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Raw & Smackdown - Did anyone here Ryback say 'Feed Me Three' after he pinned them 2 jobbers on Raw? Looks like he could be about to step up the 3 jobbers. I would do this for a few weeks then have someone like Mason Ryan or Ezekiel Jackson challenging him. Make Ryback work for his win this time. After he dispatches both of them, have Mark Henry jump the barrier, come out on stage and blindside Ryback. Have him beat him down.

Summerslam 2012 - features Ryback vs Mark Henry. Maybe the PPV after that as well.

Survivor Series 2012 - have Ryback team up in a 5 on 5 match with some more established stars and have him victorious.

Royal Rumble 2013 - Kane eliminates Ryback setting up a fued.

Elimination Chamber 2013 - Ryback vs Kane. Ryback victorious and the streak still in tact.

Wrestlemania 29 - Streak vs Streak. Undertaker vs Ryback. You have a guy never lost at Wrestlemania and a guy never lost in 12 months = MONEY.

The latter happens of course if Brock isn't challenging for the streak. I don't think he will. Looks like Triple H will beat him at Summerslam now. Rock vs Brock gets my vote.
I think a returning Wade Barret could attack Ryback and clean house before moving back up to the title picture . Reports say the WWE wrestlers feel he is too green to work with and that's why he is going against jobbers . Who knows if it's true or not .
I think a returning Wade Barret could attack Ryback and clean house before moving back up to the title picture . Reports say the WWE wrestlers feel he is too green to work with and that's why he is going against jobbers . Who knows if it's true or not .

I can see why they feel that. He looks very rough with the jobbers. He tosses them about HARD!!!

I dont know if he is playing up to his character or if he is been careless. Some of the slams he does offer no protection to the jobber.
Someone is going to have to eventually step up if this guy is to get any credibility. I would think he will start to get more in sync in the ring once he starts facing guys who are closer to his size.

The guys he's going up against now are puny. He can pick them up and throw them around with TOO much ease.
What with so many people winning squash matches regularly recently, would anyone be interested in seeing them feud with Ryback?
Like a streak versus streak thing: both guys touting that they are impossible to beat, culminating in the two meeting in the ring for the first time at a PPV.
Imagine a guy like Antonio Cesaro cutting a heel promo saying he can't be beaten, only to be called out by Ryback. Ryback would immediately get a pop for interrupting the annoying heel, and if Cesaro were to screw Ryback out of the win in the PPV match, it gets him a ton of heat whilst still making Ryback look strong. Plus you can't keep the streak angle going forever; it can get old fast, so if Ryback were to lose once or twice in subsequent feuds, it wouldn't be such a big deal.
I have not seen anything that says Ryback is careless with his opponents. His powerbombs to me look good. His clothlines look good. I havent seen him spike anyone on top of their head. This notion that he is green or sloppy to me is some BS report that one site put up and now every other dirtsheet posting Wrestling site is now using. Some of the news you hear is true but you can't believe everything posted on this and others. Skip worked with Cena as a Nexus member befor he got hurt. He looked very impressive as a member of Nexus back when it was the big angle on Raw and Smackdown. He had an ankle injury and was wrestling in Dark matches and house shows for a while befor being put on TV. I highly doubt Vince who pulled Brodus off T.V due to him being unsafe and not refined enough in the ring, is going to get behind Ryback if he was a danger to whomever he was in the ring with. Some of you need to think about it. Talent may not wanna work with him but its most likely because they are going to get dominated and not look good against him, not because he is sloppy or inexperienced.
If YOU were RYBACKs next (squash) match

your a wwe developmental wrerstler, its your BIG chance your on WWE friday night smackdown on TV in prime-time for the world to see, however you face RYBACK and you know this match will be under 2 min and you will be humiliated and crushed like a dog, do you tell your friends and family to watch you on tv YES or NO???
I would get into the fetal position and pretend to have a mental breakdown at the mere sight of Ryback coming towards me. I would wet myself live on PPV just to get that guy over (and me over too) and i would make sure the whole world (specially mt momz) saw!
Of course I would tell everyone to watch and I'd tell them to tell all their friends too. Being on TV is being on TV and for a starting wrestler that exposure is everything. Also while in that match I would sell everything harder than Dolph Ziggler. When that clothesline comes I'd do a freaking flip to make that guy look good. That's how the Hardy Boyz got their start, they got on TV as jobbers when WWE was in their area and they worked so well and made guys look so good that superstars actually asked for them by name to the point where they were offered contracts.
Yeah why not? even though you might not be put over you'll still be out there and have a chance to show your talent. If you can kill it on the microphone, then go out there and take some serious bumps and be a trooper who knows what could happen.
He needs to face real wrestlers because this jobber thing has run its course. He needs to demolish someone who actually has a reputation like, um, the great khali or destroy a WWE tag team like Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd and have Ryback feud with them. That would establish him better IMO.
Ryback needs to face actual wrestlers, wrestlers who will actually test him in the ring, but instead WWE creative keeps putting him up against jobbers, like put him up against superstars like Hunico, Great Khali, or even Tensai or put him up against Swagger or even Sandow or Cesaro
Looks like they're going to have him fight three jobbers at once now. I guess we're going to wait at least another month before he fights someone employed by WWE.
Ryback at SummerSlam I would prefer if they give him an actual meaningful opponent for SummerSlam who will actually test him, maybe someone like Kane, that would make my day
I could see Ryback facing Damien Sandow for a long term feud. Sandow can play a card like "He's just a brute who beats people up with no intellectual ability to even speak" I mean all Ryback says is "Feed me more!(Or three)" It would definitely get one of these 2 over.
I'm interested to see who Ryback's first opponent is going to be considering most are afraid to work with him. They can't keep throwing jobbers out to him for another 3 months.

Even Goldberg's first opponent was Hugh Morrus. Maybe not a main-event guy, but he was at least someone the WCW audience knew. You would think with all the guys the WWE doesn't use in the back that they could throw some known name out there.
On an side note, why don't the commentators shut-up when Ryback is wrestling?! It's been three weeks since he's said "FINISH HIM!". Now he says "FINISH IT!" and it's very noticeable. Plus, while they were yapping away on the last RAW, they completely missed that instead of saying "FEED. ME. MORE!!" he said "FEED. ME. THREE!!!". Indicating that he wants to try facing three opponents instead of his usual 2. And they were also running their mouths about nonsense when he yelled "I. HIT. HARRRD!!!!"

You'd think by now they'd learn to pay attention to when he speaks since I'm sure that by now it's a part of his character gimmick that he's desperately trying to get over.

Well said, self! :D It only took two weeks..albeit they almost missed their chance to catch what Ryback was saying while they were talking about nonsense...yet again.

This is really a true testament to how much they commentators go on about nothing when they should be paying attention to what's going on inside the ring.
Not impressed with Ryback at all. Facing scrawny nobodies is just sad. Acting like it's a big deal when he picks up 2 men that are just over 300lbs combined, really? John Cena picked up the Big Show AND Edge, now THAT is impressive. Beyond that, the hand crap and twitching just looks stupid. He isn't worth a pile of Goldberg's toenail clippings.
Ryback at SummerSlam I would prefer if they give him an actual meaningful opponent for SummerSlam who will actually test him, maybe someone like Kane, that would make my day

I just don't think he's ready for a pay per view yet. He hasn't really done anything other than squash jobbers and isn't in an actual feud with anyone. Maybe you could throw him in a Royal Rumble or on a Survivor Series team but a one on one match, not now.
to all those who have said ryback never fought a wwe employee he has fought slater and camacho before and this fighting random jobbers with bad promos thing wont be going on muchlonger if they want tomake him a supposed main eventer
The setup has already started even though WWE tries to hide the fact the everyone cheers Goldberg during his matches and Ryback is a Goldberg Clone.

I was thinking on paper how a Ryback vs. Goldberg match sounds awesome, but in real life the match would suck. Neither know how to carry a match or to sell, at all. Plus I think there is no chance in hell Goldberg would job to Ryback and if Ryback lost to Goldberg, I think Ryback would be done.

So my think was that they still have a Ryback vs. Goldberg match with it starting like the Warrior vs. Hogan at WM 6, but then once it starts getting interesting someone or better a group of guys head by a leader attack both, then having Ryback and Goldberg kick both of their asses have Ryback feud with the leader and maybe bring Goldberg back to do one last tag with Ryback.

Anyone else thought about it or would like to see the match?
in a word................NO. Goldberg was a WCW star who was over with the fans there but when he went to wwe he was exposed for what he was, a guy who believed his own hype and couldnt sell.

Ryback is a poor mans goldberg. feeding him jobbers because the genuine stars are not willing to work with him cos he is too stiff. At least goldberg could be put in a ring with other stars even though he was stiff(ask bret hart)

So if you put these guys in a ring together you would have a train wreck with goldbergs ego and ryback being stiff it wouldnt be nice to watch.
So you're suggesting WWE pay Goldberg around the money Lesnar is making (I'm assuming Goldberg would wan't that $5mill that Lesnar is getting) for a squash match? What's honestly the point in bringing Goldberg in for that?

Doesn't make any sense to me. Goldberg really shouldn't be brought back at all, his "legacy" can stay in WCW for all I (and probably a good majority) care
I think the chants are from a
"we've seen this before" mentallity then anyone in their right mind wanting to see an untalented spot botcher like Goldberg taking on a young wrestler like Ryback, and poor Ryback would end up suffering the same fate as Bret Hart.

Crimson was getting Goldberg chants at TNA house shows. Anytime a wrestler gets promoted via his win strike, the fans are going to chant Goldberg. It's actually an insult when you think about it.

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