What to do with Peyton Manning?

It's kinda bad the way he had to go out....

I keep wondering if he had to. If the sticking point was that $28 million, it's certainly understandable. But contracts can be changed with the written agreement of both parties; I would think Peyton could have delayed payment of the bonus until it was certain he could play effectively. If he couldn't, it could have been agreed that he get part of the bonus. If he truly never wanted to play for any other team than the Colts, couldn't this have been negotiated? I mean, now that he's been released, he's not getting the $28 million bonus from anyone, right?

Of course, if Indianapolis didn't have a QB like Luck coming in, they might not have been forced to keep Peyton, at least if they could have done something about that $28 million. It all makes me think the things we hear the player and management say at these press conferences are as "real" as a 3-dollar bill. I wouldn't be surprised if there was tons of animosity between Peyton and Irsay, despite the tears and mutual appreciation expressed in front of the cameras.
I keep wondering if he had to. If the sticking point was that $28 million, it's certainly understandable. But contracts can be changed with the written agreement of both parties; I would think Peyton could have delayed payment of the bonus until it was certain he could play effectively. If he couldn't, it could have been agreed that he get part of the bonus. If he truly never wanted to play for any other team than the Colts, couldn't this have been negotiated? I mean, now that he's been released, he's not getting the $28 million bonus from anyone, right?

Of course, if Indianapolis didn't have a QB like Luck coming in, they might not have been forced to keep Peyton, at least if they could have done something about that $28 million. It all makes me think the things we hear the player and management say at these press conferences are as "real" as a 3-dollar bill. I wouldn't be surprised if there was tons of animosity between Peyton and Irsay, despite the tears and mutual appreciation expressed in front of the cameras.

That's what I kept telling myself. I know Manning didn't want to leave, but the people behind the scenes, like Jim Irsay and the new owner were determined to move on and rebuild and were gonna get rid of Manning.

I agree with you here as Manning would've been more than happy to take a slight pay cut in the 28 Million, and still have some cap room to draft Luck and be able to keep both QBs. If Manning loved The Colts as much as he said, I'm sure he would do it, but the situation was out of his hands and once that happened, there was no good outcome.
Titans owner Bud Adams wants to sign Peyton Manning and says he will do whatever necessary to convince the four-time NFL MVP to come to Tennessee, even offering up a job in the front office once his playing career ends.
Adams told The Tennessean on Sunday that he has contacted Manning's agent, Tom Condon, to express his interest and ask for the quarterback to visit the Titans. Manning visited Denver on Friday and spent more than six hours in Arizona on Sunday.

"He is the man I want. Period," Adams told the newspaper. "And the people that work for me understand that. They know who I want. I want Mr. Manning with the Titans and I will be disappointed if it doesn't happen."

Tennessee signed Matt Hasselbeck to a three-year deal in July 2011 and used the eighth overall pick in last year's draft on Jake Locker.

The Titans went 9-7 in Mike Munchak's first season as coach, just missing a playoff berth. They also have plenty of salary-cap space, with about $30 million to spend.

Adams said he wants Manning as the guy to get the Titans into the playoffs. The 89-year-old owner says he'd love to see Manning in Titan blue after watching him the past 14 seasons with the Colts and will be upset if he doesn't get the quarterback.

"I hope to be one of the teams he looks at," Adams said. "Since he went to school in Tennessee I think Tennessee is where he should be. I think he could play for two or three years. I think he's the guy that could come in and turn this around for us.

"That's why I am so anxious to get him to come visit with us and I want him on my team. I could sit down with him and show him what (we'd be willing to pay). If he would come (meet) with me he would be happy with what he'd get."


Think it's possible that he would decide to go to Tennessee? As a Titans fan I'm unsure of my stance on the situation, Locker could learn alot from having a year or two to learn from Manning, but that would be quiet a bit of a financial investment in Manning which perhaps better spent elsewhere, such as on the defense, Mario Williams Perhaps?
The thought of Fitzgerald/Manning is way more sexier than Marshall/Manning. Now throw Marshall/Manning/Wayne in there and I'm sold. I've always wondered what it would be like if Marshall had an elite QB throwing to him. Miami desperately needs a QB, Chad Heene isn't the answer, nor was Matt Moore, AJ Feeley, Chad Pennington, Cleo Lemon or any other subpar QB since Dan Marino retired.
The thought of Fitzgerald/Manning is way more sexier than Marshall/Manning. Now throw Marshall/Manning/Wayne in there and I'm sold. I've always wondered what it would be like if Marshall had an elite QB throwing to him. Miami desperately needs a QB, Chad Heene isn't the answer, nor was Matt Moore, AJ Feeley, Chad Pennington, Cleo Lemon or any other subpar QB since Dan Marino retired.

There's reports saying that Manning didn't want to play with Marshall (not sure how credible) and that's why he was traded to Chicago. However, now that Wayne has signed with the Colts, I'd say Miami is all but lost in the Manning quest (Matt Flynn perhaps?).

I've also read that Denver is in Manning's top couple choices. Him and Elway are friends supposedly and the defense there is not bad. Plus I believe they have a lot of cap space to help him out on both offense and defense. However, I do not want to have to listen to all that BS drama that will follow. Tebowmania was bad enough, but now we'll have to listen to all the reports and fans talk about what's to be done with Tebow because he's obviously not going to start over Manning. My guess is he'd be traded away (Jacksonville) as to alleviate any pressure on Manning. Not like there should be anyways.

Think it's possible that he would decide to go to Tennessee? As a Titans fan I'm unsure of my stance on the situation, Locker could learn alot from having a year or two to learn from Manning, but that would be quiet a bit of a financial investment in Manning which perhaps better spent elsewhere, such as on the defense, Mario Williams Perhaps?

I've heard that Tennessee is also another one of his possibilities. Maybe he wants to finish his career where it really took off, Tennessee? They're definitely not a terrible team and Locker could learn from Manning. Britt is a good WR as well. Not to mention, he knows the division very well since it's the same division as Indy.
I just feel Arizona could greatly benefit from Manning - would've even said Kansas City. I don't see Denver simply because they seem to be set on a full season of Tebow ahead.
So there's reports coming out today that Manning's working out, or going to work out with San Fransisco. To be honest, when the 49ers crossed my mind for the first time a couple weeks ago, they made the most sense to me of anyone. Yes, it's not a dome team, but the weather there is always so nice it wouldn't be an issue. They've got a crushing defense (playoffs last year GEEZ) and a good running game. I know they've said they were wanting Smith back, but you have to at least look at this option. Smith is technically a free agent so you can let him go free and clear. He did pretty good last year, but we're talking about a first ballot hall of famer with Manning. Smith has been so inconsistent up to this year I'd think maybe, since it'd be kind of a dick move to keep him as 2nd string with Manning, you let him go and pick up a young QB in the draft who can sit behind Manning a few years. Plus Smith definitely doesn't have the following Tebow has in Denver, so they wouldn't have that drama to deal with the fans. With Moss, Crabtree and Davis, Manning should be able to work a pretty good passing game in there and keep the offense going in case the defense has a bad day. However unlikely, I see this as his best fit.
I just feel Arizona could greatly benefit from Manning - would've even said Kansas City. I don't see Denver simply because they seem to be set on a full season of Tebow ahead.

Denver isn't set on Tebow at all, I have no idea how you could have possibly came to that conclusion... and I agree with the guy above me saying Peyton's best fit is in SF (not that I want him to go there), great D, good recievers, and there won't be a huge protest from a bunch of bandwagon fans if he takes over.

But go Denver! Elway won his titles when he was 37-38......
The 49ers are easily the best fit for Manning and I'd be surprised if he doesn't end up their. Good weather city, dominant defense, best offensive weapons of his finalists, solid O-line. With a former NFL starting qb as head coach in addition to everything I mentioned, it seems like a no brainier. With Michael Crabtree, Randy Moss, Mario Manningham, Vernon Davis and Frank Gore around him, it would be the best supporting cast Peyton has had since the mid 2000's.
The 49ers are easily the best fit for Manning and I'd be surprised if he doesn't end up their. Good weather city, dominant defense, best offensive weapons of his finalists, solid O-line. With a former NFL starting qb as head coach in addition to everything I mentioned, it seems like a no brainier. With Michael Crabtree, Randy Moss, Mario Manningham, Vernon Davis and Frank Gore around him, it would be the best supporting cast Peyton has had since the mid 2000's.

Not to mention their division requires Manning to play the Rams and the Seahawks twice a year. Sounds easy to me. It's an automatic division win if The Niners land him. New receivers, the defense is bound to be even better than last season, and they have one of the greatest QBs of all time. That sounds like an instant ring to me. Can't wait to order my #18 Manning Jersey.

Also, I hear Alex Smith visited the Dolphins. If The Dolphins sign Alex Smith, then it's all but a foregone conclusion that Manning signs with the Niners. But even if Smith doesn't go to Miami. Manning has a good 3, maybe 5 years in him and Alex Smith could learn a lot. There's nothing wrong with being a backup to Peyton Manning. Can't help but feel sorry for the guy though.

If The Niners end up signing Smith to a lucrative deal, then the only other option is Tennessee.
I'm so angry it looks like my Dolphins aren't going to get Manning. I was so hopeful they would finally have a good QB after so many losers have cycled through that position since Marino retired. But my dreams are dashed.

As if that's not bad enough, now there's talk of them looking at Alex Smith. Alex................. Smith. I just don't understand. It's like they don't want fans. It's like they don't want to win.

As if THAT'S not bad enough, they just traded away their one legitimate offensive weapon, and got what in return? Two third round picks. Which they will undoubtedly use to draft another useless, talentless, piece of garbage QB that will be starring in the Arena League in 4 years.

How could things have turned so quickly? Things were so hopeful not so long ago. It looked like they had a good shot at Manning, they would have a good offense with him and Marshall, so all they would need to do is improve the secondary and they would be a decent team. I'm not saying they would have been playing next February, but I sure as hell think they wouldn't have started 0-7 like this past year, either.

Instead, Marshall is gone, Manning is likely headed elsewhere, and the one good piece of news that has come out recently, which is that Matt Flynn signed with the Seahawks instead of Miami, has been tempered by all this Alex Smith news. These are dark days, indeed. I'm really looking forward to next year's 4-12 record. It's gonna be awesome!!!!!

Sigh..... rant over.... about Manning specifically:

If he does end up going to the Niners, good Lord watch out for them next year. They already have a stout defense, if you add Manning to an offense with Gore, Davis, Moss, Crabtree.... yikes. Plus they're playing in probably the weakest division in football. The only issue Manning may have is adjusting to the outdoor Bay Area weather after so many years in the dome, but........... it's Peyton Manning. He'll adjust. That's going to be a scary picture if he does head there.
Well, it's official, Peyton Manning is going to sign with the Denver Broncos. I understand that it's Peyton's choice, but The Broncos? I wonder what was so good about them that Peyton chose them.

If there's a team that's ready to get a ring right now, it's The Niners. This is both good and bad for Manning.

The good is that if there's anybody that can turn nobodies into somebodies, it's Peyton Manning. So, prepare to hear about Eric Decker, Demaryius Thomas, and even Daniel Fells numerous times on Sports Center. The Broncos have a good offensive line and their defense turned it up towards the end of the season. Manning can no doubt bring that team to the promise land.

My only problem is that Peyton Manning is in the same division with The Chargers: a team that almost ALWAYS gives Manning the fits. The Chiefs defense is notoriously better as well, and The Raiders have a strong running game.

I still think The Niners would've been the better choice, but Manning doesn't know NFC Teams like he knows AFC Teams, so I guess that move was all for the better.

I'll have to wait before I order my #18 Jersey!
I'll have to wait before I order my #18 Jersey!

Manning has stated that he is leaving the #18 jersey in Indianapolis. He will use a different number in Denver, assuming the deal gets finalized (things can break down in the negotiations still, it's not official until all the "t"s are crossed and the "i"s are dotted...)

Fortunately for Manning, the Broncos have only retired 3 total numbers in their team history, so he should have plenty of QB numbers to choose from, including the #16 he wore at Tennessee.
I was a bit surprised as well. I thought the Niners had pulled into the lead and were going to land Manning. But Denver's not a bad choice, either.

The teams in the AFC West are collectively a little better than the teams in the NFC West, but I don't think Manning will have a problem winning that division. I really can't see the Chiefs or Raiders giving him any issues. Perhaps the Chargers will, but they're notorious for underperforming anyway.

I think perhaps the whole AFC-NFC thing may have been the tipping point. As Mr. HD said, Manning is a lot more familiar with the AFC teams, I'd be surprised if that weren't a large factor in this decision.
Got to wonder how QBs like Alex Smith and Mark Sanchez must feel after their teams expressed avid interest in acquiring Peyton. Sure, their GMs are probably telling them that it's just business and, after all, we're talking about Peyton Manning here.

Okay, there's not much Sanchez could do about it since he's under contract, but I got a laugh reading this morning that the 49ers claim to be most anxious to re-sign Alex Smith. Yeah, I'm sure.:)

Of course, we also have to wonder about the tender feelings of Tim Tebow. Personally, I never thought that much of his quarterbacking skills; he managed to get into one of those zones in which everything goes right during much of the season, only to come apart late because there wasn't much substance behind it all. Still, he achieved amazing success during the year and he's got to be privately asking what else could they have wanted from him.

I wonder if God has anything to say about the travails of Tebow. After all, this is Denver.....and wouldn't it figure that the team that plays at the highest altitude would be closest to Him?
well its official peyton manning is a bronco...not the worst team (thank god he avoided miami there screwed) i would have LOVED to see him as a 9'er for the rest of his career he would have brought in a few more rings there i still think he can in denver just them adding peyton makes them a playoff contender...and denver still has about 40 million in cap space expect them to make a move to get a bigger name wide out to give peyton a great target to throw to ive been a colts fan ever sense i got big into football but im more of a peyton fan then colts fan there for im gonna be rooting for denver! i heard tebows going to end up a jaguar next year...looks like those jag fans better start tebowing!

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