What To Do With Charlie Haas?

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It's strange but I look at Haas and the ability he has in the ring and I see Benoit, a guy with absolutely no personality but with enough skill to get by as a tough technical wrestler. That's why I was disappointed to read he didn't go to TNA, there's really no place for pure wrestlers in the WWE anymore, ironically because of Benoit.
He can wrestle, but that's all he has. His charisma is very lacking and his mic skills are shit. He's not a interesting person. The last time I can find him relevant was Team Angle, maybe ripping off superstars, but that was just because I was curious as to who he'd come out as next. Maybe he should go back to that. He'll be nothing more than a jobber/comedy character. Alas, maybe they should reform a Team Angle-esque stable.
WWE should just let him go if they are not going to be using him, or send him to ECW and repackage him and if that dont work, then let him go. No need in keeping a guy if you aren't going to use him.

or put him in a tag team with some one who does the talking or something, but if i was WWE i would just let him go or send him down to FCW as a trainer.
It's pretty strange how they would keep him since he isn't doing anything at all.

Maybe... This might sound stupid, but what if it was done out of fear to stop Shelton following him over there? They are best friends in real life after all and Team Angle in TNA would be awesome. :shrug:
Honestly, I can't for the life of me understand why people even make these Charlie Haas threads? Nobody gives a shit about Charlie Haas. At this point, who even cares what they do with the guy because he simply isn't worth caring about, to be blunt.

What they should do with Haas is simply get rid of him. As others have said, if WWE isn't going to use him, then he is a waste of resources.

As far as preventing him from going over there to entice Shelton to leave too, as Oneofakind9 speculated, they aren't doing a damn thing with Shelton either, so he mine as well go, too.

WWE has so much talent, and they simply don't use them. And I am absolutely sick and tired of WWE management blaming wrestlers when they should mostly be blaming the Creative Department, who really holds the key in giving wrestlers personalities and characters to make the fans care about them. But that would require blaming the Head of the Creative Department, Vince McMahon, and we all know Vince doesn't take blame for anything. It's always someone else's fault with him.
I think they should move Haas to ECW, where he can reunite with Shelton Benjamin since Benjamin is out of the title picture for the moment, and they can once again call themselves the World's Greatest Tag Team. Then they can start a feud with Trent Barretta and Caylen Croft. I'd watch ECW just for that if WWE did it.
The answer is nothing. Charlie Haas' ship has long since sailed. There is nothing left for him. People say that he should be pushed but there are many more young and deserving superstars waiting to be pushed. He is uninteresting and I for one would rather see guys like Swagger and Ziggler be given more attention if it meant not doing anything with charlie haas.
He hasnt been on Smackdown! for a while instead he is being placed into Tag Team matches with Mike Knox. Now I think it would have been better for Haas to be drafted to Raw and have a US tittle shot because he isn't performing on Smackdown and if he were to go to TNA there would be nothing to do. So I Think a US tittle Shot would be best.
I think he is being pushed in a tag team with mike knox, they've had a couple of matches together. I believe its called the hard knox foundation, I like the sound of that. In fact, I like the sound of them being in a tag team. two decent wrestlers that WWE have dropped the ball on. I also think they could be recruits for CM punks flock, there, he is earning his money
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