**MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

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Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing this feud happen now.

Ryback is over. He is a dominant powerhouse who can seemingly be stopped by no one. He is fairly over as a face at the moment. He has been undefeated since his re-debut. Ryback is an unstoppable force.

CM Punk is the reigning WWE Champion. He has been the WWE Champ for 310 days, i think. No one can beat him when it really matters. He hasn't lost a PPV Match in nearly a year. Punk is the Best In The World.

This match, given enough time, could be a main event match. I am already interested and they are just teasing it. Ryback can jump into the main event with a bang. It worked for Sheamus. They rushed him. It worked for many others too. I am not saying give Ryback the title. But, a match wouldn't hurt.

At a time John Cena is hurt, or just coming off an injury, he should be no where near the WWE Title, or a match inside Hell in a Cell. This is the perfect time to test the waters with Ryback. Is it too soon? Maybe. Maybe not. HiaC isn't going to get that many buys as it is. Will Ryback replacing Cena hurt the number of buys? I don't think so. I think a new, fresh face in the main event scene could help more than hurt. I might even pay to watch Ryback vs. CM Punk in a cell. Would I do that for Cena v. Punk, again? Less likely.

So, I say let it happen.
I really have to wonder when people go so far to say that Goldberg was better in the ring than Ryback!!!!! Goldberg was def second rate and Ryback is FAR better in the ring than Goldberg ever was. As far as who is going to beat Ryback that is up in the air!!!! I dont think he is gonna lose anytime soon. He is undefeated and i am glad we arent getting a count of how many wins in a row. The rediculas reports of Rynack being to dangerous are BS Vince wouldnt push someone who was a danger in the ring. I've said this befor Vince yanked Brodous off TV cause he felt he needed work as being safer. If Ryback was ever dangerous Vince would have taken him off TV until he was fit for tv again.
These are reasons why WWE fucking sucks! I'm so sick & tired of the garbage they put out. Do something original for a change. EVERYONE knows Skip Sheffield aka Ryback is nothing more than a cheap copy of Goldberg...Old. EVERYONE knows about Goldberg's rise...Old. EVERYONE knows that Ryback is being fed down our ever-loving throats...Old! Old. Old. Old. (disclaimer, the do something original is both serious and sarcastic).

Now, with that being said, why are they doing this to CM Punk? I mean, the guy is one of the most over guys the company has and now he's being made to look like the scared champion? If he's gonna call himself Best in the World, for heaven's sake, stop making him look weaker than his opponents. Did Ric Flair ever look weaker than Nikita Koloff? Or Luger? Or whomever they put in his way? No. And he was also calling himself the best in the world and backed it up. What WWE isn't doing/hasn't done/probably will never do is make Punk look, well like the best in the world. He's only fighting Cena. Why not have had him face Ziggler? Whatever happened to that? And now this. Ryback? Are you kidding me? Please, please I beg of you WWE do NOT put Ryback in there with Punk! I mean, they just throw these things out there & nobody knows what the fuck is going on! SMH. Ryback, er ah Skip or Goldberg lite, shouldn't be anywhere NEAR a CM Punk. The man has what, 2 holds? That's it. That's not entertaining. That's boring and again...OLD! Goodness. This is worse than ever...
I'm interested to say the least?

More than likely Rybacks just here as a back-up for Cena not being able to compete. Doesnt have to be a big thing, a swerve or anything like some others are saying. Build it up, both guys are good on the mic, not to mention Cena can talk for Ryback if WWE dont want him saying too much.

Heel fears face is the classic set-up. The heels not supposed to be able to defeat the face, hence the need to cheat. Keep it going

Put them in the cell, let Ryback dominate, get the lead pipe from Heyman and let C.M Punk knock the stuffing out of him. Easy peasy. Leaves it open for Cena to take over the next night. No need to complicate things.
First Miz is IC champion which is a MIDCARD title!!!!! He got destroyed by Ryback last night who as of right now in his push is still a MIDCARD talent, who hasnt gotten to the main event level just yet. Miz is a MIdcarded and thats that. I don't care if he headmined Wrestlemania two years ago. He was the worse WWE Champion I have ever seen. Miz is not Main Event calibur what so ever. The WWE realizes that hence they cut him down quite a bit. He was and may still be in the dog house. ADR has gone on record saying Miz is a baby and he doesnt like him. As far as Ryback's stare down of Punk going off the air last night during Raw. It doesnt have to lead to a match right away. Ryback was protecting Mick Foley!!! Punk didn't look like he wanted anything to do with Ryback either. I believe I saw some fear in Punks face almost like he saw a ghost.
So when HHH/HBK were feuding with the spirit squad and held the tag belts that made them midcarders? What about Jericho's last IC title run? Or further back, when Ric Flair was feuding with konnan over the us title he was a midcarder?

ADR is known for being quite a cry baby himself. Pot calling kettle perhaps?

Most other talent are praised for stepping down and working with the lower guys, but when Miz does it it's not the same?

As far as Ryback goes... Good. It's not a bad thing to get a rub with the top guys, especially when they're so high on him. Punk's facial expression did more to sell Ryback as a serious threat than any match he's won so far. Personally, I'd have rather seen him lay out the Big Show after his segment to show just how dominate he is.
More than likely Rybacks just here as a back-up for Cena not being able to compete.

I think that sums it up nicely. My first thought when seeing Ryback breathing heavy at the end of Raw, is that the WWE will insert Ryback into the title match at HiaC if Cena is unable to compete. I think that WWE is just covering their ass(es), in case Cena won't be able to wrestle by next month.

By the way (and this is a bit off-topic), why was Ryback breathing so hard at the end of Raw anyway? Was he seething at the sight of Punk "sucker-kicking" Foley? Had he ran all the way to that back-stage area after seeing Punk kick Foley on one of the live feeds? That just seemed kind of lame to me...but I digress.

It's obvious that WWE (namely Vince) is pretty high on Ryback. He'll be in the main event scene eventually, and it's possible that the end of Raw last night was just foreshadowing Ryback's eventual WWE Title reign. It wouldn't surprise me to see Ryback as the one to take the title off Punk, I just don't think it will happen before early 2013 at the earliest. It might even be a Wrestlemania match.

I wouldn't put too much stock in to seeing Ryback at the close of Raw last night, I think he was just shown as a "just in case" type of thing.
...the first time Ryback loses I see it being a dusty finish.

I completely agree with this. I don't think Ryback will lose for a looooong time yet, and I see him winning the WWE Title (or at least the WHC) well before his first loss. In my opinion, they'll do something similar to Goldberg's first loss. The match (where Ryback suffers his first loss) will be a no-DQ bout (or "No Holds Barred", or whatever they want to call it), and there will be some kind of interference. Either a foreign object will be employed (*cough*cattle prod*cough*), or it will take an entire faction to take him down.

Personally, I think Kevin Nash will come out of retirement to face Ryback. Then Scott Hall will zap him with a taser, and Shawn Michaels will finger-poke-of-doom Nash live on Raw the next evening. Then technically, Shawn will not have broken his "retirement" promise, but still be the WWE Champ. That will be good for business, right?

In all seriousness, Ryback probably won't have a loss until the summer of 2013 (at the absolute earliest). The WWE seems so invested in this guy that it's possible he goes on the longest winning streak in the history of pro-wrestling. I'm absolutely serious, I can totally see the WWE trying to invent the "next big thing" with Ryback. Super Cena won't be around forever, and his current injury has to be leaving the WWE thinking about the next "face of the company". I think the WWE has some HUGE plans for Ryback, although I wouldn't put too much stock in his confrontation with Punk last night. I think his first WWE Title reign is still a few months away. His first loss, however - I don't believe we'll see Ryback pinned (or submitted) until the summer of 2013 at the earliest. When it does finally happen, the outcome will be sketchy at best.
It should be the Undertaker imo.

Streak vs. Streak at WM 29!

That would definitely sell if they keep building Ryback the right way.
Punk beats him but after a Lesnar run in - That way the Heyman connection is there and it sets up a Surivor Series match (Cena, Ryback, Orton and Christian v Punk, Brock, Barrett and Rhodes)

It's pretty obvious that's where this will go to - Barrett and Ryback have enough history that he could also be the guy who costs him his win. It won't be clean, might even be a double countout etc... but no way is Ryback going over Punk this early if they want to keep Punk sweet.
Maybe last night was a case of tricking us to think Ryback will have heat with Punk when really he is going to allign himself with Punk/Heyman and take that 'enforcer role' everyone is obsessed with when it comes to stables? Protecting Punk will make Ryback more dominant and gain extra heat for Punk.

This was my thinking. Ryback will win the IC title at NOC. And come out for the Punk/Cena match. People think Ryback will be helping Cena after last night, but Ryback knocks Cena out and thus giving Heyman a quality guy to work with for new promos.
These are reasons why WWE fucking sucks! I'm so sick & tired of the garbage they put out. Do something original for a change. EVERYONE knows Skip Sheffield aka Ryback is nothing more than a cheap copy of Goldberg...Old. EVERYONE knows about Goldberg's rise...Old. EVERYONE knows that Ryback is being fed down our ever-loving throats...Old! Old. Old. Old. (disclaimer, the do something original is both serious and sarcastic).

Now, with that being said, why are they doing this to CM Punk? I mean, the guy is one of the most over guys the company has and now he's being made to look like the scared champion? If he's gonna call himself Best in the World, for heaven's sake, stop making him look weaker than his opponents. Did Ric Flair ever look weaker than Nikita Koloff? Or Luger? Or whomever they put in his way? No. And he was also calling himself the best in the world and backed it up. What WWE isn't doing/hasn't done/probably will never do is make Punk look, well like the best in the world. He's only fighting Cena. Why not have had him face Ziggler? Whatever happened to that? And now this. Ryback? Are you kidding me? Please, please I beg of you WWE do NOT put Ryback in there with Punk! I mean, they just throw these things out there & nobody knows what the fuck is going on! SMH. Ryback, er ah Skip or Goldberg lite, shouldn't be anywhere NEAR a CM Punk. The man has what, 2 holds? That's it. That's not entertaining. That's boring and again...OLD! Goodness. This is worse than ever...

CM Punk is being the same kind of heel Flair was. Hell, he is being the same kind of heel Jericho was back in 08-10. They call themselves the best in the world, never want to face the top face, always looked to weasel their way out of those matches, etc. What is that? Oh yeah, it's called being a heel. And Punk is no longer over as a face. He is a full-fledged heel.

And we don't know if Ryback will face CM Punk. It may be just seeds for a future rivalry, maybe a joining of forces, etc. Would I be interested? Yeah, I dig Ryback and Punk could really make this feud work.
I'm not a fan of it myself. I don't think they've had Ryback go over enough top talent to warrant a WWE championship feud. I honestly felt that him going after the Intercontinental title was a bit of a stretch as it was. That's the problem with the mid card though. It wouldn't have really mattered who he beat to go after the mid card title because no one is really relevant. They should have at least had him beat some more mid carders though. It was just a few weeks ago he was beating local jobbers. I don't see him as a legit threat right now.

I will say however I wasn't expecting to see him standing there protecting Mick Foley. I didn't expect it to be John Cena either because Punk's facial expression told me it wasn't Cena. I didn't know who to expect at all. So from that point of view it worked. I was disappointed by the reveal though.
I would love it if last night was a swerve and Ryback comes out at Hell in a cell and takes Cena apart. If this happens then it means that Ryback would have somebody in his corner that would really help put him over with the fans and with WWE holding talks with Goldberg over a legends contract it could mean a Heel Ryback vs Face Goldberg down the line somewhere and with how things are going at the moment it looks as if you will get a Team Hayman vs Team Cena at Surviver Series so this would help add a member to the Hayman team.
These are reasons why WWE fucking sucks! I'm so sick & tired of the garbage they put out. Do something original for a change. EVERYONE knows Skip Sheffield aka Ryback is nothing more than a cheap copy of Goldberg...Old. EVERYONE knows about Goldberg's rise...Old. EVERYONE knows that Ryback is being fed down our ever-loving throats...Old! Old. Old. Old. (disclaimer, the do something original is both serious and sarcastic).

This is original. This is Ryback, a man who has never been given a shot at gold, having a potential chance at the top champion. Ryback himself is original. People are only calling him Goldberg for the plain fact that he has a streak. If we mocked everyone for doing something someone else innovated we would be chanting Rey when Sin Cara wrestles, Jericho when Miz wrestles, JBL when Del Rio wrestles, or Angle when Swagger wrestles. All of these comparisons are of people who have one or more characteristics that are the same as their predecessor.

Now, with that being said, why are they doing this to CM Punk? I mean, the guy is one of the most over guys the company has and now he's being made to look like the scared champion? If he's gonna call himself Best in the World, for heaven's sake, stop making him look weaker than his opponents.

They are making him entertaining. They are evolving his character. HE is evolving his character. He has proved time and time again he is the Best in the World by beating guys like Cena and Jericho. When has he looked weaker than any of his opponents?

Did Ric Flair ever look weaker than Nikita Koloff? Or Luger? Or whomever they put in his way? No. And he was also calling himself the best in the world and backed it up.

Ric Flair is know as the dirtiest player in the game. He is know for cheating and lying his way through wins. He still backed up everything he said and is one of the greatest professional wrestlers in all of history. Did he look weaker then others? Maybe, but that don't effect his legacy.

What WWE isn't doing/hasn't done/probably will never do is make Punk look, well like the best in the world. He's only fighting Cena. Why not have had him face Ziggler?

He faced Ziggler at last years Rumble if I am not mistaken. He faced Cena as a face. He beat nearly everybody as a face. Now he is a heel. More opportunities have opened. Like Ryback.

Whatever happened to that? And now this. Ryback? Are you kidding me? Please, please I beg of you WWE do NOT put Ryback in there with Punk! I mean, they just throw these things out there & nobody knows what the fuck is going on! SMH. Ryback, er ah Skip or Goldberg lite, shouldn't be anywhere NEAR a CM Punk. The man has what, 2 holds? That's it. That's not entertaining. That's boring and again...OLD! Goodness. This is worse than ever...

Your stupidness irks me. Ryback has displayed dozens of wrestling holds. Holds that I have never seen anyone else do. Holds that he could do on anyone; sometimes even two people. Ryback is way better than you are painting him out to be and I will defend him until you can prove I am wrong.
I kinda of like the idea. One because it would be something different for a least a little bit. I will admit i am not the biggest Cena fan in the world, but his matches with Punk are almost always good (thanks to Punk) but i know come closer to the end of this year we are going to have a lot of Cena shoved down our throats and we are gonna get back on this Cena/Rock thing. If Ryback gets a match with Punk title or no title shot, it would be a great way to gauge him and see how he can go with a guy that is one of if not the best in the world. I dont know if i want to see Ryback Vs. Punk at Hell In A Cell cause there is no way for Punk to get DQ'ed or counted out, and obviously it would mean the end of Rybacks streak, cause there would be no point to him winning the title with the storylines planned for Rock/Cena/Punk. But i would love to just a see a mini program with these two and see how Ryback holds up against someone like CM Punk.
I hate it the WWE or should I say Vince wants to get this guy over so bad but it just isn't working sure he gets the WWE crowd to chant fed me more but when the guy comes out nobody cares and honestly last night nobody cared about Ryback showing up on screen the crowd didn't even pop for him.
I hate it the WWE or should I say Vince wants to get this guy over so bad but it just isn't working sure he gets the WWE crowd to chant fed me more but when the guy comes out nobody cares and honestly last night nobody cared about Ryback showing up on screen the crowd didn't even pop for him.

They guy cant get over? Even though the whole crowd is chanting the guys phrase for him? You should ask an adult what over means.

The crowd didnt pop last night because the titantron was blacked out for the segment.
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Actually the crowd didn't pop because they didn't see that segment the Tron was blacked for it. I agree with what Bus Wanker said 100% and why not let Ryback face CM Punk if Cena can't go it sets up more possibilities. I was disappointed though because I was expecting Lesnar.
I'm just throwing it out there for you guys to discuss: What if he was there for Mick Foley and they will have him as a mouthpiece for Ryback? I mean; I don't know how he'd do on his own as I don't really know his mic abilities and don't remember NXT that well, but Foley's right there and available...
So when HHH/HBK were feuding with the spirit squad and held the tag belts that made them midcarders? What about Jericho's last IC title run? Or further back, when Ric Flair was feuding with konnan over the us title he was a midcarder?

ADR is known for being quite a cry baby himself. Pot calling kettle perhaps?

Most other talent are praised for stepping down and working with the lower guys, but when Miz does it it's not the same?

As far as Ryback goes... Good. It's not a bad thing to get a rub with the top guys, especially when they're so high on him. Punk's facial expression did more to sell Ryback as a serious threat than any match he's won so far. Personally, I'd have rather seen him lay out the Big Show after his segment to show just how dominate he is.

So wait you are putting Miz on HHH and HBK's level???? REALLLY??? Miz NEVER should have held the WWE Title!!!!! IMO he added nothing in terms of Value to the WWE championship when he wore it. He was one of the worst Champions in recent memory. Personally I would rather no see Ryback vs Cm Punk just yet. If you put Punk over Ryback you kinda kill Rybacks monster gimmick. If you make it where CM Punk leaves during the middle of the match and getts counted out cause he just doesnt want to wrestle Ryback then you are forced to keep Ryback at the main Event level pretty much. I think the WWE should keep doing what they are doing with Ryback have him beat Miz again if thats what they want but have him stalk CM Punk for weeks or longer if they can keep interesting to follow.

I disagree with those who say Ryback isn't good in the ring. I think he is better than Goldberg ever was. He is far better than Batista was. And while I like Sheamus I don't find him to be anything special in the ring. Sheamus certainly isnt bad much better than Goldberg and Batista were as well. But I have found his WHC title reign very drab and boring. I think Ryback is a much more intense in the ring. I like his offense better. I think Ryback is one of the best things WWE has going right now outside of Wade Barrett who up until this recent repackage I could not stand.
I dunno why some people are saying Punk, Cena is gonna be back at HIAC to face him, so this is just a temporary feud between him & Ryback until he comes back, so don't make too big a fuss out of Punk/Ryback.

I can see Ryback losing one of 3 ways...

1) Streak vs. Streak match against Taker at Wrestlemania.

2) He defeats Cena for the WWE Title but then a few months later, Cena beats him back for the WWE Title.

3) This one is my favourite - His first loss comes at the hands of a Money In The Bank cashier.

At some PPV, he's defending his WWE or World Title in a gruelling match like a Last Man Standing match, against some tough opponent like Big Show or John Cena. He retains the belt but the match & his opponent has taken such a toll on him, he's so weakened down that he's barely able to celebrate...THEN the Money In The Bank winner's music hits, he comes out and cashes in right then & there, weakens Ryback down a little more (hell maybe he can use a Cattle Prod lol) until he decides to go for the 1-2-3 and becomes the new champion. Not only would the cashier win the belt off Ryback but he'd also be the first man to defeat him, which would make his title win just that extra special. The loss wouldn't hurt Ryback either since he'd be robbed by such a cheap victory and he'd have been too battered & broken to defend himself. You can compare this a little to Goldberg's first loss but this imo would be a better outcome than that.

I prefer option 3 more than the other two and would actually love to see that happen. So yes, a Money In The Bank cashier should be the man to end his streak.
With Cena on the shelf for the next six weeks, but apparently ready to go in time for the HIAC PPV, this seems to be an excellent opportunity to give Ryback a push and to give him some prime time activity with some top names. He can keep on squashing jobbers, or even mid card guys, during the various three hour RAW episodes, but he can still get in the face of CM Punk. And once it appears that there will be some significant interaction between Ryback and Paul Heyman's guy, it will be time for a return of Heyman's other guy.

CM Punk and John Cena continue their thing for Survivor Series, while we see a showdown between Ryback and Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. Talk about an opportunity to feature Ryback in a significant program. And an opportunity to put him over big time, if WWE are truly committed to rolling the dice on the big man.
I would be interested in this feud if it is done right. Last night on Raw should be a teaser, a foreshadowing of sorts.

Let Ryback win the IC Title, but during each of his matches have Punk and Heyman come out to observe him. Have it become a slow recruit process until Survivor Series time, where each time wants Ryback to desperately add an absolute monster that wants to be fed...and there will be a massive feeding in that type of match.

Punk VS Ryback would be a better served feud if not rushed. I'd hate to see this character fade off and fizzle out after an enormous push.
They guy cant get over? Even though the whole crowd is chanting the guys phrase for him? You should ask an adult what over means.

The crowd didnt pop last night because the titantron was blacked out for the segment.

LOL I heard more Goldberg chants then anything until Vince ordered that to be blocked in feeds. So the chants you hear are not realistic.

But I myself am against it ONLY BECAUSE he's got no real build up with Punk. To me it would make no sense any more then throwing in Punk against Khali.

And for all the people who "claim" he's better then Goldberg OBVIOUS have no clue what the 90's were like. Next to the NWO, Goldberg was one of the biggest people in wrestling. When his music hit, fans went crazy and his matches were fast and to the point similar to the Ultimate Warrior. But I find it funny the same people who rip Goldberg are the same people who talk about Cena like he's a god. They BOTH wrestle very similar style matches and have limited moves.
So wait you are putting Miz on HHH and HBK's level???? REALLLY??? Miz NEVER should have held the WWE Title!!!!! IMO he added nothing in terms of Value to the WWE championship when he wore it. He was one of the worst Champions in recent memory. Personally I would rather no see Ryback vs Cm Punk just yet. If you put Punk over Ryback you kinda kill Rybacks monster gimmick. If you make it where CM Punk leaves during the middle of the match and getts counted out cause he just doesnt want to wrestle Ryback then you are forced to keep Ryback at the main Event level pretty much. I think the WWE should keep doing what they are doing with Ryback have him beat Miz again if thats what they want but have him stalk CM Punk for weeks or longer if they can keep interesting to follow.

I disagree with those who say Ryback isn't good in the ring. I think he is better than Goldberg ever was. He is far better than Batista was. And while I like Sheamus I don't find him to be anything special in the ring. Sheamus certainly isnt bad much better than Goldberg and Batista were as well. But I have found his WHC title reign very drab and boring. I think Ryback is a much more intense in the ring. I like his offense better. I think Ryback is one of the best things WWE has going right now outside of Wade Barrett who up until this recent repackage I could not stand.
Guess you are too young to remember the criticism of Michaels back in the early 90s. Too small, not reliable enough, a cry-baby. Or the criticism of HHH. That he only got to the top because of his friends and once there kept his spot by you know banging the boss's daughter.

Miz can talk, Miz can have pretty good matches, he's not a ring general, but plays his part very well. But most importantly, Miz gets heat and it's not Xpac heat like ADR gets. Miz gets the you suck, we hate you heat. ADR gets the why the hell are you on my tv heat. One is the right kind of heel heat and the other just means that the fans would rather see you go choke on a cock and die. (Or make porn movies with a transvestite ala xpac)

You know what makes Goldberg and Batista (and even Sheamus to a lesser degree) better than Ryback is they made the fans react to them. I know a lot of people on this board will hate this, but pro wrestlings most unimportant part is the wrestling. If you don't have the look, the charisma, the mic skills, the "it" factor; you will not be a star. Ask Dynamite Kid what having 5 star matches gets you...

Pro wrestling is not a sport, the athletics are just a small piece of the whole pie, It's live theater, featuring predetermined athletic contests. You look at the list of most popular wrestlers ever and you have guys who excel in the ring like Flair, Michaels, and Hart; you had guys who were "poor" in the ring according to most (i personally disagree) such as Hogan, Warrior, and Goldberg; and you have guys in between such as Austin, Rock, and Cena.

If it was the 80s and you could pick one of these sets of wrestlers to start a company with; who would you choose? 1) Hogan, Warrior, Luger, Nash, and Sid or 2) Flair, Dynamite Kid, Great Muta, Tiger Mask, and Steamboat. One set are regarded as poor workers and the others some of the best ever in the ring. Being a huge Flair mark; it'd be tempting to pick #2 solely for him; however the smart business decision would easily be #1.

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