**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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I don't think the hate on Ryback is that he sucks so much as it is that people are impatient and want to see him move on to some real competition and to some extent, I get that. But look at what's happening to Tensai. He was pushed to the moon upon his return to WWE TV and now it looks like he's about to fizzle out. Too much too soon. WWE isn't doing anything wrong with Ryback. He's being built up as a dominant, unstoppable force and I'm honestly getting some enjoyment out of his recent matches (something I don't say about jobber matches often if ever). Give it some damn time, people. He'll soon be facing some real competition and being put in real feuds.
I don't think the hate on Ryback is that he sucks so much as it is that people are impatient and want to see him move on to some real competition and to some extent, I get that. But look at what's happening to Tensai. He was pushed to the moon upon his return to WWE TV and now it looks like he's about to fizzle out. Too much too soon. WWE isn't doing anything wrong with Ryback. He's being built up as a dominant, unstoppable force and I'm honestly getting some enjoyment out of his recent matches (something I don't say about jobber matches often if ever). Give it some damn time, people. He'll soon be facing some real competition and being put in real feuds.

This is fine, and what you said about Tensai is correct, among a number of other problems with him. What is getting stupid with Ryback is:

1. his yelling and screaming after the match as if he did something terrific....Santino could beat the same people he is beating.

2. fans saying how amazingly awesome and dominant Ryback is because is crushing these losers. He may go out and crush established guys, and then he would be awesome. Nothing he does against these jobbers is awesome, and its making the homer fans look like fools
I don't think Ryback is acting as if he has done something, anything spectacular he simply wants to be fed more competitiion. He destroys whoever is in the ring with him FINISHES them and asks to be fed more. I think the hate on him is stupid. How can you hate a guy they are pushing slowly and trying to build up the right way. If they shoved him down your throat as a monster beating top guys whom people didnt think he should be beating you same people would hate him for that. Let the WWE push him slowly and hold your opinions on him until he is put in an actual storyline and or angle.
My opinion on this monster is AWSOME....i was a skipp Shefield fan when ther whole Nexus thing was goin on. I dont wath smackdown much and Monday was my first time seeing Ryback. I wasnt sure that was Shefield but was 99% sure it was. How in the world did he get so HUGE?? he wasnt that big before he got hurt. If he can get past all these squashes before fizzling out i can see big things for him. Being compared to Goldberg isnt a bad thing. I mean Goldberg was the "it: thing then so if your gonna be compared to someome why not the best??
This is how I'd do it:

Have The Miz call Ryback out on Raw. Have him cut a promo saying he's the number one star in WWE and he can beat anyone, even the unbeatable Ryback. You could even have Miz pick up several count-out victories when Ryback doesn't show up, as he's a SmackDown guy (I know this kind of contradicts the SuperShow concept, but it avoids over-exposing Ryback on two shows).

Then, Ryback vs Miz is advertised as finally happening, maybe even at a PPV. Ryback is waiting for Miz when he appears on the ramp with a mic - "I don't need to face Ryback, I already beat him several times" etc. Then JL comes out and makes it a No countout, no DQ match "In the name of People Power". This gets the crowd behind Ryback and eagerly anticipating seeing Miz get his ass well and truly handed to him.

First off.......SEVERAL TIMES! WHAT! Are you drinking? You want 7 weeks of RAW TV Time to be wasted on Miz coming out for no apparent reason except to feed his own ego about how he can beat Ryback. And if you know what you said contradicts the SuperShow concept, why would you suggest it? That's the whole point of the show to have SmackDown! stars on RAW also. Its a good idea but just very poorly booked.

2nd- we don't even know if Ryback is a Heel or Face right now. We need more of him.

3rd- What does Tensai have to do with any of this, your making no sense and just putting random superstars in a feud that had no real meaning in the first place. You want these two guys that get laughed at by the live crowd 90% with them getting the chants of ALBERT or GOLDBERG, to be time to be put in a feud with each other? Yeah that will get TV ratings up.

4th- We have no idea whats even gonna happen to JL next Monday. Just because there are no reports on it right now doesn't mean WWE cant throw us a curve ball and put Flair in the GM spot next week (or is that to unbelievable because The Great Justin LaBar said he was gonna manage Dolph Ziggler).

Bottom Line --- We are all excited for Ryback and the potential he has. We all want The Miz to be treated like the star he is. But WWE isn't going to do any of this.

But hey while were at it why don't we book Ryback to go undefeated til the Rumble then for no reason Undertaker comes out and says fight me at Mania, Ryback with that deranged look in his eyes says nothing leaving us clueless until Mania night then Ryback comes out and so does Taker and JL comes out and says its a no DQ match in the name of People Power and then Kevin Nash comes out, attacks Ryback while Undertaker is laid out. Then we can have Khali come out and fuck up Taker some more. THEN to finish this magically booked match, we can have Bobby Lashley, Batista, Goldberg, Viscera, Mark Henry, Kane, Big Show, Tensai, the Full Blooded Italians, bWo, Sabu, RVD, Dean Ambrose (the new Pillman according to the almighty LaBar), Brodie Lee, hell even Mordecai can get on this because its just so fuckin awesome, all of them come out and start doing the YMCA on the stage, the lights then go black and when they turn back on all the guys on stage are laid out, Undetaker is gone, and Ryback is in street clothes in the middle of the ring with a Rainbow colored wig on holding the WWE Championship. NOW THATS HOW YOU BOOK A MATCH, STATEN ISLAND STYLE BABYYYY.
This is fine, and what you said about Tensai is correct, among a number of other problems with him. What is getting stupid with Ryback is:

1. his yelling and screaming after the match as if he did something terrific....Santino could beat the same people he is beating.

He isn't yelling. He is in WWE terms, "sending a message." It's more taunting, plus he is screaming "Feed Me More", not exactly, "Yay, I won, I'm the best, look at me, go on an Internet wrestling forum and bitch, yay." It is establishing the character, its been done by way of defeating jobbers for years-upon-years now.

2. fans saying how amazingly awesome and dominant Ryback is because is crushing these losers. He may go out and crush established guys, and then he would be awesome. Nothing he does against these jobbers is awesome, and its making the homer fans look like fools

No, it is pretty awesome and dominant, plus pretty entertaining. I actually feel like watching Ryback dismantle two nobodies into dust instead of watching a Zack Ryder promo or Drew McIntyre attempt to act charismatic cause he can smile now. If Ryback destroyed established guys instantly, from the outset, that'd give idiots another reason to whine. "Why is he beating [Insert Name Here] when that guy has been around longer than he has and never gotten a chance." What Ryback beating jobbers does, is make him look dominant, get him exposure and get people talking about him.

Low and behold, you've posted in a thread where people are discussing Ryback, job done. And as for the final line, as someone who enjoys Ryback, I'm more partial to technical wrestlers, like Bryan, Punk, Kidd, Aries and Steen. But Ryback is just beyond awesome, and unless you're deaf, he is getting pops so it's working.
you know this is exactly what The Miz did to John Cena a few years ago, right? Miz kept coming out saying that he wanted matches with Cena but he never came out and declared himself the winner. then they had a match at The Bash i believe where John Cena put down Miz.
the problem with your story is that it
1. contradicts the "SuperShow"
2. JL would never perform such a face-ish move as to feed a hated talent as Miz to a face in Ryback
3. Tensai (before Brodus Clay) had been wrestling Miz, why would he all of a sudden help him?
4. This isn't something "significant" for Miz. its significant for Ryback and kind of Tensai but not Miz.
I like the idea but theres just a lot of flaws with it.
If you don't like Ryback, you're dumb or you don't know much about him.

Watch some of his older matches, prior to his latest run. The guy can go. They're establishing him as a dominant guy right now. Eventually, he'll move on to actual competition.

Of course the IWC was going to hate this guy. He's big, athletic and looks like he's going to make some money. He's not a greasy, skinny-fat prick (I love Punk, too). He's already a more experienced wrestler than Goldberg, and could be better when it's all over with.

Stop whining and give Skip a chance. He's really good at what he does.

I like Ryback, but is putting him against 180-lb jobbers week in and week out really "establishing" him? People aren't that dumb (for the most part). Wake me up when he's in a real feud with someone.

I remember back when Carlito debuted, they put him right up against Cena (and stabbed him, lol, I think). He wasn't a known or established guy coming in from WCW like Jericho or anyone.

Brodus Clay, man he's had to overcome a lot. He still hasn't been given a REAL one-on-one feud. Are they even planning on ever using him in his current format for that?

No, what do they do? The push Albert. Brilliant.

Enough with the stupid squash matches. It's a waste of time. Unfortunately, with an extra hour of Raw coming, I fear we're going to see much more of this type of programming. No thought, no creative effort, no angle. They can get the message across with 2 weeks of squash matches, not over 2-3 months. Put the guy in a feud or move on. I DVR through Ryback's TV time now because it's the same damn thing I saw last week.


And saying you enjoy watching him destroy jobbers is like saying you'd love to watch a bear rip apart a couple bunny rabbits in the forest for sport. Stupid mismatch doesn't make him dominant. Does anyone doubt the guy can lift 360 pounds? It's not that impressive. Not that I'm against rabbit murder, let's make that clear...
"First off.......SEVERAL TIMES! WHAT! Are you drinking?"


"You want 7 weeks of RAW TV Time to be wasted on Miz coming out for no apparent reason except to feed his own ego about how he can beat Ryback."

Where did you get 7 weeks from, sir?
Perhaps you've been drinking. And Miz (as somebody already pulled me up on) did this to Cena in the past and it got him heat. I'm not saying Ryback is anywhere near Cena's level, just that it's a proven way to get Miz heat. Better than a dance-off with Brodus Clay, anyway.

" And if you know what you said contradicts the SuperShow concept, why would you suggest it? That's the whole point of the show to have SmackDown! stars on RAW also."

A valid point. But superstars are still brand-exclusive to a certain extent, and it provides a logical reason for him not showing up.

"Its a good idea but just very poorly booked"

Unlike most of this reply, you've addressed the validity of my example and given constructive feedback, rather than nitpick at small flaws and compare him to Goldberg. Thank you for that.

"2nd- we don't even know if Ryback is a Heel or Face right now. We need more of him."

Can't argue with that. My example solidifies him as a face, but he'd work just as well as a heel.

"3rd- What does Tensai have to do with any of this, your making no sense and just putting random superstars in a feud that had no real meaning in the first place. "

I gave a motive for Tensai to go after Ryback - he's trying to re-establish himself as the big bad man in WWE after a loss to Cena. The meaning of the feud is Tensai targeting Ryback for this reason and Ryback proving he can do the business against a legit opponent.

"You want these two guys that get laughed at by the live crowd 90% with them getting the chants of ALBERT or GOLDBERG, to be time to be put in a feud with each other? Yeah that will get TV ratings up"

An earlier poster mentioned what a great reaction Ryback got from the crowd tonight. The Miz's involvement was designed to get the crowd even further behind Ryback. And then when Tensai targets him, that gets him heat by association. Basic wrestling booking technique. Plus I'm not saying that this would main event RAW every week - it would take 15 minutes maximum per segment. The beauty of my version is it shouldn't be bad enough to decrease the ratings, and it's low enough in the card to detract from the ratings-grabbing main events.
I assume it would be petty and small of me to attack your grammar here as well, so I won't.

"4th- We have no idea whats even gonna happen to JL next Monday. Just because there are no reports on it right now doesn't mean WWE cant throw us a curve ball and put Flair in the GM spot next week (or is that to unbelievable because The Great Justin LaBar said he was gonna manage Dolph Ziggler)"

You are right here - although unlikely considering he's quite over as a heel right now, JL could indeed be gone after next Monday.

I suppose my post offended you so much you cancelled all the events in your busy social calendar, called up Scott Steiner and roided up with him, then concocted that wonderful response at the bottom of your post. Simply brilliant.

I asked in my original post if you felt the angle would get over, opinions on my example version, and versions of your own.

Some posters have done exactly that, but it's small wonder internet using wrestling fans have such a bad reputation when you read some of the mindless hatred spewing from some people on here. If my example is illogical, please call me on it. If you think your version is better, please share it. Or if you don't think the angle would work, tell me why. But don't just rant and rave - it helps nobody.
I like Ryback. I think he can keep chugging along, being fed jobbers week after week, and generally be just fine. He gets a better reaction than Tensei -- which is to say, he gets a reaction -- and with his current place on the roster he's sort of just there. That's not a bad thing in his case. He takes up minimal time, provides me moderate amounts of entertainment, and is picking up steam with each outing. Too many mediocre stars take up WAY too much screen time trying (and failing) to cut promos or build up their vanilla character. Ryback is a simple concept that you really can't fuck up, unless you do stupid things like throw him against John Cena within a few months of his re-debut. Let him make slow progress, eventually moving up to digest under-card talents instead of local jobbers. In a few months, if he hasn't fallen back into the black hole of Superstars, give him a short feud with somebody like the Miz. Maybe even give him the United States or Intercontinental Championship. Eventually, because you're going to have to run a legitimacy program against somebody his size or bigger, throw him into a feud with the Big Show, Kane, or Mark Henry.

It's not difficult. It may be slow and arduos, but I guarantee you that most people who like him, only like him so much. For instance, I'm a fan of his. I like watching him utterly DESTROY the people he's in the ring with. It's fun. His "FEED ME MORE!" line is lame and cliche, but it works. And when he's beating up people I have literally NO emotional investment in, it allows me to just sit back and enjoy the carnage. The minute you strap him in against somebody like John Cena or Randy Orton you start weighing the options and trying to make booking decisions in your mind that you're not qualified to make. THings like "is it bad for business to have him go over Cena?" or "What happens if he does beat Cena? What next?" That's not our job as fans, but too often the WWE rushes in and out of things so fast that we're left with no substance or direction. So we fill our need for quality entertainment by making up our own minds; that's dangerous and usually doesn't lead to anything but unhappiness for the fans.
Personally I like Ryback his wrestling jobbers is kinda getting old its time to let him start beating guys like JTG and others that only wrestle on superstars and NXT build him up give him a feud with someone like a Jack Swaggar that he can get over with and look decent doing it.
Its really hard to take this guy seriously. He is way over the top with his antics, the marching, saying "feed me more". And it doesnt help that he has a goofy looking face. Goldberg was intimidating, when I look at this guy I just want to laugh. There really isnt anything special about him.

And we have seen guys like Umaga, Big Daddy V, Great Khali etc, look dominant and they were quickly buried after their first loss. So what makes us think that the same wont happen to Ryback? Why should we care?
Its really hard to take this guy seriously. He is way over the top with his antics, the marching, saying "feed me more". And it doesnt help that he has a goofy looking face. Goldberg was intimidating, when I look at this guy I just want to laugh. There really isnt anything special about him.

And we have seen guys like Umaga, Big Daddy V, Great Khali etc, look dominant and they were quickly buried after their first loss. So what makes us think that the same wont happen to Ryback? Why should we care?

Ryback's ring skills are pretty much better that all of wrestlers you've listed, maybe except for Umaga, but we haven't seen Ryback in anything but squash matches, so it's really hard to make a judgment saying that he will end up just like Khali, Big Daddy V, Tensai Zeke, etc... Usually Ryback wouldn't be grouped with super heavyweights like Umaga, Khali, and Big Daddy V. About 10 years ago, there was a whole group of guys jacked up weighting about 290 pounds, but times have changed, and Ryback is now classified as a super heavyweight.
I really don't have much of a problem with Ryback. He brings something new moves to the table almost every week, and he's just a beast. He's one of the most intimidating wrestlers on Smackdown, and is in great shape.

I like watching him squash jobbers, but yeah, like other people I want to see him to start elevating his competition soon. Take on people other than local competitors, like actual roster members, but I'm glad they are gradually building him up like they have been with Clay.

A Ryback match is better than a Divas match, and more entertaining than a pointless Laurinitis/Otunga/Eve segment.

I hope that Ryback gets involved in a feud with a decent/popular mid-carder like Ziggler or Swagger. I'd watch that.
Its no secret that Mcmahon is high on ryback right now!! Ryback is ultra cool in my opinion and a force to be reckoned with! Sure his squash matches are exciting but im waiting for a real feud to get going. Tensai is considered a flop so to me that is out of the question for right now. Miz on the other hand would be a good feud to get going for Ryback.

Ryback is better than goldberg he is more intimidating IMO than old bill was.. I believe the jury is still out on Ryback but he is getting positive reviews and the crowd loves him. You dont hear them chant skip sheffield u hear RYBACK RYBACK that speaks volumes to me.
I don't understand the dislike for Ryback by some people. The guy is a monster!!!!! He is an awesome worker for a guy his size. Much better than Goldberg or Batista ever were. Better than Crimson is over on TNA. Ryback is just being moved along slowly. This guy has Vince behind him!!!!! Vince loves him!!!!! With then knowing Lesnar isn't gonna stick around and Mason Ryan just not being that good in the ring. Ryback aka Skip is the next Brock Lesnar/ Goldberg archtype monster that Vince is getting behind. I personally like the feed me more quote. I like the moveset. I like the no nonsense approach to the ring. If they want him to dominate 2 180 jobbers on Raw and Smackdown for a little while so be it. I personally like watching it. It's more fun watching Ryback squash 2 jobbers than it is watching Miz do anything. I simply can not stand the Miz. He was the worst WWE champion I have ever seen. Its a joke that and IMO hurt the validity of the WWE championship giving him a title reign which also IMO is the reason they gave the title to CM Punk. Cause they knew CM Punk could bring value back to the WWE title with his in ring work. He may not be a big guy but CM Punk has a limited martial arts backround which makes him a legit champion. He is good on the mic and doesn't call himself Awesome. The Miz hurt the WWE title and the WWE has been trying to build it back up since. Having Miz go over Cena at WM 2 years ago was a TERRIBLE decision. Now they are Building up Ryabck who at some point will win the WWE title. But just like the Title he needs to be built up befor that can happen.
Who do u think will be in Ryback's first real fued. I mean c'mon right now hes just establishing himself as an ass kicker. But hopefully soon he can actually have a fued because we havent even heard him talk on the mic yet. I think a fued with Cody Rhodes or Big Show or someone like that. He has the potential to be a bad ass Goldberg type thing. And im just gonna throw this out there if Ryback climbs the ladder fastly I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Ryback vs Brock Fued into WM or after if he signs.
SO what do you think a good fued for Ryback would be? Against who?
Discuss. Explain. Etc..
I would think he would feud with someone like Khali, It would be interesting to see him destroy Khali as well as give Ryback someone who is "established" but not to relevant.
I want Ryback to fight people more his size and power like Kane, Big Show, Brodus, Tensai, Ezekiel, Khali, Mark Henry (when he returns), Mason Ryan or heck even Swagger.

Even though he's a direct rip off of Goldberg I really like the guy and think he has potential. He's not just another slow meat head. The guy is pretty quick on his feet. But with that said, if he can beat said guys mentioned above, he can establish himself as a more dominant wrestler and be taken more seriously. Squash matches are doing nothing for him at the moment.

I think a feud with Mark Henry would be cool though, especially if it's the Henry that he was during his reign. Kane would be interesting too.
Ryback and Brodus Clay should fued with Cena and Big Show.

Then have a Tag-team match with the stipulation of "Loser Team Leaves WWE" match in which Ryback and Brodus Clay lose and they are released.
They need to start feeding Ryback some guys that can actually put up a fight. I have never liked these squash type matches. Heck, even i could beat up the guys that Ryback has been destroying every week. They've all been scrawny little punks. Throw Ezekial Jackson out there or something and let Ryback run over him.

I'm not one to cry and moan about a finisher not being realistic or whatever like some people do. But I think Ryback needs a new finisher. Give him something tougher, hell, I say give him that Backpack Stunner he uses as a finisher. What he's doing now is just a Samoan Drop and most wrestlers do that as a regular move.
They need to start feeding Ryback some guys that can actually put up a fight. I have never liked these squash type matches. Heck, even i could beat up the guys that Ryback has been destroying every week. They've all been scrawny little punks. Throw Ezekial Jackson out there or something and let Ryback run over him.

I'm not one to cry and moan about a finisher not being realistic or whatever like some people do. But I think Ryback needs a new finisher. Give him something tougher, hell, I say give him that Backpack Stunner he uses as a finisher. What he's doing now is just a Samoan Drop and most wrestlers do that as a regular move.

Actually his finisher is not a Samoan Drop he calls it the Shellshock and it is actually a fisherman suplex buster. Although when he performs it with two guys it does come off looking like a Samoan Drop. If you watch his first few matches when he only faced a single wrestler you can very plainly see it is far different from a Samoan Drop. As for his first feud I think Cody Rhodes, Hunico or even a returning Ted Dibiase would be a great start. Once he builds a following and starts gaining credibility I think feuds with The Miz, Tensai, and Mark Henry would bring him to the next level. They need to start having him squash actual wrestlers, if I remember correctly he has only beaten Slater and Bateman outside of the indy jobbers they feed him every week. Vince seems to be very high on Mr. Reeves so I don't see him fading away anytime soon. Oh and you spelled feud wrong lol.
I like the fact he is beating Jobbers every week. It is slowly building him up and allowing him to become relevant. Its one of my favourite staples now in every show! I believe WWE have big plans for the guy...

When the jobber thing gets old, maybe in a month or so starting 'feeding' him the lower card. Hunico, Hawkins, Mcintyre....then I would start giving him bigger opposition like Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan. After he beats these have Mark Henry run out from behind and beat him down setting up a match at Summerslam to really get Ryback over.

Mark Henry gets my vote.
Goldberg's (Ryback) first feud should be Mark Henry or Big Show. I think either of those two heavy weights will put Ryback on the map. I'd love to see him destroy Ziggler but that's more fantasy, not reality.

But I don't get how WWE can take him seriously. The crowd yells Goldberg during his entire match each week. They need to SERIOUSLY fix that and should have him act and look less like Goldberg.
I made a thread about how a feud with Tensai could be interesting, but it got merged with the General Ryback discussion thread. Way to go, moderators!
I think a feud with another monster could be interesting. Someone who doesn't look like they could possibly be dominated - like the Brock Lesnar - Goldberg feud (but, y'know...not shit.)
Of course, Tensai wouldn't work now his aura has been shattered by two consecutive losses. A returning, rampaging Mark Henry could fit the bill perfectly.

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