What to do with Unholy Profit?

What to do with Unholy Profit?

  • Let him out

  • Keep him here

  • Ban him

Results are only viewable after voting.
Pot. Kettle. Think about it.

Your first weeks here were a demonstration in how to be self-righteous and over-the-top. Gimmicks are all well and good, even fun, but they have a point where they become annoying. You riled everyone up, and it was entertaining for a day, and then just, as you even said we are, "over the top."

And then your tirade in the Bar Room about how OUR forum sucks and how people hate OUR forum. You think that wasn't self-righteous? Are you that naive?

Your posts not only reek of self-righteousness, but utter spinelessness as well. You're the big internet bully who has no issue slinging mud at everyone - Wes, Ricky, NorCal, etc. - but as soon as someone stands up to the bully...

Anyway, it's 3-4-3 in favor of keeping you here. I doubt you'll get banned over this, but let's say whichever option gets to "5" first is the one I'll go with.

I was mad, so some of that shit I said was just blind rage, no points in what I said really as it was just bullshit.

And 5 votes? I dunno, I wouldn't be surprised if the ban notch got up there first, I have some friends on this forum but they arn't currently on here so won't get a chance to vote... bad timing indeed.
Well that was fast, I guess i'm in prison, unless you keep it open longer and possibly I can just stay free if I get some more votes there.
I will hear appeals tomorrow. Consider it 24 hours in the drunk tank. But banning is obviously not the answer here.
Honestly, i'm just glad I got a chance to argue my points, and i'm not an idiot I hear what you are saying about me and I know that it's true and perhaps I should kinda rethink my approach on here if I want to be a permanent member and not let something like this ever happen again.
Keep him in here. He's by far the biggest tool on the forum, and a completely unfunny attention ****ing cunt. Rot in the pen, douchebag.
I heart you too, Wes.

Any way my BT could be moved from that section to the prison? I'm sure i'll be stuck here for a while, and so i'd like to be able to continue writing it.

I remember when you first got here and I thought you were a nuisance to the forums. Then, if my memory is correct, you starting doing things to better the forum. I had no problem with the Wes thread until you called him "the poster child of abortion," which is easily the most offensive thing I have ever heard. Sure, Bar Room flaming is allowed to an extent, but as a human being, I couldn't not let that go lightly.

This is a wrestling forum, and at the end of the day, things like this shouldn't even have to come up. Yes, I love the bar room...perhaps more than any other section. But I like it for such threads as "Umpiring" and "Because it's been awhile..." and the workout thread. A place where a bit of community gathering occurs...not a place where people go and no-holds barred flame one another. That's just stupid.

I know you are smarter than that, and I ultimately believe in poster reform. That's why I didn't vote to ban you/didn't do it myself.

I remember when you first got here and I thought you were a nuisance to the forums. Then, if my memory is correct, you starting doing things to better the forum. I had no problem with the Wes thread until you called him "the poster child of abortion," which is easily the most offensive thing I have ever heard. Sure, Bar Room flaming is allowed to an extent, but as a human being, I couldn't not let that go lightly.

This is a wrestling forum, and at the end of the day, things like this shouldn't even have to come up. Yes, I love the bar room...perhaps more than any other section. But I like it for such threads as "Umpiring" and "Because it's been awhile..." and the workout thread. A place where a bit of community gathering occurs...not a place where people go and no-holds barred flame one another. That's just stupid.

I know you are smarter than that, and I ultimately believe in poster reform. That's why I didn't vote to ban you/didn't do it myself.

Yeah, ultimately it's my fault, I did go too far and like I said thats my bad and I apologize if anyone took offense to that comment. You reap what you sew, and I made a mistake so now I gotta suffer the consequences, I just was mad that some people thought what I did was ban worthy as it wasn't and they were just out to get me from some deformed vendetta they held against me.

And I hear ya about the bar room, it's a good point, and I shouldn't have used that as a place to vent or lash out at other posters. I will do my best to "reform" and go back to my contributing ways.
Yeah, everyone thought that about me when I first started, that I thought I was better than everyone. It's a fuckin forum, I don't think i'm anything on the fuckin internet but some prick thats bored and feels like ranting or giving an opinion. The whole thing was just my sense of humor, I was being sarcastic and whatever it was a long time ago. And yeah, I joined in on discussions all the time, not my fault you failed to notice them or read them.

Obviously you have just mis-read my post as I clearly stated in it that I noticed you joined in good discussions after you stopped being a prick. Fair enough if thats your sense of humour then so be it.

I dissapeared for a bit because it's summer, and because I had some shit happen that kinda made going on the internet and talking about things seem unimportant as I was in no moode to talk to anyone. But that doesn't matter, what matters is I do post places I do make good points and am told so by a few people, and my BT isn't impressive? Now is that just honesty, or are YOU being a dick? I can't tell, but in either case, it's your opinion and thats fine. I know that I work fuckin hard on that thing, and i'm proud of it

I wasnt calling your book this less then impressive, I was saying that the fact that you are only known on the forum for bitching and a Book This isnt that impressive and fair enough I was not questioning your reasons for leaving thats your right.

You vote to ban me for those reasons, which still don't seem completely justified. Maybe I pissed you off before, maybe you have a vandeta against me, I dunno what it is but to ban me just seems not right. I mean hell, Deadman got like 3 chances in this fuckin place and all he did was piss people off and act like a total moron. Atleast I contribute in my own ways, wether it's noticed by you or not, the most I should get is time in prison and another chance. Is that so much to ask for, really?

There was a lot of people who wanted Deadman gone the fact that he lasted so long was a mystery. But still these are the reasons I voted to ban you because I feel you dont contribute no discussion and just bitch and the only thing you do contribute is a book this. I dont have any problem with you and you may be a nice guy in reality but on the forum you come accross as a total knob which is my reasons for clicking ban. You won't agree which is your right, but you asked one of the people to explain why and I have done.
Fair enough, and I appreciate the fact that you backed up your vote with an explanation. For the other three people, why not do the same? Atleast Leeds voted for Ban because in his opinion it would be a justifiable ban, but I don't know about the rest of you.
I heart you too, Wes.

Any way my BT could be moved from that section to the prison? I'm sure i'll be stuck here for a while, and so i'd like to be able to continue writing it.

Because I think you're genuinely sorry and taking this the right way, I've granted you access to BT.
Back when Becker was bant, a lot of people said he did nothing for the forums, and wouldn't be missed. I have nothing personal against him, and know that he actually isn't a half bad poster while football isn't going.

UP really doesn't do anything for the forums. So, if Becker can be bant, and not missed for that reason, than surely this guy can go, and never come back.

I'd fully expect an onslaught of alts, a la CCS or DEADMAN.
Back when Becker was bant, a lot of people said he did nothing for the forums, and wouldn't be missed. I have nothing personal against him, and know that he actually isn't a half bad poster while football isn't going.

Exactly, the perception for that poster was the same as it is for me now, and yet he did more for the forums than anyone wanted to let on. I believe this is the same case for me as well, and I also believe that while what I said and did was wrong and prison worthy, it was in no way shape or form ban worthy, people just want to see a guy get banned because it's more fun that way.

UP really doesn't do anything for the forums. So, if Becker can be bant, and not missed for that reason, than surely this guy can go, and never come back.

I'd fully expect an onslaught of alts, a la CCS or DEADMAN.

And this is what I mean, if you read this entire thread you'd see some people actually come to bat for me and say that I did do things for the forum, that I actually helped the forums in my past. Why that changed? Many reasons, too personal to get into on a forum, no way in hell would I shed light on issues that people would just use to insult me over or try and bring me down with. I left for a while, havn't been frequenting the forums much except for the occassional bar room post or my BT.

And, no, there wouldn't be any alts. I'm not CCS, i'm not Deadman, I havn't done anything to warrant such a comparison. I made a thread directed at Wes, it was all in fun to be honest, but I crossed the line with a couple of the "insults" I made and I understand that and have since apologized for it.

But, if even Wes voted to just keep me in prison and not ban me, then why are you people itching to get me banned? He was the one that I insulted, ever since my whole Orton rant directed his way me and him have disliked one another. I got an infraction for that, but only because I mentioned him by name, which I found out was against the rules because the post was in the Live Discussion section.

I know I won't get banned over this, thank god, but for the people besides Leeds and NSL who voted that way I just want to say that you should explain your reasoning for voting that way much as Leeds and NSL did. Because even though I differ with the opinions of the previous two posters mentioned, atleast I get an idea as to why they voted that way.
I honestly have no clue why you're in here. I think you can act like an asshole, but you generally keep flaming in The Bar Room where it's allowed. I say you should be let out, but that's not up to me. At the most, I think you should have a definite prison sentence (that is to say, you should be let out after a certain number of days).
Well, all that flaming has led to a lot of people hating me for it, even though it's all in good fun and a lot of others do the same thing as well. I definitly think the whole banning thing was way over the line, and quite frankly not fair at all.

But, the prison thing, thats understandable like I said. Just goes to show you, don't make enemies with people in high places, a lesson i'll just have to learn the hard way I guess. I dunno, really it wasn't anything bad that I did, just that the flaming I did was kind of past the limit of flaming and a little bit offensive.

I appreciate your support though, and it's good to know that some people can be unbiased and look at the situation rather than the person and judge that way, instead of judgeing me and not what I did.
Ugh Profit I never wanted to come back to this lowly prison again let alone when Becker was in here but alas you've seemingly finally done enough to get locked up. Flaming is allowed in the bar room you are correct but trolling is not. Calling Wes a poster boy for abortion is fucked up even for you but I won't judge you even though personally I like Wes. :) Anywan me an Mike voted for you to get out and I'll keep you company like you did for me. Irish is a cool guy and if he genuinely thinks you deserve another chance you'll be out in no time. Your in here on a complete liability anyway.
I don't sign on and just bash people, jesus fuckin christ, i did it today for fun. you people need to grow the fuck up, its a forum, wow i called someone a shit head.. i'm sure lil wes won't even give a fuck what i say.

this shit is ******ed, you wonder why people hate these forums sometimes, its cause of shit like this. and everytime anyone tries to make an argument for themselves we get told we are being whiny bitches, it's so lame.

You got so sooky because we put a poll on to actually see if we should let you out? Haha, and you claim to hate this forums, yet you still sign in.

The thing that makes me wonder is that he is 24 and yet he is sitll acting 8.

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