Mark Henry and other Black WWE stars being held back.

Vince McMahon is a racist, we all know this to be true

If that gets you riled up, then you need to leave the board. WWE does not hold back black wrestlers, probably one of the dumbest things I have ever read on this board ever. Playing the race card is a weak way of whining when you don't get your way. I can't name one black wrestler who ever had the potential to be the top guy in the WWE......EVER! Booker T is the closest any of them ever got and he had to get a silly gimmick and be on a show with hardly any other stars to be on top, and don't use the Ron Simmons argument. He was thrown a bone, and it didn't accomplish anything, all it served was Dusty being able to say he booked the first black world champ. Rock is as black as it has ever gotten at the top in the WWE and he is the only one who has ever deserved it because he was a tremendous performer.
How can you say black wrestlers in the WWE are held back ? If I am not mistaken The Rock who is Half black was the WWF/E Champion Mark Henry was the ECW Champion Kofi Kingston was the IC and US Champion back in the 70's Rocky Johnson ( The Rock's Father ) and Tony Atlas were the WWWF or WWF Tag Team Champions, so how can you say that black wrestlers in the WWE are being held back .
How can you say black wrestlers in the WWE are held back ? If I am not mistaken The Rock who is Half black was the WWF/E Champion Mark Henry was the ECW Champion Kofi Kingston was the IC and US Champion back in the 70's Rocky Johnson ( The Rock's Father ) and Tony Atlas were the WWWF or WWF Tag Team Champions, so how can you say that black wrestlers in the WWE are being held back .

This is so true, black wrestlers haven't been held back. Its just that the ratio of black wrestlers to white wrestlers who have had the tools to be top stars is way out of proportion. For every 6-7 white guys who have that "it" facter only 1 black guy has had it. That isn't the company's fault, I have been watching for about 25 years and I research the business for my graduate work, there just aren't many black guys who had what it took to be successful.
Actually Ralphie, if you're going to mention the Ron Simmons angle, please know what the hell you are talking about. That had nothing to do with dusty, that was under bill watts, who was known for putting the belt on black wrestlers, he did the same thing with JYD in his old promotion. If you watch the rise and fall of WCW, they talk about bill watts being different in that he put over the black guys with the heavyweight belt. Foley also talks about this in his book, the first one I believe. So please don't use that as a way to take a shot at Dusty, and give credit where it is do, to Bill Watts.
Actually Dusty is one of my favorites ever, and yes, I am completely wrong about what I said, you are correct. Not the first or last time I will say something incorrect. Doesn't change the fact that it was a completely token gesture by WCW to a black wrestler so they could appear more progressive. It didn't do anything to help fix the racial disparity in the history of the business.
Nobody's being held up because they're black. Plain and simple. If that were the case, R-Truth wouldn't have received the recent push he did. Mark Henry is on the best streak of his career and he wouldn't be if this were the case. Ezekiel Jackson hasn't exactly flourished as Intercontinental Champion, but my bet is Vince is still high on Big Zeke. Don't forget Booker T is a former World Heavyweight Champion while in WWE.

Fact is, other than the Rock who is mixed and Booker T, I can't think of many black superstars who were worthy of being the top dog at any given time. It's not a racist thing.
And your point is?

So by your logic, if some guy didn't deserve the title, then a black guy should get the title because he is just as bad. Black people are not the only ones that have never held the WWE titles.

I hate this topic.

Not my point. I'm saying that there is always a reason (I say excuse) for WWE not putting the title on this black person or that one. But conviently when I present a non-black wrestler with the same complications theres always a reason (I say excuse) to justify it. That is usually when suspicion arises.

I'm also saying that in the case of Sheamus/Swagger...they were test subjects. Given the title to see crowd reaction and find out if they can hang at the top of the card.

If it worked (Sheamus) then WWE found someone they can go to in the future.

If it didn't (Swagger) they can drop him back to midcard and try again in the future, no harm no foul.

But as far as a black wrestler goes, they will never do this. He has to already be guaranteed money for Vince to consider it. How is that fair? Why can't WWE take a chance on a black wrestler (as far as the top title) the same way they do with a non-black?

Thats my question. Non-black = we'll try. Black = sorry, you're not The Rock

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