**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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Here's the thing though, does it really matter who he faces? Sure a jobber and a midcarder are two completely different levels of stardom, but does it affect his skills at all? That answer is no. If Ryback "fails" at being a beast that falls on the other guy. Let's say he faces off against Tyson Kidd or Drew McIntyre, if the match looks bad, it's Kidd or McIntyre's fault, because if a jobber can do a better job of selling, what's that say about your real talent? See my point, He knows what he is doing, its solely on the other person to make him look good. And it's really only been a few months since this characters debut. Maybe 3? Now that he's going to get top billing for Smackdown, give it another month he'll dive into the main roster shortly.
I actually enjoy his matches. His moves pack so much impact and are somewhat unique. His big boots which become stomps, his Bradshaw-esque clotheslines, his powerbombs; something about his style makes me enjoy his matches, even if they are against no-name jobbers.

I also like that Ryback doesn't do a "5 Moves of Doom" routine every match. Sure, he uses some of the same moves every match, but he doesn't do them in the same order every night, while also throwing in a few new things as well. That's one of the reasons I tend not to associate him with Goldberg.

Like most of the IWC, I'd like him to face actual WWE wrestlers, but that's not his fault. That's WWE Creative's fault. Until they do put him against real stars, I'll watch in awe as he decimates the competition.
Problem with Ryback is that he was the third guy in the company that was on an undefeated streak. The other two guys were Tensai (he finally lost tonight) and Brodus Clay. Like the other two streaks Ryback's streak was not presented as being important as it seemed like PPV filler and was only present on smackdown (until tonight). I think what ticks people off the most is that WWE is looking so much like WCW these days that it's just another sign of WWE going down the crapper.

Now as for my personal opinion I hope WWE puts a number behind his streak. I hope that he comes out and says he hears people shouting Goldberg and that he's interested in beating Goldberg's streak from way back when in WCW. While this goes on you can continue to give Clay an streak too, which eventually possibly pits Ryback and Clay against one another in a possible Sammy Sosa/Mark Mcgwire like fued.
There are so many things he does that are so stupid that make me giggle.

1. Why does he mime the action of skiing at the top of the ramp?

2. Those arm bands.

3. Was he ever in a marching band? Or does he just have an affinity for marching?

4. Why's he always talking about food? Feed? Me? More? More what? FINISH IT! Yeah, Ryback! Clear your plate!
Maybe it's because of first impressions......All I see is the bumbling country doofus from NXT that ran around screaming the cheesiest, most female sounding whoooo weeeeee!
I legitimately enjoy Ryback and his matches and do not understand the hate that he gets. Of the points brought against him I find the most prominent being 1) He's a Goldberg Ripoff 2) He only faces jobbers. Of these two points I'd like to ask 1) it's been 8-9 years since the last time we saw Goldberg in a match, more than decade since he was last in WCW and almost 15 years since Goldbergs streak was broken. There's nothing original going on in wrestling anymore so what's wrong with ripping off something that was good and has distance? Dude looks like a beast and has the moveset to be another Goldberg(though his finish did take time to grow on me.) and point 2) Who exactly would you want him to beat? If he did jump straight into squashing the main roster people would take issue with that. That and with Tensai crushing faces and Clay on the heels Ryback really didn't have anyone other than local jobbers to work with. It's a no win situation trying to please the vast majority of internet fans with Ryback.
I legitimately enjoy Ryback and his matches and do not understand the hate that he gets. Of the points brought against him I find the most prominent being 1) He's a Goldberg Ripoff 2) He only faces jobbers. Of these two points I'd like to ask 1) it's been 8-9 years since the last time we saw Goldberg in a match, more than decade since he was last in WCW and almost 15 years since Goldbergs streak was broken. There's nothing original going on in wrestling anymore so what's wrong with ripping off something that was good and has distance? Dude looks like a beast and has the moveset to be another Goldberg(though his finish did take time to grow on me.) and point 2) Who exactly would you want him to beat? If he did jump straight into squashing the main roster people would take issue with that. That and with Tensai crushing faces and Clay on the heels Ryback really didn't have anyone other than local jobbers to work with. It's a no win situation trying to please the vast majority of internet fans with Ryback.

Ok. But . . . it's fucking GOLDBERG. Could you imagine if Ryback came to the ring with beer and started clanking two of them together on the turnbuckles and pouring them into his mouth? What would you say then?
People hate him because they have already seen him on WWE TV before on NXT and RAW as Skip Sheffield when he used to cut promos during Nexus but now he is being built as "Ryback" (a seious dominant monster).

Ryback, the same guy who used to say - "Yep yep yep...what it do?"


And as for his comparisons to Goldberg, he is nowhere near Goldberg.
Goldberg beat WCW lower mid-carders not jobbers.

And Ryback's attire is goofy.
Ryback is perfect for todays product and I find him refreshing. Those members of the IWC need to leave the attitude era and stop been so fucking snobbish.

Some of the jokers on here fancy themselves as Wrestling critiques! You dont have to like everything you see but dont fucking moan about the stuff you dislike. The stuff about him only facing jobbers is laughable!!!

Ryback will be over and main eventer in 6-9 months.
I'm liking Ryback. Sure all he's done since his repackaging is destroy jobbers, but he's done it in a very devastating and entertaining (imo) way. The WWE could use another Goldberg. Hopefully Ryback has was it takes to be that guy.
Now as for my personal opinion I hope WWE puts a number behind his streak. I hope that he comes out and says he hears people shouting Goldberg and that he's interested in beating Goldberg's streak from way back when in WCW. While this goes on you can continue to give Clay an streak too, which eventually possibly pits Ryback and Clay against one another in a possible Sammy Sosa/Mark Mcgwire like fued.

Goldberg vs Ryback is a WM match waiting to happen. :)

Anyway. I don't mind Ryback, I don't care for him much either. My nephew likes him alot though. I just think he's too goofy, he flaps his arms up and down like a big baby throwing a temper tantrum. His tights are goofy. His finisher sucks, seriously, it's just a Samoan Drop. I say give him something tougher and cooler. Heck, I'd settle for the backpack stunner as his finisher. That's actually a cool looking move.

And his recent catchphrase he's been saying after his matches, "Feed me more!" Yeah, sounds a little similar to Goldberg's, "Who's next?" :)

I don't know. I just can't get Skip Sheffield out of my mind when I see him. In fact, I actually liked him more as the redneck meat head. "Yep yep, what it do" :)
Do people really think Goldberg was the first jobber destroyer monster? Did they never see any of the Legion of Doom's original or AWA runs, where they were essentially Goldberg x2? Goldberg was just one of the most noteworthy practioners of a very old gimmick.

And I'm looking forward to seeing Ryback develop.
He's clearly good wrestler and has an impressive physique but, is it really only me that finds his Jacked-RVD look and his "war cries/processes" just a bit silly and lame even? I actually cringe everytime the match finishes because he starts yelping "FEED ME MORE!" (oh and during the match "FINISH HIM!") Feed me more is probably the lamest catchphrase in WWE right now and that's 100 miles behind "Woo, Woo, Woo" somehow. It could just be that the crowd reaction isn't big enough for him I guess. Maybe if everytime he shouted "FINISH HIM!" the crowd went crazy It'd look awesome but, unfortunately that doesn't really happen.

He could be good but, for me personally they need to avoid playing in to everyone comparing him to Goldberg and get him to shout less. Other than that I think we should give him a few months to see if he progresses, I can tell I probably need to.
Ok. But . . . it's fucking GOLDBERG. Could you imagine if Ryback came to the ring with beer and started clanking two of them together on the turnbuckles and pouring them into his mouth? What would you say then?

I'd say it was a character inspired by heavy drinking characters like Stone Cold or The Sandman, but that's the problem Ryback/Goldberg comparison, some people are only focusing on one aspect of the character. To be fair Goldberg isn't exactly fleshed out and the streak was about the only interesting thing he ever did but the thing about Ryback is he's just getting started. Right now all Ryback has is the domination, win streak, and bizarre RVD like tights, give him time to get fleshed out. This is the same kind of thing that came up when Crimson started his big streak of wins and would you call him a Goldberg ripoff right now?
Ryback is one of the few new guys that doesn't get a lot of hate. If people hate they're generally hating on the fact that all these squash matches are a waste of time, w3hich is admittedly my problem with him as well.
I've been a fan of his since I first saw him on Tough Enough '04 alongside The Miz. Some people will just complain about him for the sake of copying what others are doing.
The only real problem I have with Ryback is that there isn''t much separating him from the previous monster gimmick guys who are just big. Granted he may turn out better then others but until then I just don't see much value in watching him squash guys Ive seen countless others do the same ( Zieke, Koslov, Tomko, snitski and so on) While a guy Like brodus whos character is corny but kinda funny and energetic and while we have seen it before monster guys who are just big has been done to death Mason Ryan, Big daddy V, Kahli and the like. He's not bad he just needs to show he can do something that will make him stand out Ie: Kane and Undertakes ability to portray character and and make story lines gold, Vader and to a lesser extent Big show for athletic ability in relation to his size. He just needs that thing to make him a star what ever it is
I've been a fan of his since I first saw him on Tough Enough '04 alongside The Miz. Some people will just complain about him for the sake of copying what others are doing.

It's a legitimate concern since he's basically a copy of Goldberg who was one of the most popular stars back in the day. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if Ryback had the qualities Goldberg. Like someone said, gimmicks are passed on from time to time. Problem with Ryback is that he looks like a low quality version of Goldberg or Goldberg-Lite, so it's hard to get passed that.

And yeah being Skipp Sheffield for a year in a huge angle does not help the repackaging direction either.
I do like Ryback's move set ... relatively diverse and good range of devastating high impact moves

the negatives are the catch phrase (Feed me more .. pretty silly) and that he hasn't really fleshed out his character a bit

but hopefully with more time he can develop and get the fans more on his side

**true about the Goldberg bit as Bill pretty consistently fought known names and was pushed pretty quickly up the ladder.

as for this

"he hears people shouting Goldberg and that he's interested in beating Goldberg's streak from way back when in WCW."

good luck with that .. didn't Goldberg get to 130-0 or something ridiculous like that? before losing to Nash at Starcade

I think Ryback should try to differ himself from Goldberg, and trying to surpass Goldberg's winning streak wouldn't help with people comparing the two
People are disconnecting the issue here. Most people don't actually hate Ryback, they hate the booking. It isn't impressive to beat up no-namers, every single WWF superstar did that for years on Wrestling Challenge. Have him toss around some guys that are established stars and the interest level will rise.
The 2 main reasons for the hate on Ryback is because he is being compared to Goldberg and the fact that he is doing pretty much the same thing every match.

I personally have enjoyed Ryback in his squash matches. The one on RAW last night was my favourite espicially with the first move when one of the jobbers ran to Ryback and he just threw him in the air like nothing.#

The other thing is that Ryback is facing jobbers who no one knows. I think what the creative should do is book Ryback in a 3 on 1 handicap match for 2 weeks and then move him onto the roster jobbers for 2/3 weeks before moving into an actual feud.

VKM has said himself that he doesn't mind if he is getting compared to Goldberg, atleast he is getting noticed within the company.

As for Ryback as getting a push in the near future. He needs to have matches first that is not all about him getting in the offensive. I'd say at the end of this year, beginning of 2013, he should enter a feud for the WHC for a month and then if backstage are impressed, they will give him another shot and if they are not impressed, then he will be pushed back down the ladder.
It's par for the course. No matter who does what, how good they are in their role or what positive attributes they bring; a wrestler will always gain some meature of animosity among online fans, especially if they wrestle for WWE.

I can understand some people not being into Ryback just as I understand some not being into any other wrestler. As far as his gimmick goes, so what if it's a lot like Goldberg's? From what I've seen, Ryback's every bit as good as Goldberg ever was in this particular gimmick. He's every bit as intense, physically impressive and most fans are buying into it. On top of that, Ryback's far better inside the ring than Goldberg in my view. I'm going by based on what we saw from him during his Skip Sheffield days and his current role.

The jury is still out on this guy until we get him in some actual feuds, I agree on that. But as for outright hating on the guy, he's done nothing to really earn most of it in my eyes. Sure he's doing a Goldberg inspired character, it's something that hasn't been done to death and he seems to be doing quite well at it so far. Would you rather have a clumsy hulk like Mason Ryan out there?
I like Ryback, his move-set is pretty good (what we've seen of it). Nobody really does those powerhouse moves anymore in WWE. But my only concern is how over can he get doing squash matches.
It's too early to hate him; he's still in his introductory period. So far, no opponent has even taken a shot at him.....it's all about Ryback in attack mode; we don't know if he has any defensive skills because he hasn't needed them yet. We don't know how he'd respond to adversity because he hasn't faced any.

But, what has it been; about 6 matches for Ryback? Enough of this garbage already; let's get him off the slaughtering of skinny nobodies. It's not entertaining anymore, if it ever was. Are we supposed to be amazed at him lifting two lightweights and tossing them? Hell, Beth Phoenix did that..... with a busted knee!

Have to admit I enjoyed one aspect of last night's match, though: a non-Jewish guy passing himself off as Arthur Rosenberg. We've seen some weird ring names before, but never one like that. Let him square off against Daivari.....then we'll see about Artie-boy.

As for Ryback, let's hold off on the hate until we see how he handles himself against mid-card heroes; yes, he'll be squashing them before he gets to people who will give him a match, but at least we'll be past what we're getting now.
Have to admit I enjoyed one aspect of last night's match, though: a non-Jewish guy passing himself off as Arthur Rosenberg. We've seen some weird ring names before, but never one like that. Let him square off against Daivari.....then we'll see about Artie-boy.

This caught my attention too. Between the name, the crazy facial hair, the fact that the two guys got promo time, that they did an awful Dr. Suess duet, and Rosenberg hogged the mic I was floored at how bad these guys came off. They could have performed a 5 star match and I would still be caught up in their "Two is Better Than One" boy band Sister Sister promo.

But Sally - how do you know he isn't really Jewish? His tights were tight but not tight enough to see that he was uncircumcised. I thought he could be. :shrug:

Anyway, Ryback is fun filler right now. There is some hate from the IWC because impatient people are more likely to post than patient people. I enjoy his squashes as long as WWE is putting on a good show around it. Just like with Brodus, it is not going to last forever. In about a year we are going to be complaining about Ryback facing Ziggler for the umpteenth time.

Give it time and try to focus on the more important aspects of the show.

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