Old Stables, New Era


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hear me out this isn't a bring back old stables thread but more or less if these stables were created in this era who would be the perfect superstars to play the parts and which one could have been more sucessful than the originals I'll give a few examples you can add any stables you want to try

Leader - John Morrison (HBK) alot of similarities between their styles

Midcard The Miz (HHH) The Miz has the mic skills to pull of some good promos

Valet Beth Phoenix (Chyna) Strong & Powerful

The Nation
Leader MVP (Faarooq) MVP has the attitude & the leader abilities

Body guard Ezekiel Jackson (Mark Henry) Strong silent type

Tag Team Shelton Benjamin & Elijah Burke (D'lo Brown & Godfather) they could have been a good team if Burke stayed in the WWE

The Corporation
Leader Shane McMahon Can draw heat as well as his dad when playing a heel

ME Randy Orton (The Rock) Can play the cocky heel that needs help to retain a title

Midcard Mr Kennedy (HHH) he would have eventually turned on Orton & the corporation setting up a good ME feud

Bodyguard The Great Khali, Umaga (The Big Show, Test, Kane) filler monsters

Tag team Dolph Ziggler & Carlito (Bossman & Ken Shamrock) Ziggler has Bossman's power and Carlito has the aerial moves which equals out Shamrock's mat skills which are no longer a focus in the WWE

Ministry of Darkness
Leader The Undertaker
Muscle Mike Knox (Viscera) horrible on the mic but could be used effectively as a muscle

Midcard Boogeyman (Midian) strange creepy follower Boogeyman was better as a heel

Tag team Hawkins & Ryder (The Brood) decent skills remind me alot of E&C in their early days

Right to Censor
CM Punk (Steven Richards) could use his straight edge lifestyle better than Richards

Matt Hardy (Bull Buchanan) not really a muscle but could do run ins for Punk especially against his brothers lifestyle

Cryme Tyme (Godfather & Val Venis) could get brainwashed into changing their stealing ways

Mickie James (Ivory) i think her crazy heel character from her feud with Trish would be perfect in this stable
hmmm.........good choices but it wouldnt work with the pg era but if it was like the attitude era it would ( i know the attitude era is gone but history will repeat itself and wwe will need a more adult product)
I find it funny you mention the Miz and Morrison taking on this role in our current WWE, when they should of gotten the rub, and a clean job from Triple H and HBK a few years back when they had a match. The Miz and Morrison are both future WWE Main Eventers, and a win over DX would of made them even bigger stars. I don't want to see them follow the same DX mold, and be great, decent then completely blow, but I would like to see the Miz and Morrison feud somewhere down the line, since the brand split and them both getting drafted to seperate shows stopped that for the time being. Maybe we'll get luck and see Morrison drafted to Raw next year (or in two years) with the title to pick up his feud with the Miz. Who knows. As far as beth goes, she should be the womens champ (although I'm in love with Maryse) becauses shes the only woman on the card who can wrestle.

The Corporation
I dont see Shane and Orton being great pals after Orton punting him, and everyone else except for Linda in the head in the past 6 months. Also to mention the fact that Orton doesnt need a group to get over, he gets great heat, and hes just Great in general.
I also dont see Kane, Ziggler, Khali, and Carlito co existing. Kane is great as an upper mid carder used to build feuds, Ziggler is on his way up the card, and I think Khali and Carlito are both on their way out the door. As far as the other two, theyve already seen the door, so who cares?

Ministry of Darkness
Again, I dont think the Undertaker needs a group to get over, sure it would help those under him, but if youre going to pair him with anyone, have it be Kane as the Brothers of Destruction, so they could help rebuild the tag divisions on Raw. Mike Knoxxx needs a good push, and could be a great heel, but they dont use him correctly. The Boogieman's been gone for what 6 months now? so why was he even brought up, and the Edge Heads should keep being pushed in the middle card as solo talent, until they can break out as real stars, or get fired.

Right to Censor
This group was boring the first time, and wouldnt really make it in the PG era. Sure during they worked well in the past, but the show is already Censored so I dont see them going over as well. CM Punk is doing well on his own, and again is another person who doesnt need a group. Matt Hardy is and will always be a mid card jobber, sorry hes just not good, get over it. Cryme time (bwahahwhahwa) they were already fired once, because of a tag team that has been since fired, but I dont see them lasting that much longer. Theyve been together for what 3 years now, and havent even see a title shot, or tag gold once. And the only place Mickie James needs to be is on a treadmill.
On of the proposed, I think the nation and Corporation are pretty good ideas. As for Right to censor, I don`t think it would work really. And the ministry, I don`t know...it really fit well back then but I`m not sure now, wouldn`t mind a heel Taker tho.
hrm...idk bout most of those stables but one that you did mention I have been thinking about bringing back and rebuilding and that would be The Corporation..Now I think having a stable like the corporation wouldnt really get old cause we all know money talks and you would really b on the boss's good side, and thinking about this idea I had always envisioned Shane running it and having the stable built around Kennedy.....Kennedy(wwe champ) because he "was" up and coming and had major charisma and I kinda seen the muscle 2 be Umaga because he was already a hired gun for WrestleMania against lashley and trump...but yeah theyre out the door and such.So yeah like I said, The Corporation would always work no matter what era the wwe would be in in my honest opinion...
yeah as i said in another post the corporation and the nation could work nowadays easy i mean the corporation could always be their just have the hired hands change it up once in awhile faces that get tired of being screwed over do whats good for business hell have vince or shane offer cody and ted jr. their championship dreams thus turning on orton confusing us fans as to why heel vs heel but then have randy gone for a while returning to save cena then they could team up and go against he corporation's HHH and batista until that got stale then all of a sudden we could something fresh happen but i dont know what that could be cause wwe revolves around the same people as we all know
Haha the RTC idea was stolen from a previous thread of mine! I enjoyed it though.

I agree completely with re-introducing the stables (well some of them at least), but to just have equivalents would make it dull and lifeless, and be pretty much playing out the same old bullshit again and again.

They won't re-intorduce the nation I don't think. Too political and also has religious meaning behind it (also Islam seems to be a touchy subject in the states at the moment), but its something I'd like to see.

DX has been done to death I think. Latest incarnation was nostalgia, little more (for me at least).

Ministry, I agree with tLight, Undertaker doesn't need it, and he works best as a loner atm.

I'm all for RTC because 1. I think its the right time for it, and 2. they were never a very solid group, never really challenging for the big time, and this is the kind of group you can re-incarnate (please see nWo, lol).

Overall, I'd say you have a good point, wrestling needs stables (and not MEM where all you hear is bones creaking), but just throwing up old names isn't the way to go I don't think.
The rock didnt need to be put over when he did the corp. thing n neither does orton, but its about the power you have not getting over with the fans and I can see shane taking the new role. you cant put undertaker as leader of a new erad group, maybe an adviser or a new ministry taking him over. At least not while he is still competing.
I want to see this.
Beer Money Inc.
The Enforcer Jack Swagger
The Nature Boy John Morrison
Ric flair(manager; its time for a new natch)
The New Four Hoarsemen

also A new dungeon of doom would be the shit!!!
i think your nation has great choices in it and they should create a new nation as they so easily got heat by just holding the right arms up in salute,i would say though how about mvp as the main eventer eliajh burke and marcus cor von as the tag team and shelton benjamin as the mid carder who has the ic/us title, also just have ezekiel as the muscles who rarely wrestles and just interferes in all guys matches, i reckon this group would be awesome with all guys being good on the mike and all good in the ring but most importantly like the old nation these guys can easily get heat
Simply put, Morrison and the Miz have their own attitudes and pull those off well but they don't have the balls to do the things Michaels and Triple H did in either incarnation be it 1997 or 2006. Like I said Miz and Morrison have their own attitudes but they are incapable of putting those attitudes to the extreme, and don't have the championship credibility to make it work.

At least that is my opinion on the subject.
Alot of you are missing the point I don't want most of these groups to come back but say the current wrestlers were the ones that were around in the attitude era (forget the PG bullshit) do you think these groups would have still happened and which of the current wrestlers have the charisma to pull of the gimmicks done by the original groups
The names would have to be different of course. I wouldn't want John Morrison running around doing the crotch chop, and his mic voice and style isn't as intense or as captivating as HBK or HHH.

I like the idea of stables because I think it would make the product interesting again. I also like the idea of bringing back managers, especially heel managers.

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