**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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What I think could work pretty well would be a theme song where it just kept repeating the words "Feed Me More" in aggressive mechanical like way with similar pyro to kanes, maybe when hes in the ring have him do that arm thing he does when he says feed me more but on the third swing have the ring posts explode. Then again maybe it only looks in my head... I dunno...
Fog were cracking this morning.

Ryback's entrance right now suits him fine - he's a big angry guy who wants to beat people up, straight and to the point, just like that.

Doesn't he have some sort of pyro anyway? Those loud bangs that seem to always happen off camera?
I'm not bashing Ryback's current theme at all because it's pretty cool but I kind of miss the days where generic themes like Ryback's original theme stuck around with a wrestler. I mean if Brock Lesnar debuted nowadays he would have used his original theme and then after a few months lyrics would have been added to his already awesome theme taking away from it and in my opinion that's exactly what they've done with Ryback. I'm also not keen with "feed me more," being pushed down our throats because chants were already beginning to increase and pick up momentum as time went on, I just found that unnecessary for some reason.

So yeah, to answer your question I enjoy Ryback's entrance and theme the way it is currently but if I had to change it all I would do is change it back to his original instrumental theme. I'd love for him to get some added visible pyro but I reckon there'll be more of that when he continues on his push towards consistent main event status.
The main thing I don't like about his entrance is his hand actions... with the left hand up, then right hand up, then both hands up. Its just kinda weird, and I've always wondered why he does it.
It is not a guarantee but its likely he will fail. He has been pushed a lot but not in the main event scene and to just drop him in to the WWE title picture when hes been on Superstars for a few months is ridiculous. It could end up being a Vladimir Kozlov stint. I guess people don't generally like him backstage because Tensia sandbagged him.
I think WWE shouldnt push ryback like this they have so much wasted talent example Ziggler. He is awesome plain and simple hes way better than ryback and hes not even getting a big push like that i hope ryback fails all the times hes botched i get even more angry. I hate ryback he sucks and doesnt desereve a push this big. If he wins hell in a cell i will never watch wwe again
Ryback will be fine as long as they build the character right.

Give him mic time in backstage interviews to get people used to seeing him talk. Carefully script those backstage promos so he sounds good. Then finally let him address the crowd on RAW after almost winning at the PPV.

Have him carefully increase his arsenal. Then let him look more vulnerable than ever in the ring against Punk, but still not lose. Let him have to pull out more moves than we've ever seen to almost beat Punk, yet Punk gets the DQ and keeps his title.

By the way, Барбоса love that sig. No Country was great.

Okay I agree with most of this BUT in Hell in the cell you can't get DQed. Everyone keeps saying that...think before you sound dumb. :banghead:

Will Punk win clean NO. He will have help, be it Brock or some other Paul Heyman guy. Also I see this be a 20 minute match. You will have Punk have the advantage of a chair for example to beat up on Ryback. Early on Ryback had an extend match with Miz in may i believe on RAW it lasted about 10 minutes.
I think WWE shouldnt push ryback like this they have so much wasted talent example Ziggler. He is awesome plain and simple hes way better than ryback and hes not even getting a big push like that i hope ryback fails all the times hes botched i get even more angry. I hate ryback he sucks and doesnt desereve a push this big. If he wins hell in a cell i will never watch wwe again

Deserve? What does deserve really got to do with it?

Another typical IWC complaint. Spend a lot of time complaining about wanting new talent pushed and when it does, the complaints start because it is not the one you wanted.

Ryback has gotten more over in a few months of destruction, power displays and stalking the chickenshit WWE Champion than Dolph Zigger has managed in several years of splashing about like Magikarp. Unless Ziggler is in the ring with a more experienced and talented performer like Cena, Edge, Punk or Bryan, his matches tend to be spotty messes, although there are signs that he is starting to get better.

Now the same could be said for Ryback as he has yet to work a match with much back and forth but at least with him there is no pretension of him being some great technician or the next coming of Curt Hennig.

And again, I go back to the Ultimate Warrior comparison. He might have been limited in his scope but high quality performers could have good contests him - Savage, Rude, Hogan. If the house show reports are anything to go by, Punk has been getting good contests out of Ryback. So not only do we get something fresh in the main event and a genuinely hard to predict WWE title match, we might even get a good match too.

Sure the Ryback experiment might fail and might not have an extended shelf-life but I for one am happy that WWE are actually trying something different. It has worked with Sheamus and Bryan, so why not Ryback?
He doesn't need a new or improved entrance. His entrance now suits him to a chore, he still keeps in rhythm with the music and has that Kane like effect of waiting for a certain moment to make a proper walk down the ring. It doesn't need over the top pyro or too much lighting. He is suppose to be a character straight to the point of kicking ass, which suits the rhythm based idea.

His titantron, which is hardily seen on tv also goes into this rhythm idea building up to Ryback coming to get you. Showing what he has done so far, by when Ryback says Feed Me More its their turn to join that video. I like it.
I thought that loud "bang" that happens when Ryback's in the ring (and does that swing of his arm, or whatever it is) was pyro as well. I guess since it's not, that explains why they don't show it on TV (I was wondering about that as well).

I agree with the OP, Ryback's entrance does seem like it needs something to make it better. I wouldn't change his music, since (like others have already said) it recently was changed.

There's something about seeing him standing on the entrance ramp, right after he comes out that seems like he's missing. I don't know what that something is, it just seems like something else should happen during the arm stuff he does on the ramp. When he's looking at the floor, it reminds me of Goldberg (when he would breathe the smoke). It's when Ryback finally mouths along with "...more" that he looks up, then starts walking toward the ring (that "intense" walk he does reminds me of Goldberg as well).

I don't know if pyrotechnics is necessarily the answer, I feel that having pyro go off for him might just make him seem too generic. I know some of you said that pyro makes a wrestler's entrance seem unique, but I feel that logic is backwards. Everyone who uses pyro kind of seems the same, with the exception being Kane's (since no one else has each of the ring posts "explode" with fire like he does). If Ryback is afraid of pyro (I think I read that earlier in this thread? I had never heard that, but I guess it's not that crazy if he is), maybe a couple of smoke machines could be used so he could appear to "emerge from a fog" or something like that. With certain lighting, it could be pretty cool. Maybe the arm thing we see him do could be shown as just Ryback's shadow - either with Ryback behind some fog/smoke, or even behind some kind of screen that makes his silhouette appear to be twice his normal size. Then he could "emerge" from the smoke, or rip through the screen or something like that.

If they don't end up using fog/smoke machines and/or shadowing behind some kind of screen, then I think a simple lighting change could be another answer (like others have suggested as well). I know a lot of wrestlers have had the "lights out" entrance (Sting, HHH, Jericho, Undertaker, etc), but the lights wouldn't have to go all the way out...just having a different color on him, or dimming the lights half-way could drastically change the mood for Ryback's entrance.
I think Ryback should do his normal entrance, except once he says "Feed me more!" he just does a full blown sprint to the ring and starts the fight as soon as hits the ring, can you imagine at HIAC if Ryback just charged CM Punk and took the fight to him as the cell lowered around them, that would look sweet. It would really show that Punk is trapped in there with Ryback. I do like his entrance, but it does stick out at the main event level which could be a good thing, but I like the idea of him sprinting to the ring more than his menacing walk, because every big man does that.
It's far too soon to tell. As others have said, including myself, in several other threads, Ryback is someone that hasn't been tested. He's yet to have a match that lasts more than 3 or 4 minutes on television or on ppvs. Ryback is only just now starting to get over with fans to a really appreciable degree and that's good.

However, fans can be fickle and it's highly possible that a lot of fans will turn around and suddenly get tired of Ryback just as quickly as they got behind him if he ultimately just stays where he is in terms of being a character. As this silent, nearly unstoppable destroyer, I don't see Ryback as being able to keep that interesting in the long run. It's doing just fine for now, but I don't think it'll last.

I do see why some are complaining about Ryback feuding with Punk right now and I can understand the opposite view. On one hand, while it's true Ryback hasn't been tested, at the same time, his push into his current feud with CM Punk is something that's come out of nowhere. Internet fans bitch constantly that there's no real surprise or unpredictability left in wrestling. Well, here's a good example of something that I don't believe any of us saw coming 5 or 6 weeks ago. Everyone is talking about how their match at Hell in a Cell will end. While most don't think Punk will drop the title, we're not sure. If Ryback loses, we're wondering how he'll lose and if WWE will be able to pull it off in a way that doesn't hurt him or make Punk look like...well...a punk. Then, we're wondering what happens afterward. Will Ryback continue to feud with Punk? Will he enter into a feud with Lesnar? Will Lesnar interfere and cost Ryback the match? Will Cena somehow interfere? Will Ryback ultimately join Punk & Heyman before beating up John Cena at HIAC? These are some of the more common questions and hypothetical endings I've read over the past week.

There's still a pretty good deal of unanswered questions about Ryback right now. And, for right now, it's making for some pretty interesting television.
The entrance music is fine. I would eliminate the orginal 'Feed me More', before the music because it just sounds like the plant from Little Shop of Horrors. I'd get rid of the hand motions.
Ideally I would of had Ryback feud with The Miz until the HIAC PPV and have Miz get DQ'd in the title match on the undercard. The next night they have a lumberjack match that ends in a no-contest when all hell brings loose at ringside, thus setting up a Traditional Survivor Series match at the PPV where Ryback can look a monster. The next night they put him in a title match at the TLC PPV either where he isn't going to get pinned or a multi-man. There would be a bit of a buzz going around with people booking Ryback vs. The Rock at the Rumble instead of Cena/Punk since both will still be in the title picture in December (WWE paced it well didn't they!!!).

Still, the way I see it going in the next week is Ryback looks a million dollars on RAW and then we get a screwy finish to the PPV match next Sunday.
Maybe not destined for total disaster, but will probably fizzle out and fail to live up to the hype. First of all, too many fans still don't buy it. The Goldberg chants are still there, although more people are actually cheering for Ryback. The main problem I see is that WWE just won't know how to keep writing for this character. They've chosen to go again with the "Unbeatable" gimmick, basing a character on constant wins. But we're in this era where it seems like WWE has such trouble booking someone to lose. Reports say they are already struggling with HIAC. Ryback losing looks bad, Punk losing looks bad. That problem is just going to keep getting worse even if they find a decent way out of that corner at the PPV. People laugh at WCW but WWE is heading down that same road where someone is gonna have to come out and hit Ryback with a stun gun, because they can't have him win forever, and they can't make all of their top guys look bad by "feeding" him everyone. It has to stop sometime, and WWE hates giving anyone a clean loss, so it'll involve something stupid.

I don't follow WWE religiously but the last time I can recall someone coming close to this type of gimmick was Kozlov, and look how well that played out.

I don't think the "unbeatable" gimmick is always doomed, and it doesn't always have to be ruined by Goldberg comparisons. I don't recall any Goldberg chants for Kozlov but maybe I'm wrong. I just think the current WWE environment is not the place for this type of gimmick. They need better writing. They need to learn how to book all over again. They need to accept that someone has to win and someone has to lose and you don't always have to fear that.

Maybe this character has more longevity than I think. Maybe he'll even get a world title before it's all said and done. But they can't maintain this forever, and they don't know how to write a good loss. Bring out the stun guns.
Not that it will happen, but it would be great to Ziggler getting Ryback so worn down that he is laid out on the mat and he has a shot at beating him. I'd love to Ziggler close to a win, only to have Punk come in an interfere by hitting Ryback, stopping Ziggler from doing the unthinkable.
Again, I look forward to Ziggler turning face so it would be nice if it started a slow face turn for him by getting into it with Punk after the match.
Heck, let's just get even crazier! I'd love to see Ryback somehow be "injured", totally being on Punk's side unbeknownst to everyone and out of the HIAC match, only to have Cena take his place. Then have Ryback come down to the cell, rip a hole in it, and attack Cena, causing everyone to think that Punk will get the easy win. Then have Ziggler come down interfere and use the Zig Zag on Punk while his back is turned. Punk would have cost Ziggler a huge victory so he is going to cost Punk his title. Then have Ziggler battle with Ryback while Cena gets the pin.
This would create some crazy feuds since Punk would wAnt the title back from Cena, but he would also want revenge against Ziggler. It would also set up a potential feud between Ziggler and Ryback, allowing some possible teams to form for Survivor Series.
Yeah, I know I'm dreaming, but it would be fun to see things shake up a little bit.
The entrance could scale back on the feed me more after saying it once. The main thing that need to be addressed is the unkempt looking facial hairs. This man is on the the way up and he should be groomed accordingly. The likes of Ric Flair, Luger and other greats would never be seen that way. Even Punk has dropped the grunge look.
I say he needs a new entrance, new theme music, & a new catchphrase.

Is entrance is just plain boring & him swinging is arms up a couple times doesn't cut it as entertaining for me. His music is just his catchphrase to a plain alt-rock beat, which he can't even manage to stay in rhythm with. And his catchphrase to begin with is stupid & only sorta makes sense if he is directly realting it to Ryan Reeves the human beings appetite, which would make it even stupider IMO.

Ryback has looked impressive in the ring & obviously has fans attention, but I am slowly falling OFF the Ryback train. It seems I feel the opposite from most fans as I liked Ryback coming in & having a slower build (maybe just less jobbers?). And now not only do I feel he is already WAY too hyped up when he hasn't really made much progress but people want this guy to actually be WWE Champion?!?! You gotta be kidding me!

Ryan Reeves has potential to make WWE some good money but if they keep rushing him faster than he is progressing, especially only using the gimmick & character he currently is portraying, his value & interest for me will sky rocket down.
The problem with the big, unstoppable juggernaut character is, that when he does lose, (like others have mentioned) it ends the main point of the character/gimmick.

Warrior was an unstoppable force. He blasted to the top. Going through the mid-card, he was made to look untouchable (with some minor speed bumps). After he won the "big one", though, there was no where to go.

Same with Goldberg. Goldberg was actually easier to believe as eventually being vulnerable for some reason, but it still brought the hype to a halt.

It's because of all the spectacle, all the flash. When that's gone, the excitement's gone. It's like seeing the newest cell phone with all the bells and whistles, having to have one, and then once you actually get what you want, the desire to own it is gone and a year from then you'll be trading it in for the next, newest fad.

Lack of humanity, lack of depth, whatever you want to say, that's what makes the gimmick limited. They are made to look superhuman, you believe they're superhuman, and when they're revealed to be human and fallible, then the mystique dies. About the only ones that have worked through that have been Taker and Kane.

For the record, and I can't go without saying this somewhere it will not only be understood but possibly also appreciated, if there is ever a Marvel movie in which the villain (or one of them) is the Absorbing Man, Ryback had better be spoon fed the part. He's almost an exact replica, the perfect human version of the character.
Rybacks theme is just fine, btw Batista's music was done by a "realband":banghead: Saliva. yeah back to ryback, I hate when ppl say kobe is this generation's Jordan and Punk is like Austin and all that. Ryback get a big pop, and not a Cena pop(lil kids and women only) he gets a quality superstar pop. After Hell in a Cell he will have a victory over the champ but not the title, and it'll just rasie his stock until next summer.
Барбоса;4173871 said:
And again, I go back to the Ultimate Warrior comparison. He might have been limited in his scope but high quality performers could have good contests him - Savage, Rude, Hogan. If the house show reports are anything to go by, Punk has been getting good contests out of Ryback. So not only do we get something fresh in the main event and a genuinely hard to predict WWE title match, we might even get a good match too.

Sure the Ryback experiment might fail and might not have an extended shelf-life but I for one am happy that WWE are actually trying something different. It has worked with Sheamus and Bryan, so why not Ryback?

Ultimate warrior , like it or not was absolutely incredible . he made people fans of Wrestling , he ignited a crowd , he had unmatch REAL intensity and he looked amazing ...even competed in the nationals Bodybuilding contest .

Ryback, while a big guy does not look great . His look is blown up and doesn't look like it was built with hard work in the gym . his wellness failures prove this . The warrior could press 300 pound guys over his head ...press them . Ryback struggled to powerslam swagger at 245 or so and we saw what happen with his half squat attempt with Tensai . A half squat is not a shoulder press .

Honestly , for what is out there in WWE today I like Ryback and hope he succeeds , but Warrior , Goldberg ..these guys stood out when the roster was LOADED with absolutely incredible talent and everyone was huge . Even Shawn Michaels was 225 and muscular . Today we have 185 to 210 lb guys filling the roster . The constant comparisons to the true great years of Wrestling make today's WWE look so bad .

Sheamus and Bryan are multi dimensional and have far more talent Than Ryback . What worked for them doesn't work for others .
and he'll continue to be the draw VKM wants him to be.

Since he has been forced on the fans the ratings have seen the lowest of the past 15 year numbers . How is that a draw ?

Fans at an arena want to have a good time and they want to participate in a show . Like a comedy club , often you will hear the audience cracking up at jokes that come across the tv as dull and not funny . The same can be said for WWE live audience , they get what they get and will make the best of it . If that calls for following along a cena rally then so be it , but they are going to have a good time and join in regardless .

I do think the live show Lumberjack match idea they have him working w Punk is a good one . Ryback is very limited so do a couple spots and bring it outside and let the professionals do the real work of the match outside . This will entertain and , at the same time , distract the fans from seeing the real picture . As a result they can continue to safely build him .
I always wondered this since they showed Ryback protecting Mick Foley from CM Punk a few weeks back. While I don't think Ryback is 'destined' for disaster, I do think that there's a lot of danger in booking him so strong, so early. He hasn't shown that he has a great move set, so the in-ring psychology will be very limited. Plus there's usually a lack of commitment from Creative on pushing someone new. They tend to stick to the comfortable status quo.

Ryback needs to have a purpose, maybe even one greater than wrestling itself. Hell, even a Batman angle where he dedicates his life to fighting evil forces - something that draws sympathy when necessary (as shitty as that example was...). Problem is that his character is transparent right now - he's a real life action figure. Beyond that there's nothing to him. Hell, the kids might just start loving him, but if they grow weary (like the persistent Goldberg chants lead me to believe they will), the character is in a lot of trouble.

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