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I think everybody has a good point on this one. its not just Rybacks fault, but at the same time Ryback needs to be thinking a bit more before peforming these moves. So going back and getting a bit more training would not hurt. Have him Get taken out by Big Show then after a few months have him come back bigger and better then before.

You do realize that Ryback is in the middle of a PUSH!!!!!! They are not going to have Big Show take him out over a messed up Back body drop that wasnt entirely his fault. Mishaps happen in Pro wrestling to even the best workers. It happens you people need to give the whole Ryback needs more training a rest. If ryback needs more than so does Swagger cause he was just as much at fault.
I agree, the irony being you attempted to take my comment out of context, but due to your lack of an education you used apostrophes instead of quotation marks. So allow me to reiterate by quoting myself, "your an idiot."

I took nothing out of context. It is 'you're', not 'your', you idiot! Also, you should probably learn the various uses of apostrophes and the manner in which they can and should be utilised in place of quotation marks, because you clearly stopped paying attention in school.

Also, my first class honours degree prooves you wrong about a lack of education, kid!

Furthermore, deciding to quote your incorrect use of language a second time only cements the clear fact that YOU'RE an idiot! Then again, look where you are from. What should anyone expect.
I can't figure out why they waste all this time on this guy . As Op mentioned he can not even properly backdrop a guy ; he doesn't bend over enough , stands up too fast and grabs the guys HIPS (which prevents the opponent from easily turning ) . Thank goodness Swagger is actually good in the ring or else .

He also has the ring awareness of a first month student , not an almost 8 year wwe wrestler His balance is very bad as well , as he triped up swagger early .

Go back and watch this past mondays match, Ryback is feeding swagger for a simple first week learned Bodyslam..he doesn't even know where to place his hands , lol.

The week prior he went for a false pin WITH HIS BACK FACING AWAY FROM THE CAMERA, which is a huuuge no no in wwe .

Fans will chant or follow for the primary reason that they paid their money to enjoy a show . Participating in set up spots on the show is fun... like the wave at a baseball / football game . Does anyone really care about the wave ? But it's fun for the seconds it last and you paid money to have FUN ...

All this , coupled with his wellness failures, injuries makes him a worthless investment , in my opinion . I would rather Jinder , Swagger , Ryder get the push
It almost looked to me like Swagger wasn't expecting a backdrop at that moment. He's selling the throw into the turnbuckle a little, and Ryback's there within a couple of steps to backdrop him. It just seems like an odd time to be doing that spot. It's hard for the guy getting thrown to build any momentum when they're in that close.

Coming off a buckle for a backdrop is one of the oldest spots in the book . It's actually better than the ropes , as the ropes can throw guys off balance .

Ryback is just not a good wrestler , and he really doesn't seem too strong since his debut. A few weeks back he hardly was able to Powerslam Swagger , who's true weight is around 245 not billed 260 . We've even seen him struggle to press very light jobber guys .
This isn't painting or anything of that risk level. This is Professional Wrestling. Accidents happen and people WILL get hurt. What happened here was a case of both wrestlers being to blame. Swagger dramatically decreased his speed and momentum when he rebounded off the turnbuckle. So part of the blame was Swagger not committing to the bump. The other part of the blame rests firmly on Ryback's shoulders and the part of fault that was his is that he almost seemed to back out last second and not support the weight correctly and in turn he was left unbalanced and had to correct.

Anyway though, the reaction of this is case of massive overreaction and also trying to find something to make a massive deal over. The facts are that people do get hurt in this game. That's the reality.
When you push someone like they've pushed Ryback, you have no choice but to keep it going until he hurts someone. I'm sure that he's determined to not permanently injure his opponents.

I think it's a dumb gimmick that will end up paying homage to the career of Vladimir Koslov eventually, but for now I'll just ooh and aah like everyone else while he's allowed to stomp over the lowercard talent for the next two years.

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Did Jack Swagger Sandbag? probably - looks a little bit like he did.

Does that excuse Ryback of all blame? It's all about perspective.

When Bob Holly got his neck broken by Lesnar it was Bob's fault, he bagged a rookie who didn't know how to deal with it - it's not uncommon practice. Lesnar had been wrestling for what? Three, four years at that point?

The key difference is this, Ryback is NOT a rookie, he's been in and out of the WWE for over ten years, he didn't get enough lift and then he did nothing to help Swagger out after the fact. It was a bad botch and WWE frankly needs to do something about it now rather than waiting for someone to get injured.
He just needs a match with Orton. One of two things will happen. He will learn to perform better and more safely or be fired like Kennedy was. I dont really care for what they are going with him anyway.
I Respect Ryan Reeves as a person and he has been in the game for a long time now paying his dues ,I Respect that but he should not be on tv or getting a push what so ever unless they were doing with him what they did with Bock Lesnar at first but since they are not doing that they need to throw him back to FCW/NXT or wherever, he's not ready and his in ring skills are very sloppy.
With the 'E building up Ryback slowly (& by slowly, i mean even slower than a snail) and with Big Show not really doing anything at the minute, I don't know about any of you, but I would like to see a Ryback vs Show feud, I know that not much personality would be involved but I would love to see Ryback 'Shell Shock' Big Show and become the victor..

What do you think?
With the 'E building up Ryback slowly (& by slowly, i mean even slower than a snail) and with Big Show not really doing anything at the minute, I don't know about any of you, but I would like to see a Ryback vs Show feud, I know that not much personality would be involved but I would love to see Ryback 'Shell Shock' Big Show and become the victor..

What do you think?

No chance, Ryback isn't even in Big Show's league IMO, let him stick to what he's good at, squashing no name jobbers, until Vince or HHH gets bored and Ryback is eventually "future endeavoured".
If Ryback could march around with The Big Show on his shoulders and deliver a decent looking 'shell shocked'.. I would be pretty impressed.

In a perftect world... Ryback has finally (just) developed a little bit of a reaction with the fans, and The Big Show is on the tail end of his 'heel' run.. It would be now or never to go ahead with a feud.. Give Ryback a quick shock domination(overpowering), then a single full match between the two. Have Ryback go over semi-clean possibly with a little 'distraction' from a 3rd party. Nice rub for Ryback, giving show an easy out with the 3rd man.

But this won't happen... Ryback is too rough in ring and has too many jerky double actions in his delivery (even with smaller wrestlers). With somebody like The Big Show (who does have marketable value), Ryback is too much of a risk and A). It would result in an injury... or B). Would result in a dissapointing botch.
I'm kind of biast I quess because I think Big Slow is EASILY the worst thing on WWE programming (especially for being main event/top-midcard level) and one of the most overrated workers currently. I didn't care for him as a face but his heel run has been boring, stale, & POINTLESS. Unless he starts putting over some young talent, he has done nothing but lose and complain, what a shocker?!?!?!

But I would like to see Show & Ryback. I don't know why Ryback is fueding with the waste of space, Jinder Mahal. I quess I get the idea, with Mahal he looks like the star carrying things, instead of the other way around if he was working a veteran. I like the idea of a quick powerful victory over Show for a nice rub.

Either way I think everyone wants to see Ryback clash with some Top-Tier (Basically Non-Rookie or anyone better than Mahal) talent that is bigger and could give a Hogan/Andre, Luger/Yokozuna, Lesnar/Show, etc. feel. Persoanlly I would like to see him face these men (in order from what I want see most to least.):
-Ryback/Brock Lesnar
-Ryback/John Cena
-Ryback/Mark Henry
-Ryback/Wade Barrett
-Ryback/Brodus Clay
-Ryback/David Otunga
-Ryback/The Great Khali
-Ryback/Mason Ryan
I thought about it too, but reports on how he's a terrible in ring worker doesn't make Show seem as a smart choice for a feud. That's probably why they're "feeding him" Mahal. even if kinder jinder gets injured, no one would care.
The problem is, is that he has been in developmental since 2005... If he STILL isn't up to standard safety wise then he's a bust. Others have been canned with far fewer opportunities. I get that Vince want's a new "Goldberg" type dominant guy and he fits that. but not at the expense of hurting people and risking their safety. They should have made Ryback a masked character... that way someone like Mason Ryan could have stepped in...
Was thinking the exactly the same thing. I personally love Ryback and think that he has a very bright future in the WWE. However, after watching his match with Swagger on RAW and the horrible way he threw Swagger, I can understand peoples concerns with him. A feud with Big Show though is definitely something to build to because even though I don't want to see Big Show around the main event, they have done the right thing to build him up as a monster heel because when someone does beat him, cleanly (notice I don't think anyone since his turn has straight up beat him clean yet. I'm probably wrong) it will mean something. But yes, this would be something that would definitely help Ryback
i personally would not like to see a feud between Ryback and Show but i do agree that it probably will happen somewhere down the line.

I think Ryback should continue going the way he is before stepping up to bigger opponents. Both show and ryback are not the best workers the wrestling world has ever seen and i dont think Big Show has the talent to carry a match with Ryback and in turn make him look good. Putting Ryback in there with show at the moment will just highlight Ryback's flaws in my opinion and thats not something you want to do with a young talent that you are trying to push to the moon.

Just carry on letting Ryback work with smaller guys that are talented enough to make him look unstoppable and when he is at a higher level and he has sort of honed his craft and moveset then let him loose on the bigger guys.
Ryback VS Big Show is not really a feud I would be interested in seeing. Luckily, I doubt it will happen anytime in the near future. Ryback is still facing guys like Jinder while Big Show has been busy whining about how he should be in the title matches. They are still too far apart in terms of placement on the card for the feud to happen anytime soon. By the time it happens (if it even does), Ryback would be more established so perhaps it would not be as boring as it would be now.

It would mainly depend on how much Ryback can improve in the ring between now and then. Big Show is incredibly boring as a heel and Ryback needs someone who can put on a good match against him. Big Show is not that guy. The promos wouldn't be anything to write home about either. Even if Big Show were a face during the feud it would likely not be that great. I cannot see a halfway decent match between those two being possible. If a feud is not going to produce good matches then it is simply not worth putting onscreen.
Big Show could put Ryback over big time if he let him no sell the WMD. This is a rivalry I'd actually like to see. And I'm not really a fan of either of these guys at the moment.
I see this being a potential opening match at Mania 29. Would love to see Ryback beat bigger guys like Tensai, Kane, Ryan, Zik, Henry, to lead up to his biggest test, The Big Show at Mania. I think this could be the feud that puts Ryback on the map and starts him feuding for titles. Hopefully he gets more trustworthy in the ring and doesnt blow his big chance of being a future heavyweight champion. Love the idea of this feud happening down the road, but not too far down the road.
Am I the only one who likes watching Ryback abusing a bunch of bums week to week knowing that he will be reckless, win, and deliver some impressive power moves.
Enjoy Ryback for what he is, Goldberg 2.0. Goldberg got over, Ryback is following the same path, let him do what he does best. People are enjoying the show
While it's not really a feud that I'm all that interested in seeing, I do think that it could be a good use of both men at some point in the near future.

Big Show doesn't seem to have anything going on right now. He's out of the WWE Championship picture, though I don't really expect him to stay out of it for too long. I think that WWE could possibly turn it back into a threeway feud with Show, Punk & Cena as a means of keeping them from having too many one on one matches together. After Show's presence there is finished, I could see him moving onto feud with Ryback.

It wouldn't be a classic but at least it would give Ryback real competition against a legit star in the company. Ryback has looked like a beast but, let's face it, there's definitely only so much you can do with putting him in there against jobbers like Jinder Mahal. Also, with the WWE definitely taking the Goldberg route with Ryback, the means there's not going to be a ton of character development going on. This isn't the late 90s and the Goldberg treatment isn't getting eaten up in this day & age as it did back then. Ryback's starting to get a pretty decent response, but he needs something to really get the fans to invest in him on some sort of emotional level beyond "damn, this guy looks like a beast" concept.

Putting him in a feud with Big Show puts him against someone that he's not going to just plow through with little resistance. Portraying Show as a major threat to Ryback could possibly get fans behind him on an emotional level that they haven't yet. Show's a big monster heel and having a big monster heel beating the snot out of you is a good way of getting fans behind you. That's especially true if you take it to the big monster heel courageously.

Personally, when & if he ever makes his return, I think I'd prefer to see Mark Henry feud with Ryback. If they keep Henry with the same sort of persona that he's had over the last year or so, it could be entertaining.
I say let Ryback dominate until it looks like he can't get any more momentum by beating chumps and then start handing him reasonable competition then.
He is different than most faces - he is a monster face. Most faces get support by being beaten up and antagonized by heels. Ryback's appeal is that he beats the crap out of everybody. Watching him struggle won't have the same effect. The fact that he looks unbeatable is his draw, just like Goldberg. Once Goldberg lost, so was his aura
I am interested to see Ryback get less sloppy in the ring and do more in terms of mic work before throwing him to someone like the Big Show, honestly, but eventually I would not mind them do battle
That would be feeding him more lol. I see Ryback working his way up starting at Survivor Series vs Brodus Clay, TLC vs Mark Henry in a tables match, Kane at the Royal Rumble, Khali at EC and finally Big Show at WM and in a WM 3 moment hits a shell shock (setting Show up at the corner first similar to how Joe sets up a musclebuster) and gets the pin.

However if by Survivor Series he is still too dangerous with his power moveset, either release him or sent him back to FCW and give a less power based moveset, similar to how HHH does few power moves even though he's jacked, and change his look name and gimmick to make sure he is unrecognizable as Ryback, unlike Prince A-Tensai.

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