**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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So your plan is for Ryback - a guy that looks and moves like Goldberg - to go on a huge undefeated streak and win the title? This guy already gets enough comparisons to a guy that most WWE fans think was an overrated talent, and you want to add to that list? That would be the WORST thing you could do for him long-term.

The WWE needs to concentrate on getting its audience to stop the Goldberg chants while he wrestles - and I don't just mean drowning them out on the TV feed. They need to add differences between this character and Ryback. If they hot-shot him to the title scene before doing that, then the crowd will just shit on him as a regurgitation of Goldberg.

Exactly. Your "idea" -- which is vanilla and didn't offer very many details at all -- is pretty much the exact script Goldberg had. The Goldberg chants are dumb enough, but they're only going to magnify if you go the undefeated World Champion route.
So your idea is for him to actually become Goldberg? No bueno.

I'm confused by Ryback. What is WWE's plan for him anyway? Is he going to just keep bneing an attraction and out of any real feuds? Is he to remain undefeated? Is the end plan to have him become the WWE's Goldberg?

I think it would be better if he remains undefeated and then loses a close match with a top heel. I just feel like there's only so many ways to go with a guy being undefeated and most avenues have already been traveled.
A rivalry with Sheamus isnt too bad of an idea but I dont think Ryback is ready for the title yet. Sheamus is the ideal person for him to face since both are powerhouses and have pretty much equal ability in the ring but he should face some real superstars before being thrown into the title picture.
To me, the problem with Ryback will be his surrounding cast more than him himself. I can see the comparisons with Goldberg but here's the main difference. WWE doesn't have that upper level talent like WCW had with DDP, Hall, Nash, Hogan, Sting, etc. What does it really mean for Ryback to go through Ziggler, Swagger, or Rhodes since they lose most of the time anyway? I'm basing this off the assumption that Ryback is a face. I don't have a large sample size to determine whether he'll sink or swim but if he sinks, I'll put it more on the competition than him.
How would you introduce Ryback into main roster competition?

Ideas for his first storyline?

Personally I would keep with the squash matches for a few months but introduce more jobbers till we get to the point where he is annihilating 5 or 6 guys at a time, maybe more! I'd like his first feud to be against somebody like del rio who could put a bounty on rybacks head that lower card guys will try cash in on and fail leading to a match with del rio which he will win easily! Then just keep rolling with him towards the main event but keeping his mystery! Don't let him speak and if he has to then make sure it's very little.
His first feud will need to be against a heel who is a monster and by going over, Ryback will get over. So Im thinking Kane, it wont hurt him and he isnt really main event materual any more. Goldberg didnt really have a feud as such, even when he was going over name talent until he was WCW Champion. Ryback doesnt need to be rushed
Had this thread last week, think it was put into all Ryback discussion.

First fued is easy. Couple of wins against credible opposition like Zeke Jackson and Great Khali before Mark Henry comes out and beats him down. Henry could put Ryback over well. I wouldnt mind seeing that match take place at Summerslam.
I think the squash matches have been going on for way to long. I'm tired of seeing two random jobbers having basically the same match over and over again. Now with this being said i don't think he needs to be in a feud necessarily but he does need to face opponents on the main roster. I know he is built up as a face but why not have him destroy EVERYONE. Have him beat both faces and heels. One week he could beat a guy like Jack Swagger. Then next week beat a guy like Kofi Kingston. Until finally someone steps up and can be the tough competitor he looks for. As someone else said Mark Henry would be great for that.
I think it's crazy to say the squash matches have been going on too long. It's only been what? 3 months give or take? I like the fact they are dragging this thing out. It's rare that we don't get something rushed in this day and age.
He needs a proper feud soon. I'm starting to think he's a comedy character. Setting up his matches by having two scrawny indy talents cuty goofy promos isn't the way to get over a monster. And the way he stops when he's holding his two opponents in preparation for his finisher liiks silly.

His first feud should be with somebody like Swagger. A talented worker who's going nowhere. Somebody who can pose a bit of a threat to Ryback, but who can also be decimated quickly when the feud comes to its conclusion.
I think it's crazy to say the squash matches have been going on too long. It's only been what? 3 months give or take? I like the fact they are dragging this thing out. It's rare that we don't get something rushed in this day and age.
I have a very strong feeling Ryback will be pushed into the main event sooner than later. I'd even go as far as to say Vince will put the World Title on him by Survivor Series. I would personally put him in a feud with Big Show. I also don't like the idea of him speaking. I disapprove of his shouting during matches as it is.
Now i have been thinking about Ryback for months. His strength, his ability, and the emotion he brings to the wwe. i think ryback is starting to grow on me. everytime and i dont care about the same thing hes doing cuz its entertaining, and ryback starting a feud against Randy Orton is a great way to get him off the mountain of boring that everybody thinks is happening right now. Randy Orton returns and Ryback attacks and dominates orton and orton comes out the following week with a injured shoulder and ribs and challenges Ryback to a match which could roll a couple months with great matches.

what everyone think?
To be honest, I think after Ryback is done getting fed, he should be challenged by none other than the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry. Henry is enough of a hated heel, former World Heavyweight Champion, and big enough that it would pose a true challenge for Ryback's first real feud. It would be an easy feud to start - you could just show Henry watching Ryback's continued feats and taking an interest in Ryback, then have him destroy him one night. Of course, have Ryback go over. But destroying the World's Strongest Man would be a great continuation for Ryback.
Tensai is a big possibility because of his size but I think a recovering Mark Henry is the better option. People just don't care enough about Tensai for you to waste Ryback's first big feud on. All in all the World's strongest man is your best option here.
No, no, and no.

Ryback is getting a slow build. A very slow build. They should continue this. No necessarily the feeding, but the building. His first feud should be against a lower mid card heel who is cowardly, talks trash about Ryback, but won't get in the ring with him. Miz did this same tactic with Cena at one point, and Jericho with Goldberg in WCW. I'm sure it's been done plenty of times before. Ryback should start off the same way. It's a good way to build a PPV match, give a lower mid card guy TV time and relevance, and it's also a good way to break Ryback away from squashing jobbers.

My candidates for this first feud would be guys like Heath Slater, Curt Hawkins, Jack Swagger, and Johnny Curtis. They have to be able to trash talk and make the crowd actually care about what they are doing. With Heath Slater's recent work with legends in mind, it's been fun watching him talk shit and then get beat up. I think this would be great for Heath to take part in, and then be a fun match to watch Ryback eventually go over in.
You know what I'm feeling guys? DAMIEN SANDOW. You're think why him? Ryback will crush him! Well, I think that they could work well as muscle vs. brains, think of it this way, they have a match and Sandow ends his undefeated streak and claims that no much how strong Ryback is, he is no match for the far superior brain of himself.

But it would have to be something like them having a match and Ryback makes a mistake and Sandow milks it for all it's worth, claiming it was because of him.
Ryback just needs to destroy people. Their is a lot of squash-able talent for that guy to destroy. But, I like hearing the slow build for the guy...The major suggestion I have for him being a big thing, is having him destroy Sanito for that US Championship. Have that happen in the next month or so. Yea, it would be a face vs. face thing. Doing it real quick. Get the US title on him.

Have him destroy people left and right. Then give him that Royal Rumble win. After the Royal Rumble. Have him and the Big Show have a big match at the Elimination Chamber. Build that feud for a month or so. Start building it before the Rumble. Have Ryback eliminate Show at the rumble. Set up for the Elimination Chamber.

Have Ryback deliver the shock. I bet anything, the crowd will be going nuts... I have a feeling, John Cena will have the belt after the chamber. Next night on Raw. John Cena will be cutting a promo. Then Ryback's music hits. I'm sure the crowd will go nuts. Would be a good main event at Mania.

One corner, you have one of the most resilient superstars in WWE's history. 10 plus titles. In the other corner. The Killing Machine, Ryback! It's a good way to book this guy. Plus, you would be building the future. After the mania main event. You can have the... Who will defeat this machine known as Ryback.

It may sound like the Goldberg streak... Or a rip off if you think. But, it's a good way to build a product.
Don't have him feud with anyone for the time being. I agree with the slow build. Really slow build. Let him keep squashing lower guys for the rest of the year. Then maybe move him into the US/IC title picture and have him win that and give him a monster reign, like a year or so. I know that's pretty similar to Goldberg but they should do it anyway.
I'm not going to get into a long thing on this but if the WWE were smart they could make 2 stars out of this instead of 1 by pulling the Razor Ramone/1-2-3-Kid angle. For once actually pull a surprise on the audience instead of a horribly predictable one.
Ryback just needs to destroy people. Their is a lot of squash-able talent for that guy to destroy. But, I like hearing the slow build for the guy...The major suggestion I have for him being a big thing, is having him destroy Sanito for that US Championship. Have that happen in the next month or so. Yea, it would be a face vs. face thing. Doing it real quick. Get the US title on him.

Have him destroy people left and right. Then give him that Royal Rumble win. After the Royal Rumble. Have him and the Big Show have a big match at the Elimination Chamber. Build that feud for a month or so. Start building it before the Rumble. Have Ryback eliminate Show at the rumble. Set up for the Elimination Chamber.

Have Ryback deliver the shock. I bet anything, the crowd will be going nuts... I have a feeling, John Cena will have the belt after the chamber. Next night on Raw. John Cena will be cutting a promo. Then Ryback's music hits. I'm sure the crowd will go nuts. Would be a good main event at Mania.

One corner, you have one of the most resilient superstars in WWE's history. 10 plus titles. In the other corner. The Killing Machine, Ryback! It's a good way to book this guy. Plus, you would be building the future. After the mania main event. You can have the... Who will defeat this machine known as Ryback.

It may sound like the Goldberg streak... Or a rip off if you think. But, it's a good way to build a product.

It's basically a rip-off of Goldberg. But why not? No one expects the WWE to do anything with Ryback. Put him in the MiTB match of some sort, having him win the briefcase, and then have a cash-in on a heel... HOT SHOT BOOKING AT IT'S BEST!

I'd like to seem squash folks like The Miz or Jack Swagger. It'd be fun to see him come out and just dominate someone... but I think I know the set up here.

Build Big Show up to be this unstoppable monster that no one can stop. Not even Cena can stop him. Have Show dominate for a few weeks... hurt peopl badly. Show ends up winning the WWE or WHC somehow, and then have Ryback come out with the MiTB briefcase and just overpower Show... and even having Ryback hit the Muscle Buster. Crowd goes nuts, Ryback's a champion and no one's worse for wear.
We just saw Ryback win a match against Curt Hawkins on Smackdown, and I know he has been on a streak as of late(pun intended) but he has only faced jobbers, except on this once occassion when he faced Camacho or Hunico, but the question is: Is Ryback going to start feeding off the main roster now?

What do you think? yes or no?

also, should he or should he go back to facing jobbers but now 3 like he scremed a few weeks ago or even four at a time? Creative still has time cause they could have Ryback vs Tyler Reks next week and then Curt Hawkinds and Tyler Reks the week after that?

Ok, so on Smackdown last night we saw Ryback face Curt Hawkins which is obviously only a step up from two jobbers, but its a step all the same. I know it doesn't seem like much but to me it gave us a timeline. Whilst they had him facing tag team jobbers there was no idea when it would end as they got new ones every week, but with him facing Hawkins then the squash matches with no fued are numbered. They won't have him face the same guy twice and there's a limited number of jobbers to choose from, especially it they have him fighting twice a week. So my question, who will stop him in his tracks, will he keep rolling until they've no choice but to put him in the main event level or will someone in the mid-card fued with him first, which by definition would mean he'd likely have to lose to them at least once?
I think they should make him on main event level and wrestle with Cena or punk or maybe Brodis clay that would be really interesting to watch . It gets old seeing him face against two skinny wrestlers he is not even proving that he is strong . If he went against Cena he could prove his strength.
The next logical opponent would be Tyler Reks, since he was wildly amused by his partner getting his ass handed to him.

Reks is a larger guy, and would be much more impressive if Ryback crushed him as opposed to guys my ex girlfriend could probably beat up.

No one is going to stop Ryback in his tracks, at least not yet. Actually, I have a theory they are building Big Show into an unstoppable Giant so it will look amazing when Ryback destroys him down the road.

Even with that said, I could watch Ryback crush jobbers all day...it's oddly pleasurable to watch a huge monster just destroy people....especially because he has a vast moveset and makes it look painfully believable.

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