Matt Hardy Debuts in TNA

Dean Winchester

Getting Noticed By Management

In this video Matt Hardy clearly bashing WWE says that he will make the biggest comeback in his life and that now that the cuffs are off and shackles too he will now begin to do what he always wanted to do. And that ofcourse is going to the extreme supposedly. Is this kayfabe or real? I have no idea but maybe this is a sign that Matt Hardy will indeed end up in TNA in thed near future.
Matt Hardy is just sad. Where exactly does he plan on making this comeback? Will the handcuffs finally come off in front of 800 people in the Impact zone as he takes a backseat to Angle, Styles, Anderson, Hogan, Flair, Samoa Joe, Abyss, Beer Money, Matt Morgan, and his brother. Grow up Matt. The company that tried to "destroy" you gave you millions of dollars and 13 different championships over 10 years.
unfortunately he will end up in tna & take his brothers place after he goes to jail. his extreme style is only gonna fit in if he enters a chili dog eating contest. lol.

tna needs to pass on this version of mattitude. he is nowhere near what he was 5 years ago, hell even 3 years ago. tna has enough to worry about besides the hardy's taking over the main event scene. tna has way better talent that should be featured instead of fat hardy.

the comeback should end before it begins. for tna's sake.
The sad thing is we all know this is coming, we all know it will end up being horrible so why oh why can't TNA see what is good for them and not hire him. He will not add anything to the product.

Having the Hardys in TNA is going to be horrible because we all know its going to take another spot.I'm dreading it I really am and it would make my year if TNA could make the decision to cut them both adrift before they screw up beyond given one of their biggest stars a concussion.
Before Matt even left WWE, he was bashing them... probably because he saw the writing on the wall. Matt is a bit nuts, and I think he lives to self-promote himself. That would be fine, if it wasn't for the fact that he comes across as being such a pathetic figure doing it.

He's like the chick you flirt with online because her pics look hot. You email and chat with her everyday. But then you meet her in person and find out she took those pics 2 years ago when she WAS hot, but now she's a shell of her former self. So you stop emailing her everyday and you don't call anymore and stop paying attention to her. So what does she do? She goes all cryptic on your ass and goes out of her way to try to make you notice her, i.e. not so random Twitter references to you and risque' Youtube videos. Do you realize that Matt's been posting vids via Twitter like a storm? He's low on attention.

I mean, what kind of comeback is he talking about? He keeps saying "I'm in the best shape ever" and all that crap, but that doesn't matter because HE'S IRRELAVENT! MEANING THAT HE'S NOT GOING TO BRING ANYTHING RELEVANT TO THE BIZ RIGHT NOW. I say that, but maybe if he got his wrestling camp up he could contribute.
I refuse to even watch the video- cuz thats exactly what this terd-sandwich wants everyone to do: notice him.

Take the cuffs & shackles off, so he can go extreme? Really? Jeff was always the "extreme" one of the brothers. JEFF was the one that jumped off ladders through tables. JEFF was the one that risked his body in the past, to make a name for himself!

Matt's extreme moves consisted of: A leg drop off the middle rope! Slow down Matt- dont hurt yourself guy!

Get over yourself Loser! Just go the fuck away!! Your a fucking horrible, horrible JOKE!!

Or- as Patrick bateman once said: Your a dickweed! A tumbling, tumbling dickweed!

I haven't watched all of Matt Hardy's You Tube videos(mainly because I can't stand the guy) but this has to be one of the most pathetic attempts at trying to get attention I've ever seen. They tried to destroy you, Matt? Really?!?! WWE put you in a feud with your very over and popular brother last year, and nobody gave a shit. His heel turn went nowhere, and he has nobody to blame but himself. When will Matt Hardy realize he's just not that good? Seriously, this guy has to be one of the most delusional fucking people I've ever seen.

Anyway, I really, really hope TNA doesn't give him a big push, but I'm afraid it might happen. If Jeff Hardy remains TNA World Champion long enough, then I fear TNA might do a brother VS brother feud with these two. Matt could play the good brother who has come to TNA to show Jeff the error of his ways. The thought of Matt becoming world champion is just dreadful. And to top it off, Matt COULD be one of the guys who helps take down Immortal...ugh. Although, I don't think Jeff needs to be the champion for these two to feud. Either way, I strongly believe TNA will have these two feud against each other. The matches between these two could be decent enough, but I hope TNA won't try to sell this feud as being something epic.

Matt will not make a significant Impact in TNA. He won't increase pay per view buys, and he won't boost ratings because he's never been a top guy, and not too many people give a shit about Matt Hardy.
That is the most overly-dramatic, poorly acted video I have seen in a long time, maybe ever. I clicked the dislike button as soon as I finished watching it so hey I hope everyone else would do it. Hardy the only thing anyone can decipher from your videos is never to take close-up shots of you, because there is something weird going on with your nose. He says WWE tried to make him irrelevant? I think Hardy did a pretty good job of that himself.
How a grown man makes such cheesy videos is beyond rational thought. :banghead:
So all in all I'm probably like most the people that will post, I didn't watch the video and I refuse to Matt hardy has went from being second place in his team with his brother to even less now. And the sad thing is he wants to go to TNA to fix his career but that will only ruin it even more because they'll let him act like a complete dumb shit on tv. And as far as the handcuffs go he might as well pick the ones up that he had and put them on Jeff for a few years. But you know the one thing that really amazes me about all the Matt hardy talk that he does for him self is where did he get that he was ever good?? As I mentioned earlier he was always second to Jeff and all Jeff had going for him was horny chicks and stunt moves off a ladder ( granted I don't have the balls to try them) but there is no real talent there. I guess in closing I just think Matt has used up any bit of what he had and from here on in TNA its only down hill
I'm not the biggest Matt mark in the world or anything, but I've just gotta bring up two things, I saw the video a few days ago so maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but where is everyone getting this whole "going extreme" bit from? I don't remember him saying anything about going extreme.

Secondly, can you guys really fault him for trying to keep his name relevant during his 90 day? I mean it's been pretty damn obvious from the second he got released he was going to TNA. His brother is their world champion, it wouldn't matter if Matt was the Hardy family equivalent of Eugene, they're gonna hire him either way just as a favor to Jeff.

Just to interject my own opinion though, I gotta throw out a positive for Matt amongst how much hate the IWC seems to have for him. I've met him, and he is a really nice guy, really good to his fans, and say what you want about his diminishing skills, or his gut, or whatever else, but this was a guy with a dream wrestling on trampolines in the woods, that made it to the top company in the world and had a hell of a run there. He didn't win a reality show or something, he has a serious passion for the business, and while there's no denying his best days in the ring are likely behind him, to say he has NOTHING to offer TNA may be a bit of an overstatement. This is the same company that let Tommy F'n Dreamer build his own dream PPV, you really think they have anything to lose by letting Matt have a shot there? We all know he's capable of good matches and promos, I say give him the benefit of the doubt, at least until he's had a chance to show you he doesn't bring anything to the table.
I can honestly say that I've never watched any of these videos, due in large part to the fact that I just can't stand Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy has, pretty much, zero credibility right now because all these rambling and, often downright strange, rants of his have made him look like an utter and complete fool.

Matt Hardy's problem is similar to that of a lot of wrestlers, not all but a sizable portion, in the fact that he's a mediocre talent that believes himself to be far more talented than he actually is. I have little to no interest in a Hardy Boyz reunion. This could have been something potentially good for TNA 3-4 years ago when, at least Jeff, still had a very fresh and vibrant feel about to him and Matt could've latched himself to Jeff's underbelly and gone along for the ride just as he always did when they were a team. Now, Matt Hardy is little more than a joke and Jeff is a bloated, drugged out shell of his former self and is on the cusp of becoming a convicted felon. Yeah, I'd have to say that the bloom is definitely off the rose.

However, if TNA is going to be foolish enough to spend their money on bringing in an overrated hack like Matt Hardy to he roster, then having him do something with Jeff is still their best chance for success with him. Not saying it's a good chance, but it's all they've got. Matt Hardy going to TNA would change nothing. He was a medicore talent in the WWE and he'll still be a mediocre talent in TNA.
Any chance the comeback can end before it begins. Seriously this guy is the most delusional guy on the planet. Matt Hardy had a good career in the WWE considering his limited ability. The guys promos are bathroom break spots. I would honestly rather watch a Divas match then anything involving this prick. There is just so much to dislike about him and his brother snorty hardy. But I could overlook all of it if they were not so god damn boring.
Jesus Christ.

I can't believe I defended this guy for years and always thought he'd be a world champion. Now, I just seem him as a self-mark who's just a whiny, broken-down piece of garbage. WWE destroyed Matt? Sure, after 10+ title victories and attempting to push him into the Main Event, that's destroying somebody. Matt destroyed himself by trying to make himself relevant through Youtube and pissing on the company that gave him chance after change to prove himself. His greatest days were back when he was tagging along in Jeff's shadow as Team Xtreme. Now..he's just pathetic to watch. I'm practically sick of him. The only thing he can do in TNA right now is either enhance talent, help his brother, and have a little feud with his bro before going back to where he belongs: Mid/low-midcard.

He had a chance when he turned Heel, but he should've changed his style not just his tights. He needed a more lethal offense, and his promos were still shit.

This self-promo was devoid of any intensity or any emotion that excludes pity and annoyance. By the way, he forgot to spray down his equipment.
Wow, so much hate here. Its like reading a Cena blast, and everyone dogging that poster. But what is the problem with Matt Hardy? Yeah, he isn't the same as he was a few years ago. But the guy is just keeping himself in the minds of the people. By bitching about him, your giving him what he wants....attention. If you don't like him as much as you claim, then just ignore him. How hard is that?

As for him going to TNA, it probably will happen. I haven't heard anything about a yes or no though. I am interested to see what they would do with him. It could work, it might not. Given the fact that Matt has voiced his opinion of Bishoff in the past, it might not happen.

Right now, I think the best thing for Matt is to probably retire though. Not that I don't want to see him continue doing what he loves, but it is probably for the best. He has had both health and injury issues the last few years. Some of it stemmed from his extreme days with Jeff.

So, if he does come to TNA, why not give the guy a chance? I was not a big fan of Elijah Burke in WWE, but now in TNA, as The Pope, he is one of my personal favorites. Every now and then TNA gets it right, and re-invente a guy and make him 10 times better then he was in the E.
As the poster said and reffered to what TNA did for Elija Burke making him THE POPE, well im frim Jacksonville FL, where Elija is really from, nope not Harlem NY. anyways my point is Burke invented the charecter called THE BLACK POPE, & used it as a gimmick for a time in the Indies.MATTHEW ALL CAPS is supposed to be Matt Hardy's big dark gimmick. from his self videos it looks like some shit that only Santino comedy with its dumb aggression could get over as a comedy fuerd, lets face it Santino wont be rideing space mountain before he tapes his matches, so no luck Matt. i think he is a great human being, who still can wrestle, but his chancew to be a big time player passed him twice.1st after his WWE return VS EDGE, and after his WM25 fued with JEFF, he never catapoulted himself to continue the momentum on the fueds so he stayed in the middle, so in TNA he shoul;d start Upper middle on the card and then make his home in the middle and lower middle, but thats fine.I believe him when he says he has learned alot from the top guys in THE "E" & that he has a great mind for the biz, he should be putting over GENME,INK INK,MCMG,BEER MONEY, mainly ROBERT ROODE,Desmond Wolfe i think would be a great fued, or how about SAMoA JoE. There are so many guys on the TNA roster that could benifit from working with Matt.I also believe Matt could help keep his little brother on the i am fed up & tired of reading how TNA should not hire this guy.Now putting him in a spot in the main event picture like they did with RVD as all of u guys are assuming he will now that would be a disaster, but i dont think he ever will be permanent in that scene, i think after a few montyhs he MIGHT,just MAYBE sniff it, but he will never be a headliner.Just look, Jeff took many months before he got the belt, i mean his original plans called for a Homicide fued. i dont even think Jeff had a fued until the tournament for RVD'S Belt began.... this post ih to much, but the point is TNA is not in a position, or atleast not big enough to pass up on that HARDY BOYZ money that the company can certainly use.He does not draw like a HOGAN, or a ROCK, but TNA is a minor step up from the Indies, & MATT HARDY is a name,& TNA can use a name, its just how they use him.I think they use some former WWE/WCW guys right like NASH,STING,STEINER,ANGEL, to name a few.. anyways MATT IS NOT A BAD HIRE FOR TNA,because if they dont sign he will go to ROH because he still can,and will wrestle.In ROH i would make MATT a champ with thE TNA RVD push, but thats another story!!!

I cringed watching that video.

Matt Hardy thinks he's great, and you know why? Because too many people in the IWC boned him for too long. There were too many 'Matt Hardy should be a World Champion' threads started, there were too many people who claimed Matt was overrated, there were too many Matt Hardy marks. And when the number of marks outweigh the wrestler's actual ability, the wrestler becomes disillusioned. Hardy doesn't realise he's shit, Hardy doesn't realise he can't draw, and Hardy doesn't realise that when he does end up in TNA, it's gonna be because of his brother.

I can't stand the guy; he's the biggest Matt Hardy mark I've ever seen. I stopped watching TNA earlier this month, but if Hardy ends up in there feuding/teaming with his brother...I'm done for good. He offers nothing mildly exciting or entertaining, but TNA won't have the guts to turn him down, not when Jeff means so much to the company. My post is just rambling now, but the main point is: the guy's a joke.
Its hard to watch the Hardys in their current states especially Matt who I actually used to enjoy watching back when he did the "Anything you can do I can do better" angle with MVP and of course the old TLC matches were some of the greatest matches I have ever seen hands down.

The thing I absolutely cannot stand is the fact that Matt still seems to be caught up on the whole Lita thing I mean you have got to be kidding me! Sure it was bullshit that WWE shit canned Matt when the whole thing began originally between him and Edge but come on Edge is far better than Matt and my god Lita is still a god damn fox to this day but that was no reason to fire someone. Maybe thats why he is still so pissed but as far as them never giving him an opportunity at the top prize at least he was the ECW champion which I know means dick but still it was supposedly the #3 of the top titles.

Matt at one time had some great talent and for me was the face of Smackdown for a long time but my god the guy put on some considerable weight and looked horrible in the ring for the past 2 years or so. I just think a lot of people within and outside the company lost interest in him.

As far as Jeff goes, I cannot for the life of me understand why the hell TNA ever hired him because the first time he left WWE was because he refused to go to rehab for substance abuse and TNA snatched him up which granted at the time he was a red hot commodity. Then they rehired him KNOWING that he has all these drug charges hanging over his head and facing fines and the like and then on top of that he is their champ?!
What the hell is wrong with the owners of this company and why in the hell hasn't SpikeTV done anything about this considering their name is being drug through the mud over some pissant promotion and a wrestler who has become nothing more than a drug addicted moron with serious mental problems! I mean has anyone seen the Hardy story dvd where he created the fucking ImagInation thing not to mention his horrible robot music!

Now on top of that these two have the balls to keep making these horrible videos attacking WWE, CM Punk and his straight edge lifestyle and on top of that just look obliterated while doing it. Meanwhile it was the WWE who have consistently given both of these guys opportunity after opportunity especially for Jeff who had a rather successful career and Matt who they had to of kept around out of sympathy for the longest time.

Its sickening to see how fucking bitter and sad these two have become its so pathetic to see two of the greatest rising stars of the late 90's-Early 2000s become nothing more than a punchline.
Its hard to watch the Hardys in their current states especially Matt who I actually used to enjoy watching back when he did the "Anything you can do I can do better" angle with MVP and of course the old TLC matches were some of the greatest matches I have ever seen hands down.

The thing I absolutely cannot stand is the fact that Matt still seems to be caught up on the whole Lita thing I mean you have got to be kidding me! Sure it was bullshit that WWE shit canned Matt when the whole thing began originally between him and Edge but come on Edge is far better than Matt and my god Lita is still a god damn fox to this day but that was no reason to fire someone. Maybe thats why he is still so pissed but as far as them never giving him an opportunity at the top prize at least he was the ECW champion which I know means dick but still it was supposedly the #3 of the top titles.

Matt at one time had some great talent and for me was the face of Smackdown for a long time but my god the guy put on some considerable weight and looked horrible in the ring for the past 2 years or so. I just think a lot of people within and outside the company lost interest in him.

As far as Jeff goes, I cannot for the life of me understand why the hell TNA ever hired him because the first time he left WWE was because he refused to go to rehab for substance abuse and TNA snatched him up which granted at the time he was a red hot commodity. Then they rehired him KNOWING that he has all these drug charges hanging over his head and facing fines and the like and then on top of that he is their champ?!
What the hell is wrong with the owners of this company and why in the hell hasn't SpikeTV done anything about this considering their name is being drug through the mud over some pissant promotion and a wrestler who has become nothing more than a drug addicted moron with serious mental problems! I mean has anyone seen the Hardy story dvd where he created the fucking ImagInation thing not to mention his horrible robot music!

Now on top of that these two have the balls to keep making these horrible videos attacking WWE, CM Punk and his straight edge lifestyle and on top of that just look obliterated while doing it. Meanwhile it was the WWE who have consistently given both of these guys opportunity after opportunity especially for Jeff who had a rather successful career and Matt who they had to of kept around out of sympathy for the longest time.

Its sickening to see how fucking bitter and sad these two have become its so pathetic to see two of the greatest rising stars of the late 90's-Early 2000s become nothing more than a punchline.
Dude, you need to friggin' chill. It's so sickening to me to see you guys whine about these wrestlers who literally put their LIVES on the line week in and week out just for our own sick amusement. Regardless on your take of these guys you can't argue that they were doing what they loved, and really have a heart for this business. Regarding matt's weight issue, grow up man. There are plenty of out of shape guys in this business. Hulk hogan, Mark henrey, undertaker, and heck, even to a degree edge. And also about your whole Jeff Hardy problem, I don't see why you hate the guy so much. He's a performer, he's got enough balls to jump off of a 20 ft. ladder, and the crowd LOVES him. So I can understand why TNA snatched him up. The dude is red hot, and yeah he may have some substance abuse problems, but if he can snort crack and still maintain that level of wrestling then who the heck cares? In short: Grow up man. This isn't supposed to be a hate threa, don't turn it into one.
Dude, you need to friggin' chill. It's so sickening to me to see you guys whine about these wrestlers who literally put their LIVES on the line week in and week out just for our own sick amusement. Regardless on your take of these guys you can't argue that they were doing what they loved, and really have a heart for this business. Regarding matt's weight issue, grow up man. There are plenty of out of shape guys in this business. Hulk hogan, Mark henrey, undertaker, and heck, even to a degree edge. And also about your whole Jeff Hardy problem, I don't see why you hate the guy so much. He's a performer, he's got enough balls to jump off of a 20 ft. ladder, and the crowd LOVES him. So I can understand why TNA snatched him up. The dude is red hot, and yeah he may have some substance abuse problems, but if he can snort crack and still maintain that level of wrestling then who the heck cares? In short: Grow up man. This isn't supposed to be a hate threa, don't turn it into one.

Sorry man you're absolutely right I got carried away there for a second. Hopefully Jeff cleans up his act though because it would be a shame to see someone that talented completely ruin their life and career over drugs.
As far as Matt goes he needs to take his ass to White Castle and put in an app I hear they pay $10 an hour starting out
I've got an idea for everyone who has decided to totally rip matt hardy apart on here, think. you all seem to agree that when he is tlaking about removing the shackles, and tearing him down, did you ever stop to think? he is not talking about the E, he's talking about everyone here, in the IWC, who bashes him nonstop. Yes, he may have become irrevlevant in his last few years in WWE, but so do most guys who are on their way out. How does anyone here know he has nothing to offer TNA? I believe it would be great to see a heel hardy boyz again, espescially if they would feud with the greatest tag team in any company today, the MMG. you all talk of the whiney baby bulls***, that he seems to be spewing out of his mouth, while all of you who are bashing him on this thread right now, are spewing whiney baby bull***. I wouldnt even like to see cena bashed this badly, and i hate him.
I mean, what kind of comeback is he talking about? He keeps saying "I'm in the best shape ever" and all that crap, but that doesn't matter because HE'S IRRELAVENT! MEANING THAT HE'S NOT GOING TO BRING ANYTHING RELEVANT TO THE BIZ RIGHT NOW. I say that, but maybe if he got his wrestling camp up he could contribute.

Let me preface this by saying I do not like Matt Hardy. Even when I was 12 and both Hardy's were in shape, he was always the guy I wish would tag out so his brother could come in and do some crazy shit.

Now that we got that out of the way, calling Matt Hardy irrelevant is misusing the word. Call him a shitty wrestler. I'll nod in agreement. Call him boring, you won't here me argue. But despite how you may feel about him, or I feel about him, the man is a popular wrestler.

Look at it like this: Matt Hardy is a man who has never won a world title-anywhere- which is sad in a day and age when world titles get passed around like Herpes in a sorority. He has never mainevented a pay per view.

But he keeps himself very much present in the mouths of the IWC.

Question his skill all you want, but not his "relevance." Remember back when we all heard his release was coming? He was a headline damn near every day on here. That doesn't happen for "irelevant" wrestlers.

Need proof? How many message board threads are dedicated to Vance Archer are going right now? Or Luke Gallows? Shoot, even Carlito has vanished.

Matt Hardy is the master of self promotion, which in my opinion is a crucial trait to posses in the wrestling business.

Matt Hardy has lots of fans. I've never met one, but they exsist. Remember this is the guy who got fired in the mid 2000's, but the pressure fromt he IWC got him rehired.

As of this writing the second rope superstar has 154,536 twitter followers. To put that number is perspective, current WWE champion The Miz has 123,938.

Matt Hardy, for better or worse is going to end up in TNA and he's gonna be the mystery opponent for RVD. That just my feeling, I can't imagine I'm the only one. It makes sense for TNA too. Beyond the fact that his brother is their champion, they're bringing in someone with an established (and extensive) fan base. Never a bad thing for a company struggling to put ass's in the seats.

Matt may be boring as shit, but if he was irelevent we wouldn't be having this conversation.
I will repost what I said in the Matt Hardy thread in the General Wrestling Discussion board

I really do think that Matt Hardy believes his own hype and that he is a genuine superstar in wrestling...but he is talking himself up to ensure that people remained interested in him while he is off tv. We are still talking about him so it is working, and keeping him relevent.

I do think Matt Hardy will end up competing for the World Title in TNA. I could see him coming in as a Face to take down Immortal, eventually convincing Jeff Hardy to see the light and the reforming the Hardy Boyz to fight Bischoff and his regime. If Matt can get himself into shape and make himself fresh (as he was unbelievably stale in WWE towards the end of his run), I think he could have a decent impact in TNA. While he isnt a MEGA star, he does have a degree of name value and could cause a few ripples in TNA if he does indeed sign with the organisation.

I am interested to see what the future holds in store for Matt Hardy, I think 2011 could be a big year for him, it is certainly the most important of his career, because if he goes to TNA and flops, I cannot see him having an impact on the wrestling business again. He got what he wanted in being released by the WWE so its up to him now, if he fucks this up it could be all over for him.
I'm sorry but, come on Matt Hardy is a bitter brother. Jeffy held that team together not Matt. From what I've seen, the guy just can't handle hes doomed to be a mid-carder anywhere he goes. He says hes gonna be more "extreme"? I have never seen him go extreme but, do twist of fates on chairs, and do his little leg drop from the second rope. He should just let it go cause the truth is he'll never be as main-event worthy as his brother. I don't get where he gets this extreme from. Cause as Far as I remember it was jeff doing the bumps and doing extreme moves. Hell jeff even let edge spear him while he hung from the belt. I didn't see Matt do that. An Matt would be dead wait in TNA there rosters full. They don't need anyone else. Yet, he believes they'll take him because of his brother who's there champion at this point. I can't see him helping TNA out at all. So could i see him in TNA? yeah because apparently TNA needs dead weight. Would I like to see Matt in TNA? no I wouldn't.
Matt Hardy can't even act when he's producing his own videos with absolutely no strings attached. What makes you think he's going to be able to do better in TNA, where people already have to rely on their own talents to get over?

Yeah, we're definitely going to see Matt Hardy to TNA, but it's going to be awful, and he's going to cut his notability in half, just like his brother did. He's just going to get mixed up in the train-wreck that is the entire promotion, and he's going to retire from wrestling with the reputation of, "Oh yeah, that one guy that got jobbed out of WWE in 2010 and no one really ever heard from again."
Matt Hardy is great at sh-tick. He's amazing, and can sell a ketchup popsicle to an eskimo with white gloves. He's amazing at overselling what isn't there. The problem is, like Jeff, he's unreliable. When things don't go the way the Hardys want, they retaliate and resort to grade school tactics by acting like little kids, with youtube rantings, or just acting like complete assholes on different media outlets. When they do that, it totally detracts from their in-ring talents. To me, it doesn't really matter anymore how talented you are, because if you become THAT much of an ass off stage, who in their right mind would want to work with anyone like that? Especially if you start acting all 'professional' on stage and saying everything's fine then once you leave you just shit-talk everyone and everything that helped catapult you to where you are today? To me it doesn't matter what you do in your future endeavours, once an ass, always an ass. You will chase away more friends when your true colors show. Those Hardys didn't get to where they are on their own, they had feuds with people, and it wasn't a one person show. Somehow Matt seems to forget that it takes 2 people to wrestle.

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