**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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now hear me out.. i know with ryback and punk having the stare down to end raw makes it seem that it will be punk.. but what if its the "other" haymen guy, brock lesner who returns, and beats him. might be a decent fued.

They already tried Goldberg vs Lesnar once.. it didn't work. What's a guy with half the skill set of Goldberg and a guy with half the desire that the old Brock had going to do? Brock isn't the same competitor he used to be and Ryback is so green that type of match would be a health concern to both men.

I honestly think it will be... now hear me out on this one... Wade Barrett. With this whole "we want Nexus" thing that's been going on isn't it very possible that Wade tries to convince Ryback to join with him, only to inevitably turn on him and eventually defeat him? It's clear that both men are rising thru the ranks. Ryback is obviously being pushed towards the next level but again Barrett is right there as well. World class talent. What would Punk gain from beating Ryback? Nothing. Well except that he beat a muscled up ape...but he's beaten Cena so many times aren't we a bit tired of seeing Punk beat up apes? So let Wade & Ryback go at it after HIAC and let Wade go over him. This could also solidify Wade as a decent threat to any championship and it won't kill Ryback's momentum entirely either. Call me crazy but I'd much rather watch 2 future WWE Champs duke it out than Cena burying Ryback.
They already tried Goldberg vs Lesnar once.. it didn't work. What's a guy with half the skill set of Goldberg and a guy with half the desire that the old Brock had going to do? Brock isn't the same competitor he used to be and Ryback is so green that type of match would be a health concern to both men.

I honestly think it will be... now hear me out on this one... Wade Barrett. With this whole "we want Nexus" thing that's been going on isn't it very possible that Wade tries to convince Ryback to join with him, only to inevitably turn on him and eventually defeat him? It's clear that both men are rising thru the ranks. Ryback is obviously being pushed towards the next level but again Barrett is right there as well. World class talent. What would Punk gain from beating Ryback? Nothing. Well except that he beat a muscled up ape...but he's beaten Cena so many times aren't we a bit tired of seeing Punk beat up apes? So let Wade & Ryback go at it after HIAC and let Wade go over him. This could also solidify Wade as a decent threat to any championship and it won't kill Ryback's momentum entirely either. Call me crazy but I'd much rather watch 2 future WWE Champs duke it out than Cena burying Ryback.

a muscled up ape?

such pure class right there. Just completely ignoring that Ryan Reeves has been an athlete pretty much his entire life. Hes also been training and has been paying his dues for the better part of 7+ years now
now hear me out.. i know with ryback and punk having the stare down to end raw makes it seem that it will be punk.. but what if its the "other" haymen guy, brock lesner who returns, and beats him. might be a decent fued.

That makes sense, except Lesnar beating him or even facing him.

What if Ryback is the next piece to a "we want respect" type faction? I have a feeling Lesnar will have nothing to do with Heyman when Lesnar returns because he'll be on weekly for his WrestleMania feud to unfold.

CM Punk, Ryback, Heyman and some other young other talent (Ziggler?) Might be something like a new version of Evolution.
That makes sense, except Lesnar beating him or even facing him.

What if Ryback is the next piece to a "we want respect" type faction? I have a feeling Lesnar will have nothing to do with Heyman when Lesnar returns because he'll be on weekly for his WrestleMania feud to unfold.

CM Punk, Ryback, Heyman and some other young other talent (Ziggler?) Might be something like a new version of Evolution.

I like this idea alot. But what if Ryback is actually the key piece of a reformed Nexus? Wade could run wild while feeding Ryback whoever gets in his way. The payoff, of course, is the Ryback turn on Wade that propels him much like Batista in Evolution.
I like this idea alot. But what if Ryback is actually the key piece of a reformed Nexus? Wade could run wild while feeding Ryback whoever gets in his way. The payoff, of course, is the Ryback turn on Wade that propels him much like Batista in Evolution.

Either way works with me. I just don't think they can have Ryback as a singles competitor without copying what WCW did with Goldberg
Mark Henry? Was that serious? That would be my a colossal failure by the WWE. Henry, if he were to faceoff with Ryback, it would be to put Ryback over even more. Rumors say the WWE is VERY high on this guy, feed him big powerhouse guys and show how unstoppable he is.

That being said, the first time Ryback loses I see it being a dusty finish. Its hard to imagine having someone go over clean on this guy they way they've built him. I see him siding with Punk and Heyman and eventually, IF the WWE really wants to push him to the moon, have him take the title from Punk. Only problem with that (and most people are forgetting this) is The Rock. He is taking on the WWE champ at Royal Rumble. He is a HUGE wrench in this theory although it is my favorite.

Worst case scenario, he gets fed to Cena
disclaimer.... this is not about when the streak will end, there is another thread about this.....

Now, at the end of the last episode of monday night raw, CM punk kicked Mick Foley, as he was about to go and keep beating him up he was stopped on his tracks by Ryback, and Raw ended as this two had a stare down....

Now, Ryback just beat the miz clean by pinfall and he may be in line for the intercontinental title and he might just win it since he just beat the champion. but this stare down cant just lead nowhere. as far as we know about Cena, he might or might not be cleared to wrestle by the time hell in a cell comes around so ryback might be a last minute replacement.

Do you want to see this match happen? Ryback cant win forever and he will eventually lose, but will CM Punk be the man to do it? what can this rumored feud do for ryback´s career? do you agree on ryback having a wwe title shot? on ppv??

No, Not a fan until they do something with Ryback to distinguish himself from Goldberg/Lesnar.

And considering he was working with random indy workers a couple of months ago cause he was to dangerous to work with main roster talent, i wouldnt put the companys No 2 golden goose in his path.

However, Ryback would spare us from another Big Show match with Punk, or some other recycled fued no one cared about, so thats a bonus.

If Cena wont be ready in time, they should put Orton in it on the spot, let him take one day off shooting to make the score 1 - 1 after WM27 and that would setup a rubber match in the future.
I think Ry-Back vs. Punk will happen down the road. I think they were just teasing a possibly future feud for Punk. I can see Ryback dominating for the rest of this calendar year. I can also see him possibly winning the Rumble to face Punk at mania 29. I don't see him losing anytime soon unless WWE blow it by having him lose to Punk at Hell in a Cell.

If I had to pick who will end his undefeated streak I guess Possibly Wade Barrett, if the Nexus is going to get back together, or possibly Cena, hopefully leading to a Cena heel turn.
Ryback is still a nobody as far as I'm concerned. He hasn't done a damn thing of importance, he's a TERRIBLE wrestler, and he's the second-rate version of an already second-rate wrestler in Goldberg. Ryback doesn't even deserve to be in the ring with The Miz, let alone CM Punk.
Ryback is gaining momentum week by week and is starting to really get over but as we know, WWE makes some decisions that can seem strange and maybe they are thinking of turning Ryback heel?

Maybe last night was a case of tricking us to think Ryback will have heat with Punk when really he is going to allign himself with Punk/Heyman and take that 'enforcer role' everyone is obsessed with when it comes to stables? Protecting Punk will make Ryback more dominant and gain extra heat for Punk.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Ryback interfear in the HIAC main event and cost John Cena the title. This then gives John Cena something to do as we all know Punk will slowly start to move into his programme with Rock building towards the Royal Rumble. Sure Rock has the title shot at Royal Rumble but he could return sooner and maybe do a Survivor Series again like last year. We are only two months away.

Punk can do for Ryback what he couldn't do for Mason Ryan and with the help of Paul Heyman they could make Ryback into the ultimate monster. Like Brock Lesnar.

Hmmmm - Rock & Cena team up again to face Punk and Ryback at Survivor Series? Sure beats the team of Miz and R Truth!
i was happy with Ryback getting a chance to destroy Miz for the IC title, but already writing him in with Punk? no no no... too much, too early. and it doesnt look like this is just an ole 'im gonna get involved in ur business, were gonna have a match or two and then everyone will forget about any of this' storyline. the fact that Foley was brought in for this basically tells us that this is brickwork being set so that creative has the option of a big fued in Cenas absence.

i dont like it... i dont dislike Ryback like alot of people iv seen on this forum, but im sick of creative force feeding us BS just like the next guy is. the only way i feel Ryback v. Punk would be interesting is if it had the whole underdog, unproven rookie one-upping the champ angle. ala Shelton getting the better of Trips time after time a few years back. that obviously wouldnt even WORK for these 2 as its backwards. Punk is too small, and Ryback entirely too big, for THAT angle to be credible so i have no clue what they are doing, but i think whatever it is it WILL prove to be too much.

but at the same time, i suppose new and forced would be better then old and played. if i have to see Big Show in another title match i will be HIGHLY upset. if the plan IS to somehow have Ryback face Punk then id have him face Miz on the same card. beat Miz for the IC title, then have him face Punk. play the whole "he has to be tired from the fight earlier" card for all i care, just dont try to make him out to be main event material yet. and after Punk wins (which he will, considering Rock will be kickin his ass soon) and have Zigs TRY to cash in. i think it would at least lead to some good tv.
I think its a little too early to put him in an angle with one of their top stars. Let him really dominant the midcarders like Miz before you put him against wrestlers like Punk, Orton or Cena etc.

Imagine if Ryback is the one that ends Punk's title reign. IWC would be going crazy if Ryback beat their net darling. :lmao:
Does it have to lead anywhere right now is the question. Was he there against Punk or for Foley? Was it more protecting the weak from the strong than anything to do with Punk?

He's still really green, but Vince has been said to been high on Skip since NXT so it's not really surprising if he gets a small main event rub. How much could it help his credibility if he could beat Punk? What if they do the traditional close match, face gets upperhand, heel walks away finish? Punk doesn't get beaten, Ryback looks like a threat to anyone, and his win streak is still in tact.

I don't see him aligning with Punk, as he's not a "Heyman Guy" and hasn't drunk the koolaid. Plenty of guys in FCW that are though...

Got to admit, I like the fact they threw it in, at least it wasn't just a Cena over-coming-the-odds normal finish...
Oh and Miz is not a midcarder. He might be holding the IC title, but you don't go from headlining Mania with Rock and Cena to being a midcarder. There's something very big planned for him coming up very soon. Just watch and see.
Looks to me like it is setting up a future Tag Team Match at a future PPV.

CM Punk & Brock Lesnar /w Paul Heyman Vs John Cena & Ryback /w Mick Foley

Obviously WWE arn't building Ryback as a Talker so it would be good to align him with a good mouthpiece like Mick Foley or John Cena.

Maybe Ryback protecting Foley like that means Ryback is going to be managed by Foley ? Foley could come out next week and announce it perhaps.

Loved the ending of Raw when the camera panned to show Ryback stood there. Makes you want to tune into next weeks show, to see if Punk, Heyman or even Mick Foley will say anything about Ryback putting himself in the middle of the main storyline.
just a thought...

wwe is pushing ryback as a face, now.

He can be the right big man in a team match at survivor series, to fight Brock lesnar.

Think about it: team Triple H, captain jhon cena, plus Ryback and some faces

team Paul Heyman, captain Cm Punk, plus brock lesnar and other heels

I'd love it!
They should bring in Kevin Nash and let him do the honors.

But seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if Big Show or someone beats Ryback and his push is ended. The WWE has brought in a few guys in the last year or so (Brutus Clay, Sin Cara, Tensai) who were pushed hard then jobbed out.
just a thought...

wwe is pushing ryback as a face, now.

He can be the right big man in a team match at survivor series, to fight Brock lesnar.

Think about it: team Triple H, captain jhon cena, plus Ryback and some faces

team Paul Heyman, captain Cm Punk, plus brock lesnar and other heels

I'd love it!

Why wouldnt Triple H wrestle? Triple H has heat with Brock Lesnar first and foremost, not really Paul Heyman. Sure Heyman was used to further the fued but he is now alligned with Punk.
First Miz is IC champion which is a MIDCARD title!!!!! He got destroyed by Ryback last night who as of right now in his push is still a MIDCARD talent, who hasnt gotten to the main event level just yet. Miz is a MIdcarded and thats that. I don't care if he headmined Wrestlemania two years ago. He was the worse WWE Champion I have ever seen. Miz is not Main Event calibur what so ever. The WWE realizes that hence they cut him down quite a bit. He was and may still be in the dog house. ADR has gone on record saying Miz is a baby and he doesnt like him. As far as Ryback's stare down of Punk going off the air last night during Raw. It doesnt have to lead to a match right away. Ryback was protecting Mick Foley!!! Punk didn't look like he wanted anything to do with Ryback either. I believe I saw some fear in Punks face almost like he saw a ghost.
It'll be interesting to see how they follow this up. In my opinion, however, it's FAR FAR too soon for Punk vs. Ryback. The WWE has been doing a good job with not pushing that aren't ready for it and/or taking their time in pushing & building wrestlers. Ryback is someone that needs work and he needs to be involved in some solidified feuds & programs.

If they want to put Ryback in a match against Punk in which Ryback shows that he's a tough guy that can hold his own against top talents in WWE, but ultimately comes out on the losing end, then I'm fine with that. If they want to show Ryback as someone that MIGHT be at that level one day, I've no problem with it. However, moving Ryback right into a title shot is only going to hurt Ryback in the long run. He's getting decent responses now but he hasn't really shown a lot because he hasn't had any real feuds yet.

If they were going for an idea of just jumping Ryback to the main event scene, like they did with Sheamus a few years back, it just won't work because, frankly, Ryback's not nearly as good as Sheamus. Last night might've been a case of Ryback simply being in the right place at the right time to prevent Punk from further attacking Foley. If Cena is unable to compete at HIAC, then he could pick Ryback as his replacement for the match possibly. It'll be a chance for Ryback to be tested and to be in a big ppv match but being ultimately unsuccessful in winning the title. A possible drawback to that idea, however, would be Ryback losing in his first "real match" thus far.

As I said, it'll be interesting to see how they follow this up.
Ryback is being used as an enforcer... I don't understand why his match with the Miz is already on the back burner & they are putting him in this role already but I'm sure if the WWE is rushing it they have a good enough reason to do so. I want to see Miz Vs Ryback @ Hell In A Cell (One because Im going & Two I want the IC title to mean something again) So yeah that's my opinion and I also agree with the others who said this is a build to Survivor Series... It's nice to see that even with HIAC being a month away they are already building for Novembers PPV... That tells me they have HIAC booked pretty soild to move forward like that...
Yes I am. Ryback has had no feud with anyone memorable, he needs one and what better way than to chuck him into a feud with star number 2. He doesn't have to win, but he could replace cena if he can't make It. Having said that, I ain't sure he is ready for it. He has only faced the miz once, he needs more time than this.

I don't think he will, I think he will face cena, as cena will make it to he'll in a cell. But ryback could face punk at raw next weak. Or hell. Of there building a team up for survivor series, have ryback, cena, Sheamus, orton and two more faces vs team heyMan.
After the end of RAW tonight, it might be CM Punk. I hate it because Ryback doesn't deserve a title shot yet and if Cena isn't cleared by then, that's exactly what'll happen.

I'm SURE if Ryback is the backup, there will be a decent, brutal match carried by Punk that will end in a DQ of some sorts (I know, it's HIAC) or Punk just walking out...that way he's still the champ but Ryback doesn't "lose".
It'll be interesting to see how they follow this up. In my opinion, however, it's FAR FAR too soon for Punk vs. Ryback. The WWE has been doing a good job with not pushing that aren't ready for it and/or taking their time in pushing & building wrestlers. Ryback is someone that needs work and he needs to be involved in some solidified feuds & programs.

If they want to put Ryback in a match against Punk in which Ryback shows that he's a tough guy that can hold his own against top talents in WWE, but ultimately comes out on the losing end, then I'm fine with that. If they want to show Ryback as someone that MIGHT be at that level one day, I've no problem with it. However, moving Ryback right into a title shot is only going to hurt Ryback in the long run. He's getting decent responses now but he hasn't really shown a lot because he hasn't had any real feuds yet.

If they were going for an idea of just jumping Ryback to the main event scene, like they did with Sheamus a few years back, it just won't work because, frankly, Ryback's not nearly as good as Sheamus. Last night might've been a case of Ryback simply being in the right place at the right time to prevent Punk from further attacking Foley. If Cena is unable to compete at HIAC, then he could pick Ryback as his replacement for the match possibly. It'll be a chance for Ryback to be tested and to be in a big ppv match but being ultimately unsuccessful in winning the title. A possible drawback to that idea, however, would be Ryback losing in his first "real match" thus far.

As I said, it'll be interesting to see how they follow this up.

Personally, I just think this is a test for Ryback. It's clearly going to be Cena vs. Punk at HIAC, they just need someone to fill in for Punk in the time being. If Ryback was really being put into a feud with Punk it would be him main eventing house shows and not Big Show. This is most likely filler since Cena is obviously extremely limited for the upcoming weeks. This isn't much different than Kane vs. Cena at the beginning of the year. Simple filler before the big match looming.

As for Ryback's push, I'm surprised they had him just nearly squash Miz like that, but seeing as they're possibly putting him near the main event to test him, I guess hindsight is 20/20. This will be interesting to watch, that's for sure.

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