**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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first of all i never new that ryback was scared of pyro... because honesty i think that would help more to the big monster type.. becus as everyone already said batista, lashley, kane and even lesnar had pryo... and his theme is fine i think... i didnt like the first one... all i gotta say is keep working the push.. i honesty dont think imo that it would help his push anymore then what hes got right now. but thats only me saying this.
I say he needs a new entrance, new theme music, & a new catchphrase.

Is entrance is just plain boring & him swinging is arms up a couple times doesn't cut it as entertaining for me. His music is just his catchphrase to a plain alt-rock beat, which he can't even manage to stay in rhythm with. And his catchphrase to begin with is stupid & only sorta makes sense if he is directly realting it to Ryan Reeves the human beings appetite, which would make it even stupider IMO.

Ryback has looked impressive in the ring & obviously has fans attention, but I am slowly falling OFF the Ryback train. It seems I feel the opposite from most fans as I liked Ryback coming in & having a slower build (maybe just less jobbers?). And now not only do I feel he is already WAY too hyped up when he hasn't really made much progress but people want this guy to actually be WWE Champion?!?! You gotta be kidding me!

Ryan Reeves has potential to make WWE some good money but if they keep rushing him faster than he is progressing, especially only using the gimmick & character he currently is portraying, his value & interest for me will sky rocket down.

Two points. You want him to abandon the catchphrase and mannerisms that have him over at the moment? Even if he is a flash in the pan, the man isn't the type for long term success. People like him have a finite lifespan in this business, as did Goldberg as do any monsters. Once someone beats him its downhill, unless your Umaga who also happened to be a great wrestler.

If his gimmick is over, and it is, he needs to stick with it until it peters out.

And two... How can something skyrocket downwards. The sky is up.

Sorry about that last one for some reason I couldn't resist.

Anyway, thats just my opinion.
Does Ryback need a new or improved entrance? I'd say that he doesn't need an entirely NEW entrance. I would argue that his entrance could be improved upon though. The song and the FEED ME MORE voice clips are good so I would not change either of those. He does, however, have the same problem in his entrance that a lot of guys in the WWE do at the moment. Look at Trips/Taker/Kane etc compared to nearly everyone else. What is the one major difference?

Lighting Effects!

How cool would it be to add flashing lights that go between red and blue, or something like that, for Ryback's entrance? I heard that he has a legit fear of pyro, so it's understandable that he'd rather have sound effects of explosives instead of actual pyro, but adding lighting effects would make his entrance much more impressive looking. In my opinion there are a lot of guys on the roster who could benefit from adding lighting effects to their entrances. Anyone in the main event could use the addition of some type of special lighting, even if only one color is used. It's not like it has to have as many colors as Triple H does, but it would help. Especially guys like Ryback who are in the middle of a huge push.
I don’t think so. I wouldn’t mind a little fireworks and less stomping/marching around especially when he is doing his maneuver. The “feed me more” at the beginning is ok and the music itself isn’t bad. Now, Ziggler he needs a new entrance.
I don’t think so eventually it will just evolve. He eventually has to lose sometime. Also he is not going to stay indestructible either. I also don’t want to put the character down right now. It’s working so far. Why are we so fast to judge and be negative? Look and Kane and Undertaker. At one point Kane didn’t talk and now he doesn’t shut up. They were both forced that couldn’t be beat at one time. So you at least got to give it a chance to see what they can do with it and where they are going to take it.
With smarks? Absolutely. If the never ending Goldberg chants aren't annoying enough, pretty soon they'll be booing him. Why? He's a monstrous, muscular man and actually looks like a professional wrestler. That doesn't stand with the IWC. He probably doezn't do enoughz movez.

Regular fans, the ones that actually matter, will probably stand by him. Then again, maybe he'll be exposed as someone who really isn't that good. I don't think that's going to happen, but you never know.

Internet smarks do not have enough power to ruin Ryback. I know they want to, but they can't.
Wow, another completely exaggerated, speculation thread. If I had a nickel for every one of these...

Anyway, how can anyone speculate about Ryback? As much as you think you may know him right now, the guy is still shrouded in mystery. He hardly speaks and his sole purpose on television is to walk out, kick ass, and walk to the back. In all honesty, I'm annoyed at his "Feed me more" catchphrase and would be happier if he didn't speak at all.

If Ryback is to attain any true success in the WWE, he must grow a personality. No one has ever been a successful world champion if they were weak on the microphone. If he holds a title and never gives an interview that can connect him with the WWE universe, he'll fail. But he used to cut some decent and funny promos as Skip Sheffield with and prior to the Nexus so I'm sure he'll adapt and use these skills in due time.
In all honesty, I'm annoyed at his "Feed me more" catchphrase and would be happier if he didn't speak at all.

Understandable, but the catchphrase does serve a purpose; it allows the fans to get involved, which is a factor that's been beneficial to WWE since the days of "Suck it!" When Ryback first started saying it, I thought it was the most ridiculous thing ever. Changed my mind, though, once it caught on.

Attempting to guess Ryback's future by comparing him to Goldberg and Warrior is problematic......if Ryback truly wants to be here, he could have a terrific future in WWE, provided Creative is able to come up with ways to keep his character fresh.

Take John Cena: Goldberg and Warrior are the antithesis of Cena when it comes to desire to do what he's been doing these past years. Cena tells us he's not looking to abandon pro wrestling and become a full-time Hollywood actor, even if he occasionally makes a movie. Yes, he was using this tactic to bait the Rock, but it seems to be true in reality, too.

Compare this to Goldberg; he didn't seem to care about the "sport" at all; he was in it for the paycheck......and got out as soon as he contractually and financially could.

Compare Cena also to Ultimate Warrior: the guy was apparently as crazy in real life as his character in WWE. What caused him to abandon lucrative positions in WWE and WCW remain buried in the murky depths of his singular personality. He could have had an amazing career as a pro wrestler. He was.....and is..... nuts.

Ryback, on the other hand, seems to want to be a wrestler. Wasn't he fired from a developmental contract with WWE, only to return and build his way back up? If so, it appears he wants to wrestle, not look for a way out as quickly as possible.

As D-Man said, Ryback needs to develop a personality, and Creative is going to have to find ways for his character and roles to evolve.....but this guy isn't Goldberg or Warrior, and I think he's here for the long haul.
Warrior and Goldberg. Like these two men, Ryback is full of charisma, has a great look...and is limited in the ring.

Why do people say this? How the fuck do you know what he can "do in the ring" when his character's entire booking is 2 minute squashes? He is a 300 pound terminator, what the fuck else is supposed to be going on in those matches? The indian death lock? Asai moonsaults? He has worked plenty of long matches before he was debuted on the scene. He has been in WWE developmental for ten fucking years. Shit, just read the live reports on the main page, he and Punk are working fifteen minutes a night as we speak. His "limited in ring ability" will have no impact on future exploits. He does just fine.

As for the rest of your question, it depends on WWE creative, not him....There are plenty of rather simplistic, easy ways to book a character like him, and to solve the mic work problem, he should cut 80s style crazy fucking maniac promos. Every word vein-poppingly screamed, short, and to the point. It worked for countless guys during one of wrestlings biggest boom periods ever, it can work for ryback.
The truth is we won't know the answer to this for a while and I could see it happening both ways. I can see Ryback becoming the next face or I could see him falling flat on his face.

First thing I will say is I think the Ryback character can go a long way in WWE right now. Although it has similarities to guys like Warrior and Goldberg but its fresh for the WWE audience of today. It's easy to get behind a guy who doesn't say much, kicks ass and leaves while throwing in a few catchphrases. Ryback has the look and size to pull it off.

My big concern is the WWE seems to be making a mistake they've made far too often over the last 4-5 years and that is rush everything which greatly diminishes how high a person can go and how long they can go. These are the same guys who went through a Punk vs. Cena feud in 2 months last year and took all the sails out of Nexus in about 6 weeks. I'm hoping they don't do that with Ryback but if I had to make an educated guess that's exactly what they are doing.

They have a potential star in Ryback but Ryback doesn't have the skills to get it done alone, they need the machine behind them and to use him correctly, if the machine can't do that Ryback is on borrowed time.
The entrance is fine by me. The music is the typical 'get you amped' theme for a big guy like ryback. I know he gets compared to Goldberg or whatever, but he reminds me WAY more of Rhyno! Same singlet, even the same style on the singlet. Comes out to rock music screaming, just like Rhyno. GORE, GORE, GORE = FEED ME MORE! Am I alone here? Whatever. Entrance is good. Could use some pyro though. That big boom he gets with no pyro makes NO FREAKING sense. I hate that part. Give the boy some pyro!!
It just hit me.....he is not a good looking guy, he is not naturally intimidating like Goldberg. He definitely needs a new entrance but more than anything!? He needs a pitbull. A raging, drooling mad dog that will almost bite the crowd next to to the stage.....and a new outfit.
If they want to make Ryback as serious star, they need to change his entrance music...drop the stupid "Feed Me More" catchphrase, and stop with him marching around the ring before he does his finisher.

He has the potential to be a really good character, but all of the things I listed above make him seem like he's more likely to ride a short yellow bus than be WWE champion.
They need to do one of two things at HIAC:

1. Ryback beats CM Punk, becomes WWE Champion.

2. Ryback does not face CM Punk.

Obviously, option 1 is self explanitory. Ryback wins the belt, stays undefeated. Have him in a triple threat or a ladder match or something where he doesn't essentially get beat at TLC and put the strap back on Punk there or someone else who can be fed to The Rock at the Rumble.

Option 2, is something I can see them doing. Have Ryback get taken out by someone in the back early in the show and the doctors rule him out. Have Vince McMahon step in, get his ass beat, and Punk retains.

Personally, I'd give Ryback the strap. It's only temporary, and it gives him a chance to see where he can go with it. They reportedly aren't going great with Punk as Champ, so put it on Ryback and give him a 2 month run to see where the crowd stands with him.
As we all know Ryback's undefeated streak was recently ended by CM Punk at Hell In a Cell. Besides his "Feed Me More" chants what does he have going for him? They threw him so high on the card without taking the time to build his character or allow him to achieve any actual accomplishments. By build i mean they haven't given us any reason to be interested or had him show any sign of personality. All he does is look dominate. Which isn't necessarily bad but i fear that eventually the crowd will become bored. The fans are into it now because it's something new and fresh. It's some different for them to get behind. But what happens when it loses it's touch? We all know every great thing comes to an end. So what happens when the fans get bored of the chants and tired of seeing him squashing his opponents? How can they make Ryback interesting? How will he adapt? Let me know what you think. If they don't give us any reason to care i personally think we will see Ryback fizzle out, wasting any potential he might of had.
The WWE does it all the time. Skip has been around long enough to know that he will get a shot at it. He doesn't need to adapt at all yet, this is still fresh, hell didn't the YES YES YES chants turn to NO NO NO in a heartbeat.
likely fueding with Big Show in the forseeable future and some more matches with Punk then i think it's hanging around the IC or US title for a bit til the Punk thing winds down.


i saw the HIAC match as a resemblance of Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude at WrestleMania 5 with Warrior losing the IC title to Rude with some outside interferance by Bobby Heenan. But the match itself and each subsequent match they had Rude was pummeled from pillar to post and didn't get alot of offense but managed to tough it out til an opportunity arose.

Anyway my point, was Warrior went onto regain the IC title at SummerSlam and ultimately battle Hogan at the following Mania for the WWF title in The Ultimate Challenge and set history, could we see a repeat? with Ryback in the Warrior role beating the seamingly unbeatable and setting his name in lights.

and on the flipside Punk is getting challenged by the odds to get his "respect" starting with Cena then Foley then The Rock and could we see a finale of Stone Cold? if he beats them all he has a storyline akin to Chris Jericho.
Main Event
cm punk
big show
john cena
kane?(tag team)
daniel bryan?(tag team)
alberto del rio(boring/sucks)
randy orton
dolph ziggler
mark henry

kofi kingston
the miz
wade barrett
cody rhodes?(tag team)
rey mysterio?(tag team)
sin cara?(tag team)

U.S title
antonio cesaro
justin gabriel
jack swagger
darren young?(tag team)
titus o'neal?(tag team)
damien sandow?(tag team)

aj lee
alicia fox
tamina snuka
rosa mendes?

Kane & daniel bryan
rey mysterio & sin cara(i love them)
cody rhodes & damien sandow(boring)
darren young & titus o'neal
jimmy & jey USO'S (nowheretobefound)
Epico & Primo (talent thats being spilled)
Hunico & camacho (jobbing)
santino marrella & zack ryder (jobbers)

alex riley
brodus clay
curt hawkins
david otunga
drew mcintyre
evan bourne
ezekial jackson
the great khali
heath slater
jey uso
jimmy uso
jinder mahal
johnny curtis
mason ryan
micheal mcgilicutty
santino marella
ted dibiase
lord tensai
trent barreta
tyson kidd
yoshi tatsu
zack ryder

I made this list so we can spot some problems with-in the oh so great-turned into boring crap WWE. One problem is the main event. It looks good how i wrote it, but there are 2 heavy championships that need a holder and contenders. The main event list becomes smaller. Also there are guys on the Main event list that are busy in tag teams and such. They should make one world title in order to have more guys fighting for the biggest title ever, making it more interesting. Also a problem with the main event seen is that the names arn't that big. CM punk, John Cena, randy orton, and maybe big show are the only ones in the main event list that have that ''SUPERSTAR'' feeling.

Another problem which is the main problem and is super easy to spot, is WWE has way too many JOBBERS/ guys that arn't doing anything. Not all of them suck, lots of the jobbers should be in the IC or US title seens( zack ryder, tyson kid) but they are not. Zack Ryder gets bigger crowd reactions than ryback and even sometimes cm punk. Someone in WWE without a heart should fire most of the jobbers. If needy, replace with guys from NXT.

I also have one question, where do you think RYBACK should be placed in this list. He is definenently not main event worthy, there are way more talented guys on the IC spot. Also US should be for guys trying to get over......At second though Ryback should cary the US championship for a good run.i think it would be good and bring meaning to the title and to the person that defeats him for it.

The WWE "machine" seems to be working.
Yesterday my nephew and I sat down to play WWE '13. It was his first time playing the game and we were picking our wrestlers. He went through everyone a couple times and finally looked at me and said "I can't find Ryback." I told him Ryback wasn't on the game and explained that he would be on as dlc.
So today one of my other nephews sat down to play for his first time and while the game was loading he said "I'm going to be Ryback." The other nephew I mentioned above explained to him that Ryback isn't on the game and told him I would download him when I can.

So they were both kind of upset because out of nowhere they suddenly love Ryback. I don't know if WWE is targeting the kid audience (the kids are 9 and 11) but whatever they're doing they are doing it right. Their other current favorites are Sheamus, Randy Orton and John Cena.
Whenever Ryback's music hits I throw up in my mouth a little bit. From his stupid "feed me more" chant to his "wake up" crap he says before going to the ring to his "finish it" he says before hitting his terrible finisher. I can't stand him, his head bob and Goldberg like act drive me up a wall. He has two moves, a clothesline and his crap finisher. He has the look, but he isn't main event material by a long shot.

The fact that Mick Foley is now pumping up this chump takes the cake though. Apparently you just have to beat jobber tag teams and Tensai to get into the main event. Forget dudes like Barrett, Kofi, Bryan, and Del Rio that actually have more than two moves and don't look like they came out of FCW last week, put Ryback in the main event...makes sense.
I don't post to many threads, but when I do, it's generally because someone else hasn't thought of it already. My concern is Ryback. Now let me explain. We all know Jericho, Guerrero, Malenko, Benoit all left WCW and mainly their reason was they were always gonna be mid-card type guys there (of course they couldn't get up any higher because of Hogan) but still. Even then, one of the main reasons they left (only Jericho openly admits this, but I'm sure they all were thinking it) is the fact that they busted their ass for the company for years and then all of a sudden a new guy gets a undefeated streak and a push for the world title.

Now fast forward to today.....Ryback..... Grant it he didn't really come out of nowhere. He tried out for the Tough Enough that the Miz went on to win. Signed on with developmental and then Debutted with NXT and was in the Nexus as Skip Sheffield, gets injured and with the fall of the Nexus, they didn't really know if they wanted him to be like the rest of the guys from the Nexus and just work around the roster as 'so-so' talent (Gabriel, Slater, Otunga). So WWE repackages him and has him redebut with a new name, new look, and the guy becomes this monster who is pretty much unstoppable.....except apparently a few NXT rookies making their debut is his only kryptonite :wtf:

The main difference that I'm getting to is, Goldberg had his long push, and had a heel faction that he could go up against (NWO). Ryback doesn't have that (unless Ambrose, Reigns and Collins join with Punk to form a faction). Goldberg = rating, ppv buy rates, etc. Ryback ......not so much, there still is potential for it, and finally a new face in the title picture other than Cena (thank god).

Now the point I'm trying to make is since this is pretty similar to the same way Goldberg was worked, do you potentially see guys such as Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, getting upset because the same thing that happened to Jericho and the Radicals is happening to them? All the effort and dues they have paid to get higher and higher up on the card then some "new guy" comes in and gets a shot after only being here for a few months. Keep in mind this isn't like back in the Monday night wars, where if you didn't like working for one company, you could jump ship to the other (I mean they could, but I highly doubt any of the mid-card guys in WWE today, who have been with the company a good while want to go to TNA.

Thoughts? Ideas? Agreements? Disagreements? Bitches? Moans? Complaints? .........anybody?
No, I don't think so. My reasoning why is because Ryback has been working to be a pro-wrestler for years, unlike Goldberg who just kind of came in from nowhere, and essentially just for the money.

Ryback is in it for the company, and I bet if they started having him job tomorrow, he would do it without a complaint. Also, Ryback has not won a title yet.

Goldberg won titles very quickly. He was also pushed to the moon with essentially no passion for the business. Guys like Dolph, Cody, and Kingston have a similar passion to Ryback's, and they understand that Ryback has a look and a current popularity that they don't have, and besides those three are guys that need to be slowly built up because of their size and I'm sure they understand that.

Ryback's current interest from the crowd is waning, however. I think WWE would be wise to back off the "feed me more" chants and just let Ryback build himself into being the local "jacked dominant monster" that guys like Batista and Lesnar once were.
I think they need to slow Ryback down, but when you build someone up as an unbeatable character you can't exactly then put him in matches with the likes of Del Rio and expect anything but complete predictability.

Generally when these 'unbeatable' characters start to fall into the mid-card, they start to become joke acts. Kane could be an example of this.

I think the best way forward is to turn Ryback heel and have him as CM Punks henchman for a while. I think they could have done that last night rather than that God-awful ending they went with instead.
Doesn't anyone notice Ryback's end stomping with his finisher looks like Santino's trombone march?

The guy was brought up way too fast and he's really not that great of a talent. He's got the look VKM loves and he was pushed for that reason alone, plain and simple. They need to either send him to SD or put him as a mid-carder and work his way up with the IC or US Title, then bring him back IF he's over at all.
I can understand how a guy like Dolph Ziggler or Kofi might be upset at how fast a guy like Ryback got pushed up the card. But at the same time, they weren't setting the world on fire in their debuts. Dolph was fresh off his cheerleader gimmick and didn't exactly scream main event. Kofi was over and moving on up until the Orton thing, but it seems nowadays Kofi is the second coming of Booker T instead of Shelton Benjamin. Before it's all said and done I can see Kofi with a World Title. But the name of the game is getting over with the crowd and neither of those guys are over like Ryback.

Aside from that, there has been a hole in the roster since Batista left and Ryback fits the big powerhouse nicely. He's built as unstoppable, but not many guys can get jumped by three guys and overcome it. I don't see how this hurts Ryback at all and if anything can move him away from the title picture since it's obvious we are seeing Punk VS Rock at the Royal Rumble. However, I could see Ryback winning the Rumble in an epic fashion. Vince likes to build his big men this way leading up to a title match at Wrestlemania.

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