Macca The WidowMaker

Don't alt it up, Macca; there's hope for you yet, as X and I have your back.

Yeah, I suppose. To be completely honest, I figured they would have just ban'd me outrightly, but I just caught the thread in here about me, so figured I'd give it a try.

Oh, and Doc, good to see you've finally stopped being such a try-hard. Let's keep it that way.
Because FTS got angry when I accused him of having sexual relations with his sperm donor. Ah well.

I love The Norcal. Pump that iron till your arms snap and sherbet pours out.

Btw, now Im in the prison, do normal rules apply, or is it no holds barred?
Mother ******* great. With every passing moment this prison looks ten times better than the Bar Room.

My new goal is to make the prison the new place to be. How? Me. My "Im back. And I still hate you, Thunder Dave" along with my amazing contribution to X's spell-binding rant brought in many a poster into the Bar Room to see what happened next. I would like to replicate this success to the Prison.

Let's face it, wherever or not you love me or hate me, you'll all tune in to see the car-crashes that lay in my wake. In a week or two, you'll all be saying "Bar Room needs more Macca". In fact, all who believe should sig this. Extra points if you bring it up in front of staff. Do it now you smegma milkshakes.
Really, just make this into Macca central. Just make a bunch of troll threads as you wish, they wont punish you any further. The prison has needed a real persoanlity for quite some time. the cry baby bitch brigade will come here to defend themselves or their little E-Pals. itll pick up. Just do your thing.

Basically in here becuase what was happening in the bar room appeared to be your only function. Which you can utilize perfectly here.

I mean, you COULD work to prove to be a valuble member of the site, and get out eventually but....well, whats the fun in that.
Macca, I don't hate you, so I'll say the same thing I said to Areoplex, only nicer. The whole "I'm the saving grace of the Bar Room" schtick is nice and all, but it rarely works out. I've seen plenty of posters use this claim, and, well, they're all gone.

Now, I'm not saying be a good boy, and only post non-spam like threads in here, because, like NorCal said, that's no fun. But, please, for your sake, don't try building yourself as the greatest thing since Sliced Bread No. 2. 'Twould be a shame if you wound up like the others before you.
Um, no, dont you DARE say his name in the same breath as Aeroplex. Macca is fucking hilarious, and balsy. Aereoplex makes me wish the internet was never fucking invented. Two very different beasts
Norcal, my point exactly. I mean, have you seen the material round here? It's like the fucking pedo circus just rolled into town. And then there's the incoming shitbricks like FTS and the J.O.B Squad that will pay me a visit and angst over what I've done to their precious WZ Forums, which I can't wait for.

TM, I put it in your mother's dunghole last night. I also draped the Canadian flag over my naked body as I was doing so, then ejactulated on the flag, paying close attention to the maple leaf in the end. Then we sat down for a cup of tea and discussed why wrestling is better off without Owen Hart. We had a merry old time.
Um, no, dont you DARE say his name in the same breath as Aeroplex. Macca is fucking hilarious, and balsy. Aereoplex makes me wish the internet was never fucking invented. Two very different beasts

Which is why I was nicer than last night. If I thought they were comparable, I'd have been just as douchey. But, I see where you're coming from.

Macca, I'm sorry for uttering your name in the same sentence as Areo. It was wrong of me. Still, I think I gave some good advice.
Whats funny, is FTS is one of the coolest people here. What the fuck happened to you two? anyone care to clarify that for me?
Macca, I don't hate you, so I'll say the same thing I said to Areoplex, only nicer. The whole "I'm the saving grace of the Bar Room" schtick is nice and all, but it rarely works out. I've seen plenty of posters use this claim, and, well, they're all gone.

Now, I'm not saying be a good boy, and only post non-spam like threads in here, because,
like NorCal said, that's no fun. But, please, for your sake, don't try building yourself as
the greatest thing since Sliced Bread No. 2. 'Twould be a shame if you wound up like the
others before you.

But I am the future of this forum...

Don't put these false prophets' lies on me. Think about this, how many ********s come
on here and claim to the future and everyone hates them. Everyone. Eh, that would be
nearly all of them. Now how many do the
same thing and there's a split decision? Only
one. That's me.
Let the cleansing begin...
Whats funny, is FTS is one of the coolest people here. What the fuck happened to you two? anyone care to clarify that for me?

FTS got all butthurt because I was laying waste to everyone in the bar, a few of them his e-friends, so he came in looking for a fight and I re-arranged his shit. In his desperate cries of "I'M A MOD! HOW CAN HE USE SUCH MAGIC?!" he must have pushed for this decision to made.

FTS>Macca. That's the gist of it.
Ah, well then.

So get to thread making. We can let the bar room be happy times funland, and this can be da hood, were everyone goes fucking nuts, trolls, and acts like complete fools. I like that idea. Just start making threads were you express thoughts and opinions on posters. that should be fun
Ah, well then.

So get to thread making. We can let the bar room be happy times funland, and this can be da hood, were everyone goes fucking nuts, trolls, and acts like complete fools. I like that idea. Just start making threads were you express thoughts and opinions on posters. that should be fun

Indeed. Think I might go with love/hate threads in order to balance it out to begin with. My love begins with you Norcal.
By the way Slyfox made his first post, it sounds like your going to be tuning your harmonica for a long time, Macca.
Your dad had some trouble doing that too didn't he? But i'm sure you just slapped him and told him to shut up and suck.

Don't mistake my relationship with me and my dad for FTS.

Besides, I actually don't have any problem telling your mum to "shut up and suck". I guess everything she's ever wanted to say is written on those 12 inches of rock-hard cock.
Don't mistake my relationship with me and my dad for FTS.

Besides, I actually don't have any problem telling your mum to "shut up and suck". I guess everything she's ever wanted to say is written on those 12 inches of rock-hard cock.

I'm sure you must be talking about my cock, because neither you or my mom have one, and your description of it matches mine perfectly.
I'm sure you must be talking about my cock, because neither you or my mom have one, and your description of it matches mine perfectly.

If the description was made by a chick cowering in fear, while you screamed at you to tell you how big it is, then it's invalid.

The truth is, you couldn't even find your own dick if you have a microscope, a tweezers and a set of private investigators.

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