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I have to say that i think that Ryback being considered for a title match and even having the title is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!

So being insanely over with the crowd week after week isn't justification to give him a title shot?

I agree with whoever said he looks like an over sized Hornswagle!!!!!!!!!!!

Then you're just as stupid as whomever you agreed with.

He is a terrible wrestler with a terrible look and a lousy finisher,

1. Explain how he is a terrible wrestler.

2. Have you seen most of the finishers that wrestlers use? How is it any more lousy than them?

he is not impressive whats so ever and he has done absolutely nothing to even deserve a title shot!!!!!!!!!!

Being over with the crowd is nothing?

This is the time for the WWE to bring up someone worthy enough from the mid card limbo land and give them an opportunity to be a main eventer.

This should be good.

Hell In A Cell is a big event

No, it's not.

and I honestly would like to see Punk face someone who can give us a 5 star match in a cage; not someone who is all around terrible in the ring who is just strong!!!!!!!!

Whatever floats your boat.

When you look at guys before Ryback who he is compared too like Goldberg and Warrior who were the next big thing as unstoppable creditable believable face who is so strong that they can beat all the heels and the jobbers be a mid card champion and beat the face of the company. Ryback I cant see as the next big thing because he has no charisma he has a bland look and he is terrible in the ring and we have yet too see what he can even say on the mic. I think he is a huge waste of time and space and I feel that someone who has busted his ass in the mid card like Kofi Kingston deserve this chance and opportunity to wrestle in the main event of a PPV for the WWE championship because he has earned it as a top mid card champion and tag team champion sure his mic skills aren't good at all but if he only had to say 3 words he was sound alot better than Ryback!!!!! Ryback is a ******ed name for a wrestler what the hell is a Ryback???????????? This chance for Ryback to win or be given a title shot is BS and should be given to someone who bust their ass night in and night out in the mid card!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I got bored after reading this.
Being over with the crowd please!!!!!!!! the current WWE universe gives a loud crowd reaction to Santino do you think he deserves a title shot?????????????? These fans will cheer anyone who wins as a face because they have no one else to cheer for. Yes Ryback is a terrible wrestler and his finisher is weak not impressive. We have seen Ryback beat jobber after jobber after jobber when was the last time he made someone actually look good against him???? Like I said before the current audience will cheer anyone no matter who they are as long as they win. Hell in A Cell is a big event it has 2 Hell in A Cell matches sure its not SummerSlam or WrestleMania but out of all the ppvs I consider it a big event maybe your beak is shoved so far up your ass you cant see it but Money in the Bank and Hell in the Cell are big events!!!!!!!!!!! So with that being I change it from Kofi getting the shot to Rey Mysterio because he is insanely over with the crowd more than Ryback will ever be!!!!!!!!!
Okay, really short here, but basically the title says it.

Ryback cannot lose yet if they want to build him up to be this incredible beast that they have been trying to so far. They need to TEASE the quick-title win, or getting the shot, but Ryback keeps missing (barely) his chance at just a title match.

I hope Cena is healthy enough to wrestle, so Ryback does NOT earn a title; then I hope Ryback almost gets another shot, but loses the chance somehow, not by his own fault.

Then another. And another... and another... all for stupid reasons that somewhat screw Ryback. Have him slowly beat bigger and bigger stars cleanly as this goes on.

Then finally, he gets the shot at a pay-per-view. This, in my view, would put the crowd behind him. They would get hungry to see him get just a title shot. They would be behind him, and to be honest this is classic face support/building.

FYI- I prefer Ryback to Skip Sheffield (who I once called a mix between Kurt Angle and Hornswoggle). I also like Ryback (so far) and am glad the WWE has a monster/muscle guy again.

Thoughts? What do you think of this idea? Do you think someone ELSE could be pushed like this, perhaps the "next face of the company" instead of Ryback?

And how exactly would him challenging at Hell In A Cell be any different from any other time in the future? The current champion clearly has concerns about him. I'd say that's good enough to be seen as a good challenger. The crowd isn't going to get anymore behind him because he keeps getting delayed for a title shot. Which personally, I find impossible to accomplish without him losing.
Being over with the crowd please!!!!!!!! the current WWE universe gives a loud crowd reaction to Santino do you think he deserves a title shot??????????????

Santino was in the Elimination Chamber this year and came close to beating Daniel Bryan. So there.

These fans will cheer anyone who wins as a face because they have no one else to cheer for.

Aren't people supposed to cheer for faces? I'm confused.

Yes Ryback is a terrible wrestler and his finisher is weak not impressive. We have seen Ryback beat jobber after jobber after jobber when was the last time he made someone actually look good against him????

It's not his job to make others look good. It's his opponent's job to make him look good. Is amateur hour over yet?

Like I said before the current audience will cheer anyone no matter who they are as long as they win.

Hasn't that always been the case?

Hell in A Cell is a big event it has 2 Hell in A Cell matches sure its not SummerSlam or WrestleMania but out of all the ppvs I consider it a big event maybe your beak is shoved so far up your ass you cant see it but Money in the Bank and Hell in the Cell are big events!!!!!!!!!!! So with that being I change it from Kofi getting the shot to Rey Mysterio because he is insanely over with the crowd more than Ryback will ever be!!!!!!!!!

Quack, quack.
Being over with the crowd please!!!!!!!! The current WWE universe gives a loud crowd reaction to Santino do you think he deserves a title shot??????????????
Santino is a comedy character that often has little to do but entertain the crowd with hilarious jokes. Ryback has gained momentum by murdering people in the ring, without the use of jokes.

EDIT: Oh, and what LJL said...
These fans will cheer anyone who wins as a face because they have no one else to cheer for.
Tell me how Tyson Kidd is so over.
Yes Ryback is a terrible wrestler
Says you...
and his finisher is weak not impressive.
You forgot to tell me about the time you dead lifted two people at once. And the time you walked around with them on your shoulder. Go on...
We have seen Ryback beat jobber after jobber after jobber when was the last time he made someone actually look good against him????
He's facing jobbers; do they need to look good?
Hell in A Cell is a big event it has 2 Hell in A Cell matches
That's why there's so much build toward the event right?
sure its not SummerSlam or WrestleMania but out of all the ppvs I consider it a big event
You don't matter.
maybe your beak is shoved so far up your ass you cant see it but Money in the Bank and Hell in the Cell are big events!!!!!!!!!!!
Money in the Bank is nothing but a prelude to Summerslam and Hell in a Cell is nothing but a throw-away pay-per-view – hence the lack of matched advertised.
So with that being I change it from Kofi getting the shot to Rey Mysterio because he is insanely over with the crowd more than Ryback will ever be!!!!!!!!!
There is something you have to remember is that Ryback like many many others in the WWE and TNA is some form of a recycled gimmick bottom line...The key is taking the mistakes of the character they recycled from and leave it be. See look at Goldberg,and more or less Ultimate Warrior, their promos were either horrible or jibberish that no one really understood, but when Goldberg wasn't cutting promos, and when Ultimate Warrior was in the ring, they were monsters more or less, and thats what right now makes Ryback's character special. The one key about Ryback is that if you watch, Ryback can actually wrestle while they make him do the same five moves ala John Cena, Ryback shows when he gets more then two minutes of wrestling time he has a nice skill set. Even with the hiccup during the Tensai match, he can make himself look strong.

Personally if Ryback gets the title shot against Punk I just want to see him dominant, I want that fear Punk has retained because it just shows that with Punk and Ryback in the cell he has no where to go, and I think this is the best test to see how managable Ryback will be in the future. I don't want Ryback to speak, actions speak louder then words, so honestly two things I'd rather see would be either Punk having a wave of heels try and attack Ryback only to fail miserably, or I want the cell set up on the last Raw and have it go down and be locked with Punk inside and Ryback on the outside and have Ryback rip the door off and corner Punk inside and finally get him just once before the main event. Because that just says nothing can keep me from getting my hands on you. No words, plain and simple and it brings back that bit of majesty we need in WWE.
Okay, so the Ryback-threads are getting worse than the endless supply of Zack Ryder-threads from not so long ago. It shows that Ryback is getting a reaction, for the time being, but fans are a fickle bunch. If Ryback turns heel, he will lose those fans, because people are sheep (not excluding the us, the IWC). Casual fans will not support Ryback anymore, so what would be the point? I would rather crap out Hornswoggle than see an "epic clash" between Sheamus and Ryback - boring as shit!
maybe WWE should let him truely get over as a face first?

Zack Ryder was extremely "over" as a babyface & is now basically a jobber.

I think Ryback is over right now because he is something fresh & new. He was a last minute replacement & it's exciting to see what will happen right now.

But we got to remember, the man is still EXTREMELY green & up until about a month or so ago all he was facing was jobbers & Jinder Mahal, as well as there were rumors people were scared to even be in the ring with him.

WWE wants him succeed, so I doubt they will drop the ball with him. But what happens when Ryback doesn't win the WWE Title & is not a main eventer in a couple months? Or goes back to Smackdown? Or doesn't have a high profile match during Mania season & risks being forgotten?

I just think Ryback is definately the "flavor of the month" right now & while I can see Vince wanting to make him a WWE lifer, he has yet to prove to me that he has what it takes to be a main eventer & permanent stay on WWE television & PPV's.

I don't see him turning heel until he has been around alot longer or he becomes irrelevant & WWE needs something to do with him as a last resort.
No, not right now. He is just now starting to get really over with the fans. Like HBKisHOF said, let him truly get over. He is something fresh and new so lets wait a bit and see if the fans really take to him. Down the road I am sure he will be a heel, but right now he needs to keep doing what he is doing.
I don't think Ryback needs to talk at all. He's great as a monster force that does his thing in the ring and that's all he needs to get over. What Ryback really needs is improvement inside the ring. He needs to work on timing and execution of moves to really become a true star. The moves he does in the ring are impressive, but it looks like utter shit when he botches so often. The few times he has botched on Mahal, Tensai, and Swagger made me cringe and think he'll really hurt someone in the future.

If Ryback can work on controlling what legit strength he has and focus that on not injuring and protecting his opponent, he can be the next breakout star that WWE so desperately needs. If he cannot execute moves without the fear of injuring opponents, he won't last too long and will be back to squashing jobbers in no time. Which is not a bad place to be, but it'll hold him back from becoming a main eventer until he can improve and hone his craft. He has to refine his skills into executing the few moves he can do well and make that work. If he can manage that, he'll be golden. If not, I'm sure he'll be amongst the guys wishes the best in future endeavors when WWE does their eventual house cleaning.
All we need is a decent 10 min match, not a Bret Hart, Kurosawa, Benoit mat classic mind you, just a capable match that the likes of Orton, Batista and yes even John Cena can do when they are motivated.

The issue is that Ryback can easily be exposed, thus he just needs to be able to hang in there, with Cena there is no chance, but maybe Punk can drag him to something watchable.
There's no reason for right to turn heel right now, especially when he's starting to get over with the fans. Ryback could be the next big face in the WWE, and turning him heel now could end his momentum of his push, and it would be wasted opportunity of making someone a huge star It would be a good idea to make Ryback a heel, after he's one of the biggest names in the company.
He is pretty bad on the mic

What are you talking about? The guy is great at talking. He's barely had much chance to talk but i'v always been impressed. Even with the worst gimicks thrown at him he goes into it 100% and makes it work. He's a confident talker, great at sticking to character, and best of all he is consistantly trying to get over through catchphrases.

Back when he was skip sheffield i believed every second of it, I had no idea he wasnt a moron, or that he didnt even have that awful accent. He said "yep yep yep, what it do" as if it wasnt a ridiculous thing to say.

Then as ryback he's been trying the exact same thing. The first week he was out he was yelling all sorts of ridiculous things, yelling "MISTER MACHINE" at the audience, looking for something to stick. Most importantly was the promo he cut on Jinder Mahal, one of those pre-match bits. It was perfect, it made sense, it furthered his gimmick and explained the feed me more thing with the brilliant line "Welcome to the food chain".

If you think the guy has no talent you dont know what youre talking about! But its your opinion and I abide by your right to have it and speak it!

And to the guy who said his name was stupid, guess what, so are all the others. His name comes from when he was Ryan "the silverback" reeves.
The last thing Ryback needs is to talk. We've had enough motormouths running around stinking up the joint with longwinded overbearingly verbose promos for years. The man has presence about him like Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior had. The kind where he doesn't need to say a word. He has intensity. What he needs to do is go out there and dominate people.
The last thing he needs to do is talk, because what he will be saying is the same bullcrap that they have Sheamus now saying, making fun of Big Show and telling bad poopy jokes like Cena did for years.

Some wrestlers just arent as multitalented as a HBK or Ric Flair, some are one dimensional, but you can still make tons of money on them, see Goldberg, Ultimate Warrior and many many others.
What has Ryback even said except from "Feed Me More" and "Feed Me Punk"? It's like he's completely emotionless. I personally feel Ryback should be no where near either of the world titles.
What has Ryback even said except from "Feed Me More" and "Feed Me Punk"? It's like he's completely emotionless. I personally feel Ryback should be no where near either of the world titles.

Ryback had a backstage segment on Smackdown. He spoke for about 50 seconds. Here is a link:


It's not super impressive, but good enough imo. Ryback's mic skills are far from being as terrible as some are claiming them to be. He even throws in some gimmicky food line about "what you've seen so far is just an appetizer". Pretty slick imo. I think he could actually do well with that gimmick.
Sucks that they had the contract signing on one of the few nights Ryback DOESN'T get a pop. When he came out, the crowd barely gave him an applause.

I really thought Vince was going to make his choice by the crowd reaction Ryback would get. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised since Cena clearly isn't ready to come back. Even with another 2 weeks to go.
As others have mentioned, Ryback doesn't need to talk. I don't think he is very good on the mic anyway so it is probably better for him to not talk.

What i would have him do is what he has been doing all along, just kicking ass and taking names. To keep on being a believable threat to Punk's title, he has to continue looking like a real badass, one who destroys everything in his path. I would continue putting him in matches, maybe against stronger opponents, and continue having him look real mean and scary.
I see it going like this...

Ryback goes over Punk at HIAC. Becomes title holder. He continues beating on Punk after the win. Lesnar comes out to save Punk. Ryback continues to be indefeated

This sets up Ryback/Lesnar at Survivor Series. Lesnar goes over and becomes champion, in an extremely close match that manages to make Ryback look awesome too. It makes sense, because Ryback's first true loss is to somebody who is just as scary and powerful as he is.

Lesnar goes into the Rumble as champion and faces the Rock. Rock goes over becomes champion, following through with his promise to the fans. After the match, Punk and Lesnar attack the Rock, and Ryback comes out for the save.

Cena wins the Rumble and gets the title shot, and chooses WWE champ the Rock.

Lesnar and Ryback have a return "grudge" match at Mania, and Ryback goes over in the first match on the card.

Punk, seemingly without anything to do, is still whining about respect and decides the only way he can get it is to beat the Undertaker at WM. He fails, and after, freaks out, beating the Taker with a chair and other various weapons. Lesnar comes down and saves the Taker, turning face and starting a feud where he ultimately puts Punk over (probably at Summerslam next year).

Cena goes over the Rock, clean, and becomes champion. The Rock endorses Cena after the match, making both guys true faces again.

At the end of all this, Cena, Ryback and Punk end up being the ones being put over, accomplishing what the returning Rock and Lesnar were brought back for.
I didn't want to quote everything BaconBits said but I believe that would be the best scenerio that should happen. But what makes me wonder is something that Cena said on Raw about Ryback not caring about the belt. Could it be possible that Heyman finds out a way to cause this match to be just a Hell In A Cell match and not for the title?
I think they are pushing Ryback to quickly. I hope that they let Punk go over. But keep Ryback looking strong. Maybe have Punk use a weapon to knock him out. (HHH vs Nash).

Ryback is still too green to hold the belt. If they do give him the belt hope they stick him against people who are good on the mic otherwise his reign would be awful.
Feel free to shoot me down if you think this idea sucks btw. But this is what i think should happen. Have Ryback kick punks ass in the cell i mean blood (if they can) weapons the whole lot. Then somehow Heyman gets the key to the cell & unlocks the door & gets in the ring. Ryback can then pick Heyman up & march around the ring with him. Whilst this is happening someone like Antonio Cesaro runs to the ring helps Punk win & this could be the beginning to the faction everyone one wants and/or a feud between Ryback & Cesaro for the Us title.
I gave up on WWE a few months ago and couldn't believe what I read about this guy being in the main event of a PPV, he could barely work a 2 minute squash match a couple of months ago and now he's main eventing a PPV because he's big and muscly with a dumb catchphrase that marks can chant. Vince must pop a Viagra and bust out the lube every time this walking roid is out there.

If they'd made him a heel and Punk's heavy with Heyman as his mouthpiece there may have been some short term potential in Taker facing him at Mania, kinda like the old days where he fought the latest freak act that was flavour of the month.
Taker is the wildcard in this, they have long said that they want more out of him than one show a year... and HIAC is Taker's signature match, so I could see a situation where Taker is the one who causes the match to be a no-contest. If he's heel he goes after Ryback and joins Heyman and Punk (not quite Hogan shocking, but still pretty big if he did) or if he's face he attacks Punk and that gets the Ryback win thrown out, so Ryback attacks Taker...

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