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I definitely wouldn't be interested in the match. I never enjoyed Goldberg, personally, and I already find Ryback to be more entertaining. I think his build and moveset are a lot more dominant seeming than Goldberg's ever was.
I would hate to see a match like that. Who would benefit from it. Ryback? No because Goldberg will never lose to him. Goldberg? Does it even matter if he wins. Will that help his legacy? No. The fans? I feel bad for them the most. Someone would probably get hurt. In one simple word NO.
Ryback sucks big time. I think he is a rip off of Goldberg,RVD and The Terminator all combined into one. The guy acts like and is a wanna be Goldberg with this FEED ME MORE BS,his wrestling attire is a rip off of RVD and he acts like The Terminator when he starts stomping his feet.

Ryback has no wrestling skills what so ever. He sucked when he was Skip Sheffield and now he is even worse as Ryback. Who wants to see a so called monster Bill Goldberg wanna be beat up and destroy a bunch of no name jobbers each and every week. I know I don't. At least Goldberg wrestled some good name wrestlers back in WCW. Sorry just not a fan of Ryback.
How is this even a question by a sane man? Ryback has beaten....well nobody. No one wants to work with him so you can't really see his true talents ( if there is any). Then their is Goldberg, people in WCW needed a hero since NWO was in full effect. Goldberg managed to win a few titles.

Ryback would lose this match to save face with Goldberg, then Ryback can go back to squashing jobbers to re-build his rep as a bad ass ...almost.

I love how Ryback is goldberg in the eyes of the people. You do realize both were written to win and really did nothing. Neither can sell for crap and and both look like roids are powering the boring machines.

Could you imagine the build up to the PPV.

Ryback.." Die"
Goldberg "GRRRRRR"
Four weeks of that as a promo...wow...where is john Morrison
Okay first of all just because a guy is bald and muscular sqashes guys doesnt mean he is just a goldberg wannabe. Ryback and Goldberg wrestle nothing alike at all. Goldberg just came in speared the guy and jackhammer and that was it. Ryback does the double powerbomb stiff lariat, powerslam and his single leg muscle buster. he doesnt just squash guys in seconds. Plus like someone said in another post Pit Bull #2 was a big physically imposing bald guy in ECW and he was before Goldberg. Plus his attire is similar to Ryback. Just because a guy wheres a singlet doesnt make him a rip off of RVD either. The already mentioned Pit Bull 2, Kurt Angle, Owen Hart to name a few all were similar attire to Ryback. And the whole him being too stiff to work with the main guys is bullshit. What are they a bunch of fucking *****es that they can't get in their and get a little beat up. They said the same thing about RVD when he busted Austin's mouth with a kick, and prior to Tajiri being called up he got complained about all the time for kicking people to hard. Stop being *****es and just deal with it. So basically every jobber that Ryback has squashed is tougher than all the main guys because they know Ryback is going to kick the crap out of them yet they do their jobs without complaining.
Some of you people have no CLUE!!!!!! Ryback is a poor man Goldberg...NO that was Gillberg!!!!! Ryback is nothing like Goldberg if you really compare them. Goldberg started off beating established guys in the business Ryback is beating no name local jobbers. Goldberg got pushed to fast to soon. He was wreckless in the ring. He ended Bret Harts career with a botched Superkick. Numerous stars back in WCW complained about Goldberg and how he really didnt knowhow to protect the other guy he was in the ring with. Ryback isn't ending anyone's career. He is being pushed slowly. This BS report about people not wanting to work with him is just rediculas. The guy was working matches with Cena befor he got hurt now all of a sudden he is to GREEN for the talent to work with him. He was one of the major guys in nexus. You read one stupid report that like most of the reports you should be taking worth a grain of salt. They don't call these sites dirt sheets for no reason. If Vince McMahon is backing this guy its for a reason. Vince has been in the business a very long time. If he feels this guy is the next Goldberg or Lesnar like guy in the WWE then just watch and wait to see what happens. We already saw that Lord Tensai was repackaged as Tensai and considered a Flop. Vince is pushing Ryback slowly like Goldberg should have been pushed. You don't have to like Ryback but at least have a clue at what you are talking about rather than taking every word that the dirt sheets say literally.
Everyone here seems to have mentioned most of what I'm thinking but there has alwys been a clear thing that no one seems to mention, as most of the time it s is "cool" to hate on Goldberg. And that is IT Factor. Something Bill Goldberg had in spades and why he received the type of push he did. Although the man could talk on the mic to save himself, when he walked onto our tv screens for the first time, he didn't need to be built as a star, he just was.

Ryback though needs to build up. He looks very impressive but he just doesn't give off that star power that Goldberg had. I think the gimmick they have given to Ryback has been the wrong way to go. The man was the Nexus enforcer and his lariats were vicious when they were attacking guys like Rick Steamboat and Vince.

Ryback is a far better name than Skip Sheffield, but he should have debuted feeding off how destructive he was in Nexus and now that Nexus has gone the way of the dodo, he is back to wreak havoc not for a team but for himself. The two 50kg guys he squashes every week just isn't cutting it, because no other superstar seems to get this advantage of beating up children.

Goldberg was something that comes around very rarely these days. Ryback, at the moment is just another big muscle guy presently needing to be built up. ie. Mason Ryan. If Goldberg was ever to return he would be facing Cena. Not Ryback.
Members of the ICW never cease to amaze me. They are obsessed with comparing characters. Guess what kids, if it works then why not replicate it?

Goldberg was a huge draw, why not make Ryback 'similar'. For what its worth apart from them being big built and on a streak I dont see it.

Cena often slammed for been 'Hulk Hogan 2'...and? Hogan and Cena make money. It works. WWE is about making money. If they dont, you are stuck with crap like TNA and ROH as the major players in pro wrestling.

The same cretins are pushing Dolph Ziggler as Mr Perfect. But 'thats ok' because Perfect could 'wrestle'. Perfect never drew a dime and neither will Ziggler.
At the moment it would just be pointless. Ryback has beaten nobodies and while he does look like a force, he hasn't beaten anyone that would make someone believe that he would beat Goldberg. You have to remember that Goldberg beat the likes of Sting, DDP, Giant, Hogan and etc. The fans would expect Ryback to put up a good enough fight but not beat Goldberg. Until Ryback beats some quality wrestlers it would be pointless. Who am I kidding, it is pointless anyways.
Ryback has no wrestling skills what so ever. He sucked when he was Skip Sheffield and now he is even worse as Ryback. Who wants to see a so called monster Bill Goldberg wanna be beat up and destroy a bunch of no name jobbers each and every week. I know I don't. At least Goldberg wrestled some good name wrestlers back in WCW. Sorry just not a fan of Ryback.

Really? Because doing WRESTLING MOVES without botching them totally proves that he can't wrestle? What in the blue hell do you (or anyone) base these facts off of? Who in the blue hell are you to say Ryback, or any wrestler, can't wrestle? They go in there, they do WRESTLING MOVES and are trained properly to do so. So by that definition, they would be considered wrestlers. Again, as I say to everyone like you, just because you're grasping at straws to find reasons to hate someone doesn't give you any right to go spitting out bullshit.


As for a Ryback and Goldberg match, I don't think it's worth it. Ryback will most likely be turned heel in the coming months so he can feud with Brodus Clay. I don't see any reason to give him someone like Goldberg when WWE would just feed him to Goldberg without any second thought.
Not really worth it. Nice idea but IF it was to happen Goldberg would want too much money. So he would most likely win (although the same was for Lesnar and look what happened -.-). But lets say Goldberg wins. It kills Ryback's momentum and could stop him from being a forced to be reckoned with. But Lets say Ryback wins its a waste of money (although this won't happen because Goldberg NEVER puts anybody else over). So we could end up with Lesnar vs Goldberg at WM all over again.
I don't think Ryback really has enough draw power to make a Goldberg return happen (not saying he's going to return, just generally speaking). He came in with Nexus, got hurt, now he is back tearing apart no names. Goldberg was kind of a big deal, and I don't see any reason to bring in a big deal for Ryback until he at least is in the running for a major title.

I'm praying, though, that Ryback produces Gillback! I don't care what anyone says...Gillberg is one of my favorite gimmicks ever! Longest reigning lightweight champion!
Ryback vs. Goldberg wouldn't be a great match. Ryback really isn't even doing much. He literally beats the crap outta two guys that are both skinnier then me (which says alot) and doesn't have to put much effort to win his matches. Goldberg would wipe the floor with him.
Ryback VS Goldberg is a potential dream match, but later down the line. Ryback needs to be built up first. He's done next to nothing in comparison. Yes, he was an enforcer for The Nexus. Yes, he's destroyed a long line of jobbers. Yes, he's building up a streak. So what though? Goldberg held world titles and had his streak for a VERY long time. Ryback has catching up to do before this feud would be relevant. I'd hate for WWE to rush this and ruin Ryback's potential by having Goldberg squash him, which is the only believable outcome at the moment. They would need to be patient and wait for the right time to run such an angle.

If they waited a while until Ryback has become a big deal then I would want to see it. That is, if Goldberg would be willing to put over the younger star. I doubt that will happen, he'd want to win the match and receive a ton of money for the appearance. If they were impatient and did it NOW? Ryback defeating Goldberg would not be believable and if he lost the match then just about all of his momentum would be gone. I'd like to think that WWE are smart enough to not risk ruining Ryback's odds when they obviously have bigger things planned for him. This could be a really interesting feud if done at the right time, and if Ryback ultimately wins, but it will never happen because of the demands Goldberg would likely have.
I really don't think this will happen. Mainly because IF <-- (big if) Goldberg does return for another (final) run in the WWE it will be like Lesnar's deal. Vince loves the money; as we all know, so he would want Goldberg as a singles star to help get talent over and to get more money. He won't have him tag with Ryback or anyone else, simply because it wouldn't bring in enough.

P.S. can anyone help me create a thread? I don't know how. Thank You.
Goldberg is strictly a WCW creation. When he came to the WWE in 2003, he didn't get megapops or anything like that so I don't see why it would be the same now. Of course you'll get the older guys who watched WCW at the time marking for him but the majority probably won't. I'll take a pass.
At least Goldberg beat Hugh Morrus and Glacier 27 times each to pump up his steak. I'm waiting for Ryback to actually get the opportunity to show us what he can do ring psychology-wise. Take some bumps, be on the opposing end of some high-powered offense...

Eff Goldberg-Ryback....how about Mark Henry returns before Summerslam and targets Ryback because he wants to prove that Ryback isn't so "big and bad"?

I'd take it as a mid-to-late card SS match.
Goldberg could actually be put into a ring with great wrestlers like Triple H, Bret Hart, The Rock, Lesnar, etc. and still put on a great show. Nobody wants to work with Ryback because they know he's too stiff. That's JMO.

If you ask me, the match would be pointless and boring. It'd be about as bad as the Great Khali Vs. Big Show.

The "Goldberg" chants are not because of the win streak of Ryback. It's because Ryback is nothing more than a Mockumentary of Goldberg. He dresses like a hybrid of Rhino and RVD and he acts like Goldberg.

His ridiculous look on the apron as he comes down to the ring, his poorly executed "power moves", his "march", don't even get me started on his "finisher" which starts out like a jackhammer. Oh, and please don't even mention the "feed me more" crap he yells... sound familiar? *cough* "who's next?"
I think his first real opponent will come at Raw 1000. He will either go up against a returning superstar who, after a long match, pins ryback, or a current superstar that start a rivalry.
Goldberg could actually be put into a ring with great wrestlers like Triple H, Bret Hart, The Rock, Lesnar, etc. and still put on a great show. Nobody wants to work with Ryback because they know he's too stiff. That's JMO.

If you ask me, the match would be pointless and boring. It'd be about as bad as the Great Khali Vs. Big Show.

The "Goldberg" chants are not because of the win streak of Ryback. It's because Ryback is nothing more than a Mockumentary of Goldberg. He dresses like a hybrid of Rhino and RVD and he acts like Goldberg.

His ridiculous look on the apron as he comes down to the ring, his poorly executed "power moves", his "march", don't even get me started on his "finisher" which starts out like a jackhammer. Oh, and please don't even mention the "feed me more" crap he yells... sound familiar? *cough* "who's next?"

Poorly executed power moves.... Really maybe you could show us how to properly do those power moves. Or maybe we should go back and watch Goldberg do power moves cause he was soooooooo safe to work with. He only ended Bret Harts career and basically caused Raven to leave WCW cause of how unsafe he was to work with. It's people like you who say stupid things with having a clue what you are talking about and put this info out there as if it is fact. Truth is Vince wants Ryback to continue to be pushed and made to look dominant. Vince wants to Build Ryback up. That is obvious or we wouldnt see him now not only on Smackdown but on Raw as well squashing local jobbers week in and week out. Ryback is still being developed you don't have to like him but don't say he hits poorly executed power moves unless you can go out there and do better and if he was that bad at doing them Vince would pull him from TV like he did to Brodus for being to dangerous not to long ago.
Now I think Ryback could be a dominating force if hehad the undefeated streak and World Championship! I mean if he got a huge win over big show for number 1 contender and went on to defeat Sheamus. I think a feud with Sheamus would be a awesome way to get this boring booking for Ryback right now. You have tons of great things you could do with him. What you guys think?
Sheamus vs Ryback should be good, but too soon to make Ryback the world champion. I say give him a couple of mid card feuds and then give him the world title match. Sort of follow the Lesnar route (Lesnar's feuds with Jeff Hardy and RVD) and then the title match against The Rock at Summerslam 2002.
So your plan is for Ryback - a guy that looks and moves like Goldberg - to go on a huge undefeated streak and win the title? This guy already gets enough comparisons to a guy that most WWE fans think was an overrated talent, and you want to add to that list? That would be the WORST thing you could do for him long-term.

The WWE needs to concentrate on getting its audience to stop the Goldberg chants while he wrestles - and I don't just mean drowning them out on the TV feed. They need to add differences between this character and Ryback. If they hot-shot him to the title scene before doing that, then the crowd will just shit on him as a regurgitation of Goldberg.
I think Ryback needs to evolve a little before any title shot. Let's remember that nobody wants to wrestle him for fears they might get hurt. Let's also remember that you pretty much summarized Goldbergs autobiography. So it's been done.
So your plan is for Ryback - a guy that looks and moves like Goldberg - to go on a huge undefeated streak and win the title? This guy already gets enough comparisons to a guy that most WWE fans think was an overrated talent, and you want to add to that list? That would be the WORST thing you could do for him long-term.

The WWE needs to concentrate on getting its audience to stop the Goldberg chants while he wrestles - and I don't just mean drowning them out on the TV feed. They need to add differences between this character and Ryback. If they hot-shot him to the title scene before doing that, then the crowd will just shit on him as a regurgitation of Goldberg.

Hit the nail right on the head. Couldn't have said it better myself. Vince McMahon HATES any idea that isn't his so it is definitely driving him nuts that the crowd is chanting Goldberg. There's no way he should risk the crowd continuing their comparisons by basically rehashing that storyline. What would be a good idea, however, is to have a guy like Big Show, Mark Henry, Tensai or Kane purposely avoid Ryback for a few weeks. The crowd would want to see 2 big guys collide and it would give Ryback a different storyline other than a "streak." When Ryback finally got his hands on him he'd be over with the crowd for sure (assuming he won, of course.) But I would not focus on the undefeated streak thing at all. I'd keep making him go after bigger and better competition and make it actually look like he's feuding with people. The most consistent main eventers are the ones who are able to alter their character and if you go the undefeated streak route to a title he'll always be compared to Goldberg and won't be able to recover.

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