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I could watch Ryback crush jobbers all day...it's oddly pleasurable to watch a huge monster just destroy people....especially because he has a vast moveset and makes it look painfully believable.

Ryback has like 2 or 3 moves which he uses in every match.

And yeah its very "interesting" and "entertaining" to watch a match whose outcome we already know. (sarcasm)

BTW Ryback has faced Heath Slater and Derrick Bateman before who weren't "jobbers" so its not a step up for Ryback.
Think @TheCurtHawkins would be mad if he knew the coin we tossed for the match was rigged? No worries, we're not done with @Ryback22 yet.

That's what Reks wrote on Twitter so I think they're building to a bit of a feud between Hawkins/Reks and Ryback.
I've got a feeling that Ryback is being saved up for a WrestleMania title win. I know that this may not be a popular theory, but I think they're just going to slowly build him through the entire roster, him never losing a match, and then he'll face a big heel at WrestleMania where he takes the WHC decisively.

Also, I could even see him holding both the IC and the WHC, at some point. Sort of the way Goldberg held the US and WCW Championship after he defeated Hogan.

I think at a big show like Survivor Series, he will win the IC and then compete for the other Smackdown title. One thing is clear to me, though: WWE is really in love with Ryback and he's going to get pushed to the moon, much harder than he even has been, so far.
Yes, it is a step up for ryberg, a very small step on a very short ladder. Instead of fighting to nameless Jobbers he is now fighting 1 named Jobber that 1/5 of the wreslting fan population has ever heard of. Next step is Obviously Reks who he will destroy and then both hawkins and Reks.

Ryberg is on his way folks. Good thing Kevin Nash isn't running the show or Ryberg would lose to him at WM.
Ryback has like 2 or 3 moves which he uses in every match.

And yeah its very "interesting" and "entertaining" to watch a match whose outcome we already know. (sarcasm)

BTW Ryback has faced Heath Slater and Derrick Bateman before who weren't "jobbers" so its not a step up for Ryback.

You're not really watching, then. Ryback has a much bigger moveset than the typical beast type wrestler. And even if Ryback faces dudes like Tyler Reks and Mason Ryan, we know who will win. If he faces Christian or Cody Rhodes or Dolph Ziggler, we know who is going to win. That's just how he is being built. I think what you meant to say was "Yeah but I don't like Ryback so what you said doesn't matter to me."
Everybody in this thread just really believes everything that wrestling dirt-sheets publish, but you should know by now that backstage feelings are total bullshit and in fact I really don't think that "nobody" wants to work with him.

Ryback has showed a little bit more in the past two weeks and I'm enjoying his character by now, but it's obvious that he is going to be compared with other stars. Ryback is not Goldberg, the only thing they have in common are his bald heads, people are just stupid and that dumb believe me.

Jerry Lawler was straight edge even before CM Punk started to wrestle, so people should chant "King's" name every time they see Punk. A pointless similarity just like with Ryback. But being serious for just a moment, people start to chant "Goldberg" and "Boring" to him until he actually does his thing in the ring, because while the match is going on most of them actually "WOWs" when he hits his clothesline for instance. Add his powerful style to an awesome and credible look and victories after victories you'll have a big house-hold name. He will eventually attack someone relevant after a match just like Vladimir Kozlov did, but I think that his build up is a lot more stronger and people want to see if he is going to make it.

Since The Big Show, Kane and Mark Henry are in their last run WWE needs to legitimize their midcard and Ryback has a good chance to actually make it and I for one really want to see Randy Orton and Ryback facing off on SmackDown in the near future.
After watching Ryback last night, it is easy to see why many of the bacjstage talent has been fearful of working with him. He rushes EVERYTHING, shows no attempts to protect the guys he is working with and hell, if you want to talk about specifics, he damn near broke Swaggers neck on Raw last night. Now, how can they continue to build a guy as a monster when he is unsafe in the ring? Sooner of later he will hurt someone badly with his wreckless approach to ring work.

So, I guess my question is, does anyone else think Ryback needs to be back on the training circuit rather than making weekly TV slots? To me, one guys push isn;t worth endangering the rest of the locker room. Let's face it, if Ryback didn't look like he did, he would be right out the door.
Yeah but you got to also question Brock Lesnar and Sin Cara in the ring. I'll further judge this after the conclusion to his feud with Jinder.
Swagger's face as he sat on the floor summed it up... Now had he done that to someone higher, he'd be gone, but Swagger's face told me "No point in complaining cos I'll be the one punished." This is a classic case of one of Vince's babies... unless he does actually kill or cripple someone he's here to stay...
.... he damn near broke Swaggers neck on Raw last night.

That was scary. When a wrestler is upside down and in the air, it's totally up to his opponent to keep him safe. Swagger seemed to be instinctively thrusting his arms forward, which broke his fall. Otherwise, there would have been nothing between the top of Swagger's head..... and disaster.

We've had "monsters" in the ring before; guys who are supposed to scare the hell out of us with the almost "inhuman" tactics and punishment they dish out to opponents. But others are able to bring it off without risking the bodies of their foes. Look at Undertaker and Kane; they're monsters, yet they work so cleanly that they never seem to hurt anyone for real.

Hopefully, WWE won't take a reactive stand on this; leaving things as they are and reacting only after Ryback actually hurts someone badly. They've taught him a bunch of high-impact moves that make him look like a beast.....now, teach him to control those moves.
It's really easy to blame it all on Ryback, huh? I took three looks at that match, and Swagger CLEARLY sandbagged that back body drop. On that kind of spot, it's up to the OPPONENT to get enough air to complete the rotation, which Swagger did not. Just sayin'.
King Blitz is right.

Swagger sandbagged that moved. With a back body drop, it's the person taking it doing the work, your opponent is there for some extra leverage/air. Swagger is a big guy, and big guys tend to get lazy on that move.
It's really easy to blame it all on Ryback, huh? I took three looks at that match, and Swagger CLEARLY sandbagged that back body drop. On that kind of spot, it's up to the OPPONENT to get enough air to complete the rotation, which Swagger did not. Just sayin'.

The problem is the position Ryback had his arms in, it caused Swagger to land vertically. This isn't due to Swagger's rotation at all. I watched it over and over and Ryback clearly doesn't help his lift AT ALL. The move isn't just one persoin doing a front flip is it? It requires assisatnce ad Swagger got NONE from Ryback.

The one thing I can agree with is that it is very easy to blame Ryback. As I said before, he rushes and it will end with someone getting hurt. He needs to slow down and enjoy the ride, becaus eat the moemnt, he is practically getting squashes against former heavyweight champs. RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!
The problem is the position Ryback had his arms in, it caused Swagger to land vertically. This isn't due to Swagger's rotation at all. I watched it over and over and Ryback clearly doesn't help his lift AT ALL. The move isn't just one persoin doing a front flip is it? It requires assisatnce ad Swagger got NONE from Ryback.

The one thing I can agree with is that it is very easy to blame Ryback. As I said before, he rushes and it will end with someone getting hurt. He needs to slow down and enjoy the ride, becaus eat the moemnt, he is practically getting squashes against former heavyweight champs. RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!

Oh I'm not absolving Ryback of all blame, but let's remember that it takes 2 to do a spot. LOL Let's also remember that Swagger was just a step above a jobber as world champion.
I looked it about 7-10 times and I don't know why you put all the blame on Ryback. Swagger doesn't gave much momentum on that run and he wasn't able to flip his body the way it should be. Although Ryback might have miscalculated it since he is used on doing that move on lighter opponents.

And as for the OP's question on whether Ryback should go back in training, the answer is NO. Ryback is very much fine on where he is now.

I watched that and instantly thought of ECW when Chris Benoit broke Sabu's neck. It was a botched back body drop as well and I felt bad for Swagger seeing that. For any fans actually paying attention to Ryback's matches, he almost did the exact same thing in his Smackdown match last week with Jinder Mahal. He rushed and didn't get the right speed or rotation with the back body drop, luckily Jinder didn't land like Swagger did. It seems to me like Ryback is used to lighter opponents and he is complacent in his confidence that he can lift anybody. He's not taking the weight difference into account and his matches are very sloppy.

What happens when Ryback starts feuding with upper card people? Because I'm sure WWE wouldn't take too kindly to Ryback injury a John Cena or CM Punk. I'd say keep Ryback against nobodies and away from any good workers as not to injury them. Or just release the untalented piece of crap. Either way, WWE should protect their workers by not allowing Ryback anywhere near the top of the card or mid-card guys.
I looked it about 7-10 times and I don't know why you put all the blame on Ryback. Swagger doesn't gave much momentum on that run and he wasn't able to flip his body the way it should be. Although Ryback might have miscalculated it since he is used on doing that move on lighter opponents.

And as for the OP's question on whether Ryback should go back in training, the answer is NO. Ryback is very much fine on where he is now.


So you have a guy who is considered one of the better workers on the roster, although his push doesn't reflect it running at a guy with a rep for not being safe. I'd be more than a little nervous. I have rewatched and ultimately with any spot like that the guy doing the "aggressor" part is responsible for the safety of the other (as in not dropping them dangerously which Ryback did).

I didn't see a failure on Swagger's part, he got up as best he could at the speed Ryback was trying to perform the move, which was way too fast. For a big guy who isn't usually ragdolled to take that kind of move it has to be done slower to get it right and SAFE.

I am sure Vince is telling guys like Reks to work at Rybacks pace to make him look more of a monster... I am also pretty sure that working with Ryback might have made Reks reconsider his career.
It's really easy to blame it all on Ryback, huh? I took three looks at that match, and Swagger CLEARLY sandbagged that back body drop. On that kind of spot, it's up to the OPPONENT to get enough air to complete the rotation, which Swagger did not. Just sayin'.

I completely agree here. The rotation is up to the guy doing the flip. It's up to the guy doing the running, because he uses his own momentum to shift himself over the opponent. Maybe Ryback could have given some extra push as well, but if anything that botch looks to be on both of them.
First thing's first... you can't blame the botch back body drop on Ryback. There is responsibility for both men involved. The reason they push Ryback, regardless of stiffness (which is something he could be TOLD TO DO by the way) is because he gets a crowd reaction. It isn't often you can debut a brand new face who gets a reaction like Ryback does. I just saw him live a few nights ago and the place totally popped. I was shocked at how excited people were to see him. They'd be insane to pull him off TV now.
Don't think Ryback is going anywhere, as he seems to be getting over with the crowd.

I can't see him as a main event guy anytime soon, but i think he'll keep piling on wins like he has been.
Yeah but you got to also question Brock Lesnar and Sin Cara in the ring. I'll further judge this after the conclusion to his feud with Jinder.

Sin Cara, yes. Brock Lesnar, no. How often does he botch moves? He was a pretty good worker in HHH's match and botched only one move in Cena's match, but that was probably due to Cena for pulling down the top rope.. Anyways, Ryback is a slopfest judging from that match last night...
First thing's first... you can't blame the botch back body drop on Ryback. There is responsibility for both men involved. The reason they push Ryback, regardless of stiffness (which is something he could be TOLD TO DO by the way) is because he gets a crowd reaction. It isn't often you can debut a brand new face who gets a reaction like Ryback does. I just saw him live a few nights ago and the place totally popped. I was shocked at how excited people were to see him. They'd be insane to pull him off TV now.

Then again, they pulled Zack Ryder off TV when he was getting huge pops...So, why not? Oh wait, he's a roided monster. So never mind, he's completely protected by WWE...
Ryback is strong as hell probably one of the strongest competitors i have seen in a long long time. That being said for fucks sake WWE teach this guy how to control his strength please. This guy is really gonna hurt someone bad if you dont. Ryback is Vinnie Macs typical perfect specimen.

He needs to learn some control but it does take two to tangle. Swagger was kind of lazy in taking that spot but most of the blame is on Ryback. I hope hope Ryback doesnt break someones neck teach this boy some control WWE.

As far as Swagger goes are you kidding me? This is a former Champion and MITB winner! Granted his run was not memorable at all but swagger does not deserve to job and job to everyone on the roster. The man is too fucking talented for this kinda of bullshit
Its already been stated, so I'll reiterate.

That wasn't Ryback's fault. On Twitter during the match, Shane (Hurricane) Helms was quick to point out it wasn't Ryback's fault, noting that Swagger had left his feet before Ryback could get up and under him or something along those lines, which messed with the "rotation" as some are saying of the back body drop. Ryback should gain some criticizm for not helping the situation, but he'd legitimately half a second to do so, which left him helpless.

As for the "pull Ryback from television" crap, that isn't happening. They've pushed him, hes gotten over, people find his matches entertaining, hes been with the company for several years and every time a crowd chants "Feed Me More," Ryback's star continues rising. If you believe Ryback deserves to be de-pushed, your an idiot and have little knowledge about how pro-wrestling booking works. You push what is working, you know what is working through crowd reaction, Ryback is gaining crowd reaction, therefore Ryback is most definitely working.
If you believe Ryback deserves to be de-pushed, your an idiot and have little knowledge about how pro-wrestling booking works. You push what is working, you know what is working through crowd reaction, Ryback is gaining crowd reaction, therefore Ryback is most definitely working.

What you deserve and what you get are not always the same thing. Also, as for crowd reaction, you can't just pick and choose. He gets as many, if not more 'Goldberg' chants than 'Feed Me More' chants... is this his gimmick working? I'd hate to see it failing.

Also, pro-wrestling booking and the way the WWE 'write' their storylines are two different things. The age-old concept of booking is gone in the most visual form of the industry; just ask Jim Cornette.

Also, the irony of 'your an idiot' is simply fantastic!!!!

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