
Until Bear bumped, the last post was in early June, so don't count on it.

Also, I do imagine LBK to be dumb enough to keep accessing the forum with that message, in vain that the power rangers will change their mind.
Same. Motherfucking. Name. :lmao:

The kid oozes creativity, let me tell ya. I hope he writes me back & denies its actually him, because, you know, he totally proved it wasnt already. Bitch.
So he can pretend its an injustice because it totally isnt him? Yeah, good times.

He even waited a few days after creating the account, just to see if anyone would catch it, before he made a post. Such a rebel that one.

☮ Spidey ✌;4943243 said:
For the love of God post it here.

We need Rayne to hand the motherfuckers out. Bretheren I call upon thee! We must form Raynemare!
We need Rayne to hand the motherfuckers out. Bretheren I call upon thee! We must form Raynemare!

Banned for real. I don't understand how nightmare and Rayne can go in circles of stupidity with him (as well as other prisoners). It's painful to read, but like a train wreck.
Boredom. Plus its amusing to hear just how much nonsense he can come up with & what will break him. Its like going to a psych class for free.

Put him back in here. It's morphin' time.
I just finished six weeks of the most grueling time I've ever had for my business, and now I'm on vacation. Actually, I'm about a beer and a half from shit faced in a bar in New Jersey right now. Bug me in August and I'll do em up.

On that note..... any wrestling events in the NJ area this weekend, locals? Yall have a scene.
Identity thief or un-creative escaped prisoner? I guess we will never know.

Still say the powers that be should put him back in his cell. I would love to hear his rant about being unfairly imprisoned due to mistaken identity.
Leave him in Prison and have it where nobody can answer him. He'll go fucking ballistic at the attention he won't be getting and we will all be better people for it.
LBGetBack LOL. Back in the day I remember people making alts with more class and skill than that. We need another Oncewalker.
Him ranting at the wall would be hilarious. We can even take bets on how long before he starts an argument with himself.

LBK vs Y2eh- for the tinfoil crown.

LBGetBack LOL. Back in the day I remember people making alts with more class and skill than that. We need another Oncewalker.

He started posting again under his original name Y2eh, is that LB guy him also?

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