Create a Stable

I would have JBL retire from in ring wrestling and announce that he will prove he is a wrestling god by putting together and managing the most dominate stable of all time...

Vladimir Kozlov as the leader(or more like the world title contentder)
Umaga as the muscle
Mike Knoxx and Snitsky( if they bought him back) as the tag team
JBL as the mnager/ mouth piece
I would put them on SD! They would be called JBL's Ringers. I always thought JBL could be a great manager, and if he was you know he would go out and just get the biggest nastiest brawlers in the WWE. IMO, it would be intresting to see where this would go especially on smackdown where they're are alot of littel guys
i atually thought a bout this about a year ago, the stable I came up with would basically be a dx/evaluton type group with Shawn michaels as the leader/mouthpiece. similiar to the role he had while in the nWo. Triple h as the main eventer whos always in the title picture. kendrick and london as the tag team who can dominate the division. Lance Cade as the mid card title contender. it woulda worked cause Kendrick and cade were trained by HBK. you also got the original dx in the group, you could even throw in a diva to spice things up and interfere every once inna while, possibly Melina or beth. I'd prefere Melina cause shes hot!!!

Oh did I mention Melina is hot?!!
Manumaga or The New Wild Samoans.
Manu + Umaga + some random samoan bird for the manager

Hart Foundation 2.0
Natalia Neidhart, DH Smith, Teddy Hart.
(not a new idea but still a good one) ;D
Before Boogeyman was Released I wanted to see an Oddity type gimmick


They would fit on ECW and a would most likley being face
Now they wouldnt be taken seriously as competion, but could lead to some funny segements.

The Extreme Freaks
as far as the european team of koslov, santino, regal, horny and finlay, and paul and katie lea burchill goes, it wouldnt really work. you have essentialy 2 comedy faces, a comedy heel, a serious destructive heel, and katie and paul who dont get screen time, so it would be the most disfunctional stable ever.

this had been said, but its a great idea.

leader - shelton or mvp
mouthpiece - mvp
tag team - cryme tym
manager - tony atlas
muscle ezekiel and or mark henry

this would be a great stable but would need mvp to turn back to heeel and i dont see that happening, so maybe turn r-truth heel, and have him replace mvp.

i also like the team canada idea.
personally, i think the perfect stable consists of a main eventer, mid carder, tag team, and possibly a manager. there for if i was to make a new nation i would go for...

mark henry - main
shelton - mid
r truth - tag
ezekial jackson - tag
tony atlas - manager

if there was to be an british group, i would go for

william regal - mid
dj gabriel - tag
paul birchall - tag
katie lee - manager

no main eventer here, coz there just isn't anyone capable if my eyes.

and my last stable would be an ultra cocky stable, similar to edge and christian of old

mr kennedy - main
shelton benjamin - mid
dolph ziggler - tag
brian kendrick - tag
michelle mccool - manager/ezek jackson as muscle maybe too

also one last thing i've said this before, i want a ninja type tag team, bring back tajiri and team him with jimmy yang wang (no longer as a cowboy...)
It's funny how many people want a 'New Nation' type stable.

Here's mine:

Mr. Kennedy (Mouthpiece/Leader)
The Brian Kendrick (Mid-Card)
Ezekiel (Muscle)
John Morrison and The Miz (Tag Team)

They are a group of young, cocky, brash superstars. I think it would behoove Kennedy to have allegiances because outside interference from the others could propel him into the World title picture.
I would like to see a "real wrestling" type of stable, their tag line could be we are putting the wrestling back in world wrestling entertainment, they could be sick of the "hollywood wannabes" that are prancing around the ring pretending to fight while these guys earned their mettle in the all american college circuit. the stable would involve the following wrestlers....

Jack Swagger: leader
Shelton Benjamin: Tag Team
Charlie Haas: Tag Team
Tyson Kidd: jus member
Natalya Neidhart: Diva

They could cut awesome heel promos against everybody calling them fake, actors, nothing more, and have them obtain all the gold on one show to prove that real wrestling is where it's at..... maybe a certain olympic medal winner will get sick of TNA
and come back to give the stable a true mouthpiece/leader. It could be interesting
Would have flair turn heal and become the mouthpiece of Legacy and add DH Smith to run through WWE..

Then when arn anderson tries to talk sense into Flair they attack him only to have him form a new 4 Horsemen to take on Legacy..

Shawn Micheals as the ego (flair) to battle orton
Christian mid carder (anderson) to battle for IC title and orton a couple times
Charlie Haas and CM punk as the tag team...
I am not big on most of these ideas... but the "real wrestler" stable, and anything that has to do with the New Hart Family would be awesome IMO.

My stable is built around a theoretical (theoretically awesome, that is) relationship between Chris Jericho and Jack Swagger. I was pretty sold on the whole Jericho/Cade partnership, and Swagger would be an improvement on that... plus he wouldn't have to talk much. Jericho could convince him that he is destined for bigger things than the ECW strap, and tell him that he has all the tools, and under Jericho's watchful eye might become a future Undisputed Champ.

He would also bring up a tag team, I was thinking maybe along the likes of DH Smith and Tyson Kidd. I have always loved the "big guy/little guy" tag teams (like the old school Islanders), but if they were going to do the whole Hart Family thing, we could always substitute in guys like DJ Gabriel (who is in desparate need of a new gimmick and heel turn) and Ziggler (who could also use a new gimmick). I think these guys all have the skills to look dominant in the ring, and carry great tag matches.

Add in a Diva for good measure (like Natalya), and this could be a great stable IMO for Friday Night Smackdown. I have been racking my brain for a name for this crew, but have nothing... maybe if it developed for awhile, it would become apparent.
I would love a new stable to make things interesting...this is a great thread but ill get to it now.

Jeff Hardy
Evan Bourne
Tyson Kidd
John Morrison

I would call them The Genesis....Hardy would be the leader, the tag team would be Evan Bourne and Tyson Kidd, Christian would be the mouthpiece, and Morrison could be the arrogant athletic guy who takes the place of a big muscle guy. I could see Hardy battling in the main event for a world title and Christian as the IC champ to bring some credibilty back to the belt. Morrison could be a guy being groomed to be the next champ after Hardy eventually leaves the group and goes out on his own. Its a stable with young, atheletic, edgy, go for broke guys who could really have an impact. Its a hard choice to make to decide between any of these guys spots in the line up. I am a firm believer that Jeff Hardy deserves a good title run and I think Christian and John Morrison are both ready to move up in the ranks. I would hate to see Morrison end up like Rick Rude, not that its a bad thing, but I think it a shame that Rude never won the big one and it would be a shame if Morrison didnt win it either.
I dont think this would/could ever happen in these PG rating days,
BUt i would like to see some of the same guys many said in the new nation, but in a different gimmick
how about a group of gansta's?

Cryme Time-Tag Team
Shelton B.-Possible leader/midcarder
E.Jackson,M. Henry-muscle/enforcer

They could just build off of cryme time, just a little more raw/uncut would work if done right, faces could save WWE from certain demise! lol

Or How about the same group of guys called "the Allstars/#1 draft picks/the elite athlete's?

maybe subtract mark henry,bring in
"The Coach" from espn. The could Have team Jersey tops, jeans, chains, head bands, and act like they are better than anyone else.
kinda mvps gimmick. Starting Line-ups entrance Music/ bring Back MVP's Tunnel thing.
Could work, But could ruin MVPs character too...
I really like the idea of Jericho leading a stable of some sort, here's my idea...

Chris Jericho (Leader)
- Chris could turn face and fued with Orton but keeps getting his arse kicked once the numbers go against him, Cody and Ted keep getting involved and screwing Jericho over. Chris could then go on to team up with....

Christian (Mid Carder)
- Christian and Jericho would play off eachother really well and would look like a believable team. Christian could start turning up when Jericho confronts Orton and they start to get a few victories over Legacy. The fued starts building more and more and so they need more help, they get...

The Colons (Tag Team)
- The Colons could fued with DiBiase and Rhodes over tag titles whilst Christian battles for the IC/US title with a 4th member of Legacy and of course Jericho and Orton are fueding over the WHC/WWE title.

Well, that's my thought. What do ya think.
the thing with creating a successful and meaningful stable is to have wrestlers with something in common with each other. if not then full commitment to the stable would be having them all have similar but not cookie-cut identical gimmicks. look at the successful factions over the years: The NWO (all had the black and white), DX (all had the anti-establishment thing, The Hart Foundation (Family Ties), The Ministry (Gothic/Satanic Gimmick), Four Horsemen (Mutual respect for the business), The Nation(Racial ties) and there have been others...I know I'm missing out several but i'm too tired to think properly right now!

Throwing together a load of under-utilised talent to get them over wouldn't neccessarily work because they could be polar opposites (like for example putting John Morrison in a tag team with Evan Bourne because they can both perform moves nobody else can do).

I personally can't think of a faction gimmick that could sky-rocket that hasn't already been done before. The idea of re-imagining the ministry of darkness appeals to me but it would be difficult to get a group of wrestlers to fit as it did before (even though mideon and viscera were absolute kack they got over as heels by association and because they played their characters within the ministry SO well).

I thought (and this is a blast from the past) that a Asian (Indian, Pakistani Iraqi) faction lead by Muhammed Hassan was going to happen but we all know why garnered FAR TOO MUCH HEAT! Imagine Hassan leading as a "visionary" type character with Daivari as his mouthpiece, Sabu as the violent heart of the group and The Great Khali as the unstoppable muscle behind them. It would work and would have sent Hassan to the top of say ECW or possibly even Smackdown by now. Think more heel heat then Slaughter got during his turncoat program with Hogan.

If the ministry were to reform I could see Undertaker "resurrecting" Paul Bearer but instead of his disciples he could have a group of higher importance. My Ministry picks would be
Undertaker, Kevin Thorn, Mike Knox and Matt Hardy...possibly even Umaga? This could give Matt Hardy the chance to explain his evil turn without him having to do much mic-work. Thorn because he's good at his gothic character and Knox because he's a bland character but he's an impressive size and is visually intimidating. Better than having two overweight jobbers/has beens as the foundations of the group. Maybe even a complete gimmick overhaul of Hawkins and Ryder as a Neo-Brood.

I would also love to see Chris Jericho establish a heel group in the guise of a Business/Preacher group.
Think Jericho, Christian, Mr. Kennedy, JBL and maybe a Diva (Victoria would've been a good choice if she hadn't have retired).

MVP could head up a faction and call it "The Franchise". Bring in a mouthpiece manager (in an Agent role) and couple them with Shelton Benjamin, The Miz and Morrison, Mr. Kennedy and maybe Gregory Helms.
I would have to go with the Ministry

Undertaker (The Leader)
- this would give Taker his shot for a long title run
JBL (The Mouth)
- JBL now has the IC title he can bring back the belts glory days by returning to the dark side
Kane and Umaga or Viscera (The Muscle and Tag Team)
- The combination of Kane and either of those two men would demolish anybody in the WWE

Basically you could unite the Ministry together after Wrestlemania by having JBL run down and screw HBK out of winning the match, prevailing Taker to another win and after the match just have Taker turn to the dark side by beating HBK to a bloody mess. The next night on raw bring the whole group together, and the group can go around terrorizing all three brands giving Kane and Umaga or Viscera the push they need taking over the tag titles and having them take care of Taker's opponents. In the long run this would encourage people like HBK, CM PUNK, Mr. Kennedy to challenge for the IC belt even reuniting some Tag Teams to try and take down Kane and his partner. Leading to a good survivor serious match of the ministry vs like hhh, hbk, maybe a tag team like lex luger and the bulldogg with the whole allied powers, get two big name guys not getting the push they need and put them together to make a dominant tag team to help try to take down the ministry like Batista and the Big Show. it would be nice I think it could help bring the Taker back to life and give the WWE some good story lines. just an opinion
The problem is, stables need to be done properly or they just fail on such epic levels, TNA Front Line anyone?

I would like to see a stable of mid-carders that just push thier way
up into the main event scene.

John Morrison?
Evan Bourne?

Have them start out heel then eventually have each of them break off
and do their own respectives singles run.
I love this thread. I don't understand why the WWE doesn't try to accomplish more with stables. The Legacy thing is getting old - and not using Priceless is any situation other than backing up Orton is tiring. It gives them no credibility as a faction if the only guy competing is the head guy. Priceless should be going for the tag gold - or atleast competing more often.

I see D.H. Smith coming into the picture after WM25 . . . or I hope.

But I like the whole Jericho thing. JBL though couldn't be associated. That would wouldn't work well, having two over zealous jabber jaws running at the same time. Sadly - I doubt they will have Jericho do so, considering Orton has a heel group . . . and it doesn't seem possible Jericho is going to turning face anywhere in the near future.

But if he were to have a faction
Jericho (Leader)
Mr. Kennedy
Miz and Morrison

All four of them are charismatic heels -however it looks like Kennedy is going to be a face whenever he decides to return.

Nothing the less - I think the WWE needs to put something together instead of having these ridiculous tag team mixtures. I'm tired of watching Kofi Kingston and Rey tag up with every damn face in the WWE. It gets old and makes little sense in the whole big picture.
I Have A Few Ideas For This One

The British Bulldogs

Finlay Or Regal (leader)

Dh Smith And Dj Gabriel (tag Team)

Katie Lea Burchill Manager

This Would Get Started By Dh Smith And Dj Gabriel Becoming Tag Champs Then William Regal Or Finlay Says Use Are Going To Need Someone To Lead Use And Who Else Too Help U Thn A Fellow Brit And Katie Lea Burchill Becomes Dh Smiths Girlfriend Regal Becomes Ic Champ And Finlay Wins Ecw Tittle They Split Up When Dj Gabriel And Katie Lea Get Caught Having An Affair Dh Smith Doesnt Let Dj Know He Knows Abt There Affair And Walks Out On Him In A Tittle Match Finlay Takes Djs Side And Regal Takes Dhs Side Tag Match At A Ppv Thn The Ecw And Ic Tittle Get Unified Wen Regal And Finlay Have A 1 On 1 Regal Wins By Interferincen Then Thats That


Jbl Leader

Cryme Tyme Tag Team

Ezekial Jackson Muscle

Jbl Becomes A Face After The Stock Market Crashes He Needs Money Badly He Thinks To Himself Acoylte Protection Agency Then He Asks Cryme Tyme And Ezekial Jackson Do They Want Money They All Agree Then Whc Edge Asks Them To Help Him Beat Batista And He Will Pay Them 10 Grand They Help Him Win He Thn Gets Offers From Lots Of Superstars Who Cant Seem To Win Aka Kung Fu Naki Then He Becomes Wwe Champ Jackson Ic Or Us Cryme Tyme Win The Tag Tittles They Keep This Going Won Year Until Jbl Doesnt Pay Them There Wages They Wonder What Happned To It They Confront Jbl He Tells Them He Invested It In The Stock Market Becomes Rich Again Doesnt Share It They Split Up And Cryme Tyme Rob Him
As i am a massive fan of the Hardy boys i have always wanted to see all the North Carolina boys team up and create some sort of a stable

especially with the Push of Jeff Hardy being a main event Wrestler and Matt Hardy being border line. (wont work right now with tem feuding tho)

But it include Gregory Helms and Bring Back Shannon Moore

Would be awesome if Lita could return even if she doesnt wrestle be like a manager or if not lita use Michaels Hayes again.

Consider bring in C W Anderson u to be some sort of Enforcer for em too

Being a Hardy fan this would be awesome
I got a cool Idea for a stable. They should stick Miz and Morrison with a big guy like Knox or Festus as their enforcer and have them do a sort of Fraternity gimmick. Instead of members joining the traditional way, they would have to pledge. Miz and Morrison could then make the "pledges" do humiliating things in order to join like drink toilet water, make out with fat chicks, smell Mark Henry's jock strap, or other things such as force them to fight monsters like Big Show or Kozlov. This could be a fun angle and since Miz and Morrison seem like assholes and they would enjoy doing that shit to other people it would work well. They could force some of their pledges to do things like kick the Undertaker in the balls or throw coffee on Triple H. It could be a way to give a bunch of mid-carders something to do.

Ideas for pledges would be Charlie Haas, DJ Gabriel, Jimmy Wang Yang, Ricky Ortiz, Jesse, Hawkins and Ryder, and maybe introduce a few new guys. It could be entertaining at least and I don't remember something like this in the past.

I think they can also do a female version of Raven's flock. It would be cool to see the divas to something else than prance around and look pretty. They should turn Mickie James psycho again and make her into an emo who is pissed at the world and hates divas like Kelly Kelly who only care about looking pretty. She should get a grunge makeover and speak in poetry about how much the world sucks. She could feud with Kelly and other divas similar and then recruit a group of followers like Jillian, Rosa Mendes, and Katie Lea. She would be like a cult leader to them. Also if one of the divas has a daughter they could maybe do the angle where Raven brainwashes Sandman's kid. It might work.
Quote:Ballin247 - "I got a cool Idea for a stable. They should stick Miz and Morrison with a big guy like Knox or Festus as their enforcer and have them do a sort of Fraternity gimmick. Instead of members joining the traditional way, they would have to pledge. Miz and Morrison could then make the "pledges" do humiliating things in order to join like drink toilet water, make out with fat chicks, smell Mark Henry's jock strap, or other things such as force them to fight monsters like Big Show or Kozlov. This could be a fun angle and since Miz and Morrison seem like assholes and they would enjoy doing that shit to other people it would work well. They could force some of their pledges to do things like kick the Undertaker in the balls or throw coffee on Triple H. It could be a way to give a bunch of mid-carders something to do.

Ideas for pledges would be Charlie Haas, DJ Gabriel, Jimmy Wang Yang, Ricky Ortiz, Jesse, Hawkins and Ryder, and maybe introduce a few new guys. It could be entertaining at least and I don't remember something like this in the past."

I actually think this is a genius idea. That would give Miz, and Morrison more time as the greatest 21st century tag team champions. I don't agree completely on who you have in the stable though. I honestly think it should stop at just 2 members. Figuring just 4 men, and that means eventually the other two stars would get good enough to form a tag team of their own.

First and foremost I would elect Ricky Ortiz. His character sucks, and I would imagine that Morrison could think of some hiliarious shit to say about this man. I can only imagine how much they would rip on his "Rally Towel". Eventually once gaining their respect(learning a character/wrestling skills), Ortiz begins to develop more of a distinct look. Possible change in attire, behavior, and even attitude. Basically starts off as a joke, but then hopefully molds in to something interesting.

The next person I would have in this stable would be Charlie Haas. Haas would be nice because he could easily be made fun of. How ironic his whole stick was making fun of everyone else. Haas would be so easy to just make fun as well. However storyline wise he would make sense because he could teach Ricky how to wrestle(behind the scenes). Besides Haas was a former tag team champion himself.

Also Haas could use a change in character, and ECW would be a solid fit for him. Charlie hasn't done much to really stay on either of the other two shows. Who knows he might be able to make a name for himself in ECW?
Being an Irish-Canadian Blonde myself, I remember an old "alliance" during the original ECW / WCW invasion which would make an excellent heel stable, or at least a challenge to legacy.

The Blonde Canadian Coalition

Consisting of Jericho, Edge, and Christian. They could work RAW in opposition to the all-American guys like Cena, work against Legacy, etc. My "pro wrestling fantasy" is to be the mouthpeice of this team, despite the fact that all three have excellent mic skills already. I'd be sorta like a Mike Sanders with the Natural Born Thrillaz.

And if the decision is made to add a 4th member, bring in Petey Williams as the mid-card guy, or as Christian's tag team partner. If it's a heel group, though, call him Peter Williams.

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