
Macios ...

Just another delusional christian. You are a dum dum. And guess what, your religion is dying. Have fun stupid with your imaginary believes.

This is just too easy. The bully christian has now become the prey.
Macios ...

Just another delusional christian. You are a dum dum. And guess what, your religion is dying. Have fun stupid with your imaginary believes.

This is just too easy. The bully christian has now become the prey.

Wow, even in prison, in a spam-friendly environment, this is just pointless on so many levels...

And may I say, after floating around and checking out this thread on a whim, I would hate to be in this poor kid's shoes. You guys are brutal. lol Reminds me of a swarm of bees. One sting and here comes the swarm to finish off the intruder. Whew!

Macios, if I may give you just one bit of third party, neutral advice here, it would have to be to let it go man. Suck it up, push it out of your head, and just focus on writing non-defensive posts (although at this point, I would say it could almost be pointless to try to continue at all...). I mean, you do realize that you're feeding the fire and the more you comment, the more abuse you will endure, right? If you absolutely must, slow down, breathe, state your case once and with detail, find out if anybody agrees that is higher up the chain, and if not, then there ya go. A lot of things in life will not make sense, but it's just the way it goes. Sometimes you just have to move forward and move on to the next chapter in your life.

Ok, therapy's over. Back to the forums...
Well, this thread sucks on multiple levels. How about he gets renamed "I Can't Type Well Because I'm Too Busy Sucking Cock"?
So in other words, because I made a smart ass comment I should get in trouble for it but you shouldn't?

Wait....I have a smart ass? Holy crap that could be awesome! I could go on tour as a ventriloquist. Yeah that's the ticket. I'll need to learn to contort myself so I can stick my hand down my own throat of course but that's beside the point. My ass could do tricks, tell jokes, do impressions, maybe even paint a bit! Oh you genius you've set me on a whole new career! I need to go write this in my diary! Hey this could be a great test for my newly intelligent ass!

This thread is evidence of what I was and what I am now. I feel that I am surely 10x a better post and with the current threads on getting out of prison I just wanted to post how far I've actually come.
This thread is evidence of what I was and what I am now. I feel that I am surely 10x a better post and with the current threads on getting out of prison I just wanted to post how far I've actually come.

I have seen you talk. But I haven't seen you make a serious, solid post at all. Perhaps you should create an innovative thread and state your opinion about something, in depth.

That might be refreshing.
I have countless times. I have made several threads on here. I talked in depth about Sting and Taker, asked whether Daniel Bryan is better as a heel or a face, wrote much on who would I like to retire the Undertaker,talked about how Cena should retire and much more. It just doesn't appear to be popular as their is not a lot of traffic in the prison and there are not a lot of people wanting to talk about wrestling instead they just talk about sharing secrets or insulting Jackiz Kirey.
I have countless times. I have made several threads on here. I talked in depth about Sting and Taker, asked whether Daniel Bryan is better as a heel or a face, wrote much on who would I like to retire the Undertaker,talked about how Cena should retire and much more. It just doesn't appear to be popular as their is not a lot of traffic in the prison and there are not a lot of people wanting to talk about wrestling instead they just talk about sharing secrets or insulting Jackiz Kirey.

Obviously they weren't too memorable, which backs up my point. You have to try and get people on your side. Constantly complaining, asking to get out and saying you have improved, is probably working against you.
They may not have been memorable because A) they actually talked about wrestling in a forum that's all spam. B) aren't stupid like Jackiz's posts about wrestling. C) Really can't be made fun of. And no I'm not constantly complaining. It's just been a really long 5 months.
5 months!? Again you say that... You have barely been in here for half that time. You are so oblivious to making sense sometimes it is ridiculous.
5 months!? Again you say that... You have barely been in here for half that time. You are so oblivious to making sense sometimes it is ridiculous.

Once again I didn't realize that so I said sorry cause when you posted how long I was in here I was posting something else. so sorry once again.

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