Live Discussion: RAW 8/10/2007

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SmackDown! is MY Show

A holiday for some

Monday, Oct. 8 is Columbus Day in America, celebrating the discovery of the New World in 1492.

Monday will also be a day of celebration for a couple of WWE Superstars in Grand Rapids, Mich. as they hold their newly-won titles aloft in front of the Van Andel Arena crowd, while others celebrate successful championship defenses.

Just one night after No Mercy’s championship matches, Beth Phoenix and Randy Orton have won the titles they've both sought for so long.

After a pectoral tear injury ended WWE Champion John Cena year-long title reign, WWE officials declared a new champion will be crowned in Chicago. And after a roller coaster ride of an evening for Randy Orton, the Legend Killer emerged with the WWE Championship gold.

Orton was awarded the gold, only to be challenged by Triple H. The Game defeated the Legend Killer to recapture the title for the 11th time. But the Game's reign would be short-lived. Mr. McMahon insisted on pitting his nemesis against Orton in a Last Man Standing Match. After a brutal battle, Orton emerged victorious, clutching his precious WWE Championship. How will Triple H avenge his loss at the hands of Orton? How far is Orton willing to go to retain his newfound title?

The Glamazon powered past Candice Michelle at No Mercy and will raise the gold in Grand Rapids. Candice left everything she had on the mat, but Phoenix proved too powerful to contain. Will the Candy-coated Diva seek revenge on the Glamazon? Or, as Phoenix said, has the Era of the Glamazon officially begun?

We’ll find out the answers and more on Monday Night Raw, live at 9/8 CT on USA Network.
For the first time in a while Raw will open with Orton and HHH will come down and waste 1/2 the show. Then Vince will come out, hand HHH the shovel and bury Orton....
All hail King Orton.... :worship:

Vince is not gonna bury Orton....yet.

I think they are going to have a match, but again, SOMEONE will interfere...but who? :evil3:
I say Umaga. Count on it.
if umage interferes, ya never know jeff hardy might ???? ya never know orrrrrrrr mr kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
all that will happen is they will announce triple h vs. randy orton at cyber sunday even though we all know it will happen, lillian garcia will bore us with her singing, jillian hall will interrupt the singing most likely which will make me happy because i prefer her singing to lillians and i think stone cold should come out to stunner santino marella so that he can finally appear on tv and then announce him as one of the options for the referee for the fatal four way world title match at cyber sunday and mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy will be in the hunt for jeff hardys ic title also woo hoo cena is on raw tonight via satelite
A huge Monday Night Raw on a holiday would be nicely done.. but I'm gonna be a little more down to earth, so here's my wish list.. (sarcasum included)

1.) Randy Orton promo to start off the night about how he dominated Triple H. -- followed by Triple H. baiting Orton into a rematch for the Championship -- followed by William Regal announcing that tonight, it'll be Randy Orton & Umaga v. Triple H. in a handicap match.
Why: Because W.W.E. doesn't like giving out free t.v. (as free as cable is, anyways) Championship matches.. when they can make you pay $40.00 to be clearly disappointed. (see the No Mercy discussion thread, clearly a lot of pissed off people)

2.) Matches:
2A.) Jeff Hardy v. Mr. Kennedy: Non-title, though, as I don't wanna see Kennedy completely win for something. So lets allow him to pick up the victory, only for Jeff Hardy to snatch it back at the p.p.v.

2B.) Hardcore Holly v. Cody Rhodes: I've completely enjoyed watching Cody get his ass beat 2 weeks straight, & last night they had a dark match that clearly could've stole the show.. so why not have them repeat it for the 3rd straight week on Raw. No win for Cody just yet though.. respect is earned, its not given.

2C.) Snitsky v. Local Jobber #1: We couldn't possibly have a Raw without a completely stupid waste of time with a jobber... & a local wrestler. ;)

2D.) Highlanders v. London/Kendrick: I'd only wanna see this if we could be allowed the pleasure of having Cade/Murdoch sit with the announcers & talk about fairness.. right before they attack London/Kendrick from behind. But to be completely fair, in setting up Cyber Sunday, have the Champs lay out the Highlanders too.

2E.) Beth Pheonix v. Maria: I'd prefer to run down the list of talented divas & throw the least talented one in with the new Women's Champ. Nothing says "over" like a good ol' fashioned squash match.

3.) Segments:
3A.) Lillian in concert: Remember when they actually wrestled for 2 straight hours, with next to nothing in between? I hated those days too.. bring on the singing! Don't forget to shamelessly plug your c.d. (at local music outlets, everywhere!)

3B.) Santino: Okay, seriously.. I can't get enough.. (& I'm NOT being sarcastic here) I want Santino promos, & frankly, out of every promo ever done anymore, I live for the Santino ones. Regal's back, maybe it'll be another version of a reality show.. maybe "Survivor" with Santino, Ron Simmons &.. Umaga.

3C.) Hornswoggle: Ah, the loveable little rapist.. ever since John Morrison split ways with Melina, she's been reduced to being a rape victim. 2 weeks straight now, will W.W.E. lower their morals to make it a hat trick? (to all the canadians reading on)

4.) Main Event: I still believe Orton/Umaga v. Triple H. handicapped match.. but for kicks, make sure it doesn't even start until the show is about 4 minutes from going off the air.. that way we don't give too much time for the Main Event to mean anything.
All hail King Orton.... :worship:

Vince is not gonna bury Orton....yet.

I think they are going to have a match, but again, SOMEONE will interfere...but who? :evil3:
I say Umaga. Count on it.

yet is right because raw hasnt started yet. honestly i wouldnt ming seeing the title exchange between the 2 of them 3 or 4 times leading up to the RR in which HHH wins the title and feuds with MR. KENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEDAY KENDAYYY. though i hope orton doesnt get buried for a while. hmmmmm im thinking what things would be like if Y2J feuded with orton, hhh, kenndy, or cena. i would love to see y2j get the crowd chanting cena sucks cena sucks.
For the love of God... says Cena will be in an interview on Raw... hopefully that's the last time we see him till he gets better...
Another Monday Night RAW... Another Group of "detecated" fans that, even though we all know 75% of whats going to happen already, we're still going to sit at our computers and Bitch out the WWE. I'm begging you all. I know it makes things funner, but could you all just please not bitch so much? If somthing boring comes on and you want to change the channel, do it, don't tell us. If Santino comes on, and your not "Mr Brian Becker is a God", don't complain and say he's worthless. Because weather you realize it or not, some of us think the WWE is doing the best they can for the situation their in.
Another Monday Night RAW... Another Group of "detecated" fans that, even though we all know 75% of whats going to happen already, we're still going to sit at our computers and Bitch out the WWE.

Answers a slight part of your quote.

I know it makes things funner, but could you all just please not bitch so much?

If you don't like it don't come in here;)

If Santino comes on, and your not "Mr Brian Becker is a God",

Or Big Wes, IC25,Agrex,Jake,Cola,Freedom, Gene Yuss and Sam.

Facts for RAW.

It will suck...:D:D(Kidding)

We'll have a tag team main event or Trips taking on RKO and UmaNga.

Santino will deliver a solid promo.

Hardy will face someone and win.

A Squash.

Long Promo by HHH/Orton to kick off the show, Which should be decent.

Another Save_Us 222. promo with people thinking he's going to show tonight, Which he will not.

apparently there was a revelation one last night
all I know that's confirmed is Cena...

Well to be positive about the show, That is a good thing;)

Seriously, I'd sorta like to hear a promo on what he's got to say, maybe the Orton feud will continue, it was too damn good to just be dropped like that.
I agree that it sucks that it just got dropped, but I really hope we dont have to sit through 6 months of Cena interviews... Mabey they'll make him a part time announcer XD
OMG! Please God NO! on the

Surely to hell that wouldn't just throw Cena promos around during this time, Ratings aren't just going to tank without him.

See the last few weeks,3.3,3.4 and 3.2(I believe)
yes last weeks was a 3.2

todays question is: how many wrestlers will fall vitim to HHH and his shovel.
I agree that it sucks that it just got dropped, but I really hope we dont have to sit through 6 months of Cena interviews... Mabey they'll make him a part time announcer XD

Even though i sense Sarcasm imo that will be a tremendous idea. :headbanger:
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