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Mark The Undertaker Callaway is overrated.

First, Undertaker is allowed to be gone for months and then return in the main event picture because he's been in the WWE since 1990. When you've been with the same company for 20 years and have done what they've asked of you without complaint, then you've earned the right to take months off and come back to be in the spotlight at WrestleMania. He won (and lost) the WWE Title in 1991 and didn't win it back again until 1997 (and received just one other title shot in 1994). Yet, he never once complained. He also had to work with horrible workers like Kamala, Giant Gonzalez, Mabel, etc. Still, he never complained (or seeked other employment, for that matter.)

The reason people worship Undertaker as if he was a wrestling God is because of his aforementioned longevity in the WWE and the fact that he actually gives newcomers the time of day when they ask for advice. Plus, he also serves as the referee, of sorts, when there's disputes backstage. He's earned the respect he gets.

If I'm not mistaken, Mark Callaway has NEVER insisted his streak remains intact. In fact, I recall reading on a website (can't remember, it was a long time ago), that the Undertaker would gladly have his streak broken by someone who can use going over on him.

Granted, the Undertaker is no Kurt Angle, but it takes some athleticism to be near 7'0" tall and be able to fly over the top rope the way he does. Aside from the Cruiserweights and a select few non-Cruiserweights (HBK, Morrison), nobody of "normal" size can fly over the top rope like the Undertaker.

I don't think Mark Callaway thinks as highly of himself and you might suggest. In every interview I've seen him in he seems quite humbled. Yes, sometimes he seems like an attitude at times, but I've only seen the attitude when he was the American Bad Ass/Big Evil. And, considering he began in the early 1990's, when kayfabe was alive and well, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was maintaining some form of kayfabe during those interviews. As far as being a control freak, I don't see it. You would think someone who is a control freak would demand they win every match associated with them. In Hell in a Cell Matches, he's even at 5 and 5; he's done better in Casket/Coffin matches at 7 and 3. In Buried Alive Matches, I believe he's only won twice and lost more than 4.

Since pro wrestling has some physicality, injuries come with the territory. Everyone who is considered a legend has gone through many injuries throughout their careers. Mark Callaway is 45 years old. He started his career when he was 19 years old. After 24 years, the wear and tear of wrestling for that long will eventually catch up to you and, naturally, frequent injuries are par for the course (Triple H...) In comparison, Wayne Gretzky is considered a hockey god, but injured his back so bad he had to retire. Sydney Crosby is also considered a hockey god by some but he's out with a potential career-killing concussion (and he's in his 20's). Plus, being Buried Alive gives a kayfabe reason to have Undertaker off TV so he can heal.

Who cares how he gets hot chicks? For the record, Michelle McCool is 31, a 14 year difference. There are tons of guys in their 50's, 60's and even 70's who have even younger hot wives/girlfriends (Donald Trump, Hugh Hefner, Hulk Hogan...) Obviously, McCool wasn't as shallow as you as she didn't care about what Undertaker looks like. Maybe their personalities clicked? That's something that's not beyond the realm of possibility.

Finally, there was a time when Undertaker COULD kick everyone's butt in the real world. Can he still do that? I don't know, but, personally, I'd never want to come face-to-face with him in a dark alley somewhere. Besides, George Foreman became the heavyweight champion of boxing when he was older. In fact, he was the same age as the Undertaker is now! Not too far-fetched for someone like Undertaker to able to kick everyone's ass in a real fight.
Undertaker is arguably the most respected wrestler in WWE, like the elder statesman of sorts. It's just amazing how at his age, he can still deliver. And I have read in many pro wrestling sites that he has NEVER insisted to Vince and WWE creative that his Mania streak be never broken. He was perfectly fine with Randy Orton ending the streak a few years ago, but Randy wanted no part of it despite what it would've done to his career. He said he respects him so much that he didn't want to be the one.
First off it is good a few people have the courage to say this. There will never be a 100% agreement or disagreement in wrestling, whether its matches or wrestlers and opinions are always good as long as they're back up there are no rights or wrongs. Having said that, what he has done for wrestling cannot be matched and I will tell you why.

The Undertaker has had a gimmick, and the thing with gimmicks are, you have to be able to make people believe and invest in your CHARACTER. While he is a larger than life character, people have always said, especially in the wrestling business that The Undertaker as a person and professional, is one of if not THE most respected person and leader in its history, as well as being loyal. While others got to be the rebels (Austin, The Rock, DX) and others got to be heroes (Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan) he had to be this character and therefore not really be himself.

Jim Cornette stated, and I quote ;) ... ''The way most wrestlers get over are by being themselves). The Undertaker had to run with this character and not to be himself, and he has proven time and time again why he is one of the best in the world. Sure he isn't as good as he used to be due to injuries, but these injuries and being on the road has lasted for more than 20 years. 300 days of being on the road a year, and its being claimed that he ''goes on holiday'' more than anyone else. Thats ridiculous. The man had paid his dues so what if he has a part time schedule. Would you begrudge Sting if he came in with that schedule, or The Rock? I think this is simply a biased point of view, like maybe he didn't sign an autograph for you or something as trivial as that.

Remember when Jeff Hardy beat him CLEAN on Smackdown, and the feuds he had with Punk (Not squash matches) in recent years. He has done more for this business than you will ever know, and sure he may be lacking in recent years, but the fans still love to see him and I'm sure even after 20 years he still loves doing it.

Whether you like him or not, atleast show the respect he deserves, and if you don't think he does deserve any respect then surely you cannot be considered a wrestling fan, because even if you do not personally like somebody or their character, atleast recognise the sacrifices they've made, especially in the Undertakers case.
Mouthy Idiot, what a perfect name for someone like you. Good God, I'm sure you think HHH is only on the top of wrestling cuz he's fucking the boss' daughter, and the only reason Kurt Angle is in wrestling because he won the Olympics. Undertaker overrated....... what are you 7??? You know nothing about the wrestling world if you think that The Undertaker is overrated. Not only is he the top guy, but he worked like a fucking slave boy to get there. He has EARNED every bit of respect that fellow wrestlers give to him. I've read almost every wrestling book that references The Undertaker and he has been noted that he is a classy and very smart man, tough and not one to take bullshit, but an overall class act. Undertaker is the EPITOME of a wrestler's wrestler. He is a reason that WWE is so mainstream now, his streak will never be broken and it's not because he does not want it. The fact that The Undertaker and the word Overrated is in the same sentence not only shows your immaturity and needyness for attention, but your stupidity. GOOD FUCKING GOD
Wow, you're funny guy. I'm just gonna read your post and just respond along the way. The Undertaker has been a part of WWE programming since 1990, so I would certainly expect someone who has been a very productive employee for the past 21 years to get special treatment. He probably has so much money we should be lucky he's even still around. On the biggest stage of the business who pretty much built this website and everything that is Wrestling in America, he is undefeated. In the entertainment business that would be equivalent to winning man of the year 19 out of 19 times, and if I did that, even if you did that, I wouldn't even need to toot my own horn, the world would do it for me. The guy is billed at 6'10" which makes him at least 6'8" at post-40 years old can still CLEAR the top rope on a suicide dive, still not impressed???? Why are you complaining about fake gimmicks and entrance music in wrestling??? I think your an indy mark. But if you're complaining about crappy entrance music then look at your boy Daniel Bryan Danielson. You must be a girl since your commenting on his looks, or incredibly ugly since your hating on another man's game. Why Cain Velasquez??? He's still in his 20s, current UFC champion, way to pick a fair fight. Aww but that's right he tore his rotator cuff. Bet that doesn't make him brittle at all. Tell Cain to fight till he's 40 and come back later. BTW I know wrestling is fake, but I'm sure wrestlers get tagged for real every now and then, so tell Cain take some "fake" bumps along the way.
As I suspected I kinda knew this was gonna happen and only like 2 of you agreed with me. Big shock that all of you are drinking the Mark Callaway kool aid. Actually I do respect something about the guy, the fact that he took a lame 90's WWF gimmick and made all of you praise him in an unbelievable 20 year kayfabe career. Also I knew someone was gonna mention the flying over the top rope bit and my reply to that is simply HOW MANY TIMES DID HE ACTUALLY EXCECUTE THAT MOVE???? He probably did that leap like maybe less than 5 times in his career. Also this is the same guy that nearly crippled Michael Hickenbottom in that casket match. He does need to take some responsibilty because he backdropped him square onto his spine on that casket. To the person who said Orton refused to go over at Mania on him , well ifs that true Randy Orton is a loser. You dont pass that up , my guess is that Mark probably sneered and intimidated Randy into deciding not to get the win. I heard he scares the 'boys in the back' even guys like Paul Wight the Big Show are scared of him. Im telling you right now thats very pathetic to be that scared of another man. Im not saying the guy cant entertain because clearly he does that. But not every single person whos a WWE analyzer such as myself has to worship this guy and his career. Plus whoever said I wouldnt say this to his face well why would I??? The guy is a beast and there is no point because he wouldnt even do anything anyway. Hes not gonna attack a person right??? You all claim hes such a nice guy well how do you know that?? Remember Sara!!!!! She left the guy for a reason . Someone explain why she divorced him. To the people who said he is loyal and never left the company. Oh yeah you forget he started in WCW and got his big break in WWF and then when the monday night wars were going on he didnt jump to WCW so that means hes a good guy??? Umm he had a contract with Vince and he didnt leave because why would bother leaving when hes making money and a top name. Dont compare his deal to Nash and Hall. Thats seperate deals. He probably couldnt leave even if he wanted. By the way most of you keep neglecting the fact that half his success was fueled by the side characters of Paul Bearer and Kane which kept the UnderTaker gimmick running all that time. Why not praise them just as much. I can keep going on and on but none of you will accept my points. Plus dont judge me by my name on here. Thats a misnomer and yes I do know alot about the industry and NO im not some kid with a birthday laptop having fun. I have real opinions.
Dear Mouthy Idiot [What a perfect name you have chosen],

I didn't thought that i would be posting on a forum coz i didn't have time, but you made me do so otherwise..

I mean when I first saw the title of the thread I went :wtf:... I mean its THE UNDERTAKER we are talking about for God's sake.. After:wtf: r:wtf:ading through your post, I went, :banghead:.. And I wsn't able to say or do anything for 5 minutes.. Its like I went sorta numb.. :disappointed: And I asked myself that why haven't you been admitted to an asylum by now... :suspic: And voila, I got the answer.. You live on a ranch, muttering by yourself, no employment, no women, no beer, nothing to have fun on, just a broken old computer on which Net sometimes works so that you can paste it from your MS-Word whatever you have written and I TV that you watch whenever you feel like cursing anyone. Yeah that would be it.. :shrug:

I mean you said that people don't agree with you.. I mean who would.. Did you ever danced on the street wearing a tutu.. I bet you did.. I DO!! Did anyone agree with it.. They can't because its idiotic.. Same case here.. You cant actually believe that you can say something like Mark is an overrated guy and get away with it.. He's a guy who has paid his dues.. If you would have ever worked in a company EVER in your life than you would have realized that if you are loyal with them for a period like 5-6 years than the company cares for you.. And this guy stuck with WWE(F) for more than 2 decades now... He has earned the right to get whatever he asks for.. And have you ever had a PI with the guy that you put that comment about the streak.. And about being hot, well look at Donald Trump and Salman Rushdie and especially Seal.. Compared to those people Undertaker turns into Robert Pattinson of sorts.. If you are ever going to lose your virginity than you would know that girls besides rooting for money and fame, also go for how damn good you are in the area of your expertise.. He has proven himself to be a legend and now he is reaping off what he has sown..

In the end, trust me, leave your dripping cottage for once and go see a psychotherapist for once.. It might cost you your house probably, but I guess they provide fooding and clothes in the asylum as well..

Well then idk guy, I guess you got a personal problem. If you think he only did the sucide dive 5 times then I guess you only watched 5 of his matches. Come on guy, high-flying moves aren't meant for the big boys, that's like asking him to throw someone off the cell every match. HBK got hurt. Shit happens. He came back and just recently retired. And he chose to do it against who, THE UNDERTAKER. I guess he really showed him who's boss. The backdrop was undershot on the casket and he pretty much hit his tail-bone on it. If you are a girl then I guess ur butch for Sara. If ur a Stone Cold fan then I guess you forgot he beat on Debra. But I guess that doesn't matter either. Saying Undertaker was only fueled by Paul Bearer and Kane is like saying The Rock was only fueled by catchphrases, HHH was only fueled by his on/off relationship with Michaels, Stone Cold was only fueled by pissing on management. Bad ass mic skills, HBK, pissing on your boss?? All he had was a fat whiner and Kane. Glen Jacobs who is probably going to the HOF on time served alone, is now becoming champion material, some shitty torch he got passed. Props for ur opinion and I'm sure you expected to be in the minority here.
I have to think twice about a man who seems to leave one woman for another just as she starts looking different than she did when he dated/married her. Mark's first wife, Jody, has kids, Mark leaves. Mark's second wife, Sarah, has kids and Mark leaves. Just into his 40s and on his 3rd marriage - but that's just one person's off-the-cuff opinion.

As far as UT's in-ring skills, it doesn't even have to be about that. A lot of people hold the opinion Hulk Hogan had a very short list of regular moves, yet look at the popularity he enjoyed and, to a degree, still does. The fans want to see UT do a tombstone, bury somebody in a pile of dirt, throw them in a casket, etc. That's what the fans pay for. VKM has the final decision on everything in WWE but if somebody is known for something specific and that something specific is filling seats, any successful businessman - and vince is - is going to go with what makes him the most money.

As for visual appeal, take a good look at some of the biggest starts in the business - a lot of them were not facially good-looking - Hogan, Savage. Backlund (goofy), etc. What they had was "presence" and that's what UT has. It's what made Kane interesting to watch before he ever spoke a word. Remember George the Animal Steels? Nobody will ever call that man cute but the fans loved story lines with him, Elizabeth, and Randy.
It's your opinion that you don't like the Undertaker but just because YOU, ONE person don't like him and MILLIONS of people like and respect him does not make him over rated. There will always be people that don't like certain wrestlers while others love them thats just the nature of the business. but you can not deny that Taker has givin everything to this business and has remained loyal. He took his gimmick and made it work no matter how out landish it was at first.

Also he has stated that he wanted somebody to break has streak but nobody wants to break it because of their RESPECT for him thats saying something.
Yeah he is overrated. Cause you can put a paper veiw streak anybody 4 20years in make em look good put it on me at i will be bigger then hogan. SID would cream the taker, nasnwas key word[was] better in nash 1st run was better then him, brock will leave a homocide in the ring right if they fought at anytime and its flatout that sting is and was better then him. NO what he did watch the early matchs he was nothin really. Flair helped him beat hogan and vince helped with everything and handed everything streak and everything else he gained in his career. If vince couldve controled he wouldve been unstoppable 2. But now he washed up so let sting take him out of his misery...............................
The Undertaker ranks up there with Hogan and HBK and Hart as far as the best the old WWE has / had to offer. Is he over rated? No way. Ever been to a house show? He still gets the pops that are out of this world when the lights go down!
Yeah he is overrated. Cause you can put a paper veiw streak anybody 4 20years in make em look good put it on me at i will be bigger then hogan. SID would cream the taker, nasnwas key word[was] better in nash 1st run was better then him, brock will leave a homocide in the ring right if they fought at anytime and its flatout that sting is and was better then him. NO what he did watch the early matchs he was nothin really. Flair helped him beat hogan and vince helped with everything and handed everything streak and everything else he gained in his career. If vince couldve controled Sid he wouldve been unstoppable 2. But now he washed up so let sting take him out of his misery...............................

Way to double post, fool. WTF is "nasnwas"? Brock Lesnar was not better than Taker, not even when Taker was ABA.

People like you actually believe Sting is 100% definitely going to debut in WWE? And the same people who you are believe wrestlers are good based on winning, you just said that Brock Lesnar was better than Undertaker because Lesnar won, but you bitch about how The Undertaker has won against so many people. Way to contradict your entire argument.

Goldberg was given a 173 match Streak and it didn't make him look as good as Undertaker. In fact, most people with a Streak are not at all near the caliber of Undertaker. Even Hogan, despite him putting WWE on the map as a the poster boy, he was horrible on the mic and in the ring.

Maybe you should stop bitching, go back to pre-school, and actually realise what makes a wrestler better than everybody else who ever stepped foot in that ring, what makes fans gravitate towards them, what makes us respect them.
Here's... what you do:
Watch The Undertaker.
The Undertaker is not over rated with or without the Mania streak, he has had a great career but I believe he is missing 3 matches at Mania to really elevate him to immortal status like Hulk Hogan, I would love to see Taker vs Cena, Taker VS Sting and Taker vs The Great Muta all at a Mania. These are 3 guys that are future Hall Of Famers.
Way to double post, fool. WTF is "nasnwas"? Brock Lesnar was not better than Taker, not even when Taker was ABA.

People like you actually believe Sting is 100% definitely going to debut in WWE? And the same people who you are believe wrestlers are good based on winning, you just said that Brock Lesnar was better than Undertaker because Lesnar won, but you bitch about how The Undertaker has won against so many people. Way to contradict your entire argument.

Goldberg was given a 173 match Streak and it didn't make him look as good as Undertaker. In fact, most people with a Streak are not at all near the caliber of Undertaker. Even Hogan, despite him putting WWE on the map as a the poster boy, he was horrible on the mic and in the ring.

Maybe you should stop bitching, go back to pre-school, and actually realise what makes a wrestler better than everybody else who ever stepped foot in that ring, what makes fans gravitate towards them, what makes us respect them.
Here's... what you do:
Watch The Undertaker.

IM bout 2 do you like pac did biggie. look here do u really as bad as you would want in yo heart think the taker could beat brock even if he did it would only be in a wwe ring he old as hell brock would brake his neck 4real, the streak is bullshit and need 2 be broke. But i know the odds of sting comin are real slim but if some way he do agree 2 face the taker he will not job 2 him. And oh yeah youngster cause i can see u young look what brock did 2 hogan old ass and he will do the same 2 the taker old ass he got a better chance facin sting. SO the next time you wanna contest im gone really teach you some table manners punk
First off I know that this post is probably pointless because I have never seen anyone who agrees with me on this. But I believe Mark Callaway is overrated and here is why. The thing that gets me is that he gets to be gone for months at a time and step right into the main event at WM. How is that fair? Everybody in the world worships this dude and I dont get it. Its like Vince and the 'boys in the back' bow down and worship this guy like he is the god of the world. The streak has become overkill at this point . How does 1 man get this kind of rub??? Its a predetermined sport and this guy gets to have this kayfabe record. The fact that Mark Callaway hasnt insisted on his streak being ended proves hes a mark for his own fake gimmick. All you ever hear is how athletic he is. Umm ok hes tall , umm he can walk on a rope and jump down and hit a guys arm. Wow thats some John Morrison moves right there. Sarcasm anyone?? He does the eye rolling and tongue sticking out and the dark music and oh yeah the tombstone, Wow my god what an athlete. Basically hes a control freak and he has a high opinion of his self. I hate when every pro wrestler praises this guy. Longevity is good but this guy has taken how many vacations over the years?? Hes been buried alive like 5 times and injured more than a brittle boned girl and hes some god?? Please tell me someone on this planet isnt fooled by this guy. Am I the only one out there who sees through this. Please someone reply on this and show some courage. Also how does he get hot chicks??? Hes a very ugly man and I know thats not overlooked by everyone. Hes ugly and yet his fame and worship gets him hot chicks. Plus he thinks he can kick every mans butt alive in the real world. Lets see him fight someone like Cain Velasquez.

First off MouthyIdiot, I'm sitting with a friend who's the biggest Undertaker mark and he and I have evidence that he isn't overrated....A. His rivalry with Brock Lesnar from 2002-2003, he totally put Brock over in the Hell In A Cell match and made Brock that much better of a champion. Let's see, he put HBK over in the very first Cell match and Mankind at King Of The Ring 98, with both falls respectively off the cell. And when Taker took on HBK at WM 25, perfect match or not, he made HBK better and HBK made Taker better....as well as the Streak vs. Career Match....I mean, The Streak is probably one phenomenon that will never be repeated.....and likely, if story line falls, it will be HHH vs. Taker Streak vs. Career. His year-long rivalry with Batista stands for itself.

Also, Undertaker has introduced many of the WWE's premier matches like Hell In A Cell, The Casket Match, The Last Ride Match and in some case, the Elimination Chamber....and has made a lot of guys become champions because of him, like Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Batista, Randy Orton, King Kong Bundy, Edge, Booker T, JBL, CM Punk, The Road Warriors, Lex Luger, Yokozuna, Jeff Hardy, The Dudley Boys, RVD, Bret Hart and Kane, among others.

Also, from rumors I've heard, he's considered one of the nicest guys in the locker room, and is respected by many and admired by millions of fans around the world. The moves behind Taker's arsenal can be linked to UFC, like Hell's Gate...he's got Old School, The Last Ride, The Tombstone Piledriver, even Snake Eyes.....I mean, you give praise to a guy like Cena, and he has only 3 moves.....

According to The Mirror, which is a British newspaper, they put Undertaker's Undefeated Streak at #7 of the greatest streaks in sports, and the ONLY ONE involving professional wrestling.....

I may not be as big an Undertaker mark as some out there, but I respect the hell out of his in-ring effort and wish to meet the man behind the phenomenon one day.
IM bout 2 do you like pac did biggie. look here do u really as bad as you would want in yo heart think the taker could beat brock even if he did it would only be in a wwe ring he old as hell brock would brake his neck 4real, the streak is bullshit and need 2 be broke. But i know the odds of sting comin are real slim but if some way he do agree 2 face the taker he will not job 2 him. And oh yeah youngster cause i can see u young look what brock did 2 hogan old ass and he will do the same 2 the taker old ass he got a better chance facin sting. SO the next time you wanna contest im gone really teach you some table manners punk

Oh no, your threatening me over the internet! I've never seen you, nor will I ever, but I surrender! Please leave me a lone, I'm just so sacred.
Loser, and Sting would lose to Taker at Mania, and if he refused Undertaker (whose a 12 year trained MMA fighter) would whoop him in ring.
You're just some piece of trash who could barely afford the internet and you waste your time typing like a 6 year old. Your typing is so bad that all I'm seeing on my Mozilla Firefox is red lines.

Undertaker is the best in the business, he's done too much than expected. It's because of him Stone Cold became WWF Champion at WM XIV. Backstage Shawn refused to lose and Undertaker said if Shawn hadn't made up his mind (on whether or not he'd lose to SCSA) by the time he'd finished taping his wrists, that he'd make it up for him. A parasitical leech like you wouldn't dare disrespect Undertaker in real life, you know if you tried to strike him you would be done for. Undertaker choked out Kurt Angle in several seconds when he thought he was trying to attack Vince on a plane, you think if Kurt Angle couldn't escape, that you could?
Dumbass. Undertaker deserves every damn bit of respect he gets + more.
First off MouthyIdiot, I'm sitting with a friend who's the biggest Undertaker mark

Whoa, I think that honour goes to me. Check out my post on page 1, bottom.

But you couldn't be more right, he's brought in so many matches:
Buried Alive, Last Ride, Hell in a Cell, Rest In Peace match (now known as Casket Match), and when he's gone, 3/4 of those will definitely be gone.

How the hell will, say, Cena have a casket match with a believable meaning behind the casket? WWE are already low on gimmick matches at the moment, with the only being the glorified Cage Match aka Hell in a Cell, which Undertaker, Mankind and Shawn defined.
That damn streakkkkkkkkkkkkk , if if wasnt for that WM streak he wouldnt be this godly guy. Im begging some hot shot like Ziggler or Barrett anybody to go to vince and mark and take that streak. Its all predetermined and he shouldnt be winning every time when hes jobbed tons of times and looked old doing it. He was looking old back in 2003 when Brock Killed him. None of you seem to understand the buisness and how it runs. You cant tell me there isnt some dude willing to go over on him at mania. Its not about respect at this point its about passing that torch finally and sealing the myth of the UnderTaker once and for all. But Mark wont let it go and he could easily demand to vince that someone end the streak. Its time and he knows it and I hope he does the right thing. The reason he is truthfully overrated is because people only live off the streak and his persona. And to be honest Mick Foley allowed Mark to throw him off that cage and Mick did all the work that night. Taker stood on the cage and made Mick take all the abuse. In my opinion Mark gets no credit for that match. Alot of Marks matches have been slowly plotted matches because he actually isnt that mobile. Plus he jobbed to Maven in the Royal Rumble and then proceeded to beat the crap out of him, Thats ego and having to look good simply over being eliminated fairly. Vince always covers up marks faults and puts him over in the end. Apparently the guys been divorced twice. That really makes him a great guy. Michelle McCool made a mistake marrying him. Plus I dont care what you guys say , come on man hes not good looking , lets be honest. I will give the guy some credit that hes a legendary character. All I am trying to say is that hes not as great as everyone seems to think. Plus Shawn Michaels is a loser for agreeing to put him over 2 years in a row. If shawn is this GOD why couldnt he break the streak?? Because hes a Mark Callaway lover like all of you and he was scared to be the guy to do it. Randy Orton makes me sick that he didnt have the guts to take marks streak when it was offered. Mark gets enough respect that he should be disrespected every once in a blue moon so I will be the one to do it.
That damn streakkkkkkkkkkkkk , if if wasnt for that WM streak he wouldnt be this godly guy.

Dude, the world may end in 2012, but The Streak won’t.
For 18 WrestleMania’s they have come and for 18 WrestleMania’s they have fallen.
The Undertaker's Streak is made out to be more important. His streak is much more meaningful than any title reign or length. Flair's 16 title reigns are now useless because the likes of Edge (10) Cena (9) HHH (13) Taker (7) just to name a few, are just 1 year (aka regaining and losing the title) away from surpassing Flair’s title count. Don't forget, you could win a title and hold it for a few minutes. You could even regain it the next night. The Streak will never be forgotten because it isn’t passed around like a set bomb.

In 10 years if people research "this guy who never lost at Mania" they'll end up seeing names they'll remember. "Whoa, Batista, he was that big strong guy. Orton, he's still wrestling now! Edge, oh yeah he speared a lot. Shawn Michaels. Wow, he had so many good Mania matches but he wasn’t good enough for the Deadman. Remember these guys?” They'll see the names like Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka, Sycho Sid and many more, do research on their feuds and eventually see how great feuds were in 1996-2000 with Taker (I.E. Mankind, Kane, HBK (which goes to 2010)).

If the streak was not to be, would stars like Randy Orton be stuck in the main event level? Probably, however, it was because of The Undertaker that he is. He was teetering back and forth and because of that amazing match, Orton would not have been there so soon. The Undertaker’s WrestleMania match with him got him in the top scene and Orton hasn’t come down since. You know who to thank for that.
Batista’s title reigns. They were mediocre and one of his best matches (for the title) was against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 23. The WHC was losing prestige because names weren’t holding it like they did 2-3 years before (Triple H, Chris Benoit, and Randy Orton). Instead we got Batista, Rey Mysterio, Booker T. All great champs but they didn’t have as meaningful title reign (or storylines) as the raw superstars I mentioned.
So much more has happened with the streak but if I can get this from two Mania matches imagine what I’d do with 17-0.
The Undertaker has given so much to this company (gimmick changes, gimmick matches and making sure that they take care backstage).
He contributes a lot, why can’t he have the streak?
The last Buried Alive match was in 2003 (Survivor Series). If there is no Buried Alive match within 3 years, that WILL be the last Buried Alive match
Why? Because it was The Undertakers match. He had so many gimmick matches that will be a mere memory, a forgotten legend, after he retires.
-The Casket Match: Every match has had The Undertaker in it. The last Casket Match was in 2006 (WrestleMania 22). That could very well be the last Casket Match in the WWE.
-Buried Alive Match: Was last in 2003 and has contained Taker in each match. That will be forgotten because it’s his match. It has had so many great moments (Undertaker returning to Deadman in a new gimmick as The Hybrid) and against Mankind, in the Attitude Era (losing after about 8 people beat him down and then raising his hand above the dirt). <<That was awesome.
-Last Ride: It’s basically an Ambulance Match but for The Undertaker. It seems better than an Ambulance Match because Taker always does awesome things (like with Mr. Kennedy, he appeared in the back of the hearse). It will be gone when The Undertaker will retire.
-Hell in a Cell: Many have competed in this match however it seems to be more The Undertaker’s than anybody else. Hell in a Cell is The Undertaker’s yard, the Demon from Death Valley’s playground. That will still be around but it won’t mean as much without The Undertaker.
So why can't The Undertaker have the streak? Give me a good reason as to how the WWE can repay The Deadman in a suitable manner that isn't tacky or no longer credible such as a title reign? Case closed.

So his Streak is just a way to acknowledge how much he's done, because the Streak is worth more than ANY championship belt WWE has to offer.
First off I know that this post is probably pointless because I have never seen anyone who agrees with me on this. But I believe Mark Callaway is overrated and here is why. The thing that gets me is that he gets to be gone for months at a time and step right into the main event at WM. How is that fair? Everybody in the world worships this dude and I dont get it. Its like Vince and the 'boys in the back' bow down and worship this guy like he is the god of the world. The streak has become overkill at this point . How does 1 man get this kind of rub??? Its a predetermined sport and this guy gets to have this kayfabe record. The fact that Mark Callaway hasnt insisted on his streak being ended proves hes a mark for his own fake gimmick. All you ever hear is how athletic he is. Umm ok hes tall , umm he can walk on a rope and jump down and hit a guys arm. Wow thats some John Morrison moves right there. Sarcasm anyone?? He does the eye rolling and tongue sticking out and the dark music and oh yeah the tombstone, Wow my god what an athlete. Basically hes a control freak and he has a high opinion of his self. I hate when every pro wrestler praises this guy. Longevity is good but this guy has taken how many vacations over the years?? Hes been buried alive like 5 times and injured more than a brittle boned girl and hes some god?? Please tell me someone on this planet isnt fooled by this guy. Am I the only one out there who sees through this. Please someone reply on this and show some courage. Also how does he get hot chicks??? Hes a very ugly man and I know thats not overlooked by everyone. Hes ugly and yet his fame and worship gets him hot chicks. Plus he thinks he can kick every mans butt alive in the real world. Lets see him fight someone like Cain Velasquez.

I'll agree with you. "Mark Calloway" is indeed overrated. No one in the wrestling business cares about "Mark Calloway". "Mark Calloway" doesn't hold a candle in the wind to say, Doink The Clown.

Oh who the hell am I kidding, I can't even write that much with a straight face. :banghead:

Mouthy Idiot, your name speaks for itself. Not to regurgitate what everyone else has written, but The Undertaker has been a legend for going on 21 years in the WWF/E. As others mentioned, Shawn Michaels CHOSE Taker to be his retirement match, and it has been rumored that Triple H is doing the same. He has a passion for this business that has been matched by very few, and a respect for the industry and the history behind sports entertainment to match.

Now I respect what Cain Velazquez can do inside the Octagon. But the Octagon, and the squared circle, are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. Don't compare what Cain Velazquez does (real fighting) to The Undertaker (scripted fighting). They are two different skill sets to entertain two different sets of fans.

If you created a "Mount Rushmore" of the wrestling industry of the Wrestlemania Era (1985 to present), the four wrestlers you would have up there without question would be Hogan, Flair, Michaels, and The Undertaker. There is no way that a discussion of the greatest sports entertainers of the last quarter century can not include The Dead Man.

So as X-Pac said to Easy E upon his return to the WWF and D-Generation X, Mouthy Idiot, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I'm beginning to wonder if this Mouthy Idiot guy is just another troll. If so, not bad, cause you're definitely getting the honest reaction a good forum troll strives for.

But even trolls need care and feeding, and I am nurturer to all of God's creatures, even the feeble and ******ed. So, on that note.....

I thought you were a "real guy who knew about the biz", Mouthy Idiot? You've got a laptop and an internet connection, so you can know everything there is to know about wrestling. So you've probably heard of the term "ring general". I know you've heard of it- you're a real guy who knows about the biz, but I'll give the definition... just for the benefit of everyone else, of course. A ring general is a wrestler who calls the shots during his matches. He understands the mechanism of how to properly work a crowd; when to sell, when to comeback, when to kick out short and when to kick out sudden. Other wrestlers trust him to manage their matches, because he's so good at what he does that everyone looks better for it.

The Undertaker is a ring general. He is the guy dictating the pace of the match. He's one of the few guys the WWE has these days who's allowed his own leash, because he's one of the few guys that the WWE has these days who can be trusted off the leash. He's the guy who's at the arena 4 hours before the show, teaching the new guys the ropes. (Pardon the pun.)

To call The Undertaker overrated is a statement so incredibly ignorant that I find it difficult to believe it's not deliberate. He is the most valuable active wrestler that the WWE has. He resonates with old fans, and somehow sticks with the new ones as well, and he hasn't changed his act in 20 years. (Barring the disastrous American Bad Ass phase.) He hasn't needed to change his act; people still respond to the gong. They still respond to the druids, and they still talk about "The Streak".

For a real guy that knows about the biz, you sure don't seem to know much about the way the biz works.
Now I respect what Cain Velazquez can do inside the Octagon. But the Octagon, and the squared circle, are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. Don't compare what Cain Velazquez does (real fighting) to The Undertaker (scripted fighting). They are two different skill sets to entertain two different sets of fans.
You're right, and they're also two different jobs to say the least.
WWE wrestlers are on the road or away from their families for 260+ days a year or more, depending on how much time they would rather spend working than with their family. You can't compare training for a month and fighting like twice a month to always moving and training 5 days a week as well as the cost for plane tickets, food and accommodation. UFC hardly have to travel. They might train wherever they live and might need only a couple tickets per month whereas WWE stars need several per week.
UFC tickets in a month:
1) to get to the arena
2) to go home (possibly)
3) To go to the next arena
4) Home

WWE tickets in a month:
1) Go to the arena
2) Stay at a hotel the remainder of the night then another ticket possibly for Superstars or SmackDown
3) A ticket back home or to RAW
4) Ticket to SD or Superstars
5) Ticket to RAW...

Imagine that about 20 times, and it finally finishes with "ticket back home".
Good point.

If you created a "Mount Rushmore" of the wrestling industry of the Wrestlemania Era (1985 to present), the four wrestlers you would have up there without question would be Hogan, Flair, Michaels, and The Undertaker. There is no way that a discussion of the greatest sports entertainers of the last quarter century can not include The Dead Man.

I agree, and further more, Deadman and HBK never once jumped ship, unlike what Flair and Hogan did numerous times. So I actually think, if you take the person and their loyalty into consideration, Hogan and Flair would fall below. Flair wasn't a "WWE creation" like Shawn and Taker, and Hogan is an untrustworthy, backstabbing sell out. He faked a knee injury to avoid a second match against HBK in 2005 which he was, unluckily for him, going to lose.
Then you have Undertaker who actually does things backstage, sorting wrestlers out, navigating people around the building and, basically, leading them into the "rights" and "wrongs". Shawn was a d*ck in the 90's, and didn't do anything for others, except HHH when they both sniffed around, but it's because of Taker that Stone Cold actually won the title at WM XIV, Shawn was refusing to do the job.

Another one, which I find more interesting, in 2008 or 2009 Khali and Big Show got into a fight. Show didn't want Khali doing the "giant" moves (WTF?). If I remember what I read correctly on WZ and other sites, Big Show swung a punch but tripped over a suitcase. Khali laid into him and Undertaker actually forced them apart while other wrestlers stood around yelling.

Call it crazy, but you'd be more correct to call it courage and bravery.
Wait Undertaker overrated.... you might as well state everyone is overrated at this point.

You mention how it refuses to put anyone over in the streak.... how wrong are you, Undertaker actually wanted Kane to end it but Kane refused because of the reaction of the fans and didn't want to be remembered for it. Furthermore the streak is more than likely an accident that nobody picked up on for the first few years before someone notice. So argument lost there.

Secondly as to his in ring ability, can you honestly name a single wrestler who has been going as long as Taker who can do suicide dives, top rope moves, adapt and improve his submission base moves, to being a brawler, to being a mat wrestler etc. He varies his style, changes and adapts you don't see many wrestlers do that most tend to keep to what they know whilst Taker would seek to improve on weakness and improve.

He made his gimmick work, say what you like about the people who came up with it and the writers who scripted it, The Undertaker character wouldn't have worked without Mark playing him, it would just have ended up one of the bad gimmicks during a time where bad gimmicks were all over the place.

You are calling him overrated because its getting to the end of his career and in order to prolong it takes time out.... how is that overrated if anything its sensible because nobody wants to see Mark in a wheelchair in years to come.

As for the use of the Buried Alive match, apart from this time (chances are this will be true) Undertaker has changed after this match, it allows the opportunity to modify the character once again and at the same time give Mark a break to recover, after all how many have constantly wrestled for that long day in day out for that many years and not required surgery that basically means you won't be walking without pain.

As for backstage, Undertaker is the loyal man of WWE. He had his chance to go to WCW for bigger money and he refused to and in the end proved to be one of the smartest decisions in wrestling history. Where those who defected to WCW never reached the same heights (minus the original NWO trio) and would go on to virtually nothing, Undertaker shined in the WWE and rather than be lost in the pack would help produce the future talent by putting them over. The Austin's, The Rock's, Mankind's, HHH's, Lesnar's and so on.
Someone mentioned his backstage attitude and behaviour, there's one thing you should never do and thats upset Mark. He has been there for so long, seen the company go near bankrupt to being a well financed company he is respected and those who are not will usually find themselves out of favour. That isn't playing backstage politics, its respect for your peers. The only time anyone hears about Taker backstage is when someone else is causing trouble and he is the one who puts the end to the matter, why because this man lives for the WWE and remains loyal to it to this very day.

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