Live Discussion: RAW 8/4/2008

I caught that too about Khali. I think they meant wanting to become a two time champion.

If WWE wants Punk to ever mean anything in the main event again, he has to beat JBL clean.
When I first heard of the match, I thought like if Santino won, he'd win both the women's and IC title for himself :lmao:
Kane vs Punk (Kane interferes in Punks matches all the time, so why not...he has nothing else at the moment)

Triple H vs pff if I watched Smackdown that much id tell you. Umaga? Show?
Only rivalries over on Smackdown I know are MVP/Jeff and Edge/Taker?

JBL v. Punk makes a lot of sense. Surely he didn't come back from announcing to ride the bench and rot the midcard. He BEAT Cena at GAB...Kane didn't even have a match. Sure, Kane interfered with the World title match, but we don't know where Kane is going now that they seem to be abandoning his push.

Ok, so...please, tell me how Khali DOESN'T make sense.

-Umaga- we've seen Trips bury Umaga already. Yawn.'
-Show- he's a face...wouldn't work.
-Kennedy- see show.
-Hardy- see Show/Kennedy.
-MVP- not established.

Or we could have Khali...who has the monster effect...who's an established former WHC...who can give Trips a legit "overcome the odds" title defense.

But....I guess there are guys who should get the shot instead...:rolleyes:
I hope they DONT give them the titles, it's unnecessary, been overdone and it'll kill any momentum Dibiase and Rhodes have.
Cena really is great at everything. He gets the crowd into his matches, great mic work, and he's above average in the ring.
Dibiase/Rhodes may need to rely on the old intentional DQ to keep the titles for this match, though I see that match really ending with a miscue by either Cena or Batista where one "accidentally" hits the other causing them to lose the match

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