Live Discussion: RAW 9/22/08

So you hate Favre because you're a Minnesota fan. That's no reason to deny the man is anything but great. I hate Peyton Manning, but he is unbelievable I'll admit.
If you trade him, ok. Give the man who's given so much to your organization something back..a chance to win. He's never going to win a championship with the Jets. If you think your young stud qb is so damn good, trade Favre to Minnesota where they are a qb short of a championship and test Rodgers out. Same goes for the Bucs

Um no. I hate the Vikes. Shit I hate them more than I hate the Cowboys. I was saying that I have had to listen t and watch the Favre soap opera that he has put the Packers through the past 5 seasons where he has been off and on about retirement. He said he was retired. They moved on. He crowd like a botch and tried to pull the "legend" card. They gave him a chance at the job, he didn't want to show he deserved it. He fucked himself. I admit, he's one of the all time great. But he has up and down seasons all his career.

And why give him jack shit in a trade when he not only came in and tried to disrupt your organization by using the media to campaign with rather than being straight up with the owners when they tried to talk to him personally? I'd give him a swift kick in the ass and a boot out of town to the Dolphins or some shit team like that. The only thing that the Jets were missing was a dependable quarterback. If anything, they gave him a gift. It's up to him to make it work. Why send him to your direct division rivals? That's NEVER good business and NEVER something that teams do. Period.
You don't trade an impact player within the division. I don't care what he's done for the franchise, you don't shott yourself twice. First by trading, secondly, b y having to play him twice a year.

So he's an impact player that sucks? That's a little hypocritical.
If they're so damn good, it shouldn't matter. The Packers can no longer compete with the big boys..last night was your first look at that. Dallas is the best team there is right now and they beat GB's ass.
So you hate Favre because you're a Minnesota fan. That's no reason to deny the man is anything but great. I hate Peyton Manning, but he is unbelievable I'll admit.
If you trade him, ok. Give the man who's given so much to your organization something back..a chance to win. He's never going to win a championship with the Jets. If you think your young stud qb is so damn good, trade Favre to Minnesota where they are a qb short of a championship and test Rodgers out. Same goes for the Bucs

Oh for fuck sake, appearently you didn't understand when I said this earlier, so this time I'll post it in big bold letters for ya

Um no. I hate the Vikes. Shit I hate them more than I hate the Cowboys. I was saying that I have had to listen t and watch the Favre soap opera that he has put the Packers through the past 5 seasons where he has been off and on about retirement. He said he was retired. They moved on. He crowd like a botch and tried to pull the "legend" card. They gave him a chance at the job, he didn't want to show he deserved it. He fucked himself. I admit, he's one of the all time great. But he has up and down seasons all his career.

And why give him jack shit in a trade when he not only came in and tried to disrupt your organization by using the media to campaign with rather than being straight up with the owners when they tried to talk to him personally? I'd give him a swift kick in the ass and a boot out of town to the Dolphins or some shit team like that. The only thing that the Jets were missing was a dependable quarterback. If anything, they gave him a gift. It's up to him to make it work. Why send him to your direct division rivals? That's NEVER good business and NEVER something that teams do. Period.

He said himself he wasn't ready to make the decision so that's why he retired. He didn't want to make GB wait again, so he did what he thought was the right thing. As time went on, he knew he was wrong. He just needed the time to make that decision. Retiring from a game you love and what you have always done is a hard decision, you can't just decide you want to and that's it.
So he's an impact player that sucks? That's a little hypocritical.
If they're so damn good, it shouldn't matter. The Packers can no longer compete with the big boys..last night was your first look at that. Dallas is the best team there is right now and they beat GB's ass.

Dallas is always the best team in September. Tony Homo will complete more passes to the other team in the second half of a playoff game again.

And he is an Impact layer. He'll get you four wins you don't deserve a year. Problem is he gets you five losses you don't deserve at this point too.

And I'm sorry, "the best team" doesn't rely on punt returns and miricle completions to win games. They dominate, and the Cowboys looked anything but last night.
He said himself he wasn't ready to make the decision so that's why he retired. He didn't want to make GB wait again, so he did what he thought was the right thing. As time went on, he knew he was wrong. He just needed the time to make that decision. Retiring from a game you love and what you have always done is a hard decision, you can't just decide you want to and that's it.

Where exactly do you get your facts? I get mine from local coverage AND natioanl coverage. They gave him the chance to come back and compete. He said no. He approved the trade to the Jets. Now he sux. I mean shit, fucking Chad Pennington's injured ass is doing better than he is.
The biggest problem for this match to me is the Santino thing earlier. It made Batista look silly putting him in a situation like that, then having him be a badass later.
it was a pretty bad show considering it was their 800th. The only thing worth watching was Shane O Mac. I thought about the firing too but then what, a whole year without a RAW GM again.

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