Do we need a stable?

I'd like to see stables in WWE, the DX, NOD, DOA, Los Boriquas type, not the Dudes with Attitudes or the Union kind.

I wouldn't really classify the "Dudes w/ Attitudes" any type of stable. It was Shawn Michaels and Diesel, a tag team at best. And the Union was considered a stable, but not a long lasting one and it was never meant to be designed that way.

It was a group of fed-up former Corp. members. (Mankind, Shamrock, Test & Big Show)

It can make it more interesting to watch. The 2nd (or 3rd) generation stars could get more attention as a unit. Start a gang wars if they have to.

The only problem with that is.. groups like the D.O.A., Los Boriquas and even the N.o.D. didn't make stars out of their members. The leader of each group was seen as something of a big(ger) name, but the co-members weren't always known, and didn't become known after joining.

Crush lead D.O.A.. outside of him, I just remember Chainz but only because he was the fake Undertaker. I also think the 2 bald guys were the Harris Brothers, but I can't be sure. However they didn't become known through that group.

Savio Vega lead the Los Boriquas, and I have to say if ever there was a bigger group of individuals staved for attention. Vega could barely stay remembered himself, how'd he come to lead a group of people lesser known than he was.

Finally, the Nation. Sure, you remember each member.. but only because of how good the cast of members was. Same with D-X.

So the overall point I'm making is.. you have to be careful how many undercard talents you stock-pile in a group, otherwise you just have a big collection of no-body's and guys noone cares to see.
Personally...I think now is a good time for a stable. I mean, everyone is saying that there is not enough depth, I think that this is the reason we make one. You have Vince start getting chummy with a group of guys who are big name heels. Let it be almost like a power trip sort of thing, and bring in Rhodes and DiBiase. That's your heel stable. Let it go for awhile, until some young guy on the brink (maybe a Shelton Benjamin or Jeff Hardy) get fed up, and start calling out Vince. Then when Rhodes and DiBiase are in a match, have the face come out, ruin the match, and then form an alliance with the tag team opposite rhodes and dibiase.

A stable can work if done right, but I will point to the 2 best stables. DX and the nWo. They both had heel stereotypes, championship calibur members, and a great tag team within the stable. They both also denied authority and did what they wanted (or the nWo just corrupted authority). Either way...we need a young stable to go against a Vince lead stable to gain popularity. That is my opinion
The Evoloution formula for a stable work brilliantly,
Triple H, the main eventer, wrestler in his prime, mouthpiece of the group, Flair the veteran, Randy Orton, Batista the new blood with future promise, however i don't think a new orton/batista/rhodes/diabise evouloution would work as diabise/rhodes have practically the same gimmick as Orton.

I was thinking an 80's/Psychedelic themed heel faction would be amazing, with some of the young unpushed gimmicks around atm. It could be....

1) Sid Vicious-The leader/Mouthpiece/Title Holder

2)The Brian Kendrick-great gimmick,he could do an Orton and win the WHC which ticks off Pyscho Sid his former mentor

3) John Morrison- simular gimmick to kendrick,the other solid midcarder in need of a push, the evoloution batista type figure (except for being the muscle), eventually turns on vicious which leads to WHC title reign

4)Ezekiel-The Muscle

5)Maria-The Bitch lol
Well having read through all the posts on this debate there's a few things that have come up again and again...notably the two 'stables' (and I use that term very loosely) in the WWE at the moment.

CTC- Of course it failed, you get an already well established tag team and throw in one of your big main eventers for a 6 person tag match, that does not make them a stable. Plus with Cena being injured well that's put an end on that group.

La Familia- It just goes to show that not all stables work, they had the ingredients...Main Eventer, MidCarder, tag team and the biatchy just well failed.

The reason why I brought up the debate regarding stables was not so we could say "Oh I think that Rhodes should be in the new Evolution" it was to see whether we needed a stable for the case of storylines.

This in turn would give something to fight about, a gang war going on, which I feel always makes it that little more interesting for feuds etc. rather than two people who have no relation fighting each other then vanishing, it would make the brands more interesting, and true hatred between wrestlers in PPV's.

But the jury's still out on whether this will work (Please stop listing people who you think should be the New Evolution, it's getting boring!)
Well after watching raw tonight im begining to think a new stable may be on the horizon. Randy Orton came out talking trash about all the champions and when they wrestled it seemed like they wanted to prove randy orton wrong. So how bout - Randy Orton , leader
Santino, midcarder
Rhodes and dibiase, tag team
Beth phoenix- the chick

I think this would be a powerful stable and they could have many great fueds, what do you guys think?
Well after watching raw tonight im begining to think a new stable may be on the horizon. Randy Orton came out talking trash about all the champions and when they wrestled it seemed like they wanted to prove randy orton wrong. So how bout - Randy Orton , leader
Santino, midcarder
Rhodes and dibiase, tag team
Beth phoenix- the chick

I think this would be a powerful stable and they could have many great fueds, what do you guys think?

If they did make a stable with Orton and Team Priceless, it would not make any sense to put Santino in there. Santino is not a second or third generation superstar, he is not ever going to be more then a comedy character in the wwe, and he really has nothing in common with any of those three. But I could see Orton and team priceless together.
If Teddy Hart didn't screw things up we would have a stable right now. A stable consisting of D.H. Smith, Teddy Hart, Natalia, Cody Rhodes and Dibiase, and then they would need a leader and i think the could put Orton there. Now since Hart messed things up they could still do something with Cody, Ted and Orton. Three guys who want out of their fathers shadows because they know they are so much better than them as well as everyone else. That type of stable would be great. Of course they would need a face stable to feud with them and CTC would of been great.
And do you see??? Something La Familia is all the WWE can muster right now in regards to a stable. Thats exactly my point. The depth is too lacking, it it wont work, just like it didnt with them. You just proved my point FOR me.

Ahh yes and I was waiting for someone to say "BUT...BUT....EVOLUTION!!!"...Well thankyou for that peice of information. wow, what an egregious oversight by me right??? Wrong. Firstly, fucking LOOK at Batista and Orton. They wouldve been top stars regardless, Evolution was just a manner in which to speed things up. That and Evolution wasnt a "stable" in the way people are talking about here. It was just 4 guys, one of them the absolute stand alone top heel in the game (Triple H) and one of the best of all time, in Ric Flair. They were also booked to look extremely dominant, especially their leader. It was a special situation with special guys. Thats why it was remembered with such reverence, and due to the number of members, and those involved, I barely even consider it a stable in the same context as what we are speaking. I mean shit, the spirit squad was a STABLE.....and we all know those dudes are around these days tearing up the WWE arent they??? :headbanger:

I was agreeing with you on the first point. Jesus dude, allow the veins in your neck to retreat.

I'm also not using Evolution as a crutch, just an example. It wasn't JUST 4 guys. It was a stable, a group of guys who have a common element whether it be just friendship or for storyline purposes. A stable doesn't need to be comprised of one for the main belt, one for the secondary, two for the tag-team, and a manager. It's not so cut and dry. And I used Evolution as my example. You say Orton and Batista would've been stars anyway. I agree, but Evolution sky-rocketed them into stardom. The Rock would've been a mega-star also, but the Nation allowed him to explode onto the wrestling scene. Hell D-Lo is a former IC-Champ and he was champ when that belt still mattered. And Mark Henry is ECW champ. It also allowed for storylines in the future, such as two guys wrestling or feuding who were not only friends, but members of the same crew -- such as Batista vs. HHH, soldier vs. the general. That is only one example.

Evolution was also written properly. The Union was once a stable, albeit a short-lived one, and it had 4 of the WWE's biggest stars including it's biggest and best, Stone Cold. But it didn't last because there wasn't much there in terms of substance and it wasn't booked well enough to continue. The WWE, even after disbanding Evolution, continued to use it's existance as a way to further intensify and put over matches and feuds. They were able to do that because Evolution was so dominant for so long and they were written and booked in a matter where even after it was dead, it still held sway.

La Familia failed mainly because they were comprised of garbage+Vickie+Edge. I get that and I agreed with you already. They also failed because no one was able to take them seriously. If they weren't playing the parts of cowards, they were being taken out by the Undertaker alone. Eventually, La Familia would become a background player in the main act, UT vs. Edge. If Evolution had been booked this way, where one guy was decimating them time after time, they would certainly not be remembered in the same light. And I didn't bring up Evolution to enlighten you as if you didn't know about them or remember them; that would be pompous.

You think that a foreign stable is the only kind that could work, but there isn't any depth. I agreed with you there on the foreign standpoint. But, I have an idea for a stable that many of us around here have brought up: An African-American stable. It worked in the past and it can work now. There are enough AA guys on SD for this to work. MVP, Benjamin, and R-Truth. Hell they could possibly use Ezekiel or a traded Cryme Time or Mark Henry if the WWE wanted to go with this idea. The point is, it's possible. Whether it be the stable that you talk about, or apparently the different, wacky kind that was the style of Evolution. Either way, all it is is an idea, a suggestion. No need to fly off the handle.

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