**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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I think the match should end in a draw cause of an outside interference. This extends Punk's reign and Ryback's streak. The interference should be caused by preferably Wade Barret which leads to a survivor series match and a personal rivalry between the two
It had to be the Raw after Wrestlemania where a light bulb flickered in Vince McMahon's brain. Where he watched from Gorilla as Daniel Bryan received one of the greatest reactions a WWE Superstar hasn't had in a long time.

"These fans are getting behind Daniel Bryan not just because of his performance in the ring, but because they enjoy throwing their arms up in the air while chanting 'Yes'...perhaps this strategy can work for anyone?"

If you ask me, it is no coincidence that Ryback is Daniel Bryan's "road wife". All of Ryback's detractors may have to pin all of the blame on Bryan's success with the "Yes!" chants. Although I cannot say that Daniel Bryan helped Ryback come up with his "Feed Me More" shtick while on the road with him, I can say that WWE may not have even thought of going this route with Ryback if it wasn't for Daniel Bryan.

Vince McMahon has always wanted someone who fit the WWE mold (muscular, tough, charismatic) to get the spotlight, and it seems as if Daniel Bryan's success has made Ryback the Superstar he is today.

It's perfect, really. Not only can the fans throw their arms up in the air in support of a Superstar, but they can throw them down as well, which can be pretty fun. The idea of someone chanting "Feed Me More" is ridiculous and is easily dismissed as stupidity, but if Honey Boo Boo and Jersey Shore indicated anything it's that stupidity sells as long as it's very entertaining.

Ryback is very close to being the prototype Superstar in Vince's eyes: He's a meat eater, he's aggressive in the ring, and the fans always react strongly for him. The only thing keeping him from being the next Cena is his lack of charisma and good looks, but that definitely doesn't matter as long as you get a loud reaction from the fans. I actually laughed when I first heard the lyric "Meat on the table, that is what you are!" because then it became very clear to me what was happening.

Ryback is the polar opposite of Daniel Bryan.

Vince McMahon was hesitant to push Daniel Bryan due to the lack of steak in his diet, while Ryback can probably take out two Porterhouses in one sitting. Daniel Bryan is a small wrestler whose technical wrestling and agility in the ring makes up for his size, while Ryback is a hulk of a man whose aggressiveness makes up for his lack of wrestling ability.

Vince McMahon turned the "Yes" phenomenon into the perfect gimmick for a guy like Ryback. The gimmick would have failed if they were only trying to make Ryback the next Goldberg. So thanks to the inspiration that Daniel Bryan's "Yes!" phenomenon gave to Vince McMahon, it gave Ryback that one last spark he needed to be a made Superstar.
I would like to say if Ryback wins the title obviously VKM would shit all over the industry. Have Punk retain at HIAC with Lesnar's help. Over the next few months build the Lesnar/Ryback rivalry to culminate from WM where Ryback wins. Punk should not lose the title until SSlam against Ryback and that includes wins over Rock at the Rumble, Cena at EC, and Punk defending the title at WM and ending the UT's streak. Love to see a faction with Punk,Lesnar,Cabana,Hero,and Cesaro along with Heyman built as the Revolution
It had to be the Raw after Wrestlemania where a light bulb flickered in Vince McMahon's brain. Where he watched from Gorilla as Daniel Bryan received one of the greatest reactions a WWE Superstar hasn't had in a long time.

"These fans are getting behind Daniel Bryan not just because of his performance in the ring, but because they enjoy throwing their arms up in the air while chanting 'Yes'...perhaps this strategy can work for anyone?"

If you ask me, it is no coincidence that Ryback is Daniel Bryan's "road wife". All of Ryback's detractors may have to pin all of the blame on Bryan's success with the "Yes!" chants. Although I cannot say that Daniel Bryan helped Ryback come up with his "Feed Me More" shtick while on the road with him, I can say that WWE may not have even thought of going this route with Ryback if it wasn't for Daniel Bryan.

Vince McMahon has always wanted someone who fit the WWE mold (muscular, tough, charismatic) to get the spotlight, and it seems as if Daniel Bryan's success has made Ryback the Superstar he is today.

It's perfect, really. Not only can the fans throw their arms up in the air in support of a Superstar, but they can throw them down as well, which can be pretty fun. The idea of someone chanting "Feed Me More" is ridiculous and is easily dismissed as stupidity, but if Honey Boo Boo and Jersey Shore indicated anything it's that stupidity sells as long as it's very entertaining.

Ryback is very close to being the prototype Superstar in Vince's eyes: He's a meat eater, he's aggressive in the ring, and the fans always react strongly for him. The only thing keeping him from being the next Cena is his lack of charisma and good looks, but that definitely doesn't matter as long as you get a loud reaction from the fans. I actually laughed when I first heard the lyric "Meat on the table, that is what you are!" because then it became very clear to me what was happening.

Ryback is the polar opposite of Daniel Bryan.

Vince McMahon was hesitant to push Daniel Bryan due to the lack of steak in his diet, while Ryback can probably take out two Porterhouses in one sitting. Daniel Bryan is a small wrestler whose technical wrestling and agility in the ring makes up for his size, while Ryback is a hulk of a man whose aggressiveness makes up for his lack of wrestling ability.

Vince McMahon turned the "Yes" phenomenon into the perfect gimmick for a guy like Ryback. The gimmick would have failed if they were only trying to make Ryback the next Goldberg. So thanks to the inspiration that Daniel Bryan's "Yes!" phenomenon gave to Vince McMahon, it gave Ryback that one last spark he needed to be a made Superstar.

Uh Daniel Bryan had nothing to do with Ryback's success. Hell Goldberg had more to do with it than anything. Do you think if the fans weren't screaming "GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG" during Ryback's matches that Vince would have given a damn about him? Just because you are big and muscular doesn't mean anything for example: Mason Ryan. And no offense to Batista but Mason seemed to be more appealing to the ladies.
I really hope this thread is a joke thread, or that you are high on some serious narcotics.

Ryback gets a reaction simply because he's developing into something awesome. Daniel Bryan's "YES! YES! YES!" chants didn't get him that push. The only thing we can thank Daniel Bryan for is Kane getting more air time. Team Hell No is a hilarious bit. But to give Daniel Bryan the credit for the success thus far of Ryback is beyond me.
So you are basically saying the reason for Ryback's success in getting over is because he waves his arms on the entrance ramp?

Catchphrases and gimmicks are nothing new. I dare to say Ryback got his "feed me more" gimmick from eating damn near everything he sees! There is a video of him from when he was in Tough Enough and the trainers commented on how he never stops eating.

Daniel Bryan is an anomaly, Ryback is not. Sheamus, not Daniel Bryan was supposed to get over huge at Wrestlemania 28. Ryback and Sheamus are what I consider "Vince" guys. Ryback and Sheamus just destroy people. Guys like DB have to find their own niche with the fans or they risk jobbing to the stars. Luckily for DB, his WM loss created a phenomenon that got him over.

But had little to do with the rise of Ryback.
I think you might be putting the cart before the horse in this case. Any jobber can go out to the ring and repeat a phrase (such as "feed me more") over and over ad nauseum, and nothing would come of it. The reason that Ryback's catchphrase ("feed me more") has caught on is because fans like to see Ryback come out to the ring, kick ass for 90 seconds, then walk backstage again.

For example: Heath Slater was coming out and yelling "one man band" for weeks on end - and the fans didn't attach themselves to him like they did Ryback. Slater is even doing a little "windmill guitar thing" with his arms as well. The fans aren't doing that either. The phrase "feed me more" is only being chanted because the fans actually like watching Ryback in the ring. Ryback's wrestling matches first caught the attention of the fans, not his catchphrase. If a wrestler could get over with merely a catchphrase, then there would be a lot more popular wrestling "superstars" in the world. Fact of the matter is that Ryback's "feed me more" catchphrase is not even close to being the secret to his success.

The fans only chant the catchphrases of the superstars they like, it's not that they cheer for the wrestlers with the "best" catchphrases. The fans connect with Ryback's character, not his catchphrase. I think the fans would cheer for Ryback no matter what he said, even if he said absolutely nothing - like Goldberg did for so long (before "who's next?" caught on). Just like with Goldberg, the fans would be cheering "Ryback" if "feed me more" hadn't been applied by the WWE. In fact, I think the "feed me more" phrase was only really given to Ryback so that the fans would stop chanting "Goldberg" during his matches. That's a definite possibility, at least. So I'm sorry, but I think you have this backwards.
Vince's desperate attempt to create his own Bill Goldberg and create a money making, high drawing, star out of nowhere for better or worse, is working just fine. What we need from Ryback we already have. The real question to ask is what do we need from creative to keep this going? What we need is the type of clever, slow burn, long term booking that the old WCW in its heyday once excelled at, but ultimately couldn't sustain.

To simplify, what we need is to not Kevin Nash this.

Mark my words, Vince's worst enemy in the development of Ryback will be his own ADHD.
I would like to say if Ryback wins the title obviously VKM would shit all over the industry. Have Punk retain at HIAC with Lesnar's help. Over the next few months build the Lesnar/Ryback rivalry to culminate from WM where Ryback wins. Punk should not lose the title until SSlam against Ryback and that includes wins over Rock at the Rumble, Cena at EC, and Punk defending the title at WM and ending the UT's streak. Love to see a faction with Punk,Lesnar,Cabana,Hero,and Cesaro along with Heyman built as the Revolution

Punk will not and could not ever carry the company. Christ, they started pushing Ryback to the moon because Cena was gone for a couple weeks and they saw that Punk can't carry a show.

Giving him a stable of a two to five show a year guy (who is a bigger star than Punk will ever be) and a bunch of indy schmoes that nobody on the casual level will ever care about to run amok over the WWE will put the company straight out of business.

This kind of garbage is exactly what people talk about when they're making fun of "IWC" types.
I totally agree that the Ryback phenomenon has a lot of similarity to Bryan's gimmick. There have been hundreds of muscle freaks, and at least half of them were intense. He got a simple but catchy phrase, and he gave it 200%. The phrase is not the only reason, and he may have made his way to the main event at some point. But, If the fans weren't screaming along, he'd be mid card and work his way up to the man event. He hasn't beaten anyone above an Otunga level yet. The catch phrase, delivered with intensity, encouraging audience participation is what shot him up the ladder so fast, Cena injuries or not. So, yeah, he benefited from Bryan's success.
Alot of so called experts also said talent like Danielson and Punk could never make it into the WWE. Punk for the last year has outsold Cena. Thats the very reason why they turned Punk heel because the golden boy wasn't the top merchandiser anymore. Other than when WCW and ECW was around aren't most new talent in the WWE coming from the indy's. Alot of talent within WWE thought Lesnar wasn't going to be a star and they were proven wrong. The stable isnt' to put over the leader but to eventually make the others potential stars or at the very least top mid-card talent
So we have to thank the success behind the recent push of Ryback because of Daniel Bryan? That's so stupid. Fans are chanting FEED ME MORE because of his monster matches, on how he destroys his opponent. Not because of Daniel Bryan.

He hasn't beaten anyone above an Otunga level yet.

I'm pretty sure that The Miz or even Tensai is above Otunga.
Going to put this in bold for the people who don't want to read this essay of a post: I'm not saying that Daniel Bryan, the man himself, is responsible for Ryback's success. I'm saying that Daniel Bryan's routine could possibly be the inspiration for the "Feed Me More" routine. Now, if you have the time, continue reading if you'd like.

What you all have to understand is that fan interaction is having a lot to do with whether or not a Superstar is being pushed or not.

Allow me to explain why I'm in fact not on narcotics, and this isn't a joke.

First of all, the cases of Mason Ryan and Heath Slater. Why weren't they cheered? Well, for Mason Ryan, he debuted as a heel for the Nexus. The bad guy isn't going to get a good reaction no matter how big he is, especially since he was aligned with CM Punk who, at the time, was Nexus' evil leader. I'm talking the majority here, and not the minority who liked CM Punk before "the promo". WWE wanted to make Mason Ryan a force on the roster, but they just didn't know how.

As for Heath Slater, he's small and he's a heel that barely makes it onto the card. He doesn't have the Internet following that Daniel Bryan has, and he sure as hell isn't as talented in the ring or on the mic. Playing air guitar and calling yourself "The One Man Band" isn't going to generate any "One Man Band" chants.

Now that I have that out of the way, I'd like to bring attention to a faction back in the Attitude Era that were panned critically for their wrestling ability, but still spurred a huge fan reaction.

I'm talking about The Oddities.

The gimmick? Absolutely terrible. The talent involved? Slightly passable with ICP sure as hell not helping their cause. However, they managed to get on TV week after week because of the fan interaction. They all came out dancing, and everyone likes dancing, so they'll dance with them. The Oddities got the fans to swing an arm from side to side whenever they came out, and the fans had a lot of fun doing it.

Of course, the talent involved inevitably got them disbanded, but you should get the point by now that if it's catchy enough, then the fans will play along.

I'm in no way saying that Ryback is untalented, and I very much enjoy the aggressiveness he shows in the ring. He is clearly passionate about what he does, and he will have a spot in this company for a long time because of it.

However, if you're going to tell me that fan interaction isn't the very reason why Ryback is already getting a WWE title shot, which is a point that I felt like I didn't have to mention, then you most certainly haven't seen the big picture yet.

If it wasn't for Ryback's routine, he would more than likely be getting an Intercontinental title shot at HIAC and that slow, Goldberg like build that most of you were vying for.

The biggest obstacle for a talent getting over is the fans not really knowing how to react to them. With Ryback, WWE had a whole routine ready for the fans to play along with.

My whole idea with comparing Daniel Bryan to Ryback was how WWE got the idea to have Ryback wave his arms and chant in the first place.

Of course, it definitely takes the right guy to do it. If Mason Ryan, for instance, tried to pull off Ryback's routines, then I don't think a lot of fans would buy into it. With Ryback, he does have a history of being the type who eats large amounts of food on a daily basis. He most definitely looks the part because of it.

The main point that was missed here is that without Ryback's routine, he would in no way be getting the fast track he's currently getting. We'd see The Big Show getting a face turn to face Punk at HIAC before a Ryback without the "Feed Me More" chants.

And if you still don't think that the routine isn't the main reason for Ryback's success, then John Cena starting a "Feed Me More" chant must have been completely pointless to you.

Daniel Bryan restarted the phenomenon of having the perfect routine that The Rock made famous (think about it, folks), and now Ryback is getting a WWE title shot because of it.
I understand your point, and respect your opinion; I just still see it differently. TheLoneCharles said it earlier in this thread, in quite a matter-of-fact way when he said "Catchphrases and gimmicks are nothing new". In one form or another, every wrestler gets a catchphrase and/or gimmick to portray in front of the WWE Universe. They either come up with it themselves, or the company's creative team comes up with it for them. If they don't have something when they debut, then they develop something over time. Some good examples of that are Jeff Hardy's "gun" thing he does with his thumb and two fingers, Cena's "okay sign" he does - or the "you can't see me" thing, Stone Cold had "gimme a hell yeah" (or "what?", or even the middle finger) and even you mentioned The Rock (Rocky obviously did a lot of stuff that connected with the crowd as well).

Ryback's "feed me more" routine just happened to take off, and take off in a major way. Granted, Ryback's routine took off in a similar way to how DB's "yes" (and/or "no") gimmick took off - but no one in the WWE knew that either of those phrases would be gold. The fans just reacted like crazy to both gimmicks (or phrases, or routines, or whatever). I still think that Ryback got the catchphrase/routine over, it's not that the catchphrase/routine got Ryback over.

All I'm trying to say is that every wrestler's catchphrase and/or gimmick is meant to get a huge fan reaction...but not all of them succeed. Neither Bryan's or Ryback's gimmick got over any differently than the way that Stone Cold's did, or Rock's did, or Cena's did, etc. All of those gimmicks got over the same way, it's basically a crap shoot. Throw every catchphrase and gimmick you have at the wall, and see what sticks. It just so happens that the last two wrestlers to have their gimmicks get over like gangbusters were Bryan & Ryback. To me, that's where the similarity ends.
This is ridiculous, im sorry, but it is. If Daniel Bryan had never used the 'yes' gesture, that Ryback would of still been given the same gimmick, with the same catchphrase. Of course the fan interaction and chant of 'feed me more' is a reason he has been pushed into the main event scene, but it is Ryback's intensity and montrous look that has helped him deliver it effectively.

There is no parallel between Daniel Bryan and Ryback. They are 2 completely different superstars, who have created their own path's to the main event scene without the help of each other.
I'm quite relieved that it's not another Ryback thread... Oh, wait... Yes it is... Sigh

Ryback is getting the reaction he gets because of his heel-squashing matches, plain and simple. He's nothing special. Guys like him are lit...,erm, figuratively a dime a dozen. Having a little seizure before a match isn't intensity, it's just stupid. After the monster face run ends (which I hope it does, very soon), Ryback will float back to the mid card, where he belongs.
I am really loving Ryback at the moment because he is just a monster that ends matches quickly, he doesn't get his momentum wasted in pointless story-lines, he just plows right through people quickly and says very few words doing it and everyone loves it, I could see them just putting the belt on him for a year, the only way to do it is just to keep having the matches he's been having, rather than some 20 minute match, it would be a main event match that would end in just minutes, this is the best way to continue his streak and keep building his momentum, title or not..
I'm quite relieved that it's not another Ryback thread... Oh, wait... Yes it is... Sigh

Ryback is getting the reaction he gets because of his heel-squashing matches, plain and simple. He's nothing special. Guys like him are lit...,erm, figuratively a dime a dozen. Having a little seizure before a match isn't intensity, it's just stupid. After the monster face run ends (which I hope it does, very soon), Ryback will float back to the mid card, where he belongs.

So you're saying that if Ryback just came out and squashed heels every week, without the catchphrase or gimmick, that he would still be getting the same reaction?

Just because there are a lot of guys built like him, does not mean that they could all get to where Ryback currently is with the fans. There have been plenty of big guys who have all failed in the past because they could not connect with the audience. Lets give you an example. Vladmir Koslov. For weeks on end, he came out and sqashed local jobbers and WWE jobbers. They pushed him to the moon as this big unstoppable Russian. Yet the audience didn't care one bit about him, because he couldn't connect with them. Another recent one is Mason Ryan. He was introduced as a heel. Nobody cared. He came back a face, nobody cared. Ryback since the start has been getting crowd reactions, because he is believeable. He can only get better from here. Once his face run is over, he can turn into a monster heel. He will be in the main event and upper mid card for a long time to come.
Yes he may end matches quickly and plough through opponents, though I wouldn’t say that storylines are a waste of momentum.
That’s a very short sighted view of what’s going on.
If Ryback wins are they going to keep Cena away from him? And then when Cena faces him Cena will go over. What happens to his momentum then? Thats what happened between Cena and Bobby Lashley. Lashley was the monster who ran through everyone no real storylines involved and faced Cena and lost and poof he was gone.
And how weak would it make Ryback look if he squashes Punk and then get beaten by Cena when Punk has proven over the last year and a bit that he can beat Cena again and again?
Storylines are what builds or destroys these guys in the eyes of viewers. The whole FEED ME MORE thing is in itself a storyline.
I wouldn’t want to see Ryback win the title until he can prove he can carry a storyline or Feud. The whole heavy breathing foaming at the mouth thing can only be entertaining for so long.
What I really want to see from Ryback is a 10-20 minute match. From there we can judge what he can offer long term. Because what WWE needs now is not a flash in the pan but rather a Long term prospect.
Punk will not and could not ever carry the company. Christ, they started pushing Ryback to the moon because Cena was gone for a couple weeks and they saw that Punk can't carry a show.

Giving him a stable of a two to five show a year guy (who is a bigger star than Punk will ever be) and a bunch of indy schmoes that nobody on the casual level will ever care about to run amok over the WWE will put the company straight out of business.

This kind of garbage is exactly what people talk about when they're making fun of "IWC" types.

Actually, Punk's biggest problem right now is the fact his drawing power has been shot to pieces thanks to this badly timed heel turn. He can certainly carry the show & drive storylines forward, but putting bums in seats is another matter.
For whatever reason, to me it makes sense that Ryback gets screwed out of the title by a returning Brock Lesnar at HIAC. We haven't really been fully informed on what the relationship between Lesnar and Punk is even though it's clear they are both 'Paul Heyman' guys. Brock could then go into a program with Ryback, with Ryback eventually going over and consolidating him as a star in the process. Maybe then after a few months we can ask ourselves whether realistically Ryback should get the title. Thoughts?
I’ve said this in a previous post. I do not think WWE will use Lesner to build up and put over new talent. Not with the kind of deal he has. Unless they renegotiate. I don’t see Lesner wrestling anyone other than Taker, Rock or HHH with his remaining time with the company.
I do think that HIAC could be the place Heyman starts building his faction that could be one way to bring up some midcard talent and guys from NXT. That would be more intriguing than having Lesner coming in.
But back on topic.
Ryback cannot walk out of HIAC as champion. As a previous poster mentioned WWE’s TV ratings are dropping and putting the belt on someone this Green would certainly not help things. You need your top two guys fighting over the title and right now those two guys are Punk and Cena.
The point I was making wasn't that he currently needs to talk. But if we are to believe him as a WWE Champion in today's WWE, then as champion he can't just walk around saying "feed me more". That will be boring and stale after the first fued with him as champion. Having said that, I like him and want him to do well, he is a monster and gets the crowd going. But can you really have a SUSTAINED (more than 1 PPV) fued with someone like CM Punk if all it is going to be is CM Punk talking and Ryback twitching (as intense as it does look)?

Also people have mentioned Jeff Hardy and Batista and Lesnar and Bret Hart. Admittedly Bret Hart could talk, but he was a HELL of a technical wrestler and could put on a HELL of a show. Ryback is a monster and CHARACTERWISE shouldn't be able to do that, he relies on destroying his competition. Batista wasn't BAD, he wasn't good, but he wasn't BAD. Jeff Hardy is an exception, and again, much like Bret Hart, he could put on a hell of a show. After years of seeing what he would do to himself for entertainment of the fans, people couldn't help but scream for him. And Goldberg I don't believe had a World Title match so soon after debuting (correct me if I'm wrong, I wasn't the biggest WCW watcher). The rest that people have mentioned, Lesnar, Andre, etc, had managers to speak for them, which is good too. Ryback just can't be silent the rest of his career.

Also, I'm not saying he CAN'T talk, I'd just like to see him do it. It doesn't have to be any articulate CM-Punk-esque thing, just something to let you believe he is into it, or he believes it. Right now he is letting his size and destructive tendencies do the talking, and that is great, right now. One day he will lose, and when that happens, when he is shown to be vulnerable, he needs something to back himself up, and as a Champion, I believe he needs to show SOME ability to speak, or at least have someone speak for him, like when Lesnar debuted.
Vince's desperate attempt to create his own Bill Goldberg and create a money making, high drawing, star out of nowhere for better or worse, is working just fine. What we need from Ryback we already have. The real question to ask is what do we need from creative to keep this going? What we need is the type of clever, slow burn, long term booking that the old WCW in its heyday once excelled at, but ultimately couldn't sustain.

To simplify, what we need is to not Kevin Nash this.

Mark my words, Vince's worst enemy in the development of Ryback will be his own ADHD.

Very good point, he may never need to talk much or do much else if creative can be creative for him. But without Ryback being able to get people behind him by himself once "feed me more" fades (which it will, who knows how long but it will), creative will have to work overtime on just one guy, or let him slip away again.
I can understand the theory behind your thought, but it is wrong. Daniel Bryan got a suprising reaction at WM28. I loved it, and I was cheering for him when he came out as well. But it wasn't the size of the Raw crowd that followed WM28. The reason Daniel Bryan got SUCH a huge reaction the night after WM28, was because the fans, anyone with any interest in wrestling, and my mother, KNEW he got completely screwed by creative at WM. He is a great wrestler and was a CHAMPION, and got a 28 second, one-hit loss to start the show. BECAUSE Bryan is so talented, and BECAUSE they decided to not let him have a match, the fans felt they and he were screwed out of something special. Everyone knew Sheamus was going to win, but no one wanted it to not be a match. The resulting response was to show their respect for DB, as well as their anger that he got screwed at WM, not by Sheamus, but by whoever made the decision to give him that type of loss (probably VKM I'd have to assume). It doesn't follow that they decided to push Ryback because of "Yes!" because of that.

Another point to add, is that when Ryback debuted, his first match, he wasn't just yelling "feed me more" he was yelling a lot of things to see what stuck. Feed Me More was one of them, but it could have failed and "MISTER MACHINE" could have stuck. Thankfully it didn't. In this case I'd put the success of Ryback on Ryback. 4 or 5 guys debuted by squashing people in the same time. Tensai, Brodus Clay, Ryback, and perhaps another I can't remember. But it was a bunch. Only one took off huge, and it was his own doing.
I like seeing all of this talk about a Ryback vs Brock feud. Especially since I have been saying this since his debut.

"And since Ryback is the same height and weight range as Brock, I'm interested in seeing Brock possibly having a short-lived rivalry with Ryback where Ryback narrowly loses."

Ryback is about the same height as Brock and close in weight. The two behemoths need to square off against each other in my opinion. If WWE was being smart in the way they're handling Brock, they would continue to use him as a guy who wins more than he loses. (as a good business decision in case they ever want him to come back after his contract is through). Ryback doesn't really need to be undefeated forever. He's a beast but he can lose against another beast. Or at least, that's the way it should eventually be revealed.

However, I believe Ryback should win the title at Hell In A Cell against CM Punk.

They should tease a possible Brock/Ryback match for a few months just to give Ryback something to shoot for and the fans a decent build-up to anticipate. If (much later) the two of them put on a hard fought PayPerView caliber match and Brock wins the title due to interference or another controversy, Ryback won't be buried and no one will actually think Brock is incapable of maintaining the title fairly since he's already destroyed Cena and HHH (regardless of the Cena "fluke" win). Plus, with the WWE title, Brock would be a very good main event draw at (insert PayPerView event here).

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