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I love how because 3 NXT rookies jumped Ryback that is supposed to take away what Ryback has done. He was attacked from behind by 3 men thats what it comes down to. It took three men to take him out of the match plus whatever Punk and Cena did to him during the match. So in reality Ryback faced 5 men at Survivor series. This is only going to help push Ryback further since he now has a goo legit fued coming up with these 3 Ambrose,Rollins and Reigns. Nobody expected Ryback to win this match I think everyone knew something like this was going to happen. Whether it was Lesnar,Henry or 3 NXT major prospects. Having this fued will only help push Ryback and get him more fans.
It's not like they wanted to push Ryback that fast, they were forced to by the circumstances. Cena was injured, they needed someone who was over enough and realistically could challenge Punk for the PPV. Who else could they use? I don't see how anyone can blame Ryback for that.

However, with Ryback's crowd reaction dwindling WWE need to build him back up before he can be in the main event again. Ryback challenging Big Show or maybe feud with a returning Mark Henry would be interesting. I hope Ryback stay away from the 3 new debuted NXT rookies because I would hate to see them squashed.
Interesting idea but I think what happened with WCW years ago had more to do with the guys who left and the overall bad situation in WCW for any of the "next" generation and less to do with Goldberg's success. Jericho seems to be kind of hot head and egomaniac. I don't see that with the people you listed.

It also hurts that there is no where equal or better to go for any talent to go that feels they are be undervalued. :)
I didn't even finish reading the post when I saw Kryptonite. I didn't know The Miz won Tough Enough. Can you provide some proof? Also, three guys attack you from behind and beat you up after you've already been put through a table. Then they put you through another table; do you expect someone to really get up from that and fight? Not even The Undertaker or Hogan was able to do that in their prime? Well IDK, they probably would've let Hogan prevail, but seriously? Stop over thinking things. I see why you don't make threads, after this one don't make anymore.
I don't have a problem with how Ryback has been used thus far. He hasn't accomplished anything that Rhodes or Ziggler haven't. Ziggler's going to be a World Champion well before Ryback. Rhodes was a great IC Champion and has to be a favorite to win MITB next year. Kofi has always been a midcarder, and I don't think he has a problem with it. He's always carrying gold around instead of chasing the World Titles they'll never give him.

I think Ryback is going to get to feud with Punk and the NXT stable for a short while here and hopefully that gets him a little more over. And with Undertaker likely on the PUP list for WM29, I can't think of a better wrestler to put Ryback over than Brock Lesnar.

Conclusion: Ryback= Main Eventer. Number 3 Face behind Cena, Sheamus among full timers right now once Orton turns. Won't be a Title contender until next summer at earliest.

I don't think midcarders would have any issue with that.
The Miz never won tough enough, the one ur talking about is the one Daniel Puder won. And I really don't think Ryback came out of nowhere and got a push he didn't deserve. like you said, he's been around for years.. and doing dumbass gimmicks like Skip Sheffield, so he has certainly paid his dues. Sure there's better in-ring and on the mic guys than Ryback.. but it's not like they gave Ryback a massive undefeated streak, and he DOESN'T have the title. My opinion would probably be different if they just gave him the hold at HIAC, but he's main eventing.. biiiig deal
He tried out for the Tough Enough that the Miz went on to win.

Actually Daniel Puder went on to win that years $1,000,000 Tough Enough and Puder was an All-Around great wrestler and MMA star. But as to your question I think WWE messed up with Ryback anyway. They should have did what LaBar said, make Ryback's WWE Title chase more like Ryders. Have Ryback beat anyone and everyone like he was and then we start to want him to win the title. He should still be undefeated and that should have been his gimmick, instead of him being and clone of every other monster. Now that he is not undefeated I could care less about him or what he does in the ring. Ad not to get off topic here but if they really ruin Punks reign at the Rumble, if "Rocky" wins the title from him and takes away Punks great run I will stop watching all together.
Lots of wrestlers enter the WWE in the past and have had long winning streaks and challenged the champion. Undertaker lost like once to Hogan via cheating in what seemed like 2 years. Yokozuna probably was undefeated when he won the championship. Andre the Giant was pushed to the moon based on being an attraction. Ryback is a muscle attraction that has lots of similarities to Goldberg. The thing is, wrestlers being pushed to the moon isn't something that is new in WWE and them having a title shot.
Im going to have to agree with what someone else said in that Ryback should be on smackdown. In this you can have him go against the bigger guys like Show and Sheamus. It would be more interesting unless he turned heel and beat up Cena (in which I dont see people viewing him as a heel for that haha) I think it would have been great if Ziggler cashed in his MITB last night after Punk won. Another issue I have is the promotion of the winner of this match being the one who faces The Rock, even thou there still is one more PPV before the rumble. Thus it makes a potential title match at TLC seem usless.
Absolutely I feel like Ryback's push is breeding a certain amount of contempt among the top mid carders who have been waiting in the wings over the past year or two.
However this is not WCW in 1999, this isn't even the WWF, this is Vince Mcmahon's wrestling flavored monopoly kingdom, where there is no place to "jump" to. TNA is not a viable option, it is the minor leagues, argue all you wish, this is just a simple truth.

Wrestlers never really jump to TNA, they just kind of crash land there (Jeff Hardy, I'm looking at you) because they either A) washed out in the big show or B) could no longer take the WWE schedule (Kurt Angle, as much as I love him, is the prime example for this).

Now as for Ryback, who after a few months of watching, I have now decided that I cannot stand to watch in the ring, he really has no place at the top of the card. In case you did not watch the Survivor series last night, it proved that his work is shit when he has to work something longer and more complex than a five minute squash.

The WWE is full of guys who are top flight workers and there is not much excuse to me for ascending a guy who is so painfully green this quickly.
Goldberg was green during his push too, but WCW knew how to mask it so that the casual fan never really noticed that he was an awful worker in the ring.
The WWE tried to create the next big thing in pro wrestling and, in my humble opinion, the experiment has failed.

So to get back on topic, there very well should be heat with creative on the wrestlers part, they are being ignored and pushed aside for a guy who is not ready for the push he is getting that he has not earned.
However, I would argue that the heat should not fall on Skip Ryback, he is just doing what he is told to do, the heat falls at the feet of Vince and Creative, not that anything will be accomplished due to it, but let the blame fall where it lies.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to watch Randy orton beat Alberto Del Rio for the 923rd and 924th time in the past two months.
Personally I am with the group that says Ryback was pushed to the top far too fast. I understand the situation that WWE was in with Cena being injured and various other things going on. When I look at the current roster, I don't really know who could have taken Cena's place besides Ryback.

At the same time though I can understand how there could be some heat regarding Ryback. I don't really think it is warrented though. If anything there should be heat directed at WWE's Creative team for throwing Ryback into the title mix. Prior to being in the mix the only thing I can really remember him doing was beating the Miz and having a handful of squash matches.

This is my problem with monsters in the WWE right now. It seems like each and every monster right now is just built up to fail. I'm looking at Tensai and Brodus Clay as the most recent two. After Ryback has his thing with these NXT guys, what can they do with him. He shouldn't have been in the spot he was in so soon so the question is what will WWE do with a monster character that they want to succeed, but not just yet?
Why resent someone who is doing what he's told? If Vince gave you his full endorsement you'd be a fool not to accept it and run with it. Which Ryback has. He seems to have more passion for wrestling than Lesnar, Lashley, Batista or any other muscle monster favorite of Vince. He doesn't seem to use his endorsement as an excuse to be an asshole like HBK, Carlito, Orton and others allegedly have. Everyone that's talked about Ryan Reeve's THE PERSON has usually always had good things to say.

Plus, in terms of in ring work and athleticism, it's not like this guys Khali or anything. Ryback's a freak athlete with moves that captivate the audience every time. But since he didn't cut his teeth in Ring of Honor, since he's one of Vince's boys and since he (god forbid) is muscular, he becomes the popular target for hate amongst the Internet.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Ryback is here to stay. I doubt that he has heat with the boys in the back because he paid his dues in the WWE and has been busting his ass since way back when.

With Ryback and Punk (and crew) continuing to feud, I think this may lead up to a final match at Mania, which I would enjoy. I would like to see Punk beat Rock, and, as someone said already, have Ryback win the Rumble.

Mania can have Rock v Cena 2 and be headlined by the final confrontation, of a feud 6 months in the making, CM Punk v Ryback for the WWE title. I think this would be a great way for Ryback to win the title, as long as he is still being cheered, and would actually cement him as a legit star.
OK all time to chime in with my thoughts........Am very very intrigued with the Ryback character. He just wants to beat guys up. After both of his losses at main event pay per views i never eeeeeeveer heard him whine bout not being champ......hes mad cause he didnt get to feast on punk. Could this be a new kinda guy that really cares not for titles or being champion but rather a guy who just wants to beat the......well u know.....out of everyone?
... do you potentially see guys such as Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, getting upset because the same thing that happened to Jericho and the Radicals is happening to them? All the effort and dues they have paid to get higher and higher up on the card then some "new guy" comes in and gets a shot after only being here for a few months.?

When applying the concept you suggest, I sooner think of Drew McIntyre than the guys you mentioned. After having attained great heights in WWE, he watched newbies climb the ladder while he sat in the back. He was even left off the European tour in 2011, made to sit at home while the rest of the company performed in his native Scotland. Can you imagine how he must have felt?

Compared to that, Cody, Kofi and Dolph have no cause to be upset. They've been pushed far beyond what I feel their abilities warrant. If you want to feel sorry for someone, pick someone who gets no ring time and wonders what he's done to be shoved below others on the totem pole. Think of a guy like Trent Barretta, soldiering on while pushes go to other people who perform no better than he.

As for Ryback.....well, due to his unique look, he was probably scheduled to have an eventual run at the top....it's just that circumstances conspired in his favor to bring it about sooner than expected. Good for him. As to the notion he isn't ready yet, I ask exactly what he's going to add to his repertoire that will make him any different a year from now. As far as I can see, he'll still be doing the same moves when his career has advanced much further than it has already. People who are expecting him to add dropkicks and moonsaults to his routine are going to be sorely disappointed.

Right place at the right time. The company needed someone big to fill Cena's slot in the match with Punk, but all the top level guys were involved in their own storylines. So, they decided to choose someone with great potential, and they picked Ryback. I think Creative has done a good job with it.
Signed on with developmental and then Debutted with NXT and was in the Nexus as Skip Sheffield, gets injured and with the fall of the Nexus, they didn't really know if they wanted him to be like the rest of the guys from the Nexus and just work around the roster as 'so-so' talent (Gabriel, Slater, Otunga). So WWE repackages him and has him redebut with a new name, new look, and the guy becomes this monster who is pretty much unstoppable
Since everyone's jumping into correcting stuff from the opening post... He didn't get repackaged, he had been working the "terminator" gimmick for quite some time in FCW (even in OVW? not sure about that) before they decided to repackage him as Sheffield, I'm guessing as a move towards the first NXT... And then they decided to go back to the original gimmick he had.
Two consequtive nights Ryback has been put through a table by Rollins,Ambrose and Ronan , this might be a set up of a tables match at TLC between Ryback and these three, similar to something Lesnar had with the Hardys back in the day
I lied to you. This graph is neither shiny, nor was it expensive. In fact, it took me five minutes to whip this P.O.S. together for this thread. You're welcome.

Below is a handy graph I made up, displaying my general level of interest in the Ryback character as well as my predictions for its projections in the near future, as it relates to the crowd reaction from televised events. Observe:


As you can see, it took awhile for the WWE Universe to catch on to the Ryback character. The two-man jobs were impressive, but not altogether flashy or overly entertaining. They were just kind of...there. But by Hell in a Cell, WWE had put so much stock in Ryback, that everyone loved him! People were pumped to see what WWE was going to do with his character, and how they would keep CM Punk looking strong as the WWE Champion; it created a lot of much-needed buzz in the annual pro wrestilng down period.

The problem is, WWE then executed a really lame shady referee angle. And how did they follow that up? Three weeks later, he got eaten alive by Ryback, and hasn't been seen since. Basically, it showed that WWE has no long term plans for the main event success of Ryback. They were just using shock and awe for the sake of shock and awe. They never quite figured out how they were going to keep the belt off him, but still make him look dominant, while keeping the streak intact. You can't do it. It's impossible. Goldberg 101 says "don't put him up against the World Champion, you idiots".

Next up is Survivor Series. I was marginally still interested because Ryback was still dominant, and John Cena somehow made it all a bit more fun heading into the PPV. And then, WWE pulled another angle out of their ass. They debuted The Shield, and had them screw over Ryback. Don't get me wrong, I love the NXT3. Each and every one of them brings something long-term to the WWE product, and I am very excited to see how they are used going forward. But the BIG problem I have with their debut, is it once again handed Ryback another loss.

Next month we get TLC. Ryback isn't going to win the WWE Championship. Which means, no matter how they do it, Ryback is going to lose. Again. It is extremely likely - as many dirt sheets have been reporting - that the Shield will get destroyed by Ryback, while Punk uses the distraction to retain.

1) This Shield gets destroyed.
2) Ryback loses.
3) Punk goes on to face the Rock at the Royal Rumble

It's all for the good of Punk's title reign, obviously. But at what cost? They've basically bait-and-switched Ryback for the The Shield. But if Ryback beats the hell out of them, we just have two entities getting sacrificed for the good of a title run that's probably going to run out of steam in January. Or maybe Punk retains; that's not the point.

With three back-to-back-to-back PPV loses for the Ryback, can he ever maintain legit main event credibility? I said back at Hell in a Cell, I didn't mind Ryback losing, because his character was NEVER going to be as big as it was that night. And if it's all about "feeding" CM Punk in the end, then fine. But what's left in the aftermath? Is Ryback just another character? Because to me, he's too big to just fall back into the regular roster. He's too much of a dominating presence to get tossed into the midcard. And he's going to QUICKLY run out of main event talents to feud with.

So my questions are three:

1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?

2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?

3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?
1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?

No. I was afraid this was about to happen too. I thought the WWE would let Ryback win at HIAC. Definately left watching the PPV disappointed. However, he returned at SS and lost and getting bodied by NXT3. No matter what happens at TLC, Ryback will not ever have the same popularity as he did going into HIAC which is a shame, Ryback could be good for the WWE in the long-term. Maybe i'm wrong. Maybe Ryback wins some mid-card titles and moves his way up. Which would be okay, he could move past the miz, Wade Barrett...aka the rest of the mid-card talents. But thats what I would do, attempt to keep Ryback revelant. But i'm not in charge of the WWE and which is why it's okay for me to predict things that won't happen.

2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?

Man good question. I can think of reasons for good or bad directions. Good direction: Get revenge back on NXT3 on how they wasted his title shot. Bad Direction: Hmm, going over the NXT3 would mean another title shot would be wasted. Long-term i believe this could be good, short term; i want to say that it would be bad but i can't think of a reason why yet.

3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?

Depends on a whole bunch of variables. I say early in 2013, I say he should begin to feud with Wade Barrett to get his popularity back. Maybe a match at WM. After that, face the U.S. Champion say at over the limit or no way out. Lose the title at MITB but win the MITB match and cash in his briefcase at SummerSlam and win the title there. However that is how i'd see it.
1. Ryback can certainly achieve that level of popularity again and beyond. He has a whole roster of guys that he can still work with in order to get rebuilt. We've barely scratched the surface with the guy. There may be more than catch phrases and snot rockets. Win or lose at TLC the stipulations should provide for a pretty entertaining violent match.

2. F' The Shield. They are completely insignificant. They are three guys who lack all the tools to be top guys in the business right now. They don't hold any status on the roster and unfortunately for them they will have to work their way up. Ryback should destroy them all.

3. He'll get some squashes in and have some quality feuds with other big men. He'll proabaly get to beat Del Rio like every one else lately. A heel turn and title feud could also be likely if the title is back on Cena.

Ryback will be fine.
1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?

Sure why the hell not! Ryback is about hot right now as he can get! I say he can even get more popular as time goes on! Adults and Kids cant get enough of him! His Ceiling as of right now is limitless!

2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?

Its a very good thing! If your not a loyal follower of NXT you have never heard of these guys and thats a shame! Rollins and Ambrose are both studs in the making esp Ambrose! I like the name the Shield! Not Generic nor corny! Ryback will destroy them at TLC IMO! I am not going as far as to say F the Shield but there fucked at TLC i know that much..
3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?

Well now thats an interesting question! He can basically feud with anyone he chooses! I think he will be one of the remaining four in the Royal Rumble! His popularity right now is white hot so no way does the E just bury him. Maybe a feud with Cesaro over the US title is not asking too much. I say early on in 2013 get him into a feud with Antonio Cesaro and have them wrestle at WM for the us title! Getting him a nice US title reign will help Ryback
Ryback is not a star and he never will be, he is simply a fad that is already losing its appeal with the audience. He's no different than Bobby Lashley, Brodus Clay, or any of Vince's other "pet projects" that were supposed to be THE next megastar and instead simply faded away because the crowd didn't care. Vince takes his chosen boys and shoves them down the fans' throats, until the fans get sick of them and they fail.
1--I said way back before HiTC when the "feed me more" chants started getting loud that Ryback was an attraction. He did not then nor does he now have any longevity to his character or career as Ryback. As soon as he got that first lost it was going to go down hill. I said all these things and was told I didn't have a clue. Welp here we are I've been proven right on pretty much everything. He still gets a few chants here and there but for the most part people don't care, nor should they. Ryback is done.

2--Ryback should not bury the Shield at TLC. IMO there is one thing left for the Ryback character to do before it disappears into obscurity to never disgrace my television again and that is for him to put over the Shield. Let them destroy him again at TLC setting up his fued to them which he will lose. Ryback was an attraction with an undefeated streak the only thing left to get out of it would be to establish three guys as serious threats to everyone.

3--Dead buried and good riddence. As I said earlier Ryback has no longevity with this gimik. Let it be used to put over the shield and then have his disappear and repackage him to something that isn't 20 years to late.
1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?

Maybe so maybe not, the only reason I believe Ryback even got the hype he did was because it really was unexpected that they threw him in the title match. Everyone really thought it was going to be Cena. Nobody knew how HIAC was going to end. Whether he has that type of spark again is anybody's guess, but if I had to pick I'd say no.

2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?

Not sure what you're asking, I don't see how Ryback dominating Shield while Punk wins would really affect the WWE as a whole.

3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?

Like others have said various factors but we need to all come to the realization that Ryback is not touching the WWE title till some time after Mania maybe even longer. Punk's facing Rock at Rumble, which is the thing that's really screwed over Ryback the most. Nobody believes for a second that Ryback will face The Rock. Ryback should have gone for the WHC and hold till WM or longer. But announcing Rock would get a title shot seven months in advance made everything in advance irrelevant.
1) Will Ryback EVER again reach the height of popularity he had attained going in to Hell in a Cell?

Undoubtedly yes. I'm not really sure his popularity has suffered that much at all. Really, there's no shame in losing to a guy of Punk's reputation, a guy who has been atop the pro wrestling business for over a year now. And there's also no problem with being the victim of gang warfare at the hands of guys who have been pegged as guys with a bright future in the company. Ryback is going to be just fine. Let him march around the ring carrying The Big Show at Wrestlemania to win the WHC, and this little bump in the road will be quickly forgotten.

2) Is going over The Shield at TLC a good, or a bad direction for the WWE product?

Definitely a good thing. Everyone has to pay their dues, and Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns are no different. Nexus lost to Cena and others and eventually disbanded. Didn't seem to hurt Bryan, or Barrett, or Sheffield, or anyone else not named Tarver. Ryback has succumbed to them on several occasions now, but payback will be a bitch. Ryback continues to be built up, and if The Shield guys are as good as the IWC thinks they are, they'll be OK too.

3) What does Ryback's career look like going into 2013?

Extremely bright. The next powerful dominant big man serving as a face. Solid in the ring. Over with the crowd. Adequate on the mic. There's no reason to think that 2013 will not follow up on the strong showing he had in 2012.

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