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NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. Why is the WWE pushing this guy so much? I cringe everytime his music hits and I have to see his stupid face. I can't stand his head bobbing, or his "FEED ME MORE" crap, or his stupid fucking little march around the ring during his finisher for that matter. I change the channel everytime he comes on my T.V screen.
i kinda agree with the whole Paul Heyman and CM Punk Aligning with Ryback. What would be even better would be to have Ryback win the World Heavyweight championship down the line while Punk still holds the WWE championship. Therefore they will be the Alliance to beat.
LOL I heard more Goldberg chants then anything until Vince ordered that to be blocked in feeds. So the chants you hear are not realistic.

But I myself am against it ONLY BECAUSE he's got no real build up with Punk. To me it would make no sense any more then throwing in Punk against Khali.

As far as I know they cant edit out specific audiences noises on a live broadcast. The goldberg chants happen some places and in others they dont. Doesnt change the fact that the feed me more chants are catching on, and the hand motions.

How does one have a build after seeing a guy in a backstage scene?? Its not like Punk and Ryback just headlined wrestlemania. Cool it man, they will build if they are going to wrestle. We dont need a build to two guys bumping into each other.

I dont really get the Goldberg comparison. Bald with a win streak. If Brock or Umaga were bald would that have happened too? The guy cant help it if he looks like the other bald guy. The wrestlings different. But to each his own!
As far as I know they cant edit out specific audiences noises on a live broadcast. The goldberg chants happen some places and in others they dont. Doesnt change the fact that the feed me more chants are catching on, and the hand motions.

How does one have a build after seeing a guy in a backstage scene?? Its not like Punk and Ryback just headlined wrestlemania. Cool it man, they will build if they are going to wrestle. We dont need a build to two guys bumping into each other.

I dont really get the Goldberg comparison. Bald with a win streak. If Brock or Umaga were bald would that have happened too? The guy cant help it if he looks like the other bald guy. The wrestlings different. But to each his own!

Because he is doing the SAME squash matches and a similar look. I was never a Goldberg fan BUT I can see why people react to him as a Goldberg rip-off.

A lot of stupid chants catch on, doesn't mean they're popular, just people say them.

He will NEVER be as popular or iconic as Goldberg. I know this was his old gimmick in the indies so it's not like VKM is ripping off Goldberg, it's Ryan Reeves who stole it! As I have seen before he's Goldberg wrapped in Rob Van Dam outfits.

No they can't edit it out BUT they can pipe whatever they want through the PA systems like they used to with a certain #1 Superstar who they couldn't take hearing he sucks from the fans.
I think you all have it wrong. I don't think Ryback is going to face Punk just yet. Maybe Mick Foley's promo about being a Heyman guy and how all he cares about is himself. I feel like Ryback will join Punk and Heyman and eventually turn on Punk and Punk will eventually turn back to face/tweener whatever. But if they want to keep the Punk heel thing going they would have Ryback go against him in the near future. But for some really really really suspicious reason I feel that Brock Lesnar is going to be back soon and stir a turd when he comes back weather that be turn face and take out Punk or join Punk to help him from Ryback. So I think WWE wants one of the two Brock or Ryback to be the inforcer of Punk and Heyman and one of them go against Punk.
Because he is doing the SAME squash matches and a similar look. I was never a Goldberg fan BUT I can see why people react to him as a Goldberg rip-off.

A lot of stupid chants catch on, doesn't mean they're popular, just people say them.

He will NEVER be as popular or iconic as Goldberg. I know this was his old gimmick in the indies so it's not like VKM is ripping off Goldberg, it's Ryan Reeves who stole it! As I have seen before he's Goldberg wrapped in Rob Van Dam outfits.

No they can't edit it out BUT they can pipe whatever they want through the PA systems like they used to with a certain #1 Superstar who they couldn't take hearing he sucks from the fans.

A squash match is a squash match, there are hundreds of examples, and they are all the same.

If something catches on then its popular, thats what the word means. Even if its stupid.

Theres the problem. Its not whether he's similar or not. The problem is that he's being dubbed as a Goldberg rip, and therefore not as good. He's a different guy, doing a classic wrestling trope build. He's not aiming to be the next goldberg, its was us fans who decided that, and then said he's not as good a goldberg as goldberg was.

He's a strong guy, so he uses power moves. (should he do highflying moves, would that change it? Or would that be stupid for a muscled tough guy?). He's bald (should he get a new hairstyle?). He's a face (Heel turn?). He has a winning streak like many others (Losing helps new guys get over, right?). Thats all you can say about him thats similar to Goldberg. All of these things could be applied to a number of wrestlers through the years.

Ryan Reeves was the terminator, that was the inspiration. Thats why sometimes theres a big terminator head on his ring gear. He wrestles like he's a piston driven robot. He lifts, he drops, he runs into. Thousands of wrestlers use the same moves or styles, what makes this guy so different that he should be derided for it?

He has RVD gear because he uses the same artist. And i think he's stated the inspiration for that look came from Adam Bomb. (I would love to hear an adam bomb chant!!)

He's just a guy, wrestling, not some lazy brained gimmick stealer schmuk. And he's doing a decent job, which is why people are catching on to the idea. And its a shame others just cant enjoy it because it reminds them of a guy they saw 15 years ago.

Vince isnt piping in images of people cheering for him and doing his actions too, is he? People like him.
LOL I heard more Goldberg chants then anything until Vince ordered that to be blocked in feeds. So the chants you hear are not realistic.

I suppose the "feed me more" Letters that the fans put together in the crowd are not realistic aswell?

A lot of people call Ryback Green, Stiff, Limited and dangerous in the ring. Maybe so but he is without a shadow of a doubt the most physically intense looking Wrestler in WWE at the moment. I'm suprised people havn't started slating him for ripping off British Bulldog now, after the bulldog type running powerslam he did against The Miz on Raw.

WWE has needed a Monster type superstar like this for a long time now. Mason Ryan was thought to be the one but he failed.
According to PWInsider.com, the staredown between the two is mostly intended as a tease. You know, something to get the fans buzzing & speculating about what might possibly come about at a later date.

The report states that the plan is still for John Cena to compete against CM Punk at the Hell in a Cell event. The report goes onto state, however, that there's still speculation that the use of the Punk & Ryback tease was a back up plan just in case John Cena isn't able to wrestle.

If this is indeed what's what, then I think it's the right call. While something beween Punk & Ryback could be interesting, I personally don't think that Ryback is anywhere near being ready. He needs more time and some actual feuds under his belt.
Why does Ryback need a feud under his belt? From memory Sheamus went from ECW- to destroying Jamie Noble - to WWE Champion.... I understand as a heel the path may be easier put if Punk keeps his heel work as good as it is who says Ryback can't get even more over with a real main eventer chasing Punk and looking for revenge... I'm intrigued!
Guess you are too young to remember the criticism of Michaels back in the early 90s. Too small, not reliable enough, a cry-baby. Or the criticism of HHH. That he only got to the top because of his friends and once there kept his spot by you know banging the boss's daughter.

Miz can talk, Miz can have pretty good matches, he's not a ring general, but plays his part very well. But most importantly, Miz gets heat and it's not Xpac heat like ADR gets. Miz gets the you suck, we hate you heat. ADR gets the why the hell are you on my tv heat. One is the right kind of heel heat and the other just means that the fans would rather see you go choke on a cock and die. (Or make porn movies with a transvestite ala xpac)

You know what makes Goldberg and Batista (and even Sheamus to a lesser degree) better than Ryback is they made the fans react to them. I know a lot of people on this board will hate this, but pro wrestlings most unimportant part is the wrestling. If you don't have the look, the charisma, the mic skills, the "it" factor; you will not be a star. Ask Dynamite Kid what having 5 star matches gets you...

Pro wrestling is not a sport, the athletics are just a small piece of the whole pie, It's live theater, featuring predetermined athletic contests. You look at the list of most popular wrestlers ever and you have guys who excel in the ring like Flair, Michaels, and Hart; you had guys who were "poor" in the ring according to most (i personally disagree) such as Hogan, Warrior, and Goldberg; and you have guys in between such as Austin, Rock, and Cena.

If it was the 80s and you could pick one of these sets of wrestlers to start a company with; who would you choose? 1) Hogan, Warrior, Luger, Nash, and Sid or 2) Flair, Dynamite Kid, Great Muta, Tiger Mask, and Steamboat. One set are regarded as poor workers and the others some of the best ever in the ring. Being a huge Flair mark; it'd be tempting to pick #2 solely for him; however the smart business decision would easily be #1.

No I am def not to young!!!! 34 years old i remember exactly what HBK was. He was guilty of being a complete A**hole but was always a fantastic worker and i am sorry Miz is not even in his league. Nobody who has watched HBK since his days in AWA would ever compare him to someone like the Miz. Again i disagree Goldberg and Batista didnt get people to like them right away. Goldberg has to win few matches befor people started to cheer for him. Batista started out as Devons deacon who held a briefcase. Ryback is gaining more and more cheers and fans week after week. Yeah Rybacks push is slower but that doesnt bother me.
No I am def not to young!!!! 34 years old i remember exactly what HBK was. He was guilty of being a complete A**hole but was always a fantastic worker and i am sorry Miz is not even in his league. Nobody who has watched HBK since his days in AWA would ever compare him to someone like the Miz. Again i disagree Goldberg and Batista didnt get people to like them right away. Goldberg has to win few matches befor people started to cheer for him. Batista started out as Devons deacon who held a briefcase. Ryback is gaining more and more cheers and fans week after week. Yeah Rybacks push is slower but that doesnt bother me.

Yeah he was always a great worker, but as the rest of the post demonstrates, match quality is only a small part of the business. It took Shawn well over a decade to become proficient on the stick, hence Sherry being his manager for the first part of his singles career. Miz has never needed that. People compare Shawn to Flair despite him being nowhere near Flair's level on the mic, nowhere near the drawing power, and him only holding the spot as "the man" for about 18 months and that of course during the worse drawing time in company history compared to Flair's nearly 15 year stranglehold on top. If people can compare an average mic worker and non-draw to the greatest of all time; then sure I can compare Miz to HBK.

9 months into his WCW run, Goldberg was already on his roll, was one of WCW's top merch sellers, and at 10 months defeated Hogan for the title. At 9 months Batista had already been paired with Flair and then joined Evolution. He was already being hailed as a lock for being a future world champ, and was part of the main storylines for much of the second half of his first year.

You think Ryback is going to have a Mania match featuring the likes of Flair, Rock, and Foley in his first two years? I'm not saying that he's a bust or that I'm not enjoying his work; but he's now 10 months in and is just now starting anything close to an actual storyline. How's that compare with either Goldberg or Batista?
This just seems like a terrible idea and no good can come from it.

You either ruin Ryback and the build by having him lose and become just another guy on the roster


He beats Punk, something he's not ready for, which also damages Punk.

The only way this turns out not to be a disaster is if it leads to a faction.
Yeah he was always a great worker, but as the rest of the post demonstrates, match quality is only a small part of the business. It took Shawn well over a decade to become proficient on the stick, hence Sherry being his manager for the first part of his singles career. Miz has never needed that. People compare Shawn to Flair despite him being nowhere near Flair's level on the mic, nowhere near the drawing power, and him only holding the spot as "the man" for about 18 months and that of course during the worse drawing time in company history compared to Flair's nearly 15 year stranglehold on top. If people can compare an average mic worker and non-draw to the greatest of all time; then sure I can compare Miz to HBK.

9 months into his WCW run, Goldberg was already on his roll, was one of WCW's top merch sellers, and at 10 months defeated Hogan for the title. At 9 months Batista had already been paired with Flair and then joined Evolution. He was already being hailed as a lock for being a future world champ, and was part of the main storylines for much of the second half of his first year.

You think Ryback is going to have a Mania match featuring the likes of Flair, Rock, and Foley in his first two years? I'm not saying that he's a bust or that I'm not enjoying his work; but he's now 10 months in and is just now starting anything close to an actual storyline. How's that compare with either Goldberg or Batista?

HBK is known as the SHOWSTOPPER for a reason not because he was known for great mic work but because he could steal a show with his in ring work unlike any befor him including Flair. Their is a reason even Ric Flair has so much respect for Shawn Micheals. When I see Miz I don't see a guy who cuts a promo that makes you wanna listen like Flair would. Miz comes off as whiny little bitch!!!! The whole I'm awesome and you're not is childish. Miz is a joke!!!!! He has been in the WWE dog house now for a while, he simply doesnt belong in the Main event or WWE or WHC title picture. Shawn Micheals came up during a much different age in Pro Wrestling. Mic work was done back then yes Flair took Mic work to a whole new level but not all of the stars from back then were great on the mic. Back then you didnt really have to be.

How long has Ryback been back??? It hasn't been 10 months yet I know that. Plus I am not looking for Ryback to be Goldberg. I want Ryback to be Ryback. Goldberg ended people's career's with his horrible in ring work. I don't care how popular he was and he was arguably the most popular wrestler from the late 90's. But Goldberg couldn't wrestle a match longer than 4 minutes. His match with DDP at the one WCW PPV he looked horrible. DDP had to literally carry him thru that match only to job to him in the end. Its silly for me to believe that Ryback will gain Goldberg Rock,Austin or Lesnar like popularity but he can become very popular and I think his in ring works in really good. Much better than Goldberg or Batista his popularity will come as tiem goes. Ryback is the only guy in WWE right now who can realistically pull off a Lesnar or Goldberg type character. If you wanna talk about guys who are green then the WWE woud have put Mason Ryan in Rybacks position. That guy is dangerous due to being Green. As far as Ryback Main Eventing at Mania of course that won't happen. But unlike Lesnar or Batista Ryback is doing it solo no mouth piece or manager. More like Goldberg in that respect. I just hate the disrespect Ryback gets on a lot of boards, No from you specifically but so many people kep throwing out that he is dangerous and I think that was a BS report. Vince McMahon would not allow him on TV if he was that dangerous in the ring or if he was a liability. Ryback is going to be a BIG time player in the WWE. I don't care how long or slow they build him up to be that. I can't stand the Lesnar and Goldberg comparison in terms of how fast he will get a major world title. Lesnar was WWE's answer to Goldberg. Ryback is WWE's new answer to the Goldberg Lesnar like character's of the past. he is getting a big push and moved along slowly and personally i see now reason to rush it.
Seems like casual fan doesn't seem to care all that much seeing how Ryback lost 500,000 viewers on RAW this week. So I expect the WWE to just drop this whole thing.
Seems like casual fan doesn't seem to care all that much seeing how Ryback lost 500,000 viewers on RAW this week. So I expect the WWE to just drop this whole thing.

Are you saying that 500,000 fans didnt watch raw this week because they knew the twist at the end of a live broadcast was Ryback??

Or do you have some information that shows that half a million people changed the channel for the last ten seconds of the show??

Sources man! Or I call bullshit!
Are you saying that 500,000 fans didnt watch raw this week because they knew the twist at the end of a live broadcast was Ryback??

Or do you have some information that shows that half a million people changed the channel for the last ten seconds of the show??

Sources man! Or I call bullshit!

All you have to do is look up the ratings breakdown and thats not very hard to do you stupid mark, A little more than half a million viewers tuned out during the Ryback match. Thats a fact.
All you have to do is look up the ratings breakdown and thats not very hard to do you stupid mark, A little more than half a million viewers tuned out during the Ryback match. Thats a fact.

Asking for sources doesnt make me a mark does it?

That same segment that lost those veiwers was the one with Daniel Bryan and Kane, Barret and Kidd and the return of Jerry Lawler.

The hour before that lost 500,000 viewers too, and the one after if too! When Damien Sandow and DB and Kane were on, Raw had one its lowest rating in a decade.
Maybe youre right, none of the superstars are over but Cena and Punk and Foley? Maybe it was the highly popular and highly controversial football that was on at the same time?

Maybe you should chill and not jump to insulting people who ask you for sources! I just wanted information to better understand what you were telling me.

Heres the sources I used: http://www.24wrestling.com/924-raw-breakdown-punk-and-foley-main-event-more/
I'm interested because it is FRESH. It will sink and swim on it's own, but I'm keen to see it because it will be original television. Of course, it may go nowhere...
Last week on Raw after CM Punk attacked Mick Foley, he returned to hit Mick Foley again but he wasn't able to do that because Ryback was there. They both stared at each other and then Raw went off air. With John Cena being questioned to whether he will be back on time to face CM Punk at hell in a cell, do you think putting Ryback in a feud with CM Punk to be a good feud/decision? Will CM Punk end Ryback's streak or they will push Ryback and put him in the title picture? What do you think?
It will have to end with ryback joining punk.

They keep ryback on tv, give him some character and then they can feed him the lower faces before putting him in the title picture
Hey - the way I see it there's money in this feud. Why? Something's at fucking stake for a change. We have some fucking questions for a change. We can't fucking answer them right away for a change.

Can Punk beat him? Will Punk beat him? Should Punk beat him? Will Ryback keep his streak? Will he lose it? What does it mean for Punk if he loses to Ryback? Where does Ryback go if he beats Punk?

Oh, and the most important question of them all. How will the WWE fuck this one up?

Tune in every Monday for Monday Night RAW and find out, folks! Aaaand remember! Anything can happen in the WWE! ... but nothing ever does.

Hey does the midget own the company by now? They made him Champion, he won Battle Royals, GM'd for a while, made Chavo his prison bitch, I figured it's about time he replaced Vince. It would be so funny! Because he's a midget! L-O-L!
Maybe we should wait to see if it even results in a feud. For all we know, they just threw Ryback into that scene to gauge the fans' reaction. He's also involved with Miz currently.

Let's wait until Monday night.
Not only does Ryback hardly have a "streak" beating almost exclusively jobbers but if Ryback faces Punk and the streak isn't beaten it better be because CM Punk get's DQ'd or something because there is NO WAY Ryback is our next WWE champion.

I'm not even that down on the guy and I definately see potential in him but I don't think he should have already been working with the IC title, let alone beat the champion cleanly, not to mention be in a WWE title match!!!!!!

So right now I'm gonna believe this was a test by Vinnie Mac, his reaction didn't warrant a WWE title match, & we won't get Ryback/Punk atleast till 2013.
Not only does Ryback hardly have a "streak" beating almost exclusively jobbers but if Ryback faces Punk and the streak isn't beaten it better be because CM Punk get's DQ'd or something because there is NO WAY Ryback is our next WWE champion.

If Goldberg's streak was legit, then so is Ryback's to this point. Most of Goldberg's first wins were on WCW Saturday night against jobbers as well.

Anyways, I don't see this being an actual fued. They may have a non-title match on Raw, but if they do, it won't end clean. Either Miz gets involved and causes a DQ or Punk walks out like he did with Sheamus. A match like this would serve 2 purposes. First, it would test Ryback's crowd reaction against a top guy. Second, if Punk ends up weaseling out like the typical heel, it would add more fuel to the heat that he's building.
I would like to see this feud happen but after Ryback has finished his feud with The Miz, This is how I see it happening.

Ryback will defeat The Miz at Hell In a Cell to win the Intercontinental Championship and then in a Rematch at Survivor Series, Then at Tables, Ladders and Chairs Ryback will defeat The Miz in a Ladder Match to retain the Intercontinental Championship. Then Ryback will go back to squash matches on Raw and then after Cm Punk loses the Wwe Championship to The Rock at Rumble, He will go after Ryback and eventually Cm Punk will defeat him ending his Streak and winning the Intercontinental Championship.

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