel in this faction.

The Muscle (Batista role): Mason Ryan

Who else! This guy is a natural choice in this role. People often refer to him as a 'carbon copy' of Batista, but he's more than this. One, he has a connection with Drew McIntyre with them both being British (although this is not one that should necessarily be built on). Two, he speaks Welsh! Why is this a good point. I believe it brings a mysterious dimension to his character, showing that he is more than just muscle. If he were to interchange between speaking Welsh and English, it could be quite sinister and intimidating. Three, again, he is a BEAST!!! I remember watching him on the UK version of Gladiators (although this was flop) and thinking. Jeees! So yeah, I think he could bring more to this character than Batista ever did. Although he would be the foil to Drew McIntyre in this group, like Batista, there would be potential for him to break out from the group and become WWE/WHC himself.

So there's my idea. And what would I call this group. Duh! 'The Chosen'.
In the HHH role, I'd go with Orton. In the Flair role, I would say either Booker or Nash, as they are credible former multiple time champions who can still go. Ryan or Zeke would work in the Bautista role, with Riley filling the Orton role. He's already young, cocky, and has a great look. He just needs a true rub that Miz isn't capable of giving.
Rich flair =triple h too perfect of a fit ...trips would that that role too well
Triple h portrayed by orton like everyone said considering the way things have "evolved" again perfect fit
Batista =big zeke
orton = del rio young cocky ns right on the brink of big time
Who would be your top, established star, like Triple-H was?

weel i think it's gonna be The Miz he is the perfect man to be THE star of that stable he is a really good heel and he fits to be in the main-event scene like in this year

Who would be your veteran manager/wrestler, like Ric Flair was?

simple as that The Undertaker he is getting to old and he can't wrestle all the time so if he is the manager of that stable that will be perfect for him and he is not supposed to wrestle a lot in that case

Who would be your large "monster" type of member to push intimidation like Batista did?

Mason Ryan he looks like Batista and he is strong and powerful like Batista was in Evolution

Who would be your young "cocky" type of member who was the "protégé" of the leader, like Randy Orton was?

i Think it's gonna be Drew Mcintyre he is not doing too much lately and this draft on RAW is not going to change that for me and this position in a stable like Evolution will be just PERFECT for him

and the stable's name will be "Revolution" :icon_smile:
I think it could work. We need a powerhouse stable that everyone in it can contend at some point for some belt or another. The picture in the first post shows it perfectly and I would really like this happening.

Leader/HHH role: Randy Orton would be the best person I could see pulling this off and with the fact he was in the original Evolution would give instant credibility to what he is rebuilding. He isn't too face to turn back heel. The problem is he's now been chosen as the leader of Smackdown now and this type of heel turn would be well past improbable. CM Punk, The Miz, and Barrett all come to mind as lower forms of HHH at the time. Chris Jericho would be second best behind Orton to fill this role though. He has amazing in ring ability. He can cut promos better than most if not everyone in the WWE. And his name would also make the stable credible.

Mentor/Ric Flair role: I think HHH, Regal, or Booker would definitely be the way to go with this. They are all well known names and in the case of Regal he's at least respected for his ability and I honestly don't think the Mentor this time around would have to do much wrestling if any at all.

The Beast/Batista role: While I'm actually hoping they do the right thing with Mason Ryan, this position is much better filled by Ezekial Jackson and should be held by Big Zeke as he looks like a beast and his short time in The Corre has made everyone realize he is powerful and could hold this role easily. More experience than Mason Ryan influenced this decision also.

The Protege/Orton role: I think I'd like to see Joe Hennig(McGillicutty) or Drew Mcintyre in this spot, but there are quite a few. Hennig, Husky Harris, Ziggler, Mcintyre, Riley, possibly Morrison, or even Zack Ryder even to begin earning him some credibility.

TL;DR: Read the bold names.
I think this idea is awesome.

Leader/HHH role: Randy Orton. No Doubt about it he is the man for this role :). I'm a Cena fan but their is not enough Cena Fan-Base for him too take such a big role. But i would like Cena And Orton to go on a WWE Championship role as Orton Leader of Evolution 2.0.

Mentor/Ric Flair: IMO, this role would have to go to The Game HHH, we need more of him on T.V and if it wasnt HHH id like The Undertaker but HHH is in better shape than Undertaker so could wrestle more.

The Beast/Batista: Mason Ryan or Eziekial Jackson - either one of these Machines would be perfect for the Batista role. Im not sure who id rather have but they sure could become very successful Superstars in the future.

The Protege/Orton role: For this role i would have Luke Robinson from Tough Enough. His Cockyness, Shape, Apperance and with a a little more practice his In-Ring Ability would be perfect for this role. If Luke dosnt make it to WWE for some reason i would pick Drew McIntyre as this role, This would be amazing as it gives the group even more aggression, but id have to stick with luke, for his all round apperance. (IMO, he reminded me abit of Randy Orton when he was in Evolution.
Heres the thing evolution was basicly like the 4 horseman 6.0 or how ever many revamps they had...so i can be done again despite what some people on this thread have said. That being said...
to mentor/manage i think either edge or maybe a returning mick foley could do it both have been good heels/faces and i mean there can be face factions.

In the role of the leader id have to say The rock (as long as this is a fantasy cause theres no way he'll ever wrestle full time again) He is the great one the total package and can also do either a heel or face.

Power guy I'll take batista himself...he's bound to return with his mma deal falling through

Pretty boy/Orton role i think i want cody rhodes here after his phantom gimmick runs it's course he can go back to being dashing.
Here is my evolution 2.0

Playing the role of Ric Flair: Triple H.
Playing the role of Triple H: C.M Punk.
Playing the role of Randy Orton: Dolph Ziggler.
Playing the role of Batista: Ezekiel Jackson.

And I'll tell you the reasoning behind why I picked those four guys. Triple H is a natural for the role as the wise crafty (but in his case) not too old to get in the ring IF he has to.

C.M Punk already being a 3 time former world heavyweight champion, 1 time ECW, ITC & Tag team champion plus a 3 year ina row slammy award winner that screams leadership to me (dispite how S.E.S & The New NeXus turned out lol)

Doplh Ziggler already has held the IC title & the world heavyweight title (even though it was for like 5 minutes) its still in the history books.

Ezekiel Jackson also was the very last man to hold the ECW championship.

So there you have a stable of FOUR former world chamapions (you can argue that the ECW title is not a real world title) but in this case making up my stable it is lol
Triple H, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett and Alberto Del Rio..

Has potential to be a great heel stable. I don't really see an Evolution 2.o ever happening or needing to though and Wade needs to stay away from stables.
Everyone is sugesting Dolph Ziggler and Mason Ryan. Why would the WWE do that when they are both currently getting pushed? I highly doubt this happens. The New Nexus is already begining to seperate already as we saw on Raw last week. And the Corre has slowly been seperating for awhile over on SD!.
Everyone is sugesting Dolph Ziggler and Mason Ryan. Why would the WWE do that when they are both currently getting pushed? I highly doubt this happens. The New Nexus is already begining to seperate already as we saw on Raw last week. And the Corre has slowly been seperating for awhile over on SD!.

To add to their push and to gain experience from established stars? Just a thought. Batista and Orton were getting pushed when they formed Evolution.
I could see Randy Orton making this stable, it would not be a copy so much as a revival like Degeneration X did in 2006 and 2009.

The leader would be Randy Orton of course, from student to leader, that would be great.

The veteran guy would either be Undertaker or i could see Chris Jericho coming in there too because Taker probably is not in the condition for stable fighting.

I would choose Mason Ryan for the Newbie big guy role in Evolution 2.0. I mean, he is just like Batista, build, looks, and even is starting to use the spear as a finisher now.

For the student type role in the faction, i would chooseAlex Riley. He has potential and this could be the way to jump start his career as quickly as possible. He could also double as the spokesperson because he has pretty good mic skills whe he has the chance to speak for himself.
To add to their push and to gain experience from established stars? Just a thought. Batista and Orton were getting pushed when they formed Evolution.
Apples and oranges. That was then and this is now. If you remember right that was when Triple H was top heel in WWE when Evolution was going on. Randy Orton is one of the top faces in the WWE right now, turning him heel would just set him back at this point.

The WWE knows ORton knows how to played the part of a heel, he has done it for the better part of his career. They want to see what he can do as a face.
Leader: John Cena
Not only would it be a Evolution type group but a bit of NWO too with the top face of the company turning his back on his fans. He would get a lot of heat which could be good for the group too and he is a good promo man, so surely he will be able to get the group over.

Veteran: Hulk Hogan
I'd want the group to be an NWO type group too, so Hogan would be a big help to Cena and Cena is practically the Hogan of this generation anyway, so to see those two as heels aligning with each other would be something special. And he's a lackey these days in Immortal anyway, so this would be a suitable role.

Monster: Wade Barrett
He's not really a monster but he's big enough to be one, so maybe WWE could push him as one plus the guy can talk, so he'd easily be able to help himself get over. He wouldn't need Hogan & Cena's help all the time.

Orton: Dolph Ziggler
He's already got the cockiness, the look, skills in the ring and although he's not the best on the mic, he can improve but out of everybody in WWE right now, I'd say he's the closest comparison to "Legend Killer" Orton.
Sorry 4 the small post

Jericho - (mouth peice/veteren/mentor) - Makes his return makes, perfect mouth peice for any new faction, I also think this is the reason they got rid of nexus just for him to enter this role

CM Punk(cocky) - This is a development for CM punk, I see alot of Jericho starting to show

Mason Ryan(Batista) - Power house, henchmen,

Daniel Bryan(Orton style) - I wanna see him make people tap and die! Also he's 100% suited for a villian role.

My stable>than yours
Established : Randy Orton
Manager: Triple H
Young Stud: Alex Riley
Muscle/also young: Mason Ryan

the beauty is you can still call them Evolution. Only problem there could be is that with the original Evolution, triple h ruled the entire group even ric flair. would triple h take a back seat to Orton? or would they co-run the group
At this point in Orton's career I don't see a heel turn coming for a very long time. He's Smackdown's John Cena, and he's not going to give up that position, nor would I see the WWE wanting him to. Faces make bank on merch, and that's the way they like it. Honestly, I think the Nexus should just because that stable it has the potential to be with CM Punk as the leader. Here's how I would do it...

Leader: CM Punk
Manager: Booker T
Power: Mason Ryan
Protege: David Otunga

I like a lot of other choices I've heard on this thread, but there's a few reasons I picked the people I did instead of guys like Alex Riley or even Zack Ryder. David Otunga and Mason Ryan could be a tag team. They don't have to be, but it's totally believable to have two big strong guys (Ryan obviously being more of the muscle) in a tag team winning the titles. They have history and work well together I think. Otunga is pretty decent on the mic, has a cocky personality (remember A-list Otunga?) and has a lot of future in the business if he can ever stop jobbing to random people every week. Alex Riley has good potential, but he needs to not be a heel for awhile. He's already over as a face for beating the Miz, and that momentum would be crushed if he went back to play for the away team.

You really need to hear me out on Booker T. No, he's not a 16-time World Champion that's been a legend in the business for 30+ years, but he is a 6-time World Champion that has competed in every major promotion of the last 2 decades. He is great on the mic when he's not on commentary, he's played a very believable heel, and the best part...he can still wrestle. He's in better shape than almost anybody on the WWE roster! The beauty of Evolution was that they had two mouthpieces in Triple H and Ric Flair. CM Punk is a former and future World Champion, and with the help of this new Nexus/Evolution stable, could be as dominant as Triple H...maybe. He definitely has the heel ability to be one of the all-time greats, but it's really his size that will hold him back. I just like every angle of this little team I put together, and I'd love to see it happen.
La Evolución

Flair: Chavo Guerrero, Jr.. Chavo doesn't have the legendary stature of Flair, but for the gimmick I'm aiming for here, I don't think anyone fits the role of experienced veteran with the great heel antics to be the stable's manager. Chavo is an expert heel - he was part of one of the best heel tag teams ever in Los Guerreros, he had a very good run as an upper midcard heel wrestling Rey Mysterio, and in general is just a fantastic, classic heel. He has this role down pat - he can talk, he can cheat, and he can wrestle alongside the younger members of the stable, as he is still a great wrestler in great shape.

HHH: Rey Mysterio. A gamble, here, it would require turning a perennial fan favorite heel. I think Rey has all the chops to be a very successful heel, however - it's a character I can feel him playing very well in the modern WWE. Rey can still wrestle his ass off, putting out four star matches when he's with the right opponent. He can easily be the foundation of this team, holding a world championship, and running the show in general.

Orton: Alberto del Rio. ADR fits this role to a T. He's a fantastic wrestler, he's cocky as all hell, and anyone who takes one look at him can tell you he's a future main eventer. Seasoning in this team would lead him to great success.

Batista: Último Guerrero. About as heavy as they come in Mexico, but still, he won't be quite the destroyer Batista was. He's also old, but so was Big Dave. Guerrero, however, is still a pretty fantastic wrestler for his age and has proven himself a great rudo down in Mexico. He'd be a great way to round out the team and fill Batista's role.

So, here's how this works out. Chavo comes over to Raw and starts trying to convince Rey that they should join forces. Rey plays the typical babyface, taking the high road and refusing to join up with Chavo. Chavo keeps dogging Rey, they do the typical stuff. Rey commentates on Chavo's matches, they stare down. Reverse the roles next week. You tease Rey considering the offers legitimately over the weeks. Chavo gets frustrated and starts to tell Rey he's either with him or against him. Moving into the end of this segment, Chavo beats a jobber on raw, after the match, he calls Mysterio to the ring to make a final offer to team up with him. Rey refuses, they fight, Rey gets the upper hand and nails a 619. They have a PPV match where Chavo gets DQd by beating the crap out of Rey and injuring some body part or another. Rey goes on the DL and Chavo gloats the next night on Raw.

Chavo then begins to assemble the rest of the team. He recruits ADR, saying that he should have come to him first. ADR will respect Chavo for his history and his family, so they'll hook up. ADR and Chavo tear it up over the next couple weeks, harassing upper midcarders and main eventers. I'd make this very Sheamus/Nexus style - attacking everyone, showing their dominance. At the next PPV have them interrupt a match and cut a heel promo, but this time they get interrupted by some big names. I like Kofi and JoMo at this point. Brawl.

So now they feud for the next month and we set up a tag match at the next PPV. Show and Kane vs ADR and Chavo. Match goes on as standard, so on, so on, then ref bump. Ultimo Guerrero debuts and helps ADR and Chavo win. Heels gloat. The next night, the trio interrupts John Cena (who should be, at this point, be removed from a championship feud) and attack him. Now Cena's pissed. He recruits their recent rivals of Kofi and JoMo and set up a six man main event to the next PPV. It's escalated now, too, so make it No DQ. Six man tag goes on as you'd expect, so on. When things are moving to the end game suddenly Rey Mysterio runs out. It should be Cena fighting at this point, Kofi and JoMo out of commission for the moment. The heels freak out, Rey and Cena look like they're going to team, and bam! Rey low blows Cena, gets him in a 619 and the heels pin him. Gloating galore as Rey joins the team.

Not sure about where I'd take it from here but that's the set up, anyway. Good for probably another 6 months of stuff from there on out.
If creative were to put together a Evolution 2.0 type of stable, who would you fill in the spots this time around.

Who would be your top, established star, like Triple-H was?
Who would be your veteran manager/wrestler, like Ric Flair was?
Who would be your large "monster" type of member to push intimidation like Batista did?
Who would be your young "cocky" type of member who was the "protégé" of the leader, like Randy Orton was?
What would you name it?

Do you think they could replicate this type of stable, or do you believe it was just the right guys in the right place, at the right time? Thoughts or Comments?

1.Wade Barrett
2.Randy Orton
3.Skip Sheffield
4.Drew McIntyre

Unlike the failure that was Nexus/Corre (Which could have been great if whoevers writing the shit lately didn't screw up)

This stable would WIN. Randy Orton would put himself in the veteran coaching posistion (But still wrestle and help on attacks of course) Wade Barrett would ascend to capture the WWE title and also handle most speaking duties. Skip Sheffield would get the WHC title. Drew McIntyre would get a strong Intercontinental title run.

Then in a way similar to Evolution and Orton it would collapse by having Orton Challenge Drew McIntyre to a match to see if he thinks hes worthy of Wades WWE title.

In an impressive but clean/upset victory Drew McIntyre defeats his mentor Randy Orton and gains a WWE title shot vs. Barrett @ some big time PPV in a last man standing match. Then he gets the match and in a great match barely comes out victorious and the new WWE champion.

Wade then would get up and reach his hand out to shake Drews hand and when Drew grabs Wades hand to shake it Wade kicks him in the nuts and lifts him up and Orton runs in the ring and they do a combo Wasteland/RKO at the same time as Skip Sheffield just stands there adding insult to injury.

So then it would be alot like Evolution really
I think it could work, but I dont think we will see an Evolution-type stable for a good few years yet.

In the Ric Flair role I would have to see Triple H, once he retires. It would give the Evolution 2.0 stable some credibility, as The Game was a member of the original. He also idolies Ric Flair, so he would love to take on the role Flair played in Evolution. Plus, he is a big enough star to pull off the veteran legend role and is awesome on the mic.

In the Triple H role I would pick Randy Orton. Orton has matured from the "future" in the original faction, to become the premier star in the 2nd incarnation. I think it would be great to see him taking on the role of the "best in the business" from Triple H and being the superstar of the faction.

I am unsure of the Enforcer role, played by Batista in Evolution. Right now there is only really Mason Ryan who looks the part but by the time the faction happens there could be someone new. Perhaps Crimson from TNA could be in the WWE by that point, as he would look perfect for the role and could be a major star by then anyway. However, depending on how good his return is, Skip Sheffield, could be the man.

And as for the role of the up-and-coming rookie, Alex Riley would be my pick. Good looking, talented in the ring, good on the mic. Riley has all the features of the next break-out star. I would love to see him in Evolution 2.0 as the IC champ, who eventually moves up to the main event and WWE champion.

Those are my picks, all comments welcomed. Let me know what you think!
I like a Nation of Domination type stable, Nation 2.0 or some variance actually is kind of catchy.

Leader: Mark Henry
Mid Carder: R-Truth
Manager/Mentor: Booker T
Youth to build (tag team): Kofi Kingston and David OtungaEscort: Eve

With the way they have shown dominance out of Mark Henry lately, I can't see him taking a backseat to R Truth. Plus, Mark Henry is more credible as a title contender than R Truth. You can put him in a few main events against big Zeke because of Zeke's refusal to join. Hell, put the strap on Mark Henry a few times. He's a sure fire Hall of Famer, and he is credible as champion especially when Cena is on the shelf.

R Truth screams US Title to me, nothing more. Plus he can be the main talker (kind of like The Rock in the original Nation).

Booker T as the mentor is obvious, maybe with a few matches here and there.

Youth to build: Kofi is in DIRE need of a character change. The Jamaica thing is stale. A heel turn seems appropriate, especially joining the top heel stable. David Otunga, obvious. Build their credibility by putting the tag titles on them and having them decimate the tag divisions on both shows.

Eve as the escort is a MUST! She is on her way to becoming a heel diva anyway. All of the great heel stables in the past had a female escort (horesemen, nwo, MEM, etc).

Minus Eve, you have a stable of 5 men/ wrestlers. I know 4 is the ideal number, but that just seems too light, like they can be overcome too easily. Five is a perfect number, because it's harder to find 5 faces to even the odds than it is to find 4 faces.
Literally none of these teams are threatening enough in my opinion. When Evolution was around, they dominated EVERYTHING. If one guy didn't kick your ass, the other three came out and got the job done. The factions getting listed in this thread remind me more of a half a Nexus than Evolution.

My Proposed Evolution 2.0:

Current Star, the Triple H Role: Randy Orton. It just seems right that the young, cocky heel from the first Evolution would go on to lead the next one. It's a natural progression and Orton is on the top of the WWE right now in a similar way to Triple H when the original Evolution reigned supreme.

Veteran Star, the Ric Flair Role: Triple H. Another choice that just feels right. You take the previous "Present" star and turn him into the Veteran star along with keeping the "Future" star and using him as the "Present" star. This could work for an Evolution 3.0 as well, using Orton as the vet maybe 10 years down the line, and using the Future Star of this faction as the of that installment.

Power House, the Batista Role: Sheamus. Doesn't it only make sense that a guy who Triple H was so dedicated to putting over would be in a faction with him? This could be a great opportunity to rebuild Sheamus as the monster that he so deserves to be booked as. At 6'6" and 270+, he fits this role perfectly. They can say that Triple H basically beat the respect into him in that pre-WM beatdown as an explanation.

Future Star, the Randy Orton Role: Drew McIntyre. This entire faction is pulled together by this last guy. Not only has it been said that a lot of guys see a young Triple H in Drew, which works well with Trips being the mentor of this faction, but Drew and Sheamus have natural chemistry as they were a great tag team in their FCW days. This entire faction is essentially built around Triple H.

That is one hell of an intimidating faction. THREE former WWE Champions and a former IC champ. Nobody is shorter than 6'4" (and that's Triple H) and nobody lighter than 245 lbs (Orton) so the size of this faction alone is extremely intimidating. Throw in Triple H's backstage pull, which he could very easily get away with mentioning, and everybody on the roster is scared of this faction. What I'd love to see happen is have Triple H be the Raw GM and introduce his team on the same night that he reveals himself as the GM. That would be the beginning of a whole new era in the WWE.
A great idea for a thread:

Ric Flair: HHH
A heel HHH will play the part well and will make the reunion a shock because of his babyface persona at the moment.

HHH: John Cean
Cena also turns heel. A strech, but a man can hope.

Batista: Zeke
I would say Mason Ryan, but he's a Batista clone. Too similar to the original for my taste.

Randy Orton: Drew McIntyre
This would FINALLY give Drew something to do. A huge push for him also. IF not Drew, then JoMo.

Randy Orton should come out a couple weeks after the formation of EVO2.0 and say how disappionted he is in Cena for turning his back to the fans. How sad it is that he had to do something so juvenile. This leads to Cena vs. Orton World Heavyweight Championship match. (Yes, Evolution is on both brands, but i hope it will be a mostly Smackdown! thing).
Evolution 2.0

The Ric Flair Role - Triple H

Only makes sense, and gives everyone a bit of a nostalgic feeling from the good ol' days.

The Triple H role - Randy Orton

Having Randy Orton as the current star would show the progression of his Career since when he first started. The man is a much better Heel than Face anyways.

The Randy Orton Role - Alex Riley

Fits the young cocky heel persona perfectly. Great in the ring and good on the Mic, he has potenetial to be one of the big face's of the WWE in the future.

The Batista Role - Skip Sheffield

Skip is much better in the ring and on the mic than Mason Ryan is, and i feel he is a better choice than Big Zeke because he could make an immediate impact upon his return by joining Evolution 2.0, whilst Zeke has been around for quite a bit and is currently IC Champion already.


Ric Flair becomes Triple H
Triple H becomes Randy Orton
Randy Orton becomes Alex Riley
Batista becomes Skip Sheffield
I think this idea could and most probably would work, there have been many stables where this has been the general formula and it's worked so why not as long as it's entertaining to watch.

Who would be your top, established star, like Triple-H was?
It can simply only be Orton, I did try to think of someone else who could do it but other than Cena as a top, established star, there is nobody else. For Orton it would be the natural progression... as long as it wouldn't be played like Legacy was I think it would easily work.

Who would be your veteran manager/wrestler, like Ric Flair was?
Edge, fans love him and want to see him even if he isn't wrestling. Would also bring huge personality to the stable and arguably be the reason fans would tune in to watch.

Who would be your large "monster" type of member to push intimidation like Batista did?
Mason Ryan, reason? He is Batista, 'nuff said.

Who would be your young "cocky" type of member who was the "protégé" of the leader, like Randy Orton was?
Drew McIntyre... he runs around boasting about being the chosen one! The simple choice if you ask me.

Orton, Edge, Ryan and McIntyre... not a bad line up even if I do say so myself.
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